Amazing Adaptations Part 2 | How Animals Survive in the Wild | Wild Kratts

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[Music] foreign she knows her prey needs to surface to breathe so she lies in weight Ambush style for what's swimming below to Papa could be a beluga whale or a seal or maybe I think the crew might want to see this deploy fly cam a walrus Martin usually wears blue but he looks pretty good in green the crap Rose had a comedy show I totally watch it I think we just did oh do we have a lock on their coordinates Cokey yep North 65 degrees west now it looks like there's a hectic blizzard to the west but the Brows are all clear ready for liftoff Timmy Z not yet the joystick is stuck oh that's where it went teleportation delivery is out of here polar bears need to be patient and focused unlike you Martin but they can wait for hours for the prey to pop up what do you think it's over [Music] huh what's that hey guys did you get the package yeah but your delivery was a little off nice reaction time dude our week picker one oh yeah [Music] okay whenever you're ready I've modified your creature power suits for Arctic survival you know the drill touch the animal hit the button and Lisa you got creature power what I was almost chewed by a polar bear a knife to touch one to activate my suit ciao ah she's parking her cub telling him to stay behind while she hunts better listen poby Hobie yeah poby polar bear Toby they don't see me my Iceberg disguise is working somebody pinched me ow I didn't mean literally well it looks like the brainless Brothers have a dancing bear not for long look at that she Blends right into the ice and snow with bad Arc to camouflage the waters don't even see her oh it just gets better all the more dancing varm it's the merrier all the crowds gonna love it and I sack Farm attack will be so rich it'll make your head spin hey I didn't mean literally now go catch those poppies whoa she's attacking The Walrus can hardly move up here they're like big blubbery caterpillars made it bear is in control on land and the walrus rules the water [Music] we've been working non-stop how about a snack break huh bark you're kidding me do expect me to eat a bark sandwich oh you're eating that soft inner layer of bark the cambium huh uh can I at least get some jelly with that bark sandwiches are popular around here wow the habitat the beaver makes even helps creatures like a moose moose eat water plants from the Beaver Pond and love to eat the bark and twigs from new plants that grow in here do you realize how special you are [Music] wood mud people can do what what collect supplies to build something that completely changes the environment look Timber it's filling up we're doing a Timber the pond is coming back by the way I get that the pond is great for so many creatures around here but why do beavers need a pond yikes wolf ah the beaver tail slap that's an alarm sound that tells all the other beavers to the water get it I get it the pond is your safety zone when you're in the water you've got one up against a wolf or any other Predator some animals use quills to defend themselves or a hard shell you create a huge safety zone of Water by using your Dam building skills [Music] foreign come in go Chris we're ready for more logs on the dam one more load and we'll be able to bring all the animals home oh no problem we've got the last load all set to go more wood coming right up what no no no no no no no not that way [Music] all right [Music] oh no oh stop oh I thought it was gonna land right on our damn [Music] oops well you said you needed more wood this Windstorm came out of nowhere we're not going anywhere we're too light I know we're running out of energy fast is that's maxilla number 12 with the curled antenna he's going down and so are we when you're in trouble Nature's know-how can pull you through [Music] hey a boat whoa everybody's waiting out the Windstorm yeah a butterfly only weighs about as much as three tissues so when it's windy or rainy they just have to sit tight I wonder who the nice people are they're letting us all rest on their boat them no free rides today [Music] [Applause] [Music] wind levels are down ready for takeoff hurry dude here comes stabio [Music] nice day for a swim I will get those butterfly barrettes if I have to go to the end of the Earth to do it Mission Monarch Day 36 the cold weather is on its way up here all the milkweed plants that the monarch caterpillars need to eat are dying with no food and cold weather on its way it's no wonder the monarchs headed down to warmer weather Chris Martin and maxilla have made it 1600 kilometers and counted we've just received word from a creature teamer that they made it to Georgia about two-thirds of the way to Mexico hey want to see a loop-de-loop yeah maxilla we're doing about 190 kilometers a day pretty good Pace I'd say it'll be smooth sailing from here Priscilla She's Gone Gone where'd she go there oh no you're right Martin now she does need our help I'm maxilla I'll get you out behind you uh oh I'm too late nice spider were just passing through [Music] bro I believe it why did the spider cut her loose why did he let her go sh taste bad yeah I'll stick to hot dogs no really it says right here that they're poisonous look at this all it takes is for a predator to try eating a monarch once and he gets so sick that he'll never eat another one as long as he lives so that's why the spider didn't eat maxilla he knows monarchs are poisonous wow it really helps to have a few tricks like that when you're on a 4 800 kilometer Journey forests [Music] until after 3 200 kilometers the butterflies have to pass through this thin strip of land to their final destination Mexico [Music] oh the honey badger is tough so tough a lion will think twice about tangling with him wow that puts the honey badger right up there with the African honeybee on the toughameter time for now and the honey badger is a fierce Sweet Tooth too he's still following the honey guide foreign Badger and honey guide now that is a dynamic duo let's program some creature power suits I'm with you honey Okay who wants honey guide powers and who wants honey badger honey badger over here did you have to ask it's my turn for the more powerful creature Chris I had caterpillar Powers last time well a butterfly isn't exactly powerful I should have the badger Powers because that Line's mad at me for bumping them I gotta watch my back yeah but if I had Badger Powers I could watch your back uh guys you're not gonna have any powers because the animals you have to touch to get the powers are getting away oh [Music] what following Wild Kratts and honey the little bird did it let us write to the honey and now it's the honey Badger's turn to do his thing [Music] whoa nobody can be that tough so stung ow I feel your pain no animal can survive that many bee stings he's gonna run I didn't see that coming [Music] whoa oh of course honey badgers are members of the weasel family and they shoot a stinky spray from beneath their tails just like his cousin the skunk except the honey badger also uses his stinky spray like a living canopy repellent [Music] they'll actually attack a swarm of stinging bees and stand up to a lion the honey badger is the toughest animal in Africa yup he scores a 9.5 on the Wild Kratts tougher meter the toughest yet but as tough as he is he still has a little friend sweet tweet and tough oh two very different creatures working together one is the guide one grabs the goods and they both get food now that's a cool symbiotic relationship and I can finally have breakfast [Laughter]
Channel: Wild Kratts - 9 Story
Views: 462,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing adaptations, adaptations, survival, unique animals, unique wildlife, Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Id: WgyUHtRv-_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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