Wild Kratts 🦡🐍 Out for the Hunt! | Kids Videos

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[Music] coyote [Music] I'm sure and remember from somewhere that rule runners are sitting too fast retirees the Albuquerque zoo no wait Wildlife Center we're good Martin tell me about that where ever I heard it a pretty church true I don't think I told you that coyotes can catch road runners Squatch your tail yeah sorry about that hey don't worry Chris I'm used to covering for you right now I've got an unsuspecting mystery lizard heading my way oh I knew that road runners ate reptiles but road runners eat rattlesnakes okay this is easy I'll try an awesome rattlesnake rattling strike move to secure this OB Roadrunner how about this so you're not gonna listen to a warning then wow you road runners are quick on your feet what and I definitely didn't know that road runners can hunt in teams [Music] okay now that hurts a little and you said you were covering for me well it would be a little easier to find that mystery lizard if I had Roadrunner powers my turn hey guys you feel like catching a mystery lizard well you better start running cuz I plan to catch him first okay guys your second half hour is what Aviva you programmed in a new creature power sorry Koki they said they would be fast [Music] that's faster than an e lizard out here lizard hey wait a second you're not the mystery lizard you're kinda round and chubby your legs are short and I doubt you're much of a runner and with all those beads and really cool black and peach pattern I'd recognize you anywhere you're a Gila monster a venomous lizard to eat small birds and mammals oh this should be a big spot to find the Marten oh yeah oh I hope we got here in time yeah they should be coming out right about now no sign of them yet so now we wait oh [Music] they're everywhere [Music] you mean these colorful things are creatures they look like flowers oh yeah they're animals all right every one of them is a creature and check it out the hard rocky part is their skeleton see they build a skeleton outside their bodies and they can hide inside it protect it until they're ready to come in you mean this whole reef is made of the skeletons of these little guys that's right polyps skeleton built on polyps skeleton built on more polyp skeletons for millions of years and now millions of creatures live here even amongst the coral more different types of sea creatures than any other ocean habitat yeah but we know these reefs are fragile habitat and if we're going to do our annual reef checkup to make sure tell me we'd better get to it okay let's get in there for a close look guys close enough Oh bro you just got her poon what harpooned you have to zoom in with a microscope to see it polyp shot that tiny needle-like harpooned from his tentacle that's how they hunt for food Hey what do you are booting me for I'm not food ah here comes some stuff that's probably tastier than you ultrazoom on that's what they love to eat amphipods see they're the harpoons ready for launch Oh his guard some watch wheels it in with his harpoon and the tentacles pushes a little meal to his mouth right down there in the center Wow I like these little guys and all this time I thought coral was just a bunch of rocks hey what are you doing leave that Carl alone those fish are destroying the reef so that's why the coral reefs are disappearing those reef eating fish not so fast their parrotfish Aviva and they're not white the reefs are in trouble check it out he's scraping algae water the girl with his hard beak and eating it and he does kill and even eat some polyps while he's at it but he's also keeping the algae from taking over and choking out the reef so you see it's all balanced parrotfish are part of a healthy reef okay that's good because coral reefs have enough problems with pollution and stuff without any new dangers Bhavana that's right after all a lot of creatures depend on these guys without them the reef wouldn't even exist [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay Chris no I can't stand it anymore I need winner feet um well I kind of switched gears I'm making something even better for you a lynx disk I've made lots of cats so I can whip that one off in no time much faster than the hare I'm almost I'm super close you sure promise okay I'm heading back out still right outside Martin see if you can get some links for a while you had the chance you guys will need it when the link suit is done link suit cool [Music] the last his speed wait no stop he's not from here I got the fur but she's gonna get the hair [Music] [Music] I gotta get there first [Music] wait we just need something anything to make me look like a snowshoe hare [Music] [Music] are you you definitely got the better super adventure gotcha but don't worry buddy I'm a friendly Lynx grass I got him we're good Chris Shh no diving technique right head banger let's drill into those holes and have a look two toes forward two toes back clamped on tail feathers anchored sharp hammer be ready and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay bro no not at all Aviva I mean Jimmy this suits gotta be missing something a brain just can't take all that drilling Aviva check out this woodpecker body scan his brain from drilling so hard see the spongy bone between the beacon skull and a flexible lower beak absorbs a lot of the incredible drill force protecting the brain from getting bounced around too much and those special feathers block the nostrils so woodchips don't fly up the woodpeckers mouth this creatures loaded with special features sorry Chris I forgot to add a few important things it's all good hey guys look some bark flaked off where Chris was drilling Clues it worked that's not what it's supposed to look like hey what are all those tunnels it's almost like something was scraping around under the bark and then look they dug deeper into the tree someone's got to go in there and see oh I'll go no way I'm going okay brother how many fingers am i holding up brain still fuzzy for it's too right okay you go pick a hole any hole up okay ready yep ready I'm going in whoa this is pretty weird I'm walking inside a tunnel inside a tree oh hi there sorry didn't mean to interrupt your lunch wait a second it's you you're the one making those strange holes in the tree you're at Reiser and I caught you in the act [Music] we didn't have enough power for teleportation sorry I forgot we've got 30 minutes and then an irreversible meltdown begins the Tortuga will be totally dead but then how are we gonna get the miniaturized rattlesnake power discs to the crap brother so they can find the tellurium Jimmy you'll have to deliver them by hand what he looks naked maybe that's what he's worried about Jimmy it's your job to teleport the disk and we can't do that now so you've got to hand-deliver them come on Jimmy you can do it okay yeah I can do it all right all right [Music] hey Jimmy hey Chris mother perfect timing buddy thanks Jimmy welcome we don't want to touch this end rattlesnakes have big rough scales Oh check out this pattern see the diamonds that's why this species is called a diamondback rattlesnake okay now activate creature powers [Music] snake powers hey let's get underground and find that tellurium Wow we can really get around down here with rattlesnake powers sprung an ambush on this squirrel and has him cornered the rattlesnake has a squirrel in his sights rattlesnake vision on wiki bro seems like the squirrels rolling tail the ground squirrels pumping blood to his hell making it hotter and hotter and making the squirrel seem bigger and bigger whoa he fooled him the rattlesnake struck at the big twitching tail and completely missed the squirrel that was a rarely seen creature moment let's find some new life-forms Wow it sure did get dark out there yeah very little sunlight can shine through the water this deep we're officially in the twilight zone I'm switching from solar power to battery power oh cool look at all the lights let's go out for a deep-sea dive oh I gotta check that out let's scoop up what is that whoa where'd that go Martin Martin I'm still here where'd you go I'm over here the flashing light oh okay I can see you coming over you're not Chris you're an anglerfish Wow oh those teeth are awesome some of those fangs are so big they don't even fit in your mouth Wow clever fish most of your teeth are tilted inwards so it's easy for your prey to swim in but not out pretty cool careful bro she's a dangerous predator so watch out whoa you can't catch us oh wow look at this the light is actually millions of glowing bacteria trapped inside this little sac she uses it to lure her prey close so she can catch it plug it ride with me but I'm Way too good of a swimmer Swimming's my Martin [Music] [Music] [Music] glue that deep-sea shrimp has the best defense mechanism ever when it feels threatened it shoots out a glowing blue that confuses its predator predator attacks the glue the shrimp slips away well I'm covered in glue oh I'm like a glow-in-the-dark target yeah we better get you cleaned up before you get gulped down if it eats an animal it's right up here in the food web this is the sad part of the food web well look at it this way Koki it's how nature works I mean if these predators weren't around in no time there'd be too many of these herbivores soon there'd be no plants left and no one would survive everything's in balance I guess that's why the food web works so well but it's still sad No okay blurr check this out I'm injured Oh oh my leg I can't run fast anymore I hope a predator doesn't see me yes my trick is working predators usually target injured and we pray they're the easiest to catch I'm so oh it works put on a different predator oh pythons gonna log on me pythons are constricting snakes that means they squeeze their prey until they can't breathe anymore this wasn't exactly but I'll take it could you please press that button for me [Music] yes I'm a Python wait a second no animal eats adult pythons I'm at the top of the food web Chris we're checking something yep it's right here it almost never happens but big adult pythons are sometimes caught and eaten by a super hungry lion or Leopard you mean kind of like that whoa you got to be pretty hungry to tangle with a Python whoa not this time catching food can be dangerous business for predators to prey defends itself and getting a meal isn't always easy so it's official it's rare but leopards and lions will tangle with an adult Python if they're desperate Wow I better slither off and follow that lion got a slide see a blur okay I know a lion would eat the batty it box and you probably have to be on the lookout for spotted hyenas too hey if I could just find one of those I know you probably don't want to find out but I have to finish my food chain oh nice move the old roll on your back kick and bite defense a better at Fox classy hey it's not easy being an animal when things are constantly out to get ya this veggie cleaner will make it super easy to make desserts for the party tonight let's see what it's got hmm pumpkin pie try this one let's try the Apple what's that hang on I've got a flashlight around here somewhere no it's Koki the whole time must be the power generators need rebooting but that'll take a few hours no problem that's why we have these lanterns anyway where Chris and Martin I'm not sure they said they were on a top-secret mission to find their costumes top-secret knowing Martin he probably wanted to come as a sperm whale I should check in [Music] keep going bro I'm gonna see if I can spot him Wild Kratts where are you oh hey Koki we were just out trying to decide which nocturnal creatures we want to be but you can't guess a wolf no I found the wolf back there just to the west of us okay you're right Wolf's legs you guys are actually looking for wolves yeah one of the most misunderstood animals in the forest some people think they're really dangerous but they're actually pretty wary of people wow that is pretty spooky wolves how to talk with each other they're saying Here I am this area's my home my territory let's whoa cool and abandoned raccoon Dan this must have been a great den it's big hidden and press press hey bro Chris you all right yeah I'm fine just checking out this old raccoon Dan I found looks like you won't need a costume for the party tonight you could go as a raccoon now hmm not bad raccoons are nocturnal creatures good point dude but let's go find that Wolf Pack the smell is off the charts lead me to you flower nectar a kinkajou amazing it's not only insects that pollinate flowers some mammals do too Chris are you there just checking oh good sniffer to find the flower and a long tongue tongue wipe up the nectar hey let me have a taste oh I could use that tail too Wow plants even know how to lure in nighttime creatures like kinkajous rodents and bats these plants can Lauren just about anything some even make their flowers look like another insect so that when a bee comes to attack it they get covered with pollen and my favorite the ones that smell like rotten meat to attract flies cool these plants know all the tricks in the book that's it we've got to think like a plant plants don't think but the way nature designed them is smart so if we use all their tricks we can lure in any pollinator out there and the more pollinators that come to the party the more likely one will be carrying Chris I think I know just the thing we can build [Music] hmm the pollen is ready to be taken away but where's the pollinator huh well now we've got dancing flowers oh I can't believe it a newly hatched fig wasp and another oh boy am I glad to see ya the fig flower pollinators are born I get it this whole thing works for the fig and the fig wasp the plant gave your mom these nice safe boards to lay her eggs in and when you hatch you get covered with pollen as you head for the exit hole does that mean you're on your way to another thing wherever you're going I'm going to wait for me let's ride pollinator [Music] lay eggs and then die I know it's just how life is for lots of insects yeah but she lived a super long life bro four months 4,800 kilometers maxilla saw more of the world that most people do yeah all that and she never made it back home hey what if she's not supposed to make it home yeah maybe he's supposed to keep the journey going yes nature's got know how they lay eggs so the babies can continue the journey home Chris I found Anita I think she's killing all the butterflies it's not tanita the butterflies are just doing their natural butterfly thing it's their life cycle but we've got to rescue them so they can lay eggs and keep that lifecycle going and I've got a plan that might work do not die on me now I need living butterfly barrettes do you hear me living at least there is here to catch now not as easy as you are what are you doing let me out of here you kept trying to net these monarchs now it's your turn but I still have the butterflies how are you going to get them like this [Music] [Music] bad idea where butterfly barrettes anyway don't ah the thing every monarch needs to lay its eggs a milkweed patch and when they hatch those milkweed and caterpillars of yours will have a feast Wow the lifecycle of the migrating monarch is saved so let me get this straight guys the butterflies that live during the fall migrate 4800 kilometers to Mexico to escape the cold and when they get to their secret forest they hibernate then they wake up in the spring just as the milkweed is starting to grow back but they don't make it all the way home it's their sons and daughters who will finish the trip they lay eggs before they died that will hatch into caterpillars the caterpillar eats and eats forms of chrysalis and finally becomes a butterfly the sons and daughters of those original butterflies will continue the journey home that is one incredible life story the new generation of monarchs is here safe and sound and heading north Martin you think you're tough huh think you're really ferocious well the lion does brother it's not you it's a honey badger oh the honey badger is tough so tough Oh Lionel think twice about tangling with him Wow that puts the honey badger right up there with the African honey bee on the toughie meter time for now and the honey badger is a fierce sweet tooth - he's still following the honey guide honey badger and honey guide now that is a dynamic duo let's program some creature power suits I'm with you honey okay who wants honeyguide powers and nuance honey badger did you have to ask hey it's my turn for the more powerful creature Chris I had caterpillar powers last time well a butterfly isn't exactly powerful I should have the Badger powers because that Lions mad at me for bumping them I gotta watch my back yeah but if I had badger powers I could watch your back Oh guys you're not gonna have any powers because the animals you have to touch to get the powers are getting away [Music] what he is following wild kratts and honey the little bird didn't let us right to the honey and now it's the honey badgers turn to do his thing Oh nobody can be that tough she's gonna get so stoned no animal can survive that many these things he's gonna run I didn't see that coming whoa of course honey badgers are members of the weasel family and they shoot a stinky spray from beneath their tails just like his cousin the skunk except the honey badger also uses his stinky spray like a living can of be repellent [Music] this one is they'll actually attack a swarm of bees and stand up to a lion okay I'm a big bass no where would I hang out I park it somewhere I could spot my prey yeah where I could see them but not be seen maybe in here oh nice largemouth bass oh yeah let me just tickly under the chin a squeezy sunfish whoa you are the largest largemouth bass I've ever seen and hungry the way you gulped down Sonny's I've got to call you gold pot - thanks for the win activate creature power suits [Music] Martin hi you win some you lose some finally how's it handling great I can move through the water with that twitch of a muscle yeah that's the streamlining this shapes are perfectly designed for sliding through water but I'm feeling a little here I smell something here's something uh-oh you might have put too much bass power in that suit Aviva Martin's in a fast hunting trance shiny flashy [Music] [Music] now that is a beat mount bats that should look before I launch [Music] keep the line tight way to go doing it uh-oh you'll find out just don't lose that fish [Music] what kind of bass is that Martin with bass powers whose tackle box hi I'm Gavin nice stuff here Gavin yeah that perch one looks delicious I've got a really big bass with it that's how I won this it's third place I'm fishing every day all summer maybe next time I'll even win first hey take it from a fish you just caught you can do it how's the Firefly discs going just need to infuse the disc with bioluminescence wow you figured out the formula for bioluminescence that easily well there was one mishap along the way yeah this mishap sorry Jimmy but we learned that the Firefly or lightning bug mixes two chemicals luciferin and luciferase with oxygen inside its belly to create a glow that's how they do it and how we do it - excellent let's go rescue them can't rush out yet we may be able to mimic blinkers flash pattern but we still don't know if the lightning bugs will follow it Oh it'll work I'll sneak in there's a Firefly and bust them out of jail great escapes [Music] check it out an ivory-billed woodpecker what really that could be the only one left looks like we're doing the creature rescue my way I say we study these lighting bugs more and make sure we can lure them away from Donita by copying their flash patterns sounds good meet me there when you're ready activate Firefly power I'm gonna wing it guys I'm gonna save the planet with creature power why didn't it open looks like you're too small to activate the automatic door thanks dude I know it donita's made it back to her mansion in the mountains I'll be right behind you bro how long until the second disc is ready I'm gonna need about 30 minutes I have to reset the system before I output it that gives me time to test the pattern to see if you actually do follow it I've spotted a Firefly in the tall grass flashing irregularly it may be injured going in to see if everything's all right [Music] Oh yo dude give it to me up high wait a second you're not the average Firefly you're not a patina species you're up folk tourist species what clever you tricked me you make the same flashy patterns to the female break it up Martin stay focused you've got thousands of fireflies to rescue now go [Music]
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 2,480,842
Rating: 4.5139437 out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts TV show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals, snake, badger, firefly, lion, butterfly, roadrunner, underwater, lynx, rabbit, hare, deep sea, python, bass
Id: Gv4bIkX2kQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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