Wild Kratts ๐Ÿ’ฅ All New Creature Adventures! | Kids Videos

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[Music] why won't you come out I'm too scared of the polar bears you got nothing to worry about today because there are no polar bears here we're in the Antarctic at the South Pole polar bears don't live here polar bears live on the other end of the earth at the North Pole up in the Arctic along with the polar bears you'll find arctic wolves musk ox everines walrus and lots more on the southern end of the earth in the Antarctic there are leopard seals and penguins seven different species of penguins no land predators for adult penguins here yes and it was very easy for Aviva to make a penguin power suit yeah inventing and programming penguin power suits is a breeze so what are you waiting for now you can march with the Penguins oh yeah penguin powers [Music] [Music] it's kind of hard to look heroic in a penguin power suit hey I love penguins but they don't seem to make the most dynamic power suits do they maybe they have some secret powers we could discover but for now we can waddle yeah and I'm really warm [Music] well penguins might not walk fast but they can walk far really far that's right from here to there is eight kilometers and I found some research that says emperor penguins have been known to march for a hundred and fifteen kilometers wow that's a cool creature power yeah hey look he's belly sliding now that's a fun creature power and they use the belly slide to travel faster over land hey I have an idea we could get to the sea faster if we belly slide from up there [Music] this was a great idea Martin haha thanks bro we're already discovering cool and fun hours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they can just pop them out when they need them claws are attached to muscles and ligaments that move them in and out retractable well we know it works right [Music] [Music] we have Tigers Donita yes Davi oh yes we do and I quite like this place too oh yes this is quite my style Davi Oh get the satellite feed ready get my things I will announce my new tire line from this very spot when I'm through everyone will be wearing tiger stripes [Laughter] [Music] okay now's our chance to learn from the master look at that she moves so fluidly and silently through the forest we need to move like a tiger quiet and controlled I'll check it out all senses firing nothing gets bastards we need to use all our senses like a tiger that's weird she's sniffing but I don't smell a thing out here well Tigers have a much better sense of smell than we do ah do you think she smells something well there's your answer a sandbar that sandbar senses our firing - and he's on alert Oh little does he know there's a tiger stalking nearby amazing her knowledge of the forest is incredible we need to think like a tiger and sometimes sit quietly and watch like a tiger with that awesome camouflage the tiger is able to wait until she's really close before she [Music] they're gone what happened I don't know bro but I know one thing that was an awesome lesson in creature sense no kidding Chris look I bet she's heading back to the dam come on Oh baby oh oh it must be yeah thank you look Dawg like but different kind of a dog and kind of not so you must be a dull oh yeah one thing's for sure I'm gonna name you little red I think we have our answer on the toll question she's definitely a tall cub cuz there's her hi Mahmoud oh wow that's a dull hole an amazing new animal for my life list the goal kwan alpinists really kind of small and a little long looks kind of like a mix between a weasel and a dog and [Music] totally fearless where are you going and why the hurry I don't think mom is too happy with us we don't want your pup [Music] what's she doing there's nothing there uh you were saying bro looks like a leopard to me those leopards can hide anywhere one of the stealthiest of all the world's wild cats oh this is bad this leopard is going for the mother Dole uh and may I remind you that sometimes leopards are man-eaters so this is a very good for us either Oh Martin how can such a little carnivore be so brave [Music] that's out bro oh yeah of course power in numbers [Music] these little carnivores are fluid fearless and energetic and together they are a force to be reckoned with [Music] whoa Wow that's some serious teamwork oh what a creature power Aviva Aviva are you getting this oh yeah all over this quick agile confidence sleek fast intelligence individually an amazing animal together one big super predator Dole survived and a jungle of big cats with teamwork but if he never stops moving how are we gonna figure out his amazing power of venom community oh no I think we're about to find out Mongoose Cobras what are they talking about immunity that means the snake venom is harmless to Mongoose how can that be Oh to stand on Cobras on defense and the Mongoose on office it's venom filled fangs and a southern strike versus quick agility and the speedy counter-attack people think Cobras are always the aggressor how to bite everybody but hood he's scared he's protecting himself from a serious predator exactly Martin [Music] checking vital functions hmm the messages are still flowing 500 but here comes the venom the venom molecules don't fit in the receptors they can't clog them so the messages can still get through and the heart keeps feeding his venom immunity power is working amazing but he better not push his luck it's only partial immunity too much venom gets still steadily who do you must be getting tired that's part of the Mongoose plan tired the snake [Music] Wow that's it it's over oh I feel so bad oh yeah the Cobra just wanted to be left alone just defending himself yeah but we always got to remember one thing it's just how nature works predators and prey yep no bad guys what kind of cool animals live in the Black Forest hello but speaking of cool I'm getting cold time to light a fire and set up camp okay I'll set up camp and why don't you coach wood for the fire sure really hey so what are you waiting for weren't you gonna get some wood there great so let's get this fire started [Music] that's better whoa and so it's the black forest yeah look at all those shadows it's like there are strange creatures dancing in the trees yeah this place is really cool yeah this is a fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] something totally out of the fire [Music] what is it crawling out of the fire yeah go look no you go look no you look first huh let's look together okay one two three look a salamander how does the fire must be a fire salamander I read about them in an ancient text I think I have in my backpack here what the fire salamander born in the fire the salamander is created from burning wood and its skin is unarmed by the hottest flame he looks all right to me he's not burned he came out of the fire yeah well that makes naming this guy easy I'll call you flame oh and this guy your name is Parker this is incredible okay the scientific name for this species is salamandra salamandra aka the fire salamander oh you imagine a creature power suit that made us immune to fire whoa hey Aviva I know it sounds too weird to be true but there is the fire salamander that appears out of burning logs and is immune to fire huh whoa easy cutie that's too many to eat at one time he's not eating him not yet anyway he's just storing them in his cheeks little pockets in his cheeks that hold food so he can carry it back to his den okay he can't possibly fit any more silly hamster that's impossible so tell him that they don't believe it that's the power of the cheek pouch I like it bro and they don't call them hamsters for nothing the name comes from the German word Hampstead which means hoarder someone who collects huge amounts of stuff that's cheeks all right guys the chips remember back to the search if only we had this search and collect power of our little hamster buddy I know but we'll never have another creature power again if we don't find those chips or if these guys find them first hey well maybe we can learn from some of the best collectors in the world let's split up and follow some wild hamsters time to get small great idea bro if you can't be them join them [Music] I'll advance the pro two guns send out a Wild Kratts kids alert get help thanks Jimmy Koki and I will be team hamster and we'll head north and we'll stick with cheeks team cheeks let's find those chips whoa wait up cheeks let's hit that way there's a hamster now if we can just find at least three of those lost micro XT power chips I can get one of these creature power suits to work I know cheeky boy can find one I just know it Wow unbelievable it's like there's always room for one more thing didn't your parents teach you not to stuff too much food in your mouth you could choke yeah for a human it's dangerous to do that but those hamster cheek pouches are specially adapted to old a lot wait no don't eat it [Music] oh sorry buddy but I gotta squeeze those chubby cheeks that's either a train where there are no tracks or we've found our wild ponies [Music] [Music] we found the wild ponies easy buddy hey why is the stallion mad at us we didn't do anything that's his job to be protective of the band that's the way a harem works a social group were one male protects some group of females called mares and the offspring offspring we're there Wow he's only a few weeks old but can already move around for you well and look at the cool pattern and the marking on his face the white mark he looks like he ghost cool hmm let me think of a name that has something to do with ghosts [Music] oh look how easily he gets spooked that's it he gets spooked and he has a ghost marking on his face so his name is spooky good one he's such a funny combination of afraid and brave and nervous and curious his muzzle is so soft oh look how he loves being scratched he's standing on my foot he's nibbling my hair spooky you're the best uh-oh he forgot to tell Aviva and Koki that we found the wild ponies oh yeah they are really really into ponies they told us to tell them right away Giffen spooky is so distracting [Laughter] you mean that am I really seeing this or am I dreaming you're amazing Koki look at their beautiful paint patterns this is magical ah so cute oh hello little one you are the sweetest you're number one creature power is that you are absolutely perfect and beautiful [Music] no no no wow I feel strong powerful yeah and I feel sorry for those elephants didn't you know elephants have feelings too easily I don't care they won't have a home here when I'm done anyway keep saving then we'll have to stop you I love this trunk with over 40,000 muscles it's got incredible strength and control this'll stop them [Music] [Music] so pavers in one swing no no no nature can't win it's yucky time to stop those frat brothers No [Music] well Baisley sometimes messy is fun nature's fun no messing is not fun nature is not fun at all Rex get me out of here they can have their dirty elephant home I'll pave some other paradise [Music] so long paisley she just doesn't get it elephants are so kind as long as they're treated well thanks pal [Music] that's mission accomplished we found out the differences between African and Asian elephants and the similarities both are smart powerful creatures with feelings too and we stopped Paisley paper from ruining the elephant's home with another pointless project noise seems very weird and big could it be an elephant I'm going in to check it out me too nope it's not an elephant oh that's a big male log pair males are bigger than females and this hair is even this here look at those claws those claws are long and curved just like a sloth uh-oh male bears get some pens kill Cubs well let's hide them then yes Chuck check it you guys hide in here Wow I bet he got his name from those claws look at that power yeah he's after termites good observation mullah what else do you see Bros Klaus freak bound exposed termite tunnels prehensile lips cover tunnel nostrils close and he starts sucking up termites like a vacuum cleaner interesting but I need more details these swab bear lips are really flexible they can wrap around the tunnel entrance and create an airtight seal and the bear closes his nostrils so no air could get in and out of the tunnel so when the bear sucks in all the air in the tunnel goes into the bear sucking the termites with it suction the sloth bear creates suction activating x-ray analysis oh yeah this suction is sucking the term age right into the Bears mouth he's definitely using suction so he can suck up termites like a vacuum cleaner and that's why I'm gonna name you shaggy vacuum that's one great creature power the sloth bear is the only animal we know of that uses the physics of suction to eat termites plus it has bear strength and sloth like claws this is going to be a very interesting creature oh I can't wait to get my hands on one of those sloth bear power discs activate software powers and to use those powers and to be a sloth bear the new-and-improved grasshopper power desk 2.0 oh are you kidding you guys call that a jump Oh now show me a real jump insert disc ready catapult touch grasshopper and activate grasshopper power [Music] [Music] this feels good let's test it out okay catapult here we go landing was a little rough [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] grasshoppers never really land very gracefully I mean gracefully hey Chris check it out our suits have wings we almost forgot most grasshoppers have wings to extend their jumps even farther let's try them out bro remember grasshoppers always take off into the wind I think somebody wants to go with you okay catapults after you Wow the tiny hairs all over my grass upper body can sense wind currents and help me steer oh yeah yeah these wings can really lengthen a jump okay fabrication complete pal grabbing get ready to teleported Jimmy I can't teleport it while I'm driving and we're being chased by Zod box so I can't stop driving okay so I have another play I'm gonna take it to them how are you going to do that like we'll make sure that that BOTS follow us up in the thunder of Jimmy initiate process [Music] [Music] where are the bros [Music] oh wow oh yeah oh [Music] hey what are all those zachbots doing up there what they're chasing a mini Tortuga and there's something else a mini pokey is flying on a creature power disc are you kidding me Howard this whew sorry Martin creature power disc is not easy to fly nice one Koki yeah I managed to escape with the disk we need blue heron powers to rescue the Tortuga and get back the miniaturizer hey Chris you want to activate this one now you're the blue brother yeah blue is my favorite color well you better hurry bro we got a rescue that Tortuga insert Blue Heron disk hey blue beak can you lend me some uh Blue Heron power yes touch Blue Heron activate Blue Heron power [Music] Wow I like it but I still gotta test this out hold still Chris going to try and grab your shoelace oh great the Marlin and the sailfish have rounded narrow swords more like rapiers the kind of sword that was used hundreds of years ago no sharp edges but pointy and stiff but the swordfish bill is more like this sword the broadsword this one is flattened with sharp edges on each side see the difference round and pointy for the Marlin flat and sharp edged for the swordfish that's cool so Chris and Martin are each getting different types of swords that's right [Music] the UM fruit salad thanks Aviva now let's get these creature power discs ready for testing hey guys now that you've chosen your sorta fish it's time for a duel ready to activate your creature powers oh yeah what have we ever said we weren't ready okay Marlin powers for mutton swordfish powers for quick yeah it's our Marlin disk touch Marlin [Music] [Music] [Applause] basic streamlined body wall double-edged sword awesome rigid dorsal fin rounded pointy sword are minimal opponent rather are mine but the Marlin sword is quick but lest you forget this longer sword is wielded by a highly trained Master swordfish billfish to use their swords for fighting just for getting food rather version of the sport of fencing till soon creature fun ok guys let's see some of the moves I taught you I am fighting for the honor the largest living lizard in the world it's getting into position near the water oh wow sure looks like he's sleeping he's not sleeping what he's hunting so don't like their guard down he's lying there waiting for brain oh no go back to the Tortuga now bye look a water buffalo [Music] lizard there is no way a Komodo dragon can take down a water buffalo like that right that's for sure oh yes there is watch he waits motionless trying not to be seen and when least expected [Music] got away for now but the Komodo dragon got a bite see this lizard has a lot of sharp teeth and venom in its mouth so even though the water buffalo got away the venom is starting to work and in about a week the buffalo will weaken and die from blood loss and infection but how does that help the Komodo dragon he won't even know where it is by then that's where the dragon's tongue comes in when the water buffalo dies who will begin to smell see the dragon's tongue Komodo dragons can taste smell on the air he moves his head from side to side tasting the air and whichever side has a stronger smell taste that's the direction the Komodo dragon goes in looks like he's on to something let's follow and the fork in the tongue gets the tongue two sides so the dragon can taste which side the smell is strongest on that's how they zero in that's how they can find it see look he smelled out a wild hog carcass as long as there's enough to go around these giant lizards will feed together actually talking against each other helps them eat but sometimes they don't like to share [Music] that's when battle arms sharp claws [Music] powerful tail Bobo shark teeth and it's over what's with all these fish there must be millions something is going on here you thinking what I'm thinking I think we're thinking the same thing okay I'm no fish expert but I know salmon don't run they swim that's true what a salmon run is when all these amazing fish leave the ocean to swim up rivers and lay their eggs it's one of the most amazing journeys in all of nature after years of fattening up on the rich food sources of the sea they gathered to journey hundreds of kilometres upstream [Music] getting that time thruster back just got a lot harder we've got to track these Sakai's on their journey until we find it oh sorry nope just trying to blend it to the crowd whoa please you gotta help us we really need to find a shark what no bro the last thing we need right now is a shark I know but we got one Oh signal I gotta go down there anyhow I have a feeling there might be some obstacles on this adventure [Music] [Music] salmon sharks gather at the mouth of the river because they know the salmon runs are happening right now and that means a feast for that it's a lot of water for Sam and Fred oh hey it's you again Oh dry land water river otters black bears shorebirds seagulls Wow all these creatures depend on salmon hey you're so important to this ecosystem a hero in that way too you know all right which way now here oh sure oh boy I'm getting worried that we'll never find our time thruster I mean what are the chances that the fish with our time Tourister just happened to go this way - exactly or that the fish has even survived the journey I mean bald eagles pine martens river otters it seems like the obstacles are endless uh-oh speaking of obstacles look a hydroelectric dam there's no way we can get past this Oh salmon pals it's over I'm so sorry I couldn't get you all home the end of the line but after all that how could this be hi it's Ava here I know all about dams people build hydroelectric dams as one way to make electricity but it's really bad for the salmon a real sock in the eye for a sockeye salmon if the salmon can't get through they can't lay their eggs and soon no more salmon thanks Ava so I guess that's it the end of the line I'm sorry hero people are super smart but sometimes we don't think of everything we're in trouble our towns dam has something special look [Music] swimmable jumpable steps what human creativity people thinking about creatures and solving problems there's still lots of challenges to solve with dams and rivers but by using our creature power or I grow up I'm going to be scientist and come up with an even better idea for both energy and fish we're off again see here oh we told you we'd help you out [Music] thanks bro okay get up but seriously what are we gonna do for Halloween a Halloween party a creepy creature adventure how about a creepy creature adventure that turns into trick-or-treating on the way over to a Halloween party we can do it in this and it's so Orange wow I'm definitely feeling the Halloween spirit now all right we're gonna need costumes weirdy bro what are they up to I don't know something Halloweeny well no guys watch out the villains are here they're trying to take over Halloween [Music] Diaby oh I must have a jewel dazzle trick-or-treat bag yes it's so pretty [Music] that costume is so ridiculous I never dress like that Wow you totally got us oh those are great Halloween costumes Paisley not me me neither I know what would make the best Halloween costumes ever you thinking what I'm thinking bro oh yeah we're thinking about creature power suits let's find those creature power discs yes of a cool creature light thorny devil i reckon fish [Music] Komodo dragon as beanie devil SpiderMonkey is that a spaceship or a died flying pumpkin [Music] jab be there handy yes Donita they've taken over the Tortuga we'll stop them this will be fun why are you doing costumes it's Halloween remember we know we were just playing a trick well that was a good one yeah you really fooled me do you want to come trick-or-treating with us yeah sure trick-or-treating well there's a house over there let's start with that one let's go that's a pretty spooky house it sure is but I'm showing that's where the tracking beacon of our miniature visor is coming from hmm it's moving around I can't get a lock on it I think I'll stay here wait that's not any house it's a scary animal mansion sounds kind of creepy cool you guys go check it out and I'll stay with Jimmy in the Tortuga and monitor the situation Jimmy you still see the miniature batter yep still there time for some creepy cool fun and because it's Halloween and everyone's in costume the real villains won't even know it's us [Applause] two bats and snakes and spiders make you shiver and shake or do you think that scary animals are just really great animals both big and small and even in-between ever seen [Music] so close to hatching time because it's dark and crappy in here did you hear that I think somebody's going for him oh yeah that means we can too let's bust out of here bro are you out sister brother we're family hi mom dad you mean Stars and Stripes wait a sec you're so fluffy and weird blue Eagle cawing Tortuga we've got an emergency here what problem with the hatching yeah you forgot the downy feathers hmm oh I didn't realize they were born with them but don't worry Koki and I have been working on feathers did you guys know there are all different kinds with all different purposes some for flying some for showing off or blending in some to keep try or stay warm yeah feathers can do so much we can use the warm ones Oh downy feathers right well you're in luck because I figured those feathers out already all you have to do is press the second creature paw button oh that's better cozy that is so much better so this I think I'll name you downing yeah cuz it's time to settle down II for a nice warm down okay while they're snoozing we've got to figure out how to design these other feathers they'll need [Music] hey you wake now I am pretty comfy in this nest isn't it it's a mansion of a nest bald eagles make the largest nest of any bird in North America and they mate for life and every year they add to the nest making it bigger and bigger and bigger and they always pick prime real estate in the tallest of trees preferably by water I'd say we're super safe up here with mom and dad nearby very few creatures would try to raid an eagle nest an occasional raccoon Raven gall and maybe a black bear but it's pretty rare that's cool yeah I think so too totally cool we've got a great list of chickadee abilities let's go show Aviva and get some chickadee powers you gave Martin Martin Martin Bar n oh no Martin left his creature pod [Music] an urban oh I've got to tell everybody this is blue backpack calling shoot I left my creature pod somewhere Oh No but I can't lose that ermine [Music] hey you've already got your distinctive winter coat that is one amazing thing about you guys in the summer you're brown and then you change white in the winter all it acts because you grow an amazingly warm and very white coat of fur for winter it's amazing that you can grow it in as quickly as two weeks all of that is a cool creature power it's like seasonal camouflage in fact seasonal camouflage is exactly what it is hmm he left his creature pod he must have been so excited about chickadee powers that he ran back to the Tortuga and left it behind to the Tortuga what are you looking at a snowshoe hare these great rabbits of the north turn white in winter too but is the ermine really hunting there the snowshoe hare is like five times bigger yep that's what he's doing Wow these little creatures are super courageous look whoops fearless that's the weasel spirit oh well the snowshoe hare got away this time but you sure are tough and courageous and when it comes to being a predator you're like a terminator that's it ho I've got a name for you you're the Terminator I know you don't really mean to but you're destroying the forest not only that he's heading straight towards a nearby city these Hercules beetle creature power discs all the programming is in here awesome hey what are we supposed to do with them do your creature power thing Jimmy huh oh no you want us to do a beetle battle [Music] it's the only way to stop him what we don't have a chance against him he's unstoppable you need to try one of my seats ever let you down she's right let's at least get giant size so it's a little more even we can't the miniaturizer is broken remember exactly and I need to fix it so we can get him back to normal size you need to buy me some time okay let me get this straight we got to battle him break the other sides look on the bright side at least you'll be two against one now get going insert hercules be little power [Music] awesome I feel so strong and powerful and indestructible like I'm wearing a suit of armor Chris [Music] okay this exoskeleton really works the vive woo just like I promised no get this thing off me bro oh cool Hercules beetle horns have special hairs for a good grip that's nice [Music] thanks flattened by a boulder hardly a scratch to the city
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 4,896,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts TV show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals, creepy creatures, Halloween, Halloween costumes, spider, snake, creature power, creature power suit, power suit, animal adventures, animals in the wild, animals around the world, coolest animals, wild
Id: Jz78zepI_Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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