πŸ”΄LIVE: Bingo's Adventures | Bluey

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Hey where's four John how are the eggs doing Bingo oh there's four hello it's brekkie almost ready it's coming okay birthday boys getting cranky let's get cracking bingo oh my goodness all right it's okay I'll clean it thanks Chloe I'll try again honey I'll just hold it for you a bit harder honey give it a good whack that's too hot oh uh no honey the shelves don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain who said my breakfast that was a big one I gotta go hello hi I'd like to make a booking please name Romeo oh what was it McFlurries it flourished of course okay great see you soon hi do you have a booking yes McFlurries oh yes right this way please finally smooth Romeo I have of course taken you to the fanciest restaurant in town oh dear not yet Bingo aren't they smart you kissed yet no not yet I'm so sorry she isn't you now these are the menus you also have some forks and spoons told you this place was Fancy no what would you like to order could you tell me what the special is I'm not sure I'll check with this hey chef what what's this special the what the spell my favorite thing was it morning tea Bingo was trying to eat cherry tomatoes with her pork this is typical [Music] [Laughter] it was so funny ah Bingo you must have been trying to say tricky and difficult at the same time oh Bingo honey it's okay it's funny no it isn't bingo what did I say wrong nothing honey just eat your dinner I know I think she's just embarrassed she said the word wrong but it was funny well yeah but I guess she thought you were laughing at her but I wasn't I know look she'll be right just eat your dinner I'm sorry bingo I didn't mean to embarrass you that's okay [Music] the Shop's closed Rita pardon I said the shops closed [Music] don't worry about her love by beans where are the fish look I think it's festive oh Janet wake up [Music] what have you got there oh nothing dear for those beans oh slipped on my face Bingo you have to play properly you can only do what grannies do and grannies don't floss they mum who's right Neil Bingo uh don't ask your father oh yeah well not puzzle okay all the blue bits here and rabbits here stripe and it nice and straight this book is here which means that it can do that wait not finished I'm missing a piece oh yeah you're missing New Zealand ah not again no problem I can find it where are you New Zealand New Zealand I know outdoor racing posters for New Zealand [Music] thank you [Music] thank you your lips are blue I'm a blue look I'm trying to get you out of the bath without being a meanie but you have to help me [Music] okay I'll take all of these delicious there you've sold all your book now time to get out yeah yeah ah great I'll see you pay huh let's see a hundred Burgers that's a hundred dollar box please but I haven't got any money left well then how are you gonna pay for all those Burgers you just ate I'm in the bath now or dirty dishes for you thanks boss I'm trying to teach personal responsibility her lips are it's seven o'clock you're meant to be out of the bath and you're not even meant to be in it Splendid now go away yes my queen [Music] yeah yes your mother excuse me you may not stand on the Royal rainbow thing oh I'm terribly sorry your majesty is this okay your majesty yes how can I serve you my queen I'm going to sing a song you will write it down oh okay I also beautiful I am so Lonely Now sing it back to me I am so beautiful [Applause] I wish Winnie was here I know you do you wish when his dad was here yeah I do he's a good fan actually if you ask when you start to be your friend do you think he would say yes well I don't know maybe if you were my dad I'd want to be your friend oh thanks mate come on we have to get back to bricky [Music] sorry we're late bug a lug slept in no worries we were just heading back for brekkie oh oh okay no worries well um would you like to come to our house for breakfast for real life only if it's okay with your dad I mean it's pretty short notice Can We Dance please yeah right oh yeah yeah it's dead okay listen up whenever I walk into a room everyone has to clap and go whoa yeah it's Dad all right that guy's awesome got it got it okay let's try that again yes Dad that looks great Bluey I can't draw tickling very perfect yeah it looks more like he's throwing you oh I can draw throwing oh you can draw no ticket and he built his house out of straw huh bad move Pig ticket oh yes here you go oh yes of course what did I do with it see it somewhere ticket oh here it is a chunk quicker next time kick it oh uh I don't have one [Music] hello hello would you like to come to my Cafe why yes I would please look at our menu and let me know what you want hmm perfect over please certainly that will be ready in a jiffy hey oh uh excuse me [Music] I think he wants to be the chef uh no Dad we don't need you a chef you can go back outside and play the game with the little men okay fine you can work here super I need you to get one piece of pablover yeah Pavlova from the fridge no that's a magnet in the fridge [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] he's not a woman [Music] you didn't see anything karate karate you're on your run uh Dana come on let's just talk about this easy easy okay okay we give up you win hey high five yeah Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket oh now if you aren't happy with your wear watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best way of watching tour you've ever been on I don't know about that kid All Above oh Bluey that's too loud yay [Music] it's a lovely day to go boat riding the sea is nice and calm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we've hit rough Seas what Oh wrong customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough seats no we hit smoothies and oh look we're at the whales ah no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact whales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm gonna find some rough seats [Music] is this what you had for breakfast yesterday fake beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you how did you have for lunch Mr healer ah just some sauerkraut excuse me sauerkraut Bingo fluffy level we have dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep just tell us what you ate yeah I'm not sure I ate much Mr healer okay I had a vegan nut roast oh it's here anything else nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie oh banded well all I'd had was nut roast Bingo where is the fluffy meter now at the top oh yeah this is easy [Music] all right let's skateboard him down the stairs what no do not skateboard me down those stairs okay fine where the bullfrog jumps oh my goodness all right all right morning Wendy what's going on are you okay hey solo monies what Ah that's putting a bit of a slant on it he said he'll only give it back if we carry him all the way to the car is that right just keep walking Wendy this doesn't concern you it does now come on girls hey Wendy watch the hands oh never to the car seat he's too heavy the only thing that could break the curse was if someone said your name do you want me to say your name okay [Music] nope you're not allowed to speak what happened what happened do you speak Speak oh well look I shouldn't tell you but what people I told you the 80s was a wild place anyway being cursed was not a lot of fun when you're on holiday kids do you want your fish battered or crumbs did you come on speak up he wants crumbed okay he loves crumbs don't you fan dishwasher I hated crumbs who ate all the mini cereals he did right people get over here Jake Nana was a bit mean yeah it was the 80s mums were allowed to be mean and dads weren't much help either blow away I think dad'll like that that games are always too rough hmm I'm not very perfect to drawing big couches it looks great yeah it doesn't look like our couch it looks more like a chair oh you can do a dabbling chair oh yeah oh man my legs are tired from all this child rearing surely sitting down on a comfy chair will do the trick oh look I have my choice of any chair I want where to sit relaxing [Music] Jay looks like a chair good to go but you're not really in it yeah it's supposed to be a picture of Dad and me Louie it's fine it doesn't have to be perfect dad will love anything you do so if I gave him this he'd love it time for past the parcel okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play past the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go thank you oh it's me oh sorry bingo [Music] sorry Leila ah it's about time whoa I was so close maybe next time ready for pasta Parcels yeah no well I'm just gonna sell around till I find ah okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer whoa sorry customer we have seemed to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over I've got Storm's over and look we're at the whales watch out [Music] oh man oh man are you okay customer you sound fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the Wales Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did yeah what Bingo you weren't even there he yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave hey your honor bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that oh everyone forget that bit Bluey that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay mum I would like to call on mum me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cause she was asleep yeah I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh-huh no further questions uh rad uh Gerald whatever your name is what are you on about what's he all about right right or someone says his name all right so you want me to say your name so you can talk again well you're dreaming mate you know what I call this I call it a good start how do I Jinx to say none of you can talk dad is it like this I was never going to talk again no one was going to say my name I'm not going to say your name I think this will do you some good all holiday you've been mean to your little brother you can't Tic-Tac right it's my turn now now it isn't ah nice stack this is a chance for you to have a good think about it none it was right not about a perm but about me I hadn't been a very good brother to stroke deserved to be cursed I'm making a Cuppa we're gonna be here a while [Music] boom boom boom boom elephant [Applause] [Music] kangaroo what did I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom that's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big duck and that's some sort of uh um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get tired [Music] whoa we have a winner holy Dooley that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning oh yeah while spinning what oh my hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes I [Music] did that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work going on [Music] drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry he doesn't listen to what anyone says I'm getting chilly oh dear that will not happen twice okay so here's the Knight no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the knights is on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called galahock mine's called daughter of galahop he moves by jumping oh yes horsies love jumping who is castlehead that's the rock I'm gonna call him Castle head fine Castle head moves straight like this castles can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there you'll go Bluey oh my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch oh don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle heads and two Pom-Pom elves dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am how long have you gone for just six weeks how long is six weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it's here that the true challenge of the quest is revealed we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the magpie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect face paint for you you want a nice secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stall this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I MacKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it I please I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're Minnie Bowie now oh yeah and blurry does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it find out if he's cereal um excuse me big fella here we go it's glass clippings you're talking about why don't we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's cereal [Music] mini Bluey that's quite loud yeah Minnie Bowie I don't really see what I'm doing chores I usually winch and do the job a lot slower than what you're doing what [Music] this so this is our street you've got some cars and oh a bird rubbish don't worry about the sun it's meant to be there uh okay oh come on Bandit keep walking I have a wife okay Bandit probably don't say things about the sun to people at bus stops yeah why uh it's hard to explain okay I won't food yeah I got mistaken bacon [Music] but I'm going that way [Music] ah buy food come here not you celery I'll get that oh do you want me to carry those for you no it's okay I'm almost there it's okay I'll clean it up no I can do it okay here's the paper towels [Music] I'll make a start in The Omelette honey I'll just crack the eggs cow crack the Eggies um sure honey how about I sort this out and you get started on the X grab a silver bowl from the cupboard okay is this one okay [Music] oh man getting hungry how many eggs are in an omelette um three or four I'm hungry better make it full one [Music] I'll show you what 10 years of Pilates can do hey hey Wendy what are you doing pay attention girls ready Engage The Core straight back ready Wendy and look at those quads promise me you'll work hard to maintain a strong call girls don't get lazy yes when we want yeah now we can have ice cream I'm not sure I should be driving in this condition what so we don't get ice cream not unless you can drive drop yourselves in kids I'll drive you to the shops [Music] laughs here you go my darlings thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay huh see that looks good Boom come on look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they're meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs oh yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feed okay arm's okay I think we're good backwards ah there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in three meters why do it who's in that we keep our promises no matter what matter what one puzzles come on kids hurry up hey this morning I said to bingo to hurry up and she said I am hurry up Dad will you play toddlers with us at the library I'll pay anything with you at the library if you hurry up do you promise I promise no come on Thomas at the library yeah hey hang on what's topless this is toddlers yes you have to look at her on your knees no way but her promises I promise uh fine excuse me huh down here oh hello may you want books for Big Boys uh next to the magazine thanks [Music] oh [Music] go go go [Music] hey have you kids see my green ball look Dad we said we said horse do you want to have a Heaven I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yes I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared of chickens no bracing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's laser talk come on the hose is the finish line [Music] who keeps lumpy oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take Lumpy but can we play asleep awake oh okay uh sleep like that I see wait [Music] okay kids in the bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff yeah yeah yeah where you going oh yeah I forgot not Bluey night bingo sleep tight you too don't let the bedbugs bite take care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on you all set Bluey yep exciting night night oh tell Bingo to say goodnight to Malcolm for me okay you said I could have anything okay Curry sausages [Music] good evening ladies I'm here to pick up me sausages Bingo delivers them to you all right okay hey there you go nice night huh uh you don't really chat to the scooter person oh okay sorry [Music] did I do it right yeah come on Grandad no worries let's have some food so do I just eat here hello you can watch TV on your phone if you like yeah there's a TV app okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we're out of time [Music] we're back whoa whoa repeat all my cousins I told you I would did they say hooray please let me win this time foreign [Music] [Music] Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing foreign [Music] s prawns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks Louis nice one Bluey look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen [Music] that's fine are you sure you're happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry Bluey the king's the most important piece on the board is yes and how many squares can he move well just one just one square that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal feeties they're a little tired meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is handy because she has to do all the work are you finished yes fun when it gets sherbet [Music] yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my oh yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I'm on another race can you help me beat dad yeah I want sherbet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheap yeah yeah what no I meant practice you kids sure are Keen to get whooped again oh yes we are hey all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see mum losing doesn't stop these kids has anyone seen my sunnies okay kids this has gone a bit far you said we have jelly uh can you please help huh amen hey mate that's my wife not anymore mum this happened I was going to tell you you left me for a monkey I'm sorry honey there's just something special about him what am I supposed to do oh what's that oh yes good idea good idea you can be his monkey butler actually I'd love to how may I be of service sir yes sir right away you're probably gonna regret that Mr monkey jokes doesn't want burns on his bed he wants bananas [Music] not anymore this is his room now once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around barefoot I can't see the page and why should I care I forgot about the catchphrase it's it's words mum can't read the story [Music] but those stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending's boring she just makes don't spoil the ending what because Bluey hasn't heard it unicorns I'm trying to make you a nice unicorn okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes yes of course one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will no not today done thanks Dad hey Bingo you move your bed to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did it so he still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he had us okay these teddies are all mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Grandad because he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she could be both of us yes that's right so whose room should she go in hmm she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh okay [Music] dog you want to teach Bob some car games all right there you go Okay who wants to be in charge of the shopping list Bob this just makes that move he's real real funny really funny [Applause] [Music] kids it's enough of that thing I'm sure Bob is sick yeah whatever kids I'm putting out photos in Bob bilby's book [Music] here you go one coin you had one pen best of luck [Music] is this okay there we go hey what no you lose you lose you lose great dancer magic claw insert more coins let's do more jobs this is great they're learning a lesson and we get the house clean neither of those things are happening okay let's do this [Music] you lose yeah this isn't fur okay you will hide and I'll seek go one two hang on yeah hang on a minute we'll only hide if you promise not to forget you're looking for us I've never done that yes you have okay okay I promise good we have to hide don't get distracted you [Music] baby [Music] now where could they be hiding oh tennis ball oh don't get distracted Bluey [Music] they're hiding really well [Music] come to Mama I'm still timing you Bingo but I have to catch Jackie you brush your teeth I'll catch Daddy okay no you find your hat I'll catch gecky have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere oh there it is oh yeah oh come on what was it the Grandad used to say when he was a soldier hurry up and wait hurry up away Bingo teeth oh yes sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this up oh why do I have to help [Music] okay let's go I need you out the door in one minute can I have my hat like Grandad's with a side bit up like that I can't find floppy anywhere okay keep calm let's retrace your steps when did you last have him I don't know okay what did you do before you got ready for bed I don't know um we were on the balcony we were making a fire to cook the chicken fire that's gonna love this egg that reminds me we better turn it back into a dog okay kids bedtime oh Mom then we came here righto let's check the balcony no sign of floppy ah what did you do before you made the campfire um um we took chicken right into the bathroom egg [Music] three Hey where's four done how are the eggs doing bingo almost ready it's coming okay birthday boys getting cranky let's get cracking bingo get it cracking oh my goodness sorry Bluey it's okay I'll clean it up thanks Chloe okay try again honey I'll just hold it for you a bit harder honey give it a good whack that's too hot oh uh no honey the shells don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain was that my breakfast that was a big one I gotta go hello hi I'd like to make a booking please name Romeo oh what was it McFlurries it flourished of course okay great see you soon hi do you have a booking yes McFlurries oh yes right this way please finally smooth Romeo I have of course taken you to the fanciest restaurant in town oh dear not yet no not yet I'm so sorry she isn't you now these are the menus you also have some forks and spoons told you this place was Fancy no what would you like to order could you tell me what the special is I'm not sure I'll check position hey chef what what's this special the what that's special my favorite thing was it morning tea Bingo was trying to eat cherry tomatoes with her book this is typical [Music] [Laughter] it was so funny ah Bingo you must have been trying to say tricky and difficult at the same time oh Bingo honey it's okay it's funny no it isn't bingo what did I say wrong nothing honey just eat your dinner I didn't mean to upset her I know I think she's just embarrassed she said the word wrong it was funny oh yeah but I guess she thought you were laughing at her but I wasn't I know look she'll be right just eat your dinner I'm sorry bingo I didn't mean to embarrass you that's okay the Shop's closed Rita pardon I said the shops closed [Music] I worry about her love by beans hey where are the page look I think it's festive oh Janet wake up love I'm gonna find anybody what have you got there oh nothing dear hey you have to pay for those beans let's go [Music] let's go eat Bingo you have to play properly you can only do what grannies do and grannies don't floss they mum who's right Neil Bingo uh go ask your father oh yeah I love that puzzle okay all the blue bits here and red bits here stripe and it nice and straight this book is here which means that it can do that wait not finished I'm missing a piece oh yeah you're missing New Zealand ah not again no problem I can find it where are you New Zealand New Zealand I know outdoor racing posters for New Zealand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay I'll take all of these delicious there you sold all your Burger now time to get out yeah yeah ah great after you pay huh let's see a hundred Burgers that's a hundred dollar box please but I haven't got any money left well then how are you gonna pay for all those Burgers you just ate I'm in the bath now more dirty dishes for you thanks boss I'm trying to teach personal responsibility oh let's listen she's a blue healer I'm holding the plug this is our burger shop it's seven o'clock you're meant to be out of the bath and you're not even meant to be in it Splendid now go away yes my queen [Music] yes your mother excuse me not stand on the Royal rainbow thing oh I'm terribly sorry your majesty is this okay your majesty yes how can I serve you my queen I'm going to sing a song you will write it down oh okay I am so beautiful I am so lonely oh and sparkly Now sing it back to me [Applause] I wish Winnie was here I know you do you wish when his dad was here yeah I do he's a good fan actually if you ask Wendy's dad to be your friend do you think he would say yes well I don't know maybe if you are my dad I'd want to be your friend oh thanks mate come on we have to get back to bricky [Music] sorry we're light bug a lug slipped in no worries we were just heading back for brekkie oh oh okay no worries well um would you like to come to our house for breakfast only if it's okay with your dad I mean it's pretty short notice coming [Applause] it's dead okay listen up whenever I walk into a room everyone has to clap and go whoa yeah it's Dad all right that guy's awesome got it got it okay let's try that again and Dad pick it up again that looks great Bluey I can't draw tickling very perfect yeah it looked more like he's throwing you oh I can't draw throwing oh you can draw no ticket and he built his house out of straw huh bad move Pig ticket oh yes here you go oh yes of course what did I do with it see it somewhere check it oh here it is Chuck quicker next time kick it oh uh I don't have one [Music] hello hello would you like to come to my Cafe why yes I would please look at our menu and let me know what you want hmm Pepper please certainly that will be ready in a jiffy hey oh uh excuse me [Music] I think he wants to be a chef uh no Dad we don't need you a chef you can go back outside and play the game with the little men [Music] hey fine you can work here I need you to get one piece of pablover yeah Pavlova from the fridge Pavlova he know that's a magnet in the fridge [Music] give to your customer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] hey Tina [Music] quick let's get it outside [Music] you didn't see anything Tina use your karate karate you run your run uh Tina come on let's just talk about this easy easy okay okay we give up you win hey high five yeah Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket oh now if you're unhappy with your wear watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best way of watching toy you've ever been on I don't know about that kid oh Bluey that's too loud okay it's a lovely day to go boat riding the sea is nice and calm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no oh no we've hit rough Seas what Oh wrong customer care Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smoothies and oh look we're at the whales ah no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact whales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm gonna find some rough seats [Music] is this what you had for breakfast yesterday fake beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you and then what did you have for lunch Mr healer ah just some sauerkraut excuse me sauerkraut Bingo fluffy levels now we had dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep tell us what you ate no I'm not sure I ate much Mr healer okay I had a vegan nut roast oh dear anything else nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie oh banded well all I'd had was nut roast Bingo where is the fluffy meter now at the top [Music] [Music] all right let's skateboard him down the stairs what no do not skateboard me down those stairs okay fine where the bullfrog jumps wrong oh my goodness morning Wendy what's going on are you okay what Ah that's putting a bit of a slant on it he said he'll only give it back if we can is that right just keep walking Wendy this doesn't concern you it does now come on girls hey Wendy watch the hands he's too heavy the only thing that could break the curse was if someone said your name do you want me to say your name okay [Music] no you're not allowed to speak what happened what happened to speak uh well look I shouldn't tell you but what [Music] Paul I told you the 80s was a wild place anyway being cursed was not a lot of fun when you're on holiday kids do you want your fish bad at all crumbs what about you come on speaker a crumb don't you van dishwasher I hated crumbs who ate all the mini cereals right you get over here Jake Nana was a bit mean yeah it was the 80s mums were allowed to be mean and dads weren't much help either [Music] I think dad'll like that that games are always too rough hmm I'm not very perfect to drawing big couches it looks great yeah it doesn't look like our couch it looks more like a chair oh you and your dad playing chair oh yeah oh man my legs are tired from all this child rearing surely sitting down on a comfy chair will do the trick oh look I have my choice of any chair I want where to sit here sitting in this chair was definitely the right decision the server relaxing Jay looks like a chair good to go but you're not really in it yeah it's supposed to be a picture of Dad and me Louie it's fine it doesn't have to be perfect dad will love anything you do so if I gave him this he'd love it time for pasta parcel okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play past the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me oh sorry bingo fantastic sorry Leila oh it's an area whoa I was so close maybe next time ready for pasta parcel yeah no well I'm just gonna sell around till I finally uh okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer I'm sorry customer we have seen to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over the storm's over and look we're at the whales watch out Snappy Turtle s off it all right snap snap snap outside [Music] and now we're at the tide away oh man oh man are you okay customer yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the whales Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did yeah what Bingo you weren't even there he yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave [Music] bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that oh everyone forget that bit Bluey that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay Mom I would like to call on mum me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cause she was asleep yeah well I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh no further questions uh Brad uh Gerald ah whatever your name is what are you on about what's he on about Brad jinxed him he can't talk until someone says his name all right so you want me to say your name so you can talk again well you're dreaming mate you know what I call this I call it a good start how do I Jinx to say none of you can talk dad is it like this I was never going to talk again no one was going to say my name I'm not gonna say your name I think this will do you some good all holiday you've been mean to your little brother you can't Tic-Tac right [Music] chance for you to have a good think about it none it was right not about a perm but about me I hadn't been a very good brother to strive deserved to be cursed I'm making a copper we're gonna be here a while [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] kangaroo what did I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom that's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big duck and that's some sort of uh um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get tired [Music] whoa we have a winner holy Dooley that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning oh yeah while spinning oh hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes I don't understand I swear [Music] s that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work going on oh yeah drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he doesn't listen to what anyone says I'm getting chilly oh dear that will not happen twice me okay so he's the Knight no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the knights is on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that I thought you said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called Gala hop mine's called daughter of galahop he moves by jumping oh yes horsies love jumping who is Castle head that's the Rook I'm gonna call him Castle head fine Castle head moves straight like this Castle's can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there your go Bluey oh my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch oh don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle heads and two Pom-Pom elves dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am how long have you gone for just six weeks how long is six weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it here at the true challenge of the quest [Music] we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the magpie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect face paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stall this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I MacKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their face is painted no I guess not I think you have to do it I believe I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're Minnie Bowie now oh yeah and blurry does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if he's cereal um excuse me big fella here we go there's glass clippings you're talking about why don't we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's cereal [Music] mini Bluey that's quite loud I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually win and do the job a lot slower than what you're doing what [Music] so this is our street you've got some cars and oh a bird oh rubbish don't worry about the sun it's meant to be there uh okay oh come on Bandit keep walking I have a wife okay Bandit probably don't say things about the sun to people at bus stops yeah why uh it's hard to explain okay I won't food yeah I got the steak and bacon oh hi babe he was born yesterday yeah [Music] but I'm going that way [Music] ah buy food come here not you celery I'll get that oh huh do you want me to carry those for you no it's okay I'm almost there it's okay I'll clean it up no I can do it okay here's the paper towels and I'll make a start on The Omelette honey I'll just crack the eggs can I help crack the Eggies um sure honey how about I sort this out and you get started on the X grab a silver bowl from the cupboard okay is this one okay [Music] oh man getting hungry how many eggs are in an omelette um three or four I'm hungry better make it full one two three come on Bingo bit quicker I'll show you what 10 years of Pilates can do hey hey Wendy what are you doing pay attention girls ready Engage The Core straight back ready Wendy and look at those quads promise me you'll work hard to maintain a strong core girls don't get lazy yes Wendy we won't [Music] ice cream I'm not sure I should be driving in this condition what so we don't get ice cream not unless you can drive drop yourselves in kids I'll drive you to the shops [Music] here you go my darlings thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay ah see that looks good Boom come on look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they're meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs [Music] that's what I'm saying okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feed okay arm's okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in three meters why do they do it because they're nuts we keep our promises no matter what no matter what oh everyone pick the puzzles come on kids hurry up hey this morning I said to bingo to hurry up and she said I am hurry up Dad will you play toddlers with us at the library I'll play anything with you at the library if you hurry up do you promise I promise no come on Thomas at the library topless [Music] this is toddlers yes you have to look at her on your knees no way but I promises I promise uh fine excuse me down here oh hello may you want books for Big Boys uh next to the magazine thanks go Bingo [Music] oh go blowy [Music] up the road hey have you kids see my green ball look Dad we set up an obstacle course do you want to have a go I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yes I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared oh for chickens no racing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's laser talk come on the hose is a Finish Line [Music] oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take lumpy thanks but can we play a sleeper weight oh okay uh sleep [Music] [Music] okay kids in the bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff yeah yeah where are you going oh yeah I forgot not Louie night bingo [Music] care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on [Music] Bluey yep exciting night oh tell Bingo to say goodnight to Malcolm for me okay you said I could have done anything okay hurried sausages [Music] good evening ladies I'm here to pick up me sausages Bingo delivers him all right okay hey there you go nice night eh oh you don't really chat to the scooter person oh okay sorry but [Music] did I do it right yeah come on Grandad no worries let's have some food so do I just eat here hello you can watch TV fun if you like yeah there's a TV app okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man is she really gonna pee on your curtains oh she'll do it all right okay just leave enough for a cup of tea okay hey daughter one Chloe you got 30 30s or not look the traffic [Music] jams this whole time yeah hurry [Music] whoa [Music] JP to my cousins I told you I would did they say hooray please let me win this time [Music] it's me what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Lila is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing thank you chips and lots of prawns prawns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks Louie nice one Bluey ah look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen [Music] Louie um sure thanks ah you can't just dance that's fine are you sure you're happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry Bluey the king's the most important piece on the board is that right yes and how many squares can he move well just one just one square that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal feeties they're a little tired meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is handy because she has to do all the work are you finished yes fun when it gets sherbet [Music] yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my shave it oh yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I want another race can you help me beat dad yeah I want sherbet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheap yeah yeah what no I meant practice you kids sure are Keen to get whooped again oh yes we are see all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see mum losing doesn't stop these kids has anyone seen my sunnies okay kids this has gone a bit far you said we have to treat it all jelly oh boy bad can you please help huh how's my little monkey man hey mate that's my wife not anymore Mom married Mr Monkey Josh what when did this happen I was going to tell you you left me for a monkey I'm sorry honey there's just something special about him supposed to do oh what's that oh yes good idea you can be as monkey butler actually I'd love to how may I be of service sir yes sir right away you're probably gonna regret that Mr Monkey jogs doesn't want burns on his bed he wants bananas [Music] it's my bed not anymore this is his room now see ya once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around barefoot I can't see the page and why should I care I forgot about the catchphrase in words mum can't read the story [Music] my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending's boring she just makes don't spoil the ending why not because Bluey hasn't heard it unicorns I'm trying to make you a nice unicorn okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes yes of course one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will no not today done thanks Dad hey Bingo you move your bed to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did it so we can still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he had us okay these teddies are mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Granddad because he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she can be both of us yes that's right so whose room should she go in she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh okay [Music] dog you want to teach Bob some car games all right there you go Okay who wants to be in charge of the shopping list Bob this is mixed up he's real real funny yeah really funny [Applause] [Music] kids it's enough of that thing I'm sure Bob is sick yeah whatever kids I'm putting out photos in Bob bilby's book [Music] here you go one coin ding ding ding ding you have one turn best of luck [Music] this is what [Music] you lose you lose you lose [Music] magic claw insert more coins let's do my job this is great they're learning a lesson and we get the house clean neither of those things are happening okay let's do this [Music] you lose and this isn't fair okay you will hide and I'll seek go one two hang on yeah hang on a minute we'll only hide if you promise not to forget you're looking for us I've never done that yes you have okay okay I promise good we have to hide don't get distracted [Music] [Music] now where could they be hiding oh tennis ball oh don't get distracted Bluey [Music] they're hiding really well [Music] come to Mama I'm still timing you Bingo they have to catch gecky you brush your teeth I'll catch Daddy okay no you signed your hat I'll catch gekki have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere oh there it is oh yeah oh come on what was it the Grandad used to say when he was a soldier hurry up and wait hurry up away Bingo teeth oh yes sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this up oh why do I have to help [Music] okay let's go I need you out the door in one minute can I have my hat like Grandad's with a side bit up like that I can't find floppy anywhere okay keep calm let's retrace your steps when did you last have him I don't know okay what did you do before you got ready for bed I don't know um we were on the balcony we were making a fire to cook the chicken [Music] fire that's gonna love this egg that reminds me we better turn it back into a dog okay kids bedtime oh Mom then we came here righto let's check the balcony no sign of floppy ah what did you do before you made the campfire um we took chicken right into the bathroom egg [Music] yes Hey where's four John how are the eggs doing bingo almost ready it's coming okay birthday boys getting cranky let's get cracking bingo get it cracking oh my goodness sorry Bluey it's okay I'll clean it up thanks Chloe I'll try again honey I'll just hold it for you a bit harder honey give it a good whack that's too hot oh uh no honey the shelves don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain was that my breakfast that was a big one I gotta go hello hi I'd like to make a booking please name Romeo oh what was it McFlurries it flourished of course okay great see you soon hi do you have a booking yes McFlurries oh yes right this way please finally smooth Romeo I have of course taken you to the fanciest restaurant in town oh dear not yet no not yet I'm so sorry she isn't you now these are the menus you also have some forks and spoons told you this place was Fancy no what would you like to order could you tell me what the special is I'm not sure I'll check with the chef hey chef what's this special the what the spell my favorite thing was it morning tea bingo I was trying to eat cherry tomatoes with her book this is terrific [Music] [Laughter] it was so funny ah Bingo you must have been trying to say tricky and difficult at the same time oh Bingo honey it's okay it's funny no it isn't bingo did I say wrong nothing honey just eat your dinner I didn't mean to upset her I know I think she's just embarrassed she said the word wrong but it was funny oh yeah but I guess you thought you were laughing at her but I wasn't I know look she'll be right just eat your dinner I'm sorry bingo I didn't mean to embarrass you that's okay Rita what was that Janet the Shop's closed Rita I said the shops closed [Music] don't worry about her love she is looking for my beans hey we're in the beach look I think it's festive oh Janet wake up love I'm gonna find anything what have you got there oh nothing dear hey you have to pay for those beans let's go [Music] let's go eat Bingo you have to play properly you can only do what grannies do and grannies don't floss they mum who's right Neil Bingo uh don't ask your father oh yeah I love that puzzle okay all the blue bits here and rabbits here stripe and it nice and straight this because huge means that it can do that wait not finished I'm missing a piece oh yeah you're missing New Zealand ah not again no problem I can find it where are you New Zealand New Zealand I know outdoor racing posters for New Zealand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] delicious there you've sold all your Burgers wow now time to get out yes ah great after you pay huh let's see a hundred Burgers that's a hundred dollar box please but I haven't got any money left well then how are you gonna pay for all those Burgers you just ate I'm in the bathroom or dirty dishes for you thanks boss I'm trying to teach personal responsibility oh lipstick it's seven o'clock you're meant to be out of the bath and you're not even meant to be in it Splendid now go away yes my queen [Music] yes your mother excuse me you may not stand on the Royal rainbow thing oh I'm terribly sorry your majesty is this okay your majesty yes how can I serve you my queen I'm going to sing a song you will write it down oh okay I also beautiful I am so Lonely Now sing it back to me I am so beautiful [Applause] I wish Winnie was here I know you do you wish when his dad was here yeah I do he's a good fan actually if you ask Wendy's dad to be your friend do you think he would say yes well I don't know maybe if you are my dad I'd want to be your friend oh thanks mate come on we have to get back to bricky [Music] sorry we're late bug a lug slipped in no worries we were just heading back for brekkie oh okay no worries well um would you like to come to our house for breakfast only if it's okay with your dad I mean it's pretty short notice can we yeah right oh yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah it's Dad okay listen up whenever I walk into a room everyone has to clap and go whoa yeah it's Dad all right that guy's awesome got it got it okay let's try that again and Dad pick it up again that looks great Bluey I can't draw tickling very perfect yeah it looks more like he's throwing you oh a candle throwing oh you can draw no ticket and he built his house out of straw hmm bad move Pig ticket oh yes here you go oh yes of course did I do with it see it somewhere ticket oh here it is a chunk quicker next time kick it oh uh I don't have one [Music] hello hello would you like to come to my Cafe why yes I would please look at our menu and let me know what you want hmm perfect over please certainly that will be ready in a jiffy hey oh uh excuse me [Music] I think he wants to be a chef uh no Dad we don't need you as Chef you can go back outside and play the game with the little men [Music] what [Music] I find you can work here I need you to get one piece of pablover yeah Pavlova from the fridge Pavlova he no that's a magnet in the fridge [Music] give to customer [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] hey Tina hold it down [Music] I'm trying she kicks like a mule [Music] quick let's get it outside here [Music] you didn't see anything oh use your karate what you're on your own ah Dana come on let's just talk about this easy easy [Music] okay okay we give up you win hey high five yeah Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket oh now if you aren't happy with your wear watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best while watching tour you've ever been on I don't know about that kid All Above oh Bluey that's too loud [Music] to go boat riding this year this is home yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we've hit rough Seas what Oh wrong customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smooth seas and oh look we're at the whales ah no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact whales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm gonna find some rough seats [Music] is this what you had for breakfast yesterday fake beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you did you have the lunch Mr healer ah just some sauerkraut excuse me sauerkraut Bingo fluffy levels we had dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep that's what you ate yeah I'm not sure I ate much Mr healer okay I had a vegan nut roast oh it's here anything else nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie oh banded well all I'd had was nut roast Bingo where is the fluffy meter now at the top [Music] ready [Music] this is easy [Music] all right let's skateboard him down the stairs what no do not skateboard me down those stairs okay fine where the bullfrog jumps oh my goodness all right morning Wendy what's going on are you okay what Ah that's putting a bit of a slant on it he said he'll learn [Music] all right just keep walking Wendy this doesn't concern you it does now come on girls hey Wendy watch the hands around young children hey what's the prickles now lift them into the car seat he's too heavy the only thing that could break the curse was if someone said your name do you want me to say your name okay [Music] no you're not allowed to speak what if you do speak oh well look I shouldn't tell you but what that ball I told you the 80s was a wild place anyway being cursed was not a lot of fun when you're on holiday kids do you want your fish bad at all crumbs what about you come on speak up he wants crumbed okay he loves crumbs don't you van dishwasher I hated crumbed who ate all the mini cereals he did right you'll get over here 80s mums are allowed to be mean and dads weren't much help either [Music] I think dad'll like that games are always too rough perfected drawing big couches it looks great yeah it doesn't look like our couch it looks more like a chair oh you can draw dabbling chair oh yeah oh man my legs are tired from all this child rearing surely sitting down on a comfy chair will do the trick oh look I have my choice of any chair I want where to sit sitting in this chair was definitely the right decision the server relaxing Jay looks like a chair good to go but you're not really in it yeah it's supposed to be a picture of Dad and me Louie it's fine it doesn't have to be perfect dad will love anything you do so if I gave him this he'd love it time for Boss Apostle okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play past the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me oh sorry bingo classic three sorry Leela ah [Music] maybe next time ready for pasta parcel yeah nope well I'm just gonna sail around till I find them oh okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer we have seemed to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over the storm's over and look we're at the whales watch out Snappy turtles off it all right snap snap snap [Music] and now we're at the tide away oh man oh man are you okay customer yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the whales Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did yeah what Bingo you weren't even there he yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave hey your honor bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that oh everyone forget that bit Bluey that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay mum I would like to call on Mom me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cause she was asleep yeah yeah I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh-huh no further questions whatever your name is what are you all about what's he all about right jinxed him he can't talk until someone says his name all right so you want me to say your name so you can talk again well you're dreaming mate you know what I call this I call it a good start how do I Jinx to say none of you can talk dad is it like this I was never going to talk again no one was going to say my name I'm not gonna say your name I think this will do you some good all holiday you've been mean to your little brother you can't Tic Tacs right it's my turn now no [Music] chance for you to have a good think about it Nana was right not about a perm but about me I hadn't been a very good brother to Australia deserve to be cursed I'm making a copper we're going to be here a while [Music] oh [Music] [Music] kangaroo what did I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom it's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big [Music] duck um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get tired [Music] you have a winner holy Dooley that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning oh yeah while spinning what oh my groin you want to see us I do want to see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes mums just need 20 minutes I don't understand you will one day sweetheart what is that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work [Music] drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he does listen to what anyone says I'm getting chilly oh dear that will not happen twice okay so here's the night no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the knights is on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that I thought you said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called Gala hop mine's called daughter of galahop he moves by jumping oh yes horsies love jumping who is castlehead That's The Rook I'm gonna call him Castle head fine Castle head moves straight like this Castle's can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there your go Bluey oh my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch oh don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle heads and two Pom-Pom elves dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am hello foreign just six weeks how long is six weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever you hear that the true challenge of the [Music] we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the magpie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect face paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stall this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I MacKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get faces painted no I guess not I think you have to do it hey please I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa ready going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're mini Bluey now oh yeah and blurry does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it find out if he's cereal um excuse me big fella here we go the glass clippings you're talking about why don't we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's cereal [Music] mini Bluey that's quite loud I don't really think what I'm doing chores I usually winch and do the job a lot slower than what you're doing what [Music] this so this is our street you've got some cars and oh a bird oh rubbish don't worry about the sun it's meant to be there uh okay oh come on Bandit keep walking I have a wife okay Bandit probably don't say things about the sun to people at bus stops yeah why uh it's hard to explain okay I won't food yeah I got mistaken bacon [Music] but I'm going that way [Music] ah buy food come here and eat not you celery I'll get that oh do you want me to carry those for you no it's okay I'm almost there it's okay I'll clean it up no I can do it okay here's the paper towels and I'll make a start in The Omelette honey I'll just crack the eggs can I help crack the Eggies sure honey how about I sort this out and you get started on the X grab a silver bowl from the cupboard okay [Music] oh man getting hungry joining on look um three or four I'm hungry better make it four one two come on Bingo bit quicker I'll show you what 10 years of Pilates can do hey hey Wendy what are you doing pay attention girls ready Engage The Core straight back pretty Wendy and look at those quads promise me you'll work hard to maintain a strong call girls don't get lazy yes Wendy we won't oh yeah now we can have ice cream I'm not sure I should be driving in this condition what don't get ice cream not unless you can drive yourself in kids I'll drive you to the shops [Music] here you go my darlings thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay ah see that looks good Boom come on look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they're meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs oh yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feed okay arm's okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in three meters we do it who's in that we keep our promises no matter what matter what one puzzles come on kids hurry up hey this morning I said to bingo to hurry up and she said I am hurry up there dad will you play toddlers with us at the library I'll pay anything with you at the library if you hurry up do you promise I promise no come on [Music] right now what's toddlers this is toddlers yeah you have to look at her on your knees no way but I promises I promise uh fine excuse me huh down here oh hello may you want books for Big Boys uh let's do the magazine thanks [Music] oh go go go [Music] hey have you kids see my green ball look Dad we set up course do you want to have a Friday I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yes I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared oh for chickens no racing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's laser talk come on the hose is a Finish Line [Music] who keeps lampy oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take lumpy thanks but can we play a sleeper weight oh okay uh sleep [Music] all right [Music] okay kids in the bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff yeah yeah yeah where you going oh yeah I forgot night bingo [Music] take care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on [Music] Bluey yep exciting night oh tell Bingo to say goodnight to Malcolm for me okay you said I could have anything okay Curry sausages [Music] good evening ladies I'm here to pick up me sausages Granddad you don't pick them up Bingo delivers them to you all right okay hey there you go nice night eh oh you don't really chat to the scooter person oh okay sorry but [Music] did I do it right yeah come on Grandad no worries let's have some food so do I just ate here alone you can watch TV on your phone if you like yeah there's a TV app okay [Music] you're on two wheels he's still following us surprise that they'll get his wings oh man is she really gonna pee on your curtains oh she'll do it all right okay just leave enough for a cup of tea okay hurry [Music] [Music] hurry up [Music] whoa whoa did they say hooray please let me win this time [Music] it's me what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Leela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing [Music] chips and lots of prawns prawns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks Louie nice one Bluey look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen Louie [Music] um ah you can't just dab that's fine are you sure you're happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry Bluey the king's the most important piece on the board oh this yes and how many squares can he move well just one chair that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal feeties meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is handy because she has to do all the work are you finished yes fun when it gets sherbet wait wait [Music] I'm gonna block you [Music] yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my shave it oh yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I'm on another race can you help me beat dad yeah I want sherbet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheap yeah yeah what no I meant practice you kids sure are Keen to get whooped again oh yes we are all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see mum losing doesn't stop these kids has anyone seen my sunnies okay kids this has gone a bit far you said we have to treat it all jelly oh boy bad can you please help huh my little monkey man I might that's my wife not anymore Mom Mary Mr Monkey Joe's what this happened I was going to tell you you left me for a monkey I'm sorry honey there's just something special about him supposed to do oh what's that oh yes good you could be his monkey butler actually I'd love to how may I be of service sir yes sir right away you're probably gonna regret that hey what's going on Mr monkey jokes doesn't want burns on his bed he wants bananas yes that's not his bed it's my not anymore this is his room now [Music] once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around Barefoot beautiful I can't see the page why should I care I forgot about the catchphrase if you block the words mum can't read the story but those stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending's boring she just makes don't spoil the ending not because Bluey hasn't heard it unicorns I'm trying to make you a nice unicorn okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes yes of course one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will no not today down down phew done thanks Dad hey Bingo you move your bed to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did it so we can still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he had us okay these teddies are mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Granddad because he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she can be both of us yes that's right so whose room should she go in um she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh okay [Music] don't you want to teach Bob some car games cartoon all right there you go Okay who wants to be in charge of the shopping list Bob Bob this is really funny yeah really funny [Applause] [Music] kids it's enough of that thing I'm sure Bob is sick yeah whatever kids I'm putting out photos in Bob bilby's book [Music] here you go one coin you have one turn best of luck [Music] okay what [Music] you lose you lose you lose great dancer magic claw insert more coins do more jobs [Music] great they're learning a lesson and we get the house clean neither of those things are happening okay let's do this [Music] you lose dad this this isn't fur okay you will hide and I'll seek go step two hang on yeah hang on a minute we'll only hide if you promise not to forget you're looking for us I've never done that yes you have okay okay I promise good now don't get distracted [Music] [Music] now where could they be hiding tennis ball oh don't get distracted Bluey [Music] um they're hiding really well anyone in here I'm still timing you Bingo they have to catch Jackie you brush your teeth I'll catch Daddy okay no you find your hat I'll catch gecky keep timing I can't find it have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere oh there it is oh yeah oh come on what was it the Grandad used to say when he was a soldier hurry up and wait hurry up away Bingo teeth oh yes sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this up oh why do I have to help [Music] okay let's go I need you out the door in one minute can I have my hat like Grandad's with a side bit up like that I can't find floppy anywhere okay keep calm let's retrace your steps when did you last have him I don't know okay what did you do before you got ready for bed I don't know um we were on the balcony we were making a fire to put the chicken [Music] fire that's gonna love this egg that reminds me we better turn it back into a dog okay kids bedtime oh Mom then we came here righto let's check the balcony no sign of floppy ah what did you do before you made the campfire um we took chicken right into the bathroom [Music] time to lay your egg egg [Music]
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 38,720,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, Music and Games, Live Stream
Id: PT6tCNLiN3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 12sec (8292 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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