Always Give God The Start Of Your Day | Blessed Prayers To Encourage and Uplift Your Spirit

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most people in a time of struggling in a time of despair or in seasons of trial they will ask god to rescue them they'll ask him to deliver them but tell me what happens when you ask god to take this problem or situation away and he doesn't what happens when you've told the mountain to move and it does not move what now well i'd like to submit to you that during those times when trouble just won't go away and when the rain just does not stop your prayer should actually be god go with me through this storm lord give me the power to face this problem look at the three hebrew boys who were thrown into a fiery furnace god didn't deliver them from being thrown in the fire but instead god was in the fire with them you see god didn't deliver daniel from being thrown in the lion's den god was right there with him in all these situations god was in the storm he was in the fire he was right there in the problem with them psalm 23 verse 4 says even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death even though i walk through take note of it even though i walk through this isn't a case of saying god don't let me walk through the valley of the shadow of death or god save me from the valley of the shadow of death no it's saying but even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me the key part is for you are with me and i want you to know that god is with you [Music] god is with you in the fire the lord is with you in the deep waters he is with you during the test and during the battle so should you find yourself in hardship remember that god is with you should you find yourself in the middle of a spiritual battle god is still with you so when the mountain won't move pray for the strength to climb that mountain when the giant won't move pray for the power to defeat that giant when your burdens become too big then cast your burdens on the lord when we are drowning in sorrow and there looks to be no way out pray for the god of the ages to make possible what is impossible to man god is with you if you're in a fight at this moment in time if you're in a battle god is with you and that battle it belongs to god let him fight for you [Music] the only way you'll be able to withstand the fiery furnace the only way you'll be able to survive the lion's den is if you come to the understanding that you need to fully surrender yes surrender to jesus and pray this god if this trial won't go away then face this trial with me [Music] if i must go through this fire father then go through this fire with me be with me lord and should you do this then god will provide you with the grace to overcome and the strength to withstand now let us pray father god i praise you i say that you alone deserve to be honored and reverenced i pray lord that you would give me the strength to stand strong even if i'm going through difficult circumstances help me lord help me to make the right decisions help me to decide to fully trust in you help me lord to stand up in full trust and confidence that you will make a way for me where there seems to be no way and even when i'm going through a tough time i will still decide to worship you lord jesus even if i should find myself under pressure give me the strength lord to still sing praises to your name and to still declare that you are good god i thank you for giving me strength psalm 59 verse 16 says but i will sing of your strength i will sing a loud of your steadfast love in the morning for you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress indeed father i will sing of your strength i will sing of your steadfast love i will glorify your name and sing that you have been my fortress in times of distress and i thank you lord you alone are worthy of all my honor and you alone are worthy of all my praise lord jesus creation sings with joy at the sound of your name the devil is defeated at the name of jesus walls and barriers come down when we speak your name god not only will every knee bow and every tongue confess that you are lord but every problem and every stronghold every force of darkness will be defeated at the sound of the name of jesus christ there is no power greater than you lord nothing and no one can stand against you god father please help me to have complete trust complete reliance in your power father i believe that you will give me a breakthrough in situations where i cannot find a solution you have indeed promised that those who seek the lord lack no good thing and so i declare that i lack nothing in my life there is no physical lack no emotional lack no spiritual lack at your name mountains move obstacles are destroyed and demons tremble at your name lord jesus storms become calm darkness becomes light and despair turns into hope i pray that worry anxiety and fear will have no influence over my life nothing that is from the devil can overwhelm me in jesus name it's you lord who give me peace that surpasses all human understanding or comprehension you lord enable me to live victoriously in a world full of chaos and madness i pray that you would help me to be fixated on the things above and not on the things on this earth help me to keep my focus on you to remain devoted to you to remain rooted and anchored in faith to you my heart will not be a fearful heart because my trust and protection is found in the god of abraham isaac and jacob i am confident because you lord have told me in your word saying be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the lord your god goes with you he will never leave you nor forsake you empower me lord jesus to stand strong and hold on to your word in psalm 118 verses 6 to 7 which says the lord is on my side i will not fear what can man do to me the lord is for me among those who help me therefore i shall see my desire on those who hate me be blessed and glorified o king jesus lead me in your truth and in your wisdom lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen the bible in 2nd timothy chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 gives us a detailed list of the type of characteristics we are to avoid the bible reads but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty for people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful unholy heartless unappeasable slanderous without self-control brutal not loving god treacherous reckless swollen with conceit lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having the appearance of godliness but denying its power avoid such people the sad truth is that none of us are nearly as spiritual and as holy as we want everyone else to believe and my message today is to really highlight a few of these points and encourage you to put to death the things of the flesh from this list in 2nd timothy a few things jump out people will be lovers of self lovers of money meaning that they will put themselves and they will put money above the lord secondly people will become ungrateful so for all of god's goodness for all of his mercy shown for his grace and protection people will have no gratitude and finally people will have an appearance of godliness an outward form of religion but they will deny the lord's power because they do not really have the love of god in them they do not have the holy spirit working within them and so i encourage you to get to know jesus christ for yourself do not rely on what someone else says about him don't rely on your own thoughts about the lord but instead devote yourself to search the word of god so that you will know him personally invite the holy spirit and let him lead you into truth and revelation about god the bible says in john chapter 14 verse 15 to 17 if you love me you will keep my commandments and i will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you that's the holy spirit when you recognize and experience god's love his divine true and everlasting love you will not be a lover of self nor will you be a lover of money because you cannot have an encounter with god and remain the same the love of our almighty god is characterized by grace forgiveness and mercy he is a god who always protects you a god who always provides for you and a god who is merciful to those who repent and so how can you fail to be thankful how can you be ungrateful to such a god and finally i encourage you to make room for the holy spirit make room for him in your heart and in your life invite him in he will bring about a renewal and a transformation in your life and it begins within your heart this is the only way that you can get rid of all false pretenses and all religiousness do not have a form of godliness but instead invite the holy spirit in your heart so that you will be a person who genuinely practices godliness now let us pray dear father you are the king of my heart you are my savior lord jesus i praise you for such a deep and supernatural love that i could never repay how great is your love oh god that you gave your only begotten son so that i should not perish but have everlasting life i did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that i should not perish i pray lord jesus that i would never be a lover of self or a lover of money but instead may you always be the main love of my life lord would you fill me with the holy spirit so that i would never deceive myself or anyone else by having an appearance of godliness but yet denying its power instead i desire to be radically transformed by the holy spirit may he work within me to mold and shape me into the kind of believer who you are pleased with lord jesus i pray that you would search my heart my motives and my intentions examine me lord and remove all ungodly traits and habits in my life [Music] you are a god who knows all who sees all all that is done in the light and all the deeds and thoughts which are done in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets i am grateful that you still decided to offer me your perfect love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and you know where i fall short and so i pray that the holy spirit would help me so that i would never be ignorant of god's unfailing love help me never to be ungrateful for such a love i thank you lord jesus for your faithfulness even through life's most difficult moments to you alone be the glory in your presence is the safest place that i can be and i am grateful to be able to call on the name above every name the name of jesus christ it's a privilege to be saved to be loved and to be cared for by you may you walk beside me each and every day lord you are a constant friend and may your presence surround my home and stay with me all throughout the day and may it cover me at night only in you do i place my belief and confidence for all things because you have proven yourself time and time again to be a god whom i can depend on i pray that a divine and holy peace may overflow in my spirit and i pray that the holy spirit would help me to know you better lord help me to get to know your word and your promises and your will for my life i pray that the holy ghost would help me to put jesus christ first in every area of my life i pray for the grace to live one day at a time and rejoice in each new day help me to always be focused on righteousness and holiness lord jesus i place my trust in you i am devoted and committed to you [Music] draw near to me father as i seek to be closer to you you are worthy to be exalted and i uplift your name on high all the glory and praise be unto you in jesus name i pray amen [Music] the bible calls for us to examine ourselves to investigate to assess and to scrutinize ourselves lamentations chapter 3 verse 40 says let us test and examine our ways and return to the lord first corinthians chapter 11 verse 28 says let a person examine himself then and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup examine what you tolerate in your life what do you give room to examine who you associate with the company you keep what are they feeding you what kind of seeds are they planting in your life it's important to examine yourself against the standard of god's word and it's only when you take the word of god and use it as a mirror in your own life that you can truly examine yourself and ask questions like what ungodly things do i tolerate what ungodly conversations am i involved in what ungodly thoughts am i entertaining you see to the outside world you can look as though you are full of enthusiasm for jesus christ you can appear to be the model christian you can be an encourager to others and yet still be struggling yourself you can witness the gospel of jesus christ but still be struggling with your own salvation the point i am trying to make is that we as people can hide our real selves we are rarely transparent with our battles how many people come out and admit that they struggle with pride how many people have you come across who will openly say that my area of weakness is anger it's unforgiveness it's lust however the bible says in proverbs chapter 15 verse 3 the eyes of the lord are in every place keeping watch on the evil and the good meaning that god sees deep and beyond the physical the sight of the lord reaches all the way down into the chambers of your heart we can deceive people and fool them into thinking that we are doing well and that we are strong christians but we cannot deceive the lord the lord knows every detail of your every thought he weighs your intentions and sees what drives you so examine your heart evaluate yourself judge yourself honestly so that you can go before the lord and ask for strength and grace and mercy you know if you are really a doer of the word instead of just a hearer you know if you are genuinely striving to live and practice righteousness other people may not see it but you know if jesus christ really is the king of your heart and i want to remind you that god also knows the answers to these questions he sees all so remember lamentations chapter 3 verse 40 let us test and examine our ways and return to the lord first corinthians chapter 11 verse 28 let a person examine himself then and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup now let us pray dear lord jesus help me to examine myself help me to measure myself against your word the bible says in first corinthians chapter 11 verse 31 but if we judged ourselves truly we would not be judged help me to do this lord teach me how i should honestly evaluate and judge myself help me to recognize my shortcomings and through the power of the holy spirit give me the strength to correct my behavior [Music] i understand lord jesus that self-evaluation self-examination and the judgment of self is hugely important if i am to become a christian who is living a life that is pleasing to the lord it's with this understanding that i pray for a renewed mind a transformed mind move in and fill my heart lord jesus let the word of god be written on every side on every corner and in every place within my heart let my heart be filled with the holy ghost and remove the lust of the world from within me remove the love of money remove the anger lord remove the bitterness father heal me where i need healing make me whole where i am lacking satisfy my desires and passions with holy and righteous things help me to examine myself lord jesus to hold myself accountable against the standard that is in your word i pray that i would be obedient to your word and not have any tolerance or excuses for some sins over the other i pray that you would convict me holy spirit so that i would not be a hypocrite who says one thing but lives in a completely different way so if i say that jesus christ is my lord and savior help me holy ghost to remove all idols from my life help me to examine myself and see if i am really trying to live like jesus did when he was on this earth if i say jesus christ as my lord help me to examine my own life so that i can see whether i am living in a way that reflects that i am saved that i have been born again [Music] i pray for the genuine love of god to be within me i pray for the genuine fear of the lord to govern my life romans 12 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect i pray lord that i should be separate from this world help me not to conform to the world's superficial values and its customs help me not to conform to the ungodly things which are so widely tolerated by this world but instead i pray king jesus that i would be transformed i pray that there would be a progressive change in my heart in my mind in my attitude and in my character i pray for spiritual maturity lord i pray for a renewed mind that's focused on godly values i desire to have a heart that follows the good and acceptable and perfect will of god help me king jesus to be obedient to colossians chapter 3 verse 2 which says set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth i bless your holy name for hearing my prayer thank you lord in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] i have a series of questions for you today questions that will and should get you to think and reflect on your own life [Music] dear christian man or woman since you are a follower of jesus christ since you are a believer are you striving to be more and more like jesus christ each and every day are you pursuing righteousness have you put to death the sinful ways which lead to death james chapter 1 verse 22 to 25 in the amplified translation says but prove yourselves doers of the word actively and continually obeying god's precepts and not mere listeners who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning deluding yourselves by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth for if anyone only listens to the word without obeying it he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror for once he has looked at himself and gone away he immediately forgets what he looked like but he who looks carefully into the perfect law the law of liberty and faithfully abides by it not having become a careless listener who forgets but an active doer who obeys he will be blessed and favored by god in what he does in his life of obedience if you confess that you are saved does your life reflect that if you confess that you have faith in god do your actions reflect this dear christian man or woman since you are a follower of jesus christ are you following the example that the lord set while he was here on earth are you praying often are you forgiving are you taking yourself away from all the noise and distractions of the world so that you can spend time alone with god are you living for the kingdom of god are you refusing to conform to this world these are necessary and important questions for all of us to ask ourselves from time to time when was the last time you asked the question am i following the ten commandments saints are we removing ourselves from the busyness of life so that we can pray are we turning off the distractions of the world so we can pray if the answer is no then i encourage you to start today start praying today start making your spiritual life a priority today start following the examples that jesus christ said today begin to make a concentrated effort when it comes to how much time you're spending in god's word become consistent in your walk with christ become relentless as you search for a higher level of fellowship with god start today [Music] now let us pray heavenly father i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great and mighty power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i bow before you today i set my heart in your hands i humbly ask for your presence to walk with me you have said in isaiah 41 verse 10 i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand father i'm seeking a double portion of faith to sustain me a long life's journey i acknowledge you lord jesus as my personal savior i acknowledge that you are the way the truth and the life i know that you are god i know that you are all powerful i know that you are in control may your holy spirit continue to guide us and may your angels walk with us wherever we may go may you strengthen us lord with the power of your might dress us with your armor lord so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil and as much as i am aware of the opposition that i will come up against as a believer i also know the power that i have access to when i call on the name of jesus i thank you lord for your wonderful sacrifice your precious blood has cleansed me of the filthy rags of sin and your mercy has clothed me in a robe of righteousness a robe that covers me head to toe all because of the perfect work you completed on the cross i know that it is in you that i live it is in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your wall of fire surrounding me and my family with your hedge of protection your blood lord jesus is living and it is powerful you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble king jesus i open my heart and my life to you so that you may take priority i pray that you would over overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 verse 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me in my family and let us hold our peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been for the lord we would have been consumed you are a god who moves mountains and regardless of the things happening around me regardless of the things going on in this world you are our protector our keeper and our redeemer regardless of what may come you are still on your throne you are still a good god who will never leave me nor forsake me you are a god who brings peace in troubling times you lord jesus are faithful you are just and you are loving [Music] i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one father as your children we need to hear your voice speak to us father may the voice of your holy spirit be heard in our hearts your word says in exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation he is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him i thank you for your goodness and it is because you are good it is because you first love me before i was ever formed in my mother's womb it is because you have proven your love time and time again it's because all these reasons that i would rather dwell and abide in your presence than anywhere else in jesus name i pray [Music] amen the word of god teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in christ it's by faith that we come to accept jesus christ as our lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above hebrews 11 verse 6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with god and please him for whoever comes near to god must necessarily believe that god exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek him matthew 21 verse 22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith ephesians 2 verse 8 says for by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of god this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our christian living hebrews 11 verse 1 says now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new king james translation of that same verse says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen pay close attention to how the bible describes faith first faith is assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in god's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in god there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is us presenting our belief as evidence to god so when you say lord i trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to god when you say god i trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on god without murmuring or complaining [Music] is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on god to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in god's word faith in who god is and faith in his promises heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith [Music] increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay me i will hope in him [Music] god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen [Music] most people in a time of struggling in a time of despair or in seasons of trial they will ask god to rescue them they'll ask him to deliver them but tell me what happens when you ask god to take this problem or situation away and he doesn't what happens when you've told the mountain to move and it does not move what now well i'd like to submit to you that during those times when trouble just won't go away and when the rain just does not stop your prayers should actually be god go with me through this storm lord give me the power to face this problem look at the three hebrew boys who were thrown into a fiery furnace god didn't deliver them from being thrown in the fire but instead god was in the fire with them you see god didn't deliver daniel from being thrown in the lion's den god was right there with him in all these situations god was in the storm he was in the fire he was right there in the problem with them psalm 23 verse 4 says even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death even though i walk through take note of it even though i walk through this isn't a case of saying god don't let me walk through the valley of the shadow of death or god save me from the valley of the shadow of death no it's saying but even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me the key part is for you are with me and i want you to know that god is with you god is with you in the fire the lord is with you in the deep waters he is with you during the test and during the battle so should you find yourself in hardship remember that god is with you should you find yourself in the middle of a spiritual battle god is still with you so when the mountain won't move pray for the strength to climb that mountain when the giant won't move pray for the power to defeat that giant when your burdens become too big then cast your burdens on the lord when we are drowning in sorrow and there looks to be no way out pray for the god of the ages to make possible what is impossible to man god is with you if you're in a fight at this moment in time if you're in a battle god is with you and that battle it belongs to god let him fight for you [Music] the only way you'll be able to withstand the fiery furnace the only way you'll be able to survive the lion's den is if you come to the understanding that you need to fully surrender yes surrender to jesus and pray this god if this trial won't go away then face this trial with me if i must go through this fire father then go through this fire with me be with me lord and should you do this then god will provide you with the grace to overcome and the strength to withstand now let us pray father god i praise you i say that you alone deserve to be honored and reverenced i pray lord that you would give me the strength to stand strong even if i'm going through difficult circumstances help me lord help me to make the right decisions help me to decide to fully trust in you help me lord to stand up in full trust and confidence that you will make a way for me where there seems to be no way and even when i'm going through a tough time i will still decide to worship you lord jesus even if i should find myself under pressure give me the strength lord to still sing praises to your name and to still declare that you are good god i thank you for giving me strength psalm 59 verse 16 says but i will sing of your strength i will sing a loud of your steadfast love in the morning for you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress indeed father i will sing of your strength i will sing of your steadfast love i will glorify your name and sing that you have been my fortress in times of distress and i thank you lord you alone are worthy of all my honor and you alone are worthy of all my praise lord jesus creation sings with joy at the sound of your name the devil is defeated at the name of jesus walls and barriers come down when we speak your name god not only will every knee bow and every tongue confess that you are lord but every problem and every stronghold every force of darkness will be defeated at the sound of the name of jesus christ there is no power greater than you lord nothing and no one can stand against you god father please help me to have complete trust complete reliance in your power father i believe that you will give me a breakthrough in situations where i cannot find a solution you have indeed promised that those who seek the lord lack no good thing and so i declare that i lack nothing in my life there is no physical lack no emotional lack no spiritual lack at your name mountains move obstacles are destroyed and demons tremble at your name lord jesus storms become calm darkness becomes light and despair turns into hope [Music] i pray that worry anxiety and fear will have no influence over my life nothing that is from the devil can overwhelm me in jesus name it's you lord who give me peace that surpasses all human understanding or comprehension you lord enable me to live victoriously in a world full of chaos and madness i pray that you would help me to be fixated on the things above and not on the things on this earth help me to keep my focus on you to remain devoted to you to remain rooted and anchored in faith to you my heart will not be a fearful heart because my trust and protection is found in the god of abraham isaac and jacob i am confident because you lord have told me in your word saying be strong and courageous do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the lord your god goes with you he will never leave you nor forsake you empower me lord jesus to stand strong and hold on to your word in psalm 118 verses 6 to 7 which says the lord is on my side i will not fear what can man do to me the lord is for me among those who help me therefore i shall see my desire on those who hate me be blessed and glorified o king jesus lead me in your truth and in your wisdom lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and matchless name of jesus christ i pray amen the bible in second timothy chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 gives us a detailed list of the type of characteristics we are to avoid the bible reads but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty for people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful unholy heartless unappeasable slanderous without self-control brutal not loving god treacherous reckless swollen with conceit lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having the appearance of godliness but denying its power avoid such people the sad truth is that none of us are nearly as spiritual and as holy as we want everyone else to believe and my message today is to really highlight a few of these points and encourage you to put to death the things of the flesh from this list in ii timothy a few things jump out people will be lovers of self lovers of money meaning that they will put themselves and they will put money above the lord secondly people will become ungrateful so for all of god's goodness for all of his mercy shown for his grace and protection people will have no gratitude and finally people will have an appearance of godliness an outward form of religion but they will deny the lord's power because they do not really have the love of god in them they do not have the holy spirit working within them and so i encourage you to get to know jesus christ for yourself do not rely on what someone else says about him don't rely on your own thoughts about the lord but instead devote yourself to search the word of god so that you will know him personally invite the holy spirit and let him lead you into truth and revelation about god the bible says in john chapter 14 verse 15 to 17 if you love me you will keep my commandments and i will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you that's the holy spirit when you recognize and experience god's love his divine true and everlasting love you will not be a lover of self nor will you be a lover of money because you cannot have an encounter with god and remain the same the love of our almighty god is characterized by grace forgiveness and mercy he is a god who always protects you a god who always provides for you and a god who is merciful to those who repent and so how can you fail to be thankful how can you be ungrateful to such a god and finally i encourage you to make room for the holy spirit make room for him in your heart and in your life invite him in he will bring about a renewal and a transformation in your life and it begins within your heart this is the only way that you can get rid of all false pretenses and all religiousness do not have a form of godliness but instead invite the holy spirit in your heart so that you will be a person who genuinely practices godliness now let us pray dear father you are the king of my heart you are my savior lord jesus i praise you for such a deep and supernatural love that i could never repay how great is your love o god that you gave your only begotten son so that i should not perish but have everlasting life i did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that i should not perish i pray lord jesus that i would never be a lover of self or a lover of money but instead may you always be the main love of my life lord would you fill me with the holy spirit so that i would never deceive myself or anyone else by having an appearance of godliness but yet denying its power instead i desire to be radically transformed by the holy spirit may he work within me to mold and shape me into the kind of believer who you are pleased with lord jesus i pray that you would search my heart my motives and my intentions examine me lord and remove all ungodly trait and habits in my life you are a god who knows all who sees all all that is done in the light and all the deeds and thoughts which are done in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets i am grateful that you still decided to offer me your perfect love [Music] you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and you know where i fall short and so i pray that the holy spirit would help me so that i would never be ignorant of god's unfailing love help me never to be ungrateful for such a love i thank you lord jesus for your faithfulness even through life's most difficult moments to you alone be the glory in your presence is the safest place that i can be and i am grateful to be able to call on the name above every name the name of jesus christ it's a privilege to be saved to be loved and to be cared for by you may you walk beside me each and every day lord you are a constant friend and may your presence surround my home and stay with me all throughout the day and may it cover me at night only in you do i place my belief and confidence for all things because you have proven yourself time and time again to be a god whom i can depend on [Music] pray that a divine and holy peace may overflow in my spirit and i pray that the holy spirit would help me to know you better lord help me to get to know your word and your promises and your will for my life i pray that the holy ghost would help me to put jesus christ first in every area of my life i pray for the grace to live one day at a time and rejoice in each new day help me to always be focused on righteousness and holiness lord jesus i place my trust in you i am devoted and committed to you draw near to me father as i seek to be closer to you you are worthy to be exalted and i uplift your name on high all the glory and praise be unto you in jesus name i pray amen the bible calls for us to examine ourselves to investigate to assess and to scrutinize ourselves lamentations chapter 3 verse 40 says let us test and examine our ways and return to the lord first corinthians chapter 11 verse 28 says let a person examine himself then and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup examine what you tolerate in your life what do you give room to examine who you associate with the company you keep what are they feeding you what kind of seeds are they planting in your life it's important to examine yourself against the standard of god's word and it's only when you take the word of god and use it as a mirror in your own life that you can truly examine yourself and ask questions like what ungodly things do i tolerate what ungodly conversations am i involved in what ungodly thoughts am i entertaining you see to the outside world you can look as though you are full of enthusiasm for jesus christ you can appear to be the model christian you can be an encourager to others and yet still be struggling yourself you can witness the gospel of jesus christ but still be struggling with your own salvation the point i am trying to make is that we as people can hide our real selves we are rarely transparent with our battles [Music] how many people come out and admit that they struggle with pride how many people have you come across who will openly say that my area of weakness is anger it's unforgiveness it's lust however the bible says in proverbs chapter 15 verse 3 the eyes of the lord are in every place keeping watch on the evil and the good meaning that god sees deep and beyond the physical the sight of the lord reaches all the way down into the chambers of your heart we can deceive people and fool them into thinking that we are doing well and that we are strong christians but we cannot deceive the lord the lord knows every detail of your every thought he weighs your intentions and sees what drives you [Music] so examine your heart evaluate yourself judge yourself honestly so that you can go before the lord and ask for strength and grace and mercy you know if you are really a doer of the word instead of just a hearer you know if you are genuinely striving to live and practice righteousness other people may not see it but you know if jesus christ really is the king of your heart and i want to remind you that god also knows the answers to these questions he sees all so remember lamentations chapter 3 verse 40. let us test and examine our ways and return to the lord first corinthians chapter 11 verse 28 let a person examine himself then and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup now let us pray lord jesus help me to examine myself help me to measure myself against your word the bible says in first corinthians chapter 11 verse 31 but if we judged ourselves truly we would not be judged help me to do this lord teach me how i should honestly evaluate and judge myself help me to recognize my shortcomings and through the power of the holy spirit give me the strength to correct my behavior i understand lord jesus that self-evaluation self-examination and the judgment of self is hugely important if i am to become a christian who is living a life that is pleasing to the lord it's with this understanding that i pray for a renewed mind a transformed mind move in and fill my heart lord jesus let the word of god be written on every side on every corner and in every place within my heart let my heart be filled with the holy ghost and remove the lust of the world from within me remove the love of money remove the anger lord remove the bitterness father heal me where i need healing make me whole where i am lacking satisfy my desires and passions with holy and righteous things help me to examine myself lord jesus to hold myself accountable against the standard that is in your word i pray that i would be obedient to your word and not have any tolerance or excuses for some sins over the other i pray that you would convict me holy spirit so that i would not be a hypocrite who says one thing but lives in a completely different way so if i say that jesus christ is my lord and savior help me holy ghost to remove all idols from my life help me to examine myself and see if i am really trying to live like jesus did when he was on this earth [Music] if i say jesus christ as my lord help me to examine my own life so that i can see whether i am living in a way that reflects that i am saved that i have been born again i pray for the genuine love of god to be within me i pray for the genuine fear of the lord to govern my life romans 12 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect i pray lord that i should be separate from this world help me not to conform to the world superficial values and its customs help me not to conform to the ungodly things which are so widely tolerated by this world but instead i pray king jesus that i would be transformed i pray that there would be a progressive change in my heart in my mind in my attitude and in my character i pray for spiritual maturity lord i pray for a renewed mind that's focused on godly values i desire to have a heart that follows the good and acceptable and perfect will of god help me king jesus to be obedient to colossians chapter 3 verse 2 which says set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth i bless your holy name for hearing my prayer thank you lord in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray [Music] amen i have a series of questions for you today questions that will and should get you to think and reflect on your own life dear christian man or woman since you are a follower of jesus christ since you are a believer are you striving to be more and more like jesus christ each and every day are you pursuing righteousness have you put to death the sinful ways which lead to death [Music] james chapter 1 verse 22 to 25 in the amplified translation says but prove yourselves doers of the word actively and continually obeying god's precepts and not mere listeners who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning deluding yourselves by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth for if anyone only listens to the word without obeying it he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror for once he has looked at himself and gone away he immediately forgets what he looked like but he who looks carefully into the perfect law the law of liberty and faithfully abides by it not having become a careless listener who forgets but an active doer who obeys he will be blessed and favored by god in what he does in his life of obedience if you confess that you are saved does your life reflect that if you confess that you have faith in god do your actions reflect this [Music] dear christian man or woman since you are a follower of jesus christ are you following the example that the lord said while he was here on earth are you praying often are you forgiving are you taking yourself away from all the noise and distractions of the world so that you can spend time alone with god are you living for the kingdom of god are you refusing to conform to this world these are necessary and important questions for all of us to ask ourselves from time to time when was the last time you asked the question am i following the ten commandments saints are we removing ourselves from the busyness of life so that we can pray are we turning off the distractions of the world so we can pray if the answer is no then i encourage you to start today start praying today start making your spiritual life a priority today start following the examples that jesus christ said today begin to make a concentrated effort when it comes to how much time you're spending in god's word become consistent in your walk with christ become relentless as you search for a higher level of fellowship with god start today now let us pray heavenly father i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great and mighty power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i bow before you today i set my heart in your hands i humbly ask for your presence to walk with me you have said in isaiah 41 verse 10 i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand father i'm seeking a double portion of faith to sustain me a long life's journey i acknowledge you lord jesus as my personal savior i acknowledge that you are the way the truth and the life i know that you are god i know that you are all powerful i know that you are in control may your holy spirit continue to guide us and may your angels walk with us wherever we may go [Music] may you strengthen us lord with the power of your might dress us with your armor lord so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil and as much as i am aware of the opposition that i will come up against as a believer i also know the power that i have access to when i call on the name of jesus i thank you lord for your wonderful sacrifice your precious blood has cleansed me of the filthy rags of sin and your mercy has clothed me in a robe of righteousness a robe that covers me head to toe all because of the perfect work you completed on the cross i know that it is in you that i live it is in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your wall of fire surrounding me and my family with your hedge of protection your blood lord jesus is living and it is powerful you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble king jesus i open my heart and my life to you so that you may take priority i pray that you would over overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 verse 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me in my family and let us hold our peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been for the lord we would have been consumed you are a god who moves mountains and regardless of the things happening around me regardless of the things going on in this world you are our protector our keeper and our redeemer regardless of what may come you are still on your throne you are still a good god who will never leave me nor forsake me you are a god who brings peace in troubling times you lord jesus are faithful you are just and you are loving i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one father as your children we need to hear your voice speak to us father may the voice of your holy spirit be heard in our hearts your word says in exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation he is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him i thank you for your goodness and it is because you are good it is because you first love me before i was ever formed in my mother's womb it is because you have proven your love time and time again it's because all these reasons that i would rather dwell and abide in your presence than anywhere else in jesus name i pray amen the word of god teaches us that faith is absolutely necessary for a believer in christ it's by faith that we come to accept jesus christ as our lord and savior [Music] it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above hebrews 11 verse 6 says but without faith it is impossible to walk with god and please him for whoever comes near to god must necessarily believe that god exists and that he rewards those who earnestly and diligently seek him [Music] matthew 21 verse 22 and whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith ephesians 2 verse 8 says for by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of god [Music] this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our christian living hebrews 11 verse 1 says now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen the new king james translation of that same verse says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen pay close attention to how the bible describes faith [Music] first faith is assurance meaning it's a guarantee it's a declaration of confidence in god's power and in his ability secondly faith is substance meaning that it's real it's tangible third faith is conviction it's a strong or firmly held belief persuasion or position in god there is no doubt and fourth faith is evidence faith is the proof the indication the display of total trust in the lord in a court of law there will always be an argument put forward by each party both the prosecutor and defendant will have to provide evidence in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor and it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision so if the bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen that means that faith is us presenting our belief as evidence to god so when you say lord i trust you to be my provider how strong is your evidence how strong is the belief that you are presenting to god when you say god i trust you to be my healer just how robust is the case that you're putting forward is it backed by layers and layers of faith is it backed by the action of you waiting patiently on god without murmuring or complaining [Music] is it backed by evidence such as you being able to still have joy and praise in your heart even though you are still waiting on god to meet your need faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in god's word faith in who god is and faith in his promises heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15 though he slay me i will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen [Music] foreign you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 462,702
Rating: 4.8356023 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: gv2PBAY_Y_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 0sec (5820 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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