Start Your Day By Putting God First Every Morning | Blessed Prayers To Invite God's Presence

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have you ever been in a room full of people but felt as though you don't belong have you ever gone to a place an event or a concert even but felt as though you don't belong there have you ever bumped into an old friend and you get to talk and in the middle of the conversation you realize no something is off here i'm no longer comfortable around you well when jesus christ enters your heart when you are born again you will begin to recognize a few things old appetites are gone you begin to question your old habits you analyze and become aware of your sinful thought patterns when jesus christ enters your heart and you truly receive him you will find that the old rooms you used to enter so freely will become challenging to step into because your heart has changed the places you used to visit those bars those adult entertainment places all of them will make your spirit feel uneasy and you certainly won't be comfortable in that environment anymore and this is all because jesus christ has entered your heart you see when the lord begins a work he will always deal with you first he will always start with the inner part of you first and that in turn will result in a change of attitude a change of habits a change of behavior romans 12 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect [Music] saints do not conform to this world that's a clear word of instruction don't comply with this world don't become acclimated to this world saints we are in this world but we should not become accustomed nor should we adjust to this world and so you may ask what exactly should we not be accustomed to in this world well let me tell you that the bible says in second corinthians 4 verse 4 in their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god i want to focus on the first few words of this verse the god of this world has blinded the minds saints this world is lost and the bible clearly says the god of this world the devil satan he has a hold on the minds of people who are not in christ this is why we ought not to be conformed to the patterns to the values and the customs of this world have you noticed the heresy the blasphemy the lack of reverence for godly principles that this world has we need to be a people who are focused on christ a people who are governed by the word of god a people who are regulated and directed by the holy spirit so that we can truly seek first the kingdom of god listen don't be afraid to stand out if it means jesus christ gets all the glory don't be afraid to be rejected by this world if it means that you are accepted by jesus let's pray that the lord would give us a spirit that is alert to the dark influences of this world pray for a spirit that is drawn to godly values and the pursuit of righteousness [Music] lord jesus i pray that i would not be accustomed to or conformed to this world open my eyes so that i can see this world for what it truly is a place that is temporary a place that encourages physical pleasure over spiritual things like fasting and prayer it's a world that fosters the love of money the love of power and the spirit of pride lord i come against these things in my life i rebuke these shallow and temporary desires of money of worldly success and pride over my life father don't allow me to be tolerant of the evil that's in this world give me the courage and boldness to stand up to this world and declare that jesus christ is lord i don't care about the values customs or agendas that are pushed by this world i care only about living a life that you approve lord jesus a life that is filled with faith so that it may be pleasing to you i care about living a life that glorifies you a life that points to you as the savior of the world a life that points to your goodness your grace and your mercy transform me god change me realign my focus so that i will not be distracted or derailed by anything in this world instead let my obsession be to carry out your will let my true passion be to do that which is good and acceptable and perfect in your sight [Music] philippians 3 verses 20 through 21 say but our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savior the lord jesus christ who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself thank you lord for this blessed and reassuring word that my citizenship is in heaven with you i belong with you lord and heaven is my home this is why i understand that friendship with the world is enmity with god and so i do not wish to be a friend of the world and make myself an enemy of the one true god but i would rather be rejected by the world and accepted by you lord jesus i would rather stand and be persecuted by this world if it means that i can call you friend lord jesus i would rather be poor in terms of worldly possession if that means i have riches stored up for me in heaven [Music] all in all lord teach me not to love the things of this world teach me to have the love of god but not to be in love with the world father you are worthy of all honor and praise may your holy name be lifted high each and every day in my life god i thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen [Music] this world loves to define strength by how much you can lift or how much you can carry or how much weight you can move but i believe i believe that true strength is more than the physical things we see you see the way god works is that he takes what we consider to be weak and he uses it to demonstrate his strength real strength to me it could be tears quietly streaming down the face of a man or a woman who was praying and worshiping god after his or her entire world has come crashing down real strength to me is the man or woman who is mourning the loss of a child but yet they are still able to say god is good strength to me strength to me is the man that steps out in faith the woman that steps out in faith to do something to start something that they know they are called to do real strength is a young shepherd boy who has no military expertise but can march up to a feared warrior who just so happens to be a giant and say you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied [Music] you see real strength real strength is publicly refusing to bow down to an idol the way shadrach meshach and abednego did imagine this scene the entire city of babylon is out everyone who's anyone is there the mayor the governors the army the school teachers the neighbors you try to impress even everyone is out to worship and to bow down to the gold statue of a power-hungry king call nebuchadnezzar what's worse is not only is everybody out not only is everyone conforming to the king's request not only is everyone doing the same thing but everyone knew the consequence of refusing to obey the king's request and so i know that the three hebrew boys demonstrated an unimaginable level of strength the kind of strength that doesn't come with steroids it doesn't come with lifting weights or being the leader of a mighty army but it's a strength that comes from knowing god almighty shadrach meshach and abednego demonstrated strength by refusing to do what everyone else was doing [Music] they demonstrated strength by refusing to do what the king wanted because it would compromise their faith these three demonstrated by looking around at the entire city all conforming to the king's wishes but they said no they were ready to be burned alive rather than to accept an idol as their god they were ready to be looked at as outcasts if it meant that they would keep their integrity and faithfully serve god this my friends is real strength and let me tell you that anytime you see a demonstration of real strength such as the examples i've given then know that god is in the midst of it only god can strengthen you to face goliath only god can strengthen you to say no to an idol only god can give you real strength now let us pray king jesus you are a mighty god you are worthy to be worshipped lord i come before you today seeking strength i'm seeking the strength to face the enemy in my life i'm seeking the strength to say no to the idols that demand to be worshiped father i come in agreement with everyone listening right now we say that you are our source of strength you are our route to victory the enemy can outnumber us but we will remain steadfast in faith because of you jesus the enemy can try and overwhelm us but we as your children lord we will prove to be too strong for his wicked attempts in jesus name lord we can come under attack from the rulers from the authorities the powers of this dark world but we will remain strong because the blood of jesus christ still has power it still has wonder working power in all circumstances lord i thank you that we can declare exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation this is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him it's you who strengthens me lord jesus it's you who upholds me when it feels as though i'm sinking father it's you that will be my help when i am failing and so lord in my weakness i boast in your strength king jesus i say that you are strong you are mighty you are all powerful father god give us real strength true strength that comes only from you give us the strength to be bold men and women of god who will not conform to the standards of this world we refuse to partake in the evil immoral and sinful standards of this world father let your word in isaiah 12 verse 2 let it be true in our lives as we say behold god is my salvation i will trust and will not be afraid for the lord god is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation i'm leaning on you king jesus i am reliant on you i'm totally and completely dependent on you you're the one who gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless although my heart may fail but you god are the strength of my heart and my portion forever all praise belongs to you your word in second corinthians 12 verses 9 through 10 it says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore i will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of christ may rest upon me for the sake of christ then i am content with weaknesses insults hardships persecutions and calamities for when i am weak then i am strong and so i boast and say that my god is capable to do exceedingly abundantly above all that i could ever ask or think i boast and say my god is able to do all things whether we consider it to be possible or impossible my god can do it i praise you lord and declare that my god is able he is able to restore broken marriages he is able to unite broken families once again my god is able to bring back love and forgiveness in a broken home or a bad situation i boast in your strength lord in your strength you're the mighty one one who is able to crush any stronghold you are the all-powerful one who can displace fear and brush away every unclean spirit it's all about you lord jesus it's all about you your strength your mind your power i will forever be strong in you i will forever be able to do all things through christ who strengthens me may you receive all of my praise and honor in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen there are two sides to near enough everything in life you have a perceived image of yourself and then there is the perceived image by others about you there are people who like you people who love you and want to work with you but then there are also those who will never take a liking to you despite what you do yes if there's one thing that i've learned in this life it's that there is two sides to everything even the bible speaks of the seen and unseen it speaks of walking by faith and not by sight it speaks of both angels and demons the righteous and unrighteous and i mean if you look at someone like david we know that the same david who was described as a man after god's own heart david the psalmist david the giant slayer one who was chosen and anointed by god even he had another side to him the side that looked at bathsheba with eyes full of lust he had a side to him that drove him to commit adultery and murder but this is the same david the same can be said of elijah the same elijah who defeated hundreds of prophets by calling for the lord to answer his prayers with fire from heaven this same elijah ran away in order to hide from jezebel you see the harsh reality of this life is that there are two sides to everything even within ourselves we fight we're pulled in one direction to do what is holy pleasing and acceptable to god and on the other hand this body this flesh wants to be associated with the pleasures of this life but the aim of my teaching today is to make you carefully consider your response to this question are you for or against jesus christ and you can jump to your own defense and say well it's not like i'm against jesus but i want you to see that there are only two camps there are only two kingdoms you're either for him and you've bowed your knee and you've accepted and received him as your authority and you've given him right and rule over your heart and your life or you haven't you either have jesus christ on the throne of your heart or you have something else someone else at the center of your heart hear me clearly when i tell you that there are two choices in terms of eternity you will either find yourself in heaven or in hell and saints we need to talk about these things we need to always be mindful that what we do today what we do while we're here still alive and breathing will affect the unseen world for us matthew 6 33 puts it this way but seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and all these things will be added to you a different translation says but first and most importantly seek aim at strive after his kingdom and his righteousness his way of doing and being right the attitude and characters of god and all these things will be given to you also to put this in perspective we're being told to choose jesus christ in a world that is rejecting him we're being called to live a righteous life in a hostile world being in the gods camp means that jesus christ alone rules and reigns in your life there's no other god you bow down to but jesus you see living a righteous life in a hostile world means that jesus christ has the authority over the choices you make he rules your thought life he's the motivating factor behind your actions and deeds a life of righteousness in a hostile world is a call to be set apart you begin to think god is holy therefore i must be holy i'm in this world but i'm not to be of this world living a life of righteousness in a hostile world means having a heavenly perspective there is total commitment total dedication to run the race to fight the good fight of faith and without compromising i encourage you to serve the lord serve the kingdom of god serve jesus christ the kingdom of darkness offers nothing of significance nothing everlasting but all the kingdom of god that's a whole different story the kingdom offers eternal life everlasting joy and peace it offers you the privilege of one day being in the presence of the almighty so choose the kingdom of god saints choose life over death choose jesus lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god [Music] your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen there must come a time when you as a believer must decide i will stand strong and follow the word of god regardless of what i will have to give up and who i will have to let go of there comes a time when you have to decide i will stand and do the godly thing i will forgive even when it's hard to do even when i've been hurt there will come a time when you will have to decide to stand in faith even when you can't see a way out of the situation that you're in [Music] now today you may be under attack in some area of your life you have tried everything to resolve it but nothing is working nothing is changing dear friend this is the time you ought to take a stand and believe believe in the power of the blood of jesus it will break you out of that bondage believe in the power that's in the blood of jesus christ it can set you free it can give you victory and it can loose you from any evil hold it's time to take a stand with the word of god against the forces of evil stand firm stand in confidence stand in righteousness psalm 56 verse 3 says when i am afraid i put my trust in you and god whose word i praise and god i trust i shall not be afraid what can flesh do to me we need to be men and women who put their trust in the lord and mind you you will only ever be able to stand firm when your trust is secured in the lord so if you feel stuck if you feel under attack remember that the bible says in psalm 31 verse 24 be strong and let your heart take courage all you who wait for the lord be strong saints and stand in faith as you do this the lord is sure to rescue you and so is children of god i believe i believe that it's time to stand stand up and lift high his royal banner you are an ambassador of the most high stand up to the lies of the enemy stand up with the truth of the gospel stand up with the strength of the holy spirit stand up in god's strength and i encourage you as you stand in faith pray and ask the lord to be with you as you stand now let us pray stand by me lord jesus stand with me lord i need you with me always i need you close and always by my side i need the fellowship of the holy spirit i need the companionship of the holy spirit lord jesus i need you in this life on my own i know that i am lost and i am condemned but with you with you lord i have a purpose my life has meaning my life has direction because my steps they are ordered by you father on my own i am vulnerable i am confused and without a home however that changes when you are in my life when you are with me lord i am protected and my feet are on high ground when you are with me jesus i have clarity there is no spirit of confusion that can cloud my mind my heart or my spirit when you are with me i have a home i have citizenship in heaven in fact i hold on to the promise that you spoke in john 14 verse 3. you said and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and will take you to myself that where i am you may be also my need for you is great lord jesus my need for you is clear i need you more than i need silver and gold or the riches of this world i need you jesus more than i need a new car a new house or more money lord i cannot save myself i cannot heal or redeem myself i need you lord lord i need you because i can't give myself eternal life nor can i overcome sin on my own it's you that i need master lord i have realized that in this life it is impossible to win it's impossible to overcome or have victory by myself father there are strongholds that i cannot break there are problems that i can't overcome on my own jesus i need you i need the good shepherd i need one who can speak peace and stillness into the storms of life lord i need you to stand by me calm my emotions let my heart not be troubled father there are giants that i'm facing giant oppositions which follow my family bloodline and lord i can't fight them with my own strength i need divine intervention i need supernatural strength to overcome so i pray father hear my cry as i ask that you stand by me god be with me always because if i try and do things on my own if i try and live life with my own strength it simply won't work without your grace everything is out of my reach father my prayer is that you would always be with me be with me as i face the storms of life be with me as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death stand by me in the fiery furnace stand by me when i can't see a way out when the enemy comes at me like a flood raise up a standard lord i pray that you would not allow the challenges that i face to overwhelm me lord jesus when problems appear to be daunting give me divine strength father your word says in john 24 verses 18 through 20 i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you yet a little while and the world will see me no more but you will see me because i live you also will live and that day you will know that i am in my father and you and me and i in you i thank you lord for such a promise you have promised never to leave us alone when the odds are against us we will not fear for you are with us whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of a storm i trust and believe that you will always be faithful and stand by me blessed be your name king jesus [Music] amen [Music] how many of you can agree god's goodness is often recognized during and after a storm and that's because we never really know how blessed we are until we're going through something we never really understand how good we have it until trouble comes and unfortunately sometimes it takes a storm to recognize the many blessings we have and have you ever noticed that all it takes is for one storm to come your way and then you can clearly see that we as humans are weak and fragile and what i mean by a storm is when you find yourself in a situation where there's nothing you can do about what the doctor has just said or when you've cried you've prayed you've pleaded with your god and with your spouse to save your marriage but it continues to crumble or perhaps your storm has come in the form of some disharmony in your family there is a quarrelsome spirit a bitter spirit of unforgiveness that's hell bent on tearing your family apart yes indeed storms can be rough and it can seem like there's no end in sight but dear friend i would like to encourage you i'd like to encourage you from psalm 91. the amplified translation from verse 1 to 4 reads he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty i will say to the lord my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust for he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge now i'd like to draw your attention to who it is that will be your protection and your rescue during those tough times the most high the one and only supreme sovereign god the almighty one who is in a position of strength power and authority so be of good cheer you don't have an ordinary search and rescue party with a boat and flashlights no you have the most high god you have the almighty one and so i want to speak to each and every one of you listening your prayer when you wake up before you go to sleep before you leave your homes even as you're going about your business your prayer has to be lord let me dwell in your shelter almost high god let me abide under your shadow the shadow of the almighty god saints our prayer needs to be one that seeks the protection of the lord divine protection from above the bible says god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble our protection our refuge our strength it is all in him so don't wait until trouble comes knocking for you to realize that you need god don't wait for the enemy to attack you for you to realize that god is your best form of protection we need to always dwell in his shelter we need to always be in a state of seeking the lord so that he will watch over us and protect us when the storms of life come our way we need to be found in him always because it's only in him that we have preservation it's only in him that we have the strength and courage to face the enemy or the storm before us so i encourage you don't be afraid or terrified god goes before you he will surround you and he'll cover you father i confess and i believe your word the word that says in psalm 91 verse 10 no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways god your word is true and everlasting i stand in faith on this scripture psalm 91 verse 10 no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my dwelling or my body in jesus name and even though my eyes may not be able to see it right now lord i believe your word i believe that you have sent your angels to have charge over me to surround me and my family you are a god who neither sleeps nor slumbers you are a mighty and powerful savior and so lord i trust that you will deliver me from all of my burdens and all of my frustrations lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place [Music] it's at this present time i've asked for your protection and for your covering over my life i've asked for you to cover my family and my loved ones even at this time where there is uncertainty in this world even at this moment where there is a lot of fear and unsettling things i pray that you would cover us in your shadow lord i believe that you are a god who is still in control despite what comes my way you are a god who knows the beginning and the end i believe that you are a god who provides shelter to your children you are he who was who is and who will forever be and although i do not know what tomorrow may hold i do know that your word says in psalm 37 verse 25 that i have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread lord your word in jeremiah 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and whose hope is the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes but its leaf will be green and so i declare that my trust is in the lord i am like a tree planted by the waters and i am rooted in jesus christ father all the honor belongs to you and i'm praying at this time because well lord i need you i need your protection i need it each and every day lord i need your favor and your mercy i need them daily so lord i will seek you and i'll look for direction in you i will seek you and look for your presence to always be near me always around me i will look to you father for all of my needs so i pray that you cover me lord i pray that you cover me each and every day thank you for hearing this prayer father it's in jesus name i pray amen [Music] have you ever been in a room full of people but felt as though you don't belong have you ever gone to a place an event or a concert even but felt as though you don't belong there have you ever bumped into an old friend you get to talking and in the middle of the conversation you realize no something is off here i'm no longer comfortable around you well when jesus christ enters your heart when you are born again you will begin to recognize a few things old appetites are gone you begin to question your old habits you analyze and become aware of your sinful thought patterns when jesus christ enters your heart and you truly receive him you will find that the old rooms you used to enter so freely will become challenging to step into because your heart has changed the places you used to visit those bars those adult entertainment places all of them will make your spirit feel uneasy and you certainly won't be comfortable in that environment anymore and this is all because jesus christ has entered your heart you see when the lord begins a work he will always deal with you first he will always start with the inner part of you first and that in turn will result in a change of attitude a change of habits a change of behavior [Music] romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect saints do not conform to this world that's a clear word of instruction don't comply with this world don't become acclimated to this world saints we are in this world but we should not become accustomed nor should we adjust to this world and so you may ask what exactly should we not be accustomed to in this world well let me tell you that the bible says in second corinthians 4 verse 4 in their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god i want to focus on the first few words of this verse the god of this world has blinded the minds saints this world is lost and the bible clearly says the god of this world the devil satan he has a hold on the minds of people who are not in christ this is why we ought not to be conformed to the patterns to the values and the customs of this world have you noticed the heresy the blasphemy the lack of reverence for godly principles that this world has we need to be a people who are focused on christ a people who are governed by the word of god a people who are regulated and directed by the holy spirit so that we can truly seek first the kingdom of god listen don't be afraid to stand out if it means jesus christ gets all the glory don't be afraid to be rejected by this world if it means that you are accepted by jesus let's pray that the lord would give us a spirit that is alert to the dark influences of this world pray for a spirit that is drawn to godly values and the pursuit of righteousness lord jesus i pray that i would not be accustomed to or conformed to this world open my eyes so that i can see this world for what it truly is a place that is temporary a place that encourages physical pleasure over spiritual things like fasting and prayer it's a world that fosters the love of money the love of power and the spirit of pride lord i come against these things in my life i rebuke these shallow and temporary desires of money of worldly success and pride over my life father don't allow me to be tolerant of the evil that's in this world give me the courage and boldness to stand up to this world and declare that jesus christ is lord i don't care about the values customs or agendas that are pushed by this world i care only about living a life that you approve lord jesus a life that is filled with faith so that it may be pleasing to you i care about living a life that glorifies you a life that points to you as the savior of the world a life that points to your goodness your grace and your mercy transform me god change me realign my focus so that i will not be distracted or derailed by anything in this world instead let my obsession be to carry out your will let my true passion be to do that which is good and acceptable and perfect in your sight philippians 3 verses 20 through 21 say but our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savior the lord jesus christ who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself thank you lord for this blessed and reassuring word that my citizenship is in heaven with you i belong with you lord and heaven is my home this is why i understand that friendship with the world is enmity with god and so i do not wish to be a friend of the world and make myself an enemy of the one true god but i would rather be rejected by the world and accepted by you lord jesus i would rather stand and be persecuted by this world if it means that i can call you friend lord jesus [Music] i would rather be poor in terms of worldly possession if that means i have riches stored up for me in heaven all in all lord teach me not to love the things of this world teach me to have the love of god but not to be in love with the world father you are worthy of all honor and praise may your holy name be lifted high each and every day in my life god i thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen this world loves to define strength by how much you can lift or how much you can carry or how much weight you can move but i believe i believe that true strength is more than the physical things we see you see the way god works is that he takes what we consider to be weak and he uses it to demonstrate his strength real strength to me it could be tears quietly streaming down the face of a man or a woman who was praying and worshiping god after his or her entire world has come crashing down real strength to me is the man or woman who is mourning the loss of a child but yet they are still able to say god is good strength to me strength to me is the man that steps out in faith the woman that steps out in faith to do something to start something that they know they are called to do real strength is a young shepherd boy who has no military expertise but can march up to a feared warrior who just so happens to be a giant and say you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied you see real strength real strength is publicly refusing to bow down to an idol the way shadrach meshach and abednego did imagine this scene the entire city of babylon is out everyone who's anyone is there the mayor the governors the army the school teachers the neighbors you try to impress even everyone is out to worship and to bow down to the gold statue of a power-hungry king called nebuchadnezzar what's worse is not only is everybody out not only is everyone conforming to the king's request not only is everyone doing the same thing but everyone knew the consequence of refusing to obey the king's request and so i know that the three hebrew boys demonstrated an unimaginable level of strength the kind of strength that doesn't come with steroids it doesn't come with lifting weights or being the leader of a mighty army but it's a strength that comes from knowing god almighty shadrach meshach and abednego demonstrated strength by refusing to do what everyone else was doing they demonstrated strength by refusing to do what the king wanted because it would compromise their faith these three demonstrated by looking around at the entire city all conforming to the king's wishes but they said no they were ready to be burned alive rather than to accept an idol as their god they were ready to be looked at as outcasts if it meant that they would keep their integrity and faithfully serve god this my friends is real strength and let me tell you that anytime you see a demonstration of real strength such as the examples i've given then know that god is in the midst of it only god can strengthen you to face goliath only god can strengthen you to say no to an idol only god can give you real strength now let us pray king jesus you are a mighty god you are worthy to be worshiped lord i come before you today seeking strength i'm seeking the strength to face the enemy in my life i'm seeking the strength to say no to the idols that demand to be worshipped father i come in agreement with everyone listening right now we say that you are our source of strength you are our route to victory the enemy can outnumber us but we will remain steadfast in faith because of you jesus the enemy can try and overwhelm us but we as your children lord we will prove to be too strong for his wicked attempts in jesus name lord we can come under attack from the rulers from the authorities the powers of this dark world but we will remain strong because the blood of jesus christ still has power it still has wonder working power in all circumstances lord i thank you that we can declare exodus 15 verse 2 the lord is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation this is my god and i will praise him my father's god and i will exalt him it's you who strengthens me lord jesus it's you who upholds me when it feels as though i'm sinking father it's you that will be my help when i am failing and so lord in my weakness i boast in your strength king jesus i say that you are strong you are mighty you are all powerful father god give us real strength true strength that comes only from you give us the strength to be bold men and women of god who will not conform to the standards of this world we refuse to partake in the evil immoral and sinful standards of this world father let your word in isaiah 12 verse 2 let it be true in our lives as we say behold god is my salvation i will trust and will not be afraid for the lord god is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation i'm leaning on you king jesus i am reliant on you i'm totally and completely dependent on you you're the one who gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless although my heart may fail but you god are the strength of my heart and my portion forever all praise belongs to you your word in second corinthians 12 verses 9 through 10 it says my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore i will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of christ may rest upon me for the sake of christ then i am content with weaknesses insults hardships persecutions and calamities for when i am weak then i am strong and so i boast and say that my god is capable to do exceedingly abundantly above all that i could ever ask or think i boast and say my god is able to do all things whether we consider it to be possible or impossible my god can do it i praise you lord and declare that my god is able he is able to restore broken marriages he is able to unite broken families once again my god is able to bring back love and forgiveness in a broken home or a bad situation i boast in your strength lord in your strength you're the mighty one one who is able to crush any stronghold you are the all-powerful one who can displace fear and brush away every unclean spirit it's all about you lord jesus it's all about you your strength your mind your power i will forever be strong in you i will forever be able to do all things through christ who strengthens me may you receive all of my praise and honor in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen there are two sides to near enough everything in life you have a perceived image of yourself and then there is the perceived image by others about you there are people who like you people who love you and want to work with you but then there are also those who will never take a liking to you despite what you do yes if there's one thing that i've learned in this life it's that there is two sides to everything even the bible speaks of the seen and unseen it speaks of walking by faith and not by sight it speaks of both angels and demons the righteous and unrighteous and i mean if you look at someone like david we know that the same david who was described as a man after god's own heart david the psalmist david the giant slayer one who was chosen and anointed by god even he had another side to him the side that looked at bathsheba with eyes full of lust he had a side to him that drove him to commit adultery and murder but this is the same david the same can be said of elijah the same elijah who defeated hundreds of prophets by calling for the lord to answer his prayers with fire from heaven this same elijah ran away in order to hide from jezebel you see the harsh reality of this life is that there are two sides to everything even within ourselves we fight we're pulled in one direction to do what is holy pleasing and acceptable to god and on the other hand this body this flesh wants to be associated with the pleasures of this life but the aim of my teaching today is to make you carefully consider your response to this question are you for or against jesus christ and you can jump to your own defense and say well it's not like i'm against jesus but i want you to see that there are only two camps there are only two kingdoms you're either for him and you've bowed your knee and you've accepted and received him as your authority and you've given him right and rule over your heart and your life or you haven't you either have jesus christ on the throne of your heart or you have something else someone else at the center of your heart hear me clearly when i tell you that there are two choices in terms of eternity you will either find yourself in heaven or in hell and saints we need to talk about these things we need to always be mindful that what we do today what we do while we're here still alive and breathing will affect the unseen world for us matthew 6 33 puts it this way but seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and all these things will be added to you a different translation says but first and most importantly seek aim at strive after his kingdom and his righteousness his way of doing and being right the attitude and characters of god and all these things will be given to you also to put this in perspective we're being told to choose jesus christ in a world that is rejecting him we're being called to live a righteous life in a hostile world being in the gods camp means that jesus christ alone rules and reigns in your life there's no other god you bow down to but jesus [Music] you see living a righteous life in a hostile world means that jesus christ has the authority over the choices you make he rules your thought life he's the motivating factor behind your actions and deeds a life of righteousness in a hostile world is a call to be set apart you begin to think god is holy therefore i must be holy i'm in this world but i'm not to be of this world living a life of righteousness in a hostile world means having a heavenly perspective there is total commitment total dedication to run the race to fight the good fight of faith and without compromising i encourage you to serve the lord serve the kingdom of god serve jesus christ the kingdom of darkness offers nothing of significance nothing everlasting but all the kingdom of god that's a whole different story the kingdom offers eternal life everlasting joy and peace it offers you the privilege of one day being in the presence of the almighty so choose the kingdom of god saints choose life over death choose jesus [Music] lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen [Music] there must come a time when you as a believer must decide i will stand strong and follow the word of god regardless of what i will have to give up and who i will have to let go of there comes a time when you have to decide i will stand and do the godly thing i will forgive even when it's hard to do even when i've been hurt [Music] there will come a time when you will have to decide to stand in faith even when you can't see a way out of the situation that you're in now today you may be under attack in some area of your life you have tried everything to resolve it but nothing is working nothing is changing dear friend this is the time you ought to take a stand and believe believe in the power of the blood of jesus it will break you out of that bondage believe in the power that's in the blood of jesus christ it can set you free it can give you victory and it can loose you from any evil hold it's time to take a stand with the word of god against the forces of evil stand firm stand in confidence stand in righteousness psalm 56 verse 3 says when i am afraid i put my trust in you and god whose word i praise and god i trust i shall not be afraid what can flesh do to me we need to be men and women who put their trust in the lord and mind you you will only ever be able to stand firm when your trust is secured in the lord so if you feel stuck if you feel under attack remember that the bible says in psalm 31 verse 24 be strong and let your heart take courage all you who wait for the lord be strong saints and stand in faith as you do this the lord is sure to rescue you and so as children of god i believe i believe that it's time to stand stand up and lift high his royal banner you are an ambassador of the most high stand up to the lies of the enemy stand up with the truth of the gospel stand up with the strength of the holy spirit stand up in god's strength and i encourage you as you stand in faith pray and ask the lord to be with you as you stand now let us pray stand by me lord jesus stand with me lord i need you with me always i need you close and always by my side i need the fellowship of the holy spirit i need the companionship of the holy spirit lord jesus i need you in this life on my own i know that i am lost and i am condemned but with you with you lord i have a purpose my life has meaning my life has direction because my steps they are ordered by you father on my own i am vulnerable i am confused and without a home however that changes when you are in my life when you are with me lord i am protected and my feet are on high ground when you are with me jesus i have clarity there is no spirit of confusion that can cloud my mind my heart or my spirit when you are with me i have a home i have citizenship in heaven in fact i hold on to the promise that you spoke in john 14 verse 3 you said and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and will take you to myself that where i am you may be also my need for you is great lord jesus my need for you is clear i need you more than i need silver and gold or the riches of this world i need you jesus more than i need a new car a new house or more money [Music] lord i cannot save myself i cannot heal or redeem myself i need you lord lord i need you because i can't give myself eternal life nor can i overcome sin on my own it's you that i need master lord i have realized that in this life it is impossible to win it's impossible to overcome or have victory by myself father there are strongholds that i cannot break there are problems that i can't overcome on my own jesus i need you i need the good shepherd i need one who can speak peace and stillness into the storms of life lord i need you to stand by me calm my emotions let my heart not be troubled father there are giants that i'm facing giant oppositions which follow my family bloodline and lord i can't fight them with my own strength i need divine intervention i need supernatural strength to overcome so i pray father hear my cry as i ask that you stand by me god be with me always because if i try and do things on my own if i try and live life with my own strength it simply won't work without your grace everything is out of my reach father my prayer is that you would always be with me be with me as i face the storms of life be with me as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death stand by me in the fiery furnace stand by me when i can't see a way out when the enemy comes at me like a flood raise up a standard lord i pray that you would not allow the challenges that i face to overwhelm me lord jesus when problems appear to be daunting give me divine strength father your word says in john 24 verses 18 through 20 i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you yet a little while and the world will see me no more but you will see me because i live you also will live and that day you will know that i am in my father and you and me and i in you i thank you lord for such a promise you have promised never to leave us alone when the odds are against us we will not fear for you are with us whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of a storm i trust and believe that you will always be faithful and stand by me blessed be your name king jesus amen [Music] how many of you can agree god's goodness is often recognized during and after a storm and that's because we never really know how blessed we are until we're going through something we never really understand how good we have it until trouble comes and unfortunately sometimes it takes a storm to recognize the many blessings we have and have you ever noticed that all it takes is for one storm to come your way and then you can clearly see that we as humans are weak and fragile and what i mean by a storm is when you find yourself in a situation where there's nothing you can do about what the doctor has just said or when you've cried you've prayed you've pleaded with your god and with your spouse to save your marriage but it continues to crumble or perhaps your storm has come in the form of some disharmony in your family there is a quarrelsome spirit a bitter spirit of unforgiveness that's hell bent on tearing your family apart yes indeed storms can be rough and it can seem like there's no end in sight but dear friend i would like to encourage you i'd like to encourage you from psalm 91 the amplified translation from verse 1 to 4 reads he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty i will say to the lord my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust for he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge now i'd like to draw your attention to who it is that will be your protection and your rescue during those tough times the most high the one and only supreme sovereign god the almighty one who is in a position of strength power and authority so be of good cheer you don't have an ordinary search and rescue party with a boat and flashlights no you have the most high god you have the almighty one and so i want to speak to each and every one of you listening your prayer when you wake up before you go to sleep before you leave your homes even as you're going about your business your prayer has to be lord let me dwell in your shelter almost high god let me abide under your shadow the shadow of the almighty god saints our prayer needs to be one that seeks the protection of the lord divine protection from above the bible says god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble our protection our refuge our strength it is all in him so don't wait until trouble comes knocking for you to realize that you need god don't wait for the enemy to attack you for you to realize that god is your best form of protection we need to always dwell in his shelter we need to always be in a state of seeking the lord so that he will watch over us and protect us when the storms of life come our way we need to be found in him always because it's only in him that we have preservation it's only in him that we have the strength and courage to face the enemy or the storm before us so i encourage you don't be afraid or terrified god goes before you he will surround you and he'll cover you father i confess and i believe your word the word that says in psalm 91 verse 10 no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways your word is true and everlasting i stand in faith on this scripture psalm 91 verse 10 no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my dwelling or my body in jesus name and even though my eyes may not be able to see it right now lord i believe your word i believe that you have sent your angels to have charge over me to surround me and my family you are a god who neither sleeps nor slumbers you are a mighty and powerful savior and so lord i trust that you will deliver me from all of my burdens and all of my frustrations lord jesus you are ever faithful you are my hiding place it's at this present time i've asked for your protection and for your covering over my life i've asked for you to cover my family and my loved ones even at this time where there is uncertainty in this world even at this moment where there is a lot of fear and unsettling things i pray that you would cover us in your shadow lord i believe that you are a god who is still in control despite what comes my way you are a god who knows the beginning and the end i believe that you are a god who provides shelter to your children you are he who was who is and who will forever be and although i do not know what tomorrow may hold i do know that your word says in psalm 37 verse 25 that i have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread [Music] lord your word in jeremiah 17 verse 7 says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and whose hope is the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes but its leaf will be green and so i declare that my trust is in the lord i am like a tree planted by the waters and i am rooted in jesus christ father all the honor belongs to you and i'm praying at this time because well lord i need you i need your protection i need it each and every day lord i need your favor and your mercy i need them daily so lord i will seek you and i'll look for direction in you i will seek you and look for your presence to always be near me always around me i will look to you father for all of my needs so i pray that you cover me lord i pray that you cover me each and every day thank you for hearing this prayer father it's in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 325,262
Rating: 4.8853583 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: h-Lqdd3yDQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 11sec (5471 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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