Blessed and Special Morning Prayers To Start Your Day

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there is a passage of scripture that when i read it it shakes me to my core matthew 7 verses 21-23 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who was in heaven on that day many will say to me lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then will i declare to them i never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness [Music] it's a sobering thought that someone could prophesy in the name of jesus cast out demons in the name of jesus and do miraculous things in jesus name but yet still miss the point of this christian walk there are people who will do all the right things they'll say all the right words but still their hearts will not be in the right place you see a true relationship with jesus is not about following all the rules it's not about working hard to earn his favor walking with christ requires us to understand that it's all about him it's all about jesus it's all about his will his way it's about a deep meaningful relationship with him and i hope that i'm making myself clear saints being a christian is not about anything else other than jesus christ in matthew 15 verse 8 jesus says these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and all of their spiritual words and actions these people do not seek to glorify god they seek to glorify themselves don't let that be the story of your life don't be content with simply looking like a christian on the outside but inwardly living for yourself no true christianity isn't about fixing up your appearance it's about loving the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind your eternal future hinges on that distinction if you profess to follow jesus the four words you never want to hear are i never knew you when you stand before the throne of god will he look at you like a stranger he's never met [Music] as you're listening today i have good news the good news is that there's still time to get to know jesus there's still time to ask yourself if you are truly living for god or if you are living for the things of this world do you have a real relationship with jesus christ do you know him or do you just know a lot of good things about him our salvation is not based on how many verses we've memorized it's not about our church attendance or our theology it's based on having a true relationship with god if you've been distant from him lately run back to the lord with all your heart ask him to renew your thinking ask him to make you authentic in your love and desire for christ make your actions reflect the heart of someone who has been touched by jesus to know jesus means to follow him not just in the good times but through hardship and through suffering if you truly love jesus you must be willing to endure everything he endured because you believe that he is worthy of all things can you say that about your walk with god maybe it's time to do some reflection [Music] and ask the holy spirit to wake you up from your spiritual slumber father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen what motivates you in life what can you say with confidence is the reason you get out of bed in the morning although it's hard to admit it many of us are motivated by the attention and praise of others many of us are motivated by money but the bible teaches that there is a far greater reward than the approval of man there's a far greater reward than the riches of this world the approval of god is what we should chase above any accolades in this world the lord should be the motivation behind everything we do he should be the reason for everything we do colossians 3 verse 23 to 24 says whatever you do work heartily as for the lord and not for men knowing that from the lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward you are serving the lord christ [Music] and galatians 1 verse 10 says for am i now seeking the approval of man or of god or am i trying to please man if i were still trying to please man i would not be a servant of christ what a comforting thought that nothing we do for god is in vain not one act of kindness goes unnoticed or unseen by him in this life there are many pursuits that ultimately lead to nowhere worldly success material wealth the empty applauses of strangers those things won't get us anywhere every journey eventually has an end and that end is often more disappointing than we would like but try as we may we could never stretch the boundaries of god's love there is truly no end to our walk with christ in fact as we go on life with him gets sweeter every day [Music] god should not just be one part of our lives that we dedicate sunday mornings he should define the totality of our lives he should be the center of everything we do even mundane things like eating and drinking can be done to his glory how the key is a spirit of gratitude we are meant to do all things with an attitude of love and obedience towards the god who gives us the ability to enjoy all of life's blessings romans 12 11 says do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit serve the lord too often we can become lazy and slothful in our walk with christ but if we just stop and remember the miracle of the gospel and the unfathomable depth of god's love for us it's hard to remain indifferent all around the world all throughout history he has been saving and redeeming sinners like you and me to be a part of that work is the most rewarding pursuit we could ever give our lives to but when we are motivated by worldly things we end up constantly trying to prove ourselves we become constantly anxious self-conscious and often disappointed but when jesus is the underlying motivation for everything we do our lives will overflow with joy and peace his grace supplies us with the ability to fully enjoy this life as well as positively impact the lives of those around us so whatever you do do it for god father god thank you for giving my life meaning and purpose thank you for the many blessings that i enjoy lord i praise you i thank you for giving me the opportunity to honor and worship you just as i was made to do my soul makes its boast in the lord let the humble hear and be glad father teach me to boast in you and in you alone help me not to boast in the talents and gifts that you have given me but instead i pray that my soul boasts only in you king jesus in my weakness i will boast of your strength in my difficulty i will boast of your saving power in my lack i will boast in your provision father in all that i do i will constantly boast only in you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my god your word says in first corinthians 15 58 therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain i pray that you would indeed help me to always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the lord let everything i do be for your glory and not of my own help me to do good works not to be seen by others but to please and obey you and to point others towards your goodness father forgive me whenever i seek the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature may at times crave the admiration of others but teach me lord to crucify the flesh and humble myself you deserve the highest praise you alone are the creator healer and savior and i'm just your vessel lord this earth is passing away but your word remains forever so lord help me to live for you and not for the fleeting pleasures of this world be my first and greatest motivation in any decision or pursuit let me be so moved by the love of christ that i can't help but glorify you in all of my actions be the driving force behind everything i do whether working or resting eating or drinking holy spirit strengthen me to flee from sin convict me to repentance come into my life holy ghost with a wind of change a wind that will sweep away all the secret sins and unholy desires help me to cast off every weight that is hindering me from following and trusting you fully holy spirit remind me of the weight of eternal consequences but also of the height and depth of god's love for me though my sins are many i know that god's mercy is much more open my eyes anew set a fire ablaze in my heart remind me of the miraculous work you've done in my life and in this world may i always stand in wonder of the gospel and father if i'm going through deep suffering if i'm struggling to even smile remind me of your patience and steadfast love for me when i can't find a reason to go on draw my gaze upward and help me to do it for you knowing that you will give me the strength that i need father in all that i do give me an attitude of humility give me a servant's heart may i decrease as the glory of the lord increases and the name of jesus is lifted higher and higher by the things i say and do i pray these things in jesus name [Music] amen how do you spend your time most of us lead relatively normal lives we go to work we care for our families we pursue our ambitions and personal interests but apart from all the time we put into these things how much attention do we actually give to god how much effort do we put to building a close relationship with jesus christ the real question i want to ask you is are you living for jesus or are you content living life and simply putting jesus christ alongside everything and everyone else in our world today not only is there evil and trouble lurking at every corner but there are all sorts of things vying for our attention and it becomes so easy to be distracted from the things that really matter however my firm belief is that in this busy busy world in the midst of all the chaos and confusion the voice of god is still calling out to us however it's up to us to listen hebrews 3 verse 15 says as it is said today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion proverbs 28 verse 14 says blessed is the one who fears the lord always but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity what does it mean to have a hardened heart it means spiritual blindness it means insensitivity towards god's beauty and glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of god but thankfully in his mercy god has offered to change our hearts god can change our hearts ezekiel 36 verse 26 says and i will give you a new heart and a new spirit i will put within you and i will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh since the beginning of time god has been drawing us toward himself even when we stubbornly ignore him he doesn't walk away he never gives up on us in the book of matthew jesus compares his second coming to a great wedding feast a joyful celebration of the perfect union between jesus christ and his bride the church and so we are invited to the greatest dinner banquet of all time have you responded to that invitation or are you putting it off until the last minute maybe you've become deafened to the sound of him knocking maybe your attention has been captured by other things like work and finances and romantic love those things seem important until you realize that they are only temporary and when your life is over or jesus returns they will no longer be of any value we all think we have more time to get right with god but the truth is that life is short tomorrow is not guaranteed everything we do today matters on an eternal level if jesus came back today would you be ready would you be able to say that your heart was firmly set on christ now is the time to place your faith in jesus from the foundation of the earth he has been waiting for you but his invitation won't stand forever today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart instead allow him to come in and change your life forever now let us pray lord jesus i pray that you would forgive me for all the time i've wasted and chasing after these earthly things that will never satisfy me father we as humans can spend so much of our lives trying to buy happiness we could spend so much time chasing all these things concerning our careers our families and finances but father i pray that you would redirect our focus redirect our hearts to focus on you you lord have offered me you've offered us the greatest gift in the entire universe which is the opportunity to spend an eternity with you in heaven your word says in revelation 3 verse 20 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and eat with him and he with me lord forgive me if all this time you've been gently knocking at my door waiting for me to respond and yet i have pushed you forgive me forgive me if time and time again i have chosen my own desires instead of you but lord i thank you for never giving up on me i thank you for always loving me i thank you for the holy spirit who continually convicts me and draws me towards you father your word in james 4 verse 14 says yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes this is a sobering reminder of how short the life we live on this earth really is and so lord i humble myself to accept your gift of grace and to start living for you i desire to live your will i desire to be an effective christian who has a burning passion to witness about the amazing love of jesus christ father give me a heart that is sensitive to the voice of the holy spirit a heart that is sensitive to the voice of jesus christ so that whenever you speak i will be sensitive to your voice give me a willingness to listen help me to tune out every other voice in this loud and noisy world give me a spirit that is able to discern good from evil and as this world drifts further from you every day i pray that i would draw closer and closer to you give me the ability to recognize when satan is trying to lead me away from you father help me not to backslide in my faith or begin to compromise with sin help me to be your faithful servant up until the day you return lord make my heart receptive to you help me to recognize your hand in every earthly manner help me to see beyond the things that are right in front of me and teach me to number my days matthew 24 verse 44 says therefore you also must be ready for the son of man is coming and an hour you do not expect lord i know that my life is but a mist here today and gone tomorrow but my hope is still in you you are coming quickly like a thief in the night and on that day i pray that i'll be ready help me not to take anything for granted don't let my heart become hard towards you empower me to live each day for you as if it were my last father i thank you for the time you have given me help me to be wise in how i spend this time here on earth [Music] you are worthy to be glorified in jesus name i pray [Music] amen think of this illustration for a moment picture a well a deep reservoir of water that's capable of sustaining life in the midst of a desert wasteland if that well becomes polluted everyone who drinks from it will become severely ill but if that well is full of clean fresh life-giving water everyone who drinks from it will be nourished they will be restored they will live to see another day because of that well what if i were to tell you that this well represents our hearts our hearts in the midst of the desert wasteland that is this world and the only way we can keep our hearts clean the only way we can keep this well clean is through the word of god it's through jesus proverbs 4 and 23 says keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life all of our thoughts actions and attitudes are determined by the contents of our hearts depending on what's in your hearts we have the power to speak either life or death to those around us that's why it's so important to guard our hearts even a trace of impurity can have grave consequences psalms 51 and 10 says create in me a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit within me david wrote this psalm after committing one of the most wicked acts of his life he had committed adultery with bathsheba plotted the murder of her husband and attempted to cover it up in a dishonest way when nathan revealed his sin to him he immediately repented in this psalm david cries out create in me a clean hawk and you can almost hear the desperation in david's voice david didn't deny the wickedness that lurked in his heart he simply humbled himself and pleaded with god to give him a new one matthew 5 and 8 says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god our reward for a pure heart is a close and fruitful relationship with the lord that's worth far more than any pleasure we could get from living in sin and impurity the promise of one day seeing god face to face communicating with him and enjoying him forever that's what should motivate us to faithful obedience a pure heart is one that delights in honoring god even if it means denying the desires of the flesh one of the ways we can guard our hearts is by meditating on scripture god's word reminds us of his perfect intentions for our lives [Music] in the midst of all the lies this world tries to sell us the truth can become distorted we can begin to lose our way so how do we know what is truly right from truly wrong by the unchanging word of god in today's world there are so many polluting influences our culture glorifies things like violence sexual immorality and lavish living we're surrounded by these things every time we step out into the world and although we can't remove ourselves from them entirely we can guard our hearts so that only what is true what is honorable and what is pure enters our hearts let us pray heavenly father thank you for setting me apart you have called me out of this wicked and evil generation and you have shown me the joy of following and obeying you and i delight in you father i pray that you would have mercy on me in this world i'm surrounded by temptation there are so many polluting influences that threaten to infiltrate my heart each and every day so lord help me to guard my arm help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness psalms 119 verse 9 says how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen [Music] as humans we place our trust in so many things we do it knowingly and unknowingly but there is no denying that we place our trust in people and things and even in ourselves consider this scenario if there was a serious disaster or a real threat to mankind how many of us would run to an underground bunker how many of us would fight over entry into safe houses how many of us would only feel comfortable in the presence of the army you would be surprised where people run to in order to feel safe and secure if a man or woman has the right set of clothes and bears the name of doctor we are so comfortable to fully trust them with our lives but saints let me ask you this if we can trust imperfect human beings with matters of life and death how much more should we trust god does his track record not speak for itself has he not proven himself time after time he is the one who delivered noah and his family from a worldwide flood he is the one who parted the red sea and rescued israel from slavery he is the one with all authority in heaven and on earth he is the alpha and the omega the one who is meaning he exists forever [Music] he is the one who was meaning he continually exists in the past and he is the one who is to come meaning the future is in his hands how can you fail to trust such a god saints the almighty the omnipotent the ruler of all psalm 9 verse 10 says and those who know your name put their trust in you for you o lord have not forsaken those who seek you proverbs 3 verses 5 through 6 say trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths what an amazing picture of what our lives can be when we trust in god without him we're subject to the conditions of our environment in seasons of drought or blazing heat we can shrivel up and cease to thrive but when our trust is in god we become like trees planted by the water we become firmly rooted so that even in the desert and even in the storm we can remain upright immovable vibrant and fruitful complete trust in god has another amazing benefit peace not a temporary shallow peace like the world gives but a kind of peace that passes understanding peace means not being anxious when trouble comes our way peace means being able to rest in god's grace whenever we feel inadequate for the road ahead trust is not just theoretical it is the result of real belief translated into action if we truly believe that the god of the universe cares for us there's nothing we can't trust him with we know that he makes all things work together for our good and all of his promises will come to pass even if everyone and everything in this life disappoints you god will exceed your expectations every time and so if there's one thing you must trust completely in this life let it be the god who never changes let us pray heavenly father thank you for being a god who saves thank you that in every circumstance you are the one i can fully trust with my life and everything in it thank you for being the only constant in this ever changing world the promises of man are fragile and weak but god your promises stand true for all of eternity from age to age you have proven your faithfulness you have been reliable through every storm of life you have proven to be trustworthy through every spiritual and earthly battle you've proven to be faithful through every scene and unseen danger i bless your name lord for you've continually delivered and blessed me in more ways than i can count and you have always provided me with everything i need so lord help me to trust you always in all circumstances help me to place my life completely in your hands because in you i know my future is secure your word in jeremiah 17 verses 7 through 8 says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord whose trust is the lord he is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bear fruit those who know your name who call upon your name and put their trust in you will never be disappointed father all throughout my life i've come to know you the one true god the god who delivered joseph from slavery the god who delivered daniel from the lion's den the god who delivered shadrach meshach and abednego from a fiery furnace you've never abandoned those who seek you and you never will father i place my complete trust in you not just half or partial but total surrender to you [Laughter] lord let me hold nothing back from you even the things i treasure most your word says in isaiah 26 verses 3 and 4 you keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you trust in the lord forever for the lord god is an everlasting rock father wash away all my anxiety and fear give me an unshakable confidence in you so that even when i face hardships i can be like a tree planted by the water never in danger of withering or fading but filled with life and always ready to bear fruit for you lord right now i give you full control full control over my relationships my finances my aspirations for your plans are so much better than mine lord jesus have mercy on me because sometimes sometimes my selfish heart chases after whatever i think will make me happy but i trust you because you see beyond my temporary needs you see the needs of my soul so holy spirit help me to give up my need for control so that i can let go and be led by god lord you're the good shepherd you take care of all my needs unlike sinful men you never fail you never make mistakes you will never let me down and of all the things i trust in this life may you be the only one that i trust with my eternity as well as with the here and now in jesus name amen [Music] there is a passage of scripture that when i read it it shakes me to my core matthew 7 verses 21-23 [Music] not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who was in heaven on that day many will say to me lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then will i declare to them i never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness [Music] it's a sobering thought that someone could prophesy in the name of jesus cast out demons in the name of jesus and do miraculous things in jesus name but yet still miss the point of this christian walk there are people who will do all the right things they'll say all the right words but still their hearts will not be in the right place you see a true relationship with jesus is not about following all the rules it's not about working hard to earn his favor walking with christ requires us to understand that it's all about him it's all about jesus it's all about his will his way it's about a deep meaningful relationship with him and i hope that i'm making myself clear saints being a christian is not about anything else other than jesus christ in matthew 15 verse 8 jesus says these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and all of their spiritual words and actions these people do not seek to glorify god they seek to glorify themselves don't let that be the story of your life don't be content with simply looking like a christian on the outside but inwardly living for yourself no true christianity isn't about fixing up your appearance it's about loving the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind your eternal future hinges on that distinction if you profess to follow jesus the four words you never want to hear are i never knew you when you stand before the throne of god will he look at you like a stranger he's never met [Music] as you're listening today i have good news the good news is that there's still time to get to know jesus there's still time to ask yourself if you are truly living for god or if you are living for the things of this world do you have a real relationship with jesus christ do you know him or do you just know a lot of good things about him our salvation is not based on how many verses we've memorized it's not about our church attendance or our theology it's based on having a true relationship with god if you've been distant from him lately run back to the lord with all your heart ask him to renew your thinking ask him to make you authentic in your love and desire for christ make your actions reflect the heart of someone who has been touched by jesus to know jesus means to follow him not just in the good times but through hardship and through suffering if you truly love jesus you must be willing to endure everything he endured because you believe that he is worthy of all things can you say that about your walk with god maybe it's time to do some reflection and ask the holy spirit to wake you up from your spiritual slumber father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen what motivates you in life what can you say with confidence is the reason you get out of bed in the morning although it's hard to admit it many of us are motivated by the attention and praise of others many of us are motivated by money but the bible teaches that there is a far greater reward than the approval of man there's a far greater reward than the riches of this world the approval of god is what we should chase above any accolades in this world the lord should be the motivation behind everything we do he should be the reason for everything we do colossians 3 verse 23-24 says whatever you do work heartily as for the lord and not for men knowing that from the lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward you are serving the lord christ [Music] and galatians 1 verse 10 says for am i now seeking the approval of man or of god or am i trying to please man if i were still trying to please man i would not be a servant of christ what a comforting thought that nothing we do for god is in vain not one act of kindness goes unnoticed or unseen by him in this life there are many pursuits that ultimately lead to nowhere worldly success material wealth the empty applauses of strangers those things won't get us anywhere every journey eventually has an end and that end is often more disappointing than we would like but try as we may we could never stretch the boundaries of god's love there is truly no end to our walk with christ in fact as we go on life with him gets sweeter every day god should not just be one part of our lives that we dedicate sunday mornings he should define the totality of our lives he should be the center of everything we do even mundane things like eating and drinking can be done to his glory how the key is a spirit of gratitude we are meant to do all things with an attitude of love and obedience towards the god who gives us the ability to enjoy all of life's blessings romans 12 11 says do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit serve the lord too often we can become lazy and slothful in our walk with christ but if we just stop and remember the miracle of the gospel and the unfathomable depth of god's love for us it's hard to remain indifferent all around the world all throughout history he has been saving and redeeming sinners like you and me to be a part of that work is the most rewarding pursuit we could ever give our lives to but when we are motivated by worldly things we end up constantly trying to prove ourselves we become constantly anxious self-conscious and often disappointed but when jesus is the underlying motivation for everything we do our lives will overflow with joy and peace his grace supplies us with the ability to fully enjoy this life as well as positively impact the lives of those around us so whatever you do do it for god father god thank you for giving my life meaning and purpose thank you for the many blessings that i enjoy lord i praise you i thank you for giving me the opportunity to honor and worship you just as i was made to do my soul makes its boast in the lord let the humble hear and be glad father teach me to boast in you and in you alone help me not to boast in the talents and gifts that you have given me but instead i pray that my soul boasts only in you king jesus in my weakness i will boast of your strength in my difficulty i will boast of your saving power in my lack i will boast in your provision father in all that i do i will constantly boast only in you not in people not in my ability or resources but only in you my god your word says in first corinthians 15 58 therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain i pray that you would indeed help me to always be steadfast to always be immovable in you to always be abounding in the work of the lord let everything i do be for your glory and not of my own help me to do good works not to be seen by others but to please and obey you and to point others towards your goodness father forgive me whenever i seek the approval of man above your approval although my sinful nature may at times crave the admiration of others but teach me lord to crucify the flesh and humble myself [Music] you deserve the highest praise you alone are the creator healer and savior and i'm just your vessel lord this earth is passing away but your word remains forever so lord help me to live for you and not for the fleeting pleasures of this world be my first and greatest motivation in any decision or pursuit let me be so moved by the love of christ that i can't help but glorify you in all of my actions be the driving force behind everything i do whether working or resting eating or drinking holy spirit strengthen me to flee from sin convict me to repentance come into my life holy ghost with a wind of change a wind that will sweep away all the secret sins and unholy desires help me to cast off every weight that is hindering me from following and trusting you fully holy spirit remind me of the weight of eternal consequences but also of the height and depth of god's love for me though my sins are many i know that god's mercy is much more open my eyes anew set a fire ablaze in my heart remind me of the miraculous work you've done in my life and in this world may i always stand in wonder of the gospel and father if i'm going through deep suffering if i'm struggling to even smile remind me of your patience and steadfast love for me when i can't find a reason to go on draw my gaze upward and help me to do it for you knowing that you will give me the strength that i need father in all that i do give me an attitude of humility give me a servant's heart may i decrease as the glory of the lord increases and the name of jesus is lifted higher and higher by the things i say and do i pray these things in jesus name [Music] amen how do you spend your time most of us lead relatively normal lives we go to work we care for our families we pursue our ambitions and personal interests but apart from all the time we put into these things how much attention do we actually give to god how much effort do we put to building a close relationship with jesus christ the real question i want to ask you is are you living for jesus or are you content living life and simply putting jesus christ alongside everything and everyone else in our world today not only is there evil and trouble lurking at every corner but there are all sorts of things vying for our attention and it becomes so easy to be distracted from the things that really matter however my firm belief is that in this busy busy world in the midst of all the chaos and confusion the voice of god is still calling out to us however it's up to us to listen hebrews 3 verse 15 says as it is said today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion proverbs 28 verse 14 says blessed is the one who fears the lord always but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity what does it mean to have a hardened heart it means spiritual blindness it means insensitivity towards god's beauty and glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of god but thankfully in his mercy god has offered to change our hearts god can change our hearts ezekiel 36 verse 26 says and i will give you a new heart and a new spirit i will put within you and i will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh since the beginning of time god has been drawing us toward himself even when we stubbornly ignore him he doesn't walk away he never gives up on us in the book of matthew jesus compares his second coming to a great wedding feast a joyful celebration of the perfect union between jesus christ and his bride the church and so we are invited to the greatest dinner banquet of all time have you responded to that invitation or are you putting it off until the last minute maybe you've become deafened to the sound of him knocking maybe your attention has been captured by other things like work and finances and romantic love those things seem important until you realize that they are only temporary and when your life is over or jesus returns they will no longer be of any value we all think we have more time to get right with god but the truth is that life is short tomorrow is not guaranteed everything we do today matters on an eternal level if jesus came back today would you be ready would you be able to say that your heart was firmly set on christ now is the time to place your faith in jesus from the foundation of the earth he has been waiting for you but his invitation won't stand forever today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart instead allow him to come in and change your life forever [Music] now let us pray lord jesus i pray that you would forgive me for all the time i've wasted and chasing after these earthly things that will never satisfy me father we as humans can spend so much of our lives trying to buy happiness we could spend so much time chasing all these things concerning our careers our families and finances but father i pray that you would redirect our focus redirect our hearts to focus on you you lord have offered me you've offered us the greatest gift in the entire universe which is the opportunity to spend an eternity with you in heaven your word says in revelation 3 verse 20 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and eat with him and he with me lord forgive me if all this time you've been gently knocking at my door waiting for me to respond and yet i have pushed you forgive me forgive me if time and time again i have chosen my own desires instead of you but lord i thank you for never giving up on me i thank you for always loving me i thank you for the holy spirit who continually convicts me and draws me towards you father your word in james 4 verse 14 says yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes this is a sobering reminder of how short the life we live on this earth really is and so lord i humble myself to accept your gift of grace and to start living for you i desire to live your will i desire to be an effective christian who has a burning passion to witness about the amazing love of jesus christ father give me a heart that is sensitive to the voice of the holy spirit a heart that is sensitive to the voice of jesus christ so that whenever you speak i will be sensitive to your voice give me a willingness to listen help me to tune out every other voice in this loud and noisy world give me a spirit that is able to discern good from evil and as this world drifts further from you every day i pray that i would draw closer and closer to you [Music] give me the ability to recognize when satan is trying to lead me away from you father help me not to backslide in my faith or begin to compromise with sin help me to be your faithful servant up until the day you return [Music] lord make my heart receptive to you help me to recognize your hand in every earthly manner help me to see beyond the things that are right in front of me and teach me to number my days matthew 24 44 says therefore you also must be ready for the son of man is coming and an hour you do not expect lord i know that my life is but a mist here today and gone tomorrow but my hope is still in you you are coming quickly like a thief in the night and on that day i pray that i'll be ready help me not to take anything for granted don't let my heart become hard towards you empower me to live each day for you as if it were my last father i thank you for the time you have given me help me to be wise in how i spend this time here on earth [Music] you are worthy to be glorified in jesus name i pray [Music] amen think of this illustration for a moment picture a well a deep reservoir of water that's capable of sustaining life in the midst of a desert wasteland if that well becomes polluted everyone who drinks from it will become severely ill but if that well is full of clean fresh life-giving water everyone who drinks from it will be nourished they will be restored they will live to see another day because of that well what if i were to tell you that this well represents our hearts our hearts in the midst of the desert wasteland that is this world and the only way we could keep our hearts clean the only way we can keep this well clean is through the word of god it's through jesus proverbs 4 and 23 says keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life all of our thoughts actions and attitudes are determined by the contents of our hearts depending on what's in your hearts we have the power to speak either life or death to those around us that's why it's so important to guard our hearts even a trace of impurity can have grave consequences psalms 51-10 says create in me a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit within me david wrote this psalm after committing one of the most wicked acts of his life he had committed adultery with bathsheba plotted the murder of her husband and attempted to cover it up in a dishonest way when nathan revealed his sin to him he immediately repented in this psalm david cries out create in me a clean hawk and you can almost hear the desperation in david's voice david didn't deny the wickedness that lurked in his heart he simply humbled himself and pleaded with god to give him a new one matthew 5 and 8 says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god our reward for a pure heart is a close and fruitful relationship with the lord that's worth far more than any pleasure we could get from living in sin and impurity the promise of one day seeing god face to face communicating with him and enjoying him forever that's what should motivate us to faithful obedience a pure heart is one that delights in honoring god even if it means denying the desires of the flesh one of the ways we can guard our hearts is by meditating on scripture god's word reminds us of his perfect intentions for our lives in the midst of all the lies this world tries to sell us the truth can become distorted we can begin to lose our way so how do we know what is truly right from truly wrong by the unchanging word of god in today's world there are so many polluting influences our culture glorifies things like violence sexual immorality and lavish living we're surrounded by these things every time we step out into the world and although we can't remove ourselves from them entirely we can guard our hearts so that only what is true what is honorable and what is pure enters our hearts let us pray heavenly father thank you for setting me apart you have called me out of this wicked and evil generation and you have shown me the joy of following and obeying you and i delight in you father i pray that you would have mercy on me in this world i'm surrounded by temptation there are so many polluting influences that threaten to infiltrate my heart each and every day so lord help me to guard my arm help me to fill my heart with your word help me to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help me to be in the world but not of it help me to be in this world but not to love it empower me to be a strong godly influence in this world rather than for me to be influenced by this world help me to be salt in this earth help me to be a light in the darkness guiding my friends and my family and neighbors and strangers alike to the glorious cross your word calls me in philippians 4 8 to say finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things lord i pray that i would not be a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love lord like david wrote in the psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit i know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness psalms 119 verse 9 says how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen [Music] as humans we place our trust in so many things we do it knowingly and unknowingly but there is no denying that we place our trust in people and things and even in ourselves consider this scenario if there was a serious disaster or a real threat to mankind how many of us would run to an underground how many of us would fight over entry into safe houses how many of us would only feel comfortable in the presence of the army you would be surprised where people run to in order to feel safe and secure if a man or woman has the right set of clothes and bears the name of doctor we are so comfortable to fully trust them with our lives but saints let me ask you this if we can trust imperfect human beings with matters of life and death how much more should we trust god does his track record not speak for itself has he not proven himself time after time [Music] he is the one who delivered noah and his family from a worldwide flood he is the one who parted the red sea and rescued israel from slavery he is the one with all authority in heaven and on earth he is the alpha and the omega the one who is meaning he exists forever [Music] he is the one who was meaning he continually exists in the past and he is the one who is to come meaning the future is in his hands how can you fail to trust such a god saints the almighty the omnipotent the ruler of all psalm 9 verse 10 says and those who know your name put their trust in you for you o lord have not forsaken those who seek you proverbs 3 verses 5 through 6 say trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths what an amazing picture of what our lives can be when we trust in god without him we're subject to the conditions of our environment in seasons of drought or blazing heat we can shrivel up and cease to thrive but when our trust is in god we become like trees planted by the water we become firmly rooted so that even in the desert and even in the storm we can remain upright immovable vibrant and fruitful complete trust in god has another amazing benefit peace not a temporary shallow peace like the world gives but a kind of peace that passes understanding peace means not being anxious when trouble comes our way peace means being able to rest in god's grace whenever we feel inadequate for the road ahead trust is not just theoretical it is the result of real belief translated into action if we truly believe that the god of the universe cares for us there's nothing we can't trust him with we know that he makes all things work together for our good and all of his promises will come to pass even if everyone and everything in this life disappoints you god will exceed your expectations every time and so if there's one thing you must trust completely in this life let it be the god who never changes let us pray heavenly father thank you for being a god who saves thank you that in every circumstance you are the one i can fully trust with my life and everything in it thank you for being the only constant in this ever ever-changing world the promises of man are fragile and weak but god your promises stand true for all of eternity from age to age you have proven your faithfulness you have been reliable through every storm of life you have proven to be trustworthy through every spiritual and earthly battle you've proven to be faithful through every scene and unseen danger i bless your name lord for you've continually delivered and blessed me in more ways than i can count and you have always provided me with everything i need so lord help me to trust you always in all circumstances help me to place my life completely in your hands because in you i know my future is secure your word in jeremiah 17 verses 7 through 8 says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord whose trust is the lord he is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bear fruit those who know your name who call upon your name and put their trust in you will never be disappointed father all throughout my life i've come to know you the one true god the god who delivered joseph from slavery the god who delivered daniel from the lion's den the god who delivered shadrach meshach and abednego from a fiery furnace you've never abandoned those who seek you and you never will father i place my complete trust in you not just half or partial but total surrender to you [Laughter] lord let me hold nothing back from you even the things i treasure most your word says in isaiah 26 verses 3 and 4 you keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you trust in the lord forever for the lord god is an everlasting rock father wash away all my anxiety and fear give me an unshakable confidence in you so that even when i face hardships i can be like a tree planted by the water never in danger of withering or fading but filled with life and always ready to bear fruit for you lord right now i give you full control full control over my relationships my finances my aspirations for your plans are so much better than mine lord jesus have mercy on me because sometimes sometimes my selfish heart chases after whatever i think will make me happy but i trust you because you see beyond my temporary needs you see the needs of my soul so holy spirit help me to give up my need for control so that i can let go and be led by god lord you're the good shepherd you take care of all my needs unlike sinful men you never fail you never make mistakes you will never let me down and of all the things i trust in this life may you be the only one that i trust with my eternity as well as with the here and now in jesus name amen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 356,943
Rating: 4.8795285 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: AmPpgRK-SXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 46sec (5446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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