Blessed Prayers To Start Your Day With God | Morning Prayers To Inspire Your Day

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have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to get it maybe you worked day and night to get that business off the ground maybe you put in countless hours of training all so that you could sharpen your skills or perhaps you worked overtime for months to get that promotion now imagine imagine taking that same energy that same intensity and hunger to chase jesus christ what would happen if we had that same relentless dedication in our walk with christ just imagine how strong god's presence would be in our lives imagine the level of anointing that would be released over us now i'd like to turn your attention to a man who desired god in a desperate way genesis 32 verses 24 through 28 read and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day when the man saw that he did not prevail against jacob he touched his hip socket and jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him then he said let me go for the day has broken but jacob said i will not let you go unless you bless me [Music] and he said to him what is your name and he said jacob then he said your name shall no longer be called jacob but israel for you have striven with god and with men and have prevailed can you imagine the intensity of this scene jacob wrestled with god in the flesh that takes an exceptional amount of willpower and resolve jacob wrestled with god through pain and tiredness and fatigue all night long why because he had such an appetite to be blessed by god furthermore he had the boldness to ask for the blessing can you say that about your faith can you say that you have such a desire such an appetite that you're willing to fight through anything or anyone often we hold back our prayers because of doubt because of sin but saints god delights in us offering sincere prayers to him of course he knows all of our wants and needs before we can even say them but god wants us to come to him in persistent prayer asking seeking knocking demonstrating that we completely believe that he is willing and able to help us [Music] in luke jesus tells a parable of a man who knocks on his friend's door in the middle of the night for some loaves of bread at first the friend seems unresponsive but because of the man's persistence the friend eventually relents and gives the man whatever he needs this is a picture of what it means to strive with god even if we don't prevail the first time keep knocking keep waiting certainly we cannot change god's mind but sometimes our faith is an essential ingredient for whatever he has planned for us god doesn't give us everything we want as soon as we ask for it and that's a good thing like a good father he only provides the best for his children and sometimes he withholds certain things until we show that we are persistent enough to work for them in those situations we just have to wrestle and keep pushing now let us pray heavenly father give me a desire to know you more fill me with an all-consuming longing to be blessed by you lord give me a divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life i know you are capable of great things and lord i want your power to be displayed in my life not because i deserve it but because i long to have a divine experience with you i long for the world to see how great you are lord i know that like jacob i am powerless in your presence i know that i'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true god such as you i have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all i have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family lord i trust and believe that all good things all blessings they come from you they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when i'm in a season of dryness when i'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle lord and continue to seek you your word in luke 11 verses 9 through 10 say and i tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened god i pray that i would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy god lord i don't come to you with a list of demands but i submit to your will in all things let your will be done and i believe just as your word says no i has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what god has prepared for those who love him lord may your will be done in my life have your way king jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything unholy that i'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every idol that threatens to take your place in my life lord i count these all as loss when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing jesus christ god help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all because of him that i can come before you now forgive me if i've been impatient i know that i can be so short-sighted at times but lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may i pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of christ it's in jesus name that i pray [Music] amen we live in a world that is marred by sin ever since the fall of man evil has been abundantly present and visible in this world and also in the lives of man anger greed lust and envy secretly dwell in the human heart these are some of the things that are at the root cause of all suffering that we see in this world [Music] and you see it's through this type of evil this inward evil that satan tries to shake our faith in the lord he tries to destable us to discourage us and to distract us but the good news is that we have a savior we have a savior who has promised to protect us and guard us against all manner of evil the bible says in psalm 121 verse 7 to 8 the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore [Music] 2 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 says but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one psalm 23 verse 4 even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me in this life it's easy to sometimes be discouraged by the darkness that we see all around us we may even face spiritual attacks of our own but saints i encourage you to rest in the knowledge that god will be with us through every battle he will not abandon us and leave us to be defeated he will not remove his faithful love from us and leave us to fend for ourselves [Music] you see satan is always looking for opportunities to lead people away from god and set them on a path of destruction his tactics can be fierce the temptation he offers can be compelling to the flesh but i do want to remind you that we have a savior in jesus christ yes we may be in a position where we have more questions than answers but that doesn't change the fact that we have a savior in jesus christ we may be attacked by fear at some point but we do have a savior a deliverer one who can redeem us and his name is jesus christ [Music] in first john chapter 4 verse 4 the bible says little children you are from god and have overcome them for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world you see the way that we can beat the devil is not by being stronger smarter or faster than him the way that we beat the devil is by calling on the name of jesus christ it's by standing in faith on god's word jesus is the light that drives out the darkness at the name of jesus satan has to flee demons have to tremble and nature has to bow down christ alone has ultimate authority over all creation and he has promised to be with us in every struggle and sometimes we can't avoid passing through the deep waters of life we may be surrounded by evil on all sides we may not be able to change our circumstances but if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of god moving in our lives we will see that he is faithful to his word and he will protect us from harm he has already declared that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and if he is for us who can be against us [Music] now let us pray heavenly father i thank you for your word that says in isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you i thank you for such a promise because at times i am troubled by the evil in this world this world and this generation can be hostile towards you it can show no reverence towards you lord however you have called me you have called us as your children to be set apart to come out from among them to not conform to the ways of this world and so i pray that you would instill in me a godly character a character that is grieved by sin fill me with the holy spirit to such an extent that i will stand desire and chase holiness and righteousness above anything else in this world i ask that you forgive me lord for those moments where i have struggled with temptation forgive me for those times that i have gravitated toward my old ways away from your perfect design give me the strength king jesus to always have my eyes fixed on you even as i live in this world and walk through this world and despite the fact that there are times where i am surrounded by evil on all sides and when i am in the midst of deep waters i pray that you would help me never to lose sight help me never to lose sight of the victory that i have in you of the strength that i have in you lord forgive me if i have ever allowed fear to drown out my faith and so at this moment i pray that you would give me a bold and courageous spirit because i know that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world lord i pray that you would protect me from evil each and every day may the holy spirit remind me of the promises that i have in you protect me from the hidden traps of the enemy let me not be enticed by the sinful desires of the flesh in my heart and in my mind i pray that i would be continually transformed by your word i pray that through your word i will be renewed and refreshed in every part of my life protect me from all manner and form of evil father let me not be deceived but give me the wisdom to discern to discern that which is pleasing to your will help me lord to cast out anything that seeks to corrupt every spirit that seeks to disturb or hinder me from seeking you i pray that in the name of jesus it will have no authority no effect upon my life drive out all of the darkness around me lord jesus and lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but you lord you have come to give life and in you there is fullness of joy help me to saturate my mind with your righteous commands help me to put on the full armor of god so that i may always be ready to withstand all of the enemies attacks you have already conquered sin death and the grave by the finished work of the cross so help me not to be afraid of the chaos and lawlessness of this world i praise you lord because all authority belongs to you at the sound of your voice every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord at your voice lord the demons will tremble in fear in your presence there is no other power that can stand and i pray that regardless of the doubts that the enemy may try and plant in my heart let nothing take away my faith in you let nothing steal the promise of eternal life that i have in you father i praise you for your love i thank you for your protection i pray that you would be with me each and every day and each and every moment [Music] may your name be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] the bible says in exodus 23 22 but if you carefully obey his voice and do all that i say then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries allow me to read a different translation but if you will indeed listen to and truly obey his voice and do everything that i say then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries let's focus on the latter part of that verse god said i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries think about that whoever comes against you if you are careful to be obedient to the lord's voice whoever comes against you will have to face god first now it makes sense to me why david said he prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies he knew david knew that if the good shepherd was leading him if he was obedient to the steps direction and call of god then there is no enemy that would be able to stand against him so today i invite you to speak to your enemy speak to that enemy called anxiety and tell it to leave your life speak to that enemy called depression and tell it you have everlasting joy in jesus the joy of the lord is your strength speak to the dysfunction in your family and command unity in jesus name speak to the fear in your heart and embrace the spirit of god a spirit of peace love and a sound mind saints we absolutely need jesus we need him daily we need his mercy daily we need his grace and favor daily and we definitely need his protection because no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself enough to block the attacks from the devil on your own many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all in other words many are the challenges that you will face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older but here's the key thing that we need to remember the key thing to remember is that god will deliver you from them all this has nothing to do with your talent or ability it's got nothing to do with your wealthy friends or your ingenuity but it has everything to do with jesus christ he alone delivers it's only jesus who can block the arrows of the enemy it's only jesus who can disturb the enemy's plan over your life it's only jesus who can expose the traps that are set before you by the principalities and powers that we wrestle against and so to put it plainly look to jesus remain in the lord abide in him wait on him stand on his word let him be the beginning and the end for all things concerning you now let us pray lord jesus i praise your holy name you alone are worthy of all the praise and honor i pray for supernatural protection today lord your word tells me that you are a stronghold in the day of trouble you are my refuge and you are my strength you are the lion of the tribe of judah and with everything currently going on in this world right now with all of the illness with all the struggles with all of the violence and rumors of violence i ask for divine protection upon me and my family [Music] i plead the blood of jesus to form a hedge of protection around my home i ask that your blood protects me and my family in all that we do and in every place that we are found to be in we invite your mighty presence into our lives lord may you be found in our homes and in our hearts from your word lord i know that there is safety in abiding in your presence and so i seek your presence father i seek your presence to always and constantly be with me i pray that you block every attack from the devil over my life in jesus name may you cancel every plan of the enemy in jesus name i declare through the authority that's in the mighty name of jesus christ the living son of god i declare that no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper i declare through the authority that's in the name of jesus christ that no attack from the devil no plan no trap from the kingdom of darkness will prosper in jesus name i pray that no plot from the enemy no scheme from the enemy will prosper in my life because i am covered by the blood of jesus we as your children are covered and protected by you jesus i pray that you would stand by me during the tough times in my life when i am in the middle of a fiery furnace may you be in close proximity to me so long as i am in your presence there is no fire that can destroy me lord so long as i am in close proximity to you then i am protected i am set free from the chains that were intended to bind me to the flames i belong to you lord and i am in your hands and in your care and so my family is covered my home is covered my finances are covered and protected by you lol i am covered from head to toe by the miracle working blood of jesus christ and so i declare to the devil that you cannot come near me because i am a child of god and i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i stand and believe in your word that says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe your word lord i believe that nothing no evil or darkness will come near me because it is written in your word you are the king of kings and the lord of lords i believe your word that tells me a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me or my family you have charge over my life lord and you are a god who is faithful to the liver you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust in you and so today father i declare that i placed my trust completely and totally in you every single one of my cares and worries all of my burdens i give them unto you lord i surrender it all to you because you know my beginning and my end you know the present you know the past and you know the future may you take all of these attacks that are meant for evil and turn them all into good may you be glorified and lifted high forever and always my highest praise belongs only to you my adoration and worship goes only to you jesus i bless your name and thank you for listening in jesus name i pray [Music] amen when life puts you through painful situations it can be hard to remain positive in those moments in those situations it can be hard to see how your circumstances could possibly turn out for the better but allow me to encourage you and tell you that the longer you live the more you will come to understand that there will be times where it feels as though god is breaking you when in actual fact he is building you think about the story of joseph joseph was a faithful servant to the lord yet he was betrayed by his own brothers he was sold into slavery falsely accused imprisoned and almost forgotten joseph suffered setback after setback in his life even though he did nothing wrong and even though it might have felt like god was breaking him god was actually building joseph god was building his faith his tenacity and his strength so that at the proper appointed time god would elevate him to a position that joseph never thought would be possible james chapter 1 verse 2 to 4 says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing that's the mindset we are meant to have in times of tribulation this is the truth that allowed joseph to say to pharaoh at the end of his trials in genesis 50 verse 20 as for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good what would happen if we had the same attitude towards our own suffering romans chapter 5 verse 3 to 5 says not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because god's love has been poured into our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us rejoicing in suffering does not mean that we enjoy the pain on the contrary rejoicing and suffering means that we fully understand the size of our troubles but we trust that our god is bigger we know that through our suffering god is refining our character teaching us the value of hope filling our heart with faith the currency of heaven and making us more dependent on him none of these things are pleasant in the moment but they are necessary for our maturity they are necessary for our growth as christians and for our ultimate joy romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose what a powerful reminder of god's love for us there is no such thing as meaningless sorrow god uses it all for our good the rest of the world gets discouraged they get bitter and depressed when they encounter suffering but our hope is in jesus christ even if this life disappoints us our faith is in the one who has overcome all things jesus faced the greatest suffering of all he allowed himself to be broken so that we wouldn't have to be so today if you're choosing to remain faithful in spite of your pain you can rest in the truth that this trial is producing a good thing within you it's producing a good work within you heavenly father this life can be filled with sorrow tragedy and pain father i pray that these trials these tribulations presented to me will never overwhelm me your word says in first chronicles chapter 16 verse 11 seek the lord and his strength seek his presence continually it's your strength that i will seek lord jesus even when i feel as though everything is falling apart for me i will seek your strength and presence continually [Music] lord give me the presence of mind and the maturity to understand that at times when i feel as though i am about to break you will never send a trial that is too much for me to bear give me the grace father to have the presence of mind that realizes that the trials you send my way are actually designed to build me to build my faith in you to build my trust in you and my reliance on you father help me to realize that the trials i go through are not your punishment but they are instruments of your loving discipline you have been faithful all throughout my life and i declare your word in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 to 9 which says we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed father i come to you now in humble adoration of your power and glory i submit to your ways which are higher than mine because in your infinite wisdom you take what is evil and you work it out for my good you take what is meant to harm me and you use it to bring about your plan for my salvation and so i can trust that none of my suffering is ever wasted for you always create beauty out of the ashes you have the power to create something new out of what has been destroyed so lord build me through my successes as well as my failures build me through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles like joseph and so many others before me help me to suffer well knowing that you are a god who is with me help me not to be resentful for the things you allow me to face instead i pray that you would expand my view so that i can see how you're using them for something greater help me not to sink into depression when challenges come my way instead i pray that you would enable me to have a cheerful and joyful attitude knowing that every little detail that i am worried about will work out for my good because you are a god who is in control you are a god who will receive all of the glory lord i know that if you allow me to suffer it is ultimately because you love me and because you have my best interest in mind every trial i encounter i can stand in faith and know that it will not break me but you will use it to build me to teach me to help me to understand the extent of your grace and mercy lord i would much rather suffer and find you in the process then go through a life of comfort without ever recognizing my need for you and so father i pray that you would draw me closer to you i pray that you would fill me with your peace give me the eyes of faith lord because so often i can see only the mountain ahead of me but lord you see the entire picture what i perceive to be long seasons of suffering are but light and momentary afflictions when compared to the glory that is to be revealed in eternity thank you for your sovereignty father and for your kindness in my life in jesus name i pray amen [Music] what do you think of when you hear the word sacrifice today the word sacrifices come to mean simply giving up something for the sake of others but in ancient times a sacrifice was always associated with bloodshed in the old testament the israelites would offer animal sacrifices to god as a sign of their devotion it's in this context that in one of the most gut-wrenching stories of the bible god commanded abraham to present his own son as a sacrifice genesis 22 verses 1 and 2 after these things god tested abraham and said to him abraham and he said here i am he said take your son your only son isaac whom you love and go to the land of moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which i shall tell you imagine how abraham must have felt in that moment he had waited 100 years for the birth of isaac god had promised abraham that his descendants would be more numerous than the stars in the sky and yet now he was asking him to give up his only son [Music] it would have been easy for abraham to argue with god or react with outrage it would have been easier for abraham to protest and plead his case against such a sacrifice however abraham simply obeyed he did exactly what god commanded genesis 22 verses 10 through 12 say then abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son but the angel of the lord called to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here i am he said do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him for now i know that you fear god seeing you have not withheld your son your only son from me abraham took an amazing leap of faith he didn't know that god would spare isaac but he knew that whatever god's plan was it was much better than his own limited understanding how would you fare in this situation if god asked you to sacrifice anything for his sake are there things that you would withhold are there areas of your life that you would consider off limits is there a certain relationship or a source of revenue that you would choose above obedience to god as christians we are called to a lifestyle of sacrifice today we might not spill the blood of bulls and goats on altars but we are called to lay down our lives as living sacrifices to god each and every day romans 12 verse 1 says i appeal to you therefore brethren by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god which is your spiritual worship [Music] when we come to see jesus there is a part of us that dies our old nature the self that is bent towards selfishness pride and evil that self has died with christ and we are raised to new life with his resurrection we have to die to ourselves every day and that often means giving up things that we love for the sake of christ it might mean giving up a wealthy lifestyle to better support the ministry of the gospel it might mean walking away from old friendships that hinder us from following christ but these things are light sacrifices when considered in the rearview mirror of eternity [Music] lord jesus thank you for the perfect example of selfless love a perfect example of sacrificial love you gave up the riches of heaven to walk this wretched earth [Music] lord your amazing love led you to strip away your heavenly glory so that you could walk on the earth as a man you allowed yourself to be beaten mocked and crucified all on my behalf on our behalf is your children you pay the ultimate price so that i might have eternal life in light of that in light of such a mighty sacrifice how could i withhold anything from you god you did not spare anything for me not even your only son so lord please help me to remember your wonderful sacrifice and give me a heart that is willing to sacrifice whatever you want me to [Music] father in the moments when i feel like holding on to things that you're calling me to let go of may the holy spirit press upon my heart and remind me of your sacrifice on the cross i pray that i would be willing to give up everything for you because you gave it all for me may i be obedient to your word and take up my cross each day and follow you father i know that you call me not to a life of comfort but to one of sacrifice i know that this life will not be easy the narrow road will not be easy but by your grace i pray that i will find the strength to march forward i know that to follow you lord is to give up every other allegiance but i also know that you're of far more value than anything i could lose help me to let go of every idol that i've been clinging to lord give me a willing and obedient heart like abraham let me gladly lay down my most prized possessions and build you an altar of worship all i have all that i am god it all belongs to you so let my body be a living sacrifice to you holy and pleasing set apart for service in your kingdom help me to build my life upon you even if it means giving up things that i love and treasure give me the courage to trade good things for the best things whatever you call me to do wherever you call me to go may i do it gladly and without hesitation help me not to mourn the things i lose but rejoice in what i have gained your word says whoever loves his life will lose it but whoever lays it down will find it in the end lord i lay my life before you now trusting that whatever i give up will be multiplied in eternity give me faith to say the course lord even when i can't see the outcome abraham didn't know that you would spare isaac but he trusted that your plan was far greater than his may my life always reflect that willingness to sacrifice everything to obey your perfect will jesus i come before you with open hands withholding nothing from the one who owns all things lord jesus i believe that you are my keeper you are my shepherd and you are the prince of peace father i speak the peace of the lord upon my life and i bless your holy name it's in jesus name that i pray this prayer [Music] amen have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to get it maybe you worked day and night to get that business off the ground maybe you put in countless hours of training all so that you could sharpen your skills or perhaps you worked overtime for months to get that promotion now imagine imagine taking that same energy that same intensity and hunger to chase jesus christ what would happen if we had that same relentless dedication in our walk with christ just imagine how strong god's presence would be in our lives imagine the level of anointing that would be released over us now i'd like to turn your attention to a man who desired god in a desperate way genesis 32 verses 24 through 28 read and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day when the man saw that he did not prevail against jacob he touched his hip socket and jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him then he said let me go for the day has broken but jacob said i will not let you go unless you bless me [Music] and he said to him what is your name and he said jacob then he said your name shall no longer be called jacob but israel for you have striven with god and with men and have prevailed can you imagine the intensity of this scene jacob wrestled with god in the flesh that takes an exceptional amount of willpower and resolve jacob wrestled with god through pain and tiredness and fatigue all night long why because he had such an appetite to be blessed by god furthermore he had the boldness to ask for the blessing can you say that about your faith can you say that you have such a desire such an appetite that you're willing to fight through anything or anyone often we hold back our prayers because of doubt because of sin but saints god delights in us offering sincere prayers to him of course he knows all of our wants and needs before we can even say them but god wants us to come to him in persistent prayer asking seeking knocking demonstrating that we completely believe that he is willing and able to help us [Music] in luke jesus tells a parable of a man who knocks on his friend's door in the middle of the night for some loaves of bread at first the friend seems unresponsive but because of the man's persistence the friend eventually relents and gives the man whatever he needs this is a picture of what it means to strive with god even if we don't prevail the first time keep knocking keep waiting certainly we cannot change god's mind but sometimes our faith is an essential ingredient for whatever he has planned for us god doesn't give us everything we want as soon as we ask for it and that's a good thing like a good father he only provides the best for his children and sometimes he withholds certain things until we show that we are persistent enough to work for them in those situations we just have to wrestle and keep pushing now let us pray heavenly father give me a desire to know you more fill me with an all-consuming longing to be blessed by you lord give me a divine and holy appetite an appetite that longs for you more than my body needs bread and water help me to hunger and thirst for you intensely jesus you are the bread of life and the living water from whom all blessings flow let me always be seeking you walking with you growing in you don't let me settle for anything less than your glory revealed in my life i know you are capable of great things and lord i want your power to be displayed in my life not because i deserve it but because i long to have a divine experience with you i long for the world to see how great you are lord i know that like jacob i am powerless in your presence i know that i'm unworthy to stand before a pure and true god such as you i have nothing to bring no chips to bargain with all i have is faith faith that you will bless me faith that you are going to bless my family lord i trust and believe that all good things all blessings they come from you they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character so give me the patience and endurance to wrestle with you in faith when everything in my life is going wrong when i'm in a season of dryness when i'm frustrated with the ways of the world help me to wrestle lord and continue to seek you your word in luke 11 verses 9 through 10 say and i tell you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened god i pray that i would ask seek and knock with humility recognizing my position before a holy god lord i don't come to you with a list of demands but i submit to your will in all things let your will be done and i believe just as your word says no i has seen and no ear has heard nor the heart of man imagined what god has prepared for those who love him lord may your will be done in my life have your way king jesus and touch my life father make your presence known move in a mighty way and displace everything unholy that i'm connected to this includes any friends that don't respect you every habit that doesn't honor you every idol that threatens to take your place in my life lord i count these all as lost when compared to the surpassing worth of knowing jesus christ god help me to boldly approach your throne confident that you will hear me because christ has interceded for me and atoned for my sin it's all because of him that i can come before you now forgive me if i've been impatient i know that i can be so short-sighted at times but lord help me to persevere help me to see that you're always working and as you do may i pray without ceasing wrestling with you until the day breaks thank you father for hearing every prayer and for pushing me to become a more patient more obedient more devoted follower of christ it's in jesus name that i pray amen we live in a world that is marred by sin ever since the fall of man evil has been abundantly present and visible in this world and also in the lives of man anger greed lust and envy secretly dwell in the human heart these are some of the things that are at the root cause of all suffering that we see in this world [Music] and you see it's through this type of evil this inward evil that satan tries to shake our faith in the lord he tries to destable us to discourage us and to distract us but the good news is that we have a savior we have a savior who has promised to protect us and guard us against all manner of evil the bible says in psalm 121 verse 7 to 8 the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore [Music] second thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 says but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one psalm 23 verse 4 even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me in this life it's easy to sometimes be discouraged by the darkness that we see all around us we may even face spiritual attacks of our own but saints i encourage you to rest in the knowledge that god will be with us through every battle he will not abandon us and leave us to be defeated he will not remove his faithful love from us and leave us to fend for ourselves [Music] you see satan is always looking for opportunities to lead people away from god and set them on a path of destruction his tactics can be fierce the temptation he offers can be compelling to the flesh but i do want to remind you that we have a savior in jesus christ yes we may be in a position where we have more questions than answers but that doesn't change the fact that we have a savior in jesus christ we may be attacked by fear at some point but we do have a savior a deliverer one who can redeem us and his name is jesus christ [Music] in first john chapter 4 verse 4 the bible says little children you are from god and have overcome them for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world you see the way that we can beat the devil is not by being stronger smarter or faster than him the way that we beat the devil is by calling on the name of jesus christ it's by standing in faith on god's word jesus is the light that drives out the darkness at the name of jesus satan has to flee demons have to tremble and nature has to bow down christ alone has ultimate authority over all creation and he has promised to be with us in every struggle and sometimes we can't avoid passing through the deep waters of life we may be surrounded by evil on all sides we may not be able to change our circumstances but if we can only walk by faith and not by sight we will see the hand of god moving in our lives we will see that he is faithful to his word and he will protect us from harm he has already declared that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and if he is for us who can be against us [Music] now let us pray heavenly father i thank you for your word that says in isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you i thank you for such a promise because at times i am troubled by the evil in this world this world and this generation can be hostile towards you it can show no reverence towards you lord however you have called me you have called us as your children to be set apart to come out from among them to not conform to the ways of this world and so i pray that you would instill in me a godly character a character that is grieved by sin fill me with the holy spirit to such an extent that i will stand desire and chase holiness and righteousness above anything else in this world i ask that you forgive me lord for those moments where i have struggled with temptation forgive me for those times that i have gravitated toward my old ways away from your perfect design give me the strength king jesus to always have my eyes fixed on you even as i live in this world and walk through this world and despite the fact that there are times where i am surrounded by evil on all sides and when i am in the midst of deep waters i pray that you would help me never to lose sight help me never to lose sight of the victory that i have in you of the strength that i have in you lord forgive me if i have ever allowed fear to drown out my faith and so at this moment i pray that you would give me a bold and courageous spirit because i know that he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world lord i pray that you would protect me from evil each and every day may the holy spirit remind me of the promises that i have in you protect me from the hidden traps of the enemy let me not be enticed by the sinful desires of the flesh in my heart and in my mind i pray that i would be continually transformed by your word i pray that through your word i will be renewed and refreshed in every part of my life protect me from all manner and form of evil father let me not be deceived but give me the wisdom to discern to discern that which is pleasing to your will help me lord to cast out anything that seeks to corrupt every spirit that seeks to disturb or hinder me from seeking you i pray that in the name of jesus it will have no authority no effect upon my life drive out all of the darkness around me lord jesus and lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but you lord you have come to give life and in you there is fullness of joy help me to saturate my mind with your righteous commands help me to put on the full armor of god so that i may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks you have already conquered sin death and the grave by the finished work of the cross so help me not to be afraid of the chaos and lawlessness of this world i praise you lord because all authority belongs to you at the sound of your voice every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord at your voice lord the demons will tremble in fear in your presence there is no other power that can stand and i pray that regardless of the doubts that the enemy may try and plant in my heart let nothing take away my faith in you let nothing steal the promise of eternal life that i have in you father i praise you for your love i thank you for your protection i pray that you would be with me each and every day and each and every moment [Music] may your name be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] the bible says in exodus 23 verse 22 but if you carefully obey his voice and do all that i say then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries [Music] allow me to read a different translation but if you will indeed listen to and truly obey his voice and do everything that i say then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries let's focus on the latter part of that verse god said i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries think about that whoever comes against you if you are careful to be obedient to the lord's voice whoever comes against you will have to face god first now it makes sense to me why david said he prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies he knew david knew that if the good shepherd was leading him if he was obedient to the steps direction and call of god then there is no enemy that would be able to stand against him so today i invite you to speak to your enemy speak to that enemy called anxiety and tell it to leave your life speak to that enemy called depression and tell it you have everlasting joy in jesus the joy of the lord is your strength speak to the dysfunction in your family and command unity in jesus name speak to the fear in your heart and embrace the spirit of god a spirit of peace love and a sound mind saints we absolutely need jesus we need him daily we need his mercy daily we need his grace and favor daily and we definitely need his protection because no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself enough to block the attacks from the devil on your own many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all in other words many are the challenges that you will face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older but here's the key thing that we need to remember the key thing to remember is that god will deliver you from them all this has nothing to do with your talent or ability it's got nothing to do with your wealthy friends or your ingenuity but it has everything to do with jesus christ he alone delivers it's only jesus who can block the arrows of the enemy it's only jesus who can disturb the enemy's plan over your life it's only jesus who can expose the traps that are set before you by the principalities and powers that we wrestle against and so to put it plainly look to jesus remain in the lord abide in him wait on him stand on his word let him be the beginning and the end for all things concerning you now let us pray lord jesus i praise your holy name you alone are worthy of all the praise and honor i pray for supernatural protection today lord your word tells me that you are a stronghold in the day of trouble you are my refuge and you are my strength you are the lion of the tribe of judah and with everything currently going on in this world right now with all of the illness with all the struggles with all of the violence and rumors of violence i ask for divine protection upon me and my family [Music] i plead the blood of jesus to form a hedge of protection around my home i ask that your blood protects me and my family in all that we do and in every place that we are found to be in we invite your mighty presence into our lives lord may you be found in our homes and in our hearts [Music] from your word lord i know that there is safety in abiding in your presence and so i seek your presence father i seek your presence to always and constantly be with me i pray that you block every attack from the devil over my life in jesus name may you cancel every plan of the enemy in jesus name i declare through the authority that's in the mighty name of jesus christ the living son of god i declare that no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper i declare through the authority that's in the name of jesus christ that no attack from the devil no plan no trap from the kingdom of darkness will prosper in jesus name i pray that no plot from the enemy no scheme from the enemy will prosper in my life because i am covered by the blood of jesus we as your children are covered and protected by you jesus i pray that you would stand by me during the tough times in my life when i am in the middle of a fiery furnace may you be in close proximity to me so long as i am in your presence there is no fire that can destroy me lord so long as i am in close proximity to you then i am protected i am set free from the chains that were intended to bind me to the flames i belong to you lord and i am in your hands and in your care and so my family is covered my home is covered my finances are covered and protected by you lol i am covered from head to toe by the miracle working blood of jesus christ and so i declare to the devil that you cannot come near me because i am a child of god and i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i stand and believe in your word that says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you i believe your word lord i believe that nothing no evil or darkness will come near me because it is written in your word you are the king of kings and the lord of lords i believe your word that tells me a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me or my family you have charge over my life lord and you are a god who is faithful to the liver you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust in you and so today father i declare that i placed my trust completely and totally in you every single one of my cares and worries all of my burdens i give them unto you lord i surrender it all to you because you know my beginning and my end you know the present you know the past and you know the future may you take all of these attacks that are meant for evil and turn them all into good may you be glorified and lifted high forever and always my highest praise belongs only to you my adoration and worship goes only to you jesus i bless your name and thank you for listening in jesus name i pray [Music] amen when life puts you through painful situations it can be hard to remain positive in those moments in those situations it can be hard to see how your circumstances could possibly turn out for the better but allow me to encourage you and tell you that the longer you live the more you will come to understand that there will be times where it feels as though god is breaking you when in actual fact he is building you think about the story of joseph joseph was a faithful servant to the lord yet he was betrayed by his own brothers he was sold into slavery falsely accused imprisoned and almost forgotten joseph suffered setback after setback in his life even though he did nothing wrong and even though it might have felt like god was breaking him god was actually building joseph god was building his faith his tenacity and his strength so that at the proper appointed time god would elevate him to a position that joseph never thought would be possible james chapter 1 verse 2 to 4 says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing that's the mindset we are meant to have in times of tribulation this is the truth that allowed joseph to say to pharaoh at the end of his trials in genesis 50 verse 20 as for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good what would happen if we had the same attitude towards our own suffering romans chapter 5 verse 3 to 5 says not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because god's love has been poured into our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us rejoicing in suffering does not mean that we enjoy the pain on the contrary rejoicing and suffering means that we fully understand the size of our troubles but we trust that our god is bigger we know that through our suffering god is refining our character teaching us the value of hope filling our heart with faith the currency of heaven and making us more dependent on him none of these things are pleasant in the moment but they are necessary for our maturity they are necessary for our growth as christians and for our ultimate joy romans chapter 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose what a powerful reminder of god's love for us there is no such thing as meaningless sorrow god uses it all for our good the rest of the world gets discouraged they get bitter and depressed when they encounter suffering but our hope is in jesus christ even if this life disappoints us our faith is in the one who has overcome all things jesus faced the greatest suffering of all he allowed himself to be broken so that we wouldn't have to be so today if you're choosing to remain faithful in spite of your pain you can rest in the truth that this trial is producing a good thing within you it's producing a good work within you heavenly father this life can be filled with sorrow tragedy and pain father i pray that these trials these tribulations presented to me will never overwhelm me your word says in first chronicles chapter 16 verse 11 seek the lord and his strength seek his presence continually it's your strength that i will seek lord jesus even when i feel as though everything is falling apart for me i will seek your strength and presence continually [Music] lord give me the presence of mind and the maturity to understand that at times when i feel as though i am about to break you will never send a trial that is too much for me to bear give me the grace father to have the presence of mind that realizes that the trials you send my way are actually designed to build me to build my faith in you to build my trust in you and my reliance on you father help me to realize that the trials i go through are not your punishment but they are instruments of your loving discipline you have been faithful all throughout my life and i declare your word in 2nd corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 to 9 which says we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed father i come to you now in humble adoration of your power and glory i submit to your ways which are higher than mine because in your infinite wisdom you take what is evil and you work it out for my good you take what is meant to harm me and you use it to bring about your plan for my salvation and so i can trust that none of my suffering is ever wasted for you always create beauty out of the ashes you have the power to create something new out of what has been destroyed so lord build me through my successes as well as my failures build me through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles like joseph and so many others before me help me to suffer well knowing that you are a god who is with me help me not to be resentful for the things you allow me to face instead i pray that you would expand my view so that i can see how you're using them for something greater help me not to sink into depression when challenges come my way instead i pray that you would enable me to have a cheerful and joyful attitude knowing that every little detail that i am worried about will work out for my good because you are a god who is in control you are a god who will receive all of the glory lord i know that if you allow me to suffer it is ultimately because you love me and because you have my best interest in mind every trial i encounter i can stand in faith and know that it will not break me but you will use it to build me to teach me to help me to understand the extent of your grace and mercy lord i would much rather suffer and find you in the process then go through a life of comfort without ever recognizing my need for you and so father i pray that you would draw me closer to you i pray that you would fill me with your peace give me the eyes of faith lord because so often i can see only the mountain ahead of me but lord you see the entire picture what i perceive to be long seasons of suffering are but light and momentary afflictions when compared to the glory that is to be revealed in eternity thank you for your sovereignty father and for your kindness in my life in jesus name i pray amen [Music] what do you think of when you hear the word sacrifice today the word sacrifices come to mean simply giving up something for the sake of others but in ancient times a sacrifice was always associated with bloodshed in the old testament the israelites would offer animal sacrifices to god as a sign of their devotion it's in this context that in one of the most gut-wrenching stories of the bible god commanded abraham to present his own son as a sacrifice genesis 22 verses 1 and 2. after these things god tested abraham and said to him abraham and he said here i am he said take your son your only son isaac whom you love and go to the land of moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which i shall tell you imagine how abraham must have felt in that moment he had waited 100 years for the birth of isaac god had promised abraham that his descendants would be more numerous than the stars in the sky and yet now he was asking him to give up his only son it would have been easy for abraham to argue with god or react with outrage it would have been easier for abraham to protest and plead his case against such a sacrifice however abraham simply obeyed he did exactly what god commanded genesis 22 verses 10 through 12 say then abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son but the angel of the lord called to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here i am he said do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him for now i know that you fear god seeing you have not withheld your son your only son from me abraham took an amazing leap of faith he didn't know that god would spare isaac but he knew that whatever god's plan was it was much better than his own limited understanding how would you fare in this situation if god asked you to sacrifice anything for his sake are there things that you would withhold are there areas of your life that you would consider off limits is there a certain relationship or a source of revenue that you would choose above obedience to god as christians we are called to a lifestyle of sacrifice today we might not spill the blood of bulls and goats on altars but we are called to lay down our lives as living sacrifices to god each and every day romans 12 verse 1 says i appeal to you therefore brethren by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god which is your spiritual worship [Music] when we come to see jesus there is a part of us that dies our old nature the self that is bent towards selfishness pride and evil that self has died with christ and we are raised to new life with his resurrection we have to die to ourselves every day and that often means giving up things that we love for the sake of christ it might mean giving up a wealthy lifestyle to better support the ministry of the gospel it might mean walking away from old friendships that hinder us from following christ but these things are light sacrifices when considered in the rearview mirror of eternity [Music] lord jesus thank you for the perfect example of selfless love a perfect example of sacrificial love you gave up the riches of heaven to walk this wretched earth [Music] lord your amazing love led you to strip away your heavenly glory so that you could walk on the earth as a man you allowed yourself to be beaten mocked and crucified all on my behalf on our behalf is your children you pay the ultimate price so that i might have eternal life in light of that in light of such a mighty sacrifice how could i withhold anything from you god you did not spare anything for me not even your only son so lord please help me to remember your wonderful sacrifice and give me a heart that is willing to sacrifice whatever you want me to [Music] father in the moments when i feel like holding on to things that you're calling me to let go of may the holy spirit press upon my heart and remind me of your sacrifice on the cross i pray that i would be willing to give up everything for you because you gave it all for me may i be obedient to your word and take up my cross each day and follow you father i know that you call me not to a life of comfort but to one of sacrifice i know that this life will not be easy the narrow road will not be easy but by your grace i pray that i will find the strength to march forward i know that to follow you lord is to give up every other allegiance but i also know that you're of far more value than anything i could lose help me to let go of every idol that i've been clinging to lord give me a willing and obedient heart like abraham let me gladly lay down my most prized possessions and build you an altar of worship all i have all that i am god it all belongs to you so let my body be a living sacrifice to you holy and pleasing set apart for service in your kingdom help me to build my life upon you even if it means giving up things that i love and treasure give me the courage to trade good things for the best things whatever you call me to do wherever you call me to go may i do it gladly and without hesitation help me not to mourn the things i lose but rejoice in what i have gained your word says whoever loves his life will lose it but whoever lays it down will find it in the end lord i lay my life before you now trusting that whatever i give up will be multiplied in eternity give me faith to say the course lord even when i can't see the outcome abraham didn't know that you would spare isaac but he trusted that your plan was far greater than his may my life always reflect that willingness to sacrifice everything to obey your perfect will jesus i come before you with open hands withholding nothing from the one who owns all things lord jesus i believe that you are my keeper you are my shepherd and you are the prince of peace father i speak the peace of the lord upon my life and i bless your holy name it's in jesus name that i pray this prayer [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 270,707
Rating: 4.8459759 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: YA54_SyPp08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 53sec (6053 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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