Listen To This Everyday! Powerful Prayers That Will Bless You At The Start and End Of Your Day!

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[Music] the reality of life and the reality of relationships is that people change relationships change what starts off as a great friendship may sometimes come to an end because good friends change and become strong rivals equally a relationship that starts out as business competitors it can later on produce an alliance which becomes a lifelong friendship relationships change and we as people as individuals we change as well have you ever noticed that anyone who's been seriously ill to the point of death or anyone who's come close to losing their life through an accident or some event they nearly all say the same thing that event changed me that accident it changed me they are more conscious of how fragile life is they are more aware about how short time is or how important health is [Music] people change should you ask any married couple who have been together for a significant amount of time if their relationship has changed they'll tell you things like we never used to communicate like this we had to learn how or maybe they'll tell you that they now spend more time together making time for each other and it wasn't always like that change is inevitable the once handsome young man with that head full of hair he changes and becomes the wrinkled bald older gentleman with a full beard and eyes full of wisdom from life's lessons the once petite young lady who could go for hours in her aerobics class she has now gained a few pounds has thinner grayer hair and needs to take it easy because father time has caught up to her change well it's inevitable no matter who you are or where you're from we all change we all face change and we will all experience change now i don't know about you but one of the worst things to experience is when someone who you once trusted changes and they betray you it's a bitter pill to swallow when a friend a close friend changes and begins to talk about you behind your back and expose those things that you told them in confidence cast your mind to judas when he betrayed jesus we often consider and admire the calm and assured reaction of jesus because he knew all along what judas would do [Music] john 13 verse 27 states then after he had taken the morsel satan entered into him jesus said to him what you are going to do do quickly but sometimes i wonder how did the rest of the disciples feel one of their own betraying their master it wasn't a pharisee or a sadducee but it was a fellow disciple they walked together they prayed together they saw the miracles together they did bible study together but judas changed and he betrayed jesus i wonder if they were hurt by this it surely must have left a sting but friends with all of the scenarios about change that i've explained here's the one thing that i want you to remember hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith [Music] that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen [Music] john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed how can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love with the eyes of faith you can see the hand of god the goodness of god in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in this set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as awakening a hunger for righteousness and holiness like never before or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in a situation and we don't see what god is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty you're facing is god wanting to reveal to you how real he is [Music] perhaps this is a test where god simply wants to demonstrate that he is jehovah jireh your provider or perhaps he wants to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you whatever the purpose of this trial you're in i encourage you to do your part your part is to believe it's to hold on in faith and look to jesus so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good your word says in psalm 73 verse 27 to 28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise forevermore lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me [Music] you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen have you ever thought about why it's so important to wait on god why can't we take matters into our own hands by faith why can't we make things happen and declare the name of jesus throughout the process as a young christian these were some of the questions i battled with i honestly felt as though sometimes god took too long to answer my prayers i could have achieved this i could have been able to buy that by now i would have gone there but god kept me waiting this was my thought process and reasoning as a christian but here's the thing here's what i've learned the reason we wait on god the reason we are made to wait on him is because waiting symbolizes a lack of control it symbolizes humility and obedience or rather for some of us waiting is the very thing that will teach us humility and obedience you don't go into the doctor's office and demand to see him or her right then and there what do you do you wait you wait because you have no authority or control there if you're caught in a traffic jam you don't begin to toot your horn telling everyone to move no you wait you have no control if you go to a movie theater to watch the latest film more often than not there will be a cue and you inevitably end up waiting in all these scenarios you realize that you are not in control you realize that you have to humble yourself to wait until it's your turn or it's your time and i believe this to be the same case with us as christians god makes us wait because he is in control and his control it extends beyond that of a human he knows that if you're given an answer too soon with the way you are impatient with the entitlement mentality that you have or the need for control that you have he knows that an answer to your prayers will not do you much good but rather making you wait and purging you of all these destructive traits it will make you a better man or woman a better servant to the body of christ it will make you a better believer you see waiting on god isn't just about waiting to receive that which you've prayed for no at times waiting on god is all about teaching you a lesson other times it's about developing patience within you or childlike faith within you at times god makes you wait until your own will bends and you become obedient enough to say not my will lord but your will be done friend there are many many reasons why god makes us wait however there are also many many benefits to faithfully waiting on god psalm 27 verses 13 to 14 say i believe that i shall look upon the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait for the lord be strong and let your heart take courage wait for the lord let us pray lord god teach me to wait on you teach me to be patient and wait on you faithfully teach me to be still and know that you are indeed god a god who is in control of all things and your timing is perfect teach me to wait on you prayerfully psalm 37 verse 7 says be still before the lord and wait patiently for him fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices as i wait may the holy spirit impress upon me a godly peace a quiet confidence that my god will deliver me in my time of need father let me not whine or agonize about my prayer requests but rather let me be a believer who has unshakable trust in a miracle-working god lord jesus psalm 25 verse 3 says indeed none who wait for you shall be put to shame they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous father as your children we are grateful that waiting on you will never result in shame you will never let us down you will never come up short you are always on time and at the right time god teach me not to try and force the issue or to take matters into my own hands give me a spirit that is long-suffering and patient god give me the wisdom to realize that if my situation doesn't seem to be changing as quickly as i would like then perhaps you lord are changing me as i go through this situation help me to realize lord jesus that sometimes i have to wait so that you can remove certain characteristics from within me and purge my heart sometimes i have to wait because you want to prepare me whatever your will is lord jesus let it be done and even as i wait my eyes will remain fixed on you god i will continue to wait expectantly believing and trusting that you will always come through for me right at the perfect time lord jesus if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place trusting in you without murmuring or complaining let my heart be fully invested in your word believing that you will move within my situation let my heart be fully invested in your word believing that you will move within my situation if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal some things within me then may your will be done lord jesus if i'm being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or grow my maturity then may your will be done king jesus [Music] father give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will not be discouraged but firm in faith believing that you will arrive in your perfect time which will be the right time micah 7 verse 7 says but as for me i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation my god i know that you will hear me in jesus name i pray amen [Music] time is a precious resource and so often we don't realize the value of time until suddenly we don't have enough of it how many of us have said those five words if i had more time how many times have we wished for more time to do something to learn something to complete something we can rearrange our schedules all we want but there are only 24 hours in a day we can make all the plans and goals we want but we only have so much time on this earth we cannot bend the rules of time but we can make the most out of the time that we have psalm 90 verse 12 says so teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom perhaps the scarcity of time is sometimes our own fault sometimes we regret not putting in as much effort as we could have because we thought we had more time or maybe we didn't take things seriously for the exact same reason but the bible warns us not to overestimate the amount of time we have it warns us against planning out every single detail of our future because frankly tomorrow is not promised nor is it guaranteed james 4 verses 13 through 15 say come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the lord wills we will live and do this or that our culture is obsessed with planning for the future the popularity of the question where do you see yourself in five years is very telling of that fact of course it's not a bad thing to plan or to be prepared for the future but if we're not careful we can become so focused on tomorrow that we forget to live for today we can forget to live for god today because we're thinking we have more time to get right with him ephesians 5 verses 15 and 16 say look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best of the time because the days are evil the days are evil what could that ominous phrase mean it means that our natural inclination is towards sin the environment we live in is saturated by sin in this world sin is so easy to come across however we have to make a conscious effort to seek and obey god we must make an effort to walk in the wisdom of god otherwise we'll get swept up in the current of our sinful surroundings every day we must choose to prioritize the things of god and to honor him with our time john 9 verse 4 says we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day night is coming when no one can work we're living in the daytime now we have the privilege of living in perhaps the most peaceful time in history but night is coming faster than we think in the blink of an eye jesus will return and when he does will he find you making the most out of your life or will he find you wishing that you had more time if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time [Music] now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom [Music] don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] there is so much for us as christians to gain when we wait on the lord and many people often get to a point where they think it's much better to take matters into their own hands than to wait on god but i encourage you not to go ahead of the lord don't try and force the issue because god's timing is always perfect if the situation you're in doesn't seem to be changing quickly enough for you consider that maybe god wants to change you in this situation you're going through perhaps you are the one that needs to grow and mature maybe you're waiting because god wants to remove certain characteristics from you and purge your heart the weight could be for your benefit and i believe that sometimes when we are impatient when we struggle to wait on the lord this is because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in the act of being patient and believing that god will make a way and here's what the bible says psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth i believe that the bible tells us here to recognize and understand that he is god of all we cannot force the issue it's the lord who knows best our trust should therefore be placed in our savior jesus christ in our season of waiting you and i should also wait upon the lord prayerfully psalm 25 verse 4 and 5 says show me your ways o lord teach me your paths lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the god of my salvation on you i will wait all the day the bible goes further to say in psalm 37 verse 7 rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass psalm 145 15 the eyes of all look expectantly to you and you give them their food in due season and the bible goes further in psalm 62 verse 5 and 6 my soul wait silently for god alone for my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense i shall not be moved several times throughout the psalms we are given examples and references on how we should conduct ourselves while waiting you and i are to wait on the lord patiently you and i are to focus on him we are to firmly place our focus on jesus christ while we wait you and i are to wait on god expectantly that means we are believing we are trusting and waiting with expectation faith and hope now let us pray lord jesus i come to you today i pray that you would teach me to wait on you patiently if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place i pray that my heart would fully trust in you in your word and believe that you will move within my situation [Music] if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal certain things within me then may your will be done if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or help me to mature then may your will be done king jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakeable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will still have unshakable faith in you that your hand will move in your perfect timing and that will be the right time your word in psalm 123 verse 2 says behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us father indeed my eyes will look to you jesus until you have mercy on me my eyes will be fixed on you as my master as my king as my way out and my solution to all problems so may you have mercy on me micah chapter 7 verse 7 says therefore i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful lord a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me help me to wait upon you lord with a yearning desire let nothing put out the fire in my faith psalm 130 verse 5 and 6 says i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i do hope my soul waits for the lord more than those who watch for the morning in your word i place my hope and faith king jesus you have proven yourself time and time again to be the one who delivers his children in their time of need lamentations chapter 3 verse 26 says it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the lord help me to be obedient king jesus your word says it's good for me to hope and wait quietly for you without murmuring or complaining help me to wait with quiet expectation father i believe that when i wait patiently for you when i am obedient to your word which says be still and know that you are god you will show yourself to be faithful and true though i may wait for longer than i would want i know that i do not wait in vain in the fullness of your time you will answer all of my prayers and so i give you praise and glory thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] the reality of life and the reality of relationships is that people change relationships change what starts off as a great friendship may sometimes come to an end because good friends change and become strong rivals equally a relationship that starts out as business competitors it can later on produce an alliance which becomes a lifelong friendship relationships change and we as people as individuals we change as well have you ever noticed that anyone who's been seriously ill to the point of death or anyone who's come close to losing their life through an accident or some event they nearly all say the same thing that event changed me that accident it changed me they are more conscious of how fragile life is they are more aware about how short time is or how important health is [Music] people change should you ask any married couple who have been together for a significant amount of time if their relationship has changed they'll tell you things like we never used to communicate like this we had to learn how or maybe they'll tell you that they now spend more time together making time for each other and it wasn't always like that change is inevitable the once handsome young man with that head full of hair he changes and becomes the wrinkled bald older gentleman with a full beard and eyes full of wisdom from life's lessons the once petite young lady who could go for hours in her aerobics class she has now gained a few pounds has thinner grayer hair and needs to take it easy because father time has caught up to her change well it's inevitable no matter who you are or where you're from we all change we all face change and we will all experience change now i don't know about you but one of the worst things to experience is when someone who you once trusted changes and they betray you it's a bitter pill to swallow when a friend a close friend changes and begins to talk about you behind your back and expose those things that you told them in confidence cast your mind to judas when he betrayed jesus we often consider and admire the calm and assured reaction of jesus because he knew all along what judas would do [Music] john 13 verse 27 states then after he had taken the morsel satan entered into him jesus said to him what you are going to do do quickly but sometimes i wonder how did the rest of the disciples feel one of their own betraying their master it wasn't a pharisee or a sadducee but it was a fellow disciple they walked together they prayed together they saw the miracles together they did bible study together but judas changed and he betrayed jesus i wonder if they were hurt by this it surely must have left us sting but friends with all of the scenarios about change that i've explained here's the one thing that i want you to remember hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen [Music] john 3 verse 16 is a verse that shows just how deep god's love is because the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and so we should never fail to be thankful for such a love that christ would die for you and me so that we would not perish but have eternal life consider just how much physical suffering jesus christ had to endure simply out of love isaiah 53 verse 5 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed can you and i become comfortable knowing that jesus christ paid such a sacrifice on the cross for you and me so great was the love of christ that he was wounded for me he was bruised for me out of love he was chastised and punished all out of love and the least that we could do is to have a thankful attitude the least we could do is to become believers who have an unquenchable thirst to form a relationship with this jesus christ who died for us out of love with the eyes of faith you can see the hand of god the goodness of god in every situation regardless of how painful through faith you begin to consider if you've been placed in this set of circumstances for a specific reason or for a specific purpose a purpose such as unlocking a stronger desire for prayer in your life a purpose such as awakening a hunger for righteousness and holiness like never before or perhaps the purpose of such a test is to expose the gifts and the calling that lays dormant inside of you too often because we're focusing on the negative we don't see the positive in a situation and we don't see what god is trying to do could it be that the reason for this difficulty you're facing is god wanting to reveal to you how real he is [Music] perhaps this is a test where god simply wants to demonstrate that he is jehovah jireh your provider or perhaps he wants to demonstrate his strength and kindness to you whatever the purpose of this trial you're in i encourage you to do your part your part is to believe it's to hold on in faith and look to jesus so always remember never to become comfortable and to always remain thankful now let us pray dear king jesus i praise you for your amazing grace first chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever i adore your everlasting love i praise you king jesus for your multitude of mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or fortune but they are because you lord are faithful and you are good your word says in psalm 73 verse 27 to 28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 verse 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise forevermore lord you are a good god and you have always been good to me i thank you for giving me the strength to get through each day and even if things may not be exactly how i want them to be i still thank you for being by my side i am still grateful for you watching over me i thank you for your goodness because i am no longer where i used to be when i look back at my past i have nothing but gratitude when i realized how far you have brought me you have blessed me and taken me to new levels and i am thankful i bless your holy name lord and i thank you for listening to my prayer be uplifted and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen have you ever thought about why it's so important to wait on god why can't we take matters into our own hands by faith why can't we make things happen and declare the name of jesus throughout the process as a young christian these were some of the questions i battled with i honestly felt as though sometimes god took too long to answer my prayers i could have achieved this i could have been able to buy that by now i would have gone there but god kept me waiting this was my thought process and reasoning as a christian but here's the thing here's what i've learned the reason we wait on god the reason we are made to wait on him is because waiting symbolizes a lack of control it symbolizes humility and obedience or rather for some of us waiting is the very thing that will teach us humility and obedience you don't go into the doctor's office and demand to see him or her right then and there what do you do you wait you wait because you have no authority or control there if you're caught in a traffic jam you don't begin to toot your horn telling everyone to move no you wait you have no control if you go to a movie theater to watch the latest film more often than not there will be a cue and you inevitably end up waiting in all these scenarios you realize that you are not in control you realize that you have to humble yourself to wait until it's your turn or it's your time and i believe this to be the same case with us as christians god makes us wait because he is in control and his control it extends beyond that of a human he knows that if you're given an answer too soon with the way you are impatient with the entitlement mentality that you have or the need for control that you have he knows that an answer to your prayers will not do you much good but rather making you wait and purging you of all these destructive traits it will make you a better man or woman a better servant to the body of christ it will make you a better believer you see waiting on god isn't just about waiting to receive that which you've prayed for no at times waiting on god is all about teaching you a lesson other times it's about developing patience within you or childlike faith within you at times god makes you wait until your own will bends and you become obedient enough to say not my will lord but your will be done friend there are many many reasons why god makes us wait however there are also many many benefits to faithfully waiting on god psalm 27 verses 13 to 14 say i believe that i shall look upon the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait for the lord be strong and let your heart take courage wait for the lord let us pray lord god teach me to wait on you teach me to be patient and wait on you faithfully teach me to be still and know that you are indeed god a god who is in control of all things and your timing is perfect teach me to wait on you prayerfully psalm 37 verse 7 says be still before the lord and wait patiently for him fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices as i wait may the holy spirit impress upon me a godly peace a quiet confidence that my god will deliver me in my time of need father let me not whine or agonize about my prayer requests but rather let me be a believer who has unshakable trust in a miracle-working god lord jesus psalm 25 verse 3 says indeed none who wait for you shall be put to shame they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous father as your children we are grateful that waiting on you will never result in shame you will never let us down you will never come up short you are always on time and at the right time god teach me not to try and force the issue or to take matters into my own hands give me a spirit that is long-suffering and patient god give me the wisdom to realize that if my situation doesn't seem to be changing as quickly as i would like then perhaps you lord are changing me as i go through this situation help me to realize lord jesus that sometimes i have to wait so that you can remove certain characteristics from within me and purge my heart sometimes i have to wait because you want to prepare me whatever your will is lord jesus let it be done and even as i wait my eyes will remain fixed on you god i will continue to wait expectantly believing and trusting that you will always come through for me right at the perfect time lord jesus if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place trusting in you without murmuring or complaining let my heart be fully invested in your word believing that you will move within my situation let my heart be fully invested in your word believing that you will move within my situation if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal some things within me then may your will be done lord jesus [Music] if i'm being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or grow my maturity then may your will be done king jesus [Music] father give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will not be discouraged but firm in faith believing that you will arrive in your perfect time which will be the right time micah 7 verse 7 says but as for me i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation my god i know that you will hear me in jesus name i pray amen [Music] time is a precious resource and so often we don't realize the value of time until suddenly we don't have enough of it how many of us have said those five words if i had more time how many times have we wished for more time to do something to learn something to complete something we can rearrange our schedules all we want but there are only 24 hours in a day we can make all the plans and goals we want but we only have so much time on this earth we cannot bend the rules of time but we can make the most out of the time that we have psalm 90 verse 12 says so teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom perhaps the scarcity of time is sometimes our own fault sometimes we regret not putting in as much effort as we could have because we thought we had more time or maybe we didn't take things seriously for the exact same reason but the bible warns us not to overestimate the amount of time we have it warns us against planning out every single detail of our future because frankly tomorrow is not promised nor is it guaranteed james 4 verses 13 through 15 say come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the lord wills we will live and do this or that our culture is obsessed with planning for the future the popularity of the question where do you see yourself in five years is very telling of that fact of course it's not a bad thing to plan or to be prepared for the future but if we're not careful we can become so focused on tomorrow that we forget to live for today we can forget to live for god today because we're thinking we have more time to get right with him ephesians 5 verses 15 and 16 say look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best of the time because the days are evil the days are evil what could that ominous phrase mean it means that our natural inclination is towards sin the environment we live in is saturated by sin in this world sin is so easy to come across however we have to make a conscious effort to seek and obey god we must make an effort to walk in the wisdom of god otherwise we'll get swept up in the current of our sinful surroundings every day we must choose to prioritize the things of god and to honor him with our time john 9 verse 4 says we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day night is coming when no one can work we're living in the daytime now we have the privilege of living in perhaps the most peaceful time in history but night is coming faster than we think in the blink of an eye jesus will return and when he does will he find you making the most out of your life or will he find you wishing that you had more time if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time [Music] now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom [Music] don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have [Music] help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] there is so much for us as christians to gain when we wait on the lord and many people often get to a point where they think it's much better to take matters into their own hands than to wait on god but i encourage you not to go ahead of the lord don't try and force the issue because god's timing is always perfect if the situation you're in doesn't seem to be changing quickly enough for you consider that maybe god wants to change you in this situation you're going through perhaps you are the one that needs to grow and mature maybe you're waiting because god wants to remove certain characteristics from you and purge your heart the weight could be for your benefit and i believe that sometimes when we are impatient when we struggle to wait on the lord this is because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in the act of being patient and believing that god will make a way and here's what the bible says psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the nations i will be exalted in the earth i believe that the bible tells us here to recognize and understand that he is god of all we cannot force the issue it's the lord who knows best our trust should therefore be placed in our savior jesus christ in our season of waiting you and i should also wait upon the lord prayerfully psalm 25 verse 4 and 5 says show me your ways o lord teach me your paths lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the god of my salvation on you i will wait all the day the bible goes further to say in psalm 37 verse 7 rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass psalm 145 verse 15. the eyes of all look expectantly to you and you give them their food in due season and the bible goes further in psalm 62 verse 5 and 6 my soul wait silently for god alone for my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense i shall not be moved several times throughout the psalms we are given examples and references on how we should conduct ourselves while waiting you and i are to wait on the lord patiently you and i are to focus on him we are to firmly place our focus on jesus christ while we wait you and i are to wait on god expectantly that means we are believing we are trusting and waiting with expectation faith and hope now let us pray lord jesus i come to you today i pray that you would teach me to wait on you patiently if you have placed me in a season of waiting then i pray that my heart would be in the right place i pray that my heart would fully trust in you in your word and believe that you will move within my situation [Music] if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to reveal certain things within me then may your will be done if i am being placed in a season of waiting because you want to grow my faith or help me to mature then may your will be done king jesus give me the grace to wait on you expectantly with assured faith give me the grace to be unshakeable in my trust in you so that even though my breakthrough or your intervention may not come when i want it to come i will still have unshakable faith in you that your hand will move in your perfect timing and that will be the right time your word in psalm 123 verse 2 says behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us father indeed my eyes will look to you jesus until you have mercy on me my eyes will be fixed on you as my master as my king as my way out and my solution to all problems so may you have mercy on me micah chapter 7 verse 7 says therefore i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me help me to have a spirit that is humble and faithful lord a spirit that always believes that my god will hear me despite the many discouraging voices in this world despite the many accusations and lies from the enemy i declare that i will wait for the god of my salvation and my god will hear me help me to wait upon you lord with a yearning desire let nothing put out the fire in my faith psalm 130 verse 5 and 6 says i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i do hope my soul waits for the lord more than those who watch for the morning in your word i place my hope and faith king jesus you have proven yourself time and time again to be the one who delivers his children in their time of need lamentations chapter 3 verse 26 says it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the lord help me to be obedient king jesus your word says it's good for me to hope and wait quietly for you without murmuring or complaining help me to wait with quiet expectation father i believe that when i wait patiently for you when i am obedient to your word which says be still and know that you are god you will show yourself to be faithful and true though i may wait for longer than i would want i know that i do not wait in vain in the fullness of your time you will answer all of my prayers and so i give you praise and glory thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 102,356
Rating: 4.89361 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: ze05k4uVvuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 39sec (5739 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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