ALPHA LEGION - Ghost Legion | Warhammer 40k Lore

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I loved this video! I love how you brought up the teeter totter of actions the legion took during the heresy, helping the imperium by make it look like they were traitors, while also down right harming the imperium. This is my favorite legion, I hope we get some lore soon that settles the question of them being traitors or not. What is your opinion?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Crude-R-Us 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
it is a time of confusion and realigned loyalty we have many heads but we act as one one legion with a single will we are a union of the alike and the like-minded we will not tolerate treachery we will not allow our compact to fracture we will not suffer the short-sightedness of our brother legions nor the averted gaze of the wider imperium we are the alpha legion and we take the long view each legion of the first founding of the adeptus astartes specialize in a strategic aspect of waging war some are renowned for their skilled siegecraft and fortification others are revered for their use of maneuverability savagery or skillet arms yet few are known for their cunning and only one of their number is infamous for their use of secrecy sabotage and espionage the 20th legion of the adeptus astartes the alpha legion known as the ghost legion during their early deployment during the great crusade the twentieth legion would be the last to be crafted of the first founding according to conventional records of the imperium however as is the case for most of the legion's history much of it is shrouded in conspiracy redacted records and misinformation other remembrances claim their inception to be prior to any of the legions in a prototypical form what is known is that the emperor of mankind would construct the legion in total secrecy with even the legion's gene seed information being kept a priority secret alike to their kindred tree foil of the salamanders and space wolves the 20th legion would be formed in separation from the other first founding armies to enable their deployment for specific strategic operations their early service as a legion characterized by abductions assassinations targeted strikes and espionage missions on holy terror the legion would seemingly operate without any command from the discovered primarks of the imperium their designation known only as alpha though it is believed by the wider imperium that the legion's primark known as alfarius would be the last of the emperor's sons to be discovered accounts from the primark's own hand allude to his discovery prior to that of even the vaunted first primark horus lupercal commanding his legion from the shadows if the records of the primarch are to be believed his existence would be known only to a select view of the imperium the emperor malcolm the sigilite and commander of the adeptus custodes valdor alvarius claims to have even been involved in the culling of the ill-fated thunder warriors under the guise of the dark angels legion should these records be accurate the emperor of mankind would nonetheless refuse to expand the ranks of the alpha legion constraining their ranks to an estimation of 2 000 astartes their gene seed either too valuable to squander on vast deployments or burdened with a potential flaw in its gene encoding some speculate that the alpha legion would undergo further augmentations by the emperor's own hand unique to their legion though this speculation cannot be verified used sparingly and with great specificity during the remainder of the great crusade records of the legion would be scarce often designated as a legion with no heraldry or identification markings or even as impostors garbed in the color of other legions their acts of subterfuge would cause great resentment and distrust amongst their cousin astartes whilst never leaving witnesses or tangible evidence of their involvement the alpha legion's reputation as the ghost legion which spread as a force capable of bleeding their enemies slowly yet absolutely their tactic of overwhelming confusion and lightning quick lethality designated as the harrowing apathetic to the praise so cherished by the other legions of the adeptus astartes and their primarks the alpha legion would attend to their duties with the sole purpose of furthering their own gains and fulfilling their duty to the emperor their first joint operation with their fellow astartes legions beginning with the dark angels during the rang dan genocides primark of the first lionel johnson would parlay with a representative of the 20th legion alvarius feigning his true identity as the primark of the legion alvarius would claim the legion to be bereft of a primarch's command willing to offer their blades and bolters to the lion to aid in his ascension as the potential candidate of the war master of the imperium their goals aligned to the line's practicality to utilize secrecy during war more suited than the tactics of rebutte gilleman or horus lupercal though in truth this offer would be entirely self-serving to the 20th legion's needs their alliance to the dark angels enabling the recovery of the twin brother of primark alpharius from the rangdan war zone omegon with the twin primarks of the 20th legion reunited their fluidity and weaving shadows and trickery to achieve their goals would be bolstered embracing their primarch's dual vision for the future the alpha legion's use of misdirection would become peerless amongst any established army within the imperium their continued mastery of deception forming strong rivalries between their more stoic peers such as the ultramarines imperial fists and death guard with primark of the nightlords conrad curse commenting on the alpha legion that they were sinners in a shroud of lies with all but the lunar wolves dark angels and iron hands campaigning successfully in cooperation with the alpha legion without incident spinning more elaborate webs of cunning the alpha legion would garner many great victories throughout the great crusade despite abandoning many imperial practices and efficiencies to achieve their goals with one such incident on testra prime leading to the slow annihilation of the defenders forces with casualties of up to 90 percent in the campaign's peak with primark alvarias countering his criticism of the campaign being winnable with much more efficiency as too easy to achieve shunned by the primarks from this moment on only war master horus lupercal would defend and praise his brother's actions impressed with his capabilities at ensnaring and controlling his enemies with such skill yet for the rest of the great crusade the alpha legion would recede back into the dark corners of the galaxy their prowess in war proven beyond a shadow of a doubt despite their fellow legions misgivings with the dawn of betrayal at the hands of the war master the alpha legion's loyalty to the imperium of man would be called into question yet the alpha legion would be contacted by the strange clandestine xenos organization the cabal prior to the legion's involvement in the civil war presented with two predictions of the future it is claimed that this moment would fracture the alpha legion's path for the millennia to come given warning and understanding of the fel powers of chaos the cabal would show alfarius omegon the first of two futures the emperor would endure the great civil war across the stars but with his victory his species would be cursed with ten perhaps twenty thousand years of decay and suffering until their inevitable destruction by the forces of the ruinous powers yet should horus lupercal succeed humanity would perish and drag the forces of chaos into their oblivion salvaging the galaxy in the process torn between allegiance to their father and the survival of the galaxy it is unclear as to the intent of the primax all that is of import is their decision to side with the traitor legions with the betrayal of horus lupercal relayed to the emperor of mankind the alpha legion would be sent to crush the traitor forces stationed at the planet of east van five adding their strength to the second wave of assault the initial wave of destruction to bring the traitors to heal would be fought by the iron hands salamanders and raven guard legions yet alike to the rest of the assault's reinforcements the iron warriors nightlords and word bearers the alpha legion would turn on their loyalist brothers though not without contradictions in their methods allowing the raven guard and their primarchus corrects to escape their blockade of the planet the alpha legion's loyalty to their traitorous brothers would be called into question combating a world eaters battle barge in the process of allowing the raven guard to escape the alpha legion would explain to the war master that they had infiltrated the ranks of the loyalist legion using sleeper cell individuals within the raven guard the alpha legion would ingest the brains of the fallen and graft their flesh onto their faces gleaning knowledge of their phantom identities and allowing their seamless integration into the 19th legion distrustful of their methods of war upon hearing al faris's explanation to their goals the war master would command his own legion to be screened for imposters within their ranks for the 20th legion had shown themselves to be self-serving in the extreme and willing to defy the orders of the war master should they see an opportunity distancing themselves from the traitors to the throne the alpha legion would attend to a series of interferences to delay the other astati's legions from engaging the wider conflict blockading the white scars at the jondak system primark sulfarius omegan would ignore their orders from the war master to recruit the white scars into the fold of the traitors baiting them into combating their own forces it is unclear if this decision was used to bolster the white scar's allegiance to the throne with omegon commanding an assault of his own forces that occupied a pylon array preventing communications between the white scars and holy terror for this would not be the only time the alpha legion would combat its own forces with alvarius manipulating the shattered legion strike force under the command of iron hand shadrach medusan to attack his own forces the primarks finning their own legion of astartes whether to weed out men or conflicting loyalties or to enable plausible deniability when scrutinized by the war master such machinations cannot be known outside the command of the alpha legion though for the remainder of the heresy not one astartes of the twentieth legion would attempt to engage the loyalists on the throne world of holy terror due to this fact it is unknown where their true allegiances lie with each act of aid to the imperium countered by betrayal such as the attempted assassination of primark robute gilman and for each named incidence of olfarius there are conflicting sources of his presence in systems leagues away reports claim the death of artharius during the battle of pluto against primark rogueldorn whilst others claim the death to be his twin brother omegon all that can be said in truth are aspersions and half-truths even following the horus heresy into the scouring and beyond unlike their traitor brethren the alpha legion would not retreat into the eye of terror with the fall of their war master horus lupercal reorganizing in the galactic east the alpha legion would be hounded by the ultramarines to the planet of escridor outmaneuvered by primark rebutte gileman reports suggest that alfarious omegan was once again slain at the hands of a primark yet despite such a seemingly critical blow to the alpha legion the ultramarines would nonetheless be driven from the conflict the alpha legion fracturing into smaller autonomous war bans following the battle and seeming loss of their second primark forming secret bases on asteroid fields space hulks and dark corners of the galaxy the alpha legion continues its service by harassing garrisons ships and settlements across the imperium instigating chaos cult uprisings across many worlds those whom claim the benevolent intent of the alpha legion find much to contradict their claims for with the fracturing of the legion into warbands seemingly without the leadership of the primarks it is unclear as to where any one warband's allegiance truly lies wherever as double agents intent on the survival of the imperium failed instigators of the death of the emperor and destruction of chaos or pawns in the great game of the ruinous powers declared exterminated by the high laws of terror and inquisition on no less than three instances the alpha legion continues to survive as both loyal sons of the imperium and duplicitous servants of chaos in equal measure warring not only against the galaxy but their own ranks the alpha legion's command structure much like their history is mired in contradiction and mystery with only their armor colorings of somewhat reliable consistency incorporating scale-like designs of a serpent into their armor the alpha legion primarily mimic the colour scheme of their primarch or various azure blue silver and emerald green further changing the aesthetics of their skin such as the face with tattoos of the hydra with those still standing defined to the lure of chaos within the legion wearing their armor colours as a testament of their loyalty to their primark's vision and principles their heraldry and livery kept intentionally sparse to keep their enemies from ascertaining command structure high value targets and other useful information their aims to misdirect their enemies preventing their hosts and cohorts from fracturing with the loss of an individual space marine sometimes changing their standard colour scheme to pale purples bronze hues and other disparate designs to continually confuse their adversaries though some signs of subtle command structure can be gleaned from their armor designs on occasion such as the ever increasingly delicate engravings of serpents of the alpha legion's arm plating to denote rank yet many speculate that not even the legion's primark alpharius knew the full extent of his legion's command structure crafting an innately unknowable organization to confound even their own members whom pride too deep yet there do exist champions of the legion donned in cloaks of scales these badges of prestige reclaimed from the fallen and reused by their fellow battle brothers whether these champions are true masters of the blade or merely distractions to further confound their enemies is unknown comprising much alike to other astartes prior to the scouring the alpha legion would nonetheless change the naming conventions of their divisions companies would be known as harrows battalions as cohorts and chapters known as hosts though even these naming conventions would be continually broken down and reorganized over time recruitment within the legion determined not on an individual basis the operatives of the alpha legion would succeed on a squad basis issuing personal glory or heroics the alpha legion would function as a highly organized cohesive organization decisions and strategies would be conducted in democratic debate with non-astartes operatives allowed to voice disagreement and insight a trait unique amongst the 20th being their tendency to recruit many non-astartes operatives to bolster their legion's ability to infiltrate and influence all facets of society and enemy command structures even reintegrating compromised operatives where possible to retain their skills and experience employing highly specialized equipment the alpha legion would be characterized for their use of specialized bolt arounds cloaking technologies chameleon shrouds and specialized armor configurations highly autonomous in nature and adapting to the assassinations and deaths of command staff the alpha legion has an uncanny ability to adapt and survive from almost any setback giving credence to the legion's choice of avatar as the multi-headed mythical beast the hydra for should the head of the hydra be severed more shall sprout in its place i am alpharius i am alvarias we are all alpharius we are the alpha legion and we are all one this has been a tale of the great imperium of man read by the remembrancer it is an impossible task to know the inner workings of the alpha legion yet i hope what you have gleaned of this transmission shall aid in our collective understanding however slight yet the time draws near to elucidate another chapter of the adeptus astartes whom are much easier to observe if not understand the traitorous hedonists of the ruinous powers the emperor's children [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 119,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, remembrancer, history, horus heresy, primarchs, 40k timeline, emperor of mankind, alpha legion, alpharius, omegon, alpharius omegon, ghost legion, unification wars, dark angels, alpha legion 40k, alpha legion painting, alpha legion army, alpha legion horus heresy, alpha legion battle report, alpha legion tribute, alpha legion meme, alpharius meme, asmr
Id: bMMHGvDqRbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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