Anand's Immortal - A game for the ages! (According to Magnus Carlsen) || Remake 60fps

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hello everyone and welcome to a game that magnus carlsen once described as a game for the ages the game is from the 2013 Tata Steel chess tournament and for those of you who are older subscribers on this channel you might notice that I already made a video on this game I made it some two and a half years ago but well I will put a link to it in the description below if you want to check out the old version of the video once this you know at that time this channel was still in only 30 frames per second and it's well the the videos were a bit different then and I received the well I actually received hundreds of requests to redo this video in in my newer format of making videos so hopefully you will enjoy this one as this game really deserves a more thorough analysis and also do check out the world not do check out do vote on our next big saga the first link in the description below will take you to the poll where you will be able to vote I've checked out all of your hashtag saga suggestions and I've well those those suggestions that occurred more often I put them in the poll so do vote on it though the winner in the poll will not be automatically the winner of the next saga but it will greatly influence my decision so that being said let's check out the game eleven with the white pieces opens with d4 we have d5 by Anand c4 and c6 sorry about that with Knight to f3 continuing development tonight to f6 Knight to c3 and we have E six the semi Slav is on the board we have III by 11 preparing to develop the light square Bishop and the Knight B to d7 I will rush up to d3 and only now that the Bishop was developed you make the bishop lose the tempo so d captaincy for Bishop captures and b5 further expanding on the Queen side pushing the bishop back and now the most common move here today is a six but Anand goes for Bishop to d6 it is one of them one of the lines that he prepared and he prepared it very well with castles by 11 castles by Anand and now Queen to c2 putting more pressure on the h7 phone Bishop the b7 by Anand preparing rook c8 at some when c5 will be played so one of the reasons why I'm more popular move for example is a six there so winning play c5 the b5 phone is already protected but okay with a three by 11 and now rook the c8 as planned and now nice the g5 and here the h7 point is attacked three times so what do you do here well there are a couple of ideas if you just play something like h6 the night goes back assumes a more central square and the game continues basically nothing really goes on here on the other hand after Knight to g5 Anand also has some very sneaky options like Knight like Bishop characters on h2 with check if King captures you can just go an IG for check and pick up this knife King the g1 Queen captures here but this is not not the best course of action for now for black and here you don't have time to capture on h7 because well you will also actually Capra will also have to waste a move to go back with the bishop because well black will just play g6 and trap your piece and you also have some bigger issues to worry about so here you have to kick the night away with f3 Knight goes back and then the game continues so it's not bad for black it's just it's just that you know II for seems like a very nice move opening up the bishop the Queen might be a bit uncomfortable there it's okay after Knight to g5 on indefinitely has a you know a safety safety move he has well if he wants to be adventurous he also has that but he decides to go for c5 and it's a it's a line that later he said that he experimented at home with and it's it's just full of possibilities and the full of possibilities is only an understatement here for this game so here we have Knight captures on h7 whittle by Levin also Bishop captures on h7 is possible this is actually the the engines favorite move and Anand said he didn't mind he was expecting both moves so it's not a problem and two years after this game was played in 2015 Wesley so in Saint Louis had this position against Samuel 7 and Wesley captured on h7 but very quickly he was he was lost so it's really a complicated position but ok that's a completely different game Knight captures on h7 grabbing upon and here again what do you do here well let's see what happens if you just captured the night if Knight captures knight then Bishop captures night with check King to 88 and now we're back to e4 you grab the clean pawn I see Bishop captures Queen captures and the game continues yeah you don't even have a queen and c2 so black can claim very little compensation here for the for the lost pawn so white would just be a pawn here in in a better position on the other hand after Knight captures on h7 you could go for c4 c4 is also very sneaky claiming that okay you you have a pawn but your Bishop will be will not be very active at the end of the line now night chapters in f6 with Czech Knight captures Bishop to e2 end ok here it's a little bit better you're still down upon but at least you've you've reduced the quality of the bishop here but still even though even though the engine might give this well depending on the age and depending on how much time you give it to who could give white or even black the advantage point is if you look at this position it's white who has all of his pieces you know behind his pawns and it's black who has here the the bishop pair from hell you know the knight can move the Queen can jump into the attack so I'm pretty sure everyone would rather play black here okay after Knight captures on h7 on and it doesn't go for Knight captures or for c4 but rather Knight to g4 just opening up attacks everywhere now dh2 point is under attack ideas like Queen to h4 fall by queen characters here with mate or possible and now how do you defend this well obviously first we have to ask ourselves is it possible to capture the roof if it's possible to capture the rook we should just capture the roof but it's not just Bishop captures an h2 King h1 and Queen captures on H n Queen h4 and white is getting checkmated there's no no way around this I just you know you move the bishop and it's mate okay you can prolong the game but that's that's pointless another thing you could do xi has h3 also a possibility but still you get Bishop to h2 check King to h1 and now Queen to h4 a very devious move threatening Queen captures on h3 because the the G pawn is pinned you will not be able to recapture so it's a it's a very crazy position where white seemingly has to go either better up to e4 or even d5 and it's well it's just a whole mess of the position but it would be pointless to analyze it since this is now a completely different game and it would anything can happen here and 11 decided that this is a mate perhaps too much to calculate over the board as its Anand who definitely surprised him so after night the g4 he didn't go for the lines we mentioned he went for f4 just prevented straight out this Bishop captures an h2 move and okay now here on and again what what to play here he plays C captures on d4 and with seek after Sundy for Allen starts well basically he starts creating a masterpiece here we have C capture son d 4e capture son before and now for those of you who maybe have never seen this game feel free to pause the video and try to find well the best idea for black in this position while I give you a couple of seconds for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on helping Anand create his immortal game and for those you who just want to enjoy the show if you found Queen to h4 it is possible to play this but white-white can defend here it's not a problem he will push h3 and after you try night-night here just you know if Knight captures then you get the other night into the attack you will just get Knight captures and f6 with check so you'll have to cap Trebek and now Queen to f2 offers a queen trade defends everything and white white survives this attack so after each capture Sundy for Anand played Bishop to c5 and this is just where where all of the craziness happens and it's not that Bishop to c5 is a hard move to find what follows is hard to find and this is what aren't finds here what do you do well obviously can you capture the bishop okay let's check it out if D captures on c5 Knight captures on c5 and not what happens here okay the bishop is under attack here so you could either move the bishop or or or capture the rook let's let's let's see what happens if you capture the rook and which is I mean it's if it's possible you should do it but there aren't all that many all that many great moves because after Knight captures both of the Knights now control the f2 square and now there's a very little you can do against Queen to d4 check so here you could try h3 to create a breeding room for a king it's the only useful move but again just Queen to d4 check King to h1 and not Knight to f2 with check what do you do here you don't really have a lot of options if you go to g1 then you you face a lot of nasty discoveries so you you're gonna have to capture the knight rook captures Knight captures and I have to with check King to h2 and then now just King captures an f8 and here if you look at it the material on the board is equal but White's position is just disgusting it's the knight cannot move as the Queen will be hanging and c2 you still have to develop your pieces and black is white is just well in black is in a much better position even though the engines might might not give black all that much advantage but it's just hard to play this with white with black being so developed and it's also not that difficult to calculate so instead of D captures and c5 11 tries a different move just Bishop to e2 he wants to eliminate this guy from g4 and now comes the move that like I said Bishop to c5 is not not the craziest thing you could find but finding two moves that come in a row like this it's just awesome so here Anand uses the tall principle and tall said you know even if the two of your pieces are under attack offer a third one because when it's finally your opponent's move he can only capture one of them so here on unplaced Knight to e5 and here just everything is hanging and what do you capture here again okay we already discussed the pawn characters on c5 it doesn't really work but now that the knight is an e5 it's even worse okay you cannot capture the night with the D pawn because the D pawn is pinned there would be checked but you could play pawn captures night here do you see what an ins idea was if if just pawn captures night it's actually a forced mate in four so feel free to pause the video and try to find this very nice idea so for those who were able to do it I'm sure you're no stranger to this modern mate and for you just want to enjoy the show its Queen captures on d4 with check now you could you could postpone mate with Bishop d3 but we're not even gonna discuss that King h1 and now just Queen to g1 check you sacrifice the Queen for a nice modern night the f2 mate which became possible after the bishop came to e2 since the Queen no longer and guards the f2 square but okay obviously you cannot capture the night what what other solutions are there can you just play h3 can you just you know say I don't want any pieces can you just go away you know from the Kings side not really because here just Bishop captures on d4 again with check King to h1 and now Queen to h4 again with the terrible threat of just Queen captures on h3 because the Jeep on as soon as the King comes to h1 is pinned this is the biggest problem White has here so here Knight g5 not allowing Queen captures on h3 and now f5 claiming that white white doesn't have a good move here and white has to play something F captures on e5 now comes the Knights the f2 check finally King to h2 and now Bishop captures on e5 with check King to g1 and now finally Queen to g3 threatening Queen captures and G to mate and you don't really have a good move if you if you capture tonight with the rook to guard the G to pawn queen h2 check King to f1 and now Queen to h1 is mate and even if you don't even if you try and defend the position with Bishop to f3 to block the the Bishop from b7 you still get Knight e4 and it's just it is just disgusting the night covers the f2 EDF to square a queen to h2 will be made so here you cannot capture it because the Queen hangs if you capture with the Bishop dangerous Bishop captures not nothing good happens there and if you may if you try to make room for the king with rook the one then queen h2 check King to f1 and now you just capture Bishop captures and c3 let's say capture so rope captures and the Queen doesn't have a good square you can't go here you can't go here if you go if you go to e2 you block the Kings escape route so just Queen to h1 will be made you could try Queen to be 2 but then just rook captures on f3 it's just a beautiful night capture screen h1 check you can block tonight's the g1 and now nights the g3 with Czech king to e1 and now just Queen captures on g1 and you will very quickly once the double rock enters the game yeah the King started the King hunt we'll start going to have to check you can block this with King to see three let's say Queen to see five check force the King back King today to now you get the rook into the game rook to d8 check King to e1 and now let's say Queen to g1 is mate if weiter doesn't want to part with the Queen so after this night dt5 what a white really doesn't have all that many options you could try a since the night is no longer on d7 guarding at this world you could try just capturing the bishop but it's still just Queen to d4 check and there's there's still nothing to do about it you don't even need the Bishop on c5 anymore because after the King moves just Knights to f2 check and now if King g1 then of course I will show it since maybe some of you are new you don't know smothered mate I'll double check from the from the Queen and the night and after the King moves you against sacrifice and g1 rook captures and the knight to F 2 is again mate so a lot of modern mates in the position so after this knife do you have to check you will have to capture it with rook captures here but now just Queen captures and now you really don't have a lot of good ways to prevent mate now you could try something but there isn't all that all that much you can try you can't go bush by three if that well just just Queen to f1 is mate also the Queen would be hanging well key of where everyone prefers mate but there are just no good moves here for whites to defend so here after tonight the bg5 and it really takes a lot to calculate this move 11 just said ok or off with one of the attackers Bishop captures and g4 but and of course it doesn't care about that he plays a bunch of characters and d4 with check King to h1 and now Knight captures and g4 again opening up all of the possibilities you cannot play g3 if you play h3 you run into again into a lot of trouble after Queen to h4 so here on earth sorry 11 has to play something and Knight captures on f8 and it it is in fact the strongest move you just grab a piece and well hopefully you can get quinta h7 check if you can get Quinn to h7 check you you're definitely defending and even if you capture the night Queen to h7 could post some problems for Anand so after night captors and I fade island please f5 he says no this game is definitely not about material so let's just continue the attack so what can what can you play here if Knight captures any six seems nice the queen is under attack the bishop is under attack but Queen h4 and you're never defending mate there's no defense against this maid h3 again runs into mate because the the G point is again pinned so after f5 Knight to g6 this is the the only possible move as it guards the h4 square prevents the Queen from reaching the age Foursquare but now Queen to f6 and now Annan's plan is simple the bishop pair from hell is is you know fully operational and the Queen just needs to get to the H file and that's it we have h3 hoping that the knight retreats or something but there there is no that there is no escape just Queen captures and g6 if you capture the knight of course Queen anywhere along the H file is made since the dark square Bishop covers the g1 square so after Queen captures and g6 we have Queen to d2 but it doesn't help with Queen to h5 and now you could try some ideas here because again just Queen captures on h3 is deadly you cannot allow this and now 11 played Queen to d3 but the even the strongest line rook to f3 just allows black to trade down into a superior game for example might have to check King h2 and now you capture material back Bishop captures an f3 Queen captures Queen captures Queen captures Queen G captures an f3 and now Knight to d3 and you get the same game where ok material is equal but White has no moves you cannot develop the bishop because well you lose the the B to pawn you cannot capture the pawn here that's very important not to this line if you capture the pondan just you just play rook the sea to check and after the King moves and now you bring the bishop back to b6 and here you're losing a piece there's no square for the bishop you cannot go here the recovers that's where the bishop covers this square so there's there's no no good move here whatever you play just row captures here and it's game over so you will not be able to capture the pawn and if you don't do it if you just continue the game King g3 it's just very simple a six additional defense to the b5 pawn and after white play something like Bishop to D to you there's no other move you can play there's just no move you will have to play something like this and then you start losing pawns and then it's just a much better pawn structure for black will be a completely winning endgame so of course level knows this and it's not all that hard to calculate so he plays Queen to d3 guards the h3 pawn this way and he tries to hold everything together but feel free to pause the video for the last time here and find the winning move for black while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on finding such a beautiful finisher to the game now Queen to h4 does win the game and it is possible to play this but it would not be such a such a beautiful immortal game if Anand played this instead of the move he played for those of you who found Bishop to e3 congratulations you have just created any mortal game and of course for those of you who just want to enjoy the show because here white is without a move now the bishop blocks the Queen's defense of the h3 pawn Queen captures on h3 there's no defense about this if you capture still pointless and just Queen captures on h3 in g1 Queen captures and g2 is made if you don't do it of course if Queen captures then just Knight captures you lost the Queen and you are again getting mated and here rook to a3 like in the previous lines doesn't do anything because you just capture it and well there's there's no move here captures and Queen captures will again be made because the bishop covers the g1 square so after Bishop to e3 11 are in and resigned unmoved 23 and this beautiful game was created by by Vishwanath on onon that I believe to this day is considered to his immortal game and now I do believe that this time we did it better we we explored more possibilities and the shoulder water what a crazy game this is and we did it in 60 frames per second so III do hope that we really got the job done you know at least until we get this channel up or two I don't know maybe 120 frames per second so yeah that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it and here are the final standings of this tournament I don't know if I mentioned this the previous time but just in case even though 11 an island played a brilliant tournament and created this beautiful immortal game it was actually Magnus who won the tournament showing that he's ready to take on the world champion I don't know if I mentioned it during this game on and the was the world champion this is Tata Steel so it's played in January and well Ireland is still a world champion reigning supreme but Magnus showed that he is able to win the tournament to one and a half point ahead of second place arena and two whole points ahead of third place which won a tournament and and sharing Sergey Karjakin so he's definitely on the move but yeah that's that the game I do hope you enjoyed it I really enjoyed making the video for the second time is it's just just a monstrosity of a game you know so many possibilities that Bishop c5 followed by Knight d5 your your friends at the bar in the library are gonna go go nuts so I do hope they enjoy it as well I would like to thank beyond Goodman son Domon and her cracka for her contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check - in my previous videos serum thank y'all for watching and I will see you soon checking up and your wonderful suggestions and do do vote on the next big saga the poll is the first link you will see in the description below so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 1,639,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, agadmator carlsen, carlsen agadmator, anand agadmator, carlsen vs anand, anand immortal, agadmator immortal, carlsen immortal, aronian immortal
Id: Eas20kFpAYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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