All Sith Ranks and Titles

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like the Jedi the Sith had multiple titles and ranks within their order these ranks and titles varied depending on the era of the Sith before the implementation of the rule of two by Darth Bane the Sith Empire consisted of thousands of sift all of whom were grouped to a specific rank the highest title during the Old Republic era was the Dark Lord of the Sith originally this title was only held by the most powerful Sith Lords who were considered to be the leaders of the Sith order and their respective Empire however during vitiates Sith Empire this title was held by multiple members in the Dark Council including the Emperor the most well known title was the classic Sith Lord title this title was held by all members of the Sith Council under Naga Sadow's Sith Empire later this title was held by numerous powerful individuals who passed several brutal tests on Korriban along with training in lightsaber combat they also studied Sith philosophy and at times added to it they were also tasked in preserving SIF lore and knowledge as well as passing it down to the lower level Sith next was the Sith Marauders rank this rank was given to high-level Sith warriors who were trained in the most aggressive lightsaber fighting styles and they typically carried two lightsabers they were usually used to carry out the most brutal acts by the Sith and were capable of taking on any Jedi Knights and even some Jedi Masters the most common rank under the Sith Empire was held by Sith warriors Sith warriors generally only focused on combat aspects of the force and were trained primarily an aggressive lightsaber combat sift or notable in their straightforward ways of attacking their enemies by using brute force in overwhelming numbers rather than planning out more complex attack patterns they made it the backbone of the Sith Empire and usually fought in large groups one of the more unique ranks was held by Sith assassins unlike Sith warriors Sith assassins specialized in attacking their enemies from the shadows with ambushes they typically worked alone and spent most of their time stalking and hunting their target next worse if inquisitors they played a similar role as the Sith warriors except instead of specializing in lightsaber combat they specialized in the force mastering force lightning other darkside abilities they also tended to be far more manipulative and deceitful than their warrior counterparts next is a Sith acolyte rank sometimes referred to as the Sith Adams rank Sith acolyte was just a fancy name given to the Sith apprentices they trained under Sith Lords and eventually ranked up to either the Sith Warrior or the Sith Marauder ranked the lowest ranked used by the Sith in the Old Republic era was the Sith minion rank it was sometimes even held by non force sensitives they were known to worship the Sith as gods and obeyed them without question after Darth Bane's implementation of the rule of two stating that only to sift could exist at one time the titles and ranks among them changed both Sith were considered to be Dark Lords of the Sith the two Sith were split up among the ranks of Sith master and Sith apprentice SIF masters held the knowledge of the past Sith and their philosophy they were tasked in finding an acceptable apprentice to train and later teach the ways of the Sith whom would later replace them Sith apprentices were tasked in learning from their masters as well as carrying out any orders given to them after learning enough from their masters Sith apprentices usually attempted to kill their masters either by honorable duels or by assassination if successful they became the new Sith master and the cycle repeats during this time the two Sith would employ dark side adepts although technically not Sith dark side Adams used the dark side of the force and were trained in lightsaber combat along with carrying out more tedious tasks they also served the purpose of replacing the Sith apprentice if they ever got killed after the creation of the Galactic Empire Emperor Palpatine employed hundreds of darkside adepts to both maintain his Empire and to hunt down surviving Jedi they were all grouped into different ranks all serving a different purpose first are the inquisitors also known as inquisitorial they were the highest-ranking darkside adepts within the Empire they were tasked primarily with hunting down surviving Jedi and they were led by the Grand Inquisitor second are the prophets of the dark side also known as the Emperor's mages originally a renegade Sith order in the outer rim they were taken in by the Emperor and were integrated into his new empire their tasks mainly involved predicting the future with the force and they frequently went out of their way to make sure said predictions came true they were also sometimes tasked with spying on the Emperor's enemies as well as training some of the other darkside adepts within the Empire third of the Emperor's hands they were the most secretive among the Empire and were directly trained by the Emperor himself they were tasked with the most secretive and crucial missions for the empire along with the Emperor's hands there also were the Emperor's reach and the Emperor's eyes who were tasked in traveling great distances across the galaxy and predicting the future with the force respectively fourth are the Emperor's shadow guards very little is known about them other than that they answered directly to the Emperor and were sent to kill powerful Jedi they were recruited from the Sun guards though it was rumoured that some of them used to be Jedi who were brainwashed into doing the Emperor's bidding blastaar the Dark Jedi they typically were former Jedi who joined the Empire and used the dark side they usually fell into the previous ranks but not always about thirty years after the final death of the Emperor the Lost Tribe of the Sith would emerge there were survivors from the ancient Sith Empire who crash-landed onto an isolated planet and remained there for thousands of years away from galactic affairs they developed a society based on their previous culture and created roles for everyone within it the four major roles were Grand Lord who was the ruler of the circle of Lords which served as the ruling council for the Lost Tribe of the Sith next were the High Lords they were members of the circle of Lords there were seven of them at any given time then were the Sith sabers this rank was given to sit apprentices who passed their trials and tests they served similar duties to the Jedi Knights of the Jedi Order and last with a Sith tyro they were apprentices who had not yet been assigned a master about 100 years later the once if would arise becoming the new dominant Sith order of the galaxy this order replaced the rule of two with the rule of one which stated that a single sip would rule over the order and that other Sith under him would simply serve under this new order Darth krayt ruled without question and he assigned new ranks to his followers one of the highest positions he assigned was called fist this rank was given to his most trusted followers and they would serve as supreme military commanders of his order next were the hands they served Darth krayt with extreme loyalty and never questioned his orders they were talented in both the ways of the force and lightsaber combat making them dangerous foes then were the voices they served as second in command of the order and also served as advisors to Darth krayt next were the inquisitors unlike the inquisitors from Palpatine's Empire these inquisitors instead served primarily as interrogators they were tasked with extracting information from enemies using any means possible even tortured blasts were the lor masters they were tasked in keeping and preserving Sith artifacts and history within the new order there was also the synth intelligence an assassination agency as the name implies they were tasked in spying on and assassinating important enemies of the order thanks for watching this video be sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and as always may the force be with you
Channel: The Lore Master
Views: 1,834,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sith Master, Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Lord, Darth Vader, Sith Emperor, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Minion, Sith Apprentice, Rule of two, rule of one, darth bane, Sith assassin, prohets of the darksid, emperor's hands, shadow gaurds, darth sidious, darth krayt, star wars, stupednous wave, star wars explained, fist, voice, assaj ventress, dark side adept
Id: tDihJalebeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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