STAR WARS: The Old Republic (Sith Inquisitor) ★ THE MOVIE – Episode I: Legacies of Old

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Korriban: Ancient birthplace of the Sith. We believed ruins were all that remained of their evil empire. I swear, I had know idea what was in those crates. I'm innocent. You were smuggling Sith artifacts Captain. Fine...keep the artifacts... just give me back my ship! EYES FRONT
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 3,966,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, swtor, star wars the old republic, the old republic, sith inquisitor, dark side, mmorpg, yic17, yic17 galaxy, yic17galaxy, yic17 star wars, yic17starwars, star wars gaming, star wars game, swtor sith inquisitor, sith inquisitor swtor, sith inquisitor movie, sith inquisitor storyline, sith inquisitor dark side, yic17 sith inquisitor, star wars game movie, star wars full movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 433min 50sec (26030 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2016
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