Why Each Sith Order was so Different to the Last

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In the Star Wars galaxy, no word carried  as much fear as the word Sith, a name that,   at various points, referred to  a species, a few civilizations,   and an order of powerful Darksiders. The Sith  haunted the Republic for its final few millennia,   bringing it to the brink of collapse in war after  war, all part of their eternal crusade against the   Jedi Order. Eventually, the Sith were successful  in destroying both the Republic and the Jedi,   though they themselves were destroyed soon after.  But despite their role in galactic history,   the Sith are still largely unknown to many Star  Wars fans. In this video, we’re gonna try to   change that, tackling the history of the various  Sith Orders and why they differed from each other. Unlike the Jedi Order, which existed as one  continuous organization until the Sith brought   it down, the Sith were much more fractious.  The main order went through a variety of   mutations over the years, and there were a  number of offshoots as well. In this video,   we’ll be covering the six main “dynasties”:  the original Sith, Naga Sadow’s Sith,   the True Sith, Revan’s Sith, the New  Sith, and the Order of the Sith Lords. The first Sith Lords were twelve Dark Jedi,  Exiles sent out into the unknown by the Jedi   as punishment after the Hundred-Year  Darkness. They landed on Korriban,   where they discovered the Sith species, a race  of red-skinned, Force-sensitive humanoids.   The Exiles conquered the Sith, taking their  adopted homeworld of Ziost as their capital,   and declared themselves the Lords of the Sith,  the rulers of a new Sith Empire. Through alchemy,   the Exiles were able to merge their  bloodlines with those of the native Sith,   ensuring future generations of Sith Lords would  be just as strong in the Force as they were. The ranks of the first Sith Empire were  almost entirely composed of Force-sensitives,   as all Sith were naturally open to the Dark Side  and actually drew on it as a form of sustenance,   empowering it in turn. They were not  all Sith Lords, however. That title was   reserved to a council of twelve, the heirs of  the original exiles. Per the original system,   the Sith Lords were the twelve Sith in the  Empire who were the strongest in the Force,   with two of the council being elevated  above the others -- the ruling Lord and   his second-in-command. The latter received the  title of Shadow Hand, while the former was the   Dark Lord of the Sith. Sith became Sith  Lords through a mixture of backstabbing,   contests of power, and manipulation, so as to  ensure the strongest always ruled the Empire. By the time of the end of its Golden Age in 5000  BBY, the Sith Empire ruled just around 120 worlds,   and yet it had the strength to match  the Republic, which was dramatically   larger. This was in no small part due to the  formidableness of the Sith species and the   completeness of their military machine. Many  Dark Lords over the course of the Empire’s   history were responsible for this strength.  Ajunta Pall, the leader of the original Exiles,   laid the Empire’s foundations, while Tulak Horde,  perhaps the greatest Sith warrior to ever live,   more than doubled the Empire’s size. Marka  Ragnos brought the Empire into its Golden   Age through manipulation of his rivals -  only for it to all come crumbling down. Almost immediately after Ragnos’ death, a power  struggle began between the Sith Lords. The two   greatest of the Sith, Ludo Kressh and Naga  Sadow, vied for the title of Dark Lord even   during Ragnos’ funeral. Sadow triumphed  with promises of conquering the Republic,   but his attempted war of conquest - the Great  Hyperspace War - failed, and the armies of the   Sith fell back to Korriban in tatters. There,  Sadow’s fleet was met by another fleet led by   Ludo Kressh, who was still salty over being  the runner-up, and there, above Korriban,   the Sith Empire destroyed itself. Sadow  killed Kressh, but he was forced to flee   when the Republic followed his fleet back to the  Empire. In his absence, the Republic carried out   the Sith holocaust, wiping out both the Sith  species and the Sith Order - or so it seemed. In truth, not one but two groups of Sith had  escaped. By far the larger of the two was the   True Sith, an army led by the infamous Darth  Vitiate, which settled on Dromund Kaas deep in   the ruins of the Empire. But we’ll come back  to them later and instead focus first on the   other group of escapees - Naga Sadow and his  Massassi warriors. They traveled to Yavin IV,   where they built up a civilization in exile.  The Massassi weren’t the brightest of Sith,   and so for hundreds of years, Sadow  was the last Sith Lord of his line. But that changed when he was discovered by Freedon  Nadd, a human Dark Jedi that sought the secrets of   the Sith. Sadow took Nadd as his apprentice, but  after Nadd had learned all there was to teach,   he killed his master and then went and used  his newfound abilities to conquer and rule over   Onderon. Nadd died of old age, but his spirit  lived on, driving his descendants towards the   Dark Side. A team of Jedi that included one Ulic  Qel-Droma purged Nadd’s influence from Onderon,   but the conflict between them drew the attention  of Exar Kun, a proud Jedi Knight that sought to   understand the Sith. Nadd’s spirit lured Kun over  to the Dark Side, guiding him first to Korriban   and then to Yavin IV, where Kun claimed the  title of Dark Lord and destroyed Nadd’s spirit. Soon afterwards, Exar Kun took on a  fallen Ulic Qel-Droma as his apprentice,   and together they orchestrated the Great  Sith War, which nearly destroyed the Jedi   Order and the Republic alike. They swayed  armies of Jedi over to the Dark Side,   inciting students to rise up against their  masters on a galactic scale. They were,   however, defeated in 3996 BBY, the same year  they had begun their war, as Ulic returned   to the Light and Kun destroyed his physical body,  leaving his spirit trapped and impotent on Yavin.   They were the last of Naga Sadow’s dynasty of the  Sith, but they were no less important. Exar Kun   reshaped what it meant to be Sith, forever  recasting the order as one of fallen Jedi,   which would recruit from the ranks of its enemies.  He may not have lasted long, but as the spirit of   Marka Ragnos said to him in a vision, "because  of [Exar Kun], the Sith would never die." The next dynasty of Sith would arise not even  forty years later, when Revan and Malak founded   their own Empire. Like with Exar Kun, their  Sith Empire was built on legions of fallen Jedi,   and they retained Kun’s tradition of  only having two proper Sith Lords,   a Dark Lord and a Shadow Hand. But unlike the  Sith that came before them, Revan’s Sith didn’t   really have much of a claim on the legacy  of Ajunta Pall. Revan filled his armies with   fallen Jedi and traitorous Republic soldiers,  he built his fleets with Rakatan technology,   and he trained his enforcers in an academy on  Korriban, but at the end of the day, that Empire   was less one of Sith and more, as Kreia put  it, “the corrupted remnants of the Republic.” That Sith dynasty didn’t last very  long, either. After a few years,   Malak struck down Revan and claimed the  title of Dark Lord, taking first Darth   Bandon and then Bastila Shan as his Shadow  Hand, but the redeemed Revan came back and,   like the total Chad he was, saved Bastila, killed  Bandon and Malak, and broke the back of the Sith   Empire in a matter of weeks. Revan’s Sith lived  on for a few years under the Sith Triumvirate,   a union of scattered forces led by Darth Traya,  Darth Nihilus, and Darth Sion, but in 3951 BBY,   Meetra Surik came along and killed all three of  them and helped wipe out the last of their forces. Revan’s Sith were very, very different from  all those that came before and most of those   that came after. It had the same guiding codes of  those Sith that came before, but other than that,   it really was more of a dark mirror of the  Republic than anything. This was because   Revan founded his Sith order not to oppose the  Republic but rather to transform it, so as to   oppose other Sith - the True Sith Empire, led by  Darth Vitiate, which still waited in the dark. The True Sith quietly rebuilt in the shadows,  hiding from the Republic and nursing their   strength until, it seemed, the Republic would  be unable to stop them. In 3681 BBY the Sith   unleashed their armies against the Republic,  sparking the first of many, many wars between   the two parties. By that point, the True Sith had  evolved greatly from the Empire whose legacy they   carried on, and yet in many ways, they were true  to that legacy. Their ruling Dark Council of Sith   Lords, who by that point all used the title of  Darth, numbered twelve, much like the original   council of the Sith Lords, with only the Emperor,  Vitiate, elevated above them. Their culture,   practices, and general Sithy-ness were  all carried over from the Empire of old. And yet the True Sith made changes to the Sith  ways, too. They began recruiting Sith Lords from   the outside as well as from within, accepting  humans as second only to Sith Purebloods,   as the original species was by then called.  Their aesthetics resembled those of Revan’s   Empire more than those of the original Sith. But  more importantly, their ideology was different   as well. While many of the Sith of the new  Empire were taught just as prior Sith had been,   the leaders of the True Sith had their own radical  take on Dark Side philosophy - they sought to   destroy the Will of the Force itself, and to  plunge the whole galaxy into chaos unending,   turning it all into a cauldron of war and  constant, massive atrocities. Their leader,   Darth Vitiate, took that ideology even  further - he sought to consume all life,   much as Darth Nihilus had before him,  and to destroy the universe itself.   Fortunately for the universe, he never came  anywhere near close to achieving that goal. The True Sith had a decided advantage over the  Republic, and in their first war, they succeeded   in conquering half of it. It’s quite possible they  could’ve destroyed the Republic and the Jedi with   it, were it not for Vitiate. Vitiate’s hunger for  power and urge to destroy eventually turned him   against his own empire, leading him to attempt  a long series of schemes to conquer the galaxy,   each more feeble than the last. Eventually Vitiate  was destroyed, and over the years that followed,   the Sith Empire collapsed. Just a few centuries  after their triumph, the True Sith were all but   destroyed, and for a millennium and a half,  it seemed, once more, that the Sith were dead   and gone. With them died the Sith Purebloods,  and most of their original tenets and culture. But the Sith weren’t totally gone - a few  scattered cults carried on the legacy,   unnoticed, in the Outer Rim. Then, in 2000 BBY, a  fallen Jedi Master named Phanius sought them out   and learned the ways of the Sith from them,  declaring himself Darth Ruin and gathering   hundreds of fallen Jedi to his side. Darth Ruin’s  new Sith were, appropriately, called the New Sith,   and the thousand-year conflict that ensued  between them and the Republic was called   the New Sith Wars. Ruin’s reign over the New Sith  was short, however. His take on Sith ideology was   founded in extreme selfishness and egocentrism,  and his students eventually got sick of it,   teamed up, and killed their master. This set  the tone for the next thousand years of Sithery. The New Sith were not a singular order; they were  a loose collection of untold thousands of small   Sith groups, allying and jockeying with each other  in a bid to rule the galaxy. They had no common   ideology, no common leader; they had nothing  in common, save the Sith Code. This changed in   1010 BBY, when the New Sith united under the  Brotherhood of Darkness, but the Brotherhood   was destroyed just a decade later at the Battle of  Ruusan, thanks to the manipulations of Darth Bane. In the New Sith Wars, the New Sith by  all rights should’ve been triumphant,   and as Darth Bane saw it, the reason they  weren’t was because of infighting and a   tolerance for weakness. He believed the Dark  Side was like venom - the thinner it was spread,   the weaker. Thus, to concentrate its power,  he came up with the Rule of Two and founded   the Order of the Sith Lords, the final evolution  of the Sith legacy. In the new Order there would   be none of the armies, politics, and lesser Sith  that all prior orders had had. There would just   be two Sith Lords to plot the Republic’s demise,  a Master and an Apprentice, and a thousand years   after the founding of Bane’s order, one  such pair did indeed destroy the Republic. So, that was our look at the various dynasties  of Sith. But what do you think? Which of these   orders interested you the most? Feel free  to post your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 361,677
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Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Sith, Sith Lord, Dark Lord of the Sith, Dark Jedi, Hundred-Year Darkness, Jedi, Korriban, Ziost, Sith Empire, Ajunta Pall, Tulak Horde, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Great Hyperspace War, Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, Great Sith War, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Vitiate, New Sith, Darth Ruin, Darth Bane, Battle of Ruusan, star wars, galactic empire, darth maul, emperor palpatine, darth bane, dark side
Id: kRrzTHSwK40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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