All Sith Eras Explained | Star Wars Legends Explained

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on today's Star Wars legends lore video we take a look at different Sith eras and philosophies peace is a lie there is only passion through passion I gain strength through strength I gain power through power i gain victory through Victory my chains are broken the force shall set me free these simple words the famous sethe mantra have been interpreted in so many different ways but still applied to groups that call themself the Sith today we're going to talk about the different eras of the Sith with in Star Wars legends and how the syph throughout time have organized themselves and what they've believed it the Sith were originally a people native to the planet Korriban they were barbarous but also sophisticated and intelligent the native Sith were unsurprisingly powerful in the dark side of the force at some point exiled Jedi Knights from the Republic would visit the planet Korriban wowed by their force powers the Sith inhabitants species would name them the very first Dark Lords of the Sith with their new Dark Lord's the sifts shared many of their ancient secrets including various darkside magics with their new powers the Dark Lords of the Sith led by a jutsu Paul raised an army and attacked the Republic sparking a conflict - known as the hundred year darkness the Sith in the end were defeated and again exiled from known space were meeting Dark Lords and subsequent generations of darkside users would then breed together with the Sith creating the first distinct era in Sith history it's at this point that we see the creation of the Sith code and the development of a discrete set philosophy it seems like during this era the synth ruled together with multiple masters although there was a single dominant Lord at most times as well Sith often fought each other for power openly challenging their rivals we saw many Dark Lords rise this way including marker rag nose Nagisa dau freedon Nadd and Exar Kun this sith style of inner conflict and the most powerful rising to lead dominated most of the Sitz history during this time period we saw not only major Sith empires like the one led by Lord Bishop but also smaller factions like the Sith triumvirate however common among all those groups is that the powerful seized control in that rivalry and self-destruction were never far behind the survival of the fittest Sith existed until the formation of the Brotherhood of Darkness the Brotherhood was unique in that sit within were all supposed to be equal Lord kaan creator of the Brotherhood saw Sith infighting as wasteful and believed that aggression should be focused on the Sith stru common enemy the Jedi although all Dark Lord's within the order were supposed to be equal some were more equal than others and powerful leaders still obtained power kaan through consent of the other Lords was the Brotherhood's head in a show of equality however the Sith even dropped the title Darth which supposedly had some connotation with Sith power struggles instead choosing to use the moniker Lord it was during this time that Darth Bane entered the Galactic stage Bane was a student at the prestigious Sith Academy on Korriban through meditation research and the discovery of a Sith holocron Bane realized that thus its focus on conflict strength and survival of the fittest is what makes them strong Bane learned firsthand at the academy that if one put an artificial limit on the dark side and didn't allow themselves to be fully consumed that they would ultimately remain weak to Bane you had to give yourself in fully to the dark side which includes aggression rivalry and destroying others even those with the same common objective anything else is only a half measure thus in his mind the Brotherhood was fundamentally flawed this brings us to our next era the rule of two in the order of the Sith Lords Bane realized that at any time there must be only two Sith one to possess power a master and one to covet it an apprentice when the student was powerful enough they should and really they must kill their master and assume the rank of Sith Lord for themselves this new system ensure that the SIF always had powerful dark side users who were making progress and discovery and that death of one person would not spell the end of the order vain Joe's too as his magic number because he believed that the apprentice should only be able to assume power if they were able to defeat their master alone he knew from his time at the academy that if there were multiple apprentices they would eventually work together to kill the Dark Lord weakening Sith stock in allowing lower quality force users to rise to power he also believed that the dark side was best used when it operated through only a few vessels finally Bane believed that some of the dark sides greatest strengths were in subterfuge and trickery the current SIF had been fighting an open war against the Republic he believed that by remaining in the shadows the Sith would stand their best chance of defeating the Jedi the Sith operated by the rule of two slowly going stronger out of the view of the Jedi until the days of Darth Plagueis and Palpatine Palpatine was the last true Sith Lord Darth Vader never was really in the position to challenge him Luke may have been able to had he converted him to the dark side but Palpatine more abided by the rule of 1.5 and he never wanted to die he wanted to remain in power forever with the death of Palpatine spirit during Operation shadow hand the Bane era of SIF Florence came to a close in the middle of years some dark side groups remained or popped up though were generally not large enough for a formal organization or philosophy the final major era is that of the once if a creation of Darth krayt crate had been forging the Empire in secret on Korriban for a hundred years by the time of its emergence the once if utilized the rule of wine which was drastically different to any other set philosophy instead of either having only two Sith Lords or full competition among the powerful or even a cooperation Darth krayt ruled the Empire alone with everyone else being completely subservient and brainwashed while dark side users under crate were told to follow him in his orders without question unsurprisingly when he died his order fell into chaos and the remaining Sith would be destroyed by Darth red a proponent of the rule of two he would later die without an heir seemingly spelling the end for the Sith but I just want to read a brief quote in the words of the arcane scholar murk lundi the Sith though Vanquish understood and fully embraced a fundamental concept that was certain to assure the survival and resurrection and ideal that most Jedi refused to accept simply if the will of the force demands balance then evil can never die thank you for watching guys as always this has been a Kratz letter may the force be with you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 1,810,000
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Keywords: star wars, star wars legends lore, star wars Sith, legends lore, star wars lore, Sith, Sith Lord, Darth, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Sith wars, Knights of the old Republic, galactic empire, star wars legends, eckhartsladder, eckharts ladder, star wars explained, explained, Sith Eras, Sith explained, Sith lore
Id: hn9u-pqVbhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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