Top 7 MOST POWERFUL Sith Lords - Star Wars Explained Part 1

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, it was [joyce] hey everyone I'm going to make this a two-part series where we'll cover the seven set loads in this video And no hierarchical order and the second [we'll] cover another seven of your choice Top comments will get featured and their choices will be picked. Let's begin We'll start with one of my favorite sets from Legends [1] Darth Krayt Darth Krayt was a human who was raised with tusken Raiders who became a Jedi a bounty hunter and Finally a dark Lord sick his birth name [was] a Sharad hence He was a general in the clone wars and one of the fugitoid to survived order 66 [after] growing weary of the fate of the Galaxy following the death of sidious and vader he ventured off into the outer Rim Only to be seized by an Alien race known as a Yuuzhan vong who tortured him relentlessly However. He ended up bringing himself by accepting the [darkside] within him and unleashing the full extent of his powers after which he proclaimed himself the new Dark Lord of the sith Breaking the rule of two and creating his own new rule of one Bringing him to the top of the new sith Empire learning to prolong his life using the dark side of the force this allowed him To accumulate knowledge Beyond the Lifespan of a regular Jedi or sith His [Force] [lightning] was mastered Beyond Palpatine's level able to literally Incinerate his boat and birth dust he was also able to project Force visions So detailed that he can see an opponent move before he even dueled them He was not only masterful with one saber, but two owning his abilities and slang Jedi who challenged him during his time in power He was arguably the most powerful sith in existence with a presence in the dark side so strong that he was felt throughout the entire Galaxy to Darth Nihilus During the old Republic era human born [nilus] suffered from exposure to the attack of a terrorizing super weapon that Destroyed everything at hit this eventually left him with an insatiable hunger for the force The [plague-like] condition began to feed on his material body burning into his skin and organs Much [lied] [about] a corrosion on iron it burned. So deep until nothing, but his soul remained Requiring a vessel he bound his death mask and body armor to his spirit so as to be visible among the Galaxy He was later discovered by Darth Trai she took nilus back to [Mallik] or five and put him under her tutelage Along with our sion and trained him in the ways of the dark side when his hunger for power became insatiable he would drain entire planets from their life force leaving it withered dry and uninhabitable when he later attempted to absorb an entire Jedi academy He was beaten and killed by a large group of Mandalorian his force powers included Force [trained] rage lightning scream Whirlwind and heal his ability to regen foot force and feel it around him allowed him to cast his thoughts as deep as one Star system 3 Darth Bane before Darth bane It was Civil war between all this It was the wild west era of the syst world where everyone killed each other for more power and to get to the top There were more sit than can be counted and this was how the Jedi eventually beat them with their unification of the order However once it survived and reformed the order into the galactic empire that we have seen today Bane created the rule of two which stated that there could only be two six at a time a master and an apprentice No more he would often say one to embody power other to crave it Extremely ruthless with the lightsaber and the force he was one of the most well rounded to rule the galaxy for his time Eventually being killed by Jedi his work lived on through his apprentice who they believed didn't exist after Bane death his remains were placed into a sarcophagus in the valley of the dark Lord on more event the ancients sent homeworld His vision of [assist] hiding within the shadows to one day wake amidst the Jedi surprise and turned the republic into an empire was successful however Short-lived when anakin returned at the end of the return of the Jedi to kill emperor palpatine 4xr could like most of the greatest [cysts] exar Kun was first a Jedi Lured to the ways of the Dark side since he was a young boy He soon left the order after killing one of the masters in Pursuit of darker teachings he travelled to the planet [and] run to awaken the spirit of freedom Not he became his apprentice and learned all that it could once he had no more to learn from his master He destroyed the spirit and set out to dominate the Galaxy and fight in the great sith war Exar Kun was the inventor of the dual bladed Lightsaber Thousands of Years before Darth Maul was even born once at the height of his power Kun raided the Jedi temple on coarsened convincing Padawans to turn on their masters just as he had he then murdered the supreme chancellor of the galactic Republic and killed the Grand Master of the Jedi order Over time it took thousands of Jedi to finally kill exar Kun by Eternally trapping his spirit on Yavin Force temple Millennia later Luke Skywalker created his new Jedi order within the same temple on yet for where Kun rose to turn Skywalker students against him and Nearly ripped Luke's soul from his body before he was saved even Beyond the grave. He was extremely dangerous and powerful Five Darth plagueis, plagueis was extremely gifted with the force much like his apprentice Darth sidious Unlike most sets who lived to attain power. He valued knowledge much more he possessed the [ability] to manipulate the force Uninterested in ability [to] live after death as a ghost his primary focus was the living realm he also possessed the ability to excess [a] skill he learned from his master Who is named Dark tenebrous a crazy [sisler] scientist that had created a poison that could cut a Jedi's connection to the Force however? He wasn't very successful during his time alive He talked [cow] between everything he knew and from the shadows told the political strings to bring him to [power] He was by far one of the most knowledgeable sith to ever live plagueis is believed to have created Anakin Skywalker And he was also very skilled in lightsaber combat and particularly Speed able to vanish at a moment's notice. He was also said to move as fast Lightning bolt six Val [chorion] Possibly the darkest systems ever live Lord vitiates also known as val [quarry] on [Tenebrae] and set emperor Started his journey at the age of ten when he killed his father with [a] mere thought Mentored by mark Oregano's he soon after took the title of sith Lord Over the next century he learned as much as he could about set Magic and alchemy Aiding in his immortality the longest ruling sith Lord vitiated within power for over 1,000 years Even after his body began to decompose He learned the art of essence transfer and moved his consciousness from one vessel to another He could also pass parts of themselves to infants Creating an army that he called the children of the emperor who like him were gifted with Force powers He was very proficient in Force lightning while also being able to [bend] reality and [work] his power however. Wasn't all organic it was mainly taken from Holocron Relics rituals and spells Something other Seth did not abuse to the same degree six Darth sidious Emperor Palpatine Scheming powerful and evil it was cool Those idiots restored the fit and destroyed the Jedi order through order 66 [and] his manipulations of the galactic senate not to mention and Skywalk living a double life sidious was in fact palpatine a naboo senator and Phantom menace he slowly manipulated the political system of the galactic republic until he was named supreme chancellor and eventually emperor ruling the Galaxy through fear and tyranny in Legends Palpatine's powers were far greater than what we were led to believe in the film He was able to telepathically create hyperspace wormhole Teleport beings across the Galaxy Force drained entire planet essence transfer and mind wipes billions of people according to yoda in the novelization Sidious was more powerful than he was destined and Thus Leading to yoga's failure Lucas himself is cited as calling t the strongest set he ever exists what did you all think about [B7] tops it who would you like covered in the next [seven] let me know below and I'll make Happen, thank you all so much for watching I hope you're all having a great day or night wherever you are watching the [Galaxy] I'll see you all in tomorrow's episode of Star Wars theory until then my fellow giants and friends remember
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 2,766,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 7 Most Powerful Sith Lords in Star Wars, darth bane, palpatine, sith, jedi, lightsaber, star wars, star wars theory, star wars explained, most powerful sith, darth nihilus, valkorion, marka ragnos, exar kun, order 66, anakin skywalker, darth vader, darth maul, count dooku, darth sidious, luke skywalker, star wars: revenge of the sith, return of the jedi, sith lord, darth revan, darth plagueis, darth krayt
Id: E8y0bqtH1Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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