All Star Destroyer Types and Classes

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This video is going to go over all the different types of Star Destroyers. The Star Destroyer classification was officially first used by the Galactic Republic to classify ships that had lengths of 1,000 to 2,000 meters, though there were a few exceptions to this rule. This classification was continued to be used by succeeding galactic governments, including the Galactic Empire and New Republic. First are the Venator-class Star Destroyers. They were extensively used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. They were designed to quickly transport troops and vehicles, as well as to act as a starfighter carrier, being able to carry almost 500 starfighters, giving it the highest starfighter capacity on this list. Although they were capable to put up a fight against other capital ships, their armament mostly consisted of laser cannons which were designed to mostly combat enemy starfighters. Second are the Victory 1-class star destroyers. They were introduced in the middle of the Clone Wars, and were designed primarily for planetary defense and assault, and to combat other capital ships. A newer model called the Victory 2-class star destroyer was later created, which had newer engines for faster acceleration and speed. It was also outfitted with ion cannons and more turbolasers. Both ships were used by the Galactic Empire, but were soon replaced by the more powerful Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Third are the Imperial 1-class star destroyers. They saw limited use in the Clone Wars, but were eventually widely used by the Galactic Empire to enforce order throughout the galaxy. They were designed to decimate other capital ships and even entire worlds through orbital bombardment. They were also heavily armored and shielded, being able to take a beating from most other capital ships. Though they did have a slower hyperdive, taking twice as long to get to a destination than the two previous ships shown. The newer model Imperial 2-class star destroyer had reinforced armor, stronger deflector shields, and greater firepower than the Imperial 1-class star destroyer. Fourth are the Interdictor-class star destroyers. Their most notable features were the 4 gravity well projectors, which were used to prevent ships from escaping through hyperspace. They were even able to capture ships already in hyperspace, by ripping them out of it. They were primarily used in raids and invasions. Because of their capabilities, they were high priority targets for enemy ships. Fifth are the Gladiator 1-class Star Destroyers. They were long range patrol ships and were used to subjugate pirates and smugglers. They also acted as starfighter carriers and had multiple hangers, with a large one in the front allowing for multiple starfighters to exit and enter with ease. There were later the Gladiator 2-class star destroyers, but it is unknown what made them different. Sixth are the Secutor-class Star Destroyers. They served primarily as starfighter carriers, being able to carry up to 144 starfighters. Compared to other Imperial Star Destroyers, they were lightly armored and had low firepower. Seventh are the Tector-class Star Destroyers. They were basically Imperial class star destroyers that had their hangers removed and replaced with additional armor. Although this gave them better protection against enemy ships, it resulted in them not being able carry starfighters. Eighth are the Procursator-class star destroyers. They were distinguishable by three massive gun batteries that were lined up on top and a huge reactor dome under the ship. They were used to escort other larger ships. Ninth are the Nebula-class Star destroyers. They were used by the New Republic and were the largest and most powerful ships of the New Republic Navy. They were designed to defeat an Imperial Star Destroyer in a one on one battle. They were heavily armored and armed, and were primarily used to engage enemy capital ships. Tenth are the Republic-class Star Destroyers. They were also used by the New Republic and had a unique bulbous like shape. They had tremendous firepower for their small size, but a trade off for this was their reduced cargo capacity. Eleventh are the Bakura-class Star Destroyers. They were equipped with Hyperwave inertial momentum sustainers, which allowed them to escape interdiction fields, which prevented ships from using hyperspace. Twelfth are the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers. They were first used by the Fel Empire and were designed to incorporate elements from the Executor-class Dreadnoughts and the Imperial-class Star Destroyers. They were considered to be one of the most powerful warships during their time, having one of the greatest armaments. They were often used as command ships, leading other ships in their fleets. Thirteenth are the Imperious-class Star Destroyers. They were first used by Darth Krayt’s Galactic Empire. They were purposely designed to be able to overpower any other warship during their time. They also had very powerful shields, being able to even take a beating from some entire fleets. Fourteenth are the Aggressor-class Star Destroyers. They were equipped with two powerful guns which fired large ion pulses followed by plasma shots. The ion pulses disabled the shields of enemy ships, and the plasma shots that followed dealt tremendous damage to the enemy ships. Fifteenth are the Nar Shaddaa Star Destroyers. They were designed to be a hybrid between the Venator-class and Imperial-class star destroyers. They were small compared to other Star Destroyers. The armor on the ship could extend and retract around the ship itself, providing more protection in certain areas while weakening other areas of the ship. Sixteenth are the Resurgent-class Star Destroyers. They were used by the First Order. They were almost twice the length of Imperial-class star destroyers. They were designed purposely to combat other capital ships, possessing over 3,000 turbolasers and ion cannons. They also were used as starfighter carriers, troop transports, and command ships. The next four star destroyer classes don’t have any images of themselves, so instead we’ll just put epic space battle art in place for them. First are the Turbulent-class Star Destroyers. They were built by the Imperial Remnant and were often referred to as “pocket star destroyers” due to their small size. Due to their small size, they were more maneuverable than some of the other star destroyers. Second are the Sorannan-class Star Destroyers. One of these ships was used as a testbed for new gunnery and engine technologies. That’s all we know of this class. Third are the Rejuvenator-class star destroyers. It was mostly used by the Galactic Alliance during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Nothing else is known about this class. Last are the Chiss Star Destroyers. They were used by the Chiss Ascendancy and resembled the Victory-class Star Destroyers, but were slightly longer and slimmer. They also didn’t have any obvious command superstructure, which denied enemies from an easy target. And before you guys comment asking, the Super Star Destroyers, despite their name, were usually considered to be Dreadnoughts due to their massive lengths, and the name itself was used to distinguish them from Star Destroyers. Also just because a ship was dagger shaped, didn’t automatically make it a star destroyer. Which is why the Acclamator-class assault ships or Harrower-class dreadnoughts were not included, as they were considered to be assault ships or dreadnoughts respectively.
Channel: The Lore Master
Views: 2,408,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Marvel, DC, Comics, Jedi, Palpatine, Sith, Lightsabers, Han, Solo, Yoda, Clone, Army, Droid, Ewoks, Galactic, Empire, Republic, Alliance, to, Restore, The, Bounty, Hunters, Luke, Anakin, Skywalker, Obi, Wan, StarWarsMinute, StupendousWave, DashStar, Star Destroyer, Super Star Destroyer, Venator-class, Imperial-class, victory-class, vindicator class, dreadnought, Galactic Empire, Darth Krayt Empire, Galactic Alliance, Galactic Republic, Darth Vader
Id: YOXTmoZvbgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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