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check out the swz reamer chop down hey everyone how are you all doing today so I hope before we start this long video you guys remember that very first video I did a long long I think was like two years ago or something like that about the first lightsaber fighting style and I meant to do all seven but you know I got I got lazy I can't really say anything else so today we're gonna go over something that I think is a gem it's even more interesting than me just you know kind of summarizing the points of each lightsaber fighting style it comes from Jedi Master sinned relic it comes from his notes and his journal from the book Jedi force if it's very interesting it goes over every single fighting style and if you didn't know sinned relic was actually the Jedi Master who taught all the Padawans all the students how to fight with a lightsaber so he was the guy he you know he was master of all basically so before we begin I just want to say sit tight and enjoy this video lean back relax and have fun the great holocron has yielded a most enlightening recording by the Jedi Knight cindrella who served as a lightsaber instructor at the Jedi Temple on coarsened during the final years of the Old Republic in his recordings made in 31 BBY which also means 31 years before episode 4 drily discusses the seven forms seven fighting disciplines that were studied by the Jedi of his era greetings Padawans I am sind relic your instructor in lightsaber discipline I have no doubt that you will all believe you know something of the seven forms of lightsaber combat all of you spent your first years studying form one and most of you have spent a year or two studying each additional form up through form five some of you may be undecided about whether to now dedicate yourself to one particular form and some of you may choose to build your own lightsaber fighting style whether you have gained additional knowledge on lightsaber combat from data books seen or participated in demonstrations or discovered and experimented with certain techniques on your own I assure you that you have much to learn about the seven forms as you know each form represents differing styles and philosophies and each has its respective merits for those of you who are unaware of the unique and subtle differences of the forms Allah to provide brief descriptions form 1 also called Shi Cho requires little explanation as every Jedi youngling learns the basics of attack parry body target zones and the practice drills called velocities form 1 was created by an ancient Jedi during the transition from metal swords to energy beam lightsabers and the principles of blade contact remain essentially the same because the ancient Jedi did not have lightsaber wielding enemies form 1 does not address the lightsaber to lightsaber combat form 2 also called Maki she represents the ultimate refinement of lightsaber 2 lightsaber combat it evolved during an era when battles between Jedi and Dark Jedi had become expected if not routine and may have produced the greatest dueling masters the galaxy had ever seen masters of formed 2 developed unique offenses and defenses and trained studiously against having their weapons taken or damaged following the Battle of Roose son form 2 became anarchism 4 there were few situations in which Jedi fought lightsaber wielding enemies however the former Jedi learner or a Singh resurfaced more than a decade ago as a bounty hunter an assassin and has developed a reputation for taking lightsabers as trophies from her Jedi victims furthermore it is now nearly a year since obi-wan Kenobi slew the Sith Lord who killed qui-gon jinn at the Battle of Naboo and some jedi masters have suggested that the order should re-examine the requirements of form to other masters have countered that such confrontations will remain exceedingly rare so long as the Jedi remain mindful of the force and the Sith limit their numbers to - as long as Aurra sing and any Sith Lords remain at large it is the opinion of this instructor that the study of form tube should not be dismissed as impractical and I'm gonna sidestep here and say that Count Dooku used form - very very well form 3 also called sore su was first developed in response to the advancement of blaster technology in the galaxy as an ever increasing variety of blaster weapons became available to military factions as well as criminals Jedi had to revise their lightsaber skills to defend themselves original the basic principle of form 3 was laser blast deflection training this form maximizes defensive protection in a style characterized by tight efficient movements that expose minimal target areas when compared with the relatively open style of some other forms over many centuries form 3 has evolved into a highly refined expression of non aggressive Jedi philosophy true masters of form 3 have long been considered invincible although not always able to overcome their adversaries no form 3 masters have ever been defeated it should be noted that obi-wan Kenobi was the master of soar su form 4 also called Ataru is the most acrobatic form filled with numerous elaborate moves and relies heavily upon a Jedi's ability to run jump and spin using the force form 4 can be astonishing to watch by incorporating all the force powers that enable one to exceed standard norms of physical possibilities Jedi may resemble nothing less than a blur when they utilize form 4 yes it is true that Yoda is a form for master although it has been many years since Yoda has graced us with a demonstration the Jedi Archives holds a collection of data books at a testament to his mastery and prowess form 5 which has two distinct variations Shen and AM so these were developed alongside form 4 during an era when Jedi were called upon to more actively maintain the peace in the galaxy and when purely defensive combat skills such as those of form 3 were deemed insufficient form 5 focuses on strength and light saber attack moves form fives Chien variation exploits the ability of the lightsaber to block a blaster bolt and turns this defensive move into an offensive attack by deflecting the boat deliberately toward an opponent form Vives dam so variation is devoted specifically to lightsaber dueling this is the one that Anakin Skywalker was very versed in a dedication to the power and strength necessary to defeat an opponent characterizes the philosophy of forum 5 which some Jedi described by the maxim peace through superior firepower while proponents of forum 5 regarded as a worthwhile discipline to prepare a Jedi for any threat there others who maintain that form five fosters an inappropriate focus on dominating others you asked for my opinion on Form five I am neither a proponent nor a detractor one must question any discipline that has lethal potential however if it serves to suppress violent opposition and preserve peace I believe it is a discipline worth knowing form six also called Niemann this is the current standard in lightsaber training this form balances the emphasis of other forms with overall moderation through form six a Jedi may achieve true harmony and justice without resorting to the rule of power it is often referred to as the diplomats form because it is less intensive and its demands than the other disciplines allowing Jedi to spend more time developing their skills in perception political strategy and negotiation the Jedi Council maintains that form six best suits the role of contemporary Jedi Knights after all a Jedi Knight who is overly trained in martial combat might be at a loss to resolve a complex political conflict or a sensitive trade disagreement how long can you expect to study form six before you master it if you dedicate yourself only to form six you will study for at least 10 years is form six the most worthy of study no but in general it is the most practical I would be negligent if I referred from noting that full masters of other forms have come to consider form six as in sufficiently demanding form seven also called giulio is the most difficult and demanding of all forms only high-level masters of multiple forms can achieve and control this discipline which can lead to fantastic power and skill form seven employs bold direct movements more open and kinetic than form five but not so elaborate in appearance as the acrobatic form four unlike form five form seven requires greater energy because the focus is wielded more broadly and draws upon a deeper well of emotion while the outward bearing of a form seven practitioner is one of Kong the inner pressure verges on explosion and unlike the graceful linked movements sequences of form for form seven tactics overwhelm opponents with seemingly unconnected staccato sequences this combination of traits makes form seven highly unpredictable in battle because so few have achieved the necessary mastery to advance to form seven this discipline can only be regarded as under development by select few and forbidden to all others mace windu and his former Padawan Depa billaba are among the only current practitioners of form seven and even they acknowledge that it is a dangerous regimen that may cut close to the sith intensity of focus on physical combat ability and now let us meditate before we begin basic exercises for form six now the seventh lightsaber fighting style as I've just explained right actually as syndra Lacaze just explained is one of the most dangerous and most difficult however there was a variation that was created by mace windu called the pod now the video about what pod is going to be something entirely separate than this one because it is a variation of form seven and it is very long and it will go into great detail about the creature that is actually called the pod and why it was attached to maces variant of form seven fighting style and how mace actually used it to overpower Sidious in their duel in Revenge of the Sith now before I end this video I'm going to take a piece from the vet pod video that mace windu talks about in his data files as a lightsaber instructor up a temple Sora trained and influenced many Jedi when Quinlan vos had to be trained after the events that left his memory impaired it was Sora who helped Quinlan regain his focus with a lightsaber but on our recent mission to Liana masters tome Yoda and I learned that Sora at Tarquin lean a maneuver from a form seven variation known as the pod obviously I recognized a pod because I developed it Quinlan claimed that Sora said nothing about the pod and told me that he will not use the maneuver again I sensed Quinlan's spoke with hope deceit but his awareness of a pod is disturbing particularly since Sora bulk helped me develop the maneuver except for Depa billaba I have never encouraged any other Jedi to adopted a pod ki-adi-mundi you are aware that for me they on is personal to Aegon colar I shall explain and then we will continue with the pods very own video on its own so I hope you guys enjoyed this long video about all the lightsaber forms and the fighting styles and basically who used them I hope you could figure that out with the pictures that were used in the editing of this video if you did enjoy this video and you want me to go on and make the VAE pod video on its own please leave a like or comment down below and show some support to the channel thank you so much for watching I'll see you all in the next one until then remember my fellow Jedi and Sith friends the force will be with you always Oh [Music] you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 3,899,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EVERY LIGHTSABER FIGHTING STYLE EXPLAINED, star wars, star wars explained, darth vader, anakin skywalker, star wars theory, mace windu, luke skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, kylo ren, darth maul, count dooku, the last jedi, darth vader suit, star wars the last jedi, darth vader death, order 66, who is snoke, star wars episode 9 trailer, darth vader lightsaber, star wars trailer, star wars episode 9
Id: WP7sbwbIzks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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