The Last Padawan 2 | A Short Star Wars Story | Fan Film

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The first one was pretty cool, but this one seems like a big step up in scope and production value!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Harold_Zoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is awesome!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Batfan1108 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched it.

Prior to watching this episode, I watched the Disney Plus episode about the making of the last episode of the mandalorian season 2.

There was a section of that episode where John Favreau mentioned the technological advances of filmmaking and the cautions of creating new films with advanced technology.

This film is a great example of that. I found it remarkable how the action sequences were near canon level quality. I'm glad that the fans can create stories that access their own imaginations.

The general Star wars canon, rightfully so, doesn't always touch the stories we want. Sometimes they can't. They have a name to protect. But as long as the fans are respecting the technology and using it meaningfully, like this film, the future of Star Wars is exciting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheBarrelofMonkeys πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a film director, I don't understand why you've done this. It's such a fantastic effort for something you can't profit from or move the needle for you professionally. As far as I know, no fan-filmmaker has EVER leveled up and been hired to do big movies as a result of their fan films. I was a part of a very big fan film right the beginning of the "professional" movement in the 2000's, and I've been following fan filmmakers ever since - I just have never seen any pro future for anyone as a result. Why not create your own sci-fi world that your could shop around and create a new franchise with?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Silvershanks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... This is a message to all those who oppose the Empire. The time is now... Please, I don't know who he is. We're just trying to find somewhere safe. We didn't know. You're going to kill everyone, aren't you? That depends... How many he's willing to sacrifice? I don't think this will reach you, but I have to try. The Empire has shut down the planet. Communications and everything! Get out of range of those cannons! We'll hide in high orbit for a couple of days, but you have to get to us. Listen, there's a freedom fighter called Isac Tallus not that far from you. I am not sure if you can trust him, but if you can track down his crew I think he's your best chance to find a ship. I'm sorry, my friend. But remember, as long as the Jedi live there is still hope. - Do you know where they went? - The last time I saw them they went that way. Where did they go? You want to tell me where they went. Hey, are you okay? Hang in there buddy. - Someone is sleeping in, huh? - I've got my own work to do. Hey, have you seen Isac? Yeah, he's out talking with a contact. You seen Jax? Thanks. Boiken? Hey, Boiken! Have you seen Jax? You know... I once knew a guy who went crazy by staring too long at the horizon. Someone has to stay alert while the rest of you nap. Well, you can't keep us all safe if you die of thirst. Hey! You know, it's not that I don't like refugee camps, but we should have skipped this one. - They need our help. - Yeah, but we could have been at the base by tomorrow. And I would be surrounded by beautiful, foreign rebel girls. Maybe even a Twi'lek. You know, I've heard some female Twi’leks sharpen their teeth before heading into a fight. Ooh, but I wouldn't fight them. I'm just saying, maybe we should postpone helping others until we know if the base is real or not. To make sure we have a chance of winning this war. You know how he is - - It's not about winning. - It's about making sure that they don't. I know. But just remember that you can't save anyone if you can't save yourself. What is it?! I'm not sure. ... so if I jumped off the damn blurg it would leave the scouts straight off my tail. Of course I didn't expect to land in a pile of rocks. Isac Someone's here to see you. Welcome. We were just sharing our stories. You should join us. How about you, son? How'd you get here? What's your name, son? I'm Cleve. I know things are looking bad now, Cleve... but I promise you, one day it will all get better! Is it true you've come to save us all from the Empire? Is there really a rebellion? That's a big question, Cleve. We've travelled a long way to get here. Through mountains and mud. We've tried to help those suppressed by the Imperial tyranny. but the truth is, no matter how much we fight and sacrifice, we're just too few to push the Empire off our planet. Or so we thought. Not long ago we received a secret message from an old base not far from here. A call to those who oppose the Empire - to unite - to come to the edge of the Wadden Sea and stand together as one single rebellion against the Empire. - It gets better every time. - I think the middle was a bit flat. Let me join you. I can fight. You look like a man who won't take no for an answer. You're part of the rebellion now, Cleve. They don't get much older, do they? You can't quench the fighting spirit, Heway. You of all people should know that. - Not unless you can't lift the blaster. - Sir! There's someone here. He asked for you by name. I know. So,- How can I help you? I'm looking for a way off the planet. Rumor is you're the one to talk to. Depends who's asking. - I can pay. - Do we look like we're in it for the money? People are waiting for me. I need your help. You know, since the Empire came - we don't get much communication here, but if there's one thing they do love to broadcast - it's this. Is this you? - What did you do? - It doesn't say? Sixth on the planet? That's higher than you, Isac. Are you famous or something? It doesn't matter what I am. I need your help. You know, I didn't believe it when they told me. "That's madness!" I said. Why would the Empire come here, seal off an entire planet, murder and torture innocent people, just to catch one guy? You tell me. Because they're looking for a Jedi. - Hold him down! - Get off me! Hold him! I wouldn't do that if I were you. Don't do this! Get off me! I remember the Jedi Order. They were a symbol of peace and justice, in the old Republic. But the Empire come here and terrorize our world,looking for you. That's not my fault. Then why are you running? Lock him up. - You don't understand - - Don't let him speak. - How did he do that? - More importantly, how did you know? I think you should go help the others. - If he's a Jedi we can use him. - You saw his eyes. That man is no more a Jedi than you or me, brother. - Thank you - We could take him to the base. If we have a chance to end this, I think we should take it. - Tell the refugees to leave. - Yes. If he moves, stun him. - You don't want to do... - If you try that Jedi crap on me one more time,- - the next is gonna make you look weird. - Heway, who is this guy? A long time ago, thousands of Jedi Knights protected the galaxy. Some would say they were the greatest warriors ever seen, until the Empire killed them all. What do you want from me? I want to know why the Empire wants you so badly. What makes you such a threat? - Are you ready? - Yes What have you done? Isac Tallus We've been looking for you for quite some time. There's no need for this to turn ugly. Tell your men to lay down their arms and they won't get hurt. We're here to make a deal. With what? All Imperial troops will leave Dantooine immediately and then the Jedi is yours. I can't make that decision. Then who can? That would be me. Who the hell are you? My dear friend, what has become of you? So- Do we have a deal? His weapons, where are they? He was unarmed. One more step. Would you do that? If you wanted him dead, you wouldn't have stopped. Do we have a deal? Not like this. What is wrong with you?! There's no need for any more people to die, we can end this right here now. Apparently, Mr. Tallus, you all have to die. Isac! - Wipe them out - What about the Jedi, Sir? Don't disappoint me, Commander. Jax! Hey, Jedi, the box! The box! Jax! Jax! Jedi! Get Jax away from here, she'll get you off the planet. - What are you doing, we have to fight. - You can't fight if you're dead! Get the Jedi to the base, and make him remember who he is. - I'm not leaving you. - Jax, this is not about winning. Hey Jedi, take care of her. She's the best of us. Find the Jedi. Where is Heway? Where is Heway?! It won't be long before they pick up our trail. We have to go back. He is dead! - and so will you be if we don't get out of here. We can be by the Wadden Sea by tomorrow if we hurry. Jax. You knew that man, didn't you? Who is he? He's an Imperial Inquisitor. He hunts Jedi. - And he's the one who brought the Empire here, for you? - Yes. We have to stop him. You can't beat that. I know who can. Sir? - Ah, Tarvy - How's the search proceeding? I'm afraid I have some bad news, Sir - it appears we have been unable to locate the body of the Jedi. I'm not exactly sure how, - but we've found two sets of tracks heading East, away from the battle. - I suspect one of them to be the Jedi. - Suspect? Yes, Sir. - the other is most likely a surviving rebel. Good work, Commander. - Sir? - Everything is going as planned. I'm not sure I understand. Aren't we supposed to capture the Jedi? Yes? - Then why- - Tarvy, you are a young man. When you've seen as many hunts as I have - You'll find as little satisfaction in killing a wounded animal. What about our orders, Sir? and our men? We just suffered severe casualties! The Jedi are the greatest threat to the Empire. and if we don't do what is necessary now - Well, to put it mildly - the Emperor does not accept failure. - You said they went East? - Yes, Sir. Good. Inform the Eastern patrols, refugees are coming. Should I inform them about the Jedi, Sir? Trust me, Tarvy - and this mission will be over before you know it. - So you're telling me, there's an entire rebel army at this base of yours? - With guns and ships and everything Then why haven't I heard about it? The first thing the Empire did when they arrived here was to shut down all communication. In one moment they split our society into pieces, and killed everyone who refused to accept otherwise. We were alone in the dark until this - This is a message to all those who oppose the Empire. The time is now, to come together at the edge of the Wadden Sea - to unite in our rebellion against the Empire - - Since then, rebels from all over the planet have gone there - to join the fight. So how does a Jedi end up on Dantooine? I was sent here to find old relics and weapons that could help rebuild the Jedi Order. - Did you? - Doesn't really matter if I'm unable to leave the planet. Don't worry Jedi. You're in the hands of the rebellion now. We'll get you off the planet in no time. -What are you doing?! - Shhh! Jax? Jax? They're probably just looking for us. We should go around. Jax, it will only get worse if we intervene. Don't. Jax, Jax! Commander! Well, well, well - I was told fugitives were coming our way,- But nobody said anything about rebels. Sergeant?- What is the penalty for being associated with the petty rebellion? - I believe death, Sir. - I believe you're right. So if you want to live, tell me if there's any more rebels hiding in the woods. Rebels... Hey! Don't shoot, don't shoot. Who are you? I was just over here hiding, and I couldn't help overhearing you talking about rebels. - Yes? - Well, I've seen them. - Where? - It's a crazy story. I was riding my blurg down the road - when suddenly- I saw that they were right- behind- - you. -What? She's a distraction! You, you, and you! After them! Sergeant, stay here and teach this girl some manners. - You take care of this, I'll help the others. - No, Jax, Jax wait! Jax! Hey, big guy. Could we not do this? TK1138, We've lost visual contact. Keep us posted on your position. Copy that. Holding on the edge of Grid-7. Get up from there, you rebel scum! Wait a minute- You're nothing but kids. Brave,- but stupid kids. Hello there. Get him to safety. Let's go. Don't move. Well, well, well- Looks like we've hit the jackpot, boys. They're gonna make me a goddamned Admiral for this. - Should we arrest him, Sir? - No. No, he's way too dangerous for that. Shoot on my command. Make ready- Aim- Fi... Did you have that all along? I shouldn't have used it. It always ends bad. Tell that to them. Everybody okay? - Report. - It seems we were ambushed by rebels, Commander. - Any sign of the Jedi? - No Sir, but we're still finding bodies inside the forest. This is a goddamned travesty. It astounds me, Commander,- That you've been able to reach such high stature without knowing the most basic of truths. Nothing in life comes without sacrifice. If you can't understand what we're doing here, - It's because you're not looking. - Did you hear about those new BT-16's? - Ja, I heard the others talk about it. - What are you doing? - We don't have time for this. Let's hope it's good at killing rebels. - This place gives me the creeps. - Then let's head out. There's no one here anyway. - Why are you so afraid to fight? - I am not afraid - Then help me. Help me win this war! - I can't. Why does the Empire hunt you? All you do is hide in the woods while people die. You are no threat to them. The Empire killed everyone I knew - my friends, my master. They died so I would live. - To do what? - To rebuild! Look at you! You have a warrior's spirit and the heart of a true leader, but you would give your life to kill twenty when you could live and save millions. - I will not stand by while people die. - Then you won't win. It's not about winning. It's about making sure they don't. It's here. Jax? Jax? There's no one here. This is a message to all those who oppose the Empire. The time is now to come together - at the edge of the Wadden- - Don't. The moment you turn that off, they'll know we're here. What is this? A trap. The rebellion was all a lie. Look! There's an old spaceport not far from here. Maybe we can find a ship that still works - and get to safety! What about the people? The Inquisitor? Jax,- it's over. No, we can fight him. You and I. He is not worth dying for. This is my home - My people. I can't stay. Then go. Go! ... at the edge of the Wadden Sea to unite in our rebellion against the Empire. Inside this message you'll find coordinates to our base... Jax. I said press the black button, and then the red button, okay? and then put it in the window. Come on! Where is she? - Look what you did. - Where is she?! He took her. Don't! Leave me. Take this. Press it against the wound - and don't let go. You're no different than him! You don't care about any of us. You should not test fate so willingly, girl. Why don't you tell your boy to let me go and I'll show you how willing I am. I wouldn't do that if I were you. - She'll learn soon enough. - I was talking to you. Take her to the ship. Kick his ass! Good to see you, Padawan. I was beginning to think they managed to break your spirit. This ends now. I know. So much ferocity, but the balance- is a bit off. Focus! I don't want my victory spoilt by chance. Then stop making so many mistakes. Finally. I overestimated you, Padawan. I thought if I touched a hair of innocence, you would come running. But no, - Very un-Jedi of you! The last time we met you nearly destroyed me. Now look. There's truly no one who can challenge me. You're wrong. - She can. Good luck. Don't. Shoot it down. Stupid girl. Now get up - and let me have my victory. No. Pick it up. I said, pick it up. Pick it up and fight me. Come on and fight me. Come on and fight me! Fight me! I said fight me! Fight me!!! Fight me! Fight me!! Fight me! Fight me! Fight me! Fight me! Fight! Fight me!! Fight me!!! Hello, is anybody reading me? Is anybody reading me? This is Amber squad, can anybody read me? We need to talk to whoever is in charge. We're looking for someone of great importance. Does anybody hear me?
Channel: Rebel Pictures
Views: 2,217,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, Padawan, Fan film, Lightsaber, Inquisitor, Jax, Rebels, Action, fight
Id: xGHfkRbGypk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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