Why Yoda's Species Is SO POWERFUL | None Have Turned to the Dark Side

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[Music] described as the avatar of the light grand master yoda is one of the wisest and most powerful force builders the jedi order has ever seen this reputation of exceptional potential carries over to many other of yoda's species that we are introduced to over star wars mythos we are introduced to very few of them however with only three members of his species in canon and a handful in legends they remain shrouded completely in mystery one thing we do know about them is that they are incredibly strong with the force and have a particular affinity towards the light side so why is this what draws them so strongly towards the light welcome friends to today's video where we will be exploring why no members of yoda species turn to the dark side in legends or in canon before we begin if you like our content and want to know more answers to star wars questions like these consider subscribing and hitting the bell icon to stay up to date on all things star wars as stated before we know very little about yoda's species this was an intentional thing done by george lucas as he wanted to keep it a secret as much as possible in fact when asked on numerous occasions about yoda's origins and where he came from george made it clear that he wanted to keep this shrouded in mystery the current working in universe theory for yoda not having revealed more about his kind is that he knows that they are a peaceful people that are not equipped to handle galactic war and politics being brought to their doorstep something else important to note about yoda's species though is that every single member that we're aware of appears to be force sensitive besides yoda we know of two others in canon and three others in legends in canon the other members of the species is jedi master and former council member yaddle who is the first member that we'll be discussing today in the dawning days of the clone wars master yattle demonstrated exceptional skill in the force with her use of extraordinary light-side abilities that rival the gratuitous powers of the dark side one of these abilities being her power to use more shiro a technique which enabled the user to rapidly slow down the bodily functions of its target to the point of death in the comic yaddles tale we get a glimpse into her life as a padawan in 300 bby she and her master jedi knight paul van kutt were dispatched on a mission to the planet of coba they had been sent to deal with the rising threat of the anvest warlord known as tulik however once they got there they were betrayed by tulik spies that had infiltrated the koben residents the jedi were ambushed and unfortunately pulvin kut gave into the dark side as he had been tracking tulik for the murder of his family being overcome by fear and anger in his wild frenzy to get to tulik he got sloppy and was beheaded by the army the padawan yaddle however remained cemented in the light yaddle was then imprisoned and subjected to various tortures to reveal when the next jedi would come even under these circumstances the padawan held true and did not reveal anything nor succumbed to the allure of the dark side all while growing a stronger connection to the light side despite what was being done to her in her current circumstance if there were any time when a jedi would have given in it would have been here yaddle showed exceptional resilience while being imprisoned for almost a century she even forgave the past generation of kobens that kept her prisoner as she knew it was only because of tulik finally her escape came when earthquakes on koba caused the ground to crack open near her pet at first she was happy for her escape but then it quickly vanished when she sensed the suffering and despair of the koben people from years of plague and famine she denied her request to return to coruscant and stayed behind to help rebuild the koben city the same individuals that had kept her captive from all of this it is impressive to say the very least how wise and powerful yattle was during her long suffering the dark side feeds off of suffering hate and pain for a century yaddle sat through this darkness while only growing ever closer to the light and this was all while she was just a jedi learner padawan her master by contrast gave into the dark side within a couple of minutes her position in the light was so strong that she not only held firm even when she had given up all hope of escape but she found it in her heart to forgive her captors the next member of yoda's species that we know of in canon is the child grogu grogu was 50 years old at the time of the mandalorian and apparently had been raised in the jedi temple according to ahsoka tano grogu is like the rest mentioned exceptionally gifted with the force but only seems to use it to help din jaron because of this we see the child use the force from a place of emotion rather than peace he was able to lift a fully grown mud horn exhibit the rare and difficult ability of force healing as well as reuse the force to return jet fire these were emotion-based cases in which he was protecting din or someone else close to him we do actually get to watch him peek into the dark side a little bit but when he misunderstands the arm wrestling match between den and kara doon and ends up force choking kara this is the only on-screen example of yoda's species deliberately using the dark side but once again it was not because of a selfish desire but only a selfless one of trying to protect dan his father figure of course this doesn't excuse it still from being dark side in nature anakin skywalker was lured to the dark side under pretenses of protecting padme but there is a massive difference between using a dark side ability based purely out of emotion and one turning to the dark side of all mentions here groku has the most potential for dark side tendencies as he repeatedly uses the force to hurt people or things to protect those that he loves and had that emotional goodbye at the very end of the series luckily for us luke skywalker jedi academy doesn't adhere to the strict dogma of the old jedi and he will be able to help growgru process these emotions properly out of the three examples of yoda's species in canon however grogu shows the most dark side tendencies but still is very unlikely to actually submit to the dark side in canon it doesn't seem impossible for a member of yoda's species to turn to the dark side but it still seems unlikely in legends though it's nigh impossible moving on to legends content there are three members of yoda's species that are only barely touched upon these members being master van dark master oteg and jedi knight minch out of these three the one we're going to focus on most will be midge as his story plays more with dark side concepts minch is an interesting case as it has long debated whether minch is a younger yoda as george lucas's original name for the character as yoda was originally going to be named mitch this is just a theory however so today we will be operating under the assumption that he is a different person entirely minch was a jedi knight that existed during the high republic era around 700 bby meaning before the battle of yavin minch was described as fiery in battle and had a bit of an affinity for it he stands out among other members of yoda's species because of this factor and becoming well known for his battle prowess as the other members of yoda's species seem more focused on the spiritual gifts of the force we are first introduced to the character of minch when he is in the befast system hunting down bafashi dark jedi minch went ahead of his group and engaged one of the dark jedi in lightsaber combat although the battle was fierce minch lost the duel the dark jedi would have killed him had it not been for the rest of the jedi showing up right on time to save the young minch seeing their numbers the dark jedi panicked and killed himself on the spot as he knew there were too many jedi for him to fend off on his own this duel though took a great effect on mitch as he was not at all proud with how he performed during it minch became determined to prove himself to his fellow jedi in the coming conflict as you can all guess this isn't exactly the jedi way the jedi group later tracked down the dark jedi master to the planet of dagobah yes that degabah minch's master to die warned him explicitly not to go alone in pursuit of the dark jedi not only because of the dark jedi himself but because of the unfriendly and dangerous terrain of the swamp planet mince deliberately disobeyed and once more went to engage the leader of the dark jedi minch crash landed on dagobah and tracked the master down to a cave where there he ordered the buffashi jedi to surrender the dark jedi however only sneered it midge stating that there were always more that could be turned and that perhaps minch could be one of them myntry stated his position as a jedi knight but after another taunt from the dark jedi about his anger minchi tagged him to prove his point the fight took many turns but eventually minch was victorious and dispatched the jedi and managed to kill him in his final moments the dark master gloats that minch had to use the dark side of the force in order to defeat him the death therefore corrupted the cave into being a place of dwelling full of the dark side this is the only time we ever explicitly see any member of yoda's species struggle with their own anger or fear minch almost succumbed to the dark side in that battle and according to the master may actually have for a brief moment however minch was later able to reclaim his sanity and his stance in the light side of the force exiting that cave as a jedi and while this may be the closest example of a member of yoda's species succumbing to the darkness still jedi knight minch prevail the final example we're going to be exploring today will be about grand master yoda himself there was a meeting between yoda and count dooku where dooku implored yoda to join the dark side yoda was curious and asked a few questions wondering if it was difficult to access the dark side of the force as this is something that in his 900 years yoda had never done after dooku informed him that it was not difficult yoda decided to show dooku what would happen should he ever go to the darkness for the briefest of moments yoda opened himself up to the dark side and what dooku saw shocked him to his very core all 900 years of jedi training would be weaponized and turned on the galaxy and yoda would be far more powerful than sidious himself and then yoda suppressed it once again this caused dooku to wonder if at some point in time that yoda was trained in the dark side not fully giving himself over to it but just out of a sense of curiosity yoda's dark side was again explored in the sixth season of star wars the clone wars this time taking place in canada where yoda goes on a journey of self-discovery that leads him to the sith homeworld of korriban there he is shown many visions that he has to overcome he meets with the spirits of the ancient sith is tested by the forced priestesses to give away everything he cares about and faces his own darker self yoda's fight with dark yoda is very interesting as we get to see it on screen what is that actually like what is it like to hear yoda's darker self speak with him the whole time he is challenging yoda's position in the light he says to him yoda doesn't want to play with me anymore yoda thinks me not worthy that loosely proves that at one time yoda did delve into the dark side if ever just briefly as they fight yoda refuses to recognize his darker half dark yoda taunts him by saying don't you recognize what is inside of yoda to which yoda replies i choose not to give you power yoda would go on to win this fight by eventually being forced to admit that he does indeed recognize the dark side yoda though says this part of me you are but control me you do not through patience and training it is who i control you in order to do this effectively he did at one point delve into the darkness but purely to understand it as he famously tells luke the dark side isn't stronger just easier by not taking the easy path yoda spent many years strengthening the light side by understanding the dark so now we return to our original question why has none of yoda's species ever given themselves fully to the dark side it is worth noting that some species in the galaxy simply have a stronger pull to one side the sith species for example most notably had the strongest pull to the dark in addition to the beings on dathomir including the dathomirian nightsisters such as ventress or the knight brothers such as maul and savagio press a species that has a stronger pull to the light side of the force is the ethorians many ethorians have become jedi as their species naturally adhere stronger to the light this isn't to say though that there has never been an ethorian on the dark side as darth earl was in sith legends and was in fact an ethorian or that a dathamerian knight brother couldn't become a jedi yoda and other members of his species are not immune to the dark side as some have felt the pull and maybe even dipped into it ever so slightly but besides minch these times when they did wasn't out of a sense of self-ambition but from a place of greater good another place the answer can be found is in their lifespan yoda species grows at an abnormally slow rate seeing as of how a 50 year old specimen is still an infant in grogu a good theory is that because of their lifespan the universe is in a certain perspective to them a perspective that shows them that they don't need to take a quick and easy path because they have time to spend honing their skill in the right way the light side members of yoda's species aren't even interested in the quick and easy path because they have all the time that they need their years give them the advantage of being able to take their time whereas the century in captivity for anyone else would have spelled doom to yattle it was simply a season of biting her time she just had to wait and allow the force to guide her mind for yoda he understands that people die even those that he cares about while he doesn't want to lose them or let them suffer as he tells anakin we must rejoice for those who transcend unto the force more them do not miss them do not at this time of him giving this advice it may have been a bit misplaced or a bit collapsed for a human to adhere to but for yoda he had the freedom to let people go let them go so that his emotions didn't get the better of him yoda's species embody what it is truly like to observe the galaxy the way the force does that all life comes and goes it is precious while it lasts but the emotions shouldn't last beyond their season when you're an ancient being you watch things change all the time you can either get swept up in it and let it drive you mad or you can learn to enjoy things while they last and move on when they eventually die because of this quick and easy paths to power are no longer a priority yoda and his species can identify with the force more closely the light side operates much in the same fashion they do watching time pass around them and being patient enough to know when it is time to act we can see this perspective whenever yoda tries to convince luke to not go to bespin even though his friends may be dying yoda understood the principle of waiting until you were ripe and ready with the force before going to face your darkness yoda know luke's darkness waited for him at bespin in the form of vader only a fully trained jedi knight with the force as his ally will conquer vader and his emperor yoda knew that the younger you were the more likely it was that you were going to fall to the dark side as mentioned before with minch and grogu too much younger members of yoda's species they had pulls towards the dark side during their endeavors to solve their problems as efficiently as possible this is why the much older members did not fall because it is likely they understood what it would mean for the galaxy to have an older and more experienced force wielders such as them go to the dark like with dooku they could see just how truly terrible it would be for their knowledge and power to become a weapon of the dark side their species is compassionate despite the jedi's teachings of emotional detachment yaddle yoda and grogu all have people that they feel love and care for and thus is the source of their power and the reason they remain so firmly in the light well friends what do you think of this explanation do you believe that at one time there was a sith of yoda's species in legends or even in canon that we are currently not aware of what do you think would have happened if yoda had decided to give himself over to the dark side during the waning hours of the clone wars or during order 66 we would love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments down below as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching the channel may the force be with you and i hope to see you in the next video [Music] check the link in the description and find your favorite hoodies and teas now [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 3,173,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoda, Sith Yoda, Revenge of the Sith, Darth Vader, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory
Id: -ygOodTUwjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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