History of Darth Revan

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[Music] what's up everyone unless you live under a rock you know that Star Wars Episode nine the rise of Skywalker hits theaters this weekend which will bring an end to the Skywalker saga that has spanned nine films and lover hate the latest trilogy the end of the Skywalker saga is a big freakin deal so that being the case we had to do at least one Star Wars themed episode and we decided to take a look at the future of Star Wars and go with the history of a character that isn't currently in Canon nor will he appear in the new movie but he's a fan favorite in a character most of us hope to see adapted for the big screen I'm of course talking about Darth Revan or just revin as he's been both a Jedi and a synth but before we dive in we wanted to quickly address what's been going on with YouTube and how it's been affecting creators across the board and Varion is no exception since YouTube announced the implementation of the adjustments the platform is going to be making to deal with a whole coppa mess most specifically another roll out of their machine learning systems like so many other channels we have seen our average views per episode reduced by more than 60% and based on our analytics that massive drop-off over the past month is purely due to the fact that YouTube's algorithm simply isn't recommending our episodes across the platform in the same way which of course means that most people aren't even seen the videos after we post them needless to say this is a problem for all creators and one we have very little control over but thankfully there is something you the variant nation can do to help if you dig variant in the content we put out we would kindly ask that you share our episodes after you watch them both here on the YouTube platform and whatever social media platform you like most it's a small thing that can make a huge difference towards helping us work past YouTube's madness so as always thanks a ton for your help and support and with that said let's take a look at revin and find out why he's such a beast [Applause] revenue was created by drew car passion and first appeared in the Star Wars videogame Knights of the Old Republic in 2003 his story was later expanded upon in the 2005 sequel game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic to the Sith Lords and then finally started hitting book form in Star Wars The Old Republic reven which became a New York Times bestseller as far as comics ago he hasn't made many appearances but we do see him in the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars tales it's actually shocking that he hasn't gotten his own complex areas yet he's been the focus of novels and played a major role in games but somehow has loved as a character as he is he still considered a legends character and has never had a solo Marvel series come on Marvel you need to fix that your move in any case let's get into his origin and see how this character came to be now before I get into talking about reven I want to state one more time that he is not in main Star Wars continuity all of his history and everything I'm about to mention is purely based off of legends and/or they expanded universe what I love them to be part of being Star Wars continuity yes but as of now that is not the case maybe once Disney decides to do something with the Old Republic they will bring him into continuity at least I could only hope with that said revin was set to be born just outside the Outer Rim 3990 four years before the Battle of Yavin and at an early age he was taken in train to become a Jedi becoming the apprentice to crea who later be exiled by the Jedi in turn Sith becoming Darth TRAI but eventually was exiled by the Sith and turned on both orders but I digress preyus soon learned that revin had crazy control and power of the force and had quickly learned everything she had to offer with that said the Jedi Masters were concerned about her teaching methods so revin would go on to study under a bunch of other Jedi but it was clear revin was a prodigy as he quickly mastered everything all of his other masters taught him and in doing so became the Jedi Order his most prized Padawan but this concern that Jedi Council as he was a little too good and they sent something a little deeper there in some ways it was similar to Anakin Skywalker in the concerns the Jedi Council had with him ultimately however he achieved the title of Jedi Knight and around this time revin actually went back to his original master to ask for advice on how to leave the Jedi Order because they say revin is a complicated dude would be an understatement and that my friends is how revin became a Jedi Knight but man does it get so much more interesting from but for that let's go to story arcs shortly after reven wanted to leave the Jedi Order the Mandalorian armies led by Mandalore the ultimate were like we want to expand our empire to more and more worlds to the point where they eventually began conquering some of the Outer Rim territories one of the battles being the Battle of Cathar when revin got wounded this he was like we need to intervene in this war and started rallying a bunch of his fellow younger Jedi and named them the Jedi Crusaders to defeat the Mandalorians but the Jedi Council didn't want any part of this believing that the Jedi should not intervene in a war for unn specific reasons even though I would personally say a civilization conquering world after world is exactly when the Jedi should intervene but hey that's just me either way revin and his Jedi Crusaders went to the planet of Cathar once there they experienced a forest vision that showed them all the horrors committed by the Mandalorians more pissed off than ever revin picked up a fallen Mandalorian mask put it on and swore that he would not remove it until the Mandalorians were defeated I don't know about you but I love origin stories and or reasons to why characters wear their costumes and this is a cool little tidbit on how revin got his mask eventually the Jedi councils hand was pressured so revans movement was sanctioned and reven became the supreme commander in general of the Galactic Republic smilla Terry during the war revin would do some questionable things bending his morals for a win which brought him closer to the dark side in the end with revin strategy in command the Mandalorians were defeated and revin defeated Mandalore the ultimate in single combat if you know anything about the Mandalorians or are watching the Mandalorian on Disney Plus you know there's some of the most feared warriors in the galaxy keep in mind this is in legends continuity but this is still extremely impressive that revin was able to lead a charge to take them down and defeat their leader one on one after this we would get the second Seth war now at this point in time Revan and Malak were considered to be heroes of the galaxy for defeating the Mandalorians because if I didn't mention it before Malick and revin are a duo and Malick top 11 defeat the Mandalorians but after the Mandalorians defeat we learned that before revin killed Mandalore the ultimate he told reven it wasn't his choice to go to war with the galaxy and that a Sith came to him with a prophecy so of course Revan and Malak searched the galaxy for this Sith who they eventually found in the head capital of Drummond cos his name was vitiated thinking they totally got this Revan and Malak wants to confront vitiated in his throne room but unfortunately for them this sheet had been expecting them and he overwhelmed them with his incredible power so much so he turned them into servants of his will turning them to the dark side and henceforth they would be known as Darth Revan and Darth Malak after this revenue Malik found an ancient factory called the star Forge which they used to create an army of warships so they can invade the galactic republic on their own terms and with their fleet of millions Revan and Malak forced the galaxy into a Jedi civil war and this is where things get really crazy since Revan was familiar with the Jedi and the Galactic Republic tactics he knew everything they were gonna do so they lost battle after battle revin also setup assassinations of numerous political figures as well as planting his own men in their place and on top of all that he set up a group of deadly Sith assassins that would capture and also corrupt the Jedi to turn them to the dark side I'm telling you revin is insane but after a while Darth Malak was like I got my own plans and ideas and for where I'm sitting reven looks pretty weak and unfit to rule the Sith Empire I don't know where you have to be sitting to view anything I just said as weak but hey man Sippi crazy long story short Revan and Malak would eventually battle one-on-one in a lightsaber duel where revin cut off Malik's jaw forcing him to wear a metal prosthetic one which is why he looks the way he does but while revin was distracted Malick took advantage of this and fired reven ship nearly killing him but fortunately for revin basileus Shan a Jedi survivor saved him and heal revin then brought him back to the Jedi Council for judgment but Malick thinking he killed revin declared himself champion of the Sith once Revan was brought back to the Jedi Council the Jedi Masters combined their powers and used the Force to erase the memories of revans time as ass if you see the Jedi knew that revin was the only one powerful enough to defeat Darth Malak and the Sith so they retrained him as a Jedi to use him as a weapon to defeat the Sith so he was a Jedi turned Syst turned Jedi once again his arc is so freakin cool and I'm not even done yet needless to say the Jedi's plan worked and revin defeated Malick and destroyed the star Forge becoming a hero for the galaxy once again but I do want to add in Malik's final words he regretted what he had done to his my friend many years after this reven now lived on Coruscant with his now-wife basileus Sean and the once Dark Lord of the Sith was now a redeemed Jedi Master who was hailed as the prodigal Knight but even all these years later not all of revans memories had returned this led to him getting visions and flashbacks of darkness so he decided to go search for some answers which ended in him being captured by the synth the Sith Emperor vitiate would keep him prisoner for years where he would be mentally tortured ultimately revin would be freed by the Republic fueled with more hate than ever for his captor revin made it his mission to kill the Sith Emperor unfortunately though revin was killed by the Sith empires greatest warriors but get this crap revans will was so strong that in death his mind fractured and split into two one side embracing the light and the other the dark side which was completely and utterly fueled by vengeance in fact his will and hatred to kill the Emperor was so strong it allows him to overcome death and resurrect his own body from the dead hear me his will was so strong he willed himself back to life I don't even know how the thing now known as dark revin he vowed that he wouldn't die until he killed this Sith Emperor the problem was the Sith Emperor had already been killed three years prior by a Jedi but revin didn't care because since the Emperor's spirit still remained he planned on resurrecting it so that he can get rid of it once and for all but both the Sith and Republic were like yeah that's a bad idea we can't risk you bringing them back to life so they teamed up against revin and he was defeated by Darth Mara and the Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan yeah even the syph didn't like the Emperor that's how evil this guy was but what didn't you know it the darn Sith Emperor came back to life anyway devastated with his failure dark revans anger finally subsided and his physical form agreed to merge once more with his light side restoring his mind and finally finding peace becoming one with the force his physical body then vanished only leaving behind his lightsaber and his mask but not before he warned everyone that the darkest days lied ahead and just like that friends powers and abilities now at this point it should go without saying that reven is one of the most ridiculously powerful forests wielders ever he went from a Jedi to a Sith to a Jedi to an in-between II to becoming one with the force the guy has one of the most complex stories in all of Star Wars and he hasn't even appeared in a single movie or TV series yet regardless in Star Wars legends reven became the jedi orders most powerful champion in his prime he was literally unstoppable in a master of several forms of lightsaber combat so much so he was said to be the greatest warrior of his age I mean the guy gained respect from the Mandalorians and even wiped them out and defeated their leader in single combat revin was not only the most powerful Jedi of his era he was also one of the most powerful cysts second to only the emperor meaning he mastered both the light and dark sides of the force revin also has such insane willpower at one point he was able to bring himself back from the dead and hold his body together through the power of the horse he's also an expert tactician and strategist that possesses insane force abilities and telekinesis which allows him to form a protective bubble around himself oh and get this revans teachings were later adopted by Darth Bane who used these dark techniques to reform the Sith into the rule of two which led to the rise of Darth Sidious so in legends reven is the root and core of the sith school of to his gear is insane as well first he just looks awesome wearing that Mandalorian mask he found and he uses of violet and crimson lightsaber and wears a robe that was created by the star Forge and is imbued with dark power he also possesses four storm abilities something that the powerful Darth Sidious also uses in a nutshell he is easily one of the greatest jedi and sith to have ever lived and I would put him in the top five from both categories if you guys want some good reading recommendations check out Star Wars The Old Republic reven Star Wars Darth Bane path of destruction and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic comic series [Music] first up for the week of the 18th we have scream curse of carnage issue 2 I say it all the time but scream is one of my favorite symbiotes and this title is spinning outside of the epic absolute carnage event so definitely check it out now we have Batman last night on earth issue 3 this is the finale to Scott Snyder in grey Caputo's 5 plus year Batman saga I might just put off reading this for a while because quite frankly I'm not ready to let go next up we have Star Wars the rise of kylo Ren issue 1 this four-issue miniseries gives us the origin of how Ben solo became kylo Ren and I cannot wait to see how that happened finally we have Batman 85 this is the conclusion to Tom King's 85 issue Batman run and I must say I'm extremely curious to see how it ends and that's gonna bring another episode of variants to a close but if you enjoyed today's star wars episode be sure to check out this one right here and if you like the channel be sure to subscribe and like the channel it helps us out I'll see you guys next time I'm gonna talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,620,444
Rating: 4.9289279 out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker, Revan, Darth Revan, Luke Skywalker, Jedi, Sith, Darth Vader, Darth Vitiate, Darth Sidious, Episode IX, Darth Malak, Old Republic, Vitiate, Yoda, Mandalorians, Mandalore, Variant Comics
Id: DzDXw78jeys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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