All Jedi Eras Explained | Star Wars Legends Lore

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we discuss every era of Jedi on today's Star Wars legends lore video hey guys this is Eckhart slaughter hello and welcome to another Star Wars legends lore video today we'll be taking a deep look at the Jedi of Star Wars legends and specifically have gone through Star Wars history and delineated six eras in the history of the Jedi which we'll be discussing today now going into this video I want to set your expectations properly I focused here on looking at the eras of the Jedi so while I will be broadly exploring history I'm not going to go into every conflict unless it widely defined an entire era you'll see especially what I mean when we get to the time period before the Jedi Civil War these eras also aren't official they're just ways that I decided to mark certain points in history I think each different era is defined by different core principles of the order a different structure a different belief system all of which I'll try to describe as I go through however before we continue today's video is sponsored by Epic Games as you guys know Star Wars Jedi fallen order recently released and as I've been saying it's really really good it takes place about five years after Revenge of the Sith and doesn't sure most of you know you play as calc Estes a Jedi Padawan on the run from the inquisitorial play you gain new force abilities you customize your appearance and just generally you become a bit more of a badass it's a mix between a Metroid game the souls game and what you'd expect from a normal Star Wars fair and as I've said it's awesome right now Jedi fallen order is available on the epic game store for only $59.99 and as you buy it you can support your boy eck by clicking the link below to download Star Wars Jedi fallen order and using my Creator code for epic which is a card slider and you can use that for any epic product by the way and this is cool if you do buy fall in order from the epic game store you get a free stormtrooper skin within fortnight that is if you're playing the PC version one more time click the link in description to download the game and again if you do decide to use it consider using my support a creator code at carts letter and you will be supporting my channel in a massive way anyway the first error I want to explore looks at the beginnings of the Jedi Order which itself is largely defined by a conflict between the dark side and the light side so I've titled this era formation and conflict as we learned in the dawn of the Jedi comics the origin of the Jedi Order can be tied to the appearance of mysterious ships known as the thoa your which brought beings from across the galaxy to the planet tithe on the people of tithe on would eventually call themselves the GDI order not unlike what the Hughes on Vaughn called Jedi and would study two aspects of the force the Ashla and the bogan unlike modern Jedi GDI specifically studied both the light and the dark the Ashla and the bogan believing that true balance was an important aspect of the force this would all change with the aptly titled force wars after seeing the dark side of the force truly in action when fighting the Rakata many Jedi pushed for bogan to be abandoned totally well the followers of bogan actually wanted to maintain balance ie the use of both the dark and the light during the eventual conflict the followers of Asheville of the light side were victorious and would go on to form the Jedi Order the Jedi would then hunt down any remaining followers of the darkside and at this point were still an independent group but we're now beginning to develop the tenants of the Jedi Order and also key aspects like the Jedi Council and the Jedi archives eventually the Jedi decided to leave Tython largely after discovering that their power extended beyond the planet itself and moved to ocess this was actually the beginning of a conflict that we'll see throughout the Jedi's history at this point the Republic was also gaining prominence and the Jedi moved to Oz in an attempt to distance themselves from the growing galactic government still Jedi of this time did travel across the galaxy continuing to fight evil and the dark side this leads us to the first Jedi schism Jedi schism because the prior division was of the Jedi the Jedi schism saw an ex Knight named as Endor leave the order and found the legions of Leto disturbed by the fact that the Jedi Order refused to open themselves to new knowledge the subsequent conflict was known as I said as the first Great Schism and saw the traditional Jedi Order remained dominant eventually the gen I did join the Republic and participated in the Tiny's war the Jedi were based on AUSA's so were in a good position to monitor the Tiny's who were nearby galactically and they also established several outposts to help try to maintain the peace however they did seclude themselves during the pious day of Crusades which I've covered in a prior video which saw the Republic generally just not be very pleasant they secluded themselves on ocess but the Jedi eventually stood against Chancellor constipation Master Piell ducked Avis was named the new chancellor of the Republic one of many Jedi Chancellor's who would serve throughout history that takes us to the end of the first era all of which covers about 25,000 years between 36 or so thousand years before the Battle of Yavin and ten thousand years for the Jedi the key aspects of this era were choosing to follow the light side the formation of a formal order dealing with the first Dark Jedi exile and of course taking their place in the Greater galactic society this of course would be only the beginning of conflict and I've titled era to the Sith and total wars so although the Sith are seen as the ancient enemy of the Jedi they hadn't even existed as a philosophical order by this point they were only a species on the planet Korriban any Jedi which embraced the dark was known only as a well Dark Jedi however in 7,000 BBY the Jedi Order would see another massive conflict which would change power dynamics in the galaxy forever a small sect of Jedi as led by agent appalled were discovered practicing banished aspects of the force further experimentation was banned so the sect responded by declaring war in what would be known as hundred years of darkness eventually the Dark Jedi including the still surviving agenda Paul were captured and exiled from her public space they would settle on Korriban home of the Sith species what would be known as the Sith order would develop as the Sith species intermixed and interbred with the dark jedi x isles during this era we see the jedi fight their early wars against the emergency including the great Sith Wars the great hyperspace war and more also dealing with several smaller Jedi schisms however I'm gonna leave it at that for the era because the dominant factor is the rise of the Sith and the Jedi taking an even more prominent role in the galaxy the next major period Era 3 was the Jedi Civil War by five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin the Jedi had established themselves more firmly on Coruscant creating of course the Jedi Temple and also integrating themselves directly in Republic affairs the Sith had been pushed back and after several major conflicts were largely thought defeated though the Jedi Order still remained vigilant in the thirty nine hundreds the Mandalorian Wars began which saw the Republic pushed back by a massive invasion the most notable part of the Mandalorian Wars for the purpose of this video is the fall of Revan and Malak Revan and Malak led a sub jennife action known as the revansch ists who actively fought against the Mandalorians while the rest of the Jedi Order generally did not Revan and Malak at the end of the war visited the planet Dromund Kaas and met the nearly immortal Sith Emperor vitiate although both were able to break the brainwashing he gave them both Revan and Malak were corrupted and fell to the dark side after the war the two fallen Sith found the ancient star Forge and established a massive force taking with them many who served in the Mandalorian Wars including the Jedi Rev insists under their new faction the new Sith Empire thus declared war against the Republic and was extremely successful early on if you want to learn more about this war play Knights of the Old Republic how because I don't want to spoil anything in case you do play the game all I'll say about this is that revin was eventually redeemed to the light side and killed his apprentice Malik the Jedi survived the civil wars but were harmed incredibly due to both the Sith and of course infighting from those who left the Jedi Order they would be further harmed by the first Jedi purge which saw remnants of the Sith attack but would weather that storm - and rebuild following this there were several major conflicts mostly precipitated by the emergence of the Sith Empire led by the Emperor vitiate this saw the Jedi Temple majorly damaged in the Jedi forced to return to Tython before once again recovery the final major conflict of this era was the new sith wars as detailed in book 1 of the bane trilogy during this Wars the Jedi and the Republic fought the Sith in the Brotherhood of Darkness with the Sith thought to be defeated at the Battle of ruse on where they were destroyed by the thought bomb in reality the Sith order was simply under new guidance specifically Bane's rule of two which was meant to allow the Sith to grow out of sight of the Jedi with always one master and one apprentice this era started at 5000 BBY as I mentioned the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War all happened in the 39 hundreds well the 7th battle of rusyn which saw the Sith thought defeated was in 1,000 BBY the key themes of this era is major harm coming to the Jedi Order Jedi betraying the order and most importantly the disappearance of the Sith finally we have the late Republic era which starts 1,000 BBY and takes us until order 66 and the prequels I'm only going to briefly cover this one because I assume you guys have seen the movie but the Jedi flourished during this time but increasingly became entangled with government affairs in my opinion the order was dominated by a strict adherence to dogma and as I'll discuss in a later video were arguably corrupted by their increasing role in conflicts and their direct presence on the planet Coruscant the former was certainly true as the Jedi became generals during the Clone Wars until they were as I'm sure most of you know nearly wiped out during order 66 at this point the Jedi Order essentially ended although some individuals of the old Jedi Order did survive the next era is that of the new Jedi which saw Luke Skywalker begin his new Jedi Order and given the fact that Luke was not a Jedi of the old ways this is arguably a clean break in history and the New Jedi Order reflected such removing restrictions on marriage valuing adherence to the light side of the forest above strict rules but also attempting to figure out how things should be done Luke attempted to train several apprentices but his first true class of Jedi were not established until after Operation shadow hand recruits were found from across the galaxy studied at Luke's Jedi Praxian on Yavin and were used largely as diplomats and agents of newer public interests who supported the order at this time the Jedi would be challenged immensely during the Yuuzhan Vong war although the first masters were gaining prominence the order was still much much smaller than it had been and the Jedi would be willed down even more by the Yuuzhan Vong who saw them specifically as a major threat and also tried to turn the galaxy against them internal strife took hold on several fronts on one hand Genna like Kip durin advocated for a far more aggressive attack against the Vong well on another Jedi like Jason solo were grappling with the age-old question of what distinguishes the dark side from the light is that the intention of one's actions or the action itself after the war the order would take another strike as its brightest star arguably except for Luke Skywalker Jason fell to the dark side and assumed the sith mantle of darth Titus this once again brought forward the classic conflict that I've discussed a few times to what degree should the Jedi be involved within the government of the era during the second Galactic Civil War Luke in the Jedi were forced to stand against Jason and thus the Galactic Alliance and were acting on their own behalf rather than the governments as they had actually started to do with the New Republic and the Vong war that brings us to the legacy era to sum up the New Jedi Order this period was find by an attempt to create a Jena order just after an era where the emperor had done everything he could to remove proof of their existence there were the beginnings of several major conflict which saw the Jedi start to retreat formally from their role within the government and there were also old rules abolished in favor of what was pragmatic that brings us to our final era the legacy era here the Jedi would become politically unpopular due to the war specifically the second Galactic Civil War the public thought the Jedi had operated outside of the law and were also responsible for the tragic fall of Jason so essentially the Jedi were blamed for starting the war and ending it Galactic Alliance chief of state dalla attempted to bring the order formally within the government even using Palpatine ian's tactics like threatening the Jedi Temple with the siege given this in the rise of Darkseid threats like a velov Luke eventually decided to abandon the Temple on Coruscant and move Jedi offworld this brings us to the late legacy era the Jedi were once again slaughtered this time at AUSA's as they were hunted down by the Sith which over the past hundred years had gained power throughout the galaxy the Jedi created a triumvirate with the remnants of both the fell Empire and the Galactic Alliance to push back the Sith and re-established rule of the galaxy this time the Jedi were not part of the Republic they were actually an equal part of a triumvirate set to rule the galaxy which i think is an interesting change that however takes us to the end of recorded history and the end of our final era the legacy era I hope you guys really enjoyed this video it was a lot of research it's definitely a bit longer than usual so if you did consider checking out the sponsor which i've linked down in the description dropping a thumbs up subscribing and turning that notification bell on so you don't miss my next upload all the sport guys has been really appreciated it's been a great month for the channel and I just wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciate each and every one of you until I see you next time have a great night may the force be with you you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 596,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, all jedi eras, all sith eras, all sith eras explained, all jedi eras explained, star wars lore, star wars legends, star wars jedi, star wars jedi lore, star wars legends lore, eckhartsladder, eckharts ladder, knights of the old republic, luke skywalker, new jedi order, jedi era, star wars all, star wars all jedi, history of star wars, star wars explained, jedi, jedi meaning, jedi lightsaber, jedi history, star wars lore explained, starwars, old republic, lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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