All Shotguns Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077

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cyberpunk 2077 boasts a ridiculously versatile  range of ways that you can play trust me I've   made enough videos at this point to understand  this pretty well but as interesting and   creative as methods like quickhacking and  becoming Quicksilver with the sandevistan can be there's a certain Irreplaceable Primal  satisfaction when it comes to tanking with   shotguns indeed I've realized through the course of making this video that speccing heavily into   health and armor stats before literally running in  shotguns blazing to an overwhelmingly large group   of enemies works surprisingly well stick around as  we test out all 15 of the game's shotguns weighing   up their pros and cons before deciding once and for  all which is best but let's get into it first up   let's go over the build I've decided to run with  in this video attributes and perks wise I've   specced 20 points into body buying up every single  Annihilation perk as well as anything in athletics   that boosts either our resistances or health regen  then I've made sure to have over six reflex points   in order to use one of the best shotguns in  the game technical ability as always with   these weapon videos is level 18 because only then  can we craft some legendary weapon variants I've   also bought all the perks from engineering which  either improve Ricochet smart or Tech weapons in   order to make the most of the unique features on  these various guns finally I've spec remaining   points into cool to utilize the tanky ability of  Cold Blood moving into cyberware my priority here   was stayin' alive not so much the 70s song by the  Bee Gees but rather a desire to you know not die   items like the second heart and biomonitor work  as second and third chances if my health gets too   low whilst the Cataresist and pain editor mitigate  a percentage of damage overall now I've mentioned   before in other videos that pretty much nobody  uses berserk and I think for today's video it is a   very good opportunity to take it out for a proper  spin after all it literally just further enhances   everything I already want bonus resistances  increased health regen as well as reduced recoil   and sway the only thing I'll be changing from this  image in fact is our hand mod since smartlink will   be required for smart shotguns and Ballistic  co-processor for those with Ricochet anyway   now that you have some context for the way I'll be  testing these let's get on to the guns themselves   down at the bottom as the worst shotgun on this  list in my opinion is the double barreled igla   I think that's how you pronounce it it means  needle in Serbian and quite why one would want   to associate a needle with a shotgun I'm not  entirely sure needles are pointy and precise   whereas this gun perhaps tries but fails to be  either one of these things even a Precision hit   doesn't achieve as much as this weapon's Superior  variants and granted I am only using the rare   version of this gun however that is because it is  the only shotgun in the game for which I couldn't   find a definitive location in which to attain  its highest tier variant which still is only   the Epic version the Igla of course follows  the design of the classic double barrel shotgun   though unfortunately this is 2077 and the world  has largely moved on from classic antiques like   this one the four other double barrel shotguns  in this game have taken this design and improved   or modernized it through one form or another  however this weapon is pretty easy to come by   and is extremely common out in the streets of  night City so it's a good early game weapon but   that's it unless you enjoy the feel of a classic  double barrel shotgun I see no reason why you'd   hold on to this for an extended period of time as  the game says it produces more noise than damage   up next we have the slightly better VST 37 Pozhar and again apologies if I'm butchering these names   though I did look up and listen to pronunciations  this time so there is that now once again this gun   only goes up to Epic which is annoying because  it automatically makes the weapon less viable   for long-term builds that being said the Pozhar is the only shotgun on this list which can fire   automatically and has extremely low recoil when  compared to most of the others what's more the   use of a MAG rather than slugs means reload  time is pretty quick though that's kind of   where the praise stops this gun is extremely  weak when compared to some of the PowerHouse   shotguns later on in this video it requires  several bullets to take an enemy down most of   the time and I found myself actually running out  of shotgun ammo despite entering combat with the   maximum amount if you're accurate and don't waste  any shots then maybe just maybe this gun can work   for you but I just found the skill set required  to effectively use this is essentially that of an   assault rifle not a shotgun there's none of that  Primal satisfaction I mentioned at the start   of the video so unless you're looking for some  weird hybridized shotgun AR experience I can't   really recommend this one head to the Jack'd and  Coke Club in Vista Del Rey though if you do fancy   giving it a try number 13 and we're already  getting on to the good stuff as usual most of   the game's weapons are actually pretty decent in  some way or another much like the Igla the M2038   tactician can be acquired reasonably early on in  your game and is a common weapon carried by gang   members the ability to attach a scope provides  a nice boost to accuracy meaning this gun can   double as both say precision as well as a spray  and pray weapon Ricochet is also very useful in   fact it's sometimes better with these weapons  to actually fire at the floor since Ricochet   is a pretty satisfying thing to achieve and  can even be more damaging overall one thing   that did annoy me though which annoys me with  several of these guns actually is the need to   reload each slug one at a time now I fully get  that that's how the weapon works and great power   comes at the expense of increased reload time  however when weapons exist on this list which   reload a lot faster it will put the slower ones  at a disadvantage overall though this is a very   decent all-rounder shotgun it may not do anything  notably special but it certainly gets the job done   Let There Be Carnage is a movie that I haven't  actually seen though I didn't mind the first one   anyway I'm actually talking today about the big  old powerful shotgun which knocks everyone down   you can acquire a decent Carnage variant from  the Cyber psycho sighting on deaf ears over in   Downtown City Center equally you can craft your  own pretty easily after unlocking the legendary   crafting spec at crafting level 12. this gun is  great for Mid game and holds up pretty well in   late game too if you don't want to trade it  out a better all-rounder than the tactician   arguably however it will require an initial 10  body to properly use most likely not a problem   for anyone planning a shotgun build but does throw  a spanner in the works for early game what's more   it is a budget gun powerful sure but not the most  reliable or accurate mind you if you do what I do   and just run up and shoot people directly in the  face you probably won't notice this issue that   being said there are variants of this gun which  do serve as major improvements in my eyes but   we'll get to those in a bit the satara is a much  cooler variant of the double-barreled Igla the   only Tech shotgun in the game satara holds the  unique benefit of being able to shoot through   walls it's useful for certain though not as much  as I'd expected it to be to be honest indeed the   Close Quarters nature of a shotgun build likely  means that peeking around or hopping over a wall   is but a minor inconvenience and you're probably  better off just selecting a better quality weapon   than this what's more the charging nature of a  tech weapon doesn't work great for a shotgun as   far as I'm concerned I find it ruins the accuracy  of my shot due to my tactic of running up to an   enemy and shooting immediately though in this  instance they have plenty of time to move out   the way whilst the weapon charges then again  that's just my opinion and if it works out for   you then great a legendary version does exist  but must be purchased from Maelstrom however   seeing as Meredith Stout is quite attractive  for a video game character I obviously chose   not to do that and I'm therefore only playing with  the Epic version despite this I'm actually still   doing a pretty decent amount of damage when I actually do hit enemies and the elemental   effects are a massive bonus too the thermal damage  inflicted here would often steal remaining Health   meaning if I didn't take someone out in a clean  hit I still essentially one shot them overall   if you're a tech weapon Enthusiast then the satara  with its awesome design isn't a bad choice for you   into the top 10 now and we have what I believe  to be the superior equivalent of the Pozhar the   militech crusher offers a decent rate of fire  very little recoil and a fast magazine based   reload it's great for shooting at specific targets  from something of a distance and the addition of   a scope will only Aid in this now whilst it was  okay when paired with berserk here they certainly   weren't a shining couple and I'd probably  recommend pairing this with the sandevistan  as I do in my two second cooldown build video  unfortunately this is mostly available at the rare   tier with just a single epic variant that can be  acquired during the Wasteland cyber psycho gig in   spite of this it's still a very decent gun taking  enemies out in two maybe three hits sure that's   not as powerful as many others on this list though  I can recommend bringing it along especially if   you're running a shotguns only build as it'll  bring a tiny bit of order back to all that chaos   so you want a classic double barrel shotgun that  can keep up with the guns of 2077. unfortunately   the Igla is a piece of crap well that's where  Sovereign comes in you can pick this thing up from   the suspected crime activity modern labor market  over in Japan Town Westbrook now for starters this   thing is way more vintage looking than any other  shotgun with a classic wooden stock it also boasts   a faster reload time and reduced weapon spread  allowing for quicker and better ranged shooting   but most importantly you can upgrade this one  to Legendary and use it all the way into the end   game what's more if you aim down the sight it'll  fire both shots at once but fire from the hip and   it'll be just one it's quite nice to be able to  choose whether you want double damage or two shots   however in order to get it to legendary level you  are obviously gonna have to level that crafting   right the way up which isn't feasible for quite  a while once you do though you can inflict some   real damage and the high chance ongoing bleeding  effect is also a huge plus overall if you want   to pretend that you're out on some fancy hunting  trip with the royal family or some other rich  nobility then the Sovereign is the gun for you  now Legend has it that one can acquire this next   gun by looking in a mirror and repeating three  times over the words bloody Maria I killed your   dau- oh no sorry hang on it's actually awarded after  completing all 11 of the muamar captain Reyes gigs   that was it yeah it's an iconic variant of the  tactician which we covered earlier though this one   has the bonus of increased power this increases  three stats specifically knockdown bleeding and   dismemberment if you are a fan of the Fallout  games then hopefully you'll appreciate this gun   annoyingly however much like the regular tactician  reloading is a right pain with eight individual   slugs to re-slot every time you run out of  ammo what's more I'd say that tactician variants   generally have a narrower spread than Carnage ones  which can be good when you hit enemies but missing   is pretty bloody annoying not to mention somewhat  common or perhaps I'm just bad I'd say slot  Sandevistan instead to counteract that but the  fire rate is so slow anyway that you'd only get   off about two shots maximum when slowing time in  spite of the cons though this is still a great   gun and I cannot understate. just how fun it  is to watch everybody go flying it's hilarious   now some clever clogs thought it would be funny to  take the ancient double barrel shotgun design and   mod it to incorporate a smart targeting system  the result is the palica with each Shot firing   nine projectiles this gun packs a lot of power  into its shots and I found it so so fun to use   why well you see when firing this gun the impact  isn't instantaneous the projectiles fly around a   bit lock onto their target then converge on them  all at once practically it's kind of annoying but   for some reason I find it very amusing it's  almost like I get a split second to move on   from my action only for my foe to get hit and  fall down at a slightly unexpected moment you   can acquire this from drops and weapon vendors all  across night City but bear in mind that in order   to purchase the legendary edition you'll have to  be level 50. not the most practical but there's   nothing to say you won't find a legendary variant  out in the world before that I've said it before   and I'll say it again smart guns are inherently  lazy but that doesn't mean they aren't fun and I   can seriously recommend this if you're going  for a smart weapon shotgun build do bear in   mind know that using this weapon alongside  those with Ricochet isn't really practical   seeing as you can't slot in the smart link and  Ballistic co-processor hand mods at the same time   continuing our theme of smart weapons I'll do  you one better the L-69 Zhuo is a Precision   Shotgun If ever there were such a thing with its  smart targeting capabilities massively increasing   its range and accuracy over other shotguns it is  without a doubt one of the most 2077 feeling guns   in the game with everything about it screaming  top tier modern technology this multi-chamber ammo   system is way quicker to reload than the classics  providing yet another Edge sure it doesn't give   off quite the same classic shotgun Tanky feel  but in my very humble opinion this almost feels   better to use it's more efficient without a doubt  seeing as every projectile should hit a Target and   I cleared The Wraith Camp way quicker with this  than most other weapons it's not as powerful as   Adam smasher's unique variant the Ba Xing Chong which  we'll cover in a bit but honestly the legendary   model especially isn't far off that and this  can easily stand in for that gun for most if not   all of the game the headsman is a variant of the  tactician which can be acquired from the suspected   crime activity privacy policy violation right the  way up in North Oak be warned though this is far   from an easy fight with robots and mechs serving  as the majority of your opponents in this compound   I'd wait till you feel really ready before  attempting to snatch up this one the headsman   fires 16 projectiles per shot as opposed to the  regular tacticians 6 which of course contributes to   higher bleeding and dismemberment like seriously  close range shots with this are mental and are   going to fill your screen up with a lot of numbers  trust me what's more this variant only holds four   rounds as opposed to eight and hear me out because  I quite like this my main problem with the eight   round variants is the slow and lengthy process  of slotting eight rounds into the gun with only   four reloading takes place a bit more often but is  also twice as quick and is less frustrating in my   eyes also the insane bleeding effects again like  with so many others but even better this time will   finish most enemies even if you don't straight up  one shot them only real con to this gun I can find   is is the slow rate of fire which to be honest  can be a big issue since it gives enemies ample   time to shoot back at you therefore without a  tanky build to back up this gun or a less guns   blazing approach in general you may just wind  up dead before you can fully enjoy this thing   in fourth place we have the double-barreled testera that's right with the igla falling to the   bottom of this list I think it's rather impressive  that one of its variants has made it all the way   to Fourth but that's just Testament to how  much I enjoyed using this gun it just felt so   satisfying to use it had for example extraordinary  Ricochet and is definitely a contender for the   upcoming Ricochet build I plan on developing the  legendary variant of this gun is also both buyable   and craftable which is a big Plus in my book  multiple options are nice and I have to talk   of course about the power and reload time because  they go hand in hand perfectly together there's   not much need to aim well just run in and one  shot whatever poor sod is next on your radar   hell it can handle a whole group if they're close  enough it will fire both rounds at once so needs   to reload every time you fire it but this though  isn't a problem far from it in fact the reload   time was quick very quick now granted this is  somewhat boosted for me by perks but it still   makes it a faster gun to reload than the rest as  I've had the same perks for all the gun overall   the Testera just sums up what a double barrel  shotgun should feel like to use in this game for   me it's fast it's lethal it sends enemies flying  and I mean really flying like even more than usual   so yeah I just love it it's A Cut Above the Rest  of the double barrels and one I would certainly   use in a lot of shotgun builds but there are a few  regulars which I found to be even more impressive   I mentioned it earlier and here we are the  Ba Xing Chong is Adam smasher's iconic variant   of the L-69 Zhuo and I think translates to  eight star insect I suppose in that it fires   eight rounds now whilst the Zhuo is perfectly  capable of being a fantastic gun on its own the   Ba Xing Chong is simply the upgrade with explosive  tips added to each smart projectile dismemberment   with this thing is high just what you'd expect  from Adam's Smasher of course once you can get   your hands on this I just can't see why anyone  would ever go back it's described as quote the   perfect Arsenal for a one-person Army end quote  and truly I can't think of a better description   but here's the kicker and it is a big one this gun  can't be acquired until after completing one of   the game's unique endings that means unless you  rush through the main storyline there is no way   of using this until after playing through most  of the game sure you might have plenty of gigs   left to complete and can certainly enjoy it then  but really it's quite a shame that this gun can't   be used sooner hopefully when Phantom Liberty  releases we can use it in that and it'll have a   bit more long-term utility at number two we have  guts now believe me I wanted to rank this number   one I really did and if it were based entirely on  who it belonged to alone then it absolutely would   be top of this list however I do have to keep my  eye on the bigger picture here and the context   surrounding this gun is but one of a bigger  whole guts of course once belonged to Rebecca   from cyberpunk Edge Runners an incredibly lovable  and very insane character you can acquire it for   yourself by heading right into the city center  up the steps to about here on the map and if   you can see these three monks you're in the right  place head into the bushes behind and when you're   close enough a legendary gold icon will appear  showing you've found guts this easy acquisition is   also a huge Plus for the gun it is of course an  iconic variant of the Carnage shotgun and well   this takes that word to an entirely new level  it takes everything great about Carnage adds   chemical damage and a ridiculous amount of recoil  potential I mean literally fire this thing into a   big group of enemies and prepare for the dopamine  hit as your screen lights up with red crit numbers   multiple enemies fall down and you might just be  questioning what the hell is going on for yourself   guts of course is a mental time with a humongous  recoil and spread longer reload time and slow rate   of fire being brought in to further exacerbate the  anxiety and using Insanity which comes with this   gun now normally I would class these things as big  issues and I suppose I still do in the fact that   this gun isn't number one but when assessing  guts as an extension of Rebecca's personality   I wouldn't change a single thing powerful oh yes  unpredictable so much so do I love it absolutely finally at number one the best shotgun in the  game in terms of the pure overall experience   in my opinion is the MOX this is acquired from  Judy after completing all of her quests which   is of course A Plus because it means that anybody  can acquire it at no greater time or expense the   only thing you'll need to put time into as usual  to get this gun as good as it can be is crafting   though that's going to be the same with pretty  much all iconic weapons unfortunately the tech   tree is kind of locked in as necessary to the  majority of builds the mox for me has it all   it's a legendary version of Carnage which I think  is my favorite overall shotgun type at this point   though unlike guts this thing massively reduces  recoil it doesn't increase it what's more it   doesn't compromise on power in any way and in fact  boosts increased range and precision if you need   it though it's still also awesome at close range  reloading slugs is still a thing but way quicker   than usual whilst less projectiles are wasted  due to a well-balanced spread reduction if this   isn't enough for you then slap thermal damage  on top ensuring anyone who isn't one-shotted   dies soon after the sniper in this wraith Camp  has been great for testing the longer range of   these shotguns throughout the video though for  most it's demonstrated that they're only really   worth using at close range fair enough they are  Shotguns after all but not the mox though watch   this the initial hit was decent in and of itself  but that thermal damage was something else the   reduced spread also means good things for Ricochet  and again the MOX is certainly another Contender   for a Ricochet build which I'll link in this video  once I've made it only tiny drawback to using the   mox shotgun is that it requires six reflex points  something which isn't really otherwise necessary   for a shotgun build sure it's not a huge sacrifice  only three more attribute points on top of the   basic three but still if you're desperately trying  to unlock all of those shotgun perks by specking   into body then sacrificing a few on reflexes  might be somewhat of a blow in the grand scheme of   things though it's a small sacrifice and one which  I think is totally worth it to get your hands on   one off if not the best shotgun in the game but  I'm sure your opinions will differ to mine at   least somewhat so comment down below what's your  favorite shotgun in cyberpunk 2077 and why if you   found this video informative or it inspired you  to use a shotgun you've previously never tried   before then please don't forget to leave a like  on the video these ones take a great many hours   to produce and it seriously helps me out a lot I  plan to cover all weapons at cyberware and more   in this format with a bunch of videos already  on the channel covering things like revolvers   sandevistans quickhacks builds and more if  that sounds like your thing then go ahead hit   that subscribe button and notification Bell today  to stay up to date on all my future videos until   then thank you very much for watching I'm Sam  Bram and I'll see you very soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 228,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 best weapons, cyberpunk, best shotguns cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 best shotgun, shotguns ranked worst to best in cyberpunk 2077, sam bram cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 weapon locations, cyberpunk 2077 weapons ranked, mox shotgun cyberpunk, ba xing chong cyberpunk, testera cyberpunk, the headsman cyberpunk, guts shotgun cyberpunk, rebecca shotgun cyberpunk, rebecca shotgun location, cyberpunk all shotguns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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