All Pistols Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077

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when it comes to guns in cyberpunk 2077 no  category boasts a larger variety than pistols   with a bunch of different models and even more  unique variants CD projekt Red made sure that the   most basic gun type in the game wasn't lacking  in Choice designing no less than 24 different   pistols and in this video I'll be reviewing every  single one sharing places to acquire them tips on   how to use them and ultimately breaking down once  and for all which is best maybe go grab yourself   a drink because there are a lot of guns to break  down here so without further Ado let's get into it   as always let's quickly explain the build  I've decided to go for in this video as I   will be using some benefits from certain items  and perks this is more or less the same build as   the revolver's ranked video and features most of  our attributes and perks divided across reflexes   Tech and cool handgun perks of course are mostly  what matters here so I've bought up all of them   for crafting I've picked up EdgeRunner Artisan  to craft Legendary Weapons as well as a few things   to improve crafting in general engineering  has several important perks which boost the   effectiveness of our Tech smart and power weapons  things like draw the line which allow us to see the   trajectory of Ricochet bullets finally Cold Blood  will turn us into a tank thus giving us some nice   bonuses in combat I'll also be taking advantage  of optical camo as some of these guns work great   with stealth whilst the QianT MK.4 Sandevistan  with two seconds of cooldown will slow down combat   for a better look at what our guns are doing  that's about everything to know now onto the guns   bottom of this list should come as no surprise to  anybody familiar with this weapon the Slaught-O-Matic   is less of a viable pistol to actually use more  just a nice bit of World building around night   City you may have noticed the copious amounts  of vending machines everywhere like seriously   they're impossible to miss but not all of them  sell just food for 100 Eddies you can pick up   your very own slaught-o-matic pistol if you so  choose a cheap plasticky looking gun which feels   like something from Toy Story it has 36 bullets  if we could even call them that and cannot reload   when it's empty it's gone now obviously this is  something of a joke and reflects the corporate   money driven World which cyberpunk is as far as  damage goes it's obviously very weak with at least   four bullets required per enemy it did get the job  done though to a better extent than I expected but   you know what did an even better job after this  my fists because that's what I had to resort to   after losing my weapon right at the start of  a firefight anyone wanting to start and end   a fight with this gun had better be able to do it  in 36 bullets or less else they're pretty screwed   the tamayura is a more classical power pistol  carried by arasaka agents and to be fair it   does put the Power into Power pistol at  least in terms of sound have a listen this gun does indeed pack a decent punch and  as a trade-off has to wrestle with high recoil   and slow reload it feels very similar to a  revolver in fact just without the revolving   part but that's part of the issue having  also tested and ranked all the revolvers I   can say this has nothing on any of them it's  less powerful more clunky and less accurate   whilst also not doing anything Innovative or  unique like the other pistols on this list if   you would just like to use a classic power  pistol in this game for some reason though   then there's only one way to get this it's not  available in stores as far as I could find and   it can't be crafted the one I'm using here was  looted from an arasaka agent which I fought in   the arasaka Waterfront District over here  equally it said online that a legendary   one may be dropped by Sasquatch though that didn't  happen in my playthrough so could be hit and miss   the Lexington is definitely one of if not  the most common gun in the game I'd wager   that at least one of these would be dropped  after defeating any reasonably sized group of   enemies now this is an automatic firing pistol  with a somewhat low damage output which it does   make up for in the fact that you can simply  spray and pray into enemies as far as starter   pistols go it's well designed and carefully  chosen allowing new players to come into the   game and be handed something which doesn't demand  immediate perfect Precision that's just the thing   though the Lexington is a starter pistol both in  2077 and EdgeRunners too it's the gun David Gets   given when starting out with the crew it's not  terrible for early game don't get me wrong and   Hell a well-upgraded legendary edition which you  can obtain by winning the Shoot to Thrill Quest at   the Second Amendment store can even hold up into  late game but personally I found that there were   many more interesting pistols to go for than this  and if you want for example to take down a base   with silent Precision headshots this just ain't  gonna cut it I can't deny though that mowing down   hordes of foes with a tiny pistol I just pulled  from my pocket definitely isn't unsatisfying   a slight step up from the basic Lexington we have  the Omaha the tech equivalent of that gun when   fully charged the Omaha will fire a triple burst  shot with each shot comprised of three projectiles   that's nine chances to hit a target with each shot  however it's also nice and compact therefore being   the weapon of choice carried by corpo civilians  the best place to buy this gun at legendary level   is from the weapon vendor in Japan Town else you  can craft one with the Epic spec found during the   suspected crime activity wipe the gonk take the  implants over in Coastview equally this gun is   pretty common and the chances of finding one  out in the world are fairly decent too it's a   nice Step Up in modernness from the Lexington  and I quite like the charging sound effect that   this gun has it's more electrical and realistic  than say an Iron Man hand Cannon sound and sells   the technical realism of this gun a bit more  for me biggest problem I had with it was that   from longer ranges projectiles would scatter  more resulting in more misses the limitation   of a mid-range scope attachment makes perfect  sense of course but it does make it tougher to   aim at ranges where you really do have to  be spot on and steady yes this gun has   a lot of recoil during the three burst shots and  continuing to track your target can be a challenge   the yukimara is arasaka's smart pistol which has  two different modes of fire hip firing will allow   for continuously automatic shots whereas aiming  down the sights will change to a more accurate   triple burst I found that this gun that the  bullets were kind of weak though I guess that's   the Nerf you get when you essentially acquire a  gun with Aimbot in fact looking at the database   entry for this gun it references robots from a  20th century Space Opera with notoriously bad   aim now I don't know about you but the first thing  this brings to mind here is Stormtroopers though   they of course aren't robots what do you think has  someone got their Star Wars facts wrong or is it   referencing something else that I've missed  let me know in the comments I find that the   best way to improve the effectiveness of this  weapon is using the smart headshots technique   by ensuring only the enemy's head is inside  the box and therefore eligible for targeting   the reload animation is also cool taking the  clip out from the back of the gun is something   I haven't seen before and feels like part of  some futuristic technological advancement to   get the base version of this gun either wait  until you randomly come across one or you   can acquire the legendary crafting spec from the  suspected crime activity Chapel down in the Glen   next up we have Nue and despite the name kind  of looks more like a mashup of many pistols   from today which in 2077 would make it more old  now I accidentally referred to the Overture as a   desert eagle in my revolvers video back then I  was getting my wires crossed I was thinking of   a magnum and I got the names mixed up I'm sorry  however I'm gonna dare to put myself out there   once again today and say that this really is  giving me big Desert Eagle Vibes or at least   somewhere between that and an M1911 either way  this gun is giving me Call of Duty Nostalgia it   both looks and plays like the pistols from Modern  Warfare 2 as far as I can remember and I mean the   2009 one not whatever this is seriously stop  calling things by the same name it's confusing   sorry back to the nue my favorite thing about this  gun is the sheer power that you can feel behind it   the nue does both sound and handle something like  a desert eagle with equally High recoil to balance   that seriously look at this thing it's waving  all over the place and it's definitely a tanky   power gun rather than some suave James Bond Hitman  style thing overall I'd recommend this to those   who Miss the feel of weapons in older games those  who value Nostalgia over optimized combat prowess   the best place to acquire this gun is from the  weapon vendor in Rancho Coronado though an epic   crafting spec is also available from the under  the bridge cyber psycho quest in Santa Domingo   equally the Valentino gang might drop one  or two if you find and kill enough of them   arasaka's basic Tech pistol the Kenshin isn't  too dissimilar from Omaha though this one has   a lot less recoil and fires fewer projectiles I  found despite this I was able to take enemies out   in just as many shots and simply found it easier  to handle with arasaka being one of the leading   companies in technological innovation the charging  of this gun does sound more futuristic but then   again it's not too overstated which I like it's  a nice Middle Ground showcasing elements of both   modern and futuristic pistols my main problem  with this one though is the fact that no legendary   versions of the base gun seem to exist what's  more its iconic counterparts have bonuses which   far eclipse this version of the weapon the Kappa  is another smart gun and it definitely looks like   one in fact I wouldn't say this thing looks out  of place alongside Covenant troops in Halo it's   a newer addition to the game and was only added  in 1.6 as an unfortunate result however like with   many other weapons added in that update legendary  tiers are seemingly yet to be found with the best   I could find being Epic from the weapon vendor in  Arroyo it may quite possibly be the best way to   get your hands on this one as well since I can't  recall finding one out on the streets in like well   ever for a little smart pistol I've got to say  this thing felt like there was more power behind   it than there ought to be with the force of some  shots often sending enemies flying it's definitely   satisfying to use and looks very cool as well it's  also got the benefit of firing on two Targets at   once which can help when targeting larger crowds  while some guns can Target 5 or even six people   at a time I quite like how this one Reigns it  back since the damage output doesn't become so   diluted as to be meaningless overall Kappa is  certainly a fun gun here and perhaps I'm being   a little harsh in rating it this low but I think  it's difficulty to come by and lack of anything   particularly Innovative means it gets forced  down the list by some very tough competition   Liberty is yet another pistol which still kind of  reminds me of an M1911 it's a classic semi-auto   and a little more refined than the nue much lower  recoil but also somewhat lower damage the better   fire rate however does mean it pairs okay with  a sandevistan as opposed to the new which   I'd call a Berserker build gun it's very similar  to the unity pistol which we'll get to but also   has a longer Barrel which supposedly increases  range for me though I felt more like that took   away from the punch of this gun don't get me wrong  it still knocked enemies down and was decent just   not quite as good as I was expecting canonically  this gun was designed in defiance of smart weapons   attempting to bring something of an edge back to  Classic handguns and I'd say it certainly achieved   that there are a lot of amazing iconic variants  of this weapon but the base version however is a   little underwhelming and with the four iconics on  offer I'm not entirely sure why anyone would go   with this base one however for those interested  and with a lot of money to spare head to the   weapon vendor in red Peaks for the legendary tier  let's talk about Dying Light an action Survival   game set in a zombie apocalypse in this you play  as Kyl- oh [ __ ] no I meant uh dying dying night an   iconic variant which can be acquired for free  from the Second Amendment store the first time   you leave your apartment in the game yeah that  was it as the only iconic gun which is ranked   uncommon I think it's safe to say that CD projekt  Red fully intended this to be the starter pistol   it boasts a 50% headshot bonus and 10% faster  reload time which encourages you to aim for   the head right from the get-go so you know in  COD zombies that the starter pistol is a piece   of crap but if you hold on to it for early rounds  you eventually pack a punch it into the awesome   dual world grenade firing Mustang and Sally well  dying Knight isn't like that at all which is a   shame because I think a crazy upgrade later on  would have made this gun a lot more worthwhile   and interesting what you can do though is upgrade  it to Legendary with the edge Runner Artisan perk   which basically just brings up all the stats it's  certainly A Cut Above the regular Lexington and   considering you get it early for free I don't know  why you wouldn't stick with it you can also get   decent burst ricochets by rapid firing once you've  found the right rebound points overall though it   is just in my eyes a starter gun designed as such  and can't compete with weapons we'll find later   the unity as I mentioned is supposed to be the  lower quality predecessor to Liberty but I'm   gonna disagree there as I personally found Unity  the better of the two for me Unity represents the   quintessential Everyman pistol it encompasses  everything which Springs to mind for me when I   think of a basic handgun it's a mid-tier gun with  middling range firing with average power which   results in an acceptable amount of recoil the name  Unity comes from its mission to unify the people   of night City there's nothing quite like teaching  those around you of your peaceful ways with deadly   force I love the description where it says with  this gun you can win any argument forever not   with evidence and reasoning of course but rather  just by shooting the other person so they can't   argue back the legendary version can be purchased  from the Second Amendment store in V's apartment   building same place we acquired dying night and  this in my opinion is a better alternative to that   gun though of course that depends if you value  Precision shots or burst fire equally you could   craft your own with a spec looted from Kaiser  Herzog from the no license no problem scanner   hustle in Watson now I'm not sure how many people  can claim to be wielding the gun that once shot   them in the head but that is exactly what we're  doing when we go back to the junkyard to pick   up plan B off the body of Dexter de Shawn Plan  B is one of the many iconic Liberty variants I   spoke about with its unique feature being that it  uses Euro dollars as ammunition every shot costs   an Eddy which removes the fear of running out  of ammo and replaces it with the fear of going   broke I'm not sure which Prospect is worse to be  honest I suppose it depends on the scenario now   please don't ask me how this system works in terms  of the laws of conservation of energy because I   have no idea only interesting thing I've picked  up on is how Victor says this gun shot us with   a low caliber round it's quite funny to think  that V was somehow shot in the head with some   physicalized version of a dollar bill but I guess  it's always about money in the end despite the   alleged low caliber this gun performs perfectly  well in combat with even an increased bleeding   chance to help finish off foes it feels somewhat  similar in gameplay terms to a regular Liberty   In fairness though did feel a bit more powerful  in terms of well... power I guess the question of   whether whether this gun is better or worse to use  for you boils down to how much money you have it's   capitalism personified by a gun if you've played  cyberpunk multiple times you're probably more   familiar with this brain dance inside Yorinobou's apartment than you care to admit therefore   you'll remember this iron lying on the man's  bedside table make sure you pick this one up   during the heist as it's another Liberty variant  with another awesome modification Kongou has the   ability to Ricochet without needing the ballistic  co-processor now I've mentioned many times that   there's an issue between power and smart Pistols  that being that you can't really combine both as   you have to choose between the smart link and  Ballistic co-processor but if one were to want   a predominantly smart build whilst also taking  occasional advantage of Ricochet then this is the   perfect hell the only gun for you what's more  it comes with reduced recoil and an increased   fire rate compared to the base Liberty pistol  both features designed for maintaining multiple   Ricochet shots one downside is the mag size is  reduced to 11 bullets though reload is reasonably   fast so this isn't a huge problem another  thing is that despite being a gun seemingly   primed for ricochets I'd say there's definitely  better Ricochet guns out there and I definitely   wouldn't place this one in the top three for  Ricochet damage potential Ricochet aside though   this gun also works pretty well when you throw  on a silencer and Go full stealth mode with   shots that are plenty powerful enough for clean  takedowns that being said there's a clear winner   to this method of play and it's definitely  not this one we'll get to that one later now what do we have here this design seems  familiar all right that's because it's our   third iconic Liberty variant honestly if the  devs love this gun so much why don't they just   marry it if that legal in night City I don't know  maybe Skippy's programming is complex enough for   some kind of two-way Union that's a pistol anyway  then it's not too much of a stretch to get to the   Liberty... Seraph is rewarded by Sebastian Ibarra  after completing all his gigs now this gun is   fire seriously that's its whole thing with every  consecutive shot it increases the chance to set   enemies alight quite dramatically now that fire  looks way deadlier than normal but whilst it may   look that way these Flames deal absolutely no  damage by themselves which is bizarre instead   when someone sets on fire like this it means that  our bullets from this gun will deal even more   damage kind of feel like it makes more sense  for them to just burn to death at that point   like normal thermal damage would do but I don't  know I guess it's cool to see hordes of flaming   Arasaka agents running towards you maybe  also you can't use mods to boost the chance of   setting them ablaze so don't get any ideas about  finding some major fire exploit with this gun   now despite the fact that the yuki mara ranked  pretty low the same can't be said for this iconic   variant Genjiroh can be picked up in another of the  endings within this arasaka residence across the   road from Kerry Eurodyne in North Oak the best thing  here though is we don't need to play the ending   to acquire the gun and I've actually just headed  over here randomly to discover it in this room   now this thing fires four projectiles per shot  with an increased mag size of 36 and the ability   to Target 6 people at a time this is reflected by  the much wider targeting Square than the yukimara   and now I know how my parents must have felt  when widescreen TVs became a thing I know I said   before about multiple targets diluting damage too  much but I think this gun handles it pretty well   seeming to Target multiple enemies yes but still  focusing damage on one at a time it's hugely more   powerful than its base counterpart as well and  Deals some nice electrical damage and just like   the base yukimara you can hip fire this thing for  automatic shots or look down the sides for a more   precise and concentrated triple burst fire I'm  actually a little surprised that this gun made   it so high on the list the Chao is a very funky  looking smart pistol where you reload the barrel   maybe some real gun nuts could explain how this  works in the comments because it's intriguing   and looks cool come to that I'd go so far as  to say that this is one of the most satisfying   reload animations in the entire game not the most  satisfying we all know what that is but one of the   most much like the other smart pistols the Chao fires in triple bursts albeit this time with more   of the two most important things speed and power  this gun has so much punch and pairs great with   the sandevistan for how fast it fires whilst  you can definitely find them out and about in   the world if you have copious Eddie's despair  then head to the red peak's weapon vendor to   acquire the legendary version immediately and  have fun the other day in the assault rifles   video I complained that rogue's gun Prejudice was  not transferred to the player's inventory after   completing the game fortunately that's not the  case for her pistol Pride again another Liberty   variant though I'd say this is easily the best of  the bunch with a boosted crit chance and headshot   bonus it encourages you to aim for the head even  more and it's rewarding when you do it also has   a five percent chance of applying a 4 second stun  much appreciated both in thinning out large groups   and more importantly taking on bosses and cyber  psychos that being said since it's only available   after completing one of the game's endings you  might not have many high-powered enemies left   at that point to worry about ultimately though  what makes this gun special to me is the means by   which we come to acquire it I'm not going to spoil  anything here but for those who know well you know   Jackie choomba I'm sorry what happened to you  just well I'm blaming delamaine personally or   whoever programmed delamaine I'm just saying  still I'm glad I sent you back to your mum as   that was the only way I got my hands on your  iconic new pistols La chingona Dorada I will   wield them Jackie in your honor though only one  at a time apparently since the game forbids dual   wielding this gun or guns Sports a faster reload  time and a pre-installed compensator which doesn't   count towards a mod slot usefully this makes  the gun automatically better Primed for Ricochet   since compensators improve angles and increase  damage it also has a good chance to stun and to   burn look this weapon has a lot going for it and  I'd seriously recommend it still despite being   in this position it's just that competition is  seriously tight here and it's honestly so tough   to pick what should go where now despite the fact  that a compressor is permanently fixed to the end   there's still nothing to say that you can't attach  a suppressor which removes Ricochet sure but   opens whole new avenues for stealth it's a great  gun for many scenarios and perfectly fitting of   a night City Legend like Jackie Welles now if you  chose the corpo life path then I'd argue that this   is the best benefit you get from it Apparition is  a Kenshin variant acquired during the quest War   Pigs but you can only actually get it provided  you either kill or incapacitate Frank Nostra   diplomacy is not an option when acquiring this gun  though I'd seriously recommend it particularly for   early game before you become a mental God that's  because when your health drops below 20% a range   of benefits kick in such as 15% increased fire rate  and reload speed and 50% extra physical damage but   aside from that even at full health this is just  a really fricking good Tech pistol the charge feed   is just right with how long you need to aim for  the head whilst wall piercing is something else   and look at these crit numbers this thing feels  like a wannabe comrades hammer and I love it in   fact I'd probably have definitely ranked it higher  if it wasn't made unavailable for two-thirds of   the player base but if you're starting a new  playthrough again soon and haven't played corpo   yet then do it just for this if not for anything  else whilst Apparition is locked behind your   starter class chaos is a Kenshin variant which  isn't and can also be acquired very early if you   kill Royce in any way during the pickup then he  will drop this gun chaos is well it's chaotic to   sum it up in one word every time this gun reloads  it will alter the damage type and crit chance one   second you'll be dealing High crit fire damage  and the next will be low crit poison the best way   to reap the benefits of this gun is to discipline  when you reload after each shot will keep it fresh   but cycle off good stats just as quick as bad ones  whereas reloading when you don't land a crit and   holding on when you do could be a tactical way  to go about this what's more this gun fires way   faster than the other Kenshin variants like the  speed almost feels like one long shot as opposed   to three also I find later in the game where you  become super powerful and combat gets kind of easy   and boring seeing what damage type you'll get on  every reload does keep things a bit more fresh   and interesting just bear in mind that by killing  Royce you lock yourself out of getting the doom   doom revolver later on which I ranked at number  two for revolvers so you've got to choose what   more important a less extreme gun equivalent of  the Wabbajack or an homage to the Doom franchise   whilst companions are a staple for games like  Skyrim and Fallout CD projekt Red tend to keep   their combat as a pretty solo Affair outside  of a few missions we the protagonists are often   forced to go It Alone often with nobody to  share the experience with but I can honestly   say I've never seen that problem solved  as creatively as this before Skippy is a   smart gun in a stronger sense of the word than  all the others having been programmed with an   onboard personality Skippy will often make funny  quips to keep you entertained during combat the   vast majority of murders are committed by men   just like you oh and he also says this a lot bum bum be dum bum bum de dum Skippy can be acquired very early on in the game  down in this Alleyway over here in Vista Del Rey   and if you choose Stone Cold killer mode when  prompted he will aim specifically for the head   every single time just be careful with this one as  fun and unique of a gun as he is Skippy certainly   has a strong personality and will often do things  such as firing on his own accord or deliberately   missing all projectiles for seemingly no  reason oh and also bear in mind that after a   Time Skippy will ask to be returned to Regina  Jones who it turns out was his original owner   this will result not only in losing the gun but  I'd hope by then losing a friend overall Skippy   certainly can't be relied upon when planning a  long time build but he's certainly a unique and   original idea he's more than just a decent pistol  but also arguably the closest thing this game has   to a combat companion now we get to the top three  and whilst it wasn't much trouble choosing these   three guns I did however struggle with where to  rank each one honestly I've realized it simply   comes down to what you prioritize the most since  each of these are best for one thing or another in   my eyes but because this is a ranking video here's  what I think overall Johnny's malorian is in many   ways at my very most favorite gun from our first  encounter during the 2023 flashback this thing   pushes its way to the front to establish itself  as the most aesthetically cool and badass looking   gun in the entire game from the weight behind it  when it fires to the Flames that spurt out when   you use it for melee hell this gun took a Reload  animation very often a pain in the ass thing to do   in the middle of a firefight and turned it into  one of the most satisfying parts of said fight   there's notes scope or muzzle but it doesn't need  one this gun is designed to be used in One Way by   storming through the front door and laying waste  to everything within that's what it's used for in   the flashbacks and that is its purpose literally  it's a one-of-a-kind gun designed specifically for   Johnny silverhand's approach to combat to anybody  playing a tanky Berserker build you'll struggle to   find a gun more fitting than this and better still  you're going to require it simply by playing the   Johnny silverhand side quest with chipping in  being the quest in particular where you find it   it's also one of few guns to incorporate multiple  weapon types it's technically classed as a power   pistol and ricochets accordingly though it also  incorporates the wall penetration capabilities   of a tech pistol in fact I'd say it leans  more towards being a tech pistol for the   fact that Ricochet can't be tracked like with  other guns instead serving as a more random   but ultimately nice bonus honestly name a more  badass feeling gun everything right down to the   reload animation feels cool and although it's  not a revolver it definitely feels like one of   the most cowboy-esque or potentially Action Hero  guns I definitely can't help but feel that there's   a Mandalorian reference in here somewhere you  know what would that also being a space Western   considering how low Omaha ranked the fact that  its variant Lizzie places all the way up here   is Testament to the fact of how far improved  this gun is Lizzie fires four rounds per shot   with each round launching five projectiles when  fully charged that is a whopping 20 projectiles   right there all of which are fired with an  insane amount of speed this of course makes   it one of the best pistols to use with the sandevistan since you get the extra aiming time   without much of a drawback and slowed Firepower  whilst they spread a little across a distance   shots stay surprisingly closer together than  you'd expect with all the numbers lighting up   on screen reminding me more of a shotgun than  anything I'd expect from a pistol provided the   site remains trained on an enemy when firing 20  projectiles is more than enough to take out all   but the strongest of foes making this arguably  one of the most powerful guns in the game but   it gets better because this gun has a burn  effect a highly effective one see here how   I took less than half of this guy's Health well  the projectiles I did hit with were apparently   enough to inflict a highly deadly the amount of  fire damage oh and did I mention how easy it is   to get this one head down to Judy's Den after  the automatic Love quest line has started and   you'll find it in the middle of this table here  go and pick it up right now and see for yourself Benjamin Franklin once said there are only two  certainties in life death and taxes and well   somebody apparently really likes that quote  because they decided to name a really good   gun after it this is another variant of the  nue and can be obtained either from maiko's   Office up in clouds during The X Factor Mission  or if you missed it like I did pick it up from   this table in Duty Department a little later on  now death and taxes has a very simple yet highly   effective feature to it you see bullets fired  from this gun split in two effectively dealing   double damage and providing twice the chance  to hit as well as dealing electrical damage   as well if you listen closely when using this  gun you can both see and feel the duplicity of   this shot and it obviously shows in crit markers  too now I mentioned earlier there being a perfect   gun in this game for hitman's style takedowns  and well this is it grab up Optical camo and a   sandevistan for that invisibility boost attach  your silencer and get to work this gun is more   than powerful enough for insta kill headshots  every single time but even if you're not inclined   take on a base with stealth like this the damage  alone is still enough to make this a brilliant gun   with excellent Ricochet opportunities and just an  extreme level of damage the certainty of death is   absolutely true for anybody unfortunate enough  to cross this gun's path the only consolation I   guess is that taxes will no longer be a problem  for them unless but I don't know do engrams pay   taxes I actually wouldn't be surprised by  that but let me know what you think down in   the comments below and more importantly I'd  love to hear where you stand on this ranking   order and what your favorite pistol is in  cyberpunk 2077 for anyone wondering where   all the revolvers are well they have their own  video since that would have been way too many   guns to cover in one go hell 24 is probably way  too many as well and to anybody still watching   at this point a massive respect and thank you  to you thank you for not killing this video's   retention rate this one took a mental amount of  time and work and any like ratings will help it   to further reach its intended audience I've  got about 30 something videos about cyberpunk   on this channel now so if you're into this game  then feel free to hit that subscribe button and   the bell I'm Sam Bram you guys are awesome  and I'll see you very soon in another video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 422,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 best weapons, cyberpunk, cyberpunk pistols, cyberpunk guns locations, cyberpunk best pistol, cyberpunk weapon locations, cyberpunk malorian arms 3516, cyberpunk death and taxes, cyberpunk lizzie, cyberpunk skippy, cyberpunk slaught o matic, cyberpunk tamayura, cyberpunk apparition pistol, cyberpunk chaos pistol, cyberpunk la chingona dorada, cyberpunk genjiroh, cyberpunk seraph, cyberpunk lexington, cyberpunk desert eagle, cyberpunk guns ranked
Id: E6ZOqq341Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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