All Cars Ranked Worst to Best in Cyberpunk 2077

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night City truly is a place of great  variety substance and style and nothing   in game shows this off more than the  vast number of vehicles to choose from insanely slick hyper cars to the sturdy Mad Max  style Nomad Vehicles it's time to acquire and take   every single car for a test drive before weighing  up the pros and cons of each in order to decide   in ascending order which is best if you've been  enjoying the series thus far then don't forget to   leave a like on the video and sub to the channel  for more content like this now go grab yourselves   a drink and get comfy for what will no doubt be my  longest video yet ready good then let's get to it   down at the bottom we have the mahir supron fs3  a minivan which encompasses the necessity over   style era known as entropism this one just about  fulfills its purpose as a vehicle by the skin of   its teeth so head over to the arasaka Industrial  Park area to buy it for 16,000 Eddies from muamar   Reyes that's one of the cheapest vehicles in this  game and with good reason Reyes himself describes   it as a pile of cheap crap whilst the database  says quote a guillotine combined with a meat   grinder endquote hopping in I realize exactly  what this vehicle is solar panels on the roof tell   me this is a cheap and easy to acquire minivan  for a weekend break in the Badlands selecting my   Scenic destination then I head off for a couple  days of relaxation on the way I experience the   measly 110 horsepower the van's inability to turn  corners and the pleasantly surprising top speed   of 140. that's kind of useful until we need to  slow down or turn taking it off-road this thing   gets even worse and trying to cut corners  and climb Hills to my destination actually   makes me think the engine is about to explode not  so good when we've packed all our self-sufficiency   items in the back and are now in the middle of  nowhere finally though we arrive and the engine   still works miraculously time to unpack and ah the  doors won't open that's a little weird because it   did open earlier for me when I was loading my  luggage well holiday prematurely over I don't   even trust this thing to get me back to the city  and instead head for the nearest fast travel point   on the way we're tripped up by trees all the  doors fall off and in the end I think it's best   to put this thing out of its misery tldr worst  camping trip ever next up the regular Thornton   Galena is the cheapest to buy car in the game and  with good reason coming in at a very low 13k over   in Little China cdpr have gone to some effort to  make this car deliberately crappy looking and you   know what I actually really appreciate the fact  that there's a car like this I complained back in   the bikes video about the fact that the Badlands  bikes didn't look Rusty enough that the designers   had simply done a pristine quality model and left  it at that without making it feel like it had   history as a part of that world The Galena on the  other hand has a ton of attention to detail with   an external rust issue and signs of damage inside  too lore wise The Galena was the people's car of   the 2030s built to be as cheap and affordable as  possible this car has cut every possible Corner   when it comes to Quality it Sports a pathetic 86  horsepower and a top speed of 120. a really cool   detail actually is how you can hear the engine  audibly struggling upon approaching this speed so why the hell would you buy one of these well  there's of course role-play reasons and the fact   that you can inflict as much damage as you want  to this one and it won't look any worse pretty   much every other car has a pristine paint job  and driving the way one does in a video game   will immediately result in scratches it's also  the car David's mum Gloria drove in EdgeRunners   illustrating David's particularly poor upbringing  tldr deliberately bad pile of junk now we want   to head over to this Garage in downtown and my  my what an awesome place there's loads in here   Outlaws turbo R's multiple caliburns and even a  Mamai too bad we're here for well this The Villefort   Columbus is a popular night City Transit  van and despite some pretty poor specs it does   at least come pretty cheap for the mere $19,000 Spence we'll get 210 horsepower a top speed of 132   and all-round terrible acceleration and handling  now of course the purpose of this vehicle isn't to   drive particularly fast or well and it's still  more than capable of ferrying cargo from A to   B in fact before Dino sells it to you he explains  that it was literally used to smuggle drugs before   and might be harboring some exotic smells best  open up all the doors and windows then because   the last thing we want is to get pulled over and  searched especially given the fact that there's   quite a cool feature here to store unconscious  or dead bodies now I just wish that this could   be a slightly expanded upon feature wherein we  could maybe do taken alive bounties or something   the other good thing about this fan then is the  fact that we can jump on top of it for a small   jump boost but then there's taller Vehicles  out there which admittedly we can't own but   can drag off the streets when we need them tldr  something to stand on when you want to jump higher   you know the typical American family car that you  see in like every 90s and early 2000s movie ever   average speed plenty of boot space doesn't appear  to be anything special but instead accentuates   the fact that the people in question are a normal  family with no particularly out there quirks well   meet the thought and Colby which I feel takes  all of these things and places them in 2077.   it's probably not a car I'll ever have to drive  and there are plenty of options leagues better   than this but were this not to exist in the game  it would feel like something is missing it's slow   to accelerate only reaches a speed of 136 and  has 182 horsepower it also Corners awfully so   classic American father had better be a very  run-of-the-mill sensible driver and of course   he is because the family film in question has  literally no Stakes or sense of threat when   it comes to the driving element in fact the only  time you see the car in films like this is when   the family pull up to their new home and the  roof is overloaded with luggage now when I'm   saying all this do I have a specific movie in mind  I don't don't think so I'm just going off for fake   childhood memories you know maybe I'm thinking  of Breaking Bad I don't know maybe this looks   like Skylar's car now weirdly it does require 25  street cred to purchase but at least it only costs   $18,000 I guess it's poor handling comes from  the fact that it's a style over substance kitsch car meaning all the effort has gone into making it  fill the role of classic family vehicle with   no effort spared for making it drive well still if  you want your V to play the role of classic mother   or father then this is the car for you tldr kids  pack your things we're going on family vacation   now the Archer Heller is our starting vehicle  which V acquires some time between their life   path prologue and the Sandra Dorset gig these  were manufactured between 2023 and 2038 making   them one of the older cars in the game being from  the entropism era the car is designed to function   well but beyond that does precious little and  you know what I think this thing's done a pretty   good job it would be well over 50 years old at  this point and is still running with seemingly   no problems we do have that annoying stint with  the delamain cab after the heist which if you   haven't acquired another car before then can  put you out of vehicular action for a bit but   even there the Hella is repaired swiftly with  seemingly little trouble inside the layout isn't   bad with a comfortable looking interior and one  of the few white wolf bobble heads we can find   in vehicles this of course is a reference to The  Witcher franchise and suggests to me that this   car is supposed to serve as the roach of cyberpunk  2077 a bit of lore behind this car then back when   they were made 50 years ago the manufacturers  apparently did too good of a job and created   a car that evidently Wouldn't Die the issue here  being that many customers never had to buy another   car again with all their A to B needs sorted for  the rest of time clearly that's still the case   for some in 2077. now of course as the starter  vehicle we need to view this as the quality of   car which cdpr decided would be entry-level tier  aside from The Nomad life path this will be your   first taste of driving in the game with a natural  progression from here being that you'll acquire   better vehicles and your Driving Experience will  improve from here onwards with 225 horsepower   and a top speed of about 138 those are not bad  starting stats in fact it's funny how this one   isn't at the bottom of the list seeing as it means  your Driving Experience can get worse than your   first time starter vehicle rather than seeing this  as a negative though I'm just going to view it as   a great piece of World building on cdpr's Part every previous vehicle on this list was more or   less created not for the Driving Experience per se  but to flesh out the vibrant library of vehicles   that we can drive past and own in this game are  if it's worse than this you probably don't need it is it just me or have Smart Cars reached the level  now where they are simply too small I mean come   on there's literally got to be no crumple Zone  there I might as well drive strapped to the front   of the vehicle well that's exactly the vibe that  the Makugei MaiMai is going for buying this one   over in Charter Hill for $22,000 you may actually  have trouble seeing it at first and before you ask   no it's not painted with army camo it's actually  quite a vibrant red it's also however even smaller   than the real life smart cars that I was just  complaining about I mean seriously any other car   looks like a giant next to this thing hell bikes  probably look larger by comparison this 100% has   entropism written all over necessity to take up  as little resources as possible is exactly what   this thing's about well at least the doors open  upwards like the DeLorean which is kind of cool   but if you think about it that again is an action  taken to minimize required space they literally   can't slide back as there's nowhere to slide back  against a pleasant surprise though was when I got   this thing up to a speed of 138 though it does  come with a warning not to exceed 60 when flanked   by winds over 20. and to be fair I imagine in real  life it would probably Blow Away fortunately wind   mechanics of that kind haven't been programmed  into the game though so in this instance we can   just drive as fast as we want wherever we want now  whilst this thing won't exactly win you any races   it does just about match the speed of the starting  Archer Hella which interestingly makes it a   reasonable alternative to what we start out with  it's kind of funny to imagine V as the most feared   Merc in night City who then drives around in this  and if you want to do that just for the LOLs then   I really don't blame you TLDR size doesn't  matter it's what you do with it next we come   to the Thornton Mackinaw mtl1 which Muamar Reye's  straight up describes as a car that drives like a   boat well having picked it up for 33k from Arroyo  let's put that to the test starting off I didn't   find it too bad for a pickup with acceleration  happening at not too sluggish of a rates and   reaching a nice top speed of 145 on the flat  however being a pickup I figured I should test   how effective it would be navigating the trash  pile wastes since we'll likely use it to ferry   our trash there at some point it did not go too  well in fact despite the alleged 420 horsepower   this thing was evidently incapable of climbing  its way to a vantage point to toss our trash from   above so disappointed I returned to testing its  ability to merely navigate roads before realizing   it was pretty crap at bends as well there was only  one thing left that I could think to do since it   had already been described as driving like a boat  I thought I'd check how well it drives as a plane surprisingly pretty well tldr climbs  Hills badly but descends them brilliantly   ah the vehicle of choice for every mob boss  in night City villefort's Alvarado delegate   is exactly what you'd expect a member of the  mafia cartel to pull up to you in before making   you an offer you can't refuse it may be slow to  accelerate clunky to turn with 407 horsepower and   a top speed of 151 but none of that  matters this car is about making a statement   it's a big look at me I'm rich and powerful and  have two more Wheels than I need sure my back   doors may serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever  but do I look like somebody who has to explain   themselves if you want to pretend that you're at  the height of power and Glory then you can buy   this one from Sebastian Ibarra in the Glenn for  a reasonable 39K after reaching 20 street cred   it was previously owned by a Valentino who fled  town and was exactly the type of person I've just   described obsessed with worldly possessions and  Big Shows of power something probably helped by   the fact that this car was also the poster child  for bushido 3 the Fast and Furious rip-off of the   cyberpunk Universe the game itself describes  how you don't drive an Alvarado but rather you   Cruise in one something you'll understand for  yourself if you get behind the wheel of this   thing tldr I'm really cool everybody look at me  please up next we have the thrax 388 Jefferson   apparently a great car destined for a great  person we'll see about that I mean Dexter de   Shawn owned one of these and that might be telling  me everything I need to know we can buy this one   over in Wellsprings right by the Heywood Ripperdoc for 34k it has 388 horsepower and a top   speed of 151 it's also a neo-militarist vehicle  meaning it prioritizes packing in substance over   style this thing may not accelerate at Breakneck  speeds like the sport and Hyper cars of this list   but it is weighty enough to allow you to bully  your way through the traffic of night City with   barging people to one side being all too easy once  you've built up speed in this thing so the main   selling points of this vehicle are neither  speed nor style but rather protection with   alleged bulletproof plating and glass protecting  higher ranking officials from the dangers of city   streets though attempting to drive it through some  arasaka soldiers soon proved this was a bit of a   lie and now it makes sense why one of these was  owned by Dexter Deshawn so its main selling point   is a dud and it accelerates slowly therefore  the only real benefit to this car for me was   in its ability to throw its weight around tldr  the school bully who cries when you hit him back   remember driving Homer Simpson's car in The  Simpsons Hit and Run well this is it now feel old   yet? The Cortez v5000 Valor is another Executive  Car with a whole load of bark yet not so much   bite it costs a reasonably cheap $28,000 Eddies and  can be picked up in the Wellsprings region they   say it's pretty popular amongst corpos so let's  find out why well much like the rest of these   cars it does indeed feel sturdy and Powerful  no surprise there then but let's try turning   this car is clearly designed for driving around  more slowly and looking like the [ __ ] it has 333   horsepower and a top speed of 151 a speed which is  only really useful for driving on straights though   because again this thing can't turn Handbrake turns  in fact are the worst idea because they literally   turn into a 180 degree flip which of course  grinds you to a halt still if you're a corpo   role player who's hoping to climb their way back  up to that corpo life or for that matter you just   want a car that reminds you of your childhood  GTA equivalent then this can be fun to drive   sometimes it also comes in a used but like new  condition having been the birthday gift of some   trust fund kid who was never really interested in  driving it tldr I am evil Homer I am evil Homer   the Thorton Colby might be the classic  American family car but remove the extended   boot space and convert it to a pickup truck and  you're looking at a somewhat different and dare I   say better car it still won't exceed 140 in speed  but with horsepower increased to 235 you are gonna   notice a very nice difference in acceleration  I guess that's a combination of souping up the   engine and removing all the family holiday luggage  though it's still not a scratch on Sport and Hyper   cars obviously with all-wheel drive now as well  handling is still not top tier but a significant   Improvement on the regular Colby I also tried  this one off-road a bunch and aside from the   steepest of Hills it's not a bad Contender for  traversing the Badlands sure it'll set you back   a little more and can be bought for 25 000 in  Rancho Coronado but the extra 7K on the regular   Colby is definitely worth it in my opinion however  it's still not the best of the bunch out there so   you might want to think about saving your money  completely and getting a red and white striped   one for free during the dress to kill side job  in Rocky Ridge this film shoot was supposed to be   selling the car as part of a rural Beauty campaign  but things went ironically and disastrously wrong   when the Raffen shiv showed up very bad day  for the film crew not a bad find for you another   thing to note is that muamar Reyes sells you  the green one on the basis that it's great for   stashing bodies now I did try this feature and  whilst technically possible the Ragdoll mechanics   are a little realistic to make it a feasible  Endeavor and there's no way to fasten and keep   all arms and legs inside the car at all times tldr  snazzy looking pickup favored by grave robbers   if you've played the best life path in this game  then no doubt you'll be familiar with this next   one the Thornton Galena Rattler is the car Nomad V  starts with before even arriving at night City now   let's not Pretend This truly is a better starter  vehicle than the Archer Heller and it's a real   shame Nomad V had to get rid of it for the same  car as Street kid in corpo V fortunately this   doesn't have to be permanent as the side quest  These Boots Are Made For Walken will involve   venturing into the Badlands junkyard to retrieve  our old ride once you've played past the quest   ghost town where we meet Panam this Quest will  trigger not long after now I can't say for certain   if there's any level dependencies but it didn't  seem to activate for me before hitting 15 street   cred when we find the car this woman named Lana  will claim it's hers and if you'd cared so much   he wouldn't have abandoned it in the first place  which is a fair enough observation we have three   options here simply take the car with no real  repercussions give it to her or pay 100 Eddies   for it so I paid this woman a meagre 100 Eddies  and told her to buy a new car not quite sure   how she's gonna do that since even that rusty  old Galena from earlier was still 13k but you   know she seemed happy enough so I don't feel as  bad anyway with 294 horsepower and a top speed   of 166 as well the Rattler is evidently worth way  more than the regular Galena and being a nomad car   it's evidently kitted out for the Badlands it's  also one of the few cars in the game with a bobble   head and truly feels like a special sentimental  vehicle what's more if you progress through the   game in a certain way it can once again function  as your only vehicle for a time if your hella gets   knocked out by the delamaine cab and you haven't  acquired Jackie's bike yet this is definitely one   of the best and easiest vehicles to pick up  once the quest becomes available to make sure   you have a vehicle again whilst you're waiting  for the Hella to get repaired and it's easily   just straight up better than a bunch of the  paid for vehicles in the game obviously though   its main weakness is that it's limited to Nomads  only a cool feature to differentiate life paths   but a real shame for Streetkids and corpos tldr  the superior starter vehicle the regular Archer   quartz is acquired from up at the Ebunike docks  for 31 Grand a much more agreeable price than   its Bandit variants which we'll get to later that  being said it's without a doubt a worse car with   220 horsepower and a top speed of 166. though  really that's still not a bad car in the grand   scheme of things now a factor I'm noticing with  the quartz Vehicles is their inability to take   corners as well that's why canonically these things  make up 2% of registered vehicles but   17% of all Road incidents in real life we have  nothing near that percentage of crashes from   one car according to my research with the highest  rate I could find being Vauxhall probably corsa's at   3% most likely enthusiastic new drivers  with a little too much overconfidence that's in   reference to both the game and real life interior  here is pretty basic with nothing of interest to   really get drawn into it was apparently sold by  an Enthusiast to pay for his divorce fees a bit   sad I know seeing as he clearly loved this car  but from looking at the thing it's nice to know   it's been in good hands we'll need 12 street  cred before buying this one and for the price   it makes for a decent mid-range sport vehicle if  you have the cash to spare again just watch it on   those Corners losing control is way easier than it  looks tldr a future man's crashable boy racer car   now Emperor 620 Ragnar may sound like the gamer  tag of a kid who really liked Vikings but it's   also the name of a pretty nice looking SUV in  cyberpunk 2077 available from the corpo plaza   for 38k the handling on this one is surprisingly  good when we consider the weight of the thing   and it's got a decent 529 horsepower however the  speed leaves much to be desired and clocked out   for me at 124. it's a pretty common security  vehicle among corpos with a snazzy decked   out one being Incorporated by police in more  high-profile situations whilst it may not be   the fastest or the best it certainly gives off  to me some King of the highway Vibes with its   size allowing you to throw your weight around  and smash into other vehicles stress free the   size of this one is also good for parking next to  high walls for higher jumps definitely a vehicle   worth having them for reaching those extra Scenic  for you points tldr big car is big but move well   now this next one is definitely a car for  enthusiasts but not so much for casual   drivers the Quadra turbo r740 is a Kitsch sports  car manufactured between 2055 and 2074. and the   style over substance definitely shows the second  you start driving it at 480 horsepower and with   top speeds of 183 this thing actually appears  very decent on paper try cornering in this one   though and it's just not gonna work out as you  expect it takes but the smallest adjustment in   this car to send you spiraling out of control  with that much power to screw up with that is   bad news and for $69,000 over in Charter Hill  it's also on the expensive side maybe with a lot   of practice behind the wheel of this one you could  eventually tame the Beast and on straights to be   fair it still performs very well wakako actually  implies that it will get snapped up quickly and   there's no doubt it's a popular and badass  car to be seen driving the V8 engine immense   power and the fact that it reminds me of older  Lamborghini and Ferrari models scores its some   nice pluses but it's difficulty to control is a  problem that's tough to ignore in a vast ocean   of vehicles to choose from not to mention the fact  that we receive a vastly superior variant for free   which is obviously higher up the list tldr Drop  dead beautiful car which is also utterly crazy   I imagine most of you have completed the beast  in me street races so you'll no doubt be familiar   with Claire's car Beast a souped-up version of  the regular Mackinaw which is better in every   way being a quest item it's obviously free but can  be missed if you don't follow Peter Sampson and   forfeit winning the last race and whether you let  the guy die or manage to save him more on that in   a bit Claire will gift this Beast of a car to you  claiming she no longer has any desire to race it's   got 560 horsepower and excellent acceleration for  the size of it the top speed is 164 which again is   really good for a car of this size and way faster  than the regular Mackinaw but what exactly can   it do that other regular cars can't well unlike  sleeker pickups such as the Colby Butte this one   comes heavily armored and can survive a while  longer in intense combat scenarios and sure   whilst being in a vehicle is totally unviable  for combat right now vehicle combat is coming   and no doubt when it does it'll precipitate  something of a switch from fastest cars in   nights to a combination of speed and sturdiness  Beast then whilst being just above average on speed   is way up at the top when it comes to armor  tldr will be way more popular in the future   if you're getting a bit of deja vu roundabout now  then I don't blame you the Mackinaw Saguaro is   indeed almost entirely identical to beast but this  one rather is awarded for completing all nine gigs   for Dakota Smith therefore another free vehicle  which we do need to work a little harder for   before acquiring in fact I wanted to figure out if  there was any difference between these two which   involved a short time trial drag race down by the  Badlands petrol station and I can indeed confirm   that the two cars Traversed the exact same distance  in the exact same time why then am I placing the   Saguaro above Beast well there's two reasons first  from a storytelling perspective I feel less bad   about driving like a maniac and trashing this car  it's a reward that I've earned and hasn't held any   sentimental value to any of my friends whilst  Claire gave Beast away to us saying she didn't   intend to race anymore I'd still feel bad for her  if I blew that vehicle up sure we can't actually   permanently destroy our vehicles but I think you  get what I mean second reason I prefer Saguaro   more well I just think the yellow bars are quite  nice plus we don't have to Forfeit a race for this   one tldr battle ready vehicle without sentimental  Stakes now this next car is automatic systematic   hydromatic why is the villefort Alvarado veto  and yes it does very much remind me of the car   greased lightning from Grease not necessarily  in color or even body shape but rather in how   it feels like the same kind of status symbol the  bulky open top convertible where the only real   feasible way for passengers to get in the back  seats is to literally hop over and in if there   were to be a few more musical numbers in cyberpunk  2077 say a few more side missions with Kerry I   reckon this car would make an awesome centerpiece  to some over-the-top song and dance number what's   more this can yet be another of the free vehicles  and is acquired from the beat on the brat match in   the glen here we fight Caesar Diego Ruiz who makes  the foolish decision of putting this beautiful car   on the line winning the match then we can choose  to claim our Prize or show some pity and leave it   with him having something of a conscience I left  the guy with the 20K Eddies I bet but no wait was   I passing up this car it is easily superior to  the other executive villafort vehicle tools and I   can't say there's another vehicle in the game that  gives off the same feeling of overly showy to the   point of being tacky gold is obviously a symbol of  wealth but when you make it the color of your car   it's like compromising on a more Chic appearance  in the name of showing off just how rich you are   it's style over substance written all over even  still with 407 horsepower and a top speed of 152   it's not a bad car to drive though easily eclipsed  by others up the list no the main reason to drive   this thing is either to show off in an overstated  way or else if you're just doing a playthrough   as John Travolta tldr go Alvarado vato you're  burning up the quarter mile you're not a true   patriot of 'Murica unless you drive the type 66  Jen Rowley that's Jen Rowley but it's supposed   to sound like General Lee in a thick accent indeed  this is the type 66 which was formerly owned by   a member of Sixth Street obviously it's easily  the cheapest type 66 on this list and there's   a pretty good reason for that whilst I will  praise some of these cars for their immense   handling and ability to navigate night City with  both power and ease this one is a little harder to   tame with 666 horsepower and a top speed of 185  it's not a car with bad stats by any means hell   major bonus points for its particular resemblance  to a Ford Mustang that alone easily bumps it up a   few spots unfortunately it's then dragged down  by how badly it handles Corners compared to the   rest I mean that's probably how it's wound up in  our hands to begin with the sixth Streeter who   previously owned it drove into a corpo one night  and they most likely got arrested or killed the   kitsch style of this one does indeed really show when  you start to drive it a hell of a lot of style but   not really that much substance still if you're  a fan of Mustangs and a true American Patriot I   think you'll have a lot of fun with this one tldr  cyberpunk's answer to patriotism and Ford Mustangs   one of the best value for money Nomad cars out  there the thorton little mule is a tuned up   variant of a regular thorton Colby designed  to survive the harsh wastes of the Badlands   this thing comes equipped with tons of extra  armor as well as CrystalDome Windows instead   of glass we can buy it at the convenient  location of the Sunset Motel for a mere $35,000   Eddies at that price you'll get a vehicle  with top speeds of 189 miles per hour for me and   an insane 369 horsepower now granted this won't  accelerate as fast as a Supercar or many of the   sports cars but for longer Journeys across  the Badlands that armor weighing you down   will likely be more of a help than a hindrance  hell the same goes for driving through the more   gang-infested territories of night City sure it  may not be the best city car by a long shot but   it's a very serious Contender when it comes to  being the best value for money vehicle in the   Badlands indeed any visit to the Aldecaldos  will tell you that this is one of their more   popular Vehicles providing everything they  need to survive Sandstorms gunfights and   long Journeys this one was found by a friend  of Dakota's abandoned in a ditch and seemingly   Beyond repair though turns out these cars like  many of the more simple ones in this game don't   die so easily it was quickly fixed tuned up  and purely designed for the Practical tasks   of surviving the Badlands entropism at its finest  this car scraps all style for Pure necessity which   funnily enough I find to be rather stylistic tldr  what doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger   whilst the Rattler may be the superior starting  vehicle who's to say that one can't take that   design and improve it yet again Meet The Galena  gecko a 41 Grand car which can be purchased from   Dakota over here in the Eastern Badlands for your  hard-earned money you get 365 horsepower very   decent acceleration and a top speed of 187 like  so many other Badlands cars this thing is clearly   designed to face whatever scenario you can throw  at it with CrystalDome Windows providing privacy   but I think more importantly in this case Extra  Protection if we look at the database entry it   says quote "folks in the Wasteland used to laugh  at the site of a Galena but no one's Laughing Now"   end quote now I don't know about you but I choose  to see this as a reference to that line from Joker   during his stand-up comedy piece maybe the bright  red and green colors could be jokeresque as well   who knows but the best thing about this car  though without a doubt is how it handles on   off-road terrain to be honest I feel it handles  better overall off-road than it does on and is   definitely one of the top cars I would choose  to take when traversing the Badlands maybe not   as Sleek as Scorpion's Apollo bike but certainly  safer tldr third evolution of the Thornton Galena   the next car on the list needs no introduction  that's because delamain is introduced to us   during the heist and is essential to the  beginning and end of that mission following   said introduction Act 2 kicks off with a sprawling  mass of delamain side quests scattered around   Night City completing all of the epistrophe  gigs as well as the final delamain quest our   end reward will be our own delamain cab whose  personality will be dictated by your choice at   the end of the mission you could end up with  Excelsior or delamain Jr who are pretty much   the same more softly spoken delamain variants  now whilst the choices leading up to these two   are arguably the more moral ones the best  choice in my opinion is to save the original   delamain this gives our cab an original delamain  personality but with zero memories resulting in an   ongoing string of dialogue where you and delamain  talk philosophy every time you drive this car "Oh yeah, any reason   why? I've made a breakthrough in my research and  development that will allow the delamain network   to spread its wings. That does sound exceptional. I won't bore you with the details after all no one   likes a chatty Driver. in the way is Skippy a companion gun then I'd say delamin is your   companion car which bumps him up this list  by quite a bit the car is well worth driving   every day or two to hear some very interesting  pieces of dialogue I personally love exploring   the philosophical depth in this game and for that  reason I love our delamain conversations as far   as the car's stats go it's not terrible to drive  either with 333 horsepower and a top speed of 155.   it's also supposed to be a vehicle with very good  defenses as showcased during the heist and now   driving it properly whilst I'm yet to witness any  combat mode I have zero complaints something I'd   love to hear your thoughts on though is whether  or not you see delamaine as a sentient being I   look forward to reading your philosophical debates  in the comments tldr open the cab bay doors Del   next up naming a car after one of HP Lovecraft's  most famous Eldritch entities and letting it   loose on the streets of night City what could  possibly go wrong Cthulhu is yet another of   the type 66 variants this time sporting a dark  and dominating design honestly all the type 66s   are fairly similar though I felt the handling  of this one in particular left a little to be   desired with a top speed of 185 and 666 horsepower  but an inability to really turn at speeds well   below that then again Cthulhu ain't exactly a  being that can be fully comprehended let alone   controlled so I guess it fits the character you  can get this one of two ways we can either let   Peter Sampson die during the beast in me wherein  you'll afterwards have to buy it from Regina Jones   at a pretty steep $76,000 or you can take what  is definitely the better option for all parties   involved and convince Claire to spare Peter's life  it's quite a delicate process though involving   dialogue options back in the penultimate race but  well worth doing based basically refuse to help   kill Peter here then later on in the final race  just keep choosing the options to stall Claire   before finally telling her to let him live this  won't damage your relationship with Claire at   all and after waiting for several days Peter  will text you gifting Cthulhu as a thank you   there's not even a need to pick it up and it'll  just appear in our vehicle inventory we'll be $76,000   richer with more money for other cars either  way though this car will crash and burn during the   race only to be resurrected fit and ready to wreak  Terror on the streets of night City tldr 'Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthuhlu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn' I hope I pronounced that right I did  get an A at Welsh in school so you know   to me the Shion mz2 is one of the best street level  cars in the game by that I mean it performs very   well whilst also feeling down to earth enough  that any successful Street kid could own one   for 57k at the parking lot near V's apartment  we'll get 482 horsepower and a top speed of   185. the style over substance design of this car  however does sometimes seep through a bit it's   fast yes but Road traction leaves a little to be  desired even on reasonably straight road I found   myself losing control in this one more often  than I'm comfortable with and it's clearly a   car for Street kids who want to show off with a  bigger bark than bites according to Regina that   may have been the error of the previous owner  who exercised the gas pedal just a little too   much resulting in a crash hopefully you can learn  from their mistake and not repeat history in this   car that is even if you buy it in the first  place because there's a suped-up version for   not much more money which eliminates pretty  much all the negatives this one has we'll get   so that's in a bit tldr the guy that  always overrevs at traffic lights the quartz Bandit is a badlands car which  can be acquired from Dakota Smith's for $69,000   Eddies you can also get it rewarded by Rogue  if you don't help Panam defeat Nash but since   the Widowmaker is one of my favorite guns and we  get that by defeating Nash no way am I saving $69,000   on this car and not getting the Widowmaker  even still that's a somewhat steep price and I'm   a little divided over whether or not it's worth  it the interior for starters does have some nice   bells and whistles telling us all sorts of stats  but feels a little cramped the story behind this   one is that some city boy bought it bet that he'd  win a race in it and then due to an inability to   control this thing lost the car to Dakota driving  it I can see why he struggled without a doubt this   thing belongs on a rally track performing  brilliantly with its 364 horsepower on   straighter roads and reaching speeds of 183 with  me turning into any kind of corner though is not   gonna work out the way that you expect indeed  being inspired by the kitsch era this thing places style over substance appearing from the  outset to perform brilliantly which it does in   many cases but very ironically by cutting a ton  of Corners figuratively the car massively suffers   in cutting literal Corners it also doesn't feature  any kind of boot meaning accessing your stash on   the go is a No-No with this one a shame because  it's brilliantly suited to getting around the   much more spread out Badlands region and if you're  very lucky like I was when recording this clip you   might be able to make the card do a somersault  or two overall though at the asking price I'd   suggest only rushing to buy this if orange is your  favorite color tldr Speed Demon yes steer demon no   yet another type 66 next the basic 640 TS doesn't  have a nickname and isn't quite the fastest on   show clocking out at about 184 and sporting  555 horsepower what it lacks in speed though   it absolutely makes up for in handling and I  was pretty surprised to realize that this is   one of my favorite type 66s to drive I really  like the Ford Mustang style look of these cars   but their inability to turn Corners at Speed  without smashing into walls or worse pedestrians   was becoming quite a problem this one actually  has surprisingly good turning capabilities and   across my time driving it I turned about 90% of my  Corners successfully again a very surprising but   nonetheless very welcome results this one is  awarded after completing all of the gigs set   by Dino in the city center so you likely won't  unlock this one until fairly late in the game   unless you have a habit of grinding those gigs  as soon as you enter a new area so technically   it's a free car in the same sense as the other  Mission reward vehicles and a more minimalist   design compared to some of the uniques was  actually a breath of fresh air for me it   looks like a nice car and being able to get  around without crashing every 30 seconds was   a virtue I'd seriously underappreciated before  unlocking this tldr sometimes basic it's better   now this next one may be familiar to a great  many of you having been one of the poster child   cars on a great deal of cyberpunk promotional  material the Turbo R V-Tech may look very similar   to the r740 from earlier but the difference is  staggeringly obvious once you drive it so much so   that the game itself describes comparing these  two as like comparing a diamond to a chunk of   coal sure they're made of the same stuff but the  way this one is put together is just on a whole   nother level I mean sure you likely won't exceed  190 in this thing which isn't much faster than its   base variants but with an extra 260 horsepower  that's 740 as opposed to 480 you are going to   reach that speed a hell of a lot quicker and boy  does it show I mean even just the sound that the   turbo makes when accelerating is sometimes  better than listening to any radio station sometimes to get this one then is reasonably  simple just complete the gig life's work down   in the Glen which involves stealing this  thought and copy pickup from 6th Street   and returning it to Jake Estevez a Genius  car techie On The Run who wants this much   more mediocre car back as thanks he'll later  award you with the turbo R V-Tech which is   acquirable through the side mission sex on  Wheels basically just drive to this garage   and pick the car up Now spoiler alert but the  Rayfield caliburn is easily the fastest car   in this game by quite a bit it accelerates  insanely fast and is completely unrivaled   but accelerating in the V-Tech I think is arguably  more enjoyable I mean just listen to that engine and where I complained about cornering in  the regular 740 I'm pleased to report   that cornering is slightly better in the V-Tech  still far from perfect and it's not ideal for   the windy streets of night City but on the  more main roads it'll get you around just   fine and sound like an utter monster when doing so tldr the epitome of speed and Power   I've praised the Rayfield caliburn as the Batmobile  of cyberpunk 2077 before and I'll do so again   later but the Quadra 66 Avenger I think is  just as worthy of that title on Aesthetics   alone with less of a Bugatti Veyron and more of  a Ford Mustang approach this one shouts out to   the more down to earth looking Renditions of  the vehicle specifically the one seen in the   latest movie with Robert Pattinson in fact had I  thought of this before I'd definitely have used it   as a backup vehicle in my Murk Man build video this  one can be bought at corpo Plaza where Murk Man   probably lived for 75 000 Eddies funnily enough  Dino gives zero details on where he got this one   from so my headCannon is that it's another car  which was owned by the mysterious Murk Man before   he mysteriously disappeared the neokitsch style  ensures it packs plenty of style and substance   and with 777 horsepower and a top speed of 190  to back that up there's definitely a lot going   for this one looking at the interior we're greeted  with a flashy LED display which Murk Man no doubt   appreciated when driving his spare car according  to dino if you don't buy this one you're lame and   why wouldn't you it's fast in both top speed  and acceleration it makes a beautiful sound   and even at high speed it Corners excellently I'm  not gonna lie I love all the type 66s in one way   or another and for this one it's the feeling of  badass vigilante that you get whilst driving it   tldr it is to batmobile's what second monitors  are to PCs one of the absolute most powerful   cars in the game is without the doubt the Herrera  Outlaw GTS manufactured between 2072 and 2074 and   in the neokitsch style no less this one is a  neat combination of both substance and style   with all-wheel drive and 775 horsepower you're  looking at one of the best combinations of power   and control that the game has to offer in this  thing you can easily take sharp Corners at high   speeds and whilst traction will occasionally  fluctuate on doing this it is almost always   possible to regain control if you have the swaying  space either side with a top speed of 190 it's   easily up there with the likes of Aerondight albeit  at a cheaper price sure 92 Grand isn't exactly   a small amount still to most people but for the  cars of this level you can't really expect much   less Dino Dinovic tells us that there's only  about a thousand left in the world and a mere   10 in night City so we're definitely paying a  rarity premium here too and it's only thanks to   level 30 plus street cred that we're even given  the opportunity to buy this thing overall whilst   there's definitely better cars out there this  one stands out to me on the basis that it still   feels like a real life Supercar the actual glass  windows Exquisite interior and the Sleek but not   too futuristic design make this car feel closer  to home than say the Aerondight caliburn or any   of the Badlands Vehicles it reminds me in fact  of the rimac concept one that Richard Hammond   crashed a few years ago not in appearance entirely  but in the way it gives off that cutting-edge car   of the future which at the same time doesn't  feel too futuristic though I'm sure you're all   going to point out other cars that this is way  more similar to and that's fine I look forward   to hearing what they are tldr drive fast and don't  worry unless maybe you're Richard Hammond as far   as Quadra type 66's go the javelina is the one for  Nomads if not just the best entirely sporting an   armored and tuned up look this car comes with  all the bells and whistles which we've come to   expect from Vehicles designed for the Badlands  at this point and with an absolutely mental 1,000   horsepower we're also currently looking at  one of the most powerful cars in the game and   boy does it feel it both in sound and purely the  way that it drives you can feel there's a lot of   weight behind this thing but with the armor and  everything yet its handling is second to none when   it comes to Nomad cars sure it's not the fastest  the Badlands has to offer the coyotes got that   one but with the speed of 190 for this thing I'm  not sure you can really complain and if I had to   choose one Badlands car for a race with any kind  of twists and turns then hands down it'd be this   one bear in mind though Dakota ain't gonna sell  it cheap coming in at a whopping 99 000 Eddies   it was personally done up by her perfectionist  brother-in-law it's so valuable to her in fact   that she's offering it to simply on the principle  that it's someone she knows so if you have the 30   street cred and a lot of spare Eddies lying  around I would highly recommend this car it   is in my opinion the best type 66 in the game  both in terms of stats and appearance and will   almost always be my go-to When selecting this type  of vehicle tldr baddest [ __ ] in the Badlands the Porsche 911 is truly a special car  the only one in the game straight up   ripped from real life it's found  during the quest chippin' in and   you'll retrieve the keep from Grayson  then lowering the shipping container   and pulling back the cover we'll unveil one  of Johnny's most prized possessions my ride   hop in I'll even let you drive the Porsche is  without a doubt the most unique vehicle in the   game and the only one you can drive the streets  in and be sure you won't bump into another one   this is because it's a 1977 car making it by far  the oldest in the game at a ripe old age of 100.   it's obviously been kept in pristine condition all  this time and was left in cold storage for decades   with 296 horsepower and a top speed of 160 it's  by no means the fastest in the game but it does   accelerate beautifully and if we take a look at  the dash I just think it's really nice to see   a much more familiar looking site in the form of  dials but not only does this car feel like a piece   of Home in a dystopian world but the appearance  is arguably the most iconic of all the game's   Vehicles it's even had a replicant made in real  life and has also cropped up in GTA Online you can   even take it on the date with Rogue and she'll  actually make a comment on it is this Johnny's Porsche? where'd you get it that's what was in the  container but when Grayson was talking about okay I've got a lot of memories in this car since this  is the same car that Johnny and Rogue used to   date in for the most part though if you want to  get that feeling of driving a classic car whose   iconicness is up there with the DeLorean then  this is literally a free gift that you should   absolutely make sure to pick up in fact the devs  seem to love this one so much themselves that lead   vehicle artist Jakob pryzblewski sorry if I  butchered that has his own signature engraved   onto the dash tldr realist real life Easter  egg in the history of real life Easter eggs   we now come to the top three Aerondight is a car  with literally so much good to say about it that   I don't even know where to begin how about we  start with the name itself taken from the sword   of Sir Lancelot from The Legend of King Arthur the  Aerondight is a car canonically built by British   company Rayfield and not to be biased towards my  own Nation but much like Bond cars it's clear in   this case that Nobody Does it Better it makes  me feel sad for the rest but I'd go so far as   to say that Nobody Does it half as good as you  save for obviously number one what's more Aerondight   is also the name of the best silver sword which  we can get in all three Witcher games from the   Lady of the Lake in fact without going too off  topic here if you've played all three of those   games sequentially like I have then getting Aerondight returned to you having held it in previous   entries is one of the most poetic moments of the  series suffice it to say that I think Aerondight is the perfect name for this car though it is  also rightfully the single most expensive thing   you could possibly purchase coming in at 155k  this car affords you 950 horsepower a top   speed of 190 and CrystalDome Windows sure that  speed is matched and surpassed by several other   vehicles on this list but what this one also has  is seriously good road acceleration again though   that can be matched by the likes of the coyote so  then where this car ultimately went out for me is   in the style half of the NeoKitsch design I mean  this one was literally the former property of the   ambassador of Argentina and during the street kid  intro we're told that only four exist in the whole   of night City I'm not sure how true that is now  though because I drive past these things fairly   often still the fact that the insanely Rich Kerry Eurodyne opts to drive one of these demonstrates   just the level we've ascended to when we ourselves  acquire one indeed for a corpo V this may   as well be the biggest indication that they've  earned their way back to and are now well beyond   the height of their initial Glory so yes whilst  the base stats are indeed nothing to gawk at this   car's reputation is what boosted it for me all  the way to number THREE! tldr Aerondights are forever   arguably the best Badlands car the Shion coyote  will set you back $77,000 when you head over   here in the far Badlands for it not a bad price  when you consider the 570 horsepower brilliant   acceleration and handling as well as the top speed  of 199. this is indeed the top sports car for   those wanting to live on the edge of society where  the roads aren't so smooth its entropism design   makes sure to cut out all but the essentials yet  despite this the car still looks cool as hell in   a Mad Max kind of way you'll only need 20 street  cred to buy this one and to be honest by the time   you've come out here having already racked up the  77k needed you'll most likely have that street   cred anyway I spoke fairly highly of cars like  the gecko and little mule and hell I still do   they're a lot cheaper and they get around nicely  but compared to this no just no if you can afford   to save for a while longer then this is where it's  at with both the database and Dakota describing   its insane ability to cut across off-road terrain  like it's nothing and indeed I found that I was   reaching speeds of 180 on bumpy desert fairly  easily will this be my go-to Badlands vehicle from   now on probably is it worth the money probably  though bear in mind you can acquire a red and gray   one for free as a gift from Saul though I'd highly  recommend not doing it this way since it involved   going behind Panam's back during the quest With  a Little Help from My Friends by ratting her out   to Saul you will be fully forced to cut ties  with her and thus be locked out of the rest of   the aldecaldo questline and one whole ending they  will disappear from the map or rather they should   if you actually go to the new camp they're sort  of floating and glitching around there anyway even   for a car as badass as this that is not worth it  especially when we can just go and buy a version   which is straight up identical in everything  bar color tldr handles better off-road than many   cars do on-road what do you get when you take the  fastest vehicle in the game slap on insanely good   acceleration and brilliantly intuitive handling  at high speeds then also go and make it available   completely free I'll tell you what you get you  get the best damn freaking car in cyberpunk 2077.   the Rayfield caliburn boasts a ridiculous 1660  horsepower and an easy to reach top speed of   211. the engine sound is recorded from a real-life  Lexus LFA it looks like a Bugatti Veyron and it's   just an all-round badass you can get the free  Murk Man black one from this tunnel down in the   Badlands after hitting 40 street cred I've covered  that several times in previous videos or you can   get this nice white and gold one from the city  center docks for an infinitely steeper 127k having   done most of my driving for this game in the black  caliburn before I gotta say finally purchasing   this one did give me a nice feeling of similar  but different though it's an expensive and   completely unnecessary purchase if you're tight  on Eddies the only criticism I'd give to this car   fact is that it's just too good by being the  best in pretty much every sector there's way   less reason to try out all the other wonderful  cars in this game which is a crying shame since   a lot of effort has clearly gone into making  each one at the time of creating this video   use case for vehicles is almost exclusively just  getting from A to B and I'm kind of hoping that   when we do finally get vehicle combat this car  will go up like a Tinderbox after a few hits at   least then there'll be some legitimate reason to  regularly switch cars with slower but more armored   ones being key to surviving vehicular combat  scenarios to round this video off then let's   return in the caliburn to that same camping spot  we went with the supron right at the beginning to   see how much more remarkably easy it is to climb  this hill yeah that is significantly easier kind   of I will say the Badlands actually is the only  place this wouldn't be my first car give me the   coyote or javelina out here any day right then  let's unpack the boot and set up camp ah we   um we can't there's no the boot won't we can't  open oh right and on that terrible disappointment   it's time to end thank you very much for watching  this long ass review/ranking of all the cars in   cyberpunk 2077. comment below your favorite car  in this game and why as well as any funny driving   experiences you've had along the way this one  took me a very long time to make and I really   appreciate that you've stuck around until the  end I figured this video marks an achievement   in long-form content creation for me and is  as good a time as any to announce the launch   of my patreon page to anyone interested in going  the extra mile to support the channel you can   donate from as little as £1 a month from the  link in the description or the channel about page   whilst I've had a few sponsorship offers none  have really been my thing and I'm determined to   only take sponsorships on for products I genuinely  like or already use patreon then will allow me to   maintain that freedom with sponsorships whilst  also providing more breathing room to create   longer form content like this please though only  consider pledging if you can afford it anyway   thank you again so much for watching I'm Sam  Bram and I'll see you very soon in an other video
Channel: Sam Bram
Views: 620,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk best car, cyberpunk best cars free, cyberpunk best cars 1.6, cyberpunk best car for racing, cyberpunk all car locations, cyberpunk all cars ranked, cyberpunk all vehicles you can own, cyberpunk all vehicles ranked, cyberpunk all vehicles you can buy, cyberpunk all vehicles cost, cyberpunk quadra turbo r, cyberpunk quadra type 66, cyberpunk quadra type 66 cthulhu, cyberpunk caliburn location, cyberpunk caliburn 1.6, cyberpunk fastest car
Id: SQO9WyHsiUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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