The Cyberpunk 2077 Iceberg Explained

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welcome to another video as you can obviously tell by the title I'll be talking about cyberpunk 2077 however it's not just cyberpunk 2077 that I'm going to be talking about I'll also be talking about the show cyberpunk Edge Runners and sometimes I'll throw in some weird lore trivia from the world of cyberpunk like from the pen and paper RPGs the novels Etc if you end up enjoying the video leave a like and comment and if you want more Iceberg videos subscribe to the channel because I've got a lot more icebergs planned out and I've already got plenty out already topics like Marvel Star Wars Mass Effect Evangelion Halo Godzilla DC Cowboy Bebop Battlefield Etc I'm sure I've made a video that interests you now with all that out of the way let's get on to the iceberg the disastrous launch while cyberpunk 2077 is pretty stable nowadays it can't be forgotten that cyberpunk's launch might have been the single worst video game launch ever the game was filled to the brim with glitches and bugs and I'm not just talking about Minor stuff although that was definitely there too I'm talking about game breaking bugs the game was extremely unstable and crashed constantly it got so bad that PlayStation removed the game from its store only weeks after the game's launch they even offered refunds to people who bought the game digitally CD project red then came out and apologized for the horrible launch and offered refunds Microsoft would later offer refunds for those who purchased the game digitally as well though they kept the game in the store though to this day if you go and try to buy the Xbox one port of 2077 you'll be met with a warning saying that the game performs horribly but it keeps getting worse because of the state the game was released in CD project red was accused of misrepresenting the game during marketing this led to a class action lawsuit being filed against the company in December of 2020 and in January of 2021 another class action lawsuit was filed against them and by May of 2021 CD projekt Red was involved in four different lawsuits these lawsuits would merge into just one common action and a CD project red eventually paid 1.85 million dollars to its investors as part of the lawsuit's terms but it gets even worse because of the launch CD projekt Red was investigated by Poland's office of competition and consumer protection but don't worry it gets even worse you see when the game launched it didn't have any warnings related to the various flashing lights in the game flashing lights that in Universe Were Meant to trigger seizures but it didn't just trigger in-game seizures but also real-life ones for example lyanna Rupert who is reviewing the game for Game Informer experienced a grand mal seizure CD project red would then add in a warning in December of 2020 to warn about the flashing lights because of all of this cyberpunk 2077 was labeled one of the worst games ever made not because of its story or anything like that it was called that because you literally couldn't play the game luckily as time's gone by updates and patches have been released that have fixed the game it's still not perfect but it actually runs pretty well now at least on the Xbox series XS PS5 and PC as for the PS4 and Xbox One Ports apparently they do run like solidly now but not great franchise before 2077. so a decent amount of people to this day don't know that cyberpunk 2077 wasn't some new IP thought up by CD projekt Red instead cyberpunk 2077 is the first Major Video Game outing in an already established franchise created by Mike pondsmith the franchise began in 1988 with cyberpunk 2013 a pen and paper RPG heavily inspired by authors Philip K dick and William Gibson alongside the film Blade Runner and due to its popularity it got various new additions and Source books the new additions include cyberpunk 2020 cyberpunk version 3.0 which I'll talk about a bit more later and a cyberpunk red some of the various Source books include Edge Runners Inc deep space live and direct near orbit rocker boy black chrome data screen Home of the Brave and Rough Guide to the UK there's also been various Adventure books released like when the chips are down night City Stories chasing the dragon Cabin Fever Firestorm land of the free street fighting and the Osiris ship not only that but there's been two different collectible card games released one in 1996 and the second in 2003. so no cyberpunk 2077 is far from the first installment of the franchise the General Lee at first glance the Quadra type 66 gen Rowley is just into the car in the game you can buy and drive around in however it's actually a reference to the TV series The Dukes of Hazard s not only does the card look similar to the famous General Lee featured in the show but the name of the car is a direct reference to the show with the name generally being a joke about how people with heavy Southern Accents say General Lee furthermore the car has a southern Californian license plates referencing how most of Dukes of Hazzard was filmed in Thousand Oaks California the secret ending so cyberpunk 2077 has multiple endings most people know about the Avengers end game yourself ending the devil ending the star ending the temperance ending into the sun ending but there's actually a secret ending if you get Johnny's Affinity over 70 and waits five minutes when given the chance to contact Rogue or Pan Am a secret option will pop up this is the secret ending in which V and Johnny decide to storm arasaka Tower themselves without any help however this is extremely difficult as if you die you'll be sent back to your last save there's no checkpoints during this ending so you'll have to go all the way back to the points in the game where you and Johnny decide what to do about arasaka Tower well actually that's not entirely true the game Auto saves at two points during the mission the first is after descending to the Mainframe level and the second is right before the atom smasher fight so if you know about these you can actually go back to these Auto saves instead of your last manual save this secret ending eventually leads to a variation of the sun ending Skippy so Skippy the AI powered pistol is a pretty weird weapon because well what are you doing you can find Skippy you're lying next to a dead body in Vista Del Rey and if you use him to kill around 50 enemies he'll turn into a non-lethal gun switching to his puppy loving pacifist mode Skippy also loves to act out sometimes when you're holding him and doing some stealth he'll just start blasting away sometimes when you're just walking around with him he'll aim down the sights causing everyone around you to panic eventually you're given the chance to turn Skippy over to Regina who was actually Skippy's second owner as she won him during a poker game and once you hand Skippy over to her she kills it she resets Skippy which erases its memories and personality normally I'd be against it but Skippy was really annoying so I don't really care most players know about Skippy but not everyone knows that Skippy is actually a reference to Skippy the magnificent in AI featured in the novel series expeditionary Force by Craig Allison Rebecca's design controversy so Rebecca had some controversy surrounding her not from fans of the show but instead CD project red during the development of edge Runners CD projekt Red were a bit worried about Rebecca's design and they asked Studio trigger to redesign her Studio trigger responded with no so a member of CD projekt Red suggested they vote for her removal from the show but again Studio trigger said no and so Rebecca was left unchanged three seashells when inside V's apartment the default one if you go into the bathroom you'll find three seashells next to the toilet this is an Easter egg referencing the film Demolition Man as in that film in the future toilet paper has been replaced with three seashells so how would you use these three seashells to clean up after yourself after using the bathroom nobody knows they never explain it in the film and honestly I don't really want to think about people using seashells to clean up poop as for the cyberpunk universe there is actually toilet paper but I guess V is just a weirdo who wants to wipe their butt with seashells River Ward's awful Hospital photo so after saving River's nephew Randy from the world's worst Farm you'll eventually be sent a photo of Randy recovering in the hospital surrounded by his family and it is one of the most poorly created things in a triple A video game where do I even begin so we got River who's staring at the wall not the camera you got Randy who's obviously sitting down in a chair but you can't see that because they covered them up in a blanket although his legs don't match where his like body is then we got a little girl holding a real life teddy bear PNG and finally we got River's sister staring blankly at the camera in fact outside of the little girl nobody in the photo is smiling nobody looks happy that Randy's okay if you play the game on PC you can actually download a mod that replaces the image although personally I don't know why you'd want to because this is the funniest when I got to this part in the game and I saw this for the first time I laughed like 10 minutes straight it was the funniest damn thing I've ever seen in my life just an update uh the 2.0 update just came out and they changed River's image I'm uh I'm conflicted about this because like yeah this is much better but that that photo was magical that was like one of the worst images in any video game ever if not the worst I I really I really wish this was like the one thing they never changed Rebecca's shotgun despite wanting her design to be changed CD project red decided to throw in an Easter egg relating to Rebecca in 2077 though not at the launch of the game because you know the show wasn't out yet it was added in the edge Runners content DLC which was a free content update released on September 6 2022 after this update in Memorial Park you could find Rebecca's shotgun guts in some bushes don't worry about taking it though I'm sure she doesn't need it anymore guts has eight shells in it fires pretty slowly and has insane recoil so at first glance doesn't seem very useful but it's also extremely devastating I actually used guts throughout my entire playthrough of the game and yes I killed Adam Smasher with it Akira bike the Yaba kusanagi ct3x is a motorcycle you can acquire in the game and is a direct reference to the manga and the far more famous anime film Akira and I guess that upcoming anime reboot that I'm pretty sure will never actually come out much like gunbuster 3. seriously that's just it's not gonna happen I'm sorry the motorcycle is very clearly designed after the iconic motorcycle featured in the franchise you can even see the pill capsule featured on kanita's jackets in Akira on the bike but this bike is actually a double reference because Akira isn't the only thing this bike references it's also a reference to the Ghost in the Shell franchise as the name of the bike is a reference to Major motoko kusanagi who is the main protagonist in pretty much every Ghost in the Shell media except for the second film although she's still in it ages of the edge Runners characters while never mentioned in the show cyberpunk Edge Runners showrunner revealed most of the main cast's ages on Reddit it turns out that David at the very beginning of the show is 17 but after the time Jump he's 18. meanwhile Lucy and Rebecca were both 20 when the show began and both presumably turned 21 when the time skip happens and finally Maine dorio and pillar were all in their late 30s when the show began as for Falco and kiwi I have no idea they didn't say Vita gas kiwis like early 30s and let's say Falco is like 98 years old you can't prove me wrong cyberpunk 2020 exists inside the cyberpunk so as I mentioned before the cyberpunk franchise started out as a pen and paper RPG called cyberpunk 2020 but what I didn't mention is that cyberpunk 2020 exists inside of the cyberpunk universe as you can find a shard in 2077 called cyberpunk 2020 rulebook you can find the cyberpunk 2020 rule book shard in a basement during the gig the Heisenberg Principle side note that gig's name is an obvious reference to Breaking Bad David's jacket like with Rebecca's shotgun guts David Martinez's jacket was added into 2077 via the edge Runner content DLC updates unlike Rebecca's shotgun you can't just find it lying around in the open in order for you to get the jacket you gotta do the side job over the edge which starts in mega building H4 this mission is rather unique because you can actually interact with a character from the show that being Falco who will eventually send to a package containing David's jackets as for its stats it's nothing crazy it's more of just like a nice little Easter egg than something that you're going to remain in the game canceled multiplayer mode before the release of the game CD projekt Red announced that eventually cyberpunk 2077 would receive a DLC that would allow players to play multiplayer in night City fans were pretty hyped despite not knowing whether or not this online mode would be a PVP experience or a co-op one sadly plans for this multiplayer DLC were scrapped pretty quickly after the release of the game because as I've talked about the game had one of the worst launches ever and so all hands had to be on deck to fix the game and get the Xbox series XS PC and PS5 versions of the game ready for release so this multiplayer mode was canceled hopefully a future cyberpunk game will feature some kind of online mode or maybe an online only spin-off who knows anything's possible the various Witcher Easter eggs so because cyberpunk 2077 was made by CD projekt Red there's a bunch of references to The Witcher franchise and by Witcher franchise I mean The Witcher games because CD projekt Red makes them they did not make the Netflix shows or the Obscure 2002 polish series or the original novels of course so here's some of the Easter eggs the most obvious one is an arcade game titled roach race which has you playing as the horse roach from The Witcher series in the game you play as roach dodging various obstacles the image used in the offensive defense perk is based on series card art featured in gwent the card game spin-off to The Witcher the car the Rayfield aerondite Guinevere is named after the sword aaronite featured in The Witcher series the shovel the caretaker's Spade is a direct reference to the shovel the same name you you could find to The Witcher 3's hearts of stone expansion and finally you can find a Retro Gaming magazine that features The Witcher 3 on it meaning that The Witcher game series exists inside the cyberpunk universe unused areas one of the most well-known pieces of cut content in cyberpunk 2077 is actually multiple pieces of content that you can actually find in game these are unused areas places that were very clearly meant for the player to explore at one point to the game's development but for one reason or another horse scrapped here are some examples there's the arasaka rocket pad at first glance it looks like just a background building out of bounds but if you no clipped towards it it's weirdly detailed in a lot of areas suggesting that at one point in the game's development you were able to explore the area then there's the resort which you can actually see on the map but it's impossible for you to actually go there unless you know clip and to like with the rocket pad the resorts is weirdly detailed in a lot of areas suggesting that you were supposed to be able to go here at some point to the game there's also a completely finished Marketplace inside of V's Mega building that goes unused it's got NPCs lootable items Etc the NPCs there even have pathfinding and finally in mega building 8 there's a completely functional elevator that's out of bounds if you no clip over to it you can make it go up or down to the locations on its keypad however these locations don't actually exist childhood Heroes during the development of cyberpunk 2077 there was a system planned called childhood Heroes this was going to be an option at the very beginning of the game in the Character Creator section where you could choose who these childhood hero was these options were Johnny silverhand Morgan Blackhand and Saburo arasako depending on your answer V would have different interactions with certain characters this system was removed from the game and replaced with the origin options Street kid corpo and nomad the various Matrix Easter eggs so because cyberpunk 2077 is a cyberpunk video game that stars Keanu Reeves of course there's going to be plenty of references in Easter eggs to The Matrix franchise which are cyberpunk films starring Keanu Reeves so here's most of them there's an archived conversation called John Anderson in Orpheus that's a direct reference to the scene from the first Matrix film where Morpheus warns Neo about the Hugo weaving people coming after him in the mission Never Fade Away Johnny silverhand played by Keanu Reeves is called Mr silverhand by a man in a suit this is an obvious reference to how in The Matrix films agent Smith refers to Neo played by Keanu Reeves as Mr Anderson during the ending sequence where V connects to makashi V sees the same cat twice another obvious reference to the seed in The Matrix where Neo sees a cat running past a doorway twice in the secret ending to the game the way the mission begins is extremely similar to the lobby shootout scene from the original Matrix during the chip and inside Mission the player is offered a choice between a red pill and a blue pill I shouldn't have to explain this one but yeah this is the most obvious reference to the Matrix the last one I'll mention is the image used in the perk pain is an illusion this image is a reference to the original Matrix film notably the scene in which Neo stops some bullets mix it up controversy before the release of cyberpunk 2077 there was a bit of controversy surrounding an in-game advertisements for an in-universe soda called chronomanticore with the ads tagline being mix it up normally this wouldn't be anything controversial but the character in the ad is transgender with a very noticeable bulge this made the ad come across as fetishizing trans people this led to many people accusing the game as transphobic or at the very least this ad in response to this cyberpunk 2077's art director kaisa rhodesic said that in Universe corporations are using this model for their body the fact that they're being displayed like this is bad it's commentary on the hyper-sexualized ads we see in the real world and that we as V in the game would be fighting back against corporations who do this kind of stuff regardless how you feel about this controversy trans rights or human rights obviously and trans people are pretty based if you disagree go cry about it project Orion on October 4th 2022 CD project red announced that a sequel to cyberpunk 2077 was in development the game codenamed project Orion will be developed primarily by CD project ride members working in Boston Massachusetts though they will be helped by the teams working in Warsaw Poland and Vancouver Canada and that's literally all we know about the game don't expect this game until like the end of the decade create a car to conquer the wind a car that lets you slip off the commonplace and experience driving it encyclopontiac Firebird Trans Am sit here and learn firsthand how Firebird conquers the wind and the world excitement [Music] hk13 during the job of full discourse if you crack the security to Sandra dorset's Data Bank Shard you'll find a reference to the Star Wars franchise The Shard references a robot known as hk13 who's showing Psychopathic Behavior what kind of Psychopathic Behavior well attempted murder yeah it attempted to strangle a scientist to death before escaping the research facility it was housed in hk13 is a reference to the hunter killer assassin droids featured throughout the Star Wars franchise notably hk-47 who is a major character in various Star Wars video games Misty and Priss Misty is a bit of an interesting character not just because of her contributions to the story and her character but also because her design is actually a homage to the Blade Runner character Priss a franchise that as I mentioned before directly inspired the creation of the cyberpunk franchise hideo Kojima Cameo during the gig The Heist if you head over to the hotel's bar you can find a claim to video game director and game designer hideo Kojima chilling out discussing his latest project something that he's having a bit of trouble with due to the limitations of brain dances although this actually isn't Kojima in Universe instead this guy is named Oshima but he is voiced by Kojima what are you doing foreign like many multimedia franchises the cyberpunk franchise has had its fair share of comics here's a list of all the ones currently out the first comic released was a four issue miniseries called trauma team published by Dark Horse like all of the comics that I'm going to mention here and written by Colin Bunn this miniseries tells the story of Nadia an EMT working for trauma team after her entire team is killed during a rescue mission gone wrong she's reassigned to a new team who are supposed to take part in an extremely dangerous Rescue Mission this series was released from September 2020 to December of the same year around the same time as trauma teams release a three-issue digital series was released called where's Johnny written by Bartos shabor who also wrote every single comic that I'm going to mention here unless I say otherwise this series was released from September to November of 2020. where's Johnny is about a journalist named Wallace in investigating the possibility of Johnny silverhand's survival following trauma team there was a digital One-Shot released in December of 2020 called Big City dreams this one shot tells the story of two scavengers named Tasha in miruk who were partying out with brain dances they bought using money they stole following that there was you have my word a four-issue miniseries that ran from April 2021 to November of 2022. this series is about three mercs hired by the Valentinos gang in order to stop an urban development proposal by assassinating a man named Jack Lars this Mission leads to a woman named Teresa returning to night City in order to investigate her daughter's Death in June 2021 a One-Shot titled your voice was released written by Alexandra maitaka and Marcin blocka this one shot is about a main residence worker named Todd having to track down a woman who gave him a mysterious chip releasing from June 2022 to September of the same year blackouts is a four-issue miniseries following a brain dance repair man named artorio who's Desperately Seeking a second chance at life and in order to get one he's gotta do a heist next there's XOXO which is actually not out yet it's going to be a four issue miniseries that begins in October 18th 2023. this series will be about a member of maelstrom having his loyalty tested after falling in love with a woman and finally there's ten of Swords which is an upcoming one shots released in January of 2024. it'll be written by Alex Sutton lukash lakowski and Marcin blocka this one shot will be a prequel to The Phantom Liberty DLC Mr hands appearance so Wade Bleaker aka Mr hands is one of the game's most mysterious characters because his actual appearance is kept a mystery although it's not actually that big of a mystery anymore because his model actually has a completely textured face you can see in game via a graphical glitch so yeah there he is Melissa Rory in 2013 cyberpunk 2077 was announced to the public with a teaser trailer and in this teaser trailer you see a cyber psycho with mantis blades chilling out on the ground after murdering a bunch of people the trailer then jumps forward in time and now she's a cop it's a pretty memorable teaser trailer so it's no surprise that it's referenced in the final game however it's not the reference you'd probably expect instead of this woman being one of the Cyber psychos you take down this woman who's named Melissa Rory appears in the game as a Max attack officer it turns out after the Cyber psycho incident she was taken in Alive by maxtac for some reason and reconditioned but with a cost she had to join maxtech she was confirmed to be the same woman in the teaser trailer in the job bullets where V can ask her about her mantis blades and she's like yeah I keep these as a reminder of what I did I killed like 14 people and was forced to join the police instead of being killed my life's pretty crazy hey want to join maxtac another fun fact about her is that her blades are the model hiragashi 2013 which is an obvious reference to when the first teaser trailer for the game came out in 2013. the bozos in the world of cyberpunk there's various gangs roving night City and some of these gangs are weirder than others take for instance the bozos the bozos are a gang that terrorized in night City from the 2020s all the way to the late 2040s they originally were just people who look like clowns who were just prank people so nobody really took them that seriously that was until the bozos decided to start killing people it eventually got to the point where about a third of their entire group were cyber psychos and one of their favorite things to do was to go around kidnap people and then torture them using that person's biggest fears and anxieties for example they would trap people in small spaces with rats and to trap people in elevators and then fill them with water sometimes they wouldn't even kill people but instead just drive them insane oh yeah and how could I forget to mention the bozos aren't dressed like clowns they had their bodies biosculpted to look like clowns giving themselves long feet and permanent frowns so how come we don't see bozos in night City in 2077. well it's because of the 2040s the group fell apart after a clowned Civil War in 2045 some people pretending to be part of the bozos began murdering people which led to various Hitmen hunting down the bozos in order to get these Hitmen to stop killing the bozos the bozos outed the group of fake bozos vladobozos this group is led by a dude named Big Top who then decided to take over the bozos this led to the Bozo's fragmenting into smaller Bozo factions that basically killed each other off while fighting for power and so by the time of 2077 the group was pretty much eradicated and before you ask about ozop Bozo I'll talk about him a bit later you guys remember in 2016 when a bunch of clowns started showing up randomly scaring people maybe the bozos are real acid rain acid rain is one of the most rare occurrences in the entire game it's so rare that when the game first released people thought it was actually cut from the game but no acid rain does exist in night City it's just extremely rare however it doesn't burn the player even if you're walking around without any clothes on which is a bit of a bummer in my opinion Jackie was originally an antagonist in some very early drafts of cyberpunk 2077's plot line Jackie was going to become an antagonist he'd still be cool with V for the most part until the heist mission where he would end up being the reason the heist goes wrong this would lead to him turning on V and the two would have to fight to the death this was revealed in a stream with various CD projekt Red developers Mike pondsmith Cameo so this is probably my favorite Easter egg in the entire game the conspiracy theorist DJ Maxima Mike is actually voiced by the creator of the cyberpunk franchise Mike pondsmith and every single conspiracy theory he lists off of the radio are actually plot lines from various cyberpunk Source books and adventure books now does this mean the conspiracy theories he's throwing out there are legit well I'd argue there's a good chance there's some truth to at least some of them here's an example of one of his many theories so listen to people I've got a story to tell you I heard something recently from a nomad friend of mine she was telling me about some strange stuff happening out in the Badlands of the East said she ran across another Nomad Patrol five people all mauled to death by a wild animal but the thing is folks there haven't been mountain lions out there in almost a century wolves and even longer so what could it be well I'm reminded of a story told me by an old Merc I Used to Know he once took a job that had him fly over to Romania looking for some corpose missing brother Serge took him to an Old Village and they sought a camp for the night before searching the woods in the morning that night they could hear barking house in the distance even though they knew it had to be wild dogs the team could barely get any sleep that night then just before Dawn they were attacked by animals but they weren't dogs they were werewolves no no listeners I haven't lost it I mean it they were werewolves but not the ones of a legend and not the ones in old Hollywood flat screen flicks bad doggies came out of a Lab see it turns out that ebama decided to back some rather on the same resource in an attempt to cool the government and offer these Gene freaks as part of the deal of course it didn't work the coup was crushed a few months later and ebm isn't around anymore either the question remains where did ebm get their knockoff wolfmen I've never had much of a gene hacking division so they must have come from some other Corp the obviously Esther of course is biotenica who just happened to own most of the lands south of night City all the way down to the Border so what do you think listeners is biotechnica releasing experimental monsters into Badland Mabel's protein Farms down there are covered something broke out of a lab with a taste for human blood it's always good advice to watch your back but this time you might want to pack a few silver bullets next time you leave town just saying no life three in 2077 you could find various references to a video game called know life 3. you can find a poster for it in these apartments and you can find a Shard called No Life 3 review this is a not so subtle reference to the canceled video game Half-Life 3. a game that every one of their mother wants to happen even if you're not a fan of the series side note there's another Half-Life Easter egg in the game as the crowbar's description references how it's the favorite weapon of theoretical physicists from MIT this is a reference to how the protagonist of Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 Gordon Freeman's main weapon is the crowbar these original Origins so the childhood Heroes system wasn't the only scrapped bit of V's backstory in the same build of 2077 after you choose your childhood hero you'd be given two more choices the first was a key life event these included the running away from home V's first kill or the death of these sibling the second choice was why V came to night City the options here being visiting an ex-lover unfinished business or something to prove just like with the childhood Hero's Choice all of these were replaced with the life path system original Edge Runner designs so David and Lucy went through various different design changes a lot of David's early designs had him wearing a hoodie along with very short hair one designed for the character didn't even include the now iconic Yellow Jacket instead wearing a blue jacket there was also a design where he'd be wearing a beanie throughout the show the last design I'll mention for David is this one from the show's teaser poster while David looks similar to his final appearance you can tell his head is very different having completely different hair now while most of David's designs all look relatively like him Lucy's early designs were pretty wild some of her designs looked like they came straight at a kill to kill there's this design which gave her pink hair and a suit that reminds me of Combat Evolved Cortana there's also these designs which gave her a ton of straps and I think headphones there's even a design where Lucy's wearing pants which sounds weird now that I say that out loud finally there's these designs which gave her jackets a lot more edges she would also have some kind of gadget on her arm and finally there's Rebecca and her design never really changed all that much the most notable change is her neck with early designs having her either having a neck tattoo of some kind of rabbit or a necklace of a rabbit also her thigh tattoo has a completely different design Judy and Pan Am were originally bi in the files of cyberpunk 2077 people have found some pretty strange unused voice lines some of these voice lines were the entirety of Pan Am in Judy's romance storylines but with different V's so there's audio of female V Romancing Pan Am and male v Romancing Judy this has led to various people to speculate that originally Pan Am and Judy were bisexual during the game's development and were changed very close to the game's release so is this true well no it was confirmed by CD project red that Judy was always written to be a lesbian and that they only recorded the male V's romance with her for posterity's sake this was further confirmed by Gavin Drea mail V's voice actor who said in an interview that while he was recording the lines for Judy's missions all of the Romantic lines were tagged as female V only but the staff recording the audio decided to record them regardless all of this is the same for Pan Am you see in games where you can choose the voice actor for the main character it's fairly common for companies to have all potential voice actors The Players can choose record lines that are supposed to be exclusive to one voice actor just in case the game's Studio changes something within the game so long story short Judy was always intended to be a lesbian and Pan Am was always intended to be straight third person cutscenes for a lot of cyberpunk 2077's development the game was played in third person however during development it was decided to make the game a first person RPG with some third-person cutscenes this was announced to players before release however by mid-2019 it was confirmed that third person cutscenes were fully removed from the game this was done in order to create total immersion within the game this annoyed a lot of fans and to this day there's a good chunk of fans who wish the game kept its third-person cutscenes luckily for PC players there are mods that bring this cut feature back hardwired hardwired is a cyberpunk novel released in 1986 and written by Walter John Williams it also received two sequels voice of the Whirlwind in 1987 and so lip system in 1989. at first glance this novel has nothing to do with the cyberpunk franchise as it was released before cyberpunk 2013. so why am I talking about it well it's because hardwired was directly tied to the cyberpunk franchise with the release of the hard-wired Source book which as you can see by the cover has cyberpunk branding so what's the deal with this well this Source book was written by both Walter John Williams and Mike pondsmith with the idea being that while the hardwired and cyberpunk universes are similar they're not actually can into each other but you're advised to use the rules created for cyberpunk 2013 with the Source book basically it's a pen and paper RPG Source book for the hardwired trilogy with cyberpunk's rule set kind of confusing but that's the gist of it developers room in North Kabuki markets there's a garage door you can find that can be opened using a keypad however unlike most doors in the game you can't hack into this one in order to open this door you gotta enter a code that code being six zero five one eight five this will open up the garage door and reveal a secret Easter egg room a tribute to the developers of the game inside there's pictures of various Dev team members that will appear on a TV screen all while Johnny will appear and begin to play some music with his guitar Blue Moon romance after saving Blue Moon from her stalker in the mission Every Breath You Take she'll contact v a few days later and offer to meet up with a fee if they're ever in Tokyo and V can actually flirt with her and ask her out she'll respond saying that while she had to love to go out on a date with v she has to go on tour tomorrow so she doesn't have the time this tiny little interaction has led to some people to speculate that a blue moon romance was in the cards at one point during cyberpunk 2077's development and that this is just a remnant of what could have been the beginning of that relationship there's not really a lot of evidence for this Theory though some have argued that instead of a full-fledged romance this was supposed to be the beginning of a one-off fling they cut from the game similar to how you can have a one-night stand with Meredith Stout especially Lee since that encounter is triggered by a text message but again there's not really any evidence for this German YouTubers so the mission dirty Biz is easily one of the darkest jobs in the game with v confronting a pair of brain dance editors who produce brain dances of murders specializing in the murders of children these editors are a father and son duo with Gottfried being the dad and Frederick being the son but there's actually a strange Easter egg with a pear that you can only experience if you play the German dub of the game you see in the German dub of cyberpunk 2077 these two are voiced by German Youtubers with Gottfried being voiced by Gronk and Frederick being voiced by a hand of blood Jackie's sister originally Jackie was meant to have a sister named Melissa however she wouldn't be around to chilling at the bar with the vegan company instead she would be missing we know about the scraps character because there's lines in the game's code that show that V was originally going to tell Jackie that either he or the both of them would find Melissa this would be at the very end of The Heist job so uh Jackie wouldn't be doing any searching R.I.P however she was going to appear in the game during Jackie's a frienda Melissa would show up and V would be able to talk to her and as far as we know this was going to be her only appearance in the game archangel in cyberpunk 2077 you can listen to various songs created by Samurai one song is pretty unique that being Archangel you see this song like all the others was created for the game however unlike all the others it wasn't actually in the game I mean parts of it were in the game notably in the mission Never Fade Away but it was only parts of the song the full version without in-game audio wasn't in the game for some reason it wasn't even released online that was until the 1.5 patch for the game came out as that patch added in the song and around the same time CD project red released the song online no explanation has ever been given as to why this song wasn't included at launch Subway and monorail systems originally night city was going to have a fully functional subway system and a fully functional monorail system similar to the train from Watchdogs GTA 5 and both Red Dead redemptions the train in monorail would have allowed players to board them and travel around the city in real time these were both shown off in several pre-release promotional images and videos sadly they were cut from the game very late to development as you can actually find nearly completed train stations all across night City you can access these areas by either glitching or using noclip you can even find the tram that would have been on the monorail by no clipping into the tunnel by North Oak after doing that and waiting around for a little bit the tram will spawn in for some reason and to go through its route I should mention this though as far as I know you could only do this in 2020 and 2021 as I'm fairly certain by this point this tram has been patched out of the game by 2023. if you really want to ride the cyberpunk tram system luckily you can download a mod for the game that finishes the scrapped train system Mr Blue Eyes Mr Blue Eyes is by far the most mysterious character in the game he appears a handful of times in the game however nobody knows what organization he works for nobody even knows his name and even when he does show up in the game it's usually pretty weird for example he knows about V's problem with silver hands engram despite V never having met him before he's even seen watching V from afar his most notable appearance is during one of the game's endings where he gives v a pretty special job that being infiltrating the Crystal Palace a space station so who is he well there's three different theories the first one is mentioned in game by Gary the prophet he claims that blue-eyed people are living in space and coming down to earth to control the world's governments this is extremely notable because Mr Blue Eyes is part of the secret organization that secretly monitoring and influencing Elizabeth and Jefferson parallels the second theory is a lot more believable though that being that he's just part of some kind of Illuminati style Elite group and finally there's the theory that Mr Blue Eyes is actually Morgan Blackhand now that's quite the Bold claim so what's the evidence for this well there's only one piece of evidence pointing towards this Theory and it's in the game's files as there Mr Blue Eyes is a labeled as Morgan Blackhand while Morgan blackhands isn't in the game he is mentioned as during a news report you can hear about a shootout in Japan Town between some Lazarus agents and a portly man with a black cyber arm in obvious reference to blackhands so if he's out doing that how can he be Mr Blue Eyes [Music] expanded reliable minerals foreign [Music] Drive discount Lumia front wheel drive excitement discounted now bigger discounts plus GM cash bonuses up to 750 now at the reliable men of olds John butt kicker Erickson underneath the pier in Coast view you can find the dead body of a man named John Aronson this dude was trying to fight crime as the superhero butt kicker arms with his trusty batons he failed as I mean I just mentioned you can find him dead underneath a pier you can even find a Shard next to him that details how he became obsessed with fighting crime and refused to listen to reason but kicker here is actually a reference to the Kick-Ass franchise which consists of four different comic series two films and two video games that I don't think anyone remembers or wants to remember for that matter Lucy Avenger and games herself so here's a sad one this is a theory about the ending of cyberpunk edge Runners many people believe that Lucy cabit's task force x yourself almost immediately after the show ends while she's on the moon there's not a ton of evidence for this Theory though with the main piece of evidence being that Lucy looks really depressed at the ending of the show since not only is the love of her life dead and most of her friends are dead but nearly all of them die to saving her also one of her closest friends betrayed her so there's that too personally I actually believe this Theory but I think her fate is left vague on purpose in case CD projekt Red wants to use her in Project Orion or another cyberpunk game project now with the 2.0 update there are now memorials for David Rebecca and everyone else that died during the events of the show some people have claimed that this is evidence that Lucy returned to Earth and set all these up but I I'm not convinced she could have easily asked Falco to do it after all Falco was the one who had David's jacket not Lucy CJ in Big Smoke in the game you can find a Shard titled JC and Little Smoke by a train tunnel in red Peaks this Shard tells the vital moments of JC and a little smoke as the pair are trying to follow a train only for another train to come by and smash into them this is a very obvious reference to the characters CJ and Big Smoke from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas as not only are their names similar but in that game there's a mission where you gotta follow a train the final line of The Shard is even a direct reference to Big Smoke's line in the game if the player fails to follow the train 6 000 sucks at first glance the Archer hella ecd-i 360 may just look like your standard car and that's because it is it's just a standard car but it's also a reference to the RoboCop franchise as its design is heavily inspired by the 6000 sucks a car from the RoboCop franchise that's meant to make fun of the real life car the Pontiac 6000 I'm not even remotely a car guy though so I have no idea of the Pontiac sucks I just I don't know if the film thinks it does the trekkies so if you thought the bozos were the weirdest gang at night City think again meet the trekkies a gang that role plays as characters from the original Star Trek series while in normally they're pretty well behaved they don't have any issue fighting and they're actually fairly good at it with members of the trekkies having access to some crazy technology including microwave guns and infrared scanners a good amount of their members are also enhanced via cybernetics and nanotech some of them even had surgery and cybernetic enhancements to look more like aliens from the series like the Vulcans and even the borgs who works even in the original series their main base is designed internally to look like a Star Trek Starship and even has various laser turrets protecting it so at first glance while they may look like a bunch of Star Trek larpers they're not to be messed with as for whether or not the trekkies are still around to 2077 I doubt it and if they are around we don't see them in the game because of real world issues because I don't think Star Trek would be happy if there was a game out there where you could brutally kill people dressed up like Captain Kirk and Spock Kingdom of the Crystal Skull got somebody killed in red Peaks you could find a dead body inside of a refrigerator the bodies Got A Shard on him and if you read it you'll discover that this dude was a bit of a mythbuster he had a show where he busted famous myths and one day one of his viewers sent him a request to see if he could survive a massive explosion while hiding inside of a fridge this is a very obvious reference to the scene from Indiana Jones to the kingdom of the Crystal Skull where Indiana Jones survives a nuke by hiding in a refrigerator so this guy decides to take up the viewer's request and test out the myth he even put out a fedora to match Edina Jones so can you survive a giant explosion while hiding inside of a fridge no myth busted Bridge baby during the job the hunt you could find a weird capsule inside of the night City Police Department this capsule is filled with a strange orange liquid and a human infant it's just sitting there in the Police lab if you go up and scan it you could find out that the baby known as the BB is actually alive and is being kept alive in this container as this device was created to simulate conditions inside the uterus it also detects BTS this is a reference to the video game death stranding as in that game there's Bridge babies fetuses being kept alive inside containers just like this one that are used to detect monsters known as The Beached things now does this mean in the cyberpunk universe The Beached things exist no probably not it's just an Easter egg kiwis hyena I was going to talk about this in the edge Runner design Century but I thought it deserved its own entry anyways early designs for kiwi had her wearing a trench coat and a really big hat but the most interesting thing about her is that kiwi was originally going to have a Pet's hyena now the official word from Studio trigger is that this creature is actually a cyber dog but it looks identical to a hyena so I guess maybe it's a cyberdog modeled to look like a hyena but wouldn't that just make it a cyber hyena regardless this dude did not show up in the anime and I don't think it's actually Canon hey remember in Modern Warfare 3 were the levels set in Africa you fought against guard hyenas instead of guard dogs very weird golden god at 215. during the Mission Space Oddity you could find a laptop which you can hack if you do so you'll find a message from the dating site night City dating the website is letting whoever owns this laptop know know that they're banned from the site after it was discovered they were sending explicit images to users without their consent and their account name is golden god 215. this is a reference to the series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as in that show one of the main characters Dennis refers to himself as a golden god several times on the show he's also probably a serial killer and a sex criminal and if you're not convinced that this isn't always sunny Easter egg 215 is the area code for Philadelphia so it's undoubtedly an Always Sunny reference pineapple on Pizza is illegal in cyberpunk 2077 you could scan various NPCs and see if they're wanted for anything they could be wanted for killing someone stealing something kidnapping someone arson putting pineapple on Pizza threatening somebody stalking somebody being part of a gang gang of violence Etc there's a ton of violent crimes happening in night City wait a second murder stealing kidnapping arson pineapple on pizza that's illegal as a reference to the real world debate about whether or not pineapple on pizza is good or not in 2077 night city has made it illegal to put pineapple on Pizza as doing so violates the pizza desecration act so next time you're playing cyberpunk 2077 and you eat a tofu tuna and pineapple pizza just know you're committing a crime Keanu Reeves exists inside cyberpunk in the song No save points which was created for the game Keanu Reeves is mentioned by name this suggests that at some point in the cyberpunk universe keando Reeves existed This was later confirmed by Patrick Mills who served as the game's senior Quest designer he stated that Keanu Reeves did exist in the cyberpunk universe and was a collapse era actor and because of how similar looking silverhand and Keanu Reeves are after Johnny died people would mistake Keanu Reeves for being Johnny silverhand now it's unknown how big of an actor Keanu Reeves was in the world of cyberpunk but he must have not have been as famous as Johnny silverhand Joanne McLean during the mission following the river when V and River are playing with River's niece and nephew his niece is playing as the character Joanne McLean who was a police officer this is a very obvious reference to John McLean the main character of the Die Hard franchise this isn't the only Die Hard reference in the game you can find a Shard on top of a building in Downtown Center City that tells the story of a dude named John McBain going after some guy named Hans via entering the building's air vents he also says yippie Haye John McBain is an obvious reference to John McLean and this entire Shard is a reference to the scene in the first Die Hard movie where McLean travels through some air vents he also says yipikaye in the movie also the villain of the first Die Hard movie is named Hans Sherlock Holmes in the game you can find deshard detailing a conversation between a man named John Doyle and Arthur Baker Doyle is trying really hard to impress Baker with his detective skills but Baker isn't convinced especially after Doyle mentions that he drugged a woman who was part of a gang you could find this Shard next to two dead bodies near a buck a slice shop in hennywood so that woman and her friends probably came back for revenge and killed them now at first glance this just seems like a little story but in actuality this is a reference to Sherlock Holmes as the name John Doyle and Arthur Baker are taken for the name of Sherlock Holmes's Creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the character John Watson and Sherlock Holmes's in Universe address 221 B Baker Street spontaneous Dental hydroplasion in the game you can find a Shard titled chemicals The Invisible Killer this is a PSA like Shard that tells people about the dangers of chems and how it can lead to not just addiction but also diseases one of these diseases is known as spontaneous Dental hydroplasion this is a disease that leads to your teeth being liquefied and dripping down your throat now obviously this isn't a disease in the real world but CD projekt Red didn't come up with this fake disease this is a reference to the office in that show it's a fake disease created in the season one episode health care but unlike the office spontaneous Dental hydroplasion is a real disease in the world of cyberpunk probably Joshua Stephenson was right so Joshua Stephenson is one of the game's weirdest characters he's a murderer with a messiah complex and eventually convinces various people that he's actually talked to God after finding God he went on various talk shows to spread his message about forgiveness and religion wanting to take advantage of his newly found Fame a woman named Rachel approached him and offered him a chance of a lifetime instead of serving out his prison sentence he to be crucified and his crucifixion would be recorded into a brain dance and Joshua accepted this is where V comes in as they're asked by Joshua to stay by his side and eventually be the one to crucify him it's a really weird series of missions but these missions have led to the theory that Joshua Stephenson wasn't just some crazy murderer but instead was telling the truth he really did talk to God in that the message he was spreading was in fact God's message so is there any evidence to this Theory there's only two pieces of evidence and even then they're barely evidence the first is that the name Joshua is the direct English transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshua which is a name for Jesus and during the job there is a light that never goes out you eat at pies with Joshua Rachel and nine other people and including V that makes twelve just like how 12 people attended the Last Supper but regardless of this evidence he could have been right or wrong it's really up to the players to decide as I doubt we'll ever get any official confirmation the Batmobile the mission mercman returns again once more forever is a director reference to Batman the job has to travel to a hideout in an old abandoned tunnel The Hideout is inside of a shipping container and in The Hideout there's a black Rayfield caliburn alongside A Shard The Shard tells the story of a man who made that Hideout his home when he was a kid he was orphaned after his parents were murdered so he decided to become a vigilante in fight crime in night city as the superhero mercman however in The Shard mercman also mentions how he'll fight crime until the day he dies and since this Hideout is seemingly abandoned there's a pretty good chance that mercman is dead kinda hope he's dead actually because uh V just straight up steals the mercmobile so if he's not dead he's gonna come after V gendo akari so here's an extremely minor Easter egg that I'm only including in this video because I did an entire Iceberg about the series it's related to the image used for the perk Head Start is directly based on gendo akari and his iconic pose from the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion want to know some more about Evangelion go check out that video it's one of my favorites machico and Adam Smasher banged so you know Adam Smasher the giant cyborg monster man who's really badass and Edge Runners and the lore but in the game he's a pretty easy boss fight yeah well it turns out that Atom Smasher has smashed before now who would want to smash Adam Smasher well we know the answer Michiko or Osaka no really around the mid-2020s right after turning 18 Michiko began dating Adam Smasher now at the time Adam Smasher wasn't the full-on cyborg we see in the game he still had some human parts of him left in fact while they were dating Adam Smasher had his mind inside of a different body that sounded like Elvis Presley but yeah they banged or smashed Carrie's laptop foreshadows his Romance if you look on Carrie's laptop you can find two different songs one called Dark Matter and the other one Shivers these two songs foreshadow quest lines involving Carrie with the first song Dark Matter sharing the name of the club V and Carrie visits in the mission off the leash and shivers references the path of Glory ending to the game which is often considered the best ending for Carrie's Romance platform 69 three-fourths so in cyberpunk 2077 released there was a bug in the game that made it so that NPCs would walk through a wall near the Well Springs pumping station fast travel point and so when the developers went to go fix the glitch they left behind some graffiti reading platform 69 and three-fourths this is in reference to how in the Harry Potter franchise Wizards travel to Platform 9 3 4 and walk through a wall in a train station to enter The Wizarding World tears in rain so there's two different Easter eggs referencing the iconic tears and Rain monologue from the film Blade Runner the first is on top of the adversent hotel if you take the elevator inside and travel to the roof the game will change tonight regardless of whatever time it is and it'll start to rain exploring the rooftop will eventually lead to a dead man sitting upright holding a bird just like how in Blade Runner a bird is seen flying as Roy Batty passes away the second Easter egg is more of a tribute as you can find the line all these moments we lost in time like tears and rain on a plaque in the memorial sites alongside an image of a dove this is in reference to how in 2019 Recker Hower the actor who played Roy Baddie passed away Wall running originally cyberpunk 2077 was going to allow players to wall run around night City like they're playing Titanfall or Black Ops 3. you could even stop in mid-run with mantis blades and hang on to the wall you can even see this ability in action in a few gameplay trailers however sadly in July of 2020 CD projekt Red confirmed that the wall running ability would be cut from the game due to design reasons t-bug faked her death t-bug is a supporting character in The First Act of 2077 and was seen pretty heavily in the game's early marketing showing up in various trailers and gameplay previews despite her prominence she's killed off-screen during the heist job getting her brain Fried by Soul killer now some people have claimed that t-bug actually faked her death once she saw the job was going wrong this is due to two reasons the first is that prior to the mission she tells Jackie that she wants a fresh start in a clean slate after the heist job and she's also friends with Dex so it's entirely possible that after the job went bad Dex just let her go so I'm not sure it's entirely possible that t-bug is still alive and it's entirely possible that t-bug is dead maybe we'll find out the answer in a future cyberpunk project gonna be an easy dream well it ain't no easy grab they got teeth Charlize Fury in the biotechnia flats you could find a crashed truck with various bodies surrounding it alongside the dead There's A Shard this Shard reveals that two of the people inside the truck were named Charlize Fury and Max and they were escorting various pregnant women out of night City while being chased by biotechnia a woman named Dakota Smith was on the phone with Charlize and told her that if she had to ditch everyone but one of the mothers this is all a reference to the film Mad Max Fury Road as in that film a dude named Max helps a woman named furiosa escorts various pregnant women to freedom in a high-speed car chase also furiosa is played by Charlize Theron sadly unlike the film there's no happy ending here as the bodies surrounding the truck are all based on the characters from the film with one of them looking like Max and another one looking like furiosa so it's very likely that Charlie's Fury and Max failed the Elvis's so you know the Kings from New Vegas yeah the Elvises are kind of like that they're a gang obsessed with Elvis Presley that was prominent from the 2000s to the 2020s they actually seized Graceland Elvis Presley's real-life home by force in 2008 and used it as their headquarters led by the mysterious the king the group began setting up Elvis chapels across the entire world so nobody's safe from the Elvis Presley cult they're so obsessed with the dude that every single member dresses up like Elvis during a different period of his life with some people dressing up as young Elvis while some dress up as old Elvis there's probably somebody in the group even dressed up like baby Elvis or Soldier Elvis last thing that I'll mention is that they claim to have concrete evidence that Elvis died in 2002 knots 1977. however they've never actually shared that evidence with anyone so they're probably lying nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition during the mission the prophet song you're asked by Johnny who are you betting on showing up and V can respond with a Monty Python reference I'm showing up the reptilians or techno necromancers Spanish Inquisition I admit I didn't expect that this is a really minor one but I thought it was funny so I included it not because the reference is funny but because V's delivery of it just feels kind of odd to me ozob Bozo so oza bozo is a weird character in that he originates not from CD project red or Mike pondsmith instead ozob was created by the co-founder of the Brazilian website's jovam nerd day of pazzos this character was created in the 1990s and would appear in a few cyberpunk RPG podcasts this led to ozob receiving quite the fan base over the years and so when making cyberpunk 2077 CD projekt Red decided to introduce the character to even more people what's even cooler is that pazos actually voices ozob in the Brazilian Portuguese dub of cyberpunk 2077 and ad-lib to nearly all of his lines he was even offered by CD projekt Red to voice him in the English version of the game but he declined the offer saying that a professional voice actor would be better due to his very strong accent now is ozob related to the bozos no while at first glance he may seem like he is since he looks like a clown he's not actually part of the gang instead he's just a mercenary from Brazil [Music] oh there came a moment when all the elements came together [Music] engineering and technology is an unleashing superbly equipped new breed of compact cars Dark Shadows with 550 protection plan two or four-door availability affordable price the new Dodge Shadow is going to Cast a Giant Shadow Across America Dodge setting new standards of performance Arnold Blake Arnold Blake is the name of a combat robot wearing sunglasses you could find dead in Santo Domingo's Canal system alongside its dead body you could find a dead guy two motorcycles and a Truck is there's also a data Shard you can read if you read it you'll learn that Arnold Blake was sent to protect a man named Jimmy O'Connor however this Mission ended in Failure as both Arnold and Jimmy were killed by another robot that was sent by somebody wanting O'Connor dead this entire scene is a reference to the film Terminator 2 Judgment Day specifically the scene in which the T800 alongside John Connor are chased by the t-1000s in a tow truck through a canal Moscow Mule when Jackie and V first visit the afterlife bar Jackie gives Claire a drink recipe that eventually becomes the drink the Jackie Wells while some players might think they created this drink for the game in actuality the drink that Jackie describes is identical to the real world's drink the Moscow Mule I like to think that an in-universe Jackie knew this and was just hoping that nobody in night City knew about the Moscow mule the arasaka's plot so a lot of people incorrectly say that cyberpunk 2077 is the first game in the cyberpunk franchise this isn't true the first cyberpunk video game was released in 2007 for mobile devices developed by Mayhem Studio cyberpunk the arasaka's plot was a platformer about a man named Sam Gibson in the year 2022 being on the run after being framed for Murder By arsaka the game allowed players to fight enemies via guns or melee weapons pick up and use armor and cybernetic implants and even hack various objects thankfully the game has been archived so if you know how to download and play Java games you can play this long forgotten piece of cyberpunk History a perfect day for a jungle cruise so this is another Ghost in the Shell reference in fact it's actually a reference to my favorite episode in Ghost in the Shell Standalone complex that being the season 1 episode a perfect day for a jungle cruise in the game you can find a Shard that tells the story of a veteran who's turned into a serial killer torturing and killing people while believing that he's actually on a covert operation in the jungles of South America this is nearly identical to the plot line of the episode that I just mentioned side note the bad guy in that episode is dressed like a minion Maine's fine so the United States of America is in a bit of a dystopia during the events of cyberpunk 2077 with each state having its own major cyberpunk style issues and problems that is except for Maine no not not that mean that means dead for some reason the state of Maine has been relatively the same since the 2020s not saying it's perfect there it's not for example there's some EU fishing ships that are causing the local fishermen there some problems but yeah that's really it there's not really any cyber crime or gang activity in Maine there's no black market no cyber psychos Etc it's just relatively chill there at least compared to the rest of the country Faye Spiegel Spike Valentine and Jet White in Rancho Coronado it's possible to find a computer listing the name of five NPCs Faye Spiegel Spike Valentine jet white vicious villagu and Elektra ovirova this is a very obvious reference to the anime Cowboy Bebop as the show's main characters are named Spike Spiegel Faye Valentine and jet black while the other two names are references to the show's main antagonist vicious and the character Elektra from the Cowboy Bebop film Samuel Morton in the biotechnia protein Farms you could find a Shard held by a dead man named Samuel Morton this Shard reveals that Morton was a former combat medic smuggling people from the Moon to Earth this alongside Bailey from his post caught him some attention from militech who wanted to arrest him so after being exposed Samuel fled to night City and began a career as a protein farmer sadly for him though somebody found him and killed him Samuel here as he reference to the character sapper Morton from Blade Runner 2049 as Not only was sapper also a combat medic but they also share the exact same birthday and both of them went into hiding as protein Farmers they even have very similar ID numbers with Samuels being na-680 515 and a sappers being NK 68514 and sadly both of their stories end the same way being killed in their homes Flathead drone companion during the job the pickup you grab a militech mt-0d12 drone AKA a flathead drone originally this drone was going to be a companion for V fighting alongside them during jobs and even having the ability to hack enemies and devices you'd even be able to issue direct commands to the Bots however this was cut during development it would have been part of the techie skill tree which was also cut from the game the techie skill tree was cut because it apparently had too many overlapping abilities with the Netrunner skill tree so CD projekt Red simply combined the two trees and sadly like the Gambit movie the Flathead drone didn't survive the merge Adam Smasher new V was in the room so this is a theory that Atom Smasher actually knew that V and Jackie were in the room where Yori nubu killed his father now why do people think this well probably because Atom Smasher is looking straight at V not even moving making eye contact with them the theory goes that Smasher knows they're in the room but instead of telling somebody about it immediately he just wants to mess with v and Jackie it's an interesting Theory but I highly doubt this was the intention of men near the sunken boats on the beach by the grand Imperial Mall you could find a Shard inside of a bag that tells the story of a man named theopheron smuggling a woman and her child out of night City he's doing this for a group called The Human project who really want the kid alive turns out that arasaka is planning something for the girl it's not said what it is but it can't be good luckily Theo is able to get the mother and child out of night City however he's not so lucky and is fatally injured and in his final moments he tells the human project that the kid is a living Wonder this Shard is a reference to the film Children of Men as the plot of that film is about a man named Theo escorting a woman and her daughter out of a dystopian UK car customization despite a bunch of open World Games having the option to customize Vehicles like Grand Theft Auto and even Far Cry CD project red scrapped the ability to customize your cars trucks and motorcycles by June 2020 it was removed from the game because of time restraints placed in the dev team Edge Runners alternate endings at the 2023 Paris Anime Expo executive producers for Edge Runners revealed that there were two other endings to the show that were considered the first ending would have had David surviving his encounter with Adam Smasher however he'd be brainwashed by arasaka and turned into a war machine like Atom Smasher this ending was scrapped because it was deemed too Bleak and the writers didn't find it a very satisfying ending the other ending was going to have Lucy discovering that she's pregnant with David's kid while on the moon after David dies this was scrapped because it was deemed too uplifting of an ending version zero in July of 2021 YouTuber Tyler McVicker released a video detailing how anyone with a physical version of the PS4 or Xbox One Port of cyberpunk 2077 can access and play in early builds of the game all you gotta do is install the game on your console and don't let the console update it including the day one patch this version of the game is known as version zero this version is dated September of 2020 so about three months before the game was released in this build of the game you can find various things that were cut from the final release and some things that were cut and put back into the game in future patches and ports of the game for example traveling vendors icons for Missions called special delivery various different silencers for weapons the ability to buy things from Street vendors the ability to collect ammo from dead bodies by just walking over them Etc the game is also extremely unstable and glitchy but you can play it no idea why this version of the game is on the disk but it is Thomas Starr in the Badlands you can find a Shard inside of a cave and The Shard isn't alone as it's surrounded by various dead wraiths upon reading The Shard you'll learn that a man named Thomas Starr killed all of them see it turns out that Thomas Starr was a militech engineer in the wraiths kidnapped him so they could force him to create missile launchers however Thomas Starr had a very different idea and secretly created an iron exoskeleton equipped with flamethrowers and with this iron exoskeleton he easily killed all of the wraiths and escaped this is a very obvious reference to Iron Man specifically the MCU version of the character as Tony Stark pretty much goes through the exact same situation even equipping his Mark 1 Iron Man armor with the same weapons Adam Smashers demon skull in cyberpunk 2077 Adam Smasher is shown to have a relatively human looking head it's robotic and all messed up but it's still like humanoid even in a lot of the source books he's shown to have a robotic humanoid face but then in Edge Runners Atom Smasher straight up has the skull of a demon now in reality it's more than likely that Adam smasher's demon skull was just an artistic Choice by Studio trigger to help convey stuff about the character basically showing that Atom Smasher is more Monster than man I don't think of the actual lore he has like a demon skull canceled Google stadia Phantom Liberty port so most people know that cyberpunk 2077 was released for the PS4 PC Xbox One PS5 and Xbox series XS however not as many people know that it was also released for the Google stadia in December of 2020. now this Google stadia version was easily the least popular of all the versions of the game but it still had a player base a very small player base but hey they existed probably and unlike the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game the stadia version was supposed to get the Phantom Liberty DLC in 2023 and it probably would have gotten that DLC if the Google stadia didn't die in January of 2023 so the stadia port of phantom Liberty which was already being worked on had to be canceled because it literally couldn't be released in fact you can't play the Google stadia ports of cyberpunk 2077 anymore it's impossible how people really become cyber psychos so there's a misconception about cyber psychos the cybernetic implants are not the cause of the condition instead it's a combination between the cybernetic implants the stress of living in a dystopian cyberpunk world the individual's ability to relate with people and whether or not they're able to balance their world of view through other methods this was revealed on Reddit by the man himself Mike pondsmith where he used David Martinez and v as examples of how people can avoid becoming cyber psychos David had a loving mother and a career path and eventually found a found family and a girlfriend that's how he was able to avoid going cyber psycho at least for the most part and as for V they had jaundi in their brain so he probably acted like a buffer for these psychological hits V takes throughout the game it also helps that V was friends with various people like Vic Jackie Pan Am Misty Kerry River Rogue Claire Etc David Bowie was going to play Johnny silverhand so this is a bit messed up it's a well-known fact that Mike pondsmith modeled Johnny silverhand off of David Bowie though there were other Inspirations like Bryan Adams but Bowie was always the main one this is really obvious if you look at silverhand's original designs from The Source books and so when the studio decided on having silver hands in the game the obvious choice to play the character was David Bowie however David Bowie passed away in 2016 but this wasn't going to stop CD project red as revealed in an interview in 2020 quote at one point we even toyed with the idea of taking and Reviving a recently deceased long-time luminary of the recording industry now some might say it was a pipe dream to assume that we could do that technologically or otherwise well I'll see you that pipe dream and Ray you another one could easily say that I was a pipe dream to assume we could successfully pitch two and ultimately enlist Keanu Reeves to play the role this most likely meant that CD projekt Red were experimenting using AI to replicate his voice or have Johnny look like David Bowie but have somebody else voicing him Coneheads so if you thought the bozos the trekkies and the Elvises were weird wait until you meet the Coneheads this was a gang in night City in the 2020s that went around with classic Sci-fi inspired weapons they also had their heads surgically and cybernetically enhanced to make them look like the Coneheads a reoccurring sketch from Saturday Night Live in the 1990s that went on to have a film that I don't think anyone is a fan of they also speak just like the characters from the sketches very robotic and that's all we know about them they uh they probably didn't last very long vampires exist in cyberpunk so vampires exist in the world of cyberpunk but they're not like the vampires of myth or film instead they're just lunatics who get cyberware implants for their mouths these implants basically give you vampire fangs though you can also get your entire mouth filled with them it's called the shark grin special and with these teeth you can go around and bite people you could also get these teeth augmented with poison injectors so you can go even further into the vampire lifestyle though I don't think there's any enhancement that lets you suck blood I should also mention this there is an alternate universe series of source books for cyberpunk 2020 called Night's Edge that is all about vampires werewolves and vampire Hunters these Source books were created by the Canadian company Jana this keep in mind though these aren't canon in the slightest cyberpunk version 3.0 cyberpunk version 3.0 is a bit of a controversial entry to the cyberpunk franchise released in 2005 3.0 was heavily criticized by fans for a fairly dramatic change in setting and tone also people weren't super into the dolls yeah instead of drawings Mike pondsmith used various images of dolls and uh look it's uh I'm trying to think of something nice to say uh um they're unique there's also some really weird lore stuff that people weren't really big on like how amusement parks had various meccas night City being made of living Gray goo Nano machines and net running creating physical objects to appear in the real world despite the release of two Source books Beyond the Edge alt cult Insider issue 1 and ganga book Mike pondsmith would announce that version 3.0 was no longer considered Canon the 2013 build of 2077. in June 2021 pre-alpha footage of cyberpunk 2077 was leaked online unlike version zero which was dated only three months before the release of the game this build of the game came from 2013 a full seven years prior the gameplay shows a male v in third person exploring an apartment he's hanging out with a woman named Sandra whose husband was recently killed he's also got a buddy named Pat who's digging around the nets for information about Sandra V could interact with a ton of different things in the apartment like a breakfast machine there's even nudity in this build to the game while this is all pretty interesting this build was most likely made for testing purposes as this looks to be extremely early on in the game's development I am not me in Rocky Ridge you can find a small shack inside of a wraith's camp by doing a Crouch jump you could enter the shack and inside you'll be met with some weird artwork there's a drawing of a child with black eyes looking almost like an early 2010s Creepypasta there's also a drawing of what looks to be a face gouged out and a scarecrow-like character with its face scribbled out almost looking like a city skyline finally there's a phrase written out on the wall I am not me it's a pretty disturbing Discovery and for a while nobody really knew why this was here it wasn't a reference to anything it had no plot relevance was it really just some weird horror Easter egg well the answer can actually be found in the mission disaster piece while you're trying to rescue Evelyn you can find similar graffiti painted on various walls this has led some people to theorize that these pieces of art are created by people who are addicted to some kind of chem or this is the beginning of somebody becoming a cyber psycho or even somebody who's witnessed way too many brain dances there's also other rooms throughout the game where you can see this message I am not me some of which you can only access if you know clip all right and that's it that's the Cyber cyberpunk uh 2077 Iceberg I hope you guys enjoyed this one uh it's a lot longer than I thought it was going to be I thought it was gonna be like uh like the the Dead Space Iceberg length but uh here we are like an hour and 40. like I said hope you enjoyed uh this is released by releasing uh right uh right before Phantom Liberty so that should be uh pretty cool you know I I'm looking forward to Phantom Liberty apparently it's gotten really good reviews uh watch them introduce some of the unused areas that I mentioned in this video in that DLC like the resorts and stuff like that my luck that's going to happen and then I'll get like a million comments about it but oh well oh well it is what it is so uh in the comments below I mean tell me who's your favorite character is uh what's your favorite entry in the iceberg uh your favorite piece of lore uh and of course if I got anything wrong uh let me know and I'll correct it in like a pinned comment uh but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it's it was a fun time uh next month will be a horror themed Iceberg uh not like cryptozoology or like aliens and stuff like that well aliens but not not the uh the one did last year like aliens UFOs a little hint there for next month but yeah after that then uh we'll see about November but December we'll definitely have an iceberg as well uh no promises in November I'm gonna hope when I'm gonna try to get one out of November as well but we'll we'll see what happens that's all I'll say uh yeah hope you guys enjoyed I said like 10 times by now but uh yep have a good one guys stay safe and have a good one we just see one first place oh you sound surprised first place it's not that I'm surprised it's just I know first place I heard you let's hold up at the Finish Line a minute just in case you got it
Channel: Pigpen
Views: 406,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phantom Liberty, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2020, Project Orion, Johnny Silverhand, Rebecca, David Martinez, Cyberpunk DLC, Cyberpunk Multiplayer, Iceberg, Iceberg meme, Pigpen, Lucy, Edgerunners, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Panam, Cyberpunk Ending, Cyberpunk 2077 Iceberg, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Star Wars, Witcher, Matrix, Cyberpunk 2.0, 2.0 Update, River Ward, Judy, Kerry, Jackie, Maine, Arasaka, Tyger Claws, Maelstrom, Falco, Cyberpunk 2077 2, Adam Smasher, Cyberpunk Iceberg
Id: lMqyfyk8lCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 46sec (6166 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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