Cyberpunk: Night City Deep Dive (History, Gangs, Neighborhoods)

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foreign [Music] the city on the Edge of Tomorrow the City of Dreams perhaps no place on Earth embodies the combination of depravity and opportunity of the dark future quite like night City born out of the societal collapse of the United States it promises a new life only to grind people down and eat them alive for everyone that lives long enough to make it there are a dozen corpses in the gutter and a hundred more poor souls barely scraping by Between the Gilded Jack boot of the corporations the violent gangs and the corrupt city officials night city has changed a lot over the years however and today we'll be taking a deep dive into the city's history taking a special look at its neighborhoods and situation across three important time periods 2020 2045 and 2077. let's start at the beginning [Music] the City of Dreams began as the dream of one man industrialist Richard Alex Knight born in Pasadena California as the second of five children to a pair of married Caltech researchers Knight showed an aptitude for engineering from a young age but ultimately shifted his major to financial investment after a venture with his college roommate turned sour he founded a development company with two partners called Halsey Faris and Knight specializing in Advanced Construction techniques for Mega projects massive office complexes airports and even small cities HFN was wildly successful night became a very wealthy man but the corporate projects began to bore him and he was disturbed by what he saw in the world in the early 1990s Richard Knight saw the world sliding toward chaos as the events of the collapse loomed in the near future violence was on the rise as advances in technology government corruption and corporate excess spiraled out of control me up so Richard Knight created a side company Knight International and started drawing up plans for a utopian project his City would be a clean safe City insulated by corporate control against the violence and social unrest sweeping the nation it would be self-sufficient and capable of holding off all the Marauders and Lawless gangs the world could throw at it it would feature diverse neighborhoods designed to promote a truly International feel around a shining Corporate Center a beacon to enlightened capitalism quite a dream huh to make his dream a reality Knight would require a truly stupendous amount of capital far beyond what he could provide himself by then the uncertain state of the world had made the island of stability he proposed a very appealing idea arasaka ebm and petrochem signed on to support his project in 1992. he had only defined a location he sent Scouts to the east and west coasts of the states but an article about a small town in California caught his eye the town of Moro Bay which is a real town in California by the way had experienced a horrific tragedy in the early stages of the collapse a Turf War had erupted between law enforcement of the nearby city of San Luis Obispo and Hell's Angels Legacy booster gangs the fight spilled into Morro Bay with the boosters taking over the city in a five-day rampage that resulted in many of its ten thousand residents dead maimed or fled the Morro Bay Massacre as it is remembered left the whole area as a ghost town nobody wanted to go back to for Knight and the megacores this tragedy represented a fantastic opportunity its location between San Francisco and Los Angeles on the California coast made it a prime spot rochem had actually already purchased a power plant in town much of the surrounding land and was planning to build an offshore port in oil terminal site Knight purchased the ghost town and a leveraged 132 million dollar purchase acquired the rest of the surrounding area bankrolled by The Firm Merrell asukaga and Finch who hoped to turn the new city into a financial Hub Knight and petrochem hired arisakra security to clear out the booster gangs and make the area safe for construction the site was renamed Del Coronado Bay to distance it from association with the Morro Bay Massacre and work on the Coronado city project began though even at this early Point thanks to Richard Knight's outsized personality locals were colloquially calling it night City by 1993 the Coronado city project needed more space than the terrain had available so the surrounding Hills were leveled and the material used as filled to create more land out of the Bay the harbor was redreged to make it usable for large ships and the dredge material was further used as fill ultimately they completely changed the coastline Coronado city was officially Incorporated in 1994. its motto was the city on the edge of tomorrow [Music] construction truly began in 1994 and Richard Knight had big plans he had a notion of Coronado city as a collection of planned themed neighborhoods with distinct architectural Styles essentially this is City Planning via Disneyland the idea was to attract a vibrant and diverse population upper east side and Little Italy would be a faux East Coast style neighborhood borrowing from Boston New York and Philadelphia Studio City and Charter Hill would borrow West Coast styles from the likes of San Francisco and Seattle the Asian districts Japantown East Park and Little China would similarly be individually themed on distinctive styles from the Far East Lake Park West Hill Gardens and the University District would mostly feature comfortable Urban Living Spaces ranging from faux Brownstones to Victorian style houses interspersed with shops and restaurants within easy walking distance new Harbor and the East Marina was planned to be a world-class mall with a deep port to facilitate the Yachts cruise ships and other recreational vehicles night envisioned filling his City's Harbor the main industrial ports would be just the North in the North Oak suburb and down in the South night City suburb Knight would also pay homage to the Old Town of Moro Bay by reproducing its layout in the old downtown district the glittering Jewel of the city would of course be the city center and the Corporate Center the former being the Nexus of the city government and the latter being home to towering corporate citadels of the true powers of the city it is here that night exercised his personal architectural skill in designing the skyscrapers at the city's heart moving outside of the carefully planned Center it gets a bit less glamorous South night City would be the city's main port and a large suburb it's also where that oil terminal petrochem was looking to build would ultimately be constructed an International Airport would also be built there construction proceeded even as the American economy nearly disintegrated and a widespread societal collapse occurred over the next few years much as Knight had anticipated but Knight started to gather enemies from the beginning major West Coast Construction firms and unions had taken an interest in the project as a source of lucrative contracts at the time many of those interests were under the thumb of the mob organized criminal organizations including the mafia Triads bratva and Yakuza they controlled the construction unions the transport unions and even government agencies responsible for construction licensing environmental impact and others even Knight's old Associates now called Halsey Ferris and skiv had accepted mob money after encountering their own financial troubles the mob invested heavily in the project through shell corporations banking on fantastic returns from construction contracts while getting a foot in the door for future gambling prostitution and Drug peddling opportunities the problem was that Knight's Ambitions required the use of his own Advanced Construction techniques and materials which excluded a good portion of the more conventional established firms and unions his further insistence however unrealistic that his City would be safe and free of crime also rub them wrong way for the first four years of construction Knight received daily death threats he ignored them until they escalated to sabotage and intimidation then he had his corporate allies address them they did but the mob never stopped and eventually he defied them one too many times on September 20th 1998 Richard Knight was shot and killed in his penthouse suite the perpetrator was never caught in the wake of his death the newly appointed city council renamed Coronado city after him from then on it would be known as night City a year later Richard's wife Miriam Knight restructured Knight International into the Knight Foundation dedicated to realizing her husband's vision for the city that Vision was in more danger now than ever before foreign for the next seven years a power struggle raised between organized crime and the corporations the corporations controlled the Civic government and Corporate Center while the mob gained control of almost all service-related businesses forced to bow to both mob and corporate interests the city police department became wholly ineffective around this time booster gang sponsored by various mob and corporate factions started establishing themselves in the suburbs of old Morro Bay the one part of the city never developed in Richard Knight's urban planning this quickly became a combat zone a term for a portion of the city that had become so Lawless and dangerous it had been effectively abandoned by the city government sadly night city was not unique in this development as the world was rocked by the collapse I have a brief digression to explain what's going on in the rest of the country in this alternate timeline the late 1990s saw a period of immense societal collapse brought about after a cataclysmic economic downturn many small cities and towns were totally ruined and abandoned many of their residents taken to the road and adopting a nomadic lifestyle forming large roaming Clans the ranks of the impoverished swelled and martial law was declared after government infighting led to the assassination of the president elections would be suspended for years several States would declare themselves to be free states in the early 2000s that is to say states that were technically still part of the United States but allowed almost complete autonomy including optional compliance with federal laws the federal government would get better control over the East Coast but its reach weakened the further one went West this General State of chaos and recent State separation likely contributed to nobody outside the local area caring that the night city project had largely descended into Anarchy by 2005 the mob had emerged on top and become the dominant force on the streets of night City when it came down to it the corporations were simply uninterested in the business of running a city and the municipal government was too weak to do anything without their backing the corporations established secure neighborhoods in the outlying beavervilles or middle to upper class suburbs and the inner city descended into an anarchic hellscape the following four years were the worst in the city's history to that point the city government was filled with mob puppets and even the corporations found themselves losing influence while the mob bosses might have been good at organizing crime they were distinctly less talented at running a city the streets deteriorated into a war zone they were flooded with crime prostitution drugs and random violence reigned as the mob invited in the worst scum to emerge from the collapse the mob factions ruled with an iron fist killing anyone that opposed them they finally got what they had wanted out of night and brought allies in on lucrative building contracts in exchange for a cut criminal Enterprise flourished and gang activity spiked like never before or since it was during this period that night City experienced more murders annually than most cities did in 10 years the unsolved murders documented by the ncpd numbered in the thousands by 2009 night City already had a reputation as one of the worst hell holes one could find themselves in but that's also around the time the corporations finally decided they'd had enough from 2009 to 2011 a period called the mob War raged in night city as corporate forces waged war with the mob make no mistake the corporations were treating the mob like any rival Corporation the goals of the mob did not align with the corporate Vision so they would deal with them Anarchy and Chaos like this simply wasn't good for business since the mob didn't operate by the corporate rule set they would deal with them directly and forcefully mob forces were hit by a wave of bombings assassinations and pitched battles in the streets arasaka trained paramilitary units spearheaded the effort with full-blown assault vehicles and air support the disorganized mob thugs were unprepared to take on this kind of militarized assault by the end the mob's power base in night City was destroyed the corporations placed a puppet mayor in power and the newly elected city council fearful of night City's descent into Anarchy deputized corporate troops with full Authority within city limits the corporate and government centers were cleaned out of crime the same was attempted in other neighborhoods with varying levels of success much of the city became at least marginally livable again Draconian corporate policies made some problems worse however notably they charged residents with paying for the renovation of their own Living Spaces those who could not pay were evicted this ultimately resulted in the homeless population swelling by hundreds so that corporate security could be housed in upgraded affordable housing this only worsened the now chronic homelessness problem this situation did improve as the streets became safer and fewer forces were stationed in the city foreign note on events outside the city at this time after a brief Interstate war in 2011 the state of California was split in two in 2012. largely owing to Northern regions not wanting to be politically dominated by the sprawling growth of the Los Angeles Metroplex a new line was drawn on a map and night city became a border City night City California became night City Northern California the new state would be officially recognized by the U.S government in 2016. by 2013 the worst of the rampant violence and crime that had plagued the city during the years of mob rule had been crushed by the megacorps basic city services like the police fire departments and such were re-established and at least somewhat effective while a lot of people were less than happy with the corporate grip on the city government most would admit the city was a lot safer than it was during the mob years crime was still Rife but the city was stable enough to begin experiencing significant economic growth at least in the city center notably 2013 would see a particular incident where alt Cunningham a skilled programmer and Netrunner was kidnapped by the arasaka corporation to acquire a program called Soul killer her boyfriend rocker boy Johnny silverhand would stage an unsuccessful rescue attempt including inciting a riot only to find her apparently lifeless body the arasaka building suffered significant damage in this incident and was ultimately replaced by a massive new skyscraper to serve as the headquarters of arasaka's American Division it was one among many violent incidents in the city's history but one that would have significance later Miriam Knight remember Richard Knight's Widow took a lesson from the mob War at this time to wield any power in this city you had to play by the rules of big business she reorganized the Knight Foundation into Nightcore which would become the single largest contractor for public procurement and infrastructure in the city the city would enjoy a degree of stability for the rest of the decade despite a significant cyborg gang conflict in 2014 economic prosperity and stability would bring in more businesses and investment all in all it wasn't the worst place in the United States anymore with how much the general societal collapse of the late 90s had devastated the rest of the country nonetheless it was far from the safest people in night City commonly carry guns and most travel advisors recommend body armor for visitors residents hope the worst years of the city are behind them but the scars of the collapse and the mob years remind them that history could repeat itself at any time [Music] now we'll be diving deep into the night city of 2020. most of this information is coming from the night City Source book released for the cyberpunk 2020 tabletop game in 1991. to give you an idea of how these sections are going to work I will briefly go over the city government and services then take a stab at describing the various districts before finally exploring the notable gangs investing the city streets to reiterate what I said 2020 is a period of prosperity in night City crime and violence aren't exactly rare but it's as peaceful and prosperous as the city's been since Richard Knight's death save for a few areas the Corporate Plaza is clean and beautiful the police have a strong enough presence to keep the downtown area safe during the daylight hours the man running the show these days nominally at least is the mayor Judson Freeman he was groomed to be a well-behaved corporate puppet and was exactly that during his first term from 2012 to 2016. since re-election however he's become rather more independent-minded he's actually become rather unpopular lately because he's decided to assert his independence by vetoing everything that crosses his desk and making himself unavailable he spends as much time out of his office as possible and keeps the door locked when he is in he also became very involved in the burgeoning pan neo-african political party thus leading him to legally change his name to mabole abunike so the man that actually comes closest to running the city government is the assistant mayor Garvin hackinson he actively plays Machiavellian politics eyeing the mayor's seat as the next step for his political career all the special interest groups corporations and even organized crime keep him as a contact a configuration that he is somehow Savvy enough to juggle safely given mayor ebunike's attitude hackinson is the one approached when someone wants a favor making him a de facto power broker he's done favors for a lot of people so a lot of people owe him favors the mayor of night city is theoretically elected by popular vote but it is commonly accepted that night City's voter registration software is so badly compromised by corporate netrunners that a true election is all but impossible the city council barely has a pretense of being democratically elected as the 10 largest corporations in the city each select a board member for City Council I can't possibly cover every notable personality in this city so let's go over how people get around this place mostly because I think it helps a bit to understand what the experience of this city is like night City's outer suburbs and inner city are connected by an extensive maglev subway system which is run by the public corporation night City Area Rapid Transit or encart the greater night City area is also served by a fleet of buses run by the night City Transit Corporation night city buses are heavily armored and equipped with a driver-operated anti-personnel fragmentation belt on the suspension line cabins are equipped with sleep gas sprayers in case passengers get too unruly there are more on-call options as night city has several taxi companies the largest Red Cab which was founded by an ex-soviet Soldier maintains a fleet of red painted armored cars and a few AVS its biggest competitor is aerocab whose vehicles are mostly AVS with only some ground cars for cases when aerial Landings are too dangerous many buildings in the city have landing pads so this is actually a fairly common means of getting around if you're willing to pay a little more lastly there's combat cab they don't have the largest Fleet but with heavily armored cabs and employing some of the best battle drivers in the business there's no contest on which drivers you want to extract you from a war zone that's why they're the only cabs willing to operate in the combat zone apart from their normal well-equipped Vehicles they also have six quote special cabs which are actually tanks purchased at Government auction with a colorful staff of cyborg War veterans recovered cyber psychosis cases and expatriate corporates combat cab has a way of capturing people's imaginations even inspired a book turned movie turned three season TV show as of 2020 following the exploits of a fictional combat cab driver now that's all in the city night city is connected to the rest of the country via the interstate highway system and its large ports of course only the nomads are usually willing to risk traveling through the Badlands surrounding the city in well-protected convoys however the Badlands are notoriously filled with go gangers biker gangs that rejected Society for the open road during the collapse the night City Metropolitan Airport provides International and domestic flights most notably night city is the Western Terminus of Lee transcontinental maglev tunnel the early development of this tunnel was actually part of the reason Richard Knight was interested in the location in the first place through this maglev line night city is connected to Kansas City St Louis Atlanta and finally Washington DC as for the rest of the city services of note there are a number of public and private hospitals in addition to various clinics ambulance services are contracted out to trauma team International and REO meat wagon trauma team offers more premium services and is most well known for how well-armed their response teams are while meat wagon is somewhat intimacy for ambushing their arrivals mid-call in order to steal away their clients living or dead they also handle corpses dealing in Oregon and cyberware harvesting as a side business as for Information Services City street corners are dotted with data terms computer terminals that provide public information and communication features they also provide net access points I'll remind you here that this setting was created in the late 1980s and early 1990s though cell phones exist the setting did not quite anticipate the ubiquity and extent of smartphone technology so generally people aren't carrying around personal devices that let them casually browse the net the night City Police Department ncpd is broadly similar to other major American metropolitan police departments there's a Patrol Division and investigation division with more specialized subdivisions there's also a net security division that works on net crimes so unlike some police departments they aren't entirely reliant on net watch for digital security and Investigative Services I'm sure that isn't what you're waiting to hear about though ncpd has SWAT teams and a riot team but in a world where violent combat-equipped cyborgs are present danger many police departments have a need for a specialized Force they have different names in different places officially night cities is called the cyborg suppression unit but it's better known as maxtac maxtac officers are all highly capable and commonly though not mandatorily cybernetically enhanced sometimes they get called in for situations that are just too much for normal SWAT to handle but their specialized task is neutralizing cyber psychos people that have gotten heavily enhanced with cybernetics and suffered a psychotic break due to the strain for various reasons the current leader of Max Tac is a man named Aries he was once a solo a street mercenary of sorts until 2010 when he suffered a cyber psychosis episode that led to a well-publicized week of Terror 30 police officers and civilians were killed in the firefight that led to his capture after much personality reconditioning and against significant public outcry Aries was selected to lead maxtac his daring tactics have earned him notoriety and made him a frequent feature in local news stories in general ncpd officers are very well trained and equipped militech being their Main Equipment provider but they are undermanned they don't have the numbers to control the streets in many areas or keep up with all the crime that gets reported now let's go over the neighborhoods of the Central City what has become of the Disneyland zones of Richard Knight's original plans it would be tedious to list off every shop Gym Bar and Club in these neighborhoods there's an entire Source book dedicated to fleshing out this city in 2020 you may remember so I'll only be mentioning the particularly interesting ones Little Italy is one of those areas made up to look and feel like an old east coast city neighborhood with many small storefronts and back room Vice dens this is where the mob still maintains some power base quietly attempting to claw back some power without attracting the attention of the corporations they also started recruiting outside their traditional Italian or Sicilian ethnic base in order to recover their numbers the man to know in this part of town is a fixer-turned mob manager named Bruce skiv also known simply as the boss notably he is presumably now involved in Richard Knight's old company since instead of Halsey Ferris and Knight it is now called Halsey Ferris and skiv just to the east is Northside an impoverished area home to many gang turf wars notably it is home to the Holy Angels Church a Roman Catholic parish the most notable priest is Father Kevin an Irish former mercenary who turned to the church late in life having grown sick of wanton destruction and violence Holy Angels is home to a soup kitchen and homeless shelter the windows of the church are all barred all the doors have steel cores with reinforced hinges the exterior is covered with infrared and movement sensors and the church staff are armed with tasers they take the safety of the parish very seriously father Kevin has been known to go out to try and creatively convince wealthy families and corporations to donate to the church he also has an exceptional record of mediating disputes for gang and corporate problems for anyone that will ask next is the city center where you will find city hall the city court the night City Museum and the Municipal Library as you might imagine this is one of the safer areas of the city with a heavy police presence though it still plays host to several significant gangs this is the center of the city's bureaucracy but much of the surrounding area still Bears the marks of neglect from the years of mob control at the top of one dilapidated Tower turned cheap hotel is a particularly Infamous club called Totten Tans very popular with certain booster gangs ncpd lets it stay open despite its proximity to City Hall for two reasons first they consider the number of gangers that get killed there to be a net positive and second they don't want to handle the anger of the destructled gangs if it closes the Upper East Side was once a very safe neighborhood where workers in the Central City lived when those workers moved out to the Suburban beaverville's new businesses catering to booster gang tastes moved in all sorts of clubs and entertainments can be found here though there are still a few Corporate Offices before they knew it the corporations and government were horrified to find the neighborhood next door had become filled with gang Hangouts this is the source of some tension as you might imagine entering into a seedier area the upper Marina was once a place for luxury yacht and a sizable fishing fleets in the early 2000s it has transformed into a somewhat dilapidated industrial area where the rents are cheap and most people only pass through to take the ferry to the suburb of Westbrook across Del Coronado Bay there is still a yacht club there used by some corpos and wannabes though the docks of the area are only in a marginally usable state notably this district is also home to the harbor Master's office Harbormaster Mahan Jones has effectively turned the Harper Authority into a separate government with its own security Force the antipathy between him and City Hall is legendary as Jones views the Civil bureaucracy as irredeemably corrupted by corporations and the mob he tolerates zero corruption in his own organization and the Harbor Police are famously impossible to bribe their Authority also extends to the east Marina once home to most of the city's Commerce and shipping since most of that activity moved South to the actual Bay of Morro Bay the area has become a hub for Smugglers it is also used as a base by Pirates small groups of nautical Nomads that head out to harass the sea Lanes in heavily armed high-power speed boats supposedly one can find anything they might be looking for here if they pay the right price to the right person oh and there's a Chinese toy Importer on a pier that operates as a front for the Chinese intelligence service so a lot of Espionage goes on in that area as well moving to the nicer side of town back south of Little Italy and just outside the Corporate Center West Hill is the place you go to for expensive shopping and entertainment you'll find an underground shopping mall a Spa Garden sprawled out under executive Apartments a convention center and the night City University Fine Arts campus that in addition to various Galleries and museums makes this arguably the city's High Culture Center closer to the university to the South you'll find a somewhat less upscale area catering to University students artists and small businesses warehouses in this area are often used as art studios and galleries Now we move on to The Shining Center of true power in night City the Corporate Center this carefully arranged collection of landscaped plazas and sculpted architecture some of which Bears the Personal Touch of Richard Knight is the true locus of power in night City some of the towers contain offices for various small businesses residential complexes and even consulates for foreign powers but the skyscrapers of the Corporate Plaza contain the offices of night City's most powerful corporations the likes of petrochem orbital air Microtech Euro Business Machines and of course the American headquarters of the arasaka corporation [Music] almost an extension of the Corporate Center the banking block hosts the headquarters of various major Banks several more consulates and businesses and a small militech office pretty much directly in the shadow of arasaka Tower on the other side of the area you'll find the city Technical College and a research hospital there is also a federal building constructed before California became a free state in the early 2000s it doesn't see much use these days and effectively acts as a consulate or Embassy for the federal government nearby a section of town called The Med Center hosts the city's largest concentration of medical facilities in addition to the corporate headquarters of trauma team it also contains the municipal Criminal Justice complex the Beating Heart Of Night City's justice system and otherwise it has many hotels for business Travelers notably one of the bars in the area is a converted Mortuary called the afterlife known primarily as a hangout for solos augmented mercenaries for hire modeled by night after the original Township upon which night city was built old downtown has degenerated into a borderline slum in the shadow of a few corporate skyscrapers and the stadium nearby shootings are common though the degradation has been less extreme around the night City Medical Center the most modern hospital on the West Coast there is much fear of the Decay spilling over into the neighboring Med Center area so they invest heavily in security old downtown is said to get particularly dangerous when the night City football team plays a home game the McCartney stadium is one of two massive complexes dominating the new Harbor District the stadium is actually equipped for football basketball and something called combat soccer separated from the stadium by a canal is the new Harbor Mall Plex the mall complex is massive featuring not just shops but residential and office complexes for the employees it even has its own police and fire department making it something of a mini arcology security is surprisingly tight and well equipped jumping back over to the other side of town night City University was intended to be the academic center of knights of model City placed just across Lake Park to balance the Corporate Center that part of his plan at least has mostly played out in part because of the black armored well-equipped campus security nicknamed The Mad Maxes by students the area is largely free of violent gang problems thanks to them night City University has 15 000 students and is best known for its high quality engineering curriculum in the area you'll also find various bars small businesses and housing catering to students Lake Park is perhaps the only place in the city to find anything approaching nature the park was officially dedicated to Richard Knight's memory after his death and a Bandstand bearing his name on a bronze plaque was built the park is a relatively safe place to bring your kids during the day but at night it's known to become exceptionally dangerous as the gangs and other deviants move in on the east side of the park near Japan Town there is a garden that is a favorite spot for the young lovers of night City kept safe thanks to the patrols of a local Guardian gang called the golden eagles moving East from the park you hit the Asian districts of Japantown and Little China Japan town is known as an Entertainment District featuring Kabuki troops and other venues as well as being the center of the Japanese community in night city as you might imagine arasaka is pretty well established in the area and several businesses have arasaka Security Contracts the Yakuza also have a strong presence led by an aging man named hichiko kanzaki who positions himself as both an underworld power player and a pillar of the community protecting Japan Town he takes both roles very seriously the Chinese District of night City very clearly lacks the clout of the Japanese many small stores and shops of the area have been marked for demolition as developers encroach from the north fearful of being pushed into the combat zone immediately to the South locals responded by making the place decidedly unsafe for developers to enter local street thugs sabotage equipment and terrorized workers recent investment from Southeast Asia has made it possible for locals to keep control of the area however almost all of the local booster gangs are on the payroll of a businessman named David Ling Poe a Hong Kong immigrant on the surface he's a pillar of the community but he's actually the head of the Wang Fang Tong the largest and most powerful Chinese criminal organization in the Western United States they control most of the gambling prostitution and Loan sharking in most of night City the lawlessness of the area makes it a bit ironic that the most notable building in the district is the night City Police Department headquarters this maximum security facility was built when it was realized that the municipal Criminal Justice complex over in the med center just wasn't equipped for the sheer number of police operations needed to manage the combat zone or to contain a rampaging cyber psycho this area also contains Club Atlantis a favorite hangout for various fixers solos and netrunners night city has its own slice of the movie making business or at least it did The Studio City area was host to Colonial Studios an old school movie studio that has resisted corporate efforts to buy up and develop the area it had some success in the years after the collapse but recent Decline and a suspicious fire forced the owners to sell the facilities though the studio is maintaining ownership of the land outside the studio lots you'll find mallorian Firearms Incorporated a custom firearm company distinctive firearms for distinctive people is their motto and they've created customized weapons for such famous names as Morgan Blackhand and Johnny silverhand there's also a religious community in a nearby shopping center a number of religious communities have created an odd co-op in the place they banded together to form the United non-denominational church of gods essentially banding together for protection each of the religious communities leased and renovated one of the stores in a shopping center and converted it into a place of worship over 40 religions can be found here in addition to a soup kitchen for the homeless between Studio City and the murky Waters of Del Coronado Bay you'll find Charter Hill once a residential area that was particularly hard hit during the mob wars even after the corporate takeover it has remained underdeveloped The Gangs of night City consider it a No Man's Land which has led to its use as a neutral meeting point their favorite location for this is an establishment called the Hacienda it's night City's only true hotel casino and its high-end luxury all the way up it's a world famous establishment only the richest people can afford to stay at and its small army of security is on par with some of the best corporate security one could buy that might be why some gangs use it as a meeting place so nobody is tempted to try anything violent at last we come to the infamous combat zone south of central night city is a burned out sprawl of residential tenements abandoned factories boarded up offices and trashed shopping malls it has a veneer of calm during the day but at night the city's most vicious residents come out to prowl the combat zone is a playground for the most violent gangs in night City cyberpunks and assorted deviants ntpd isn't even willing to go into the area and entire corporate security teams have been known to disappear in the zone trauma team is the only professional Force willing to attempt extraction and only with their best Firepower there is some sort of hierarchy within the combat gangs of the area and a group called The Blood razors is currently on top though getting accurate information about the zone is difficult the city data terminals don't even have maps of the area sadly the combat zone is not a unique night City phenomenon every American city in this age has one what worries the leaders of night city is that the Zone seems to be expanding with the degradation consuming more residential blocks each year there have been talks of building a wall around the area as was done in Detroit in the late 1990s but nobody has taken the initiative yet all right those are the colorful areas of central night City but we aren't quite done no major metropolitan area is complete without a suburban sprawl and night city has six outlying areas of note starting with a South night City home to the last oil refinery terminals in the area this area is basically one big industrialized port with many miles of cheaply built housing built during the mob years it's an extremely dangerous area where many gangs roam at night and any locals you meet may just shoot first assuming you're part of those gangs the port areas generally have very tight security however those famously Incorruptible Harbor Police take their job seriously up in the Northern Hills overlooking night city is a suburb that could best be described as a fortress thanks to an arasaka security contract including several surface-to-air missile installations to keep out unwanted air traffic all residents have special biometrically encoded ID cards they need to enter any location and get through security checkpoints upper echelon employees and Executives from almost every corporation in night City are represented here it is incredibly expensive as you might imagine but many consider the security to be worth the price which is why some corporations stash valuable at-risk employees there only one extraction attempt has ever occurred in Westbrook and it ended with three destroyed AVS and 24 dead militech soldiers supposedly that was the start of the particularly vicious rivalry between the night City branches of militech and arasaka down to the south of night city across Morro Bay you'll find Pacifica home to Playland by the Sea a large amusement park Pacifica is a popular tourist destination filled with attractive beachfronts and a massive arcology complex built by Foreign investors it's a pretty safe and secure District protected by a militech security contract if nowhere near as Draconian is Westbrook there's also a strange little residential Community called the West Wind Estates about two miles Inland that's known for its liberal enlightened environment local art festivals bookstores and community events however the leaders of this community imagine it as a Haven of liberalism in a world of fascists and have become increasingly paranoid about maintaining it to the point of dogmatism they're known to send quote social counselors to police people that Express the wrong ideas visitors are advised not to eat red meat or make any smart comments about Marxist political Theory back to the north North Oak is technically a separate smaller City built around a U.S military base the base was built there as part of the agreement between California and the federal government allowing California to become a free state most of the residents are tied to the base in some way and all the businesses cater to the military North Oak is essentially a federally owned City whose mayor is the base commander the streets are patrolled by military police and all crimes are prosecuted in a military Court that firing squads are on the table is probably part of why crime is so low the harbor is home to several large Navy vessels including a carrier the John F Kennedy then we have the ultimate Suburban beaverville Rancho Coronado this area is almost entirely tracked housing interspersed with mini malls near identical three-bedroom houses as far as the eyes can see there are subdivisions where employees from all sorts of Corporations live the tenacious Security Forces not to mention the 12-foot concrete barrier with electrified barbed wire atop that encircles most of the area makes Rancho Coronado a very safe place to raise a family lastly we have Haywood also called the Haywood industrial Zone an area with a little bit of housing a light shopping area but mostly dominated by sprawling factories these include an arasaka arms assembly plant an ebm computer Mainframe assembly facility and a biotechnica cloning research lab perhaps the most interesting may be the 200 acre militech armored assault Group Training and live fire range used to test AVS in ground assault vehicles it even has a small fake town in the center for practicing Urban Assault tactics okay now that I've been rambling on about the city for quite a while you've probably heard me say the word gang almost two dozen times so let's take a look at who some of these gangs are there are dozens of gangs inhabiting night City at this time so these are just the notable ones we'll start with a pretty small time gang the black queens are considered so inoffensive by the ncpd and other gangs that they are basically ignored their idea of a major crime is selling cheap drugs to a local businessman or having one of the lower ranked members turn tricks for a bit they're a small gang that hangs out at a bar called the hole in the city center scattered as they are across the immediate area they can be surprisingly good sources of information about what's going on which both corporate police and the ncpd have taken advantage of in the past they're squarely in the territory of another gang the sacred blades I'll get to them in a minute but they don't consider the black queens to be worthy of notice moving on to the east Marina we have the Wild Things there are dozens of junky gangs on the streets of night City doing all sorts of crime to get their next fix what makes the Wild Things distinctive is that they're survivors even their new members have been on the street for at least a year they've been around a long time and they've claimed East Marina as their exclusive territory the wild things might not be the deadliest gang in night City but they are a bunch of cynical predatory drug addicts looking for their next fix you don't want to cross these nasty pieces of work if you can avoid it a gang of an entirely different stripe the brainiacs are a thinking man's criminal gang in fact they make prospective members take an IQ test before joining up while combat gangs are looking for strength enhancing and weapon implants the brainiacs go in exclusively for mental enhancements they live for knowledge and will supposedly take skill chips as payment if you have one they haven't seen before the higher ranking members are said to be basically walking computers the brainiacs are well hated by the rest of night City's booster gangs who kill them on site but they've so far survived they aren't a very violent gang but they can come up with some quite deadly schemes they once eliminated an entire chapter of the blood razors by arranging for them to cross paths within arasaka security division some corporations are impressed enough with them that highly ranked brainiacs have been known to hire themselves out to them for extra income the gang is based in a few blocks just north of the Corporate Center slaughterhouse is the nastiest of the gangs inhabiting the North Side District they specialize in any cyberware that involves attaching long blades to one's body most of the hardcore members are skirting the line with cyberpsychosis and they've been known to go on indiscriminate Rampages other gangs in the area know to steer clear of them as they have a reputation of resorting to murder at the drop of a hat they've recently been at war with the sacred blades for a group that's a bit more sympathetic the back alley Brawlers are a full-on vigilante gang several years ago slaughterhouse went on a killing spree in a subway station killing over two dozen people before ntpd showed up from this tragedy the Brawlers were born on the North side patrolling the streets in their signature black Berets their good-hearted Street Tufts occasionally helped out by a retired solo a well-armed local businessman or local juvenile gangs they fight fire with fire and most of the local gangs keep their distance hoping someone else will take them out they may be a force for good but there are rumors of them running a protection racket so they may not be entirely benevolent and now for something a little silly we have a gang of wannabe musicians defined prominently by their total lack of talent the DJs are mostly a bunch of kids engaged in Petty crimes like small-time larceny ticket scalping and selling bootleg memorabilia they spend a lot on expensive Hardware desperately hoping to be noticed by real rocker boys they got some of the female members into a party with Johnny silverhand once and that's as much as they've ever accomplished in that regard they do know where all the best musical acts in night City are though they're based out of a liquor store basement in the Upper East Side now for one you've probably heard of since it's one of the most infamous booster gangs in night City history maelstrom Maelstrom was born out of the violent gang conflicts in night City in particular thanks to a cult gang called the inquisitors I'll talk about them in a little bit but what you need to know here is that the inquisitor's abhor cybernetic augmentation and actively seek to destroy the booster gangs that use such implants that's what happened to a combat gang called the Metal Warriors Maelstrom formed around the remnants of the Metal Warriors drafting members of other Chrome heavy combat gangs like the red Chrome Legion and the iron sights that also had violent personal grudges against the inquisitors their new leader a man known only as Hammer was actually thrown out of the Metal Warriors for violating their combat rules Maelstrom has no combat rules anything goes an estimated 30 percent of the gang are actual cyber psychosis cases and another 35 percent are borderline so if you see a group of dirty black leather wearing folks with visible implants stalking the streets of old downtown please steer clear though they're mainly focused on Hunting the inquisitors Maelstrom has been running a protection racket in order to get more drugs and implants they've been targeting bigger and bigger businesses so tensions in the area are high now there are gangs in night City that are actually quite popular with both the public and even the ncpd in the med center there's a group called The Silver slash after a popular metal song at the time they were founded by a couple whose only son was killed in a scuffle two blocks from the Children's Hospital hoping to prevent such tragedies from happening again they founded a protection gang to keep the streets safe you'll typically find them around the transit center the Children's Hospital the convention center and a few other local night spots trying to keep people safe from the roving gangs they're heavily subsidized by local businesses who want to keep the area safe without resorting to hired goon squads or arasaka-style deadly security measures members are well organized and trained in martial arts both for non-lethal and lethal applications if necessary they get a lot of press now things get a little strange since we're going to talk about a gang of pranksters they were dubbed the Philharmonic vampires after a stunt where five members clad in tuxedos capes and vampire teeth flew up behind the night City Symphony on wires one Halloween night since then they've been known to climb corporate headquarters to put up giant signs plant Gardens and parked convertibles and commit drive-by shootings with paintball guns and shaving cream launchers nobody really knows what their goals are if they're going for a social commentary or just having a laugh though notable rocker boys corporates and fixers have been known to join in on the fun they apparently meet in service tunnels beneath Japan Town though they don't actually have a base they also have an unexplained hatred for Street mimes which puts them in conflict with the next gang on our list the Juilliard are essentially a collection of street performers that have banded together for protection as you might imagine performing on the streets is not exactly a safe thing to start with but especially in the night city of 2020. Juilliard performers travel in armed pairs for safety and will retaliate if any member is molested even by other gangs fifteen percent of each member's take goes to the group and the leaders organize a weekly sign up system of who is allowed to use what spots when senior members get to choose their spots first and new members last the Juilliard take great umbrage with non-members working in their town you play a night City street corner without their permission and you might find yourself a guitarist without fingers they can be surprisingly brutal notably they don't bother the DJs because they consider them too talentless to take seriously the Juilliard are mostly based in the area between upper class neighborhoods and the Corporate Center where they keep the foot traffic areas safe for those most able to compensate them for their acts and outside various performance Halls occasionally one of them will attract the right kind of attention and strike it big Anything Can Happen though they also tend to get harassed by the vampires and the bozos more on them in a bit one of the most notable combat gangs of the day are the sacred blades a group that Styles themselves on stereotypes about Native American cultures though they are actually a pretty multi-ethnic group The Gang basically exists so young males can show off their physical prowess they tolerate some female followers to do domestic chores but there are no female members some of them have cyber weapons and guns but they consider it dishonorable to use them outside of emergency favoring Bowie knives and machetes they engage in ritualistic scarring use of hallucinogens and Mild self-torture to endure the body to pain new members must prove themselves by publicly defeating a rival gang member with only their hands in a blade their favorite combat practice is counting coup where they coat one hand in red paint and attempt to leave a red handprint on a rival gang member or ncpd officer without getting caught while lacking any socially redeeming qualities they're mostly interested in showing off while fighting other gangs so they're generally viewed as less of a problem than other combat gangs as they are based in the city center members can frequently be found picking fights in the Toten Tans their territory overlaps with the black queens but they don't consider the Queens to be a worthy Challenge and ignore them currently the sacred blades are engaged in a war with slaughterhouse up in north side moving on to the terrifyingly bizarre the bozos were a prankster gang when they first appeared three years ago they operate in the area just north of the university and initially pulled annoying but largely harmless slapstick pranks on people while dressed as clowns what made them notable was that they wore no makeup the crazy red hair chalk white skin big red noses and all of it they had themselves surgically biosculpted to look that way their MO changed about a year ago when they got a new boss known only as the great bozo rumor has it he was an arasaka researcher that had a cyber psychosis episode and now he makes devices for the bozos now the killer clowns prey on people's worst fears they've been known to lurk in dark Apartments trap people in small spaces filled with rats and sometimes do Despicable acts as pedestrian as slashing tires and literally taking candy from children the Bozo's Antics are often random and difficult to track they avoid the police but will return the moment the police leave occasionally they will fixate on a single victim and Prey Upon them until they suffer a psychotic break even a dead Bozo isn't without one final prank as each member has a small explosive rigged to a heartbeat monitor the voodoo boys are believed to have been started by some major criminal contact from Florida or the Caribbean their main business is selling drugs to University students but that's not what they're Infamous for frankly the voodoo boys are nihilistic Psychopaths that enjoy terrorizing their Community they torture rape murder and maim without Rhyme or Reason they use ritualistic killings and leave body parts as warnings they deliberately invoke occult overtones as an intimidation tactic its members wearing bones through their noses tattoos and black feathers implanted in their scalp the gang itself is small and has done a good job keeping the police off their Trail despite being a high priority for the ncpd all meeting times and places are kept a close Secret they are known to hang out at a former biker ball called hababas where they hold Sway With threats of random violence despite their invocation of supposed quote Voodoo trappings almost all of the voodoo boys are white males the rare female members are said to be twice as vicious because they have twice as much to prove there are almost two dozen more gangs that at least have a short description in the Source book but those are the more fleshed out ones I'm going to very briefly describe a few more of the smaller gangs that are worth noting this section is already long enough you heard me mention the blood razors a few times they are the current top dogs in the combat zone being responsible for about 40 murders a week in addition to various robberies muggings arsons and assassinations like most booster gangs they hate the inquisitors and in this case it's very personal the inquisitors killed the younger brother of the blood razors leader known as Hackman he's put a 25 000 price on the head of the inquisitor's leader there's also the red Chrome Legion which is a gang of militant neo-fashioned skinheads that spend their day terrorizing anyone different from themselves you also have the iron sights being heavily cybernetically enhanced the iron sights are a booster gang most infamous for their signature use of rippers blades that emerge from the fingertips as their preferred cyber weapon the iron sights hate Humanity including their own and actively seek to replace as much of themselves with machines as possible the leaders of the gang are the most augmented the gang is funded and often does jobs for arasaka I mentioned these guys in the red Chrome Legion mostly to remind you that Maelstrom recruits from these guys then of course there's the object of hate for every other gang in night City the inquisitors they believe that cybernetics are evil though some of their members do have biological enhancements and otherwise rely entirely on training nobody can find where these guys operate out of or where their leader is just that they're willing to go to war with every other gang in the city then there's a little combat gang near Japan town called The Tiger Claws they are known to occasionally act in defense of the Japanese community and are believed to receive financial backing from the arasaka corporation they mostly rely on reflex enhancements and martial arts training lastly I want to touch on a few of the poser gangs posers are a strange subculture of the dark future that generally features people attempting to impersonate celebrities or fictional characters usually by going under the knife and having themselves bio sculpted to look like them weird gangs develop particular fixations in this the Kennedys for example impersonate various members of the Kennedy family as in U.S President John F Kennedy the willow Sisterhood are a gang of Assassins that have themselves biosculpted to look like famous beautiful women from the past and present perhaps the strangest is a group called The personalities new members get biosculpted to resemble a famous person historical or current chosen at random their rank in the gang is determined by how well they adapt to their role that covers a pretty detailed snapshot of night city as of 2020 now we'll be moving forward with the timeline [Music] now that I've hopefully given you a good idea of this time period in night City we can move forward with its history to do that we need to talk about the fourth corporate War now I already have a dedicated video going over the fourth corporate war and its lead up in quite a bit of detail I'll put that in a card as I won't be repeating that level of detail here besides the early stage of the war didn't directly involve night City the gist is that it began when a German shipping and nautical technology company failed in 2021 competing American and French companies attempted to acquire it with one hiring arasaka paramilitary forces to sabotage their rival and the other hiring militech for the same reason as they attacked one another's assets autonomous weapons were released to terrorize the sea Lanes creating severe disruption to international trade bio weapons were Unleashed in several coastal cities though thankfully not night City to disrupt Supply chains all of that was bad enough but over time the focus of the fight began to shift to a confrontation between arasaka and militech both wanted to knock their longtime Rivals out of business entirely and their Grudge escalated over time from covert operations to pitch battles that left entire cities in Ruins as International companies with interests and assets all over the world they attacked each other wherever they could do damage night city was no exception the United States was militech's home turf as the military's number one weapon system provider night city was home to arasaka's American Division headquarters and militech offices various neighborhoods and businesses in the city employed arasaka or militech Security Contracts not to mention a militech training facility in the suburbs naturally it was the site of some vicious Urban fighting especially around the Corporate Center where both companies had offices even before the climax of the war large sections of the once relatively safe Central City were reduced to a war zone with tanks drones and kill squads in the streets both sides sent not only their paramilitary forces but also large numbers of recruited Edge Runners against one another large numbers of people were abandoning the city to avoid the crossfire to at least get to the relative safety of Haywood or Pacifica the city government would declare martial law under arasaka's influence though the ncpd would fare so poorly in this chaos that it basically disintegrated arasaka troops ruled the streets once again militech and many other corporations pulled out of the Central City as arasaka solidified its control even the outer areas wouldn't be completely safe as in late 2022 arasaka would launch an armored Blitzkrieg attack on militech's Haywood testing facility it ended badly for them as the arasaka tanks happened to run into a field test for a new anti-tank missile system by 2023 World governments would turn firmly against militech and arasaka European governments nationalized both companies assets within their borders after attempting a coup in Japan arasaka was rebuked by the Japanese government and many assets were nationalized within Japanese borders in the United States President Elizabeth Cress reactivated the reserve status of militech CEO Donald Lundy formerly a U.S Marine Corps General and threatened him with a court-martial militech forces started to stand down and cooperate with national governments the U.S military and militech forcibly seized arasaka facilities within their borders the fight wasn't quite over yet however arasaka's acting CEO Ki arasaka eldest son of Saburo arasaka took refuge in night City and flooded the area with arasaka troops the idea was to hold out long enough to force a settlement that could salvage some of arasaka's power and influence they had a bargaining chip namely a database of uncorrupted data their netrunners had accumulated to step back a moment a large part of this conflict had been digital with arasaka using a deadly program called Soul killer to destroy the minds of targets and create a copy of their Consciousness for interrogation militech recruited rash bartmoss probably the most brilliant and misanthropic Netrunner in the world to combat it arasaka was eventually able to track down Bart moss and drop a rock on his apartment using an orbital artillery weapon but that only created a bigger problem the data crash as it is remembered was effectively a collection of Bart Moss's best digital weapons waiting on a timer to be released into the net if he were ever to die he abused the access militech gave him to embed his work in the framework of every net connected computer used to reach cyberspace at first it only seemed like odd data Corruptions happening in random databases but it soon became clear that every net connected computer was infected data and Records stored on computers became unreliable and the net was filled with deadly attack programs that threatened any Netrunner who so much has dipped a toe in eventually netwatch was forced to deliberately sabotage and crash the protocols most computers use to access the net though some servers still remain this meant that arasaka's bargaining chip vast trobes of uncorrupted data held on an isolated server was very valuable and would give them a huge advantage in rebuilding after the war furthermore rumors spread that they were threatening to unleash Soul killer on the residents of night City and Mass president Cress was not interested in negotiating the only thing that kept her from charging in immediately was that night City being part of the free state of Northern California was technically not fully part of the United States once they received permission from the governor U.S and militech troops Advanced on the city Fierce Street to street fighting raised entire neighborhoods but the assault was partially a distraction Morgan Blackhand a famous Edge Runner and militech's favorite Problem Solver was put in charge of covert operations against arasaka and ordered to prepare an infiltration team Strike Team Alpha consisting of a host of high-profile Edge Runners led by Johnny silverhand would enter the building from the top to Target the soul killer lab and rescue alt Cunningham the creator of Soul killer and Johnny's old girlfriend who had been digitized by the weapon to continue its development this too was ultimately a distraction as the true Target was the secure database bargaining chip held in the basement that element of the team was to plant a 0.1 kiloton tactical nuke and detonated in the foundations to destroy the bargaining chip and bring down the building while doing minimal damage to the rest of the city exactly what happened during the assault is a bit unclear but the bomb detonated in the wrong place instead of detonating in the foundations the bomb exploded on the 120th floor in the soul killer lab some of the strike team was able to evacuate before this happened but neither Morgan Blackhand nor Johnny silverhand has been seen since Morgan Blackhand was last seen squaring off with Adam Smasher one of arasaka's favorite security assets on the roof of arasaka Tower the location of the blast enhanced its destructive power most of the central city was reduced to Rubble in seconds killing everyone in the immediate area instantly to make matters worse the explosions triggered a minor earthquake that destroyed much of the power water and gas infrastructure of the city and partially liquefacted much of the fill that the city had been built on leading to significant flooding as parts of the city basically sank into the ocean secondary fires triggered by the explosion both in the city and the surrounding area destroyed much of the city's housing leaving many of its remaining residents homeless particulate debris from the blast would rain down on Northern California for months and tinged the skies red giving the post-war era its colloquial name the time of the red this closing catastrophe of the fourth corporate War would be remembered as the night City Holocaust now a note on the number of casualties the cyberpunk red core rule book claims half a million people were killed in the initial blast alone however 0.1 kilotons is a very small bomb as far as nuclear bombs are concerned even with the Air Blast for perspective the bombs dropped on Japan during World War II were about 18 to 19 kilotons 0.1 kilotons is not the smallest nuclear weapon ever made but it's still pretty small as I understand it that's a blockbuster rather than a city Buster in cyberpunk 2077 it said that 15 000 people died as a result of the bomb that's still horrific but a much more reasonable number for the sort of weapon we're talking about that's the number I choose to accept foreign recovery from the war would be a long road for night City thankfully the residual radiation from this sort of weapon was fairly minimal but the central city was barely habitable if at all in the early days after the blast gas pipes water mains and electrical grids were shattered the streets were filled with debris and wrecked cars even buildings that had not collapsed or been burned out were heavily damaged the outer suburbs became overcrowded refugee camps as 2 million newly homeless residents fled what was left of the Central City once middle class Suburbia became tent cities some move further east into the neighboring towns and cities that had been abandoned during the collapse 20 years earlier oddly a new sort of unity emerged among these people everyone was in survival mode but neighborhoods banded together with a sense of purpose even if it was grudgingly and there was little Trust in the aftermath of the catastrophe president Cress seized control of the narrative the public didn't know anything about the raid or that a militech strike team had brought the bomb into their City she used this knowledge as blackmail to further bring militech under her control to the public she deployed all the propaganda resources of the American government to paint a picture of arasaka as an evil foreign corporation run by a Madman they claimed that arasaka had wantonly destroyed an American city as part of an area denial strategy to keep militech from taking its American headquarters arasaka's Charters to operate in the United States were revoked and its board members were declared terrorists their assets seized or driven offshore thus Elizabeth Cress was initially very popular among the survivors of night City but that impression quickly soured when it became clear that she had no intention of helping them rebuild their City president Cress wrote night City off as unrecoverable and instead offered Sanctuary to the refugees she did this firstly because the nation's resources were already stretched thin and secondly because Cress hoped to use the refugees to pressure the free state of North California's government to come back into the fold of the federal government some may have taken Cress up on her offer but if anything it mostly inspired an attitude of stubborn Defiance in the people of night City they weren't going anywhere and they would rebuild without her help we'll step back a moment to discuss National politics president Cress declared a state of emergency during the fourth corporate war and has continued it for decades declaring in the time since that there would be no national elections until a treaty exists with the free states thus president Chris would reign as a de facto dictator for the next 50 years meanwhile several of the western free States including Northern California as well as like-minded Canadian provinces formed a mostly economic Union called the Pacifica Confederation though playing host to several U.S military bases the Confederation provides a stable alternative to the new United States government the Confederation has allowed night City to survive as a largely independent city-state serving as a free trade zone for the Confederation and a major entry point into the country for those that don't want to deal with the federal government like most World governments the Confederation has taken a stronger stance against the excesses of Mega corporations than most did in the pre-war era but this is less true in night city where the municipal government would struggle to exert authority over the city for decades back to the Reconstruction of night City initially this task was made even harder by the collapse of the net due to the data crash but in 2030 night City developed one of the first city Nets re-establishing network communications at least inside the city reconstruction was finally underway by 2035 what was left of the city government called in favors from outside resources much of the recovery was owed to the aldecaldo Nomad Clan and their allies in the stormtech corporation stormtech had been responsible for a project to restore the city of Chicago after it had to be all but abandoned during the collapse though the fourth corporate War undid most of that progress nonetheless they were well equipped for the job and had a good working relationship with the aldecaldos who would provide transportation and a labor force the first step of that process was to build temporary housing from shipping containers and later from formicrete modules brought in by rail before even that could happen they had to clear the area of rubble carting it off to a distant landfill wasn't an option so local workforces used bulldozers and jury-rigged tanks from the war to push gigatons of debris into the bay much of it ended up being used as fill and The Bays were redged for further fill so the shape of the coastline changed once again Nightcore offered generous rewards to anyone willing to help clear out the radioactive Rubble at Ground Zero both the corporation and the city government claim casualties from this operation were minimal but they've avoided giving any specific number by the 2040s the work was constant construction sites litter the inner city as old buildings were repaired and new ones spring up in particular they began construction of Mega buildings with the goal of quickly creating safe areas to house the vast homeless population still living in the tent cities in the early 2040s the truth about what happened that night 20 years earlier finally came out in a series of Expose and a book about the fourth corporate War by independent journalist Trace Santiago the big lie that arasaka was completely to blame for the night City Holocaust crumbled overnight many night City citizens turned even more firmly against militech and the US government some even began to view arasaka favorably others still blamed arasaka reasoning that their headquarters was still the reason the war came to their doorstep in the first place opinions in night City are sharply divided and the events of 2023 are still the subject of countless conspiracy theories night City itself is still a chaotic Place despite the Reconstruction certainly more so than in 2020 civil Authority is weak violent gangs infest the southern half of the city like never before the old city center is still a pile of radioactive rubble and much of the population is still crammed into the overpacked suburbs violence riots and even the occasional plague doesn't surprise anyone around here nonetheless the people have become fiercely independent in their desire to avoid being Shackled to the new United States government and see their City Rise From the Ashes foreign we'll be doing a deep dive now into the night city of the time of the red specifically the night city of 2045. most of the information from this section is coming from the cyberpunk red core rule book released in 2020. now overall night city is in a very damaged State and about half the city is either in Ruins or little more than a slum filled with temporary housing as to who's running the show these days well that's a good question the old city government was in shambles after the war and what's left has been too busy trying to put things back together to hold elections apparently so the mayor's seat is vacant the city government is now essentially a junta run by several interests and factions which are the remaining officials of the old city government The Nomad families various prominent Edge Runners and corporate interests that last includes biotechnica Continental Brands network 54 militech danger gal Rocklin augmentics solve oil trauma team ziggurat petrochem zarafa and just recently arasaka though only in secret yes arasaka may be banned from operating in the United States but shifting attitudes in night City apparently opened the door for them to start asserting power covertly in lieu of a mayor these factions instead appoint a city manager to each district or neighborhood who's charged with running basic services in that area even combat zone districts have city managers though they have no real ability to control or contest the gangs in the area the city managers form the night city council representing their districts but more importantly the factions that appointed them fights between these factions are frequent and often resolved by Street violence rather than negotiation in theory the council and city managers are responsible for zoning designation for corporations and neighborhoods Road and infrastructure taxes collected from corporations factions and neighborhoods freelance private investigator and police licensing as well as City contracts for construction and Justice Services the most powerful official in the old city government left is the former assistant mayor Garvin hackinson now councilman hackinson he is still playing politics and carefully balancing the various factions at play in night City though he doesn't have control over any of them as for City Services they exist to some degree in the rebuilt areas and some of the overpacked suburbs at least two public hospitals from before the war are still standing though prone to power Gas and Water disruptions there's also an ever-shifting number of clinics around the city that have sprung up to meet the needs of the people in this time often grown out of the covert Ripper docks of the 2020s as for transportation the night City Transit Corporation is still running bus services on most major thoroughfares the end card subway system that once connected Urban and Suburban areas is now mostly flooded with seawater plans are underway to build a new monorail system and extend it to serve the new areas of the city the Transcontinental maglev tunnel that once connected night City to the Midwest and east coast of the nation is no longer operable the only operable rail line is a newly constructed high security connection from the executive Zone to the Watson development and little Europe the businessmen have to get to work after all it isn't clear from The Source material available how many or if any of the cab companies are still around though combat cab is still apparently a popular franchise with a new show running combat cab the Next Generation the most reliable method of transportation in and out of the city is with the nomads Nomad Clan sponsor convoys up and down the coast or even out east to the edge of the new United States bristling with enough weapons and numbers to deter attackers some of these convoys May consist of hundreds of vehicles sea-based Nomads using everything from speed boats to abandoned luxury liners and huge container ships similarly provide safe passage out of night City via the sea Lanes as for air travel there isn't any at least not for the average person most regular Transit was severely disrupted during the war and the night City Metropolitan Airport never recovered I actually think its former location might be in the middle of a combat zone now the nomads actually run a lot of Arrow zaps essentially modernized cargo blimps regionally and overseas so there is that option there are also apparently an assortment of X eurospace agency and High Rider Pilots running their own suborbital scramjets these so-called Delta jocks are known to avoid legal entanglements and will move any cargo for the right price private flights and AVS are still an option for the very wealthy there are currently plans to build an orbital space plane launch site and mass driver on moral Rock just off the coast soon enough night City will have its own path to the Stars now I have to talk about the current state of the net the net as it was no longer exists netwatch is actively seeking out and destroying the remaining service connected to it and anyone that tries is risking attack by roving offensive programs capable of killing any Netrunner they meet and Rogue artificial intelligences rumor has it netwatch is working on something called the black wall to serve as a more permanent solution in the meantime what's replaced it is a series of Highly secure private networks and air-gapped systems the need to physically go to a place in order to Jack into a closed system is a common gripe among netrunners of this era the city council commissioned the ziggurat Corporation to build its city net in 2030 building off the old data term Network to provide a reliable system for transferring information and access to the data pool the data pool is essentially a city-wide public resource managed by the city council for uploading and sharing content between residents the city net doesn't allow easy contact between different cities but ziggurat has allowed cheap City to City communication via patched together phone lines free space Optics and even Nomad couriers this sort of long-distance communication generally takes the form of recorded voice video or text transmitted in hourly bursts direct real-time communication is possible through communication satellites but is much more expensive thus this is a much more locally isolated era the old data terms still exist though only about 30 percent of them are operational most are operated by ziggurat now and they still fulfill their function as public access terminals now they connect to the city data pool instead of the old net in some areas these have been vandalized or Modified by locals to require credits before use however individuals now have something like smartphones that allow them to freely access the city net and the data pool they're called agents and what makes them special is their self-adaptive AI it isn't a true artificial intelligence but it is capable of learning from the behavior of their owner and acts to help organize their life agents can be programmed with a simulated personality and even a holographic form to interact with more expensive agents have more features these machines were in development by the close of the fourth corporate war and became very popular since should say that not very much new hardware is being created at this time a lot of things were looted from corporate warehouses after the war and there are still places where you'll find pristine Goods just sitting in storage from that time these resources were put to use by those looking to rebuild the world and those looking to make a profit thanks to the data crash the corporations don't even know what they're missing as for the police well as I said the ncpd essentially fell apart during the fourth corporate War as corporate troops turned the area into a war zone it has been rebuilt somewhat though they are even more undermanned and have even less control over the streets than they did in 2020 the only areas that can count on any level of reliable police presence are the partially rebuilt or rebuilding Urban zones the executive Zone has corporate security and the suburbs often have to rely on less formal types of local law enforcement for safety the only time you're likely to see ncpd in the combat zone is when they drop in periodically and start slaughtering every gang member they see they liken these operations to pruning back overgrown weeds the sole exception to these territorial rules is Max attack once the sole surviving element of the ncpd during the war maxtech now operates as an independent organization that contracts with neighborhoods governments and even some private individuals to tackle cyber psychos hostage situations military-class weapons and similar dangers to the public the current commander of maxtac is One Max Hammerman he was a sergeant in the ncpd back in 2020 now he's the famously Incorruptible leader of One of if not the most deadly groups in the city by policy maxtac will drop in anywhere in the city in response to a cyber psycho incident or when they've been called in and then do whatever it takes to end the danger they've even been known to Gun Down Security Forces if they were too slow to put down their weapons they don't hold prisoners themselves and will tend to hand restees to whatever security force or Justice Facility operates in the local area as I said the city outside the rebuilding areas generally have to find their own policing Solutions sometimes local businesses will band together to hire a security service one of the largest such providers in this era is Lazarus security which has emerged as a major private security company following The Humbling of arasaka and militech after the war other areas might have an ad hoc police force composed of freelance Edge Runners hired to patrol and keep the peace the executive Zone uses corporate security forces as I said now let's discuss what the various districts of night City are like at this time now not only has the physical shape of the city changed many districts have been renamed or redrawn so they may not align perfectly with the old districts of 2020 these districts new and old are divided up into several groupings which is how we'll be approaching them first there's The Hot Zone ground zero for the explosion back in 2023 it comprises the old city center Corporate Center and Med Center this area is still mostly rubble and parts of it are still radioactive you'll find few people here except scavengers and Crews trying to remove the rubble save for one place somewhat miraculously on the Northern Edge Of The Hot Zone is a surviving building housing the Toton tans the bar was a Gathering Place for gangs before the war and it still is now fights are so common that it's considered a slow night if the body count is under 20. next is the rebuilding urban center areas that escaped the worst the bomb and the fighting parts of the old end cart system are still functioning in this area though It suffers from periodic flooding all areas near the ocean are prone to flooding and utilities access can be inconsistent these areas are currently filled with cranes and construction sites as old buildings are repaired and new buildings are constructed the work never stops first of the new neighborhoods is the Glen location of the new city hall and other government buildings notably ncpd precinct number one also straddles the boundary with the combat zone here given the government buildings and the fact that it is surrounded by combat zones on three sides it is likely the district most heavily defended by the ncpd this is also where you'll find Club Atlantis another venue that survived the war to the Northwest is little Europe filled with a mix of the old brick buildings of Richard Knight's Disneyland imaginings and new corporate skyscrapers once known as the last Bastion of the mob the most notable local institution in the area is the Holy Angels Church another survivor of the war Kevin is still running the place providing sanctuary and Aid to those who need it mediation for those who ask for it and a taste of his old solo skills for those who threaten his Parish you'll also find new corporate offices and a bar favored by techs and netrunners called Short Circuit up north the city of North Oak no longer exists but the NorCal military base still does demonstrating the increasingly close connection between militech and the new United States government this U.S military base is mostly staffed by militech soldiers and houses the militech offices for the area the base is well fortified and closed off from the rest of the city access to non-government Personnel is restricted where North Oak used to be you'll find the Watson development refugees flooded Old North Oak after the war and the decision was made to incorporate the area into the city proper it's in the process of being developed as a brand new District where Mega buildings and arcologies are being built to house those still homeless from the war already holding a number of corporate offices the plan is ultimately to develop Watson as a new Corporate Center of sorts additionally as the old Japan town and Little China districts are now combat zones much of the city's Asian population has migrated to a Watson neighborhood colloquially referred to as Kabuki lastly there's a notable local leader in this area a young and idealistic Community organizer named Lucius rein he's a small player now but he has an important role to play in the city's history going forward moving on to Upper Marina we have a genuinely bustling District that has actually been well maintained the area is itself a mix of somewhat gentrified neighborhoods and the old industrial spaces the old stadium is still there it also has one of the city's last proper hospitals the City Medical Center the afterlife solo bar is also still running here near the edge of The Hot Zone now having acquired a tradition of naming drinks after Legendary deceased solos on the opposite side of the hot zone is the University District home to night City's only University and it is still operating despite everything however it has essentially become a heavily secured Fortress in response to repeated attacks by booster gangs campus security is intense biotechnica has its campus on the edge of the University leaving the city proper Pacifica was not apparently seriously impacted by the war the Playland by the Sea amusement park is still operating and the beachfront property is presumably as beautiful as ever it's in a constant state of renovation and the park is protected by corporate security lastly we have not a district exactly but Moro Rock an island just off the coast being the most stable geographic feature in the area orbital air was given the rights to develop the area as an orbital space plane launch and mass driver site currently Moro Rock is one giant construction site as it is in the process of becoming a major installation for transporting people and goods across the globe and into orbit to the east of the city proper is a heavily guarded gated community carved into the open Hills reserved for high-ranking corporate Executives and their families it isn't only a residential area as the high-end luxury homes are also within convenient distance of shopping and recreational facilities this includes golf courses private spas and clubs this area is very well defended by corporate security forces and connected to the rebuilding zones via a specially built secure train line now let's look at where the greater portion of night City's population seemed to live in the time of the red after the war the old suburbs of night City namely Rancho Coronado Haywood and even the former executive zone of Westbrook were reduced to vast tent cities as residents fled the largely uninhabitable City Center the current overpacked suburbs were born out of these refugee camps quite a lot of temporary housing from converted shipping containers to prefabricated units have been erected since then but these areas are still crowded unregulated and crime-ridden the hope is to eventually alleviate these problems by moving people into the mega buildings under construction but that's still some time off Haywood is the most overpacked of these areas housing a large percentage of the City's population all on its own over time a class divide has emerged as wealthier Citizens gravitate closer to the city and the industrial Zone in the north leaving the South to poorer residents the poorer residents have begun calling the area Santo Domingo at the edge of Haywood really the edge of night City itself there is a large encampment where the aldecaldo's nomads run an expansive trade and transportation Network that's where you want to go if you want to hire a guide across the Badlands or arrange a delivery despite being essentially within Haywood the Haywood industrial zone is now considered a separate District it is the largest industrial Zone in the city filled with warehouses factories construction equipment and even some derelict cargo ships the offices of zarafa a Russian construction robotics company that Rose to prominence in the post-war era are in this area up north is new Westbrook back in 2020 Westbrook was what the executive zone is today a highly secure upscale area for the richest night City residents now it is swamped by a large homeless population both from the war as well as the recent gentrification of the rebuilding Inner City some of the old glamor remains as the expanded District also has a number of corporate campuses but much of it is still tent cities lastly there's the old beaverville of Rancho Coronado once filled with row upon row of identical middle-class houses the area has been taken over by tent cities and small industrial facilities built out of the now defunct mini malls that once dotted the area finally we come to the combat zones what city officials feared in 2020 came to pass after the war and the combat zone expanded from its former confines to consume the southern reaches of the city gangs rule these areas with violence and no law enforcement dare even attempt to police the streets say for occasionally dropping in to take shots at the gangsters before leaving no reconstruction has been attempted in these areas abandoned or burnt out buildings are common and some city blocks have been reduced to Rubble old Japan Town was largely abandoned during the war and now is almost exclusively inhabited by gangs the most notable feature of the area is the crisis Medical Center one of the only hospitals to survive the war the center is neutral ground to all gangs and factions in the area Little China was similarly abandoned by many of its former residents but small communities still continue to eke out a life defending themselves from The Gangs The Gangs of little China however are still controlled by businessmen criminal Kingpin David Ling Poe the Wang Fang Tong is still the largest Chinese criminal organization in the Western United States and after decades David Ling Poe is only more entrenched no longer having to worry about the ncpd in his district now that it's a combat zone he can probably do whatever he pleases back in the old combat zone well there's not much to say about it in terms of what's changed it's still a hell hole of violent psychos and unrestricted gang Warfare nobody controls this play save whichever booster gang manages to reach the top of the heat for a little while then there's South night City a defunct port and Industrial sprawl this was a bad area before it became a combat zone and it's only gotten worse the abandoned warehouses are regularly used as hideouts and headquarters by various gangs and criminals the Tiger Claws and the Yakuza have a presence here lastly there's the Badlands beyond the city limits the work of Nomads with reclaimed military hardware have cleared out a lot of the roving gangs many of the surrounding towns and small cities in the region that had been abandoned during the collapse of the late 1990s have been reclaimed by settlers that abandoned the city after the war or came from elsewhere the safest way to go when traveling is still with a nomad Caravan but all in all the Badlands are a lot safer than they used to be now let's talk about some of those gangs now a gangs break up or flame out all the time so many of the gangs that ran the streets in 2020 aren't around anymore the DJs scattered the brainiacs fell victim to race Bart Moss's viruses in the data crash the wild things were mostly wiped out by militech soldiers the sacred blades and the black queens would have been near ground zero for the bomb if they weren't already driven out by corporate troops still some of the old gangs have cling on through the decades one thing to remember about these gangs is that in 2045 for the most part The Gangs aren't really holding particular exclusive territory most of them have operations scattered all over the city where they can get away with it let's get to the gangs then sorry there isn't any official art of The Gangs of this time period as yet the bozos everyone's favorite biosculpted Insane Clown are one such surviving gang from the old days the killer clowns are just as crazy as ever and still inflict their sadistic brand of humor on the residents of night City such as trapping someone in An Elevator Shaft and then filling it with water for example the much more benign pranksters of the Philharmonic vampires are also still around and just as enigmatic as ever nobody knows what their goals are but they still wear tuxedos and exercise their peculiar mix of juvenile tricks and large stunts unfortunately the inquisitors are also still kicking around these cultish Fanatics still hate cyberware and will save your soul by ripping it right out of your body as then it is the same now the inquisitors are at war with every booster gang in the city everyone hates them some of the nastier combat gangs are also still around the iron sights are still a gang of borderline cyber psychos that favor rippers but they fell on hard times after the war when their Patron arasaka was forced out of the country lately however they've gotten a new mysterious benefactor the red Chrome Legion is still marching around in black uniforms and chrome spouting neo-fascist hate against anyone they think isn't right if those groups of lunatics are still around you'd better believe Maelstrom is they were founded by booster gang members with a grudge against the inquisitors and that much hasn't changed in the post-war era Maelstrom settled a feud with a smaller cyber psycho gang and adopted more meat-hating philosophies from them there's been an exponential increase in highly visible and extreme cyberware usage among the gang as you might imagine the hatred and violence between Maelstrom and the inquisitors has only escalated with time and fights between them happen more and more often the Tiger Claws have also survived the time of the red despite losing the financial support of arasaka known for fast motorbikes enhanced reflexes and martial arts the Tiger Claws these days are a fierce protection gang for night City's Asian population they also helped rebuild some sections of Japan Town then there's the voodoo boys essentially a bunch of sadistic drug dealers that adopted a cult ritual trappings to terrorize people things have been getting harder for them recently as real Haitian refugees have made their way to the city following a worsening climate situation they were offended by the voodoo boys now it's the voodoo boys that have been turning up maimed and mutilated by machetes this is a developing situation those were the old gangs now for some of the new ones Sixth Street was founded by Veterans of the fourth corporate War as they returned to their families and neighborhoods in night City they found a near Lawless wreck so these veterans banded together to form Sixth Street a vigilante protector gang that offers protection in various neighborhoods throughout the city they have a good relationship with Holy Angels Church where they are welcomed as protectors lately however they have been forced to move into smuggling and extortion to fund their activities and of course there are still poser gangs these days there's a group called The Prime Time Players they're another protection gang that biosculpt themselves to resemble old sitcom characters and TV shows from previous eras they're apparently divided into various territorial factions based on preferred shows each attempting to protect their neighborhoods it's as if TV show fandoms became street gangs it probably won't surprise you to hear that various apocalyptic Cults sprung up in this chaotic era in night City one of those is a group called The reckoners they roam the street recruiting from the homeless and mugging people for donations they preach about the upcoming Harvest of Souls and a few of them are crazy enough to try and bring that about as soon as possible with C4 these last two aren't technically street gangs as you might think of them but worth mentioning regardless the steel Vaqueros are a nomad gang out of Salinas California that runs Coastal Highway convoys from Santa Cruz to the southern cities they have Supply agreements with various reclaimer groups attempting to rebuild night City and the surrounding area they take in any Dependable person that displays enough skill to keep up lastly there are the scabbers these are not a unified group so much as a general desperate population of homeless scavengers that sift through the debris of ruined City areas in search of technology and materials to sell it's a dangerous life not just because of the constant Urban Warfare but also because they must dig deeper and deeper into dangerous Rubble as the ruins are picked clean there that's the cyberpunk red setting now we'll look to the transition from this setting to the night city of 2077. [Music] the time between the 2045 and 2077 settings is the least fleshed out in the cyberpunk timeline I can't find where I originally read this but I'm under the understanding that this was a deliberate Choice by the video game developers and the tabletop team so as to not impose major developments on what could be done in the 2045 setting so most of what I have to say in this section is from the 2077 game players of 2077 might be interested to know that V has a Canon birth year of 2049 so the 2045 version of night City might not be too far off from what a street kid or corpo V might have experienced in at least their very early life what we do know of this time is that the rebuilding process was largely successful the mega buildings relieved overpopulation in the suburbs and much of the population migrated back into the city proper the city was able to reclaim the combat zone areas for the most part and further alterations to the Region's Coastline were made districts and neighborhoods would be once again renamed and redrawn in this time as the rebuilding process proceeded the night city government recovered and was finally able to assert its role as the central Municipal Authority orbital air would finish construction of the orbital air Space Center on Moro Rock making night City an orbital transport hub none of this would abolish the city's gang problems entirely or the corruption of corporate excess that persisted to some degree even in the relatively anti-corporate post-war era nonetheless the situation of the city became much more stable of the specifics we know I can mention a few there was apparently a large immigration from Asia in the late 2040s mostly ethnic Chinese moving into the Watson development in the 2050s the last of the refugee camps and Shanty towns in Westbrook were brutally cleared out by corporate security forces under the auspices of a war on crime initiative there were also a few city-wide crises that happened in this time period namely recurring disease outbreaks in night City in 2051 a major outbreak of bird flu killed seven thousand people a second outbreak in 2059 killed ten thousand while a third in 2061 killed twelve thousand this led to the city adopting the avian extermination act in 2063 which is why you don't see many birds in 2077. in 2062 Haiti had to be abandoned entirely after a series of vicious storms a large population of refugees ended up settling in night City's Pacifica District where they were employed in the development of the area also in 2062 one of the reclaimed outlying towns Laguna Bend was forcefully evacuated so that a dam could be constructed the area was turned into a reservoir serving night City [Music] the next great crisis to threaten night City would start with a long overdue change of leadership in the new United States Government after almost half a century in power president Elizabeth Cress stepped down as president she had worked to keep militech closely tied to the federal government and as if to prove just how closely connected militech and the government had become her successor would be a former militech CEO Rosalind Myers had been militech CEO for almost a decade before she resigned and was elected president of the new United States she held much the same ideas about re-establishing Federal power over the free states as her predecessor and presented a program to accomplish just that shortly after entering office a few free States including South California agreed to her demands but most did not North California joined an alliance of free states to resist and the new United States government sent in troops to force the issue the unification War had begun the battles were famously vicious as cutting-edge Tech was deployed on the battlefield both in terms of combat vehicles and cybernetic weapons the arasaka corporation seeking to re-establish influence in North America quietly sent funding advisors and advanced weapons to the free states night City even received humanitarian aid from the Soviet Union which yes still exists in this alternate timeline albeit in a weakened State though observers claim this Aid was actually weapon shipments despite this the free states were hard-pressed by federal forces and their militech Hardware by mid-2070 all of the belligerent free states save for North California and Texas were ultimately occupied by federal and nationalized militech troops night City had avoided being directly attacked up to that point but it would only be a matter of time one particular man among the city government took action you might remember Lucius rein he was a community organizer in the Watson development back in 2045 after decades in City politics he's now a member of the city council reaching out with contacts made in those intervening years Ryan called for arasaka for protection so when a new United States Army division was cited in the outskirts of night City and arasaka super carrier arrived in Del Coronado Bay within days the federal troops chose to withdraw the new United States government feared the sort of escalation engaging arasaka directly might bring the Japanese corporation had spent decades rebuilding and improving public relations to re-establish their old influence with militech material and Men participating in the war it could easily spin out into another corporate War judging that the new United States government lacked the ability to pay the cost of such a conflict Roslyn Myers came to the negotiating table a peace treaty was signed out in Arvin South California the unification treaty also called the Arvin Accord allowed the free states to keep their autonomy as long as they made some concessions to participate in and cooperate with the federal government the government was able to claim they had taken great steps towards unification on paper while the free states retained much of their autonomy and reality the independent republic of Texas refused to sign this treaty by the way and remains belligerent in the aftermath of the war night city was rededicated night City seceded from both the free state of North California and the new United States of America becoming a sovereign International free City the ban on arasaka operating openly in the United States imposed at the close of the fourth corporate War 50 years earlier no longer applied and the city government welcomed them with open arms [Music] Freedom would come at a price corporate interests flooded into the city to take advantage of its status Chief among them arasaka arasaka quickly started buying up property and influence to establish themselves as the most powerful Corporation in the city public opinion of arasaka in night city was high at first and Lucius Ryan was elected to be the mayor Ryan and the city council gave arasaka permission to build a new American arasaka headquarters on the very site that the original had stood 50 years ago construction was quickly completed later in 2070. the new United States government would build a concrete wall in the northern border of Southern California which includes the southern Edge Of Night City's city limits attitudes towards arasaka and the mayor would sour quickly in the following years as it became clear to the people of night City just how ruthless the corporation was in securing its American foothold and just how in the pocket of the corporation the city government was to some people lucious Rhine was still the hero that saved the city from a federal occupation but to many he became viewed as one of its most corrupt politicians and that saying something for those interested in the timeline of games and media the entirety of the cyberpunk edge Runners anime takes place in 2076. the life path prologues of cyberpunk 2077 also take place in late 2076 which we know due to date references in the early game that say certain events take place in the first half of 2077 and the six-month time skip before those events after the prologues [Music] and that brings us to 2077 years into a new era of corporate domination in night City the likes of which haven't been seen in decades information for this iteration of the city comes both from the game cyberpunk 2077 and the world of cyberpunk 2077 lore book I will avoid spoilers for the game save one piece of information that's really more of a background event and not connected to the main story now there's less fine-grained information about certain things in this time compared to the incredible detail of the night City Source book or even the cyberpunk red core rule book but there is still quite a lot to talk about starting with the city government the government has regained control of the city since the time of the red but corporate influence in Government is at its highest since 2020. mayor Lucius rein was firmly in the pocket of the arasaka corporation 2077 was an election year but the process was thrown into a bit of chaos by the sudden death of Mayor rein that's the background detail I mentioned as a slight spoiler but it really isn't a spoiler for any quests unto itself Ryan's death left his Deputy Mayor a man named Weldon Holt often called Ryan's Bulldog as acting mayor Holt also chose to stand for election in reinstead as well the Challenger is night city council member Jefferson Perales once a Haywood kid from poverty that received a Nightcore scholarship to study law Perales positions himself as an anti-establishment candidate that opposes corporate control of city government he's pulled ahead of halt in the poles as the latter is generally viewed as a corporate stooge under arasaka's thumb moving on to the city itself the infrastructure has completely recovered from the war flooding and power failures aren't much of an issue as far as Transportation the old end cart system has been rebuilt as an above ground raised rail network that connects various areas of the city combat cab is still in operation and several vehicles with their logo can be seen in the game the dominant taxi service these days is delamaine however a new company that operates entirely self-driving vehicles and is managed by an artificial intelligence named delamaine the orbital air Space Center provides orbital transport for passengers and cargo there is a conventional airport called Richard Knight International mentioned in cyberpunk 2077 but it isn't clear where it is since it isn't on the map unless it's integrated with the Space Center getting to the City by land isn't the easiest thing to do especially from the south where you have to deal with the South California border patrol and a massive concrete border wall in any other direction the Badlands are still dangerous gangs and Nomad Bandits called the rafan shiv can be found squatting in abandoned towns and Facilities all throughout if you want certain safe transport you'd better get Nomad or corporate security escorts that may not be the only option in a few years though Nightcore has been investing in revitalizing the Transcontinental maglev Network that once connected the nation from coast to coast its Lane defunct since the fourth corporate War but Nightcore is currently digging new tunnels the net connectivity of the city is roughly similar to the time of the red connections are mostly local and connectivity between distant regions is very limited and presumably expensive most public networks are closely policed by netwatch the old net is now mostly sealed off by the black wall a digital construct created by netwatch to repel the dangerous AIS of the old net and prevent spillover of dangerous viruses into modern systems presumably net watch is still hunting and destroying axis nodes and servers of the old net including anyone that tries to poke holes in the black wall as for personal connectivity smartphone-like devices still exist but a lot of people seem to have communication and other functionalities directly integrated into their bodies with implants for those without either the data term access terminals positioned throughout the city provide public information Local web browsing and other functions now let's talk about the night City Police Department back in 2076 the ncpd was transferred to private ownership to make it more profitable the chief of police was replaced by a sales executive who fired half the officers reduced patrols and had the force prioritize writing tickets they even started charging citizens by the minute to make 9-1-1 calls many of the fired officers were replaced with drone Patrols naturally crime rates got worse and any profitability the organization gained was short-lived before his death mayor Ryan had been considering other police options including using corporate security services as a result of these issues the ncpd is extremely undermanned and even find themselves occasionally outgunned by criminals they straight up refused to operate in the most dangerous areas of the city notably Pacifica Santo Domingo and certain neighborhoods of Watson many of the officers themselves are highly demoralized in part by the rampant apathy and corruption in their own ranks going right up to the police commissioner of course one arm of the force that is never underarmed is maxtac once again night City's cyber psycho Squad is practically a separate organization within the ncpd and are very different from other officers these days most of them are said to be utterly obsessed with hunting cyber psychos and according to rumor the rare psycho they take alive is reconditioned to be a new member of maxtac in fact some say that every member of maxtag used to be a rampaging cyber psycho that may be an exaggeration but some of them definitely were and they have the combat cyberware to show for it maxtac is sent in whenever a cyber psycho or other sufficiently severe incident occurs the ncpd ignore any civilian casualties that occur in their operations and Internal Affairs declines to perform any investigations into them now let's get to breaking down some of these neighborhoods and look at how recent history has shaped them again districts have been renamed and rearranged a little from previous versions of the city it's a little different from the past as we're now talking about larger districts filled with smaller neighborhoods Each of which has its own little story let's start with Watson for some time it was a thriving district with corporations many of them Japanese investing heavily in its development it was supposed to be a second Corporate Center planned when the central city was still radioactive Rubble it had Corporate Offices a med center and housing to the South with an industrial area and port to the north the success of Watson evaporated when arasaka returned to the city acting on grudges from their Homeland arasaka actively worked to put rival Japanese companies and others in the area out of business as they worked to rest control of the district most notably they bought a large section of the port and built a facility of their own there many of the industrial facilities that employed Watson residents shut down now Watson is regarded as the crappy part of night City newly impoverished and filled with desperate people in the northeast of Watson you'll find the North Side industrial district the nid it's mostly abandoned these days due to earthquake damage and failed Investments the old industrial complexes are commonly used as gang hideouts the few people that live here are mostly corporate employees exiled to dead-end jobs running the area's few remaining factories the bar Toten Tans a major gang hang out in the Central City for decades has relocated to an abandoned hotel in this area to the West is what people now call the arasaka Waterfront the corporation's facilities here are an important link for their local Supply chains shipments sorted by robots and sent to other facilities it's walled off from the rest of Watson to keep the gang scavengers and anyone too nosy for their own good at Bay anyone that approaches the gate without authorization is likely to be filled with bullets you'll also find a luxurious Hotel not far away though kampeki Plaza is a global Hotel chain with close ties to arasaka who handles their security and just to the South is the remnant of Watson's corporate district and most of its residential area several Mega buildings originally constructed to house the city's massive homeless population are also in this area around the late 2040s a flood of Asian mostly Chinese immigrants moved into the area hence the neighborhood being called Little China these days it's one of the poorer parts of the city with a mix of legal and illegal businesses expensive condos left over from the area's Heyday sit right next to densely packed apartment blocks and cheap clubs and that's Watson one thing to note this is where you'll find the afterlife solo bar these days it changed venues as the old Club was down near the city center but they still found an old morgue to convert apparently there just wasn't room for an edge Runner bar in the wealthy's plans for the Central City the poorest neighborhood in Watson and possibly the whole city outside of Pacifica is Kabuki as one of the main districts of the city's Japanese population since the time of the red Kabuki benefited greatly from the investment of Japanese corporations during the Reconstruction years however that meant the neighborhood was gutted when arasaka returned and wiped out their competitors small Chinese businesses moved into the void seen in many of the area's current stylings it's also become the heart of the city's Black Market where you'll find illicit goods and cyberware of all kinds some of the latter come from brutal scavenger operations and a few of those also trade in organ harvesting the narrow streets and alleys of Kabuki are not a place to venture late at night we move Southeast to Westbrook this place has changed dramatically over the years back in the time of the red the formerly exclusive District was overrun by refugee camps that competed with the combat zones at times for crime rates and violence since then the area has been entirely reinvigorated the homeless that didn't move into the new Mega building constructions were relocated by corporate security forces now it's among the nicest places to live in the city home to corporate employee housing entertainment and the Estates of the wealthy investment from Asian corporations raised new skyscrapers and mega buildings in the western part of Westbrook now called Japantown as its residents are primarily of Japanese descent this is an Entertainment District that is crowded with tourists by day and Rich corpos looking to blow off steam by night they gamble party in clubs and visit fancy brothels like clouds this is where you'll find night City's most famous red light district jig jig Street to the South Charter Hill is a heavily corporate District filled with offices and residential space catering to mid-level corporate employees they work all day then filter into Japan Town when they clock out occasionally up-and-coming artistic types or well-paid Freelancers make their way into the district if they can afford it and turn up their noses at living in Watson or Haywood to the north of the city's newest District borrowing its name from the town that once existed roughly where Watson is now North Oak is where the lavish Estates of these celebrities and business Elites can be found meticulously protected by Security even the airspace is monitored these were Barren Hills back in the day before the refugee camps took over Westbrook North Oak was the area that was finally cleared of those camps by corporate security in the 2050s but Decades of corporate PR Spin and media propaganda have all but erased the incident from public Consciousness in the decades since now it's just the place everyone in night City dreams of being rich enough to live since we're following the rich areas for now let's go right to the heart of the matter the city center 50 years ago it was a crater but it has recovered completely since then the corporate skyscrapers illum over the city once again in a new era of corporate dominance in the city corpo Plaza hosts the offices of militech and arasaka the latter towering over the very site where the old headquarters once stood the plaza is the true Center of power in night city as the old Corporate Center was back in 2020 corporate employees bustle back and forth executive shuttle between skyscrapers and AVS and the whole area is constantly patrolled by the ncpd and corporate security forces let's talk about the area just to the west of the Plaza downtown this is where some of the most expensive shopping and entertainment can be found right next to Posh Apartments office buildings and upscale hotels still you can find drug deals in dark alleys sleazy motels and other entertainment sought out by gangsters from the other districts when it gets dark the two faces of night City are on display here just to the South we have Haywood this is one of the bigger changes from previous layouts of the city old Haywood was an outlying suburb that was already starting to be called Santo Domingo by some residents back in the time of the red so it seems like the city officials just went with that and repurposed the name for the area of mostly reclaimed combat zones much of the new Haywood is built on there's a rich poor divide that reflects that history the more built up areas to the north and west are fairly affluent while the people get poorer As you move South and East Will Follow That trajectory starting with Wellspring mostly built during the second stage of reconstruction it's a fairly safe and classy sub-district with a lot of residential space this is where a lot of the average night City citizens live neither poor nor Rich buildings get smaller and rents get cheaper As you move South until you hit shanties that haven't changed much since 2045. I will say that Wellspring and downtown are roughly where night City University is supposed to be going by past city maps but even though it's referenced in a few news stories it doesn't actually seem to be anywhere on the in-game map The Glenn is where you'll find city hall the route between City Hall and Corporate Plaza is short safe and fairly affluent but that's where the pleasant things you can say about the Glenn and mere blocks from City Hall in any other direction the building upkeep deteriorates and the signs of poverty escalate dramatically gang activity is very high the poorest and most dangerous part of Haywood is just to the east in Vista Del Rey filled with dilapidated apartment blocks and mega buildings most people that can move out of the area these days it's currently the subject of a turf war between rival gangs to boot corporate developers have been looking to get their hands on the area but so far they've been too worried about the pr backlash to bring in corporate security and get rid of the gangs let's move back into the outer city consisting of what used to be the suburbs of Haywood and Rancho Coronado the whole district has been called Santo Domingo by locals in the city for decades now it's one of the oldest parts of the city having avoided destruction during the fourth corporate War the masses of refugees that crowded into the area during the time of the red have long relocated to other parts of the city as Mega buildings and other housing options become available now it's been redeveloped as one of the largest industrial areas in the city with Suburban housing for workers Arroyo is the industrial area of Santo Domingo though it's subject to constant change as corporations are constantly buying up old facilities to replace with new construction there you'll find old nuclear and other varieties of power plants assorted factories a logistics Center and a junkyard the operational facilities are protected by robust corporate security forces as the abandoned ones often serve as gang strongholds basically this is the area that used to be the Haywood industrial Zone now folded into Santo Domingo Rancho Coronado is almost a separate town from the rest of night City with its own shops and bars to accompany the rows of somewhat dilapidated Suburban housing after the homeless and refugees from the fourth corporate War relocated the area was redeveloped as housing for workers and Industrial facilities in Arroyo thus most of the area's residents are mid to high-ranking workers in Arroyo and don't have reason to even leave Santo Domingo most of the time the result is a curiously closed off habitat designed to keep workers relatively comfortable but it's far from a paradise some Corporal types looking to live away from the Central City also live here lastly there is Pacifica poor poor Pacifica it was always an area for relaxation with an amusement park and plenty of beachfront property during the mid-2060s investors started developing the area heavily hoping to extract more profit from tourism Nomads and Haitian immigrants that arrived when Haiti was evacuated were hired as a labor force those plans came to a screeching halt when the unification war broke out in 2069. once night city was threatened by imminent Invasion from the south most of the Pacifica investors pulled out and development ceased the locals were left unemployed soon enough gangs and squatters moved into the unfinished buildings over the next seven years both the West Wind Estates and Coast view districts deteriorated until the area was so dangerous that the ncpd abandoned it entirely attempts to evict squatters including shutting off all city services in the hopes that they would just leave have met with firm gang resistance currently the night city government is debating whether to sell the whole District to Chinese Mega Corporation Kang Tao for the nominal price of one euro dollar contingent on the corporation agreeing to fix the district's crime problem there is one area adjacent to Pacifica that is even more dangerous arguably a lot of Pacifica qualifies as a combat zone especially as the city government has given up on it but this place is apparently worse unfortunately I can't tell you much about the area just yet as it won't be fleshed out in the game until the Phantom Liberty expansion is released and it isn't mentioned in the world book I can tell you that it appears to be a large area Inland from the rest of Pacifica and that it or a part of it may be called Dogtown even the Pacifica locals speak in hush tones about the mutilated bodies found around the edges of the zone you'll have to stay tuned for me to make a video about that as to the Badlands outside the city well it hasn't changed much once you get past the landfills on the city's Edge it's a free-for-all some Nomad outcasts have set up in the area raiding anything they can but that sort of danger has always existed the business for a lot of regional Nomads is transportation or smuggling across the newly militarized border with South California corporate convoys tried to force their way through the Badlands with mixed success once again the more reliable ways in and out of the city are by sea or by air or orbital shuttle if you can afford it okay let's move on to the gangs of 2077 starting with some familiar faces what would night City be if Maelstrom wasn't haunting its dark alleys well a little less scary I guess maelstrom's Evolution Through the Ages is basically what you get when you start with a bunch of violent borderline psychotic Chrome heads and then watch them become increasingly unhinged over time their old enemies the inquisitors no longer seem to be around but that hasn't led to them moderating at all they've developed an even more pronounced tendency for extreme implants and now have a signature look favoring a big red Optical implant replacing a good chunk of their skull they seem obsessed with pursuing extreme sensation and skating the edge of cyberpsychosis now they even seem to roll a few occult trappings and rituals into their dealings which these days consists mostly of drug smuggling and hit jobs you'll find most of them haunting the abandoned industrial facilities of North Watson where they control the totem Tans these days in Japan Town you'll find that the once protector gang of the Japanese Community has grown to become one of the largest criminal operations in the city the Tiger Claws operate a lot like other East Asian criminal groups like the Yakuza or the Triads they put business first as long as they get what they want across even a low-level member and they react violently treating it as a slide to the whole group that's how the bosses operate but the rank and file have a reputation as sadistic brutes that will engage in everything from beatings and abduction to sexual assault and Savage murder you'll be able to pick them out by their colorful tattoos street bikes and katanas the Tiger Claws have re-established ties with arasaka management since they returned to the city and routinely do side jobs for them in exchange for advanced cyberware and weapons they also own a lot of Japantown businesses bars casinos restaurants brain dance clubs and brothels most of those act as fronts for illegal businesses their main sources of income being prostitution and human trafficking though they also manufacture drugs and hire themselves out for hit jobs mostly you'll find them around their businesses in Japan town but they've been known to venture into Kabuki in Little China the voodoo boys are still around but this version of them has changed quite a bit back in the 2040s the original drug dealing Voodoo boys were in conflict with Haitian immigrants that took offense at their appropriation those Voodoo boys were mostly whites that used Voodoo as an occult aesthetic for intimidation real voodoo priests and priestesses with their followers bloodly displaced them in the following years adopting the name of the voodoo boys when a massive wave of Haitian immigrants arrived in the mid-2060s the character of The Gang would change again new members with a high-tech net running skill set came to dominate The Gang and they became the Protectors of the Haitian diaspora in Pacifica this new leadership takes the attitude that they left their gods behind in Haiti and Voodoo has simply become an aesthetic again if they'd bother with it at all the new voodoo boys are highly secretive but it's known that they are interested in uncovering the secrets of the old net they're poking at the black wall in the hopes of contacting artificial intelligence has brought them the scrutiny of netwatch most of the voodoo boy's crimes consists of stealing and selling data from corporations and similar cyber crimes they also hire themselves out as mercenary netrunners to private contractors for hit and run attacks and explorations of the old net when they need someone in Meet space for their operations they often recruit Outsiders they call rangan as disposable tools which they are very willing to exterminate if things go sideways or just to remove Loose Ends last of the old faces Sixth Street is still around even if the fourth corporate War veterans that founded it are long gone most of its members are still Veterans of one conflict or another including the unification war and those who are not veterans get training from the Gang back during the time of the red they were a somewhat respected Community protection gang that eventually started dabbling in smuggling and low-level extortion to fund their activities that turned out to be a slippery slope they still claim their goal is to bring Justice to the city but their grasp on Justice tends to be very self-serving they regularly for small businesses in the neighborhoods they protect to pay protection fees and otherwise engage in robbery extortion and gun smuggling the latter is probably why they have extensive connections to Nomad groups outside the city they also steal and modify cars offering combat taxi services for hire which makes them popular with Edge Runners and Mercenaries on the whole sixth street is less socially destructive than some other gangs so authorities and corporations tend to ignore them as long as they stay in their territory where they do offer a degree of protection to the residents the ntpd doesn't operate in Santo Domingo so the locals are reliant on the rough order and security 6th Street provides they also have operations in Vista Del Rey but they are in the process of being pushed out of Haywood altogether by the Valentinos speaking of now I should be up front here and say that there was a Valentino gang back in 2020 that I didn't mention those Valentinos were a poser gang of men that met once every three months to compare scorecards of the women they'd slept with suffice to say they don't seem to have any connection to the Valentinos of 2077. these Valentinos grew out of the largely Mexican heritage Latino population of Haywood adopting Chicano culture though they allow other races and ethnic groups to join shared culture and customs tied the Valentinos closely to the Haywood Community to which they often provide protection the bonds of loyalty among the Valentinos are strong such that those who die fighting other gangs corporations or the authorities are often commemorated in songs and murals as Martyrs and Saints those who betray the gang on the other hand are reserved a particularly gruesome death the Valentinos control a number of legitimate businesses throughout Haywood including various clubs restaurants auto shops and local construction companies those are of course fronts for their criminal sources of income they dabble in a bit of everything gun smuggling car theft drug trafficking robbery burglary and prostitution that's the last of the gangs that really hold significant territory in the city but certainly not the last worth talking about the animals are technically like many other gangs in that they augment themselves to get an edge and even take it to the point of obsession what makes them peculiar is that their enhancement are mostly chemical and biological aside from a custom hormone cocktail they call the juice they take all manner of testosterone animal supplements and anything else they think will make them stronger they don't completely shun cybernetics a few have more subtle cyberware like implanted cloned muscle tissue and combat drug injectors many members of the gang have to be fitted with endoskeleton implants to prevent their oversized muscles from damaging their bones most animals spend their time training in various martial arts and trying to enhance their bulk then throwing themselves into some incredibly dangerous contest of skill their philosophy pushes them to pursue a more feral and animalistic Humanity where being the strongest is the most important thing there is as a gang the animals are decentralized being composed of many packs with their own Alphas leading by virtue of physical dominance many members of the gang can be found in West Pacifica but they can be seen throughout the city they are imposing size and skill make them highly sought after for security and bouncer jobs they also raid other gangs corporate warehouses drug stores and chemical transports from time to time both to test themselves and seize materials needed to make their home brew anabolic steroids which they also sell any place where an underground fighting ring can be found in the city you'll also probably find animals participating or even running the show then there's the Mox they're a pretty new gang tracing their origin back to a strip club owner and former prostitute Elizabeth Lizzie Borden in 2067 members of the Tiger Claws raped and murdered one of Lizzie's girls Lizzie Avenged her by brutally killing three of the attackers with an ax and displaying their bodies out front as a warning against further abuse of her girls the Tiger Claws did not respond well that very night they demolished her establishment and killed Lizzie she was well liked and respected among sex workers and such for her protectiveness and kind treatment of her girls so the resulting unrest was extreme ultimately leading to the formation of a protection gang of sex workers anarchists punks and sexual minorities the MOX held up Lizzie Borden as a symbol of defiance and rebuilt her bar naming it Lizzy's bar to this day the mocks mostly operate in and around Lizzie's bar in Kabuki providing protection for sex workers in the area though they have a few other facilities some of their members have combat cyberware but it tends to be on the subtle side the mocks don't seek conflict with other gangs and have a tense relationship with the Tiger Claws who occasionally decide to test the combat capabilities of the mocks the bar which is a brain dance and strip club mostly is their main source of income but not the only one even the mocks aren't angels of generosity their protection often comes with a hefty price tag and they know stepping on the toes of the bigger gangs too much might be more than they could handle let's move outside the city for a moment a nomad group has recently started haunting the Badlands just outside the city though Nomads might be offended if you call them that among the nomads the custom is to banish Those who commit heinous crimes from the clan these rough and shiv as they are called often form roving bands of Outlaws with few qualms this gang in particular is called the wraiths mostly they rob weekly defended transports and occasionally hire themselves out on Transportation contracts but they are famously unreliable and prone to keeping the goods or passengers for themselves they've also come into conflict with a group of aldecaldos that haven't camped in the area lastly there's the Scavengers these are less of a formal gang and more a bunch of loosely Affiliated outfits operating throughout the city cyberware and organ harvesting is a profitable business the Scavengers are the people cold and cruel enough to Stage assaults and abductions before dismembering their victims to take part in that business whatever is left of their targets is usually burned dumped or left in the sewers for the rats to devour their grisly reputation does allow them to inspire fear but even other gangs consider these guys to be low lives that doesn't stop them from buying from the Scavengers though scavengers are the main supplier for low-end illegal cyberware for gangs Small Time criminals and Shady Ripper docs in night City they also have a monopoly on the body parts Market scavenger groups have also been willing to take on unpleasant jobs that their employers don't want to be associated with for whatever reason now this last part is speculation on my part but in the cyberpunk red setting we have the scabbers basically a homeless population of scavengers that survived by plundering the ruins of the city one might imagine that as pickings grew slim the most desperate and vicious of these scaffers might have turned to Scavenging people instead of ruins so the scabbers became the Scavengers that's just unconfirmed speculation though all right that will be it for night city of 2077. okay thank you for finishing the video if you've gotten this far means a lot to me that you did originally I thought this video would end up closer to an hour or an hour and 20 minutes in length Max it ended up being twice that I just sort of kept writing including everything for the level of detail I wanted and only when I was halfway through did I realize how long it was getting night City might be the most fleshed out fictional location I've ever encountered maybe I should have cut back on the details to make it more manageable but I just sort of pushed on I also wanted to get it out in early January but then I got covered and had to wait a few weeks for my sinuses to clear enough to record let alone editing please leave a comment to let me know how it turned out or if you want similar content I'm open to doing more long-form content looking into the Europe or East Asian cyberpunk settings and they are associated Source books if people are interested in that I will probably need a bit of a break though this was a lot of work and I have some other content I'm now behind on this video doing well would motivate me a lot to get back into cyberfunk though so like and share if you want to see that happen until then I wish you all well and I hope you have a good year
Channel: Watchman Gaming
Views: 549,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cyberpunk, Tabletop, TTRPG, Video Game, Night City, Lore, Setting, Cyberpunk 2077, Gaming, Deep Dive, Long Form Content, Cyberpunk Lore, Iceberg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 23sec (10163 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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