All about the Israeli M15 Respirator

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hello today I wanted to do a video on the Israeli m15 so an all about video all about the Israeli m15 now this is a mask I've had in my collection for quite a while and it's a very good mask now one of the reasons I particularly want to talk about this mask is because there's lots of dodgy sellers online that claim these masks offer no protective capabilities blah blah blah these are junk mask wrap masks by our $400 whatever mask that is completely false the Israeli m15 is a very good mask assuming you get one in working condition I'm saying with any other mask really but this is a very competent respirator these began production I'd guess summer in a 1970s mine's an example from the 1970s I have a 79 date stamp of that and I have one inside the mask that says 73 which is probably quite hard to read there but it says 73 there's also another day extent that says 83 so I don't know if it was originally intended for 10 years of service but supposedly they now put 20 years a shelf life on these and as I said before 20 years of shelf life is a massive under estimate with a lot of masks it's just simply you know because your life relies on it if you're using it for military use they have to keep cycling the stock of them and it's also good for the companies making the masks because they keep getting you know more contracts it's not like the military says make a hundred flowers and masks for us and that's it it's you know make a hundred thousand masks every 20 years or whatever so they get you know more contracts but what generally happens is every year they will be making a few thousand months because I guess constantly so the israelian 15 is kind of a Drakkar m65 style mask although it's much better than the m60 5 so it's got a five-point head harness at the top strap you have to adjust separately and then the other four straps are pull through straps so once you've got the mask on you pull those tight it's got a drinking tube on one side if you're particularly interested in that there's the drinking tube it uses the Israeli drinking tube connector which I don't have so I can't demonstrate how effective the drinking tube is from what I've heard the Israeli ones as long as you actually get the full assembly of parts of the drinking tubes good the issues a lot of people seem to think that with the Israeli ones you not bother picking a lower connector on and then just open a bottle of water in a contaminated environment and stick in yeah you could drink water that way but you're also going to contaminate the water and kill yourself standard american-style voice diaphragm that's like on the m17 at the front as far as I understand that this is just like a metal plate sandwiched between the front right and like a great inside the mast in it vibrates obviously when you talk you've got your forty millimeter filter intake there apparently needs a standardized intake stake both cost and NATO filters and you've got your excel valve under that cover there triangular eye lenses not sure what sort of plastic they're made out of imagine modern ones might be polycarbonate inside you've got a normal nasal Cup and your drinking tube so that's pretty standard but yeah these masks are very very good I can't stress that enough the rubbers got a very good thickness to it and again it's made out in the right sort of rubber it's got a bit of play in it but it's also a bit rigid because as I said before our videos a respirator kinda needs to be half and half when it comes to the rubber sort of firmness to firm it might make a good airtight seal to sort of squishy or ever and it won't make a good airtight seal because you know the weight of the filter and other things can pull them mask away from your face it's got a chin rest as well with the drainage hole in overall this is a very very good mask so when you have dodgy people online saying don't get an EM 50 in their junk masks they're telling absolutely crap to you basically so anyway let's get the mask on and I'll do it the proper way in the video it just put my chin first all that over just make sure the rubbers fold it out of the way there we go let's tighten the straps now this strap does have a tendency of mine to actually kind of bend over here which is really irritating because that means that you've got more tension on your head so I think I've thrown straight in that strap out because I'm not sure if the actual strap is bent somewhere I think it is actually the strap on the harness hasn't quite been put on right so let me try and sort that out and then I'll put the mask back on right I fix the strap assembly that was a much larger job my thought would be simply because unlike esthe head straps you can't just simply pull them through the other way in them front and back through no ill needs you kind of have to dismiss strap from the mask I'm gonna have to shave down bit rubber so it would fit easily anyway now all the straps on this mask should be on the correct way and hopefully if I put it on I can tighten it and get a comfortable actual fit on the mask excellent so there we go the masks on properly and the drinking to Allah smiles can be manipulated to your helicopter in true love then get out the way so the drinking tube on this mask isn't one that annoys me because I know some people said I don't like yes tens drinking cube another laughs six drinking tubes cuz they're kind of in the way as long as you get on these masks that fits you properly I don't think you're going to really run into that problem so now all the straps are done correctly yeah this mosques very comfortable for what it is easy to get an airtight seal fairly good field of view of the triangular lenses Rivera flosser site here but overall not too bad and yeah all good so um yeah the Israeli m15 nav asset you can generally get fairly cheap on the surplus market simply just because they've been in production for like thirty plus years and obviously um when mass have been in production that long and they're constantly hearing the surplus market you can get them for like thirty dollars each you can generally buy them directly from Israel apparently there's a few variants of this there's like ones without speech diaphragms ones with extra kind of radio couldn't built on I was reading that apparently as a directional thing if you're speaking on the telephone I can't see that at all because the only voice diaphragm or mind is this one here just definitely not nowhere else because you can seal on the rubber there's no thing and I've looks inside there's nothing inside of them the connector for the drinking tube so overall yeah very good so um Israeli out in 15s I'd highly recommend them the newer you get and obviously the better but this one's from the 70s that still worked and I've done you know to pressure checks of that I'm just going to notice there's a bit odd one of the eyepieces doesn't seem quite straight compared to the other one on this last few concealer doesn't affect my field of view at all that is a bit weird yeah if I really wanted to I could disassemble and reassemble the eyepieces but maybe it's just how the rubbers pulling to one side it's altering how the eyepieces are looking maybe anyway is rhenium 15 very good mask highly recommend it if you're looking for a cheap surplus mask that does its job he's got a drinking tube and a voice diaphragm and everything else you need it makes a very good peripheral seal and like normal dragger m65 style masks easy to make an airtight seal fairly comfortable for long periods the excel valves at the bottom which is a good design because it means that sweat and the moisture inside the last tend to actually drain outwards as they should so yeah big thumbs up for the Israeli m15 it's a masters been in israeli service in at some point in the 1970s and obviously they've not decided to change your design I said there are variants this is as far as I had a normal idea a military one but her is like tank crew variants and whatever else but all of them seem to be very good masks from what I can tell you could either use it with a filter attached directly to the mask Israeli type 80 filters are very good for the people who are wondering about lack sake gang house are Israeli filters safe yes Israeli filters are perfectly safe and actually very good filters so I'd highly recommend them and as well as that you can use it obviously of a powered air supply sort of because Israel's starting to build those quite frequently now will use it with a hose and a canister filter if you want to yeah Israeli am 15 is a very good masks I'd highly recommend them to anybody who wants some either one in the collection on the slaver out of all the Drake m65 designs I think knees radium 15 is probably simply the best one you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 13,886
Rating: 4.9417477 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, All about the Israeli M15 Respirator, all about gas masks, Israeli gas mask, Israeli respirator, M15 gas mask, M15 respirator, Israeli M15, Shalon rubber
Id: v7t4G9q50v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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