Testing Israeli gas masks/Respirators

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the last time I did a gas mask testing video it was requested a lot in the comments that I do Israeli mask as well as other masks that will definitely get around to doing but seeing as had lots of requests for Israeli masks all do those first so we're going to do a special with two masks on the left we have the civilian masks which I always forget the name of about looking up and on the right we have the military m15 mask now I've got the filter from the m15 it's a c2 filter which apparently according to lots of sites is a dangerous filter I shouldn't use it but I've never seen any proof of that then it was used by enough armies to be you know considered to be an effective filter so I think it's more scaremongering than anything about chromium toxicity however it scored this is the closest I can see to a date stamp on it and it's got 92 on it and oh three so it's either going to be 1992 or 2003 maybe it was made in 92 expires in 2003 shelf life I don't know but we'll try out filter and if that filter doesn't work so I'm sure the mask themselves work I've got an old Warsaw Pact fill with us a bit dented in which I'm sure we'll just do the job anyway I have got a filter 30 Israeli civilian masks but I'm not going to open it at the moment because it's actually still completely sealed and it was quite a modern filter so there's no point wasting it for a video like this when I might actually need it at some point let's see if we can see any date stamps on the actual masks have covered this before in another video but I can't remember without actually looking at the video or finding going on there I think some of these had a date on the head harness looks like something now I can't make it out Oh 87 so this is 1987 for this mask and we'll have a PM 15 I can see a 6 and a 9 on there I'm sure I sold in 1969 but maybe not but all more modern than that it's known as what looks like a 75 on there by the way they're both gonna be pretty old masks but they're still made to the exact same designs these Israeli masks so we'll test them and see what happens right we'll begin yeah we've got the Israeli civilian mask on to begin move stasiu see is pressurized so it's working wherever the film from what works and find out so let's begin to get me and if that pressure is just about run out it's not this you want right that should do it let's climb this about a minute before I take this one off I haven't got a watch on so I'm just gonna have to guesstimate the time by using the camera clock so far I can't smell anything the Israeli civilian mask isn't all that comfortable actually it's about equal to a GP v it's a bit tighter around the jaw which I don't actually like it makes that harder to talk disability is okay about the same as a GP v well the best things is it does have nose company inside so it stops it's noon up as much if I exhale not much missing all the lenses so that's the one design feature I don't think this has a voice diaphragm as such funny exhale out Kyle goes underneath probably works a bit of one but not massively well but so far the filter seems to be working so if this is the case when I take the mask off for Hodges all then swap the filters the m15 and yeah we're done try it in 15 so there's almost bit yeah I think it's been about a minute so I'm gonna take this mask off see if it's actually going to cause me to cough and splutter and put the 15 on now the m15 is right next to my foot so I'll do that now I have to stop the video for this bit because there's no way I can do the camera work well actually doing that but I'll let you know what happens my take it off not die on now see um 15 on there awesome - magical are scoffs I need two different stories amore mio freshener but the film to definitely work to me I've asked as I could definitely smell it like to give a mask off although it wasn't as unpleasant as I thought it would be don't smell any think so far neon 15 it's tight so the filter should still be working it means the masks working this one's a bit more comfortable you've got that much better eyesight on this because the triangular lenses and it feels like a better mask it's it's more comfortably around the jaw as a drinking tube in this I've seen as a drinking she's been the other Maskull just have a look yeah there's a drinking tube in both masks so they're about equal air definitely can't smell any deodorant i freshen oh yeah both from our seem to work so he's really masked him designed quite well for a civilian mask the civilian one isn't great but as it's civilians its ill do its job it's bit banging tp5 but you know not by much I cry the m15 military mask it's good it wasn't originally of Israeli design it's copied from the West German m61 I think it's called about looking at the mask where might be m65 whichever one it is but it's a very visually similar looking mask and then there's like the Czech cm4 there's a copy of the same mask as well and there's also a few other masks close in which have copied to design so I'll take this off now we'll see what happens
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 57,716
Rating: 4.8743172 out of 5
Keywords: Israel Defense Forces (Armed Force), respirator, gas mask, M15 respirator, Civilian gas mask, air purifying respirator, real gas mask, surplus gas mask, respirator mask, Israeli gas mask, Israeli respirator, Shalon respirator, Shalon 4a1
Id: j1i4Jw3muPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 03 2014
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