Mestel Nato SGE 400/3 (Product Unboxing)

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of contingency X today we are going to be reviewing a new gas masks that I recently purchased for me and my significant other what we're looking at today is the mostella NBC gas masks it's the Model S ge 400 - 3 this is a full scale NBC mass which is nuclear biological chemical warfare or chemical type of gas masks and I'm just going to talk to you guys real quick a little bit about why I purchased this particular unit and some of the key benefits and features that we're looking at and then in the next video we're actually going to be doing a field review or field test of the unit to give you guys the best possible review so the main reason I purchased this unit was because of the fact that it is a fullface justum a lot of the systems out there have individual eyes and those are great they work fine they work very well for those type of people I wear contacts and I wear glasses so I wanted something that I could put on on top of my glasses just to make sure that I always had 24-hour protection you know sometimes I wear my glasses at night during the day whenever we never know in a disaster or an emergencies going to hit or take place so I wanted to make sure that I had something that I can use at any time the other reason I picked up this particular unit is because it has the option of putting filters air filters on three different sides so you can put it on the left side the center or the right you could probably put two filters on here at the same time if you wanted to why is it important to me why it has three different options is because I'm an avid shooter I like to shoot a lot I like to go out and do tactical training I like to do all these type of things and if we ever hit a [ __ ] hits the fan type of scenario or an emergency I'm definitely going to be armed in order to protect my family in my loved ones and so I wanted to have the option to be able to provide that type of security while still protecting myself the gas mask itself has the options to remove you know these plugs so that you can't put the filters there and make it work it's pretty simple it's a pretty simple straightforward mask this particular unit is on the high end of gas masks it's definitely not expensive the inexpensive mask so I'm sure we're great they have you know great reviews great videos out there they've been used for a long time again I with this because of the features it is a little bit more expensive another feature that this mask has as an added accessory or depending on where you buy it it may or may not come with it is you can also hook up a drinking straw to the bottom of the mask down here by the chin and you can buy I believe a PVC type of a throw over that hooks to the side of the mask here to protect your hat your head in complete complete security another great feature to this mask if you look to the back here is it has six different quick mounting points so you can simply throw this over your head and you pull on these straps and it'll tighten down to your face they kind of remind me of like ski or snowboard blue straps where they lock into place and then to release them you simply pull up on the tab and it becomes loose again so let's show you what it looks like on so this is the gas mask on as you can see it's pretty loose and all I'm going to do is pull on these tabs down here here adjust that fast it is completely secure I'm not sure if you can hear me very well because this particular unit you know it covers everything and sometimes the gas masks are hard to communicate through but this is me talking you to normal tones you can kind of get an idea of what the audio level is now to take this off all we're going to do is pull on these tabs and it releases the tension from the mess and the guy just pull it right off and you're good to go I did see online that they do offer a Auto audible type of adapter that you can put into the system to help amplify your voice I didn't order it I haven't tried it because again this is my first time using the system so I didn't know if it would necessarily be something that I would want or even need that's pretty much the gas mask it's you know I kind of feel like Darth Vader wearing it it's a it's definitely a good looking mask it's definitely very comfortable to wear I've read reports where people were writing this for six days at a time comfortably and never had to take it off another key thing that I want to actually talk about with this mask is a lot of people think this mask is made in the USA and it's not this mask is actually made in Italy and some of them are assembled here in the United States and some of them are assembled in Italy so if you read anywhere people tell you that this is made in the USA it is not it is made in Italy assembled in the USA but it's still a great product after this we're going to do out in the field in the next couple of days is we're going to actually do some field testing where we're going to be running around with the gas masks on with filters on we're going to be doing some firing of different weapons weapon systems with the gas masks on to let you know how it works how it feels if it messes with your sight I'm in your site picture we're going to be hopefully doing some smoke type tests if we can get our hands on the proper ordinance and doing all kinds of fun things to show you more about what the capabilities of this mask are how comfortable it is or is it and if it's something that we think our viewers should invest in until then we appreciate your support leave us any comments reviews questions in our comment section like us share us love us stay safe have fun and we look forward to talking to you next time
Channel: Contingency X
Views: 17,244
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Mestel, Gasmask, Gas Mask, Gas Mask review, Nato SGE 400/3, Nato SGE, Mestel Gas mask, contingency x, disaster preparation, Chemical disaster, Staying prepared, Military gas mask, Civil Gas Mask, Product Unboxing, Product review, gas mask unboxing
Id: gh54h8lfisc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 27 2014
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