Israeli Gas Masks

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today I wanted to have a more detailed look at the Israeli gas masks so I'm only talking about the two quite famous ones the chillon for a1 and the shawl on M 15 now these are sort of two masks are based on dragon masks the 4a one is almost directly based on the dragon mask as far as I can tell I think it's called something like the dragger simplex or something like that as again I don't have one in my collection I don't think they're all that common but basically as far as I understand Israeli the Baltimore bought a license to make them and then they were made by Shalon in various versions the 4a one being more advanced than the draga version because it obviously was the design they adapted and continued over time the m15 is again based on a dragon mask the m65 but vastly improved much better rubber makes a far better face seal it's got a voice diaphragm on it as well there's the exhale valve at the bottom not just you know one or the other triangular lenses good sideways and upwards field of you not very good downwards field of view but we'll get onto that but I think the interesting thing to bring up with Israeli gas masks is they're designed to actually be used now I'll see if a bit of a history lesson for everybody if you don't know this the only actual major conflict in which gas was used with World War 1 after World War 1 gas was only partially used by many countries so you either have conflicts where gas wasn't used where it is expected to be used or where basically it might been used in one or two battles but not you know primarily apart from the iran-iraq war really it wasn't used by many nations so what you have though is Israel is surrounded by hostile countries and Israel has had many conventional wars with its neighbors who had been defending themselves from Arab aggression basically so what you end up having is Israel is actually very worried about both terrorism and the threat of chemical weapons being used against them Saddam did launch scubs against Israel during the Gulf Wars desert storms but they didn't actually have live warheads on although duds or whatever but obviously Israel has the very high frapp or actually being attacked with chemical weapons so therefore the Israelis are one the only nations at the moment who have gas masks that are actually you know optimized to be used as real gas masks the issue you have a lot of nations now is they sort of buy gas masks because they have to have them so that means they even by really old surplus masks or they end up basically spending way too much money and buying something that's really complex and you know intricate when they don't need something like that Israel's taking the approach of they've just perfected kind of good designs and they've got these simple but effective masks so the 41 yeah I've talked about this a lot before but let's talk about it again bands on this plastic cover if I can get it to pop off we have the exhale valve there and you have a bit of a voice diaphragm here you're not going to be able to see it all that well on the camera but it's just up there and then the exhale valve is here and your intake is that so that's just hidden under that simple plastic hello cover you've got a drinking tube insert there you've got two round eye pieces and inside the mask you have gotten in the mass to prevent fogging so all in all it is a good mask you know there's not much to say about other than it's good it works it's simple one of the things I love about the adult wonder this is it's a one size fits all head strap so you simply fully loosen the straps put the mask into your face tighten the straps and you should get a good seal regardless of it being you know one size fits all sacrifice a lot is it can be a bit uncomfortable if you've not got the ideal head shape for it but it doesn't really matter you know it's there to save your life not be entirely comfortable but what it is it's very good so so I'll just demonstrate you know the actual mask have done enough times before look put the mask on your feet sits comfortably in it and once you've got a comfortable face connection you do off your straps very easy straps who else for them do their the rubber type fabric one would be more comfortable but these ones are actually functional so you tighten all the straps the top strap you can't adjust easily in the I've lied to about the right adjustment and now for air tight seal now the great thing about Israeli masks as they're made to be compatible with goes both ghost and NATO stomach forces and the reason for that is I think Israel's a bit worried but if one of the major powers doesn't supply them they've got a big issue so they basically made them asked to take whatever filters they could find so with the 4e one the filter fits kind of in a weird place it's sort of like where your mouth would be and not like blow like some off collar here it means you can look them bumping films yourself you have to look down quite well before the filter blocks and masks look you know you get a good fairly good field of youth what the mask is it's comfortable it's designed to fit you know any head shape as a civilian last ship so rather than making several different sizes for adults men are getting you to have your head size they just supply over one size fits all mark did you know really good and practical so let's get that off so I said really good mask before a one for a civilian mask is great I've recommended it numerous times on my channel simply because you can often get these cheap in any Western countries and they are a great mask if you want to get some walls for the sake of having a gas mask you know a practical work so live the m15 the exhale valves actually hear the voice diaphragms here bigger voice diaphragm in a separate prepper plates from the civilian masks their face before so as for saying I'm I don't know if the m15 comes in different sizes or not like the civilian wonders or if it's just you know again a one-size-fits-all mask so let me try and get that on without tangling straps or just loosen it first I should do so let's get the straps into the right positions before I tighten it so just tighten it nearly as I go all right so that's a pretty good seal it may be very made a little bit tight over there we go so the m15 is um basically the military masks that they've had for ages and it works as I saying it's basically an improved drink RM 65 if you get very good field of view up into the sides but not down below which is my only complaint because when you look down the fields the blocks your view when you get to about this position which isn't that far down to look unless you lean over to look down so this causes a problem mainly if you're putting on an NBC soup because if you're trying to you know check you've done the arms up properly and you're looking down that's quite hard to do but the I've said the m15 is a very very good mask it's basically a tried and tested design iam 65 that's been improved upon until appointment perfection you know maybe if they gave it a more comfortable head strap on loosing weight a bit lesser that it's you know minor fingers by this point you get a good field of view fairly good apart from looking down as I said you've got your arm good voice diaphragm both of these moths are very good at not [ __ ] upheaval of antifouling paint line so can mask the warm air when you exhale is act oh you know directed downwards because the exhale port is here so you get a very good mask in terms of you know fairly comfortable for what it is and very practical very practical on all these masks it's got really nice good rubber you know it's not cheaper rubber or anything like that even all the civilian one it's good rub so what can we summarize from this well because Israel is um you know under threat of actually needing gas masks and respirators their masks are made really well they're practical and they do what they're meant to do now as ascend the issue of lots of countries is because it's more of a theoretical thing they either don't get very good masks or they overdo it and get masks that end up I'm you know not being good in the sense that they're too over complicated and you know but over engineered I think is probably the best word for it like the saying that's the reason I don't like the Scott GSR it's over-engineered Britain went from the s10 which was simple but effective to a mask that weighs a lot more has more bells and whistles but at the end of the day in terms of protecting you from gas it wouldn't be any better but in terms of you know actual comfort and everything it goes down because they've added too much crap on to the mask but there you go there's the Israelis severely in a military mask I think this might be being phased out or at least made in less numbers now because what they seem to be doing now is making these kind of hoods with a blower unit where you tape the hood up or you like tighten a drawstring around your neck and then you've got this kind of hood which has a blower blowing air in so it makes a positive pressure thing which gives you very good protection you can wear glasses under it they sometimes turn up on eBay if I see one with all the equipment in it for a reasonable price at some point I'll get one at the moment not really because I can't afford to splash out 50 plus pounds you know on a mask just to do one or two videos with it but as I said what this is is perfect and this is very good today we're plan on replacing the m50 and I don't know but if you're making a lot of these for like 30 plus years and obviously the newer ones you get a better but all of them are good but yeah that's to sum up the video the Israeli masks are really really good if you're thinking about getting masks you know for yourself or your family the Israeli masks are good if you get them recent surplus place you should be paying 30 pounds of dollars for these not really any more I've seen you know some surplus places trying to sell these for like 100 pounds hundred dollars maybe even plus there's a Michael Shaolin film take shelter where he ends up like wasting I think like $600 for two or three of these but yeah you shouldn't be paying that for them but regardless the Israeli masks are really good I can't stress that enough because they are designed with chemical warfare actually in mind something simple but effective you know so there you have it the Israeli masks definitely worth a buy if you spot them somewhere for sale and wanna gas masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 38,410
Rating: 4.9494872 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, Israeli Gas Masks, Shalon rubber, M15 gas mask, 4a1 gas mask, air purifying respirator, respirator mask, breathing protection, full face respirator protection, protective face mask, filter mask
Id: Vs9P_4hGjfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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