Israeli M15 Gas Mask Review

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it's going on guys this bird is going to talk to you about some a gas mask option as you can see I've got multiple filters here there's many different options out there they option I like is the israelian 15 there are some other options out there like the cheap one website take the check and check m1 0m which is an effective upper link at the bottom of this YouTube video by Homeland Security site so that you can get all the information you need to make the decision you want to make if you're out there looking for gas mass and you don't want to buy one it's ineffective there's some information on that page that can be helpful but anyway so what I got here is the Israeli I'm 15 gas mask this is the military surplus version I don't really care what date is on it as long as it's the m15 it's effective the day of a civilian version which is more geared towards children just do the I think the size so if you've got kids and you want to get me gas masks I would go for the civilian version I think this is geared 12 above and the civilian is 8 above so the difference is on the military version the eyelids are bigger this is I think that's ballistic or blast-proof or shatterproof eyelids they're plastic some sort of plastic on this one it does have a speaking diaphragm here that makes it easier to hear someone when they have the masks on if you purchase it you go on eBay cheaper than during I think as these you can just do a search on frugal fr oog le which is Google's product search type in Israeli I'm 15 and I'll show you all the prices on them and where you can purchase them so this one has the 40 millimeter filter screw holes so you want to put a 40 millimeter NATO was really way one does a 40 millimeter NATO NATO filter I have different options here I'll talk about them what it does come with here on the side is a drinking tube I mean you just take that off you've got this drinking tube here you just screw that on once you get that on you cannot actually put this in a canteen or something but this right here you're gonna want to squeeze it like that to get the fluid to actually go through you can't just suck it out you're gonna have to squeeze this and on the inside here I'll get to some camera the inside here is the right there is a to be given you cannot stick in your mouth and that's where the foot will go from this to then you just close it up it's done when you're done using that so the one thing we got here I thought with the filters and then one I'll show you it don't open your filters if you get them you want them to be fresh for if you need to use them if you get one like this which is I can I have them in effectiveness this is just a basic 140 millimeter you can get like a swiss one different types of countries make differently same thing that's different I prefer the Swiss before the Israeli vegan this is a 40 millimeter you just cut this out of here this is plastic and this is old so defecting it's probably not that great here's a 40 millimeter native NATO style is really filter so if you get it you do not want to pull this off they don't want to pull that tab because once you do I believe there's a active charcoal on the inside that acts as a filter is a charcoal yeah now it's not charcoal it's uh forget I'll put one it might be but uh you want to make sure you don't do it because that's going to activate the what's inside of here and the effectiveness is going to be going so I just keep mine I mean touch them I mean you should you should know how to take it off obviously which just pull a tab unscrew this and then screw it onto here so if you screwing something before no pun intended you should know what to do this is a IDF Special Forces filter which actually as you can see from the height of it it isn't higher is taller and effectiveness it's just to give you a couple more hours of protection these is this is like a six hour filter you get six hours of diction here a like eight with the native style and with this IDF Special Forces one it says 16 I'm not so sure about the 16 hours I'd be willing to say 12 but you get different hours with the different ones of production you're not just going to put this on and it's going to protect you for days on end you only get so much protection by for so long and the eye sorts contact various charcoal inner but whatever is inside here it activates once the tabs pop and that just goes away that protection so the the filters here a little close-up picture this is the one that comes with them pretty much nowadays this is a 40 millimeter NBC which stands for a nuclear biological chemical filter and it is activated charcoal I just went and checked that I was correct on that it's activated sharp volts inside of here I'm going to place this video on in the middle of the which you're probably already watching so here's a little so here's the idea Special Forces wise and say it's much thicker like more protection because it's probably more activated charcoal on the inside the one part in the other video that I really wanted you guys to see that I couldn't didn't seem to get on camera was inside the the mask here it's not really playing nice is everything okay as you can see right there that is a drinking tube so the drinking tube that you want to put inside your mouth is right there and then right here is what connects to the tube one ounce so here's a more up-close look at the gas mask and on the inside of the gas mask so back to the original video so the one thing I want to show you guys today was how to store your gas masks a lot of people might hang up like this which is cool I might just stretch your bands up that's fine but if you want the absolute quickest way to put it on number one is you want to fit these when you get them you don't want to just like get it and be like oh my gas mask and sit here and then something happens and you're trying to put it on you want to fit it prior to actually needing it but to store it the way that the military does it is they actually flip these inside out there where the top front there so that you have an open not so this is open okay and then they'll storm in the bag and such that way if you need to get it it's already there you throw it on and you pull this over them okay so it's quick if you do it the other way then you go get it over top this way just throw it on you're good to go it's just a different way of storing it me you guys get a different way whatever cool but that's the way I'm going to do one so you want to fit it and then that way if you do need it I'm you're not trying to fit it while you have you know um maybe emergency go on so you fit it and put it on your pump over there okay you got these tamper you got this one you should adjust when you get it the top one should we be adjusted out and you shouldn't really have to touch that so once you get it on you don't want to be super tight but you want to be firm so once you get this firm going to cover the breathing hole to get that that indentation you know that's pretty airtight and you're pretty good so take it off you just push these to this tower here and you're good to go let me take over so a demonstration was putting it on this one you should adjust out once you get it till to where it fits you and that way the sides are the only ones you got you know lock lock and go these can be had for right now there's somebody selling them on eBay for like $19 starting price if you get lucky you can get it for 19 bucks for free shipping which comes with the tube and a 40 millimeter NATO caster filter this is extra this idea special horses the ones extra this was $17 or free shipping but you can get these runners I say $38 in cheaper under $38 you got pay shipping probably but definitely go to that page a mess I'm going to put it the description because there's a lot of masks out there that they're selling as surplus and they're not going to work if you actually need to use them so you definitely wanna do some research on yeah this gas mask might be cheap but is it effective and I like to do a why research so so a video on the m15 is really gas masks you guys got any questions if you know what til next time guys later
Channel: CaptainBerz
Views: 29,827
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: Israeli, M15, gas, mask, review, idf, defense, force, nbc, filter, nuclear, biological, military, masks, soviet, carbon, nato, nata, 40mm, child, prepare, wrol, shtf, prepper, gasmask, Israel, bob, bug, out, bag
Id: 0d4bXsCoGpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2010
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