Al Madrigal is our Bossman | TigerBelly 86
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Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 177,387
Rating: 4.8548388 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, al madrigal, stand up, comedy, stand up comedy, all things comedy
Id: eRgD3_anVlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 41sec (5741 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
al madrigal is real jerk
I don't understand the local comedy club circuit at all. On a typical night, you go to the Comedy Store and have 5-10 comedians doing 10 minute sets on the small stage upstairs. I have a hard time believing any of them get paid.
Then on the big stage, you have 5 openers doing 10-20 minute sets and the headliner doing 30-60 minutes. Again, I have a hard time anyone is getting paid more than gas money, other than the headliner.
Barely anyone beyond the headliner is promoted. So how does a comic build up a following to eventually be a headliner and make more money?
And how does Bobby Lee do 9 sets a week at the Comedy Store? Not sure if he was exaggerating, but does he just go to work on his act 10 minutes at a time? How can he get paid more than $20 for each performance?
Going on tour and being the direct support for a headliner or being the headliner and being the main draws for the audience that's paying $30+ for a ticket, that makes sense.
But damn, I try to follow comedians in L.A. and it's such a bitch to figure out when they're performing, and with the cover and two drink minimum it will cost you $30+ for a 10 minute set. The system makes no sense to me.