Dummy Thicc Double-Stack Makarov

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oh hi hi what's up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we're back out here on the range it is Makarov Monday for you guys watching this sorry we're a day late I guess it's Tokarev Tuesday for you if you've been following the channel at all you know that the Makarov is my baby it's a little weird it's probably an unhealthy obsession perhaps even a fetish but I don't care I absolutely love the Makarov that's why I talked about it in my white board of knowledge breakdown there are no breaks on this commie [ __ ] train we did a white board break down how the Makarov really works kind of explain the mechanism what not took it apart shows you guys the insides but in that video I made reference to a specific type of Makarov specifically a double-stack Makarov that I've been looking for her for a little while not something I was like super like obsessive hunting over but it's something I always wanted to add to my collection but I just never got the chance to pick one up one of you beautiful bastards reached out to me in my email and said hey this one's the the double stack Makarov you're looking for there's a pawn shop around Fayetteville that has one and has a really good price on it so needless to say I teleported to said pawn shop and look what you got here so this is the Russian ij7 tah this particular thing is in 380 acp which means it is in the slightly inferior the massively inferior caliber to 9 by 18 that's okay I love it anyway plus you know we can fix caliber if we really want to which I really just might what this is is this is actually a Russian Makarov so the IJ 70 series is a Russian made Makarov you can see it's actually kind of cool to see the maker stamps there that share a lot of similarities with the sagas and things like that it's just very very very neat and in my opinion made in Russia by IMS they've got a few things that differentiate it from the Bulgarian Makarov you can see the sights are different you have an adjustable sight here it's kind of crude but it's still adjustable other than that these are very very similar but of course this one has a grip that is as the kids say dummy thick I like it it kind of fits the American hand very well because you know we're about that cheeseburger life and we have a little bit bigger hands than some of the you know smaller a hundred and forty pound Bulgarian men of the 1950s they had a diet consisting of yet communism actually you know what they say about big hands free markets because you can eat let the enough with the [ __ ] talk time to get to the ranch one of the advantages that this has over the standard single stack Makarov is that the double stack magazine affords you a little bit better capacity so the standard Makarov holds eight plus one so eight no magazine one of the chamber this holds eleven plus one I believe I think there's some variants that have twelve plus one but I think this one's eleven it's alright we love it just the same stick that in there and watch me miss not too shabby not too shabby I can tell it's a lot newer than my Makarov because a the last round slide hold open there the slide lock that actually works on mine if the magazine is not in it will not hold itself open so this hasn't completely worn and rounded itself yet don't worry give it time the spring is a lot stiffer I can tell the selector everything about this is just definitely newer you can tell it hasn't been quite broken in yet and by broken in I mean completely worn down all to [ __ ] but like I said just give it time so one of the neat things that I've been told is that you can actually run the single stack magazines in the double stack you obviously can't run the double stack in the single stack because you know objects occupying the same space at the same time there are no dynamics that whole thing but this is definitely a wide mag well but it actually tapers down at the very top and I think the magazines are interchangeable three eighty and nine by eighteen Makarov so I've got this is my Makarov magazine Bulgarian Makarov that is loaded off with 380 you can see that European style you know magazine release pushing it all the way down find the taper nice positive click I'm not gonna lie that's a little sketchy that is a lot of magazine wobble oh look at that yeah that reminds me of some chicks I've dated all right well let's see if this feeds not so bad not so bad I keep losing that front sight it might be one of those cool tactical guys and you know paint the front sight because I'm just kind of high-speed operator like that I'm actually surprised but as much play as there was that that is a lot of side-to-side wiggle on a handgun that that's pretty pretty incredible honestly I'm yeah distel is fine so while we're out here talking about one of my many very strange passions there is a holster that has recently gained a little bit more notoriety thanks to Carl from in-range TV was talking about the EFA 2k holster and I saw it on Instagram turns out he did a whole video on it I don't know if it's practical at all I don't think I would ever run with this this is kind of like old Spetsnaz II kind of high-tech operator 90s Russian stuff but it's really neat I just for what it is I just think it's cool as a collector piece so if you've never seen this before or don't know what it is it's not just to make your Makarov look like you are Robocop see as you see I am putting the pistol into the holster it is you know it's clear in a magazine or anything but it's on safety hammers you know of course forward because the Makarov has a decocker if the Safety's on the Hammers gonna be forward so it's sitting in the holster like this has safety is still on weapon is carried you know on your side and when you grab the gun and go to retrieve it to shoot the alleged bad guy or political prisoner you push it forward instead of pulling it out of the holster unclipping it pulling it out pulling it off safety and loading around into the chamber you just push it through and it racks the slide turns this off of safety hammers back of course and now you have a round in the chamber again it's clear but it's just a really neat piece of Soviet thinking I think so I'm gonna screw around with it a little bit so I've got my blue outfit gear belt my og blue alpha gear belt actually one that we were co-branding which we need to do again it's uh curtain the whole blue alpha team over there there they're really cool dudes so I love getting any chance to shout them out okay so putting myself in the shoes of real Russian Spetsnaz 1990s we are somewhere in I don't know somewhere somewhere near Russia we have a hostage situation the hostage taker is on the left our hostage is on the right he has seen better days clearly but I have to eliminate this hostage situation and all I have is my trusty Makarov with my EF a 2 K holster now for you guys I'm going to demonstrate again there's no round in the chamber and it is on safety and that's the way it's going into the holster so now I'm going to holster up the magazine han still on safety and holster like so and I'm gonna assume operator posture I need to be pull it through we've chambered around and [Applause] multiple hits on the hostage which is exactly what I meant to do he decided to make my job real [ __ ] difficult and get captured and really just kind of pissed me off at least the hostage taker seems to be good at his job so now that we have two Mac brats here on set there's only one thing to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hajin comrade russian standards of accuracy have been achieved okay like I actually kinda have to redeem my honor a little bit after that last shot so I'm just planking with it now I don't know gotta come out here I like these casual style videos where you know I don't have to put a whole lot of effort and be cringy and cool on the internet and I just get to come out here and play with some of my guns that I don't show off my personal collection pretty much at all on the channel just it's a gun that I think is neat and I get to shoot it very often so it not so bad that's bad not great not terrible probably use a pistol class or two but you know it's pretty much always true anyway I don't pretend to be a professional shot I'm just you know I like making stuff and occasionally I'm funny on the internet but anyways guys it's just a nice little fun laid-back video I think sorry was a day late we just kind of got sidetracked this weekend hope you guys are doing well hope you guys are holding up with everything and as always I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers on Thursday thanks [Music] [Music] so one of the edges that this has over the standard single stack Makarov is the double stack magazine there we go I can speak today just so I'm not [ __ ] this holds 11 right it allows you to have a little extra capacity so the standard Makarov oh that was right on my toe and this is why you don't wear [ __ ] open-toed shoes at the range I it's broken now [ __ ] this video I'm going home that was a little excessive I'm sorry pattern comrades [ __ ] the time names comrades yeah but that is that literally didn't even [ __ ] go but if you'd like a class on how to run a pistol the wrong way I would be glad to teach $69 a spot
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 681,900
Rating: 4.9593134 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Makarov, cod, call of duty, holster, efa-2k, ij-70, pm, ij-70ah, Demolition ranch, Kentucky ballistics, range, Double stack, Thicc
Id: L-W7zsniWu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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