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gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers as you can imagine we've got a little bit to talk about now i know we just did an emergency gun meme review about a little little known country called ukraine but we're once again back around to the first thursday of the month that's good meme review time i don't make the rules so we got some memes about ukraine russia deathmatch anti-gunners saying dumb [ __ ] and scott yet again blowing up more 50 cals so let's go ahead and jump right in so the videos and pictures coming out of ukraine right now are absolutely insane they always said the next revolution wouldn't be televised i'm beginning to think it's going to be live streamed i've said it before and i'll say it again we are literally living out the timeline that is escaped from tarka of lore and hopefully not fallout so close that they literally made it a thing if you remember from playing customs and escape from tarkov you have that big ass military vehicle that says welcome to tarkov well it turns out somebody gave a similar welcome to another military vehicle except this time it was welcome to karkov it's the same picture is this photoshop possibly but it gets the point across i'm really not going to get into the politics of the whole conflict because last time all i said is that i you know hope as few people die as possible and that you know we don't all get dragged into this and it doesn't turn into world war three but still ukrainians and russians got mad at me so yeah [ __ ] me i guess but we're just it would be impossible to go through this episode without talking about the memes about the situation so let's go for it mama didn't raise no [ __ ] me getting drafted after laughing at all the world war 3 memes man it was funny when it was only on reddit that looks like squirt donuts cat and he is straight up not having a good time except that can't be squirt so i happen to know where squirt is right now squirt joins the resistance that cat is a straight-up [ __ ] killer the russians better be careful squirt's dangerous enough without the pkm by the way squirt uh if you're coming back stateside after all this is done how would you feel about you know hooking hooking ya boy up with that that pkm that'd be pretty cool just you know something to keep in mind if you'd also like to get some of squirts bring backs from ukraine go ahead and hit the subscribe button i promise to all new subscribers i will share whatever loot squirt brings back into the country with you it may not be much it's it's a cat not a lot of carrying capacity there this one says we overestimated russia i thought they had a decent military this is some scooby-doo [ __ ] here if this is what my country gave me to assault another country i would straight up dessert yeah i'm not feeling my odds in an ambush when i'm stuck in a green painted shagging wagon i wonder what this is actually even used for i'm assuming this is a real photo i don't know it's hard to tell there's so much [ __ ] coming out that's just this information dom no russia is too strong russia's strong but not stronger than family yeah just when i thought this meme died out dom is going to get steamrolled family can't change the fact that that is a tank and you have a shotgun although i'm pretty sure they actually had a tank at one point in the fast and furious movies i never i never bothered watching them uh somebody correct me on that can you believe there's people who've watched like all of the fast and furious movies you could have learned a language in the time that took putin putting nuclear forces on high alert usa yeah i'm not gonna lie that one didn't give me the warming fuzzies you think you don't isolated conflict uh it sucks but you know let's see them work this out and now we got nuclear subs on training exercises oddly reminiscent of the last training exercise u.s liquor stores removes all russian-made vodka from the shelves american gun stores what this this is nothing you don't don't pay attention to that not like we were getting any more of that anyway yeah we're slapping all sorts of sanctions on russia they're even trying to ban russian vodka from american liquor stores and that is where i draw the [ __ ] line don't tread on my vodka go to ukraine because you got drafted go to ukraine for the free gun so yeah that's kind of an all hands on deck situation for ukraine a lot of civilians have stepped up and joined the fighting force because well i get it that's their home last i heard they passed out something like 20 000 assault rifles to their civilian population a lot of dope ak-74 stuff too that just looks really [ __ ] cool if i was a defender of ukraine i would be happy to receive uh a gun like that and realistically they're just proving why you know having a second amendment is so important for one of the many many reasons it's almost like it's a really good idea for among other things uh national security to have a very well-armed civilian population that way you don't have to train them at the last minute with cardboard guns when this war is over and the ukrainian government asks everybody to turn their rifles back in no i don't think i will rifle what rifle i never had rifle i do the fighting with molotov and slingshot eu gun control laws watching ukraine try to join right after indiscriminately arming its entire populace that's actually really funny so if i'm not mistaken the eu in general has you know rules like relatively restrictive uh gun laws in place so now that the eu is thinking about allowing ukraine in ukraine is absolutely destroying a lot of their albeit kind of stupid rules actually not considered that before i saw this meme but it's funny all of a sudden because it's ukraine uh not our country and you know russia's the big bad guy democrats all over the place are praising this all of a sudden they love civilians having fully automatic weapons even occupy democrats apparently this tweet for almost 6 years ago no civilian needs an ar-15 regardless of whatever mental gymnastics you do you're a very special breed of stupid breaking ukraine's interior minister announces that 10 000 automatic rifles have been handed out to the civilians of kiev as they prepare to fight to the nail to defend their homes against putin's invasion retweet if you stand with the brave ukrainian people semi-auto ar-15s fully automatic aks now if that's their reasoning i can stand behind that you know i'm starting to get the feeling that they don't actually hate the guns they just hate us that's an interesting thought to consider it has actually been cool though seeing the kind of guns that have been fielded in ukraine certain guns we're getting to see actually like in a combat theater for the first time kind of like the ak-12 at least in my knowledge and if you're into like the techie nerdy gunsmithing stuff kind of like i am uh you might want to go check out sdi sdi or the sonoran desert institute is a great place to look at getting started in the gun spinning field they're a big supporter of the channel so we like to give them some shout outs you can go ahead and click the link down in the description and the pin comment if you wanted to check them out but we're not done talking about dumb [ __ ] anti-gunners say yet because of course the state of the union address just happened and in that address the barely coherent joe biden said that again he's calling to ban assault weapons and you know those dangerous hundred round clips or whatever the [ __ ] same [ __ ] different diaper in the speech he asked why we need a hundred rounds if we're going to be hunting deer are the deer wearing kevlar you think the deer are wearing kevlar vests disregarding the fact that magazine capacity has nothing to do with uh armor penetrating ability that's just kind of a stupid thing to say and two that the second amendment is not for hunting deer the deer wearing kevlar after i shoot them in the head that wasn't very cash money of you it's amazing that we can have calls to support ukraine and support the citizens the armed citizens of ukraine and a call for american gun control in the same god damn speech it's enough to drive a man to drink that in the fact that it's a day that ends in why but the next meme thread is a little bit more lighthearted so we're going to be talking about our buddy scott from kentucky ballistics scott very recently has decided he's going to blow up another 50 cal this time around a barrett so we've got some memes for good ol scott and it'd be really cool if we could just do these memes with him you know because he's a friend of mine you know it'd be kind of cool to like link up with him and actually do these memes together but what if we could i've got an idea bear with me hey scott where am i don't worry about it so we've got some memes that we'd like to show you specifically talking about you know 50 cals and 50 related stuff okay all right all right let's get right into it so yeah i've kind of become obsessed with uh guns blowing up because you know my 50 blew up and almost killed me and so now i'm just kind of like well hey i wonder what would happen when other 50s blow up and what would they do to you you could have just taken up golf it'd be a lot cheaper yeah well yeah that's fair yeah yeah so i blew up the rn50 again uh and it blew up pretty violently like before and then uh yeah i blew up my barrett that sounded cheap uh it was not and then um yeah there's a few others coming up on the menu but yeah it's it's uh it's pretty fun nice so i think the the first thing that we have is from that rn 50 blowing up the second time okay when a girl has a [ __ ] stamp when a gun has a [ __ ] stamp dude i thought it was crazy in your video where like we thought it was crazy in our like jts like when we rechambered it at 50 bmg and that blew up yeah and we saw the like i called it the tram stamp on the bolt and then i saw your video and it had the exact same thing yes and then something i knew happened like right when we got that off there too like i looked at that and i had seen your video recently and i was like yeah that's definitely not good uh slight overpressure just just a little bit when the uh when the the casing smacks the bolt so hard it tattoos the face of it yeah you you know you something's wrong there a little bit yeah so the second time the rn blew up you know it got the stamp but the first time i'm the one that came out with the stamp yes oh god [Laughter] kentucky ballistics after blowing up his barrett 50 cow you know i'm something of a scientist myself backyard scientist just you reading a willem dafoe line is something i didn't think i needed that's basically what i'm doing now though i'm just going to be i'm going to be a scientist blow up guns what's that it's it's it's always science as long as you write [ __ ] down exactly i need to start writing stuff down though today i'm making a video with my barrett a gun review you're filming a gun review right [Laughter] teamwork makes the dream work so you're just gonna make that a whole new series you're just blowing up just random 50 cows not just 50 cows oh okay good you're gonna get to know your grandchild for right yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna blow up more than just 50 gals yeah i don't know man i think it'd be really cool especially just like the slow-mo and stuff it'd be it'd be cool to see how that happens i mean like the chances of your gun blowing up are slim you know for most people for most people unless your name is scott it's not so slim but i think it'd just be really interesting to see you know what would happen to you without it actually happening to you i'm kind of like a gun nerd gun designer and all that stuff so like watching that is super interesting because you've got there's plenty of videos of guns blowing up yeah but like where you have the super high def slow-mo yeah that's really cool yeah it would honestly be pointless if it wasn't for that because it's too it's happening too fast you can't even see it so yeah i've only had like a couple guns blow up on me yeah yeah mostly because i deserved it talk dumb get the phone because yeah he's putting the thumb in there he's put the thumb in the neck i get it yeah that's awesome because the thumb in the neck yeah i'm actually i always wear that shirt and tonight i'm randomly wearing this vortex shirt not a paid advertisement by the way yeah not but vortex if you'd like to pay me for this email me me too yeah vortex for real send me an email vortex the best scope you'll ever buy vortex give me money that's a good one it's direct just let you get to the point you know hey you know what i wonder vortex's scope actually hey vortex's scope didn't survive the 50 cal expo oh yeah so sorry about that never mind cut that board you can still pay me yeah you won't want to pay me yeah that i showed that your scope fell apart 150 blew up i mean it should survive i mean yeah clearly it's rated to instead rated for 50 caliber they didn't say what kind yeah or how it'd be going off so right so if you shoot it with a 50 i mean it said it was rated for 50. if i have a vest that says it's rated for 50 caliber then it should survive right it should i mean what the [ __ ] why isn't your scope surviving vortex i take it back no please hear something yeah you still pay me answer brandon firing the ak-50 kentucky ballistics secret slap round hot tub it's late you wouldn't do that to me right i mean right i think you you kind of want it right you'd want it you're dirty you'd be like don't do it but the views you know what i have to do but i don't know if i have the strength to do it i think you need to uh you need to just bring that thing down to kentucky and uh we'll put us up to kentucky up down everybody you bring it to geography to kentucky yeah again i'm from kentucky i don't know like what's a map i just got to pick on you this isn't my toothbrush this is like i don't brush toothbrushes who's where did you get somebody else's toothbrush where did you get there why were you brushing with stuff wait when you when i snapped you here why were you brushing with somebody else's dude we don't need to talk about that okay i don't [ __ ] want to you need to bring the ak-50 up to kentucky up to kentucky and we'll put a super spicy round in it and see how it feels well we're working on this new v3 we'll build two in tandem and uh if the internet wants to see it we will see it literally one of the only ak-50s in existence i say we do it i'm down i'm i think it'd be fun i'm easily bored so anytime we get to do something exciting that [ __ ] it let's do it all right i'm down you're gonna shoot it right like behind it like oh yeah you have faith in me right yeah i'm going to shoulder it good awesome i can't wait like what if it didn't fail though what if it just like eats it i would drag my nuts across every other 50 cal that does that didn't survive and just just claim dominance so far it's uh it's claiming a bunch of them so it'd be pretty cool 190 000 psi is nothing to [ __ ] around with yeah it's a lot well anyway scott we appreciate you showing up uh relatively against your will for this episode of that meme review i'm still not really sure how i got here it doesn't matter where we're at right now oh would you like to do the sign off yes well guys make sure that you're subscribed to my channel and scott's channel kentuckyballistics we appreciate you guys watching to the end and i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers next time well done you can go home now [Music] [Music] you don't have to start before oh i'm just getting to go oh i was just like if i'm doing like a scene like i'll start doing it okay that way when i cut like it's i was just already a method actor i like it all right are we doing this yeah we're doing the jump in okay yeah yeah that was that was when i was young and well younger and dumber but we're all so dumb yeah you live and you learn at least you think you do nope yeah i'm a 50 blip i'm blowing up 50's on purpose now you're just staring into it like oh my god actually do you have that one of goofy and uh i'll do it again i'll [ __ ] do it again that's pretty much what i'm doing young murder i'm going to cry a little i won't cry i don't think i'll hold you while you cry oh i appreciate it i don't want to cry now i'm sad and aroused sounds like my friday night yeah i just stared like
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,007,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, gun meme review, Kentucky ballistics, Ukraine, Russia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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