AHS: 1984 - Episode 1 "Camp Redwood" Breakdown

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I was checking YouTube all day for this upload! These guys are my favorite

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jtomatzin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i loved these guys' Apocalypse breakdowns. was waiting for this

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hypermads2003 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Without those recaps the AHS experience isnโ€™t complete ๐Ÿ”ฅ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/youameme ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everyone Greg and Ryan here and we are finally back a long time no see [ __ ] will be here at Camp redwood all season long for these breakdowns and I got to be honest we did not pack appropriately oh we have are these marshmallow speed actually Greg I made you something very special first off guys make sure you're subscribed to the channel so you don't miss any of our breakdowns and be sure to follow us everywhere else on twitter @ GS universe on instagram @ GameSpot universe and also on facebook at GameSpot universe we'll be sharing a ton of fun stuff across all those platforms so make sure you're following us and now it's time to break down HS 1984 episode 1 Camp redwood keep them warm there it's a nice nice fire you got going there good ok things start off in 1970s we get a threesome to kick it off and right from the get-go they say was it a lambskin condoms so yeah I knew that everyone's about to die in that you know when when people have sex like through their goners it's over they're gonna die and and you know they go out in an epic fashion to mr. jingles who were first introduced to you know he's walkin through was he the keys jingling on his on his on his keychain and he just wipes out we think almost everyone which would be ten people were massacred at camp redwood back in the 1970 high it turns out yes go back to that look like that later now the first kill of the season that we see was an epic kill at the very end of this video we're gonna do our favorite kill of the week but this is up there this is a candidate Greg oh yes a knife through the back of one person into the mouth of the other girl and kills them both instantly that was pretty epic that's how you got to start things off I'm happy they did that and then we find out that mr. jingles you know he takes trophies he takes the ears of his victims slices them off and puts them onto his keychain like a Dolph longeron kind of thing I immediately thought as an obscure reference but I immediately thought of Universal Soldier yeah you hear me from there we hit off to 1984 with our character intro from Frank Stallone's far from over I loved it yeah perfect perfect setting for an aerobics class going on you know it harkens back to kind of the the perfect vibes if you've seen that movie you know John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis it was straight out of any number of those type of films back in the day we get a cool little like intro of who everyone is and kind of like how they're spending their time in the summer of 1984 now the lyrics of this song started off with this is the end so if that's not foreshadowing I don't know what is but as soon as as soon as you hear that you're like okay this is gonna be bad this is the story is gonna be very bad for these group of friend I'm just dancing from that part - yeah you're all gonna die so our lead here is Brooke Thompson played by the fabulous Emma Roberts and she is describes yourself as the last American virgin for this show that's pretty good that's a good thing yeah that's a good thing and you know the the themes of the final girl and a lot of horror slasher films are definitely have heavily used right here for Brooke she's probably gonna be the one that outlasts everyone does it very end we fit me sweet love that wait and see but you know she's the virgin that hasn't had sex that is is ultimately gonna try to escape these different attacks from these killers she then meets Billie lourd in this slumber party massacre kind of scene and we're where she tells her this I'm not alone just friendly rapgod though like that girl on Cheers all right well we'll see about that we'll check in all that later on the season now Montana is friends with the larger group and she basically wants to set Brooke up with her friend Chet who's played by Gus Kenworthy you know he's the newcomer here and there's a very meta moment here because he is obviously a limp axilla Matt and silver medalist in real life mm-hmm and he's basically pissed off the Olympics because he either was caught with steroids or some type of recreational drugs can't be performing yeah you can't be performing in the Olympics that are coming to Los Angeles in the summer in 1984 so he's definitely very pissed that was a funny nod to the fact of his profession prior to becoming an actor not only that his two lines well it's technically his first line is hay but then after that it gives you it [ __ ] the IOC we're also introduced to Xavier and Ray now Xavier brings up early on Richard Ramirez he name drops an eye on real-life serial killer which was referenced before in HS hotel you guys remember that Ramirez joined on Devil's night joined the whole crew for that big dinner so it's cool to kind of get the connection between hotel and now 1984 but he's specifically talking about like the first murder of Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker in Glassell Park back in the summer I believe it's June or July of 1984 when he you know violently murdered a old 79 year old woman in her home so the the hysteria and the the the kind of scare that was going over the summer of throughout LA from the Night Stalker who would just drive around from suburb to suburb and prey on you know innocent people it's it's perfect kind of setting for a absolute horror story to begin now return Ramirez his crime span from 1984 to 1985 where he was finally apprehended now are they going to change this canon a little bit like have a Tarantino esque ending to this character on the show doubtful because already Canon for HS itself they tell us that he died in 2013 which is the actual year that he died from FOMO right so he I don't think they're gonna change up and have him die in this season runs off he definitely does get into some big showdown with someone someone in in the episode and this in the season and maybe gets hurt really bad and I think gets away and eventually dies you know I'm sorry eventually gets caught like a year later because I don't think we don't I don't think the seasons gonna span over more than than a summer and I mean we don't know it's a lot of episodes to kind of to fill up a summer right and we think it might losev has to move along so yeah you know maybe like the end of the season is in 1985 when he is eventually caught and finally we see that Brooke is safe from his terror I don't know the show loves flash-forwards and flashbacks so we'll see my cousin was saying that they think that these guys gonna go to rampage like Sunnis and did in the summer 78 which is why I'm getting out of town for the next couple of months now Xavier also references another real-life serial killer the Son of Sam yes which terrorized the East Coast New York City during the year the summer of 1978 I believe so the context here is to create a very good foundation for the story and paranoia of that's going around the public right that no one kind of safe even there even in their own homes right and the thing is here with both of these serial killers that they name drop they both were seeing this or at least they claim to be I think some of Sam he said he made it all up later on but Richard Ramirez he claimed no he was devout follower right and we actually get to see some of that in his run-in with Brooke later on and in hotel as well swear on sate now a significant detail do not mess this up or Xavier will get pissed off of you he is a serious actor not in commercials and stuff Greg he trained classically trained at Stella Adler and some of the notable alumni at this this school this Academy actually Robert De Niro Benicio del Toro Marlon Brando so he takes himself extremely serious as a method actor yeah I don't know how successful his career is gonna be it's [ __ ] me very short-lived after summer he also says method very method so let's keep an eye on this vicious guy ready yes we don't know exactly his attentions scream corn syrup same stuff news for pig's blood and Carrie now this paranoia from the Nightstalker that's going through the public in Los Angeles as well as the looming Olympics that are coming to town causes them to kind of want to get out of the city for a while right yeah um so saviours idea is to get this gig as camp counselors at Camp redwood the guy didn't clearly didn't do his background work or maybe when he did or maybe he did and he's basically just you know lying to all of these friends of his but yeah that's that's basically the motivation for them to even go to camp redwood in the first place sure let's go do it don't care let's get him there hey it got us here now we go home with Brooke and there's a quiet moment where she's kind of reminiscing on some jewelry that she'll read I feel like you know whom come on her parents have kind of probably passed on maybe these are the jewelry the rings that her mom left her maybe she's alone in a house at sleepaway camp vod's here yeah her character starting to give me a little bit of a sleepaway camp vibe so we'll see Cody weird thing about Brooke no not the weird thing I mean it's a spot-on for anything slasher flicks but you know she tells everyone that the Night Stalker comes for those that leave their windows open and sleep you know what doors unlock and all that kind of stuff and you know she sleeps right by an open window great okay she's an easy target she brings it up earlier to how the crime rate goes up because it during the summer people leave with windows gets hotter people yet get it for me luckily she survives the attack thanks to her cast iron that she hits him over the head with but nice he vows to kind of track her down and kill her he wants her blood okay even though he got some jewelry out of it but um yeah she's so she decides after that near-death attack i'ma head out yes she wants to go to camp with a bunch of strangers she just met the day before she needs to get more friends and then we get to the van itself fantasy fantasy fantasy and it looks like a very much of a Mystery Machine yeah bus on it call me diggin it and the song playing somebody's watchin me like I mean this is heavy foreshadowing guys people are watching these kids and it's bad news for them and then of course they stopped to get gas where the attendant fare tells them you're all gonna die this is obviously a callback to Friday the 13th mm-hmm Ralph never come back again shut up Ralph it's got a dance cursed and of course that character who's playing are Ralph Lou this story right now is the brother of the late great Patrick Swayze Don Swayze turn around go back to the city you never should have open that place up again now in a very suspicious moment xaviar hits the payphone there's no cell phones back then guys no hits the payphone well maybe there are cell phones they're just like huge yeah yeah yeah the big ones Wall Street hits the payphone and answers looks checks his answering machine there's no voice mail and gets a very suspicious call from it sounds like maybe an old flame or someone that he did he did dirty maybe an old flame that's still probably gonna want to kill him yeah it sounds it sounds very serious maybe he owes money I'm gonna go with money here let's go there's a lot of about Xavier that we don't really know right like just to take this job with these with his friends in camp Redwood where people who are in the know kind of know what happened there that probably wouldn't want to sign up for a job out there and then he has this suspicious phone call like he's clearly running away from something nearly every character is a little suspicious right now even Brooke so you got to keep that in mind yeah and it looks like we're gonna get up a bunch of flashbacks so we'll come back to the later about on predictions but everything is not what it seems to be [Music] [Applause] now here's another music cue that should keep you on high alert photographed by Def Leppard plays and literally the song starts out I'm out of luck I mean sure are yeah they are now next up right from there we get a shot of Cody helping out chat with the bowl he's assisting him while driving and so of course they hit someone right from Vicker I love that you love hitting people with cars or the smoking what do you love I love that scene sadly someone walks in front of the vehicle and he hit something it's not his fault it's yeah it's clearly his fault and you know this is an obvious nod to I know what you did last summer and one of the classics from the 90s you just got a watcher you're going when you're driving on roads that you're not familiar with oh my god [Music] no way oh my god now the key here is that Xavier wants to immediately cover up exactly what he's done he wasn't suspicious already he's already trying to cover up literally running over a kid and obviously it looks like that person was running out there to stop them and ask for help like you do in every single horror film so they make it to camp Redwood with only hitting one pedestrian okay and you know they go immediately to nurse Rita to check up on his health he's kind of going in and out of consciousness yeah nursery - she works at Hawthorne Hospital which is an actual real-life hospital in the 80s just closed down since closed yeah but she's working there the rest of the year and she's at the summer camp during this summer and she knows kind of what's happened here and we have to find later on and she tells the whole story of it and we also meet Margaret played by Leslie Grossman she's back this season she is she's the owner of camp redwood yes we later find out that she actually got a whole bunch of money from her husband's untimely death oh yes sure I don't know what happened mm-hmm and she bought camp redwood as a way of trying to turn a negative which was you know she was part of the massacre into a positive and trying to kind of I guess paint gloss over and paint over those horrible memories she has with a more positive experience mm-hmm a little bit of the again the same camp owner from sleepaway camp he's just trying to you know not it doesn't want any drama she wants no confrontation now but she does want is basically to cleanse the sinful let's say she's not cool with all of the kind of openness of the free love of the seven 60s 70s and the openness of the drinking the sex all that kind of stuff and she's basically you know admonishes all that all those things and wants to kind of go for a more pure an innocent vibe at her campground well the background on that is because of her out-of-body experience her Enter the Void moment she had in during the mr. jingles attack in 1970 now it's heavily implied there's something going on here and we'll get to it a little bit later on but we'll see how that goes I just like the way they're presenting her right now yeah they're they're really propping her up for something else possibly but we'll see but I do like the way they're going around it we're also like to the campfire shot and you can see the eyes a little devil eyes yeah I like it and she reveals this is when she reveals that she was part of the attack right that she survived the attack yeah couple questions here how did she stay so damn still when he cut off her here mm-hmm and not scream I mean you know maybe she was basically dead and not even like there and then kind of had a about experience and came back to life but it was pretty crazy - she was babysitter you see the blood that was in her eyes that was awesome that was awesome and I was also disgusting you know this knows whose blood that is not moving not move not even miss her blood is other people's blood in her eyes and she didn't move up she didn't move an inch um also how does she wear glasses without one ear no there was a massacre but only nine died not ten so mr. jingles is real we clearly know that she's been through a traumatic experience in the during the massacre she's the one sole survivor and it sounds like mr. jingles is from what we find out later obsessed with her and the fact that she survived it yes a newspaper clipping we would see later on she circled on there and she's not circled I don't think for him to finish off the job I think he's trying to get his revenge we also meet chef birdy who apparently was at the camp too back in 1970s with Margaret so she knows the history here and so that makes you wonder whether or not she's complicit whatever else is going on don't you Tobias okay yeah all right let's just keep that open yeah and probably need to read it too but we'll see because how come she didn't nursery - how come she didn't check the dudes ears yeah that's a good point you nursery day that's a really good point that you get you caught up caught on - like if you're checking this person that's got hit by a car like you check all those vitals right you look awful Bobby again is okay go ahead you see his ear was missing and you'd probably then say whoa I know the story about this serial killer that used to slice ears off and it's time to head out and it's girl time to get the hell up out of here yeah and that's how I managed to survive through the grace of God and His mercy now if you're wondering about Margaret's kind of where she aligns politically and morally well she was really good friends with Charles Keating mm-hmm mr. I was kidding Charles Keating was a big-time businessman and activists against pornography yes yeah he did not like porn and basically it was putting up a big fight and in him and his group against Larry Flynt and hustler magazine back around this time now during that campfire Rita asked the correct questions here's what what's everyone doing here and how come they hired a bunch of people with no experience because anyone with any experience or knows anything about this camp wants nothing to do with it yeah she's highly suspicious of it that's what makes me to believe that she's not in on the whole thing no you know also there's only they only hired like five six counselors okay this is crazy like how small is this camp you know and I'm supposed to start up any day now I'm starting this was a start the next day and sure it's literally only them two to watch over the over all these kids and is it really even happening like where they just kind of brought out here for a different reason like now are the kids actually gonna get there do you think the chaos is gonna ensue in the next like 6 or 7 hours no I think they're gonna throw even more stuff into this and make it even crazier yeah I think's I could definitely see that happening I'm worried that next six hours are going to transpire in the next like four episodes and then the rest of the episodes are flashbacks before we catch up with everyone again before the final strike or something flash-forward to 19 whatever 1984 back to present-day with these kids for the final two episodes or something well see his name was Benjamin Richter but everybody called him mr. jingles Richter was drafted into the Vietnam War they sent them off the Saigon and that's where he found his calling now here's where we get some background on mr. jingles Benjamin Richter he went to Vietnam he went to a two terms two tours in Vietnam and he was like a very efficient killer like really really good at killing people hmm little too good at killing people very very yes when he started taking years yeah and then he got a dishonorable discharge went back to the States couldn't get any type of gig and basically became a countess no daeun janitor at at this campground the perfect candidate to you know get framed yeah yeah and I was getting I was getting a lot of vibes of that he was kind of wrongly convicted or wrongly framed for something that went down initially at the campground and he in he was you know kind of taken advantage of and because of what people thought of him and kind of his uh his track record mm-hmm that he's the perfect target to be set up for coming like this let's keep an eye on the people he kills throughout this series does he kill any of the teens and what's the motivation behind them he kills was Roy I think the gas attendant from earlier now does roaring no have a background with the camp - did Roy have a hand and what happened to him and get is like his apprehension right her spraying job was a great point are all these people part of the reason why he went to the mental hospital in the first place why he was in prison in the first place are they the ones that are all kind of in on covering it up yes there's a reason why there's more than one killer we're seeing Richard Ramirez there maybe even another killer out there coming after Xavier just keep an eye out on this because I don't know for getting everything right now obviously we're not something's up here but with that said who knows we're really going and it'd take all of my darkest memories and turn them into something bright and happy you do it that's heavy okay well the kids were coming tomorrow and this is the last time I want anyone talking about that horrible night now also significantly we have to mention that Margaret was the star witness against him on the truck she was yeah so he has reason he has some beef with her obviously in order to clear up what exactly happened or if he just wants to murder her he's just going there to finally just put one in her and this once and for all does he take her other ear yes now let's fast-forward to the moment that we meet Trevor played by Matthew Morrison and he has a package yes a package that caused him to have some issues with me what Jane Fonda he was on her video and apparently he was a little bit too distracting yeah and he's distracting everyone in this damn cabin as well oh absolutely especially Montana here argent thanks let's talk about that scene for a second at the in the water because yes you got to establish all right let's do it let's get him naked throw him in that water and and he decides to go down on her in that gross ass water I guys come on that's mm-hmm I mean he's not gonna get killed by like you know mr. jingles is gonna die from like some infection yeah I mean what are you doing come on man and then we get some heavy Halloween vibes when we go back to the mental institute where everyone's broken out just like in Halloween with Michael Myers the escaped there and it's escape is a callback to the Goonies yeah yeah definitely that opening of the I think I believe is the opening of the Goonies right when you faked her when the guy fakes his own death by hanging himself in order to kill the prison guard do you really think I'd be stupid enough to kill it kill myself I mean how dumb is this prison guard though swinging him around you know no tante a serial killer before you check their polls to make sure they're dead like get them make sure they're a thousand percent dead before you start taunting them this is this is one-on-one stuff but so he gets out and then he hits the master release so like all of the patients basically get out of their cells right and it's like just everyone having to kind of corral everyone working they're having to corral these people and then he can this pieces out he's gone and here's another candidate for kill of the week when you know he strangles the prison guard so strong and so tightly I love ya blood starts coming coming out of his eyes and he's just like breaking the bones inside of his neck basically Game of Thrones style we had a quick scene with dr. hopple where we see the killer's intentions very quickly to the audience Oh a newspaper which shows exactly what he wants to do and he's looking didn't really do a good job hiding that newspaper clipping right not a your intentions are pretty obvious at that point that newspaper clipping should just say I'm going to camp redwood to kill this person by sign mr. jingles yes and now another candidate for kill of the week when poor Roy back at the the gas station gets that entire car just like dropped on his body I think it's his face stomped in of course by mr. jingles to finish the job so mr. jingles you know definitely has some revenge a revenge tour for a lot of people on his on his list all right let's go back to Brooke for a second now she's by herself in the camp she was looking for some you know some bandages and stuff for her yeah because he's cut his hand in a check little road rage incident earlier so like a good friend she is she decides to head out by herself and of course you get that shot of that door and hiker nailed to the door which is a callback to Friday the 13th now it's heavily implied that it was mr. jingles that killed this dude you see a guy or someone or a person in their coat in that coat right outside the door so she breaks for it from there and then we get our you know a great scene of her just tumbling and falling over and over and over again she finally gets back to the cabin and no one really believes her at first they all have to kind of like see what's going on and they'll go all the guys you know get their weapons and get ready and then they go back to infirmary to see what she's talking about and nothing's there of course body's not there of course that there's a coat on an apparently the coat is conveniently put back on the coat rack there there's a high probability here that it's not mr. jingles it's someone else terrorizing her at this point it's back-to-back two straight days of Brooke near-death experiences girl needs to just chill just like me here make some tea and relax and don't go outside so back in the cabin we learned that Montana sleeps with a knife yes and we get this great line from her why are you sleeping with a knife I have a suspicious nature okay I love Montana she's my favorite character we have to protect her at all cost even though he's likely that her and Trevor are the first ones to go I hope they flipped that trope on his head also red because he's the black guy but they died out they're gonna do that either I feel like they'll be around for a while yeah but I could also see those two having sex and dying pretty pretty soon I think Ray and Brooke yeah I did like that I saw this all that getting chipped in there as well but well we'll see every everything's on the table here I thought also I thought you know ray and Chet something's going on there - oh I didn't yes I did so keep that in mind there's a lot going on here but I don't know if there's gonna be enough time if everyone's running away from mr. jingles early on so we'll see how much sex we get there's definitely to be sex let's be honest it's American Horror Story all right she has got to get laid otherwise it's gonna be a long summer now Greg if you live alone yes and your attack tonight uh-huh and you nearly died yeah can you meet some friends and go camping mm-hmm and you nearly died again yeah you see that Bobby yeah hit a pedestrian yeah phone call in the mysterious middle of the night and pay phone outside a minute whenever when everyone's sleeping yeah yeah you would go outside to answer that yeah you obviously got to go answer that call in the middle of the night by yourself Brooke what are you doing she goes outside to answer this phone call I'm gonna check it out and she hears the jingling of the keys on the other end of the phone call right and just then we get a shot of someone else who showed up at the camp surprise my mother the night stalker now it's time to jump into our final thoughts and questions for this episode started off what'd you think of the episode itself I thought it was a lot of fun you know it has all the absurdity the kam penis the cheesy dialogue of some of our favorite slasher flicks the cast is great some of the acting was soso but you know it's the first episode and everyone's kind of getting into the swing of things I thought it picked up as that as the show progressed yeah and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm just anxious and eager to see how long they can stretch this out for ten episodes what I'm nervous about I thought it's very fun the acting yes is a little rough at the very front end and then it just picks up from there I can't wait to see how they're gonna tackle all the killers I feel like there's even more than what we're seeing some more it's really more serial killers throughout the entire season with that said - I wonder how are they going we're really gonna get the bodies where are we going to get our bodies for these kills down the road if we're gonna you know go any further again that's more people need to be showing up out of this camp exactly it makes me wonder flashbacks in flashbacks yeah that's a good point I think we're gonna definitely get some kind of context and into what happened prior to this you know prior to the 1970 massacre maybe or in between the years in between I also want to shout out just the music that was used right the music great music for but also to score very like John Carpenter vibes I mean the end itself you get the combat I mean are we gonna get lady you know we have a foundation of having known a lot of these movies but also a kind of on you kind of want to go back and just see some of the other can't be cheesy horror films that we've seen that we've heard about that we haven't looked quite it got into so I know this season I'm definitely to go back and kind of rewatch stuff as like a double feature before I mean you mentioned like a great idea would be to watch a movie before another episode just to kind of get in that mindset I watched Nightmare on Elm Street before episode kicked off and I would recommend I know guys everyone let us know in the comments down below if you spot anything because I can already see it now for this season we're gonna be like oh that's from the movie Black Christmas and this seems not enough and then while we do all that some we're like we're gonna have like Freddy Krueger is gonna walk right through the frame and we're gonna miss it you've been frauds you missed the whole damn thing I like that's probably going to happen this season with that said let us know in the comments section down below and we'll be able to you know shout you out next week or we'll just delete the comment delete delete delete how about a couple questions we have after watching this premiere episode mom biggest one I think is what's the backstory with Margaret Wright what happened to her husband he mysteriously dies and she gets all his money and she decides to buy the camp redwood I want to know like what her intentions are seriously I know I don't think they're gonna lead us down the road of her being the killer I feel like they're just that's a red herring I think she killed her husband though yes for sure I think there's some truth in what you say more than the lies that she's giving there was probably a big little lie in there but but that said I feel like she's not gonna be the killer and I think they're leading us down another route entirely separate from maybe she's not a killer but she does she does know she worked with with one of the killers or she knows yeah I'm more that she's leading on to believe also my other big question I have is about Xavier and about that phone call the mysterious phone call that he got on his on his answering machine just a weird thing to get and then he's kind of like you know fleeing the big city and going to the campground for the entire summer was he paid by maybe more to get these kids there and then go from there and see what happens but I get the method after wine makes me wonder what is he doing and that brings New York yeah and that brings me to kind of a next big question just thinking off the top of my head right now is that the the whole motion picture industry weighs heavily on the season you can say that like a lot of these characters are involved in the industry having worked in commercials or aerobics videos and you know I feel like we might come back to like that now we've talked about before we don't really want it to be like that Roanoke style where everyone's playing a role and it's like a remake but they won't be the thing I hope they don't do they're not gonna do that but - I think that we're gonna get even more of this the kind of industry talk where all these a lot of these characters are working on different shows and movies and maybe that that means that they're inclined to know how to you know act a certain way like you said the method acting of xaviar and kind of not really reveal all of his cards it in the beginning maybe xavier survives he's the final guy at the end of the season and he's doing like a reenactment later on a movie I can totally see that like it was it not what was it / for scream yes yes so something like that down the road again like every season we kick it off I love the beginning I love the opening around seven or eight we start to scratch the back of our heads and then we all argue with each other at the finale and then we're sweet the man if we want things changed and then we all at the end go okay guys we love you all we'll see you all next year bye so it's gonna happen again but I think like last season they did a great job of wrapping it up I really loved it from beginning to end except for again just the part really ran over Kody Berg that's it the funny thing here is though that now Cody gets to do the running over in the car all right time now to talk about our kill of the week Greg what do you got all right I like my kills and slasher films to be long a little bit longer and played out a little bit where you get the killer like thinking for a second methodically what he wants to do next so I gotta go with Roy he's like already down he could have just left them there in no smash it's brutal but it's not brutal let's say like a nail gun yeah that was pretty bad in Colt but uh you know poor Roy I mean it just work on with a car late at night we don't know if it's poor Roy just yet good just saying good point good point my kill has to beat will it's a two for one kills the the opening kill of the two adolescent teenagers you know having sex lambskin and all and making out and then a knife directly in back of that one one head into the mouth of the other you know you get when you get two kills for one it's super efficient you know high-volume kills like this is the exam it's a welcome to American Horror Story right it's a very good way to set off the entire series this season and and you just know you're gonna get those a lot of those same horror tropes from all the movies of the past that we love you know the teens having sex and they're immediately killed and it's camping the kills are camping and that's what we asked for yeah and I hope that we get a ton more of those moving forward I think we will now there was a lot in this episode I loved but I would be lying if I didn't say that my favorite part was that promo at the end I think we're in danger yes we are in danger from sin okay one just good job from the editors there's a good way to kick off the rest of the season and two holy [ __ ] I mean come on back and that was great getting a little bit of a cabin in the woods vibe but we'll see where that goes I can't imagine they're going that route entirely where they're gonna just lead off Wizard of Oz this entire thing see one thing I did notice in that promo is it looked like there was gonna be some jingles and ramรญrez kind of showdown mm-hm it kind of reminds me kind of those like Freddy vs. Jason movies and stuff like that you know Dracula versus Frankenstein's actly you get like these two big dads and you kind of put them up against each other and obviously we're gonna get some flashbacks looking because a couple scenes of jingles back he's already spittle his origin kind of story I think judging by the titles of some of the episodes moving forward we're gonna get more aerobics definitely Flashdance Flashdance yeah we're gonna get some more of that kind of stuff going on and it's gonna be a lot of fun guys before we let you go we're gonna tell you about a new show coming to universe this coming Sunday it'll be a weekly show on Sundays it is called true fiction and I'm excited because the first episode is on one of my favorite shows of all time you may have heard of it Twin Peaks take a look from the unsolved murder that made Twin Peaks to the nuclear origins of Godzilla true fiction every week on gamespot universe that's it for this week guys we are gonna hang out here in camp redwood until next week we'll do weekly breakdowns of American Horror Story 1984 thank you so much for watching bye bye I made a s'more stew out of here
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 341,293
Rating: 4.8764095 out of 5
Keywords: ahs 1984, ahs 1984 camp redwood, american horror story, camp redwood, ahs 1984 theories, ahs1984 breakdown, ahs 1984 reaction, emma roberts, billie lourd, cody fern, matthew morrison, leslie grossman, brooke, montana, xavier, mr. jingles, richard ramirez, slasher movies, slasher films, halloween, the burning, horror, ahs recap, 1980s, american horror story 1984, american horror story season 9, ahs, greg thomas, ryan peterson, american horror story reaction, ahs season 9
Id: pdlRPM466yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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