AHS: 1984 - Episode 3 "Slash Dance" Breakdown

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what's up everyone Greg and Ryan here for another breakdown of AHS 1984 this is episode three slash dance now remember guys follow us on instagram on twitter on facebook we're putting a ton of fun content out on all those channels make sure you're following us again spoiler warning if you haven't seen this episode yet get out of here go watch it and then come on back hurry up but before Freddy there was a very real nightmare that stretched far beyond the quaint sleepy suburb of Elm Street a very real epidemic that claimed the lives of many healthy men in their sleep without warning now Greg let's start with a title /dance apparently it's a movie that came out in 1989 I have not seen it myself but have you no but I really want to so I'm gonna rent this or find it somehow it's apparently on a compilation DVD so I got to grab that first and then when I watch it I'm gonna talk about it here so probably Biden I say next week or the week after we're gonna talk about that I'll do a mini breakdown for /dance nice now apparently it's about a female cop who goes undercover as a dancer at an old theater to catch a serial killer who has been murdering women auditioning for a musical the the one she poster is awesome so I just I want to watch this movie sorry I will have to watch that soon now when it comes to HS it's fitting you know slash a lot of slashing in this in this show in dancing a lot of robux as well so this episode picks up where we left off the last one obviously with some knocking at the doors for both of all troops orchids are basically being hunted down by the two separate killers and all the cliches are thrown at us right here you know you have to yep the away from the windows which they don't do and basically the killers are able to get inside [Music] sidenote when they're trying to block Richard Ramirez from getting through the window and they put it like a big dresser drawer or something over there inside of it it looks like there's like a figure it looks like rubber man I don't think it is but I can't figure out what the hell that is yeah that's super weird now let's talk about Ray because the seeds of Ray and kind of the person that he is get implanted then you're planted right there like he's all about himself yes you see it does not want to help the team he's basically like every man for himself you know he goes that dart that hold Darwin line he basically wants to run split up Run For Your Lives and he knows that he will outrun everyone else not a good dude so the clock was ticking on Ray's time Turtles right after that you knew at some point okay can we talk about Ramirez again because he's really sloppy here this really is Richard Ramirez which now I'm having my doubts he's just slashing up ray and he could hit a minute right there yeah a couple cuts on his arms I mean when you saw last week he attempted to kill Brooke mm-hmm on the pier on the dock and like completely missed her you know she's all alone by herself like an easy kill for you know the Night Stalker you would think and now ray makes it out because thankfully for Chet but yeah he was just carving up his the giving a little paper cuts almost okay those were some gnarly paper cuts but still you're right yeah maybe a little bit deeper than a paper get back with Kody Montana and Trevor they're hiding from jingles apparently and we get like a little we thought it was like a Molotov cocktail or something coming through the window right it's [ __ ] so it's just a bunch of kids pranking people cool right on the on the anniversary of the massacre they go around they dress up as jingles they even have the damn masks two of his likeness you know almost like a Michael Myers mask John Carroll wind yeah I hope he gets those masks you know to take one home I hope we've had someone just on a mantle that's so awesome that's really awesome but yeah they're they're basically pranking anyone in the area now I thought about this you know it's not popular enough that the wider Los Angeles area would know about this where these kids they'll be at least yeah those kids wouldn't but like people that are local this area this community apparently they just do this every year but this is the wrong year to do it because another horror movie cliche the kirio the real killer is right behind them the real killer sees an imposter stab you see that a lot of times including on AHS in happening I think it was asylum yeah it silent member Leo and Teresa shout out to Adam Levine the work the dumbest honeymooners ever they actually go into the abandoned Briarcliff Manor for some reason it and start hooking up and then all hell breaks loose you know they run into imposters of bloody face in the damn abandoned Briarcliff Manor but then unfortunately the real bloody face the son of bloody face at least Johnny Morgan shows up and kills everybody so Chet saves ray from the Night Stalker shout out steroid job but with that they immediately fall into a punji pit yeah ouch that does not look good at all and basically what Chet believes is that it's from jingles because jingles was of course in the Vietnam War now punji pit sore punji sticks all these traps were used by the Vietcong all across the the Vietnam War so the connection makes sense that you know jingles would would make this but how does he have time to build this he doesn't but there's something going on here and I'm just gonna let it happen right because of the next episode we see Brook is about to get taken out impaled by another weapon that looks just like that right guy right you think either he made it like years ago but then how did no one else stumble upon this or into it you know was it it was is it like is the whole place rigged with these booby traps across the whole camp that's the worst camp ever if it if so but yeah it does not look good for Chet I mean he has it right through his shoulder and and they're just basically stuck down there and check gives one of my favorite lines with that Gus Kenworthy is doing a great job I'm on board he's acting this is so good in this episode yeah the first two episodes were a little bit shaky but in this episode it did not he's starting because he's getting an air get in the groove get in the groove I'm loving it now this doesn't happen often but jingles actually lets someone live yes well Rita - Rita as well but we got that soon but another poor impostor who you know has his inhaler and he's just workhorse that wants to make friends his mom and I paid for those dudes to hang out with them he's dressed up as jingles in jingles I was surprised to see that he didn't kill him no I liked that so yeah he let him live he just kind of felt bad for the guy and it's just like he's kind of in a state of shock almost jingles is like whoa this is this really happening like it's a lot to kind of take in you get out of you get out of that hospital that prison and there's people dressed up as you then why do I see that celebrate you and this porc soul is just you know he doesn't know what the hell he's doing he's stumbling across the woods trying to take a leak and yeah he came this close to death well he actually gets it later on but right after that we catch up with Brooke and nurse Rita ooh we find out quickly after that she's not exactly who she says she is we we had these suspicions early on yeah well as we have had for a number of people in the show but the fact that guy as we said earlier that she survived that that initial run-in with jingles a little bit of blood on her on her you know like we were already kind of like suspicious of her motives and who she really is and this is when we find out that she you know she gets she shoots Brooke with a tranquilizer and drugs her then we get more of her backstory of course confused aren't you don't worry nurse sweet is gonna make it all better we find out that a week prior to the events at Camp redwood miss Rita's real name is Donna chambers she went to go visit doctor hopple um and basically she she pitches her on the idea of letting her talk with jingles with Benjamin Richter because she's gotten confessions out of a handful of other serial killers across the u.s. yes yeah she's gotten confessions out of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy I mean just because you got 30 bodies buried in your crawlspace don't mean you can't have a really terrific rec room and be a respectable businessman and if you're wondering when was the most suspicious line by any character in this episode it's definitely Rita Ora Donna there he awakened to the mr. jingles so Donna is fascinated with serial killers to say the least and they bring her in to talk to jingles and they set her up with Oh jingles hasn't talked for how long like years yeah okay so just like Michael Myers and Halloween they're setting you up the same story back story but with that she gets him to talk in five seconds yeah not really hard for him to talk no that that was pretty funny and this plot along exactly and I also find it funny that there's literally no security in the room just turn off that tape and she can just turn off that tape recorder when she pleases it's you think that they would take this a lot more serious with a person of his stature take care of that pesky guard hit the switch find the bag so Donna is the one who orchestrated jingles escape apparently right she she left the bag for him she told him exactly what to do and she all she basically just wanted him to show up back at camp redwood to relive his crimes one more time so realism mine hunting she wants the study of him and his natural habitat basically did by doing so she would then get a rebate get the research and knowledge to stop those that may be headed down a similar path at a younger age right she's she wants him to be the last serial killer okay even sitting here looking at that face I don't want us to have her over and over why does she want to do this who knows okay yeah who knows and she's willing to sacrifice innocent people we think innocent people she willing to sacrifice lives in order to make this possible I don't know maybe she researched these kids but I I doubt it we'll see here something weirds going on yeah and then we meet the real nurse Rita port nursery - she's just going to her summer gig right she's just driving down down the frit on the highway and she sees you know another call car following her she's a little bit you know sketched out because she's she's her obviously heard the stories of kind of what goes on in the news here and she kind of just a little bit freaked so we have a creepy convo right there at Roy's gas station again right and then from there we get what Oh maneater yeah yeah if you're in when she's in the car you hear hollow notes maneater you based on the lyrics of some of these songs we're hearing you know it's not gonna end well for some of these characters [Music] now initially I thought oh my god Donna like killed her right there in that second but I was like maybe she didn't seem like quite this serial killer that we thought she is we need those bodies for the cam so yes we I think that's why they did it that way right they didn't have her died obviously also she's driving the car where they just gonna crash how was she gonna stop the car exactly yeah so she brings her back and basically ties her up and keeps her wrapped up and put away at at the camp itself now we find out later on that poor nurse Rita actually does die in one of our kills of the week I got a incredible kill like I mean not incredible I so I'm sorry nurse Rita but you know a-and or down her throat Greg that was brutal now if you thought Rita aka Donna was the only one with a shady backstory well ray we're looking at you bro because Wow step up to the plate it's your time to give us your horrible horrible backstory and and you know he's back in the pit with Chet and Chet looks like he's passed out so now it's time for him to deliver all this exposition of what happened to him and the appropriate time the appropriate time to just basically come clean with everything you've done in your life and we flash back to last year I believe and he's at his fraternity at a party and they're making all the pledges drink a ton of alcohol yeah and it is goes horrifically wrong the one of the one of the pledges chin falls down the stairs and seemingly he's dead seemingly kills himself so Gregg this happened you know most of us which call nine-one-one mm-hmm you know we're not was responsible for the death of the person or the injury but he wants to cover it all up poor chance so he put some in a car and tries to simulate him driving off yes the cliff but but of course you know he's alive Chan's alive and he's like whatever what's going on what am i doing and he like closeted scratches at him to save him like hold on and his watch falls off he rips the watch off yes so so Ray is now connected with an actual murder of chin so Ray's trying to basically lay low because they just found the car and Ray you're horrible dude it was kind of reminds me of Goonies when chilling effects that's Steve Lee confession so after Ray gives out his backstory to the audience solutely comes clean and unconscious Chet which he thought was unconscious he was not he wakes up don't read he said he heard everything now he knows the secret mm-hmm and Ray is kind of like okay I'm gonna get out of here now and I'm gonna leave you here to die so just when you thought Ray was it was a horrible human being it literally gets worse and he easily I found it funny that he easily hops out of the pit like he was there the whole time and couldn't do it but then he just like okay I'm out of here ray then meets up with Xavier Montana and Trevor and doesn't tell him that the he just left jet to die no not yet he doesn't confess anything but Montana does get a great line in the Cooper now Trevor and Xavier do find Chet in that pit later on yeah I was I was kind of surprised that he went down there to save him that's so her rage is kind of ditched right no Ray's all about himself and very selfish and wouldn't even try to save the poor guy but Xavier like you know no questions asked just went down there mm-hmm and they pull him out of there and he's obviously brutally injured but they get him out they actually get him out of the pit but then right after that Trevor thinks he can take out jingles and everything looks like it's going along too easy so of course it turns out that jingles was the poor kid from earlier just so we're all clear that wasn't jingles but right before that Greg Trevor has one of the most epic lines about his guns his knife versus my guns now Trevor tells ray about his bike which at this point the alarm bells are going off in your head like oh he's going to get his head chopped off any second and then it's of course Ray in Montana or left alone with the Night Stalker and raised like I'm gonna peace out everybody through this town I'm just leaving he's already about self gets on that bike and everyone's like alright here it comes or is it happening and then I'm pretty sure jingles this has hung out with mmm batter up boom pretty cool shot as like his head is completely decapitated and he's kind of still the bike that's still going and just like a headless ray just going straight ahead definitely one of our kills of the week now if he dies at the camp and this goes for everybody who dies at the camp does that mean that they're gonna come back at some point well don't sleep on the line he gives right before it I'll see you guys soon in another life now I took that lie as one thing 1 he could obviously come back as a ghost right here yeah this season which would be hilarious if he does and all the kids come back or two I take it as a meta line for AHS in general right he's just a lot of these characters we see I'll see him again yes I will be back and he probably will when the season 9 or 10 if they close it all out and say it's all purgatory held everyone's trapped in some kind of limbo which it could be back with Montana and the Night Stalker another another twist course of course for a second I thought Oh Montana she's using what whenever she's got left here so her last moves to try to save herself kind of trying to hook up with him and save her life yes and she's gonna stab him in the back or something no they're in on it together every week there's a lot of deaths in this show so let's talk about our favorite kill of the week handful people died this week the imposter has got got the bad end of it I've got then the you know that pit killed a few people or almost killed a few people then we get the or down the throat of poor nurse Rita and then Rey deservingly gets his head chopped off so what would be your kill of the week well it's not Rey because it would be but again at the end of the day he was still the first black guy killed on the show from the original group so bad I'm gonna go with nurse Rita og nor Cerreta horrifying for her support poor girl was just like you know wrapped up the whole time just going for her summer gig you know she was looking to make a few extra bucks at camp and she gets you know abducted and then she literally as soon as she kind of frees herself for a minute there jingles is waiting it's a killer don't worry the camp's haunted she'll be back mine has to be Rey I just like he deserved this he had it coming to him after everything we've seen after the backstory that we learned about ray and just how he overall like treated all of his so-called friends I mean when we were introduced to this crew like they seemed kind of tight with each other you know like I would never if you and I are in the woods and someone's hunting us I wouldn't just run away from you Greg like I wouldn't just like leave you alone like I'm gonna we're gonna get all this together at least give you something else give you a weapon give you a stick or oil sticks out and hold on it is I'm gonna go get you some help ray it's all about himself he's just like like wants to leave as quick as possible and once a run in a separate direction you want to take the bike the only way of transportation out of there like you and I'm willing to give someone a ride on the bike you mean two people can fit on a motorcycle I mean let's be honest I've never seen a minimized movie I always seen his Ninja Turtles when he does ninja rap oh my god all right let's jump into a few questions and theories we have going forward for the rest of the season all right let start with Montana and Ramirez yeah how did these two kind of linked up and how long have they known about this kind of plan that they're hatching I mean obviously we know that Montana kind of not interrogated but asked kind of brought Brooke along into the group of friends right and kind of knew that she was kind of new to the area and kind of kept herself and was like the last American virgin so kind of she that kind of made a mark on her right and then had Ramirez kind of track her down knew where she lived possibly as well yes in the preview we see that they meet possibly at the aerobics studio yeah which input everyone could be involved if that's the case then this this aerobics class is just that one big cult yes but with that said it looks like they may have just targeted Brooke yeah but I wonder if everyone's targeting Brooke somehow and that's how she's gonna survive like lions fighting after their own prey right so you're saying that like basically a handful of different people all had their own separate plans to hunt down this poor girl Brooke basically they're all good in the middle and this is all gonna be a massacre of lot of P of bodies but Brooke will survive because they're basically all stupid oh we're getting a lot of dark backstory here from a lot of different characters which were Ramirez ray Brooke I I think the list goes on even God the camp counselors Margaret yeah how are they all together at this camp is something else going on here to bring them all together well I have a wild theory and and you know I was I'm a fan of predator who isn't predators with Adrien Brody you know all these killers are sent down to this island and they get hunted by the predator what if this camp is sort of a punishment for the sin for the sinners for people that have like you know this background or they've done horrible things it's like almost like a social experiment or and you know to see how they would react to a serial killer hunting them down I don't know if it's like a purgatory or if it's absolutely like a hellhole I hope it's not Mutt and Jeff or whatever cuz they're running this whole thing I hope that's not what's going on I mean it could be the supernatural that might that might that might be part of the reason why that explains the supernatural video game thing yeah of the 70s you know hiker that kind of reappears and the grace responds he's a glitch he's a glitch and it may be that you know basically these people are are all being punished for what they've done in the past you know this is my punishment I think said that it kind of makes me even more suspicious of Brooke right all we know about Brooke was so far she seems to be like the the innocent final girl but do we really trust her story about what happened at the altar do we know about it it's only like she's narrating Harry she's gonna give us that ski scene it's either Xavier Brooke I feel like it's coming any day now yeah I feel like Xavier's gonna break my heart now that he's my new number one he's taking he's knock Montana off the mountain for the moment but I Savior I can't trust him either I feel like any moment now he's no one nabis in the back literally no one can be trusted in this show now it doesn't look that we're gonna get a little Ramirez versus jingles action we've innocent hopefully it's jingles and not only these kids again yeah and that would make sense because it seems like their motivations or know what they're after are two separate things that there you know one is trying to try to kill Brooke and one is trying to get back at Margaret yeah it was became pretty clear that jingles he gets a little uneasy even seeing photos of Margaret so he definitely wants to stab her numerous times once he see when you need us here so we finally see chef birdie in the preview for next week's episode so like what's her deal here and this whole thing ready to cook it's a funny these are for comedic bits right they they they're using like Xavier trying to go see you're late at night that gets a funny little thing but I'm very suspicious of Bertie because where has she been this whole time I would love if she made the pit she's she's making all these like Kim McCallister she's gonna she's in on the whole thing she's she's helping kill all these kids that come to the camp to work for the camp doubtful well because she knows she knows so much history of what's going on yeah she's been there forever so she's definitely like hiding and covering up some horrible things in the past it's magic up here in the fresh air so those are some of our theories and questions that we have moving forward but hey anything could happen this show is gonna be filled with a ton of twists we've seen a handful already but it's gonna get even Wilder can you trust anyone on this show let us know in the comment section down below and we will see you all back here next week for episode 4 real killers I think it's called
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 139,870
Rating: 4.922502 out of 5
Keywords: Slash Dance, Mr. Jingles, ahs 1984, camp redwood, american horror story, ahs 1984 theories, ahs1984 breakdown, ahs 1984 reaction, emma roberts, billie lourd, cody fern, matthew morrison, leslie grossman, brooke, montana, xavier, mr. jingles, the night stalker, richard ramirez, slasher movies, slasher films, the texas chainsaw massacre, halloween, friday the 13th, the burning, sleepaway camp, a nightmare on elm street, friday 13th
Id: JiB_VkshfxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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