AHS: 1984 Season Finale - Episode 9 "Final Girl" Breakdown

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what's up everybody welcome back to another breakdown for AHS 1984 this is a season finale the final girl Greg the 80s will never die yeah I guess all right Greg let's talk about the season finale of 1984 we kind of saw a little bit of this coming we knew that Bobbie Richter would be back into the fold here and he is played by Finn whit rock yes a veteran of American Horror Story we were back in like present-day now 2019 yeah they they gave us a little bit of a twist there with the flock of seagulls clean early and then you see a previous role like up okay got it never mind yeah 90 80s and the key here is that most people have kind of forgotten about camp Redwood decades every decades yeah forget about it's been decades and decades time has passed and kind of no one's been there it's been basically abandoned from 1989 like no one cleaned it up after that that camp festival right right I mean even the uber driver in this situation doesn't know what camp redwood was so it's really out of the public consciousness and you know he's going basically to check in on the the truth about what happened to his father I mean he all he knows is that his father went back to camp redwood right mr. jingles went back there and never saw him again no one ever saw him again so he's kind of looking for some answers so he immediately bumps into Montana and this is a different Montana her demeanor has changed a little bit since the last time we saw her forever at the same time no one's been on this campground for a very long time so she sees a cellphone for the first time that was astir I mean it she has no idea what an iPhone is nope Shh that's rad phones back then look nothing like that she's like can I just keep this ya know my first question was if Bobbie had read so much up about camp redwood why even go there why even risk it his dad that's it what see his dad what did people think of the 80s did Judd Nelson ever get his Oscar I do like that great little exchange between the two of them because it's been so long she's been stuck in the 80s her entire life so she wants to know a few things like Judd Nelson did he get that Oscar eat my shorts I was hysterical obviously Judd Nelson from Breakfast Club and st. Elmo's fire fire you know that it's cool and she's like you know we get an idea of kind of being trapped in one decade and not being able to know what else is going on outside right if no one's coming into the into the campground then she has no recollection of what's happening in society I just know there can't get any newspaper there's no updates he can't log on Twitter so she has she's basically relying upon visitors to the campground and like she said no one has come by which is shocking I found that kind of you know weird that no one would go back to the camp - camp redwood with all that historical significance even they didn't even go in there and chop down I'm sure he's making stupid yeah or someone else to buy the property and turn it into something else or someone just clean up the the camp redwood music festival that still like me see is abandoned and in tatters hey it was kind of surprising that no one had been there for so long future seasons think about it future seasons gonna come back to it yeah return to camp redwood oh god he's a reality show about camp redwood HS Roanoke redwood return to camp redwood 2026 the coven witches go camping yes anything like that keep it going what else you got whatever matchups can you think freak show is so freak show the land oh I can't win we're gonna get the aliens no no no I also love how Bobby was like the 80s are kind of coming back but aerobics is still super lame rafi yeah he's probably more into like CrossFit or zum-zum maybe into the dandy mop workout routine I bet you Bobby's a fan [Music] and now Trevor's back and he and Montana are clearly on good terms at this point so we're gonna get a little bit of a flashback now to explain what what we what we saw right because obviously when we first when we last saw them they were not on the best of terms like she like yelled at him and they're like you know in and out of love but now we find out that they've they're together again and they really enjoy being dead right they're gonna have to prove to Bobby like that they're ghosts that's one little scene Jessa come on kill me come on you know so using the gun and the knife kind of that's just the route yeah that was that was fun to see and then they pop back up and then and then Bobby's like whoa at that point you would think a normal human being might just leave right i'ma head out yeah I don't want to stay here anymore like these are ghosts that are coming back to life you would think that he would want to leave but like you said he really wants to talk to his dad I have to talk to him I'm sorry dude your dad's dead now in addition to being on a camp ground filled with ghosts Montana even warns him that hey Richard Ramirez is here and he really wants to kill you like so what Jack really wants to kill you yeah but apparently someone keeps sending Bobby money yeah so it even adds more to the suspense and and his motivations to find out what's kind of behind all this like where his dad is what really happened with his dad and who is this anonymous source that's sending him money every month he has no idea who it is in addition to this no one's seen mr. jingles at the campground for years right 30 years yeah so he's he's nowhere to be seen so like even Montana and Trevor like we don't really know where your dad is last time Montana saw him is when he got pulled to the depths of the bottom of the lake yeah and our Friday the 13th not last week so now we finally go back to the 80s and 1989 halloween day for the camp redwood music festival that is not going to happen it's not gonna happen but Margaret's still playing in it anyways and we get Bruce who's getting high at this time and we see Ramirez with a slice which came out 1984 by the way he's got a slice tree alright come and see one knows in a long time but he's very upset he's very upset if they don't get to see Billy Idol yeah I was - yeah I was upset that Billy Idol hello that we wanted a little Evan Peters cameo his idol but the second he set that line I was like oh he's not showing up yeah but we find out that basically Trevor has been turning away all these people these artists and guests to to basically of course undermine Margaret's plan and a Margaret's plan is basically to just kill everyone that arrives after they arrive and just basically she wants us to be like a monument to herself right to the 80s and this time that she kind of just you know wiped out completely and she basically wants to use these these music guests as as symbols of the massacre that she's taken six Richard Ramirez out on everyone apparently yeah Bruce Richard where's Bruce and herself as the trio of murder murderers that are gonna basically the job done but Trevor you know has other plans for her you are the world's worst assistant I have something I have to go deal with also because she's just a horrible person she kills Courtney yeah I could give some like weird excuse that he's a horrible assistant but like ever bad news yeah he just this is the messenger right I mean I feel like he was actually a pretty good assistant he had he kind of had to deal with a lot of BS in my opinion he cleaned up kajagoogoo yeah clean up messes of dead people like and then that's and then you do that to him you just shoot him point-blank well now we stuck here on the campgrounds then she goes after Trevor who was you know in the road and turning people away and you know you knew this was gonna happen you know that she's gonna get hurt her kind of vengeance on him and she shoots him and it looks like he's gonna die outside of the campground outside of the property line yeah she shoots him in the crotch which he he actually brings up early on its it sucks you don't want to get shot here you wanna get shot here first yeah at the same time I love that scene it's so goofy it is really goofy it's so he's just laying there and he's trying to crawl back into the campground so that he can obviously live on forever in the campground with Montana it kind of reminded me of past seasons of AHS right like draggers you got to get back got to get that body on that haunted ground so I Michael Langdon didn't make it into the murder house at the end of apocalypse Adelaide didn't make it into the murder house before she passed away she couldn't live on in the murder house right but here he gets some help Trevor get some help from Brooke who is kind of a twist to see her helping out Montana right because these two do not like each other but she basically you know reveals to Brooke to Montana that she's nothing like her that she has there's some good in her that she you know isn't a horrible person and in that instance I think in that instant I think that Montana basically changed that just kind of flipped a switch where wow okay this person did something really great for me she helped me get this love of my life back into my into the campground and Brooke did it because she's just a very good person yeah I mean Montana has not shown that throughout the course of the season well she did try to kill that one check in the last episode but she's changed now that's why cool that's to forget about that all right now Trevor's brought back to the campground so ghost Trevor lives on forever on the campground yes until it burns down or something else happens to it in the future but for now he's flying yep and the next thing of business for the camp they got to get rid of Bruce but they can't leave the body on the camp ground so that was cool too or they set him up there they have one of the old camp residents from 70s chase them down a little bit and them so they establish the rules that you got to be off the campground they push them off the campground and let them bleed out somewhere else yeah now these rules do come into play later on with Margaret I feeling that these ghosts don't really know how death works and like how the timing of stuff works you know but basically if you want someone to not be reanimated on to the campground itself you have to let them die off property so kill Bruce or get him close to death let him bleed out off property then he dies and he no longer can come back yes yes they they didn't they didn't do that with Margaret but it was worth it they also didn't follow the rules when Ramirez because well he's a special case as well he has the helping hand of Satan so no matter where they killed him he was going to be revived somehow some way right so the the the logic in this is that hey let's just keep an eye on him at Camp bread would right and make sure every time he gets brought back to life that we will just kill him immediately basically a endless loop of just murder dick murder larder love this love that scene this was a really cool scene as Montana lures him into the cabin by the way I love this tweet from American horror stories official Twitter account they said somebody mentions Billy Idol Ramirez immediately let's guard down I mean I have a spot-on all she has to do is say Billy Idol and then he walks Oh he finds her he's like whatever y'all join you and then when he when he gets in there obviously Montana you know stabs him surprised and then the whole this was extremely gruesome I mean what was your reaction when you first saw this part know when he's like just covered in blood oh yeah him and everyone's good getting ahead like a circle murder of stabbings it kind of reminded me of the nail guns seen in cult a little bit circa but this was even you can see more gruesome yeah the team up two of everyone get together kind of reminded me a lot of stuff from we saw in freakshow we like dandy his right mind yeah now we actually have a number of how many people are probably in the part Montana says there's over 40 souls in the park so give or take they all have a rotation where they go in and make sure to keep an eye on Ramirez and kill him every time he's revived which is great because we kick off with first I think it was ray it with his Annie Wilkes misery sledgehammer scene and then from there we go straight to Xavier with a chainsaw everyone pretty much gets their shot to kind of kill Ramirez over and 70s yeah my question here was like what are the rules doc do you just reanimate right in the same spot because I mean it seems to be I think that we're getting no time for that no time for the writing they're like no time what it is a funny it is a funny little kind of job to have at the campground right you're on Death Watch like who's watching Ramirez tonight Xavier is okay bring the chainsaw you know how do you want to kill him tonight just like to keep him in a chair just just yeah I would think that you could just Shane him to some area and like slowly like right off a limb I mean I do something little by little like let him bleed out like over the course of time no actually then the very next scene with check and birdie welcome back birdie he's tied up and the devil sets him free yeah so well they they were a little bit let's see preoccupied yeah yeah they were playing pictionary and they won then they wanted to play strip pictionary and they just started making out and you know in any type of horror movie if you're not paying attention to the person that's tied up or nothing attention to what's going on in the room like in you're just making out like that's pretty pretty much your downfall you know and yeah he gets up and he basically breaks free and kills them and now he's on now we're back in present day 2019 at the campground right yes so now he's on the loose and he's looking for Bobby who has arrived at the campground I have to try so he immediately breaks into the cabin with Montana Trevor and Bobby and Bobby hightails out of there but he still wants to stay on the campground everyone's telling them Ron get out of here don't come back remember that guy we were telling you about it like okay that's the Night Stalker right there yeah get the hell away from us like go go what are you doing here your dad doesn't you should not talk to you want to talk to your dad this bad like this this guy's going to murder you it was cool little scene though to have like all the ghosts come at eaning up and like trying to stop him from getting to Bobbi ray Ray's response when he saw him made me think like oh okay so this probably happens all the time he gets out he escapes right that makes me think of somehow someway again Richard Ramirez died on the campground he's stuck there for 30 years so what happened at hotel Cortez let's get to that later you're getting out yourself your father betrayed Satan I'm here to collect his dead hmm it's going to be lots of fun not so much for you sidenote I do like that moment where you hear vengeance vengeance vengeance right before Bobby stabbed in the back by Ramirez is long long throw was really good good job shot all right well he has the power of Satan so we can do every yes but he still manages to get off the campground and he's told by Montana to head over to the asylum Red Meadows Asylum and talk to the medical director when he gets there they don't know exactly who he is or why what what he's there for an army you know they think maybe he's sick they don't know like who this guy is coming in the middle of the night and he's looks all you know he just he killed he almost got killed at the campground and before they can kind of lock him up put him away obviously Donna chambers is gonna overhear it what he's saying and she's gonna be hey just basically get you caught up with what happened to his father surprise she's alive she made it it's about Benjamin Richter wait what about Richter he was my father surprise she made it now we know the final girl is Donna yeah it was fun because remember last episode where she talked about being a final girl and she says oh I can't cuz of my race I could not could not gonna be the final girl it's not how it works in these horror movies well she now is the final girl so it was cool to kind of see her you know you know years and years later explaining and kind of breaking down the truth and really putting Bobby's mind at ease in at peace with what happened to his father and knowing that his father was innocent now he also did some horrible stuff but he was innocent of that initial massacre he was framed yes and she fills him in on the missing pieces here which involved Margaret booth yes she basically says that Margaret booth almost got away with this she was very close to getting away with murder vanna's Massacre yeah she was so close Gregg and then we go back to 1989 a Halloween right before the festival is about to pop off and we find out that all the ghosts basically surrounded her Roanoke style and the Cabbage works in yeah and had the fire and we're basically like come on out like you're dead she checked her gun and she only had like a few bullets are you done yes what what's the gun gonna do against a bunch of ghosts Margaret like come on like what are you gonna do the fun part about this is that not only do Donna but Donna and Brooke both show up member they were on their way to Redwood so they show up anything licks in as well they get there yeah they get their shots at her but at the same time Brooke she's shot she's left on the ground everyone thinks she's dead this time they'll take Margaret hang her up let's bring her out let's do this pick now they show the wood chipper very early on in a scene with Bobby just walking through the campgrounds it immediately you should go Oh someone's gonna get it I immediately thought yeah it's some of them get it that way yeah I don't know what the hell's going on they grabbed her arms chopped them off this was wrong it was a lot of good kills in this episode this was gruesome as well just like the Ramirez death but chopping off every limb and then throwing it into the wood chipper and then having it shoot out you know see these are what the rules the ghosts they don't really understand the logic of death and like I know that kind of stuff she killed all of them oh she had a hand in every single one of them being there at the park she does deserve a horrible death I agree with you but let her bleed out off of the property so it doesn't come back let her you know like don't don't don't kill her as soon as you chop her head off she's now dead like I don't know about the 30 second 30 second rule that's like some some BS I think they should have basically chopped off our limbs Gregg I love her we're breaking down how she should have killed she just could have died of heart failure or something I think what chopping off limbs roll and roll yeah but then so cut the arms off cut the legs off and then just push her body down the hill actually that would have been cool they just had a puppet for just her just the limb so just throw her oh that would have been awesome bottom line bottom line is Gregg that Margaret got it pretty bad like if she deserved this right she deserved to get murdered in the most gruesome way and and they they they all get their vengeance on her I love at the end when they throw her head in and there's some like bag splatter or something yeah everyone gets a little bit on their face yeah it was definitely some Fargo meets Friday the 13th vibes there's something else there to let us know what if it reminded you of any other movies guys we go back to 2019 with Donna and Bobby were they still to figure out who's giving him money who's paying for all wonder who it could be hmm let me think about this for a second oh yeah it's brother surprise [ __ ] I bet you thought you'd seen the last two me yes and now we you know find out that there's more than one final girl yes say Donna was the final girl and so was Brooke but Donna had no idea that Brooke survived it everyone thought that she died that night at camp redwood they'd never seen her again since then but yeah she kind of created her own little little little life over there right family I know everyone pause the screen of looking at those photos were family trying to see if anyone's there theatres and nothing it's all good yeah she's a couple kids she has a husband and I love how they explain the lack of of aging basically her husband's a dermatologist and that's why she doesn't look a day older okay it works by the way Donna also barely aged in these shots but just little streaks yeah let's put a little bit of makeup here wrinkles babe all good we're sold you don't think you know what you know yeah you don't the trick us now let's explain how she died here because this does have a story it has a redemption story for another character yes great yeah he has a nice redemption story he does not want her to die on the property no there forever he does everything he can to you know use the iodine and and helps her out with her her wound or go back to the first few episodes yeah and brings her basically to the edge of the property mmm now she drops to the ground there and ray screams I have a feeling that maybe he's the one who thought oh she's dead she didn't make it he tells everyone else there the campground the same thing so they all think she's gone but same time trying to loosen tying up a loose end there but she says someone called possibly from the campground it had to be brave right yeah she said someone called and the paramedics found her and basically she woke up in a white room like in a hospital like just recovering but my question is hi I guess I guess maybe there's a phone somewhere on the campground that was still in service right because 1989 they're planning the festival so Margaret's phone track it down called it's my attic solely fine like I'm sure they sure they showed up like you know two minutes later and her life was saved now after all of this everything that Bobby's heard and he is seen with his own eyes and been stabbed with he wants to go back to camp right would see his dad Bobby gotta see his daddy and finally body returns or he gets his reunion with his father but not before Margaret comes back she's been hiding we know the rules in a chess how this works for ghosts you can hide yourself from anyone else there at the campground or any any haunted hellscape Lander haunt so Margaret did that for 30 you waiting a long damn time just for Bobby to come back and reappear and she immediately wants to kill him for unknown reasons why he's the one target I you know well I think Ramirez I get but I don't know why Margaret would just I him I I thought that Margaret just hid out because she saw what they were doing to Ramirez she's like oh they're gonna do the same thing to me if they find out I know she just hid out right I like the reunion between Benjamin and Bobby to have that moment and then it even gets better once Margaret is basically about to kill Bobby and then Lavinia Richter obviously mother his grandmother Bobby's grandmother steps in and basically puts a hex on that basically she's like the strongest because of the blood curse and how it worked on the land I guess that she has basically the strongest ability and power and control over the campground itself so she like just put an end to Margaret's plan to murder Bobby please there is no such thing it was a really touching reunion between between them I thought that was sweet if I was beautiful I really really loved the ending yeah it was it was a perfect ending a happier than I guess we some might have expected for this season buddy coming yeah to see Bobby kind of get that that closure on his life and find out about his father then he sees obviously his dad and his uncle and his grandmother ik on the campground and he's probably like whoa what the hell just happened this last 24 hours have been pretty crazy my family are ghosts and they you know and I learned about their story but also it was just a pretty fitting ending - you know how Montana kind of sends them off that like the 80s will never die and they're gonna be there and just basically the way that we live on is by telling our story and letting people know about this area and the supernatural power is at bay here they kept this story closed in a box and I'm happy towards the end I was worried oh don't say anything about aliens don't say anything about like Briarcliff anymore oh don't don't do Murder House don't say anything like the Montgomerys please leave it out leave it out in yeah did they closed it off with a great ending man it's just weird to see this ending we're okay mr. jingles killing everyone at the very but for the first like five episodes yeah and then it ends with his son looking back at him and this time the killer is not it's not a dream you're not waking up from a dream or anything like that the killer's not dragging you down to the depths of hell he literally just looks back sees his family and then turns back and that's it it's over [Music] alright as with every season finale this one left us with a handful of questions all right horse yeah they have to my biggest one is how the hell does Richard Ramirez get to hotel Cortez from what we know from that season he died in prison right and then his spirit went into the hotel or he visits on Devil's Night yeah I guess the only explanation would be that hey on certain nights kind of like the the rules with the murder house on Halloween night can certain spirits leave the campground as well and make it to other places in the AHS universe use your imagination here on this one and I will say yes because that's all you can think of right now it's other than that he broke out for one night there's no other explanation dragged him back maybe on Halloween that's it that's all you can go with here because there's no answer to that we'll go with that because that makes the most sense I think speaking of Richard Ramirez Satan resurrected his ass like so many times this season yeah my question to you is why didn't he do the same with Michael Langdon in Apocalypse he has favorites apparently and Michael was just the bad apple he didn't like them I have a feeling that's all it was you mean he did it again he started the apocalypse over again at the end that's a good point maybe he didn't even need to resurrect Michael because he knew Michael was a little brat and then he said okay I'll just put it in another baby yeah keep it going that way even though because Richard Ramirez is not the Antichrist different you just you know pick and choose here now speaking of Satan do you believe Brooke when she said oh it was just the EMT she managed to get back to the hospital and she's fine lies lies I think the devil brought her back I think she made a deal with Satan this is a this is an excellent theory this is a fun one it's very dark I like where you're going with this that basically her whole story of how she survived is a lie and that Satan himself actually brought her back and moved from Ramirez to her maybe or just helped to control her and bring her back and now she basically made a G okay yeah she had to make a deal with the devil we don't know what that deal was it took you know 30 years right and she left so who knows what she had to do to get that family and she's been kind of yeah started her own life and kind of kept herself in kajagoogoo made a deal with the devil so hey it happens I feel like she made a deal with the devil she was revived and that's that and she left it there I would love to know if there's an alternate ending where she just it just that scene where she just wakes up from the dead she was in and then walks off the campground that's it I like it and finally do we think anyone returns to camp redwood does Bobby get another itch to go back and see his family that's the same question for other seasons too i mean you have do we return to murder house do we return to hotel Cortez now we have camp redwood in there as well even I guess Roanoke land - yes a pharaonic divot yeah anything like that can do we return maybe some season I love this season four how again contained it was for its own curling but they could come back to another seasons and just bring up camp redwoods somehow some way I'd like to see a larger connected explanation on all these these these spots on the land on the American landscape that have this supernatural attachment to them it'd be really cool to kind of see the broader picture of all that and how it works and I think we will I have a feeling they're gonna come back around through this in the season 10 not kam redwood but just the the haunted land a situation itself I feel like they'll come back around to that and give an explanation for it and if this happens to be the final season they'll do it now AHS 1984 might have come to an end but remember the 80s live on forever and we're not gonna stop talking about AHS we're actually gonna continue to do more of these breakdowns we're gonna go back to past seasons but before we do that I think we've got to do one overall review of 1984 of course and yes Evan after that let's do our predictions for season 10 yes we have to it's never too soon to talk about season 10 right and what might possibly happen what kind of themes you might see and you know who might be the final girl for the next season I know one thing no one I'm the final boy on this breakdown out of here that's a sin I'm gonna eat nice yeah we're gonna have cake that's we're gonna have cake thank you guys for watching HR
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 166,998
Rating: 4.9274292 out of 5
Keywords: AHS 1984 finale, AHS 1984 season finale, Episode 103, Rest in Pieces, AHS, AHS 1984 Episode 9, ahs 1984, camp redwood, american horror story, ahs 1984 theories, ahs1984 breakdown, ahs 1984 reaction, emma roberts, billie lourd, cody fern, matthew morrison, leslie grossman, brooke, montana, mr jingles, the night stalker, richard ramirez, slasher films, friday the 13th, horror, ahs recap, 1980s, 80s, jingles vs ramirez, jingles vs night stalker, dylan mcdermott
Id: 8lJmHW9G-O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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