AHS: Apocalypse Season 8 Episode 10 Season Finale "Apocalypse Then" Breakdown!

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the world has been remade in my father's image darling it seems daddy didn't tell you the most important rule of bringing on the apocalypse if you want to finish the job the thing you have to do first is get rid of all the witches big mistake hey guys Ryan and Greg here and we're breaking down another episode of American Horror Story apocalypse it's sad day here because the season is over but the good news is the apocalypse never happened and don't worry because we got you covered for all your AHS coverage including comic deep dives TV breakdowns and movie reviews and this will not be the last apocalypse video I think next week we're gonna do a complete season review and recap the best and worst things that we liked what worked what didn't work and what questions we still have so stay tuned for that next week a lot of them all right Greg some overall thoughts of apocalypse then how did it wrap up the season for you I didn't hate it I actually really enjoyed it now that hit and run are you upset but let me tell you why they're trolling us we just talked about it for weeks like how I hope they don't do the whole about a cadaver ain't nothing like that and they sure did not they were happy with okay in the writing room alright what if she just like hits him with a car and then she's back so and then boards again it's over from there I bet they got a just a huge thrill out of that and overall looking at that scene again the way Malory looks at Constance the whole thing they're just trolling us I loved it but Gregg don't you think that she should check the body before driving off yeah let's make sure he's dead this is for the horror film yeah one or anything like that you gotta check double check the body yeah I totally agree with you though I think was a nice way to wrap up the season but the hit and run was just like I was I laughed out loud instead of and I was waiting for this epic battle between Mallory and Michael like you know their first meeting with each other and it was fire literal fire and mm-hmm and all that kind of stuff and now it's just a hit and run I was just like seriously that's how we're gonna kill the Antichrist now before we get into the breakdown let's give a shout out to Barbara who tweeted me with this right here her prediction for the AHS finale was a lot of back and forth through time the Mallory versus Michael showdown and a cliffhanger ending at this point I don't think they can wrap it all up without it feeling rushed well did it feel rushed to you it kind of I think yeah I think the pacing was it was like the previous two episodes were very slow and we knew that they had to pack a ton into this this last episode it did not stop it was just like but it was you wanted to see this anyway those were all welcome additions you wanted stuff to happen we thought we got away from some of the flashbacks you know it started in flashbacks but then we got to present time they replayed a little bit of that encounter between Michael and the witches the annales three I don't know if you needed that because it felt weird he saw ya the editor was like alright let me just read let's put this back in here and yeah that was a little bit of waste of time right there but but overall Barbara your predictions pretty spot-on I mean we all kind of saw this coming you know the time-travel I guess we all just wished that this showdown between Michael and Mallory was a little bit more epic than just you know Michael not looking both sides before he crosses the street well how else could they do this though what what else could they do here other than again the avada kedavra anything like that there was no other way you're right you're right it would have been it would have been pretty lame to just see them you know back you know with their powers back and forth back and forth it would have been interesting to kind of if she would have went back even further in time like before he would II and see before he was even conceived oh and stops the Harmons from getting into the house maybe something like that yeah stops like more of a deeper Murder House connection go back some time don't why even wait until he's alive if you want to kill the indie Christ because they wanted to retcon this season but not Murder House the first season right so yeah yeah then a whole bunch of stuff changes if you have to do that okay let's break it down now we start off the Canaris robotics again flashback uh back with mutton Jeff one last time and they're paid a visit from our good old Myrtle yeah I actually like this I didn't mind this background you know we wanted we needed flashbacks that gave us a lot of payoff in like it was cool to see that Myrtle stopped by and totally just we figured out how kind of the placement of all that outpost you know seeing that outpost they were gonna go to elbows to who's gonna be in Virginia outpost three was the Hawthorne school in California and then you know how she just was a total badass walking in that building right with Venable and she just like snaps Venables like frozen and then when she just like totally just goes in that room and just tells them I hate those two by the way I mean when she just tells them what exactly they're gonna do and then I guess it left it off it that that they died he killed them right she walked out she walked out and says I'm gonna have to kill you I suppose I must get to the most unpleasant part of my visit what's that the part where I have to leave before killing you both and they did they just died I don't know if she like snapped her finger and then all of a sudden they died but didn't breathe right like strangled them to death but that might be a reason why we never saw them again during the whole outpost timeline yes because it doesn't really make much sense for them to end up as different characters like gallant though it was a cool little theory that maybe Jeff and mutt are actually gallant and probably Brock now I'm all for that only because of the idea that maybe mutt was getting a haircut and then he met coco right then and there but they had their like you know old memory wife but then it doesn't make any sense why did Brock just kill everyone yeah and like why would their memories I don't know I it falls apart yeah I don't see that I don't see them the witches don't need to wipe their memories or give them an identity she's gonna kill them you just killed them it's easier to just kill those two and not like although if she's gonna be like a cold-blooded killer she could literally just change the you know given that identity spell and stop them from even creating these evil robots all that kind of stuff we also learned about the identity spell you know how it all works like that kind of a touching sad moment like we're not gonna remember you it's like a copy and paste you put someone else's memories in there that was awesome and she said to Coco about giving basing the personality off of madison's personality so what said yeah all the shade thrown thrown in Madison in this episode is top-notch amazing we've modeled your new personality after Madison no no there must be another way consider it an upgrade we'll talk about this more probably next week - but Myrtle I don't know what this season would be without frances conroy because she this was amazing yes I totally agree with you she's probably my favorite character this season and she and I'm just like how how she played the lines Nalanda yeah yeah so many great lines obviously how she the fashion that she pulls off but just her presence in these big moments it adds to like how epic and and how life and death is each moment is so I love what Conroy did this season she literally snatched Michael's hair like an antenna she may be fully understood finally one last thing on the outpost so we got outpost three and everything but Michael brought up the sanctuary early yeah season was that just [ __ ] I think it was complete [ __ ] I think I don't think that he ever intended to bring anyone out of that place he wanted well actually he no he probably wanted people to be like servants of his anyway to see who was who would kind of follow his follow his lead as Meade kind of he followed Meade's in the beginning I don't think that he was ever going to bring anyone or save anyone that wasn't going to then you know call him call him their king he wanted his followers and maybe there were some sanctuary but we don't need to know where that was because it's not gonna happen yeah I don't think it was important unless you think that there was something underneath underneath the murder house that could have been or underneath hotel Cortez some you know really dark could just been helped demonic hell yeah exactly or just bring up fake to hell yeah so yeah I don't think there was any I think that promise was just literally to get everyone against each other alright I buy that all right now let's fast forward to a few years after the bombs dropped after the apocalypse we see the coven witches took a little nap underneath the ground yeah there I don't know what's going on there exactly but they apparently a spell was cast over the ground or something where they just had to be as well had to be a spell right because you think that the nukes would just completely blow people up and even if you're a witch you're gonna die mean we see witches die from from bombs from bullets from snapping their necks so yeah you have to like just build some protection and that they were sleeping basically hibernating until it was safe to come out again and finally we're back in present time no more flashbacks it took I think of 20 minutes I logged it I was waiting like okay when are they gonna get back to present day or a present of Apple it's time again and I paused it was like 17 minutes or close to like 20 minutes before they finally got there whatever yeah we saw we saw the start of this earlier in this season and they left us on a cliffhanger and now we get to see how it all plays out very cool moment I was just wondering why Michael you know he talks about like I could just kill you in a matter of seconds but like he doesn't he doesn't he's just like like bro like you're the worst villain if you want to take over the world and you want to get rid of all the enemies that you have you just kill them immediately right there you don't provoke them you don't do anything think they're gonna have some sort of plan to overthrow you like if he wanted to succeed in this he would have just killed them he's a kid and he he's very like needy right he wants some people to he wants the support of others and he wants them to follow him he wants to make them servants of his so yeah I was just he's horrible he's like really bad at being evil she needed that help of a powerful voodoo queen but dad ain't you see now that's out of the way shout out to everyone who called it at home about this cameo Marie Laveau shows up and from the moment she shows up I think the 15 minutes afterwards are probably my favorite yeah I agree a total the entire episode and maybe the season just in general for how campy just it's all over the place and it's just like pure chaos and I loved it it does not let off the gas at all this whole time yeah you know we saw in the preview last week you know Marie Laveau's arm in that shot talking to Michael Langdon so we knew we had a good idea this was coming and it was cool to see we knew that Cordelia would make some sort of deal with Papa Legba like we knew he wasn't happen said that was key that was key to something here and I guess that's the way that they killed Deena right is just bringing in more powerful voodoo queen back and get did a little swap for who belongs in hell and who doesn't so what was she doing in hell by the way she was torturing which is pretty awesome she was torturing Delphine LaLaurie who deserves to be tortured for the rest of eternity but this was an awesome awesome way to kind of bring back one of our most popular and a really loveable character that we loved Bassett yeah thank you good deal your promise Papa Legba dark is the most corrupt voodoo queen soul for mine you serve him well Kim at least again it gets really can't be from there you got Deena with the blood spatter and then you got miss Meade sorry Rosie the robot exploding is incredible Cordelia just like immediately just blows her up like that couldn't why didn't that why didn't that happen earlier like how easy was it for Cordelia to kill her back in New Orleans they could hit that yeah totally and you know Meade was and I love the touch of miss Meade singing daisy bell' by a bicycle built for two which we saw at the end of Space Odyssey 2001 Space Odyssey and when Hal is deactivated that was really cool touch you know a robot you know the end of the robots like life right there and then you got the ash call back it seemed alien with the whole white black spot on yeah the same thing same shot perfect welcomes its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility and then Madison jumps up and goes all Scarface done on Michael Langdon grabs Meade's arm gun and as literally goes all Scarface on Langdon who I was like wow is that I was gonna die no he's just like sleeping kinda like the bullets just kind of knock him out he's gonna get up I loved it it's kind of like he's like Wolverine and like he gets like slowed down but then like he'll just like regenerate and it doesn't end there and then all of a sudden wait where's Brock oh there's Brock he shows up and stabs Mallory I loved it I'm like okay this is this is great chaos I don't know where they're going I'm like so maybe kill off Mallory here here and then let somebody else go back in time make a twisty right that's where I thought we were going so apparently Brock Brock must have not eaten the Apple no no no he was just hanging out in like the closet like what the hell's going on out there and you just that comes out and gets revenge and just stabs anyone who's looking it's all everyone you know throw it out all because he wanted to catch a ride on that plane on that damn plane dude does not let go of things right secretly but he came back he remembered everything then we get Myrtle setting Brock on fire r.i.p Brock at this point and then Michael goes on this like Thanos the end of infinity war it's like slowly just going one by one and taking them out it starts with uh I think Marie Laveau this was a really cool this is a really cool sequence like Laveau does that whole like Lord of the Rings thing you you shall not pass you will not pass his line and he's like I could definitely just break through and take your [ __ ] heart out Koko stabs him and then me he turns around he pulls out her heart eats it but Koko had a chance right there to give us the line of the century about the calories she didn't do it yeah how many calories are in that heart let us know Koko Gregg we've seen Michael have a couple bites of heart throughout the season yes but I don't know do you look don't you think keep her firsts - so that leaves us with a showdown between Cordelia and Michael we've been waiting for this for quite some time and we called this we knew that Cordelia had to sacrifice herself in order to help out and save the world and to give Mallory specifically the powers of becoming the supreme remember once the current supreme dies then the ascending the ascending supreme you know gets all that life force and Mallory's finally able to survive that stabbing attack but also then then try her time travel from there you're thinking again why didn't they do this sooner yeah I agree Cordelia could have killed herself at any moment or someone could have just killed her you know just sacrificed herself so that Mallory could get back okay and get all that strength and you could have liked safe you could have saved like gonna shave like three episodes off this season one last time at the murder house didn't think we're coming back here but it's always great to come back there because I get more lines from Constance here now Mallory again she could have just knocked on that door with a gun yeah very creative use of how to travel in time and then kill the Antichrist so there's a falling-out between Michael and Constance kicks him out of the house just like had enough and he doesn't look both ways when he crosses the street all right all right he's a kid he's a kid remember yeah that's a good point that is a good point he is a kid Michael might look like he's a teenager but he's an infant inside there he's only been alive for a few years so he's not quite I guess you know was smart enough I'll go with that there's a couple things to think about here right so you go back in time to a time when Michael Langdon wasn't his full powerful self right so you go back when he's a teenager you go back when he's a baby or when he's before he's conceived and they weren't gonna go back to when he was a baby because they they're not gonna film anything with male heir he runs over a child over and over of course yeah okay you cannot when I condone that but you know going back to this time makes sense in order to kill Antichrist someone who becomes very powerful but at this moment you know he's just kind of your teenage murderer serial killer nice touch in the writing to make sure okay we got to get him choking constant something bad right release so there's no like redeemable qualities this kid right before you got to run him over a few times get them out of the picture also what we learned here is that if you want to kill the Antichrist you have to drive a Range Rover a composed and luxurious ride with Range Rover capability delivered with impressive combined emissions of 64 grams per kilometer the all-new 2016 Range Rover seyton now Constance has an opportunity bring Michael back into the house he begs her yeah and all I could think of right then in there I know I'm not the only one who thought this too was the good son yes with Macaulay Culkin come on everyone immediately you're thinking mom come on mom save me mom so Constance says you know what I'm gonna catch you on the flip side yeah and you're going straight to hell bro bye cuz she has plans probably to use that house for herself at some point yeah III like how this closely mirrored at ease at ease death in in in murder house she had an opportunity to save him but she knows how evil he is and he's not her grandson he's not he is some sort of evil of a different realm and that she did he cannot by any circumstances be able to live on an eternity in that house okay let's talk about the time travel now the time travel logic here pretty confusing it's a little all over the place you got a little bit of days a futures past yeah a little bit of back to the future and also you got like Jumanji time travel because she stays there just like the kids in Jumanji right she stays in that timeline but she knows everything so he's the only constant going on here but yet she's back in the past but she should have just stayed in the past the first time yeah the first attempt she disappeared this time around no she's she's never I'm gonna hang out back here she is the supreme now so maybe she's got some new powers added on here but there's no explanation for how this works time travel in a chess is all over the place not at all you you think that she would just didn't disappear and go back to her current timeline she's in the past and she goes back to the Academy and you know they don't no one recognises her knows what kind of went on and she makes a decision not to tell anyone the truth of what happened so you know she has this kind of knowledge of what just which she went through when the whole coven went through what how close to the earth being completely destroyed went through now my question here is she goes back to the Academy and Cordelia is the supreme but she is the supreme in the back she'sshe went through this whole you know journey to become the supreme so like who the hell is the supreme yeah what's going on with Cordelia's powers is she like right I think I touch hands and immediately something Bad's gonna happen what's going on right I did like the touch though that like so Myrtle snow was never resurrected she's still rest in peace Myrtle snow you know she's never she was never brought back she'd they didn't need her help I like the Queen II was still alive cleaning was in the Academy and she was planning her trip this is a fun tie in with hotel with both hotel Cortez and Mallory gives her the heads up I don't go to that hotel check the reviews you know go book a hotel bout down by the beach it's a much better experience LA traffic sucks ass Brock she could just tell her right then and there hey it's the portal to Hell right don't go there just I don't care about traffic cuz something anything could happen there I think there was I think they were trying to be cute with it and not like did you Margie yeah and not give a full-on reference to it but we know that she's definitely referencing hotel Cortez there that was cool I liked how they said that Madison is still in hell and they're gonna let her just let her just sit there oh it's pretty funny that Mallory's like now you know I'm gonna let her just hang out there for a little bit let's talk about man for a second because I love that little exchange they had there Perry her and papa they're really good friends at this BFFs yeah yeah next he's like no I like my gig down there a piece out see you guys later apparently she can come and go as she pleases I don't know how to raise yeah whatever I'm fine with that logic where are you going back to Papa I like it down there how about the listener you play hi I don't understand suppose you just say thank you so let's fast forward to 2020 in this fixed timeline we run into Tim who are they and Emily Oh Lowe's yeah yeah those two with the special DNA well they're back he comes back around yeah and that special DNA definitely meant something apparently Satan had kind of like use them as a contingency plan that you know if Michael Langdon worked out that he wanted these two together to be his kind of Adam and Eve for hell okay so what we're seeing here is that this is gonna keep going it's not gonna continue yes this I ever ending so it's never ending here good and evil always gonna fight yes Satan's never gonna give up and the forces of heaven and hell will always be at war this does not mean that there's going to be another season there is no to be continued and I think that's it this is this is booking yeah definitely I mean it just basically means that like we said it just keeps on going and going and that there needs to be the witches that can time travel in and change kind of stop the prophecy prophecy from occurring stop Satan from pulling off this yes master trick now the whole thing about Timothy and Emily coming back for another season to explain their whole DNA sure they can do that but that doesn't really mean that there's gonna be any kind of sequel to this season they can come back to that yeah I think it would be a waste to I think it would be the same be the same the same story it's the same story I mean we really don't need to know the back the context or background on Timnath and Timothy and Mo we just know that all we know is that that salaries gonna be there use randomization yeah and they can use them as a vessel and Satan could choose any two other people to use as a vessel to bring back his spawn and try to end the world so it's just an ongoing cycle like you said and hopefully good wins at the end doesn't mean they're aliens it doesn't mean they're kids kids yeah I think people online are kind of overreacting to like well who are they who are they it's just it's just two random people with that were pit never picked that have you know the nod to the special DNA was cool to see that that they were kind of chosen by some higher power Satan in this case but man had a if he wasn't carrying a coffee none of this would have happened why do you have to carry that cough no no no destiny with Satan's powers it's gonna happen no matter what apparently sure so we got here they're going to meet up no matter what whatever happens to the timeline they're going to meet up and I really enjoyed at the very end here the the shot of their son same shot over the name very similar shot to where we saw at the end of Murder House with Michael Langdon nice throw back and it wrapped up really nicely at the end here besides the hit and run that we saw earlier everything else wrapped up pretty nice in terms of like the callbacks that they gave to previous seasons and this new kind of timeline we've been waiting our whole lives for this we're here to help okay let's jump into favorite moments Ryan what was yours I think we referenced this earlier that you you enjoyed a lot was was kind of that that's spree that Michael Lang didn't went on that t1000 that Thanos spree that he just started killing snatching hearts snapping necks and then it all came to a containment came to a head with Cordelia and him facing off and the line that she gave was just perfect and epic she has one side but my sister started Legion mother [ __ ] I also really enjoyed Myrtle in this episode in the entire season but the beginning with this to set the tone with Myrtle going into Canaris robotics and just like basically just handling all them and just teaching them what's up now I really enjoyed that part so what about you was your favorite mine's got to be everything again I just like you I loved everything from that moment when Marie Laveau comes back yeah the way to the killing spree but one moment in particular where I knew that this is going to be very campy and it's going the way I wanted it to go was the miss Meade explosion that's to go with that alright let's wrap it up with some final questions some unanswered questions and thoughts that we have on the season number one before this episode we had thought that the Antichrist was conceived with a human and a spirit from what we heard back Billie Dean Howard said I believe back in murder house doesn't mean anything apparently or there's still some spirit thing going on with one of the two kids I don't know yeah I think so one of the options would say one of those kids aren't who we think they are that there's some sort of special the DNA is literally special that they're not of human they're from another realm they're alien they're spirit but the other thing I think you know from what Billie Dean Howard said back in Murder House was that the devil Satan kind of got a little more bang for his buck yeah so he kind of you know he he wanted in this instance he wanted to bring his spawn through a ghost and a human but not necessarily has to be that way that like the iteration of this Antichrist that is Michael Langdon is kind of like the perfect storm for him but that it could also happen with humans if the devil is going to use a human wound for his spawn he's gonna want a little more bang for his buck okay I buy that only because again it's Satan's work here right oh we don't know what he's doing but we know that Satan's involved yes you think they came back later on the end of episode yeah exactly and you think that Satan could he could basically choose any two people to put this to make this happen right he could no it doesn't have to be just a spirit in just a human he could be like hey you and you you're gonna make my spawn it's gonna I'm going to like he has that power to control that so I think that Michael Langdon and how he was conceived that was like the ultimate weapon or vessel mm-hmm but that it could also occur in just regular human beings that he chooses so yes that timeline was restored by going back in time and ending the apocalypse by killing Michael Langdon so what else happened we puts him down on the list here God okay here so we got the apocalypse was avoided right all right so Michaels killed yep he's gone in this timeline the coven saved yes the earth is saved for the moment for the time being good timing yes all right Myrtle isn't resurrect she's back nope no rest in peace sorry Myrtle Madison he's back in retail hell yep she deserves it okay now here's one that's gonna piss off a few people yeah Murder House has been reset so Hayden violet still not talking nope yeah so to return the return to Murder House episode where all that stuff went down never never happened so that means that Constance Langdon is still alive she probably didn't commit suicide well at least not yet she probably will still go out on her own terms right in that house but not with Michael's hand right another sad ones Moira's still stuck in that house right right right she didn't meet her mom we don't have that scene anymore it's beautiful here I feel like I can find me brave so Queenie makes it safely to the press I'm guessing Queenie wins The Price is Right yes I remember that that tickets enchanted so she probably she gets there safely doesn't doesn't get killed in the hotel she's probably enjoying the nice beach weather down there in Venice okay and she mixed his prices right she probably wins with the [ __ ] enchantment on that ticket and that should change everything from that point on I'm okay with this if they can go on from a sequel here yeah I would love to see where they're going maybe I'll watch episodes of Queen just just winning The Price is Right week after week again Jeff and Matt are out there somewhere just building robots and railing cocaine lines that's it they're fine now the apocalypse looks like it's still on course here with the new kid yeah give it about 10 15 years it'll still happen yep but Mallory's there to hopefully stop it from happening so she's gonna get tired of his time travel every for every generation of time-travel just trying to save the world her name the unlucky one oh that's good point lag down there you go and finally the last thing that did not happen and probably the most important thing of the whole season Stu was not turned into steel thank God okay everyone that's it for us over here let us know any big questions you have on the season finale in the comment section down below guys we want to thank you for watching this show with us all season long also you can pick up some Stu shirts hey the link is in the description down below thank you so much for the support and let us know what other type of videos you'd like to see us do on American Horror Story we are open to basically anything Horror Story related would you like to see us break down some other seasons when I go back in the past when a time travel hide that's time travel oh no let us know guys
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 278,244
Rating: 4.8549385 out of 5
Keywords: Finale, Season Finale, ahs s8e10, ahs finale, ahs reaction, ahs recap, ahs breakdown, Stu, stew is stu, Apocalypse, AHS, AHS Apocalypse, American Horror Story, Michael Langdon, Antichrist, Hit and Run, Apocalypse Then, Range Rover, Langdon, Mallory, Cordelia, Ryan Murphy, FX, Ahs Apocalypse, Coven, AHS Coven, AHS Hotel, Madison Montgomery, Myrtle Snow, Queenie, Marie Lavaeau, Cody Fern, Coco, Hotel Cortez, Time Travel, gamespot universe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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