AHS: 1984 - Episode 2 "Mr. Jingles" Breakdown

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22 minutes doesn’t feel like a “breakdown” of a show that was probably 40 minutes without commercials...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Liz9679 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
Gregg the fire went out just put some wood chips in there just a little bit right a few oh [ __ ] we're okay we survived barely time for another breakdown of American Horror Story 1984 were on Episode two mr. jingles before we get started make sure you follow us everywhere we're on Instagram Twitter and Facebook make sure you're following us because we're gonna share some bloopers and behind-the-scenes moments gonna be a lot of fun all right my darlings let's get into it now before we get started though spoilers of course if you haven't seen the episode yet get out of here go watch it and then come on back let's do it okay let's kick things off with dr. hopple she shows up at Camp red would of course get warned everyone that mr. jingles has escaped everyone's got to go yeah member she found that newspaper clipping so she knows that jingles is going to camp redwood to get Margot so we think and she goes there to you know kind of investigating worn them and basically she runs into Margaret Margaret's like nah nah we're not gonna shut down the place no of course like dozens of slasher films the camp owner of course will refuse yes will not shut it down no matter what including a sleepaway camp is one example now you and I missed this last episode but dr. hopple was dressed exactly like Laurie Strode from Halloween shouts to Reddit for finding this because you and I completely overlooked it so Hubble bounces she's like I'm out this is not gonna happen for me I'm not gonna be a part of this whatever massacres about to take place yeah it's camp she drives off gets a flat tire of course yes and well conveniently there's a truck waiting right there for her she the the signal in her brain doesn't go off just yet that it's the killer it's jingles you hear that can we hear the keys jingling and she should immediately know that like you know start the car put your foot on the gas and get the hell out of there the last Herondale what Harry's not going to stop you from driving off I also find extremely funny you know she has automatic windows but she leaves it open is a little bit she cracks it up in a little bit just to hear just to hear the murderous doctored mr. jingles out there right she's what to hear him maybe it's not him it would've been better if she that kind of you know old school like rolls up the windows and struggling to do it like that like a lot of tension building right there the moment but she was a goner from the instant that that car rolled up yeah I mean even the spike that was in her tire like this murderous bride drive off a second just drive off come on this brings us to our first big kill of the episode it didn't waste any time here she gets her throat slashed and basically you know savagely brutally murdered by mr. jingles know will she come back hmm if you die at Camp redwood maybe some supernatural stuff going on here I also wanted to talk about how jingles do we don't we don't know exactly if he did the original massacre right we've seen flashbacks of him doing it and then also some contradicting reports of kind of you know who might be behind this Margaret mm-hmm but clearly over his the chorus of him staying in this hospital in this you know in prison there he's some he has some pent-up rage and aggression and now we've seen him actually commit a murder in real life he didn't take the ear he's got some unfinished business to take care of totally so maybe even if it wasn't a murderer and guilty of these murderers years past he definitely is now we know this now back at the cabin with Brooke she apparently she just left that phone call went right back to the cabin stay inside Brooke stay in please with that said she's the only one of course the only one who spots the newscast that shows that was it Laroy gas station killing yes you could tell that she is obviously a paranoid right and she's a little bit more heightened awareness of stuff going on horrible things going around on after her run-in with the Night Stalker and you know him saying I wanted to find you and chase you down and kill you so obviously she's on high on a high alert and she hears that now the guys are just kind of more concerned with the commercial that's playing mm-hmm that they're more concerned about that which was a hysterical but naive nod to that 1980s commercial where is the beef now one of the big reasons why she's so paranoid we learned is because she's had a horrific little backstory dark ass backstory her wedding did not go well we'll just say believe you so her fiance Joey they were you know falling in love they were gonna get married but he's a complete psychopath zero to 100 yeah yeah he literally thought that the best man was sleeping with her she says she's a virgin she's saving herself for marriage which we've heard you know before she reference that she's a virgin yeah and he kills the best man her father yep and then himself himself at the altar yeah that's a dark ass like Astor hereditary that midsummer kind of backstory I dig it Wow Wow white wedding is playing underneath this of course of course it was perfect but um my question is why does Brooke keep that engagement ring I mean that's a pretty dark memory to have with you whenever you look at that ring like oh wow that was oh yeah that wedding didn't go to the second that went down and her and Joey shoots himself I immediately thought maybe this story didn't go down the way that Brookes retelling it yeah yeah now I don't think she's the one who shot everyone because I don't she would be in jail exactly wouldn't go down that way where she survived and shot everyone so I have a feeling maybe she's not a virgin I think that might be the case here there's something there's a lie somewhere here yeah I think it's a good point that we really can't trust Brooke like we want to trust Brooke but we don't really know exactly all of the secrets of her path right Oh like we she's revealing things little by little to some of the characters like Montana so I I'm with you I'm kind of like a little suspicious of Brooke and like what really happened maybe she's the one that you whisper in his ear I actually did sleep with I think takes the gun to shoot something I don't something like that who knows but I Brooks I'm a little weirded out by Brooke right now something's up remember back in the first episode with the Rings and they feel like maybe those are trophies oh my god like those are her version of mr. jingles ears it's sure she collects jewellery from the people she kills she's a runaway bride she's been doing this for years oh my god and the last thing about the jewelry is remember Ramirez broke into her house looking specifically for the jewelry so did he hear about what happened at the altar that day listen did he hear about Joey's brutal brutal Massacre of all those people and then like take him take out exactly she should give him up easily but like why was he why is he so interested in that nobody ever believes me I believe now we find about this whole backstory when she's talking with Montana in Montana totally comes on to her and like wants to hook up with her in his in love a third yeah Montana wants to sleep with everyone in the damn campground everyone she's trying to find to hook up with someone on the campground and this reminds me of the episode of well Frasier for this same scenario took place all the lust coursing through this lodge tonight and no one was chasing me much like Brooke I am extremely suspicious about Montana just the small thing she does the little when she locks the door and looks over at Brooke and she you know it's kind of coming on to everybody but you don't really know her intentions I'm just extremely suspicious of her of her motivations every once everyone's a little suspect right now next up the boys are taking their shower because boys take their showers at night no exceptions apparently rule yes the rules all right bread wood and a few things happen right there very quickly Xavier splits up with the group immediately of course you think this is probably his time to go yeah we learned that's not the case and Margaret shuts the power off at the exact moment when you don't want the power to go off and you know we see the boys kind of react to that and then we also see Brooke alone again at night outside after everything she's been through and we get the body if I think dr. hobble washes up to her and then she's surprised by the nightstalker again who's come back to kill her I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me but back to the boys this is only get a backstory on Xavier and we hear about this whole gay porn subplot that is going of course give more context into who Xavier is and what he went through mm-hmm so blake is basically his sugar daddy and also a porn producer radio producer Pam yeah thing going on he basically found Xavier in the park as a junkie and brought him in to took care of him and brought him in and forced them into a life of porn he's a Rembrandt I think he's gonna get rid of a Rembrandt Ben Xavier quickly comes up with the plan wait I got some boys back here for a yeast check out real quick especially Trevor Trevor didn't get the perfect framing of the shot of Blake with his eye looking through the peephole we've seen this in countless movies how they used this but it was it you knew exactly what was gonna happen you knew was gonna be bad for Blake yeah I'm gonna be introduced to the show and then cut got laid off killed off really quickly so Xavier bounces he has one he wants get away from this dude and then Blake is murdered with like a spike through the back of the head that goes through the shower and the guys are just showering and don't hear any of this I'm hearing of it no nothing all good now let's go back to Brooke in the Night Stalker he's pretty rusty at this right now or something he had an easy shot at her he did so Brooke runs off and then immediately AHS gets weird again I'm so happy the hiker comes back that everyone noticed the anachronism in that hiker last week he was so much decked out in 70s gear people thought something's up here yeah and you were correct you're right it looks like we got some weird supernatural elements kicked into the show I can see he's completely like healed of all the wounds that we thought that he had last episode yeah so we see Ramirez kill him what the first time and it was really cheap looking visual effects there in that first little body slice that I noticed but horror horror films examine yeah and then you know he would come back later and and run into Ramirez and he'd be like in Ramirez there's like shock like what are you doing still alive so we find out that he is in fact from 1970 and he was a counselor his name is Jonas he was a counselor at Camp redwood and it seems like he's stuck in the same moment that happened that fateful night in the mentoring the massacre that he was running away from jingles he assumes and he was running away and then gets hit by the his car and killed now one detail that he mentioned is that he heard the keys jingling but he didn't see the face he couldn't confirm exactly who it was it killed him Margaret maybe Margaret its it sounds like it could be but also maybe you had to do something to do something that actually then threw him into this loop right some supernatural powers that basically force him to relive this moment over and over again he's been it's been 14 years since no is this has it been 14 years do we know they just start now when the new kids showed up because that would be weird this is a whole groundhogs day 14 year scenario for him that sucks that's the worst groundhog day ever yeah and I feel like at this point he would have been able to escape or something happens but at the same time maybe you know he they find a way to kill him off each and every time he comes back right and there's two key lines that he says quote like you aren't supposed to be here and quote wait I don't die here so it's like he has some recollection of like what is supposed to be happening his time line and his his course of events that supposed to go on but then he also is surprised to run into people right so it's kind of like he he needs to get like reminded of what happened remember later with his conversation with Margaret he he basically has to remember exactly what happened amnesia of some kind but at the same time again it's he the only one that keeps hopping back there's so many questions here yeah I've found it hard hard to believe that only he would be affected by this that if it was going on here it'd be multiple people that maybe died there the massacre maybe later on we'll find out we're gonna find other people that died that night that come back to life and kind of haunt that area that goes with a lot of you know American Horror Story rules when it comes to when you die and on certain grounds Hotel Murder House Roanoke the Foundation's been laid out already by the writers have something like this but I feel like they may be just going off in highly different direction here definitely definitely I do want to point out when Margaret runs into him she isn't like completely shocked that she's talking to this dude from the 19th from 1917 she didn't just say oh Jonah I'll take care of him in one second yeah it's like Watson kind of was in on like she knew that this was a possibility like perhaps she like that's part of the reason why she wanted to own the campground and be able to be in touch with these people and maybe use this this land as a way to cleanse the you know the disturbed youth that are having a lot of sex and drinking a lot kind of stuff so there's there's a reason why that she is getting involved in this area a but also like she's not too shocked of like supernatural stuff that might be going on no kind of alarming and suspicious to me maybe Margaret knows what's going on here she wants to just replay that Massacre over and over again she knows of the history of this like spooky supernatural ghost vibe that's going on here and she just wants to play it over and over again and that would align with what she says to ramirez later on right she has her faith in God it kind of allows her to do and she has a traumatic event she uses those two things kind of do whatever she wants and justify anything that she does however horrible it may be right so she's basically putting these innocent kids into the same cycle that she went through over and over again so let's move on they find Blake's body yep and Trevor delivers one of the lines of the week [ __ ] I think he's checking me out what's bigger Trevor's ego or package Lovell he plays it off like he knows that what the gift that he has down there and he just like literally assumes that everything the world revolves around his dick yeah all right now we got to talk about Margaret and her crazy ass she welcomes the Knights locker into her cabin and wants to literally clean his room let me get my first aid kit it's all good buddy yeah he's a serial killer what the [ __ ] are you doing now they do a little background for Ramirez which is pretty accurate to the actual case for Ramirez he grew up with a in a broken home he suffered a head injury yeah he got seizures his mom actually did work in a boot factory yeah and she was exposed to all these chemicals and I believe that all the children suffered some sort of birth defects mmm and his cousin Mike fought in the Vietnam War killed a bunch of people and he also witnessed his cousin murder his wife now having heard all that Margaret's like hey can you help me take care of this mr. jingles problem of course she's like Darth Sidious he's trying to get me a Luke to help her out right now just as you can get rid of Darth Vader who's coming to kill her right a little bit of like Freddy vs. Jason vibes here you got two like killers like against each other get hiding the camp next episode it's happening let's I'm gonna see a good fight between them so the kids get a closer look at Blake's body and they notice that his ear is missing though I its jingles yeah and now we battle out of here jingles and the nightstalker hearing it's time to move and so they finally get in a car and I don't know why they have Xavier Drive he should be the last person driving at this point yeah he's a horrible driver and we also get a confession out of Chet that he took steroids which we all knew about buying the best lines of this episode I can't tell how they go to gun shoots I totally did those steroids now Xavier horrible driver as he is he almost runs into nurse Rita who survived that run-in with somehow two things you know she just pushed him over hit him with something ran out the door or whatever sure that's probably what he was and we'll find out in the next episode or again she's working with Margaret and something weirds going on in the background I doubt it though I think she just hit him or something ran off clearly I think we have to be suspicious though yeah most of everyone like you said earlier because we really don't know all the context and background on motivations what we do know is that now they're trying to get out of the campground because two killers are there there are two crazed killers roaming around that camp you want us to go back so ray hits us with the two crazed killers and so you know what's it's the only thing you've got to do next when you're with a group of people all together in horror film Greg you gotta split up of course seem to push the laws and you end up dead we also had a funny line from Margot when Jonas asks if he's a ghost oh my dan Aykroyd I guess I love this reference because you can see Margaret going to the movie theater a month before this and watching ghostbusters it came out in like June of 84 so she had a crush on her mind right and Jonas is sitting there like what what dan Aykroyd I missed this what's what's ghostbusters look like the comic and the guys stuck in the 70s he doesn't know what's going on one thing I noticed when Brooke and Chet were back together and she tries to get him away he's trying to get close to her and she brings up this line just stay away from me everyone I guess he's too into her that's a very Sydney scream line right there isolating herself hey it worked out for Sydney she survived for films so I she can keep this going she's gonna be the final girl we think we think and Chet's just poor Chet says he's try to make a move on her right and he's like this is a vulnerable time I don't take care of you and I'm gonna protect you and she's like just get that away from me roid rage dude no I'll take my chances with Richard Ramirez but at the end of the episode Xavier does confess that he knows Blake he gets that outcome thing he comes clean and with that we get them banging on the doors yeah we both ends with both doors both groups of people who split up you know there are we we would think that both each of the killers separately are banging on the doors or Margaret is behind that door but what if it's like what if what if finally the kids of a retic arrived at camp and they're trying to get in and it's cold as hell outside or maybe it's the I don't know why the janitors the janitor cops where's birdie I don't know if she dead where would she go dibs you would know what to do with it if you got it handsome time now to talk about our favorite kill of the week every episode is of course filled with a ton of kills Greg what was your favorite kill from this episode episode 2 the hiker which time he died a couple times torso slash that's my favorite I'm actually okay with that the graphics were cheesy I liked it I just didn't feel like American Horror Story I think you've seen really graphic and brutal kills in past seasons and it felt a little bit like a little bit cheap into the effects for me all right what's your kill of the week Michael the week has to be Blake keep it on the guys showering on Trevor and and you know just the kill to have him like looking through the people and then get a sharp spike through the back of his head and just stuck there I like that they mentioned even like you saw a gray matter after you know from from the wound and you know his ears cut off as well just brutally and then like you know when this when he falls off of the off of the side of the of the shower you see him with the spike on his head it was in furtherance tremely brutal but he deserved that death yeah he was full maybe not dessert I don't know anyone deserve that but maybe not that bad of a person but he was not the greatest person speaking of the killer's I did notice a kind of pattern of whenever jingles would show up you get that key that the sound effects with the keys kind of coming through and I'm starting to dig it yeah I'm starting to dig it and whenever Ramirez would show up you you'd here like this the whispers of Satan they're using this almost like you know jaw the jaws music and jaws when you know that the shark is nearby gonna kill somebody so you kind of decipher what killer is is in the room or being tracking down our friends here based on what you hear you know before it actually happens now they're also gonna use this kind of throw us off of our off they're off the scent as well right because anyone could really hold onto those keys yeah Margaret and kill somebody so I was really cool like use of sound in order to kind of like explain what was going on now let's end this on our final thoughts for this episode of what you think I thought was great overall that was fun I mean it is moving along pretty quickly and then just to kind of throw that twist of the hiker we had idea that he wasn't he was kind of out of the out of this world from last episode but now we kind of know exactly what's going on and I don't know what to expect moving forward now absolutely I have no idea what's gonna happen next but second the hiker showed up I just led a huge relief oh thank god we're getting some supernatural elements here it's gonna get weird very soon I think we got one more episode I honestly think if you look back the trailers that we got it looks like all of those scenes are gonna show up in the next episode and then it's a whole new world yeah they run out let's talk about some connections and some theories we have moving forward as well Vietnam War yes we've heard you know mr. jingles has a pass a connection with a Vietnam War obviously killed a ton of people Ramirez Richard's cousin also fought in the Vietnam War was a green beret and killed a bunch of people there and another connection thanks to Reddit we found this that Miriam Mead her father actually fought in the Vietnam War as well and killed a lot of goals is it'll be a cool connection is mr. jingles Miriam Meads father my dad killed so many Viet Cong yellows account killing is in my DNA even if he's not connected to Miriam directly as a parent it it was a fun little nod to the Vietnam War as we've seen throughout these episodes and these different seasons right just the fact that they included that Miriam means backstory that her father killed a lot whole lot of people and then to bring that back to the one of the main antagonists here that he killed a whole bunch of people it was a pretty fun little nod to past seasons Jesus Christ Jesus Christ stop saying that chill out one question I have is are these kids actually going to show up at this camp I think they have to she's open to mark Margaret is not gonna shut down the camp as we already know this but you know we need more like a better term we more bodies to kind of fall well here's the thing the next episode looks like we're gonna get some bodies dropping from our main cast yeah I'm looking at you Chet and ray I think ray he's getting his head chopped the next episode doesn't look too good for those guys and you know so it doesn't look good for the hiker who's gonna die like literally every episode over and over again over and over and over again poor guy now before we go guys I need to tell you about our new show true fiction airing every Sunday on GameSpot universe you're not gonna want to miss this one this one's about Godzilla make sure your subscribe so you don't miss that show and all of these weekly breakdowns and make sure to hit us up in the comments section let us know your favorite theories and predictions as well thanks for watching guys we will see you next week with episode 3 bye bye
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 149,599
Rating: 4.9446368 out of 5
Keywords: Mr. Jingles, Jingles, ahs 1984, camp redwood, american horror story, ahs 1984 theories, ahs1984 breakdown, ahs 1984 reaction, emma roberts, billie lourd, cody fern, matthew morrison, leslie grossman, brooke, montana, xavier, mr. jingles, the night stalker, richard ramirez, slasher movies, the texas chainsaw massacre, halloween, friday the 13th, the burning, a nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th the final chapter, scream, scream 4, horror, ahs recap, 1980s, 80s
Id: Aw5bVqR6j94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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