AHS: 1984 - Episode 4 "True Killers" Breakdown

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hey guys we're back talking American Horror Story 1984 the episode is true killers where's Greg that is jacket what know what's happening all right chastity thanks for coming camping thank you got off the bus excited for a summer fun it's gonna be completely safe I promise okay let's talk about the episode title first true killers obviously it's the perfectly fitting title because we learn about the motivations of people the true motivations and who's actually a real killer yeah everything's kind of revealed very quickly it's only episode four but yeah we find out who the true killers are and how messed up people are let's talk about Montana yes let's start with Montana she's extremely messed up I like her so we start off with the flashback to aerobics class that perfect ten and she's leading the midnight Manor men aerobics with a little bit of cocaine involved yeah a little cocaine then she's ready to go she's ready to teach this class and this is kind of the back story about how she meets Richard Ramirez and there's a funny funny little bit when he walks in there he hears he's just summoned by rebel yell yes needs to dance to it he just needs to sway perfectly fitting song for him and then she gets he drops a little Rambo reference here yes he calls him Rambo she calls him Rambo knife calls it out by the way first blood did come out in 1982 so perfect reference that she's dropping and then we get a little running she has a little like argument with rah kind of yeah he he wants to hear Cyndi Lauper he wants to get like the heavy rocket yeah yes so he leaves he storms out right and you knew at that point at that point that like something bad was gonna happen to him yeah you definitely knew that and as it turns out Richard Ramirez killed him for her yeah yeah romantic nothing anyone's ever done for me and not only that but Montana's super into it and then they hook up on the floor just covered in blood it's disgusting it's pretty disgusting I think is wrong with me the body is still hanging above them and they're hooking up and they're talking about kind of her past and then we learned more about the backstory basically her brother was the best man of her of Brookes fiance yeah that got killed by the fiance so she basically blames Brooke yeah she says she slept with him and she completely blames Brooke and wants Brooke dead right and Brooke has always said that she never slept with a guy that they were his friends we don't know the real truth trust and yeah we can't really trust anyone at this point but now we know the motivations of Montana and why she has Ramirez go after Brooke also respect from Montana cause she basically has a serial killer wrapped around her finger that is power it's under spec at present day we're at Camp redwood and then we see Montana with Ramirez and she basically tells him that like hey hurry up and kill Brooke because guess what mr. jingles is here also yeah and he's kind of in awe yeah he's like whoa mr. jingles and then she tells him that he killed two people because it's like the mr. jingles he's two guys right in front of me we need to get to Brooke first kill her and get the hell out of here two guys at the same time is he a ninja but you can see the mr. jingles the name mr. jingles obviously means a lot to not only that the local community there but also to someone like Ramirez who probably studied a bunch of like the killings in the area not everyone knew about him clearly the broader Los Angeles because why the hell would a bunch of counselors go there if they knew jingles could you know as Massacre happened there but clearly Ramirez is a fan yeah then we go back to see Trevor and Xavier and Chet and they're trying to save Chet who's seemingly dead and they pull a pulp fiction and they just stabbed him with the adrenaline right out of Pulp Fiction it was cool how he got up and then his blood started squirting from his shoulder you got to be in a lot of pain you know he's Chet looks like half dead you know kind of like in and out of consciousness throughout this episode at the end at the end kind of mysteriously just pops back up and we're like what is he okay surprisingly resilient someone someone check on that guy and then Xavier realizes that there's one more car there's Blake's car so the plan is to get to it and escape but they want to get Margaret and Bertie first yeah always like you know there's one set of keys there's one car left like that's the plan and you know it's not gonna go well for these guys but basically they'd have to split up again another horror motif let's split up in the middle of the dart and middle of the night yeah yeah so Xavier goes to find birdie and meanwhile Trevor goes to find Margaret now it does run into her yeah he runs into her and Margaret like isn't concerned or panic at all well she sees the two bodies and he's just like yeah their bodies everywhere I got to get you out of here she's just like the campers are coming it's gonna be fine I've got a gun he's just like okay there are multiple killers out there I don't think you can defend yourself everybody kind of leaves okay good luck and then she takes some blood and marks the mask of mr. Jane whistles jingles with a cross on the floor on the forehead so you know she thinks she's doing the thing here is that she thinks she's doing God's work right she's kind of cleansing the sinners I think it's a sign of her like trying to bless him right yeah right actually there's obviously a connection a deep connection between her her and mr. jingles from the past as we learn later on this episode but it's almost like a ceremonial thing when he's coming back to the he's basically coming back here and she's like marked him as we learn she has plans for him in this episode also what time is it in the show right now cuz it's been night for a very long time like there just so many hours of darkness yeah well and if we keep getting these these allusions to hate and when the Sun comes up these new kids these new campers and to be there it's like the neverending night we're just murder is gonna happen throughout the night and it's like I mean it's got to be like what - 2 a.m. yeah but it's been dark since they were just like hanging out in bunks and everything I was like they're never gonna make it out of this night I mean yeah there might one fun idea might be the this night just keeps on happening over and over and over again and that it might be a clue just stuck in in this permanent kind of loop we'll get back to those theories later on this episode but yet I don't think we're I don't know if we're ever gonna see the Sun nothing cures acute homesickness like a bologna sandwich you don't understand we're all gonna die he's slaughtering everyone like dogs so Xavier goes to meet up with birdy they have a fun little interaction here birdy we were kind of suspicious about before right we don't really know her true intentions I think that was all you know it's clearly just a red herring because she seems creepy and she is gonna vote yeah history with the place yeah exactly but she's good people apparently apparently she's really good she's making a sandwich hanging out and then jingles shows up and Xavier is under the table and then jingles and birdy reconnect like she knows his favorite sandwich she knows the sandwich order and he kind of you know warms to that sits down and eats the sandwich cut he doesn't like crusts yeah it was very fitting like you can tell there's there's a history between these two and and for a minute there you thought that birdie would make it out okay yeah he even asks like why she's there like why'd you come back yeah she said she was there for Margaret totally totally we talked about the peanut Baron jelly sandwich though chasidy okay you know rest in peace birdy but what kind of crazy person puts jelly and peanut butter on the same side yeah no one does this nobody does I'm not saying she deserved to die because that clearly didn't but you could not make a peanut butter jelly sandwich anyway especially if you've been doing it for years and you know that how the guy light unless jingles prefers it that way maybe about this place that makes it everybody see the boogeyman also if you were listening to that scene when birdies making sandwiches by herself they're playing Stevie Nicks which is a big callback to Stevie Nicks before and she might be coming do you think she'd be coming back or they cling to her like what do you think's going on that would be fun I mean obviously any AHS fan would would enjoy seeing her we did look at the titles for the upcoming episodes and there is one called the lady in white hmm episode 7 I believe and she's called the white wit she's called the white witch for HS fans so it would be kind of fun to see her return I think it's just a fun little nod to Stevie Nicks obviously she's big in the community and the universe here but definitely I do feel that there's gonna be a big cameo for the lady in white and then episode later on this season and maybe it's Lily rabe maybe it's Sarah Paulsen Sarah Paulsen's been kind of like not really upfront about what her involvement in as a season but if it's one episode and one fast big cameo like that might be a fun thing to see and then we see Xavier in an oven and it's terrifying it's horrible oh my god like it gave me vibes thinking back to like final destination 3 and I still know what you did last summer wearing the tanning bed yes you're gonna watch them burn right it was really hard to watch and but it was kind of spot on for like the horror flicks you know the seat to see that good body horror yeah the funny thing for me was that you know obviously it's not funny but you know he's burning he's booking but his his hair chastity is like almost like perf is still perfect not untouched like the oven doesn't touch his hair but that's Cody fern it's Cody firm yeah yeah but now he'll never be on the cover of TV Guide know thankfully Bertie survived the attack from jingles enough that she was able to she's our hero she saves Avior from the oven cuz he it was not looking good for him I thought he was gonna I was like that's kind of early to get rid of Cody fern so he's never really worried about him not surviving oh they might do that they might yeah they might do it cuz like obviously the season like everything's progressed really quickly so it wouldn't be completely shocking I guess but Bertie saves him and unfortunately she is just too hurt to kind of go on and she wants basically him to set to kill him in her misery yeah and that was a hard scene to watch that was one of the heaviest scenes I've ever seen on an American Horror Story totally I mean it looked it looked horrible she was like horrific Lee like like battered and mutilated and you know Cody Cody franze is a awesome job of the emotion there but talking to me needs to like it was it was really heartbreaking to watch yeah I think the the part that got me one who's like ready yeah it's like oh my god heavy [Music] now let's talk about Brooke we last saw Brooke she was by the car and she got that shot the neck by dragged away yeah by not nurse Rita aka Donna chambers who we found out is was not not the person that she said she was now she gets out of that that cabinet she kind of she's gonna locked away in but she runs into every trap imaginable gets hit by something and then she just like it ends up in a net yeah it's like more Rambo stuff going on her predator stuff vibes going on in this campground and we learned that obviously Chambers is the one that settled these traps and she's up with her she's she's nuts yeah and she's basically you know she says she blames it for what wanting to study jingles in his natural habitat and basically leaves Brooke in this netted trap to see if jingles would kill her like you know if you leave out food for an animal while it eat it or doesn't want to hunt kind of you know Donna is in there straight-up crazy so this is a bad experiment I don't know what you're doing yeah not a good psychologist she's she's horrible will jingles take up a life that served up to them on a silver platter or doesn't need the thrill of the hunt before he kills you're hanging up here to answer that very important question so chambers leaves Brooke there and then Montana finds her and so Brooke is like happy just go get me down she's like I'll look for a knife and we're all yelling at the screen like no no no don't trust Montana don't trust her but Montana you know kind of honestly is like it'll be all over soon right I promise it will be seen my message now in something that we all kind of saw coming way ahead of time Margaret we get the whole backstory on Margaret and we find out that she's behind the entire massacre and that she framed mr. jingles mm-hmm mr. jingles clearly cared about her a lot oh yeah made her this bear and she's just like oh are you my bear Benji like they mate for life right yeah yes yeah you could tell from the from the start there that whole flashback scene that it was headed down a dark path she basically I mean much like Montana has Ramirez wrapped around her finger she had you know mr. jingles Benjamin at the time wrapped around her own as well and he would literally do anything for her like kill for her but he wasn't that dark he wasn't that person I mean he probably did that obviously in the war but when he came back he was a different man right he was a gentle soul and he cared about her a lot she took advantage of that yeah took advantage of that for sure but she was getting bullied like she was getting constantly bullied by the other camp counselors and just people at the camp so she lost it totally you know when you can tell that you have someone wrapped around your finger like when you suck the blood from their fingers there was totally like cool with it nothing like like what the hell was going on that was weird yeah that was super weird I mean thanks friend that you're gonna do whatever I want you to do let me just suck the blood from your cut all right then we see Ramirez in the woods and he's doing a ritual clearly a satanic ritual yeah and it's spot-on from what we saw Michael Langdon do last season in Apocalypse literally in the woods as well [Music] so he's looking for guidance in order to find Brooke and find his path and he runs into literally jingles waiting right by Brooke in the net we get the showdown that we've been talking about for a few weeks here jingles yeah it's like that Freddy vs. Jason we get the two killers and the funny thing I hear is that Ramirez is kind of still like in shock right it's like looking at a celebrity yeah legend you've spilt so much blood here this is crazy I got to do this I gotta kill you I got to be the one that kills you yeah he's super into it he's not so they're going at it and it's a fun little back and forth meanwhile Montana kind of surprises chambers and they're going at it so we get like showdown between all these horrible people and Brooks is hanging and then the Ramirez versus jingles fight ends with Ramirez seemingly killed being hung up on that tree what his head yeah that was incredible and that point initially I was like whoa that's not Richard Ramirez then because we all know that Richard Ramirez didn't die in a camp he died while he was in prison years years later and we see him in hotel Cortez obviously during that season of hotel so I was like what what's going on but then they later find out that he can come back to life how we don't we don't know yet then we see that jingles was taken away and given shock therapy yeah so he was kind of led to believe that he did do these things he later believed he did yeah he almost was like in a sort of like psychosis right because being told that he was this horrible person and probably with the flashbacks of Nam of going through war and seeing real death and being part of it you know he was told that he did all these things and he believed it at some certain point the the therapy in in the in the asylum reminded me literally of ahs asylum we saw that back during the second season of American Horror Story you guy kind of felt for the guy Benji he was like a good guy good soul he's trying to turn his life around when he got back from the war and she totally got took them taken advantage of margaret is evil I was tortured with electricity shut up with drugs till I believed what you said I was and now do you tell me just as jingles is kind of realizing what has gone on and how he's been taken advantage of he makes him move to to kill Margaret and she just kills him we think with a couple shots close range you know pistols on the floor it's on the floor yeah it looks pretty good yeah poor Trevor Trevor shows up and actually gets killed yeah interpreters are kind of celebrating like hey Margaret good job you killed him awesome and then she devised devices of a way to basically kill Trevor making it look like jingles in it she's like oh he killed you first yeah one thing that she said that stuck out to me was was you know she hadn't done that in such a long time the ever seen years yeah 14 years she hadn't liked kills mother with a knife so clearly you know she's not this God worshiping a sin like sinless person she's full of some horrible things that she gets joy out of it she gets yes she gets a certain amount of joy and a feeling of euphoria from taking a person's life Benjamin I lost sight of who we really are but the balance is now restored God has given me the strength to accept my true self and then just like Michael Myers jingles is gone his body's gone he just gets up he's been shot several times but he gets up again this is funny cuz you see this in every horror movie right back especially in the 80s like you turn back around and then the body's gone got to make sure we've got a mix yeah you gotta go up to the body and you gotta shoot it a couple more times to make sure it's the person's actually dead but in this case it's fine because jingles is the good guy that's sure now of course the only way out Blake's car is on fire yeah someone blew it up Margaret I'm guessing Margaret yeah I think you're I think you're right on that so there's seemingly no other plan of escape for these guys they just have to wait till sunrise hopefully if they can strip all these campers are arriving all right back to Ramirez his body is lifeless there on the ground we think he's dead but we hear the whispers of Satan and Wow yeah his eyes turn black his wounds disappear he just gets lifted up where was this before for Michael things like is this a thing that singing dude I yeah he literally this could have been useful when Langdon got run over by Mallory right during that ending of last season but whatever let's we'll talk about another time but clearly there's some crazy stuff going on here and some supernatural stuff that Bay like does it only is it only because he's worshiping saying that it affects him like can other people come back to life on these hallowed grounds is it a weird like campground thing Satan purposely using him as a tool yeah the funny thing here is that we see chambers you know she's the scientist or the psychologist and she's you know she's all about science and she's looking she's like you know comes back to it yeah and she's looking she's like like whoa what am I seeing right now yeah so it's taking a turn yeah the show is taking a turn definitely yeah there's only episode four it's only episode four all right so that was true killers but let's talk about overall some thoughts and some questions that we have after seeing that episode my biggest question is you know we're already we've mentioned this a few times it's episode four and so much has happened right like how are we gonna fill up the rest of the season that's a really good question there are so many episodes left there are at least six episodes left it so we've already revealed who the actual killer was in this massacre and we have some like time-travel stuff happening so we're gonna probably come back to that with the hiker like I don't know what's going on like anything goes right at this point totally like so many people have already the body count is like obviously rising and there's anyone truly dead at the camp bradwood exactly we don't know like do they just respawn list like a video game there are theories out there that it's like a simulation or it's a good video game or it's some sort of purgatory a never-ending loop for these people what we do know is that all these people are have done some pretty horrible almost all these people have done some pretty horrible things except for you birdy I mean that sandwich was pretty horrible but that's the only thing she's done you know everything else was pretty funny yeah but everyone has some sort of dark past yes so they're not like completely like they're full of sin so it might be a sort of punishment that they're like kind of like a never-ending night where they just go through these traumatic and horrible events over and over again I think that would make sense with how long the night has been it might be a clue that this is just the longest night and they're all like paying for their sins and they're all going around killing each other and they're all responding but it's nuts that's that's wild another thing we haven't seen in a while obviously we want to talk about is the hiker Jonas yes from 19 he'll be back 1970 yeah we're guessing he's gonna be back and they're gonna have to there have to explain what is going on on this campground yeah time travel because clearly there are people out of their elements that have showed up on the campground yeah also Jonas provide a huge clue when he said that he saw Margaret yeah she was standing yeah and it's like how could she be standing if she was attacked like he saw her standing and covered in blood so that was like a huge giveaway that she was involved right and he also said a couple a couple interesting things some hints like he's not supposed to be here he's not so that's what to be here or he's that's what the guy's not where he dies yeah almost like he's seen parts of the future and and and and is reliving something and kind of knows where his path leads to yeah so we don't know if purgatory is confirmed we don't know a lot of these things but we do already have hints that there's time-travel involved yeah there's some kind of time loop now in the past in American Horror Story we've seen locations that have some supernatural characteristics to them like a Hellmouth I think about like the murder house and kind of like all the spirits are stuck in that house hotel in hotel hotel Cortez obviously you know the the spirits are stuck in that hotel as well it's very likely I wouldn't be surprised if can't Redwoods similar right yeah that is locations all across this universe of American Horror Story where does horrible stuff happens and souls are just binded to illusion and souls are buying at the location kind of like Roanoke as well so the more I think about it the more I think this is pretty obvious that this location of camp redwood is just haunted yeah for centuries or for decades at least and that whoever shows up there it's not good for them there is a school bus full of eager campers coming here at sunrise and they will be perfectly safe because I have a gun also here's a question so markets really excited about these campers showing up really really stoked about it is she planning on killing all of them is she planning on doing another cleanse of sinful teenagers she's evil she is evil and the goddess got really dark but I kind of do agree with you that this would be likely that maybe it's like a ritual that she does on the anniversary of this massacre that she kind of started that she kind of picks out those that she feels needs to be cleansed and she basically hey the bus will pick you up at 7:15 and you'll show up in the morning and then she does run the camp so she has complete control over who she invites so she probably picks and chooses these sinful teenagers that she wants to just slaughter Oh God watch out guys I hope we don't see a bunch of teenagers get get murdered by her but it's more and more likely I also want to know my biggest question now after hearing and talking about this is basically where did it Savior find the job for this summer gig yeah I mean what what maybe new Margaret right did he I don't know I don't remember okay what would make you want to get a job at a spot that has this history behind it I'd rather just just anchor you know work at a grocery store something that local like I'm not gonna go to a campground that was you wanted to get out of town clearly because he was trying to escape those rural la thing because of the porn but is this really the answer alright so the next episode is called Red Dawn if you didn't watch the teaser and don't wanted to know what happens just like you know right now a little bit of spoilers do it go ahead yeah it looks like we're gonna get a little more backstory on Donna chambers kind of like what happened I feel like every episode we get a little bit more of someone's backstory which is fun to see kind of like what brought them here so we'll get to see some of the motivations of maybe before she became a doctor and kind of why she's on this path we also obviously gonna get more of a run in between Montana and Brooke right we get to see her get one step closer to ultimately punishing Brooke for what she thinks she's responsible for her brother's death and then there's a funny little bit with zavier that is still pissed off freaking out about his appearance his face that he'll never be on the cover of TV Guide that you know cuz he's a serious actor Jesse DTS takes himself serious so you know he's super pissed off so he's gonna be full of rage and revenge on his mind to get back at everyone that basically put him in a situation which is Montana and Margaret and everyone here so it looks like a lot of fun I'm excited obviously it's we have so much more left in the season it's kind of overwhelming to think of what else could happen but it's I'm sure there's gonna be a twist like every episode I released them you did this to me look at my face it's your be on the cover of TV Guide so that's it for this episode next week red dawn will break down that episode we need to go find Greg Duff we do greg will be back yeah we will find it I'm gonna give him where did he go i I don't he said he's gonna go for more wood because our fire is running low but I promise he left me his jacket just because he thought I'd get cold uh-huh yeah okay yeah no he's he's safe he's safe guy he'll be back I promise
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 143,633
Rating: 4.9166899 out of 5
Keywords: True Killers, AHS 1984 E4, AHS 1984 Episode 4, Mr. Jingles, ahs 1984, camp redwood, american horror story, ahs 1984 theories, ahs1984 breakdown, ahs 1984 reaction, emma roberts, billie lourd, cody fern, matthew morrison, leslie grossman, brooke, montana, xavier, mr jingles, the night stalker, richard ramirez, slasher movies, slasher films, halloween, friday the 13th, horror, ahs recap, 1980s, 80s, bertie, jingles vs ramirez
Id: i_uscbNFh18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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