Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - FINAL TIER LIST

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Tiers sorted best to worst:

S (Broken): Teba, Battle Tested Guardian

A (Great): Impa, Sidon, Urbosa, Yunobo, Monk Maz Koshia, Zelda (Shieka Slate), Great Fairy

B (Good): Link (1 handed), Zelda (Cycle), Robbie & Purah, Master Kohga, Zelda (Bow of Light), Sooga, Calamity Ganon, Link (2 handed), Link (Flail)

C (OK): Riju, Hetsu, King Roham, Terrako, Mipha, Link (Spear), Revali, Daruk

D (Bad):

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/RBGolbat 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

I like that they took the time to establish the ground rules of this list and made a tier list instead of ranking (/gross).

Then he immediately starts talking about Daruk as the "bottom slot" and characters being "a little higher" like this is a ranking instead of a tier list. One of the best aspects of a tier list is that everyone on the same tier is about equal so we're spared such minutiae.

Anyhow, I've said this a million-billion times and I'll say it again- just ignore Mipha's aerial combat mechanic and she is great. Lightning fast, great range, killer slate abilities (AIR RAID!), and C4/C6 that are highly effective once you get the feel for them. Not S tier, but at least B tier, maybe A.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/folstar 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

I can accept King Rhoam being low tier. I've heard a lot of people say that since the game came out.

I play him pretty exclusively though. He can stun lock anything, and can chain most of his combos in endless ways if you utilize guise right. Plus I do enjoy the way his attacks look.

I'm just pretty good at using him I guess

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Arcane_Shadow_PHD 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
hyrule warriors age of calamity was an extremely successful follow-up to the original hyrule warriors in more ways than just sales through careful iteration the formula for playstyles and warriors games has slowly increased in complexity allowing for full casts that have their own feel and rhythm that will suit different players in different ways even though each player is bound to have their favorites today we're going to put that aside and attempt to look at the cast objectively for the purposes of a tier list i say objectively but every tier list is the creator's own subjective experience and this one is just mine whereas the original hyrule warriors favored characters with strong weak point depleting combos along with a solid mix of single target and area target damage age of calamities playstyles benefit a whole lot more with synergy from other parts of their moveset such as unique abilities and shiga slate runes simply being able to rack up huge ko counts is pretty much a non-issue here as a mission to get so many kos comes up only very rarely bosses of both the minor and major variety are a much more frequent aspect of this game and the best characters are the ones who can create their own opportunities for massive damage quickly while also being able to pump out that damage while being mostly safe in this video i'll be referring to characters move sets and playstyles pretty much interchangeably but do note that something like link with his one-handed swords is going to have a different place than link with his two-handed swords because when you select that weapon link plays very differently my tears break down like this s-tier is reserved only for the truly broken characters ideally this tier should be empty a tier characters are great who have little to no weaknesses and they're bound to have something incredible in their kit that pushes them up to this spot b-tier characters would be good which have little to no downsides and do well in most situations they are where most of the playstyles in a given game should be ideally but with the recent ex abilities that were added in dlc2 i really can't say that things shake out like that here anymore c-tier is the middle range or average which is reserved for characters who just meet the average expectations for a warriors playstyle they fit this specific warriors game alright but they might have one or two flaws that keep them down a peg d tier and below would be bad or poor play styles that are just sub-optimal at completing the tasks that the game gives you in other tier lists i have put warriors characters at this level however just because this is a tearless video doesn't mean that i have to use this tier and this is the whole reason why we define tears i'll tell you this right now age of calamity does not have any playstyles that fall into the definition of a d tier even the lowest on my list can absolutely kick ass in the hands of almost any player and i'll be so bold as to say that if you think any of the playstyles in this game deserve to be bad then you probably don't have a full understanding of their capabilities maybe give them another try before leaving your comment sorry about the long intro but establishing a common ground and setting expectations before a tier list is actually a really important thing to do alright then let's get started since we don't have anyone to put into d tier let's go ahead and start off with c tier it really does pain me to start out this list with daruk who has a playstyle that i absolutely love and one that was made much stronger with the recent edition of his ex ability counter move but someone has to take up the bottom slot and daruk quite simply has the most inefficient moveset in the game deruk to me seems more like a fighter from a different warriors game altogether and here he doesn't really have any great synergies in his fighting style that this game kind of demands the biggest of these being his huge problem in actually breaking enemy weak point gauges in a warriors game like this one where eliminating targets takes a higher priority than ko goals the ability to seize on every weak point through stasis is huge and only getting them to half broken or less is always a disappointment and a huge cut to his overall dps although he like the rest of the cast has plenty of ways to force weak points out his stasis one of only three in the game that do not allow you to dodge cancel out of the built-in animation unfortunately only does a small amount of weak point gauge damage i'll say that you can set up magma pillars to explode at the same time as stasis comes out however the time and effort it takes to do this is much greater than what pretty much everyone else on this tier list can do just automatically i'll say this one more time there are no bad characters in this game and we are starting out at sea tier right now simply because daruk's damage is a little bit slower to dish out than others is not a death sentence in fact his ability to guard through almost everything can make him an excellent character for beginners still we're tier listing this game efficiency is huge and this has to be where this extremely lovable goron has gotta go [Music] rivali on first impression at least seems like he would be a nigh untouchable damage dealing master capable of raining destruction down from the skies and looking damn cool while doing it when played perfectly however that is never what rivali even is but unfortunately rivalli's playstyle mechanics and the overall game mechanics combine to make it a hassle to get the most out of revoli all the time no matter how great you are at this game some damage is simply unavoidable either from surprisingly aggressive mob enemies hitting you from the side or back area of effect magic which can come from enemies who are not your current focus as well as so many other sources playing rivale with full control over keeping him in the air requires you to play in an overly cautious manner which slows down his overall potential however in the right circumstances rivali can be devastating his stasis plus dodge into automatic aero rain is absolutely incredible and one of the fastest way to shred weak points in the game however there is simply too much pushback from his own mechanics in order to justify this character who requires near total safety in order to not be knocked around out of the air constantly to get beyond the sea tier as we get into the middle of this tier level things are going to naturally get a little bit more loose and to be honest i wasn't really sure how to order the next four play styles but at least for now i feel like spear link sits a bit lower in the average power level despite being the most underwhelming link play style the spear at its core is a pretty solid moveset with plenty of excellent attacks which all come out very quickly as well link by design is the adaptable everyman given that he will probably be one of the highest level characters for any player of this game as his speed weapon option the spear definitely does give the feeling of flying right through waves of enemies and would not at all feel out of place in a dynasty warrior's cutscene still even with the incredible feeling of speed that's playstyle gives to you with nothing really to amaze in its repertoire it's gonna sit in the seat here [Music] whereas link's spear gameplay is built around his ground speed mifa at least in concept seems to be built around using her unique mechanic to set her up into similarly fast flying aerial streams unfortunately with the unreliable programming behind the way she chooses to either create a new spring or teleport to it this can obnoxiously not be relied upon and instead her interesting aerial mechanics turn into just kind of a nice bonus whereas i feel with a little bit better control she could have been a tier higher than this overall i'd say probably spear link's playstyle is more effective however i put mifa a little bit higher due to her healing mechanics which can be very very important especially in situations where you need to keep npcs alive this might seem kind of niche but even going as far into this game as the second dlc pack there are plenty of times that keeping an npc alive can entirely justify bringing this character along still without much more than this i think she does have to be in the middle of c [Music] terraco is a character that i want to be stronger than he actually is possibly because he's just so cute there are certainly ways to get a lot of work out of the little guardian he has a fun moveset with a lot of interaction between his laser blasts however i cannot escape the feeling that when you play as terraco you have to put in a lot more effort for the same result that the rest of the cast can get without needing to try so much especially in the wake of the recent ex abilities in dlc2 putting terrico higher than the average tier becomes harder and harder for me of course just like all the other play styles at this level he can definitely handle himself but he doesn't have anything huge at his disposal that makes me want to bring him up higher than this so into the foggy mists of middle c he goes [Music] much like with terraco king rome is another victim to the ex abilities of dlc2 giving all the characters around him huge boosts upward while he stayed at about the same level as adaptable as the king is with his two guises his general slow speed and difficulty in getting to an actual weak point revealer in my estimation makes him start to pale in comparison there is also a bit of counter-intuitiveness in his playstyle much like with rivali there are certain triggers that he has that force the king in and out of certain guises still the king can definitely bring the pain and so he's going to be up here in higher seatier yep hestu is going high up in c and i am fully expecting a lot of comments along the lines of you put hes2 higher than blank but to be fully honest i actually considered putting him even higher possibly even in b hesto was always extremely powerful with one of the easiest power up unique action mechanics that could turn many of his combos into huge sources of easy damage however the thing that always cut his potential was his large size and slow speed making him one of the most difficult characters to pilot in the game had hestu not gotten such an utterly amazing ex ability he probably would have absolutely plummeted in this tier list possibly even sinking to the very bottom however this is not the case and instead hestu gained the single best new c7 buff allowing him to turn all his korok incorporated special attacks into force weak point revealers which is absurdly powerful ultimately i did decide that hestu's drawbacks of his size and speed were just too much of a drag to put him into qualifying for b-tier but if you haven't messed with him since his new ex ability i highly recommend it finally at the top of c tier we have riju who before the addition of her ex ability i probably would have rated as one of the absolute worst play styles given her control issues and inability to fight well in most environments much like with hestu riju gained one of the most absurd power boosts in the game with her new ex ability allowing her to now at top speed turn any enemy or boss into an easy target completely open for a stasis weak point smash combo which of course riju is able to easily retreat from and start all over again much like with hestu i did have a lot of trouble deciding if this power boost was enough to push her into b or not however just like with hestu i did decide that her drawbacks often in the form of being too fast and soaring right past her intended targets even with her new powerful ability was an issue that i just could not get past none of the other b-tier characters had such a heavy drawback still i gotta say this is an incredible glow up and with that we have reached the end of the sea tier next we'll move on to what i'd consider the good characters as we break into b [Music] starting out the b tier we have the first dlc playstyle lynx flail the flail true to link in general is just incredibly solid and reliable with a good collection of attacks that are applicable in a number of different situations but the thing that really pushes the flail into b-tier territory is its simple but powerful unique action although the extra style of attacks the flail gets from each weapon type is definitely useful the two-handed weapons one in particular can turn any foe large or small into free real estate for you to smack around until it's time to pop a weak point smash although these aren't a given in every situation such as boss rushes the prevalence of mob enemies in most situations guarantees the flail is nearly always a great pick and one that is hard to go wrong by choosing [Music] yep we are going from link to link and i have done my best to look at these play styles as objectively as i possibly can but if this were a favorites list link's two-handed playstyle would absolutely be in my top three easy it is an absolute blast to embrace your inner caveman as you go absolutely feral on your enemies there are few other play styles in this game that are as fun to make specific seal and food builds for nor ones that look nearly as cool while using them as you can tell i really do enjoy this moveset but despite the power that it does offer it is still doing all of these things at the expense of your health and i wouldn't say that the return on that investment significantly puts it higher than the majority of playstyles in this game there are other ways to play this weapon more safely such as focusing on its ranged aspects to make its trade-offs much safer but even in that format i probably wouldn't put it beyond b-tier anyways so this is probably a good place for it [Music] calamity ganon has a lot to offer and has recently been made much stronger through the addition of his new ex ability in dlc2 much ado is often made about calamity ganon's magnesis which does force out enemy weak points much like a thunder rod however it's also easy to overstate the power of this unlike a thunder rod this move doesn't gain the extra effectiveness against enemies in rain or who are touching water and since it puts your shika slate on cooldown it doesn't flow into stasis so you can guarantee those weak point smashes in the way that his new ex ability can with this new attack in tow calamity ganon can take out major and minor named enemies a lot faster with the calamity form feature of him just there as a slow charging bonus much like it always should have been instead of being key for unlocking his weak point smashes i can certainly understand arguments for putting him higher than b tier but to me he just doesn't quite have the same magic as those later contenders mid b is a fine placement for him as far as i'm concerned [Music] when first experimenting with zuga's playstyle i originally thought that he would be an easy contender for a with his solid moveset and an incredible counter mechanic however as time has gone on i feel that my initial reaction may have been a little bit extreme due to just how good he is at that one specific thing and that one specific thing is defeating huge bosses suga without a doubt is the absolute best boss killer in this game to the point that it's actually embarrassing seeing something like a he knocks or guardian go up against him with their long slow obvious attacks however this game is not entirely made up of slow bosses that telegraph their attacks nor are boss encounters only ever one versus one which as i started to consider those other situations made me eventually drop suga down to this level keep in mind that suga is far from the only character in this game to have counter mechanics even before dlc2 gave a similar power to daruk the shield holding characters which is one-handed link riju and herbosa could also deflect all manner of attacks just fine not only lasers from guardians but normal attacks too suga's definitely feels like the easiest to use however i also feel that his unseeing meter should really start to have more benefit earlier on as nice as it seems to imagine that you can build up the three counters and run rampant forever there is enough random damage from mob attacks and area damage in this game that you'll probably end up losing it far sooner than you would like and it will then take longer to charge back up far longer than you would like i really do wish i could justify him into a but b-tier has got to be the best place for him [Music] now this is a moveset that really took me a long time to warm up to but once it clicked it really did click as the successor to the young link slash tiki playstyles of the original hyrule warriors and fire emblem warriors this zelda moveset doesn't really reach either of those levels but it still brings along a powerful set of attacks particularly her long-range aero attacks while the luminescent mode doesn't really match the rampages of fierce deity link or dragon tiki of the past zelda can do very tactical spam strikes with this and turn it off and on with ease the thing that puts zelda into b-tier is with or without this extra mode she is still extremely powerful just in her base move set with great options for both close-up and far off beau zelda lands comfortably into the very middle of this whole list [Music] and here we finally have master koga who just like the other characters ahead of him on this tier list has an excellent move set with lots of movement and powerful options once you master how to turn his stress meter into consistent face lasers koga can turn many enemies into stunned messes getting their health and weak point gauges burned down very quickly koga's kit is truly remarkable and is always a fun time to control and behold but unfortunately i do think the baggage of having to manage his stress meter or be punished is going to keep him just out of a here on the higher side of b is just right i think [Applause] pera and robbie have some ridiculously powerful attacks in their normal kit with perhaps there being no better c6 move in the entire game which despite having a slow start up is one of the few weak point revealing moves that can also usually deplete the whole meter before it's even done with its animation this is kind of what i mean when i say they're totally fine with or without the divine beast machine attacks but in situations where those divine beasts are actually useful they just add on to the excellent package here much like with master koga it is only the drawback of those attacks that keep this powerful playstyle from attaining further heights [Music] zelda's cycle is a high speed playstyle done right i really feel that this kind of quick high-flying moveset has been a real struggle for koei tecmo to pull off with harder to control versions such as epona and phi in hyrule warriors 1 the pegasus knights in fire emblem warriors and even the base character of riju in this game showing how hard it can be to truly get right zelda cycle unlike the others definitely hits the nail right on the head by focusing not on making your character move excessively quickly but instead instituting a turbo move that makes your attacks come out much much faster this mechanic absolutely defines zelda's fighting style here and turns her already solid moveset into a blindingly fast world of attacks exactly when you need it as i talked about during my guide this overdrive mechanic basically has no downsides which feels like a strange oversight what we're left with then is a flexible and fast playstyle that you can frequently increase in attack speed which is already easily one of the most valuable traits when it comes to making characters far more powerful allowing this one to easily take high b at last at the top of b-tier we have everyone's first playstyle the ultimate jack of all trades link with his one-handed weapons i said it before in my final tier list for hyrule warriors 1 that i wish that the master sword or one-handed weapons in general would not be the game's default overpowered option and i am happy to say that this eventually did come true age of calamity is rich with different characters that are all powerful in their own way and yeah even the c-tier characters who i remind you are average and not bad at all have universal solid and reliable move sets this makes reaching for one-handed link less of a given but when you do this moveset really has everything that you want an easy to control solid selection of heavy attacks a great unique action that can set up weak point smashes but can't be overly abused and now with the addition of his ex ability the option to set up for your next attack to always reveal weak points albeit one with kind of a clunky setup compared to others the characters from this point and beyond are all able to offer something on top of these basics and of course as we progress from here things are going to get pretty crazy powerful although not outright broken in the a-tier [Music] to start out a tier we have a character or should i say characters who only make the cut with some incredibly big asterisks next to them the great fairies unfortunately are very map dependent in some of the tighter levels such as the yiga base using these girls is a complete nightmare that i cannot recommend in the slightest in that situation they might be the only d tier contenders in this list in other maps however where you have room to breathe and things are a bit more spread out there are few character selections that have so many tools and their belt than these fairies they can completely de-power slow and cut through entire health bars like a hot knife through butter they can self-shield and now with their ex ability control enemy movement while they go into their many other options or set up for perfectly uninterrupted unique action spams i personally will always have fond memories for the great fairies they were my first guide that i decided to make for this game which was a move that confused many of my viewers they wondered why i would start with such a niche playstyle the reason was as people soon came to learn around that time thanks to my video at least a little bit i like to think that the fairies were holding some absolute bombshells of power and getting a taste of their maximum potential was so inspiring to me that i just had to make the guide for them then and there over time the infamous kotera debuff has had a patch to it turning what was once a ridiculously overpowered strategy into just an extremely powerful strategy so yeah these ladies have continued to stay strong for those who are willing to learn them again on certain levels you just cannot use them effectively but where you can they are a tier material for sure there was a time in this game's history when this version of zelda along with only a single other play style that i happen to have not gotten to yet on this tier list had the only moves that could stun an enemy and force out weak point gauges with only a single button press capturing these gauges with stasis and then breaking them apart was such a ridiculously strong strategy that it easily put this playstyle into the top of a tier over time other characters have gained attacks that can do the same thing and even though sheika slate zelda has pretty much remained the same this is such a powerful combo that it continues to keep her into a the rest of her moveset is really nothing to brag about but once you understand how to use everything else that it offers you you are never not in control of the situation [Music] now this is a playstyle that has really climbed some ranks since the last time i looked at it from the beginning something always seemed off about the monk's playstyle he had plenty of mechanics that were dedicated to filling up his ancient power meter but actually very little to do with it once he had it before unlocking his full moveset getting a full ancient power meter is a very hard thing to do you'd pretty much have to dutifully make sure to destroy your own deployed objects constantly or sum it up a shrine gate and pound on it of course once you got his extended c6 move through normal progression none of this made sense anymore since this single attack could fill up his whole meter and again you had the problem of not really having good ways to use it as he was the monk would have pretty much just fit the bill for a b-tier character but then he got his excellent ex ability his new face laser which uses up a full charge of his ancient meter which is pretty much the only good use for it is incredibly powerful working very similar to pura and robbie c6 in that it both reveals weak points and also shreds them at the same time however this one once you have it charged is just a whole lot faster to get to and immediately available with a single button the monk has always been among my personal favorite move sets and i'm very pleased to place him up here in a at last [Music] for a character who has been around since the beginning it constantly surprises when people seem shocked to see unobo given so much respect in this game it's also very revealing of commenters who clearly haven't tried to learn him yunobo like the great fairies has a deep moveset that doesn't reveal its value through simple button mashing if you take time to learn how yunobo's moves correspond to his three different flavors of protection using this plucky goron becomes a game of preparation that leads to the same kind of devastating results that sheikah's late zelda could achieve the recent addition of his ex ability a c7 that always corresponds to whatever power of protection you have out will probably entice more people to spend the relatively short amount of time it takes to actually learn how to use him he has always been an easy a-tier candidate and if you don't understand why you probably need to go back to training [Music] urbosa like monk maz koshia is another character who has seen a significant tear jump prior to her new ex ability from dlc2 she would have been considered an upper b-tier warrior at most simply from having a super solid and simple moveset with an interesting extendable attack system that was also easy to charge then the game went and gave her her ex ability which allows you to quickly zap and render your enemies open to weak point smashes sometimes that's all you need urbosa is amazing and she proudly slots right here into upper a the lu boo of age of calamity said on the prince of zorus was always an extremely strong playstyle so i can't overstate my surprise when it came time for dlc 2 where they went and gave him another busted ex ability so now saidon not only has his extremely adaptable fighting style which is bolstered with extendable moves and a sturdy buff effect but now also an easily preparable weak point gauge trap that fires off with not a single weapon attack but specifically whatever your next strong attack will be allowing you to weave it in whenever you want and not be restricted to a single kind of activator i don't know why in what was kind of like a balance patch they gave a very powerful character a very powerful ex ability but here we are [Music] of course the plucky ninja impa takes the top spot in a tier and honestly how could she not the most defining aspect of impa is her unique ability to make multiple clones of herself multiplying the number of hits she deals which does add to her damage but notably makes her build up her special meter ridiculously fast while trap moves that set you into stasis combos are great there is nothing more defenseless than an enemy targeted by your special attacks which imba can use more frequently than anyone else in the game these special attacks basically deal the same amount of damage as a weak point smash attack so this is just numerically better as well previously impa did have a weakness in that her weak point revealing c6 attack which comes only after riding her frogs was kind of awkward to aim in time however this never really mattered too much because of just how many freaking special attacks that she's able to pull off but the additional moves that she got in dlc2 just make her a lot easier to use for when you're not building up to special attacks about the only thing that keeps impa out of the overpowered tier is the fact that getting her going with all of her clones does require a bit of setup and can be slow to start up especially when you're fighting enemies one-on-one still much like the final two characters who will come after her playing with impa can make you feel like you're not even in the same game anymore when your normal attacks build up so much special attack meter especially in moderate to large crowds you don't really need to even bother with weak point smashes or any kind of strategy just keep your special meter high clear crowds with ease and keep blowing up everything finally it's time to move on to estier the overpowered tier [Music] the battle tested guardian is our first s-tier entry and in its case the main broken mechanic is its lock-on without this the guardian would still have a great moveset probably more of an upper b-tier set of moves but being able to have its attack auto-fire at foes while you're free to do whatever especially with its overhead laser move in particular pushes him all the way into this slot as i stated in my introduction a tier list in a warriors game like this should be built around how efficient a playstyle is at accomplishing the various goals that that specific game gives and about the one thing true to nearly all of age of calamity's missions is that they culminate in needing to eliminate various bosses with speed and efficiency this is why being able to trap enemies into inescapable stasis combos from complete safety is so incredible and the guardian once it has locked on to its target is able to pelt its foe over and over again with huge amounts of damage or stasis revealing attacks there are very few other selections that can hope to go beyond the riskless and powerful moves that the guardian offers but of course there was and still is one true king of this game and for those who know age of clam d well it's probably not a mystery at all who it is [Music] of course sitting at the top of this tier list it cannot be anyone else but tebba i'll admit when i first unlocked him i like many other players didn't really get what he was all about to me he just seemed like he was wildly uncontrollable with huge sweeping attacks that bounced him all around the screen hard to time and hard to follow up on for the same amount of payoff that others were getting however of course i simply didn't understand the true weapon of mass destruction that he actually is as i said before s-tier characters like tebba don't play the same game as everyone else when you're playing other characters you have to balance your offense and defense set up combos and see some opportunities to get the most dps possible without playing recklessly and taking tons of damage teva just has to get into the air and start mashing the heavy attack button once you've done this you can glide back down to the ground and re-initiate the whole thing you don't have to worry about capitalizing on enemy weak point gauges or even really care what your enemy is doing at all this attack is actually more efficient than all those other moves as it does so much freaking damage guardian lasers can hit you everything else in the entire game probably not as if it weren't enough tebba's remaining strong attacks already give him tons of power and versatility so for situations where his overpowered aerial shooting doesn't work tebba can still stand toe to toe with them as long as you can control your spacing tebba is unstoppable quite simply there is never a bad time to bring him along even guardians don't use their laser enough to truly give him any amount of fear he is without a doubt the absolute strongest character in this entire game by a humongous margin all hail the king thank you so much for listening to my list of course this is all just my take on the game which is influenced by my own preferences and playstyle if you watch through my list and i guess are a reasonable person who can act like an adult online why don't you let me know your tier list in the comments below this brings an end to my coverage for this game i have definitely become a lot busier than i used to be when i made the original hyrule warriors videos but i have to say that it was a lot of fun making these guides and lists for you all throughout last year thank you so much for watching be good to each other and as always i hope to see you next time big thank you to my top patrons dw7 still rules henry gutierrez and ryan poe as well as to all of my other patrons on patreon if you would like to support this channel and my main channel chainbrained check out the links in the description thank you all very much you
Channel: Warriors Dojo
Views: 297,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hyrule Warriors, Musou, Dynasty Warriors, Koei-Tecmo, Omega Force, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, 3DS, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, Hyrule Warriors DE, Link, Zelda, Ganon, Triforce, Toon Link, guide, Twili Midna, Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda, Ravio, Link Between Worlds, Tier list, Tier, S Tier, A tier, B Tier, C Tier, Ranking, Age of Calmity, Age of Calamity tier list, Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity, AoC Tier list, aoc tier list
Id: G4vKqEFT01Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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