Amazing WW2 relics found by mother and daughter! An emotional journey to 1940's Britain!

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[Music] you [Music] hello okay so we're back but we're in a new location a new location so we're just going to see what we can see here it looks like it's a little bit later than what we've seen so far yeah it looks um more like 1940s yeah 1930s so weren't we it looks like there's a lot here and there still could be some interesting treasures and histories to find so we'll see you on the first flight here's a button just falling out of the just falling out of the bank side and alex has just climbed up here oh it's got something on it arp air raid patrol really i think this must be a 1940s dump arp button i know what else is there a bead a tiny bead where's the bottle i can't see it how did you even see that wow that looks like a little perfume bottle oh my gosh ah that's so cute here you hold the camera there it is it's a beautiful cobalt blue um what'd you call them like perfume or cologne bottles that is gorgeous i wonder if has a registration number on the bottom oh it does ask me written on the bottom must be french okay so there are all sorts of things sticking out of the bank side and i've just found this little tiny button that's not tiny a little button yeah we think this is 1940s ish this dump what's this down here looks like metal it looks like a squiggly thing squiggly yeah it's like candy cane-shaped metal i don't know what that was i think someone else has been here because they've cut like a little foothold to get up there this bottle looks like a sauce bottle heinz bottle of some kind yeah i think it's a heinz sauce salad cream i think i guess someone's nylons from the wartime remains of somebody's lamb dinner they did boil sheep's heads back in those days yuck don't know if you can see from here it looks like there's loads of bits and bobs down there pottery and all sorts i've just found this little it's another perfume bottle sort of ribbed on one side it's cute so i'm gonna keep it look at this incredible glass wondering if it's been some part of a lamp shade pepper shaker perhaps it's like made of chrome or tin or something or zinc but i can see look can you see on this rock here someone has stuck into this wood [Music] sauce bottles look that's of a battery the casing of a battery that is some kind of goblet the remains of some old jars moral jars old bottles jars bottles everywhere wow there's bound me some treasures amongst it oh it's a it's a [Music] is bead ceramic oh look at it it's sort of turquoise it's like mosaic like crackle oh that's gorgeous that's lovely not had one like that before yay something pink and glassy here button something oh i think it may have been a button look it may have been a lovely pink button backs come off but it's the perfect size and shape to make into jewelry to use the cabochon and jewelry would make a beautiful ring or something a little bit of copper wire that that'll come in for making things there's a lot to look at i don't know where to start it just keeps going what's this a little ah a perfume bottle wow look at that it's art deco that's definitely 1930s look at the shape of that isn't that lovely and it's so narrow it couldn't have held much i love it getting quite a collection already it's a milk bottle i can't quite read it give it a rub on my trousers oh no i just rub it off am something a little bit too far gone [Music] i think that is off [Music] just off so i just found this little buckle and it's got like greek key patterns around it it's so sweet look at the size of it that would come up nice in the ultrasonic cleaner there's another little another little buckle there that's right next to that one but it's too far gone okay so this is a later dump probably 1930s 40s but here's a clay pipe so they were actually still smoking clay pipes back then and this is the mouthpiece of one gin anyone sloane's liniment oh what a shame a shame that's broken a bit of broken child's plate and it's got the alphabet around the edge oh that's so cute i'll have to keep that alex just found another bit of the uh small bits of the alphabet plate oh look i have something on the inside oh the other bits in my bag but put them in here an old hair comb just plastic so i'm gonna take that with me an old lock of a door a brass escutcheon leather bone oh that's a cute little little um little jar what you call it like cosmetic jar cream jar of some sort little pill bottle oh wow a flask i don't know where to look so much stuff oh look that would have been a really big green poison bottle not to be taken oh that looks like a queen it's extremely crusty extremely crusty you might put that in the ultrasonic cleaner worked quite well last time on our old coins wow okay there's not enough daylight left it's stressing me out micklem look at these glass dishes oh they'd be so handy for things this there's another one up here oh there's another bit green poison sad there look there's another one let's have a look see what else people have left that is a poison bottle with the ridges probably held some kind of and disinfectant of other that looks like an ink how skinny that bottle is that's a ox oxo wow i had a feeling i was being watched looks like a padlock it's just the front of a padlock yeah there's a lot of rubble mixed in bricks an awful lot of nylons um perfume bottles brill cream which was um hair cream for men seems like people were um sort of keen to have a good time and if it was the wartime you can't blame them because they didn't know how long they had or what was going to happen next a bit like these days really only worse oh wow look at this lady's leather shoe wow yeah it's very in deco looking isn't it as well that's so cool this shoe wow how well preserved it is here's another purple it's like my size oh that's funky that's deco as well isn't it let's see if i'm right with the milk of magnesia bottle well it hasn't got anything on it it looked like a milk of magnesia bottle but i can't see any embossing on it another tin lid another 10 nerd you guessed it you guessed it oh there's another perfume bottle for our mom's collection oh my gosh what on earth why are there so many 10 lids look down here oh what is going on look at all this tin kitchenware loads of tim lives and a frying pan i can't really explain it maybe a shop maybe a shop was bombed a kitchenware shop and they just chucked everything out it was damaged i don't know what you could make out of all of these legs mints why okay the tin loads keep going i keep digging and they keep going they're absolutely everywhere if anyone has can provide me with some kind of explanation because i just can't understand why there would just be so many lids unless they made them here i don't know no it's literally pretty much dark now but i thought i better film these because i believe that these little ceramic things are pieces of uh kiln furniture they would have put pots and cups and ceramic things on they'd hold them in the kiln as they were being fired so yeah i think these are pieces of kiln furniture which is interesting geese are doing their own kind of mud locking that is such a nice fragment of blue and white look at that it's a proper little scene i love it there's little people buildings and bridges and trees so lovely what's this i spy look at that is it a bead that's amazing look at the color of it faceted i wonder if it was off a necklace or something else oh have to research that one look at that oh i love it what's this it's a little figurine of a dog oh look at it its legs are missing it looks like a pug alex is trying to kill me with falling rocks oh the poor thing if only had its legs it's so lovely i wondered what this was i just picked it up it's hollow inside and it's solid it's glass as made in england and i'm pretty sure this is a battery old-fashioned battery acid level yeah it must be well that might be interesting might have a bit of a history behind it a little more tin pot lids and we're wondering if there was a factory around here whoops mom suggested or pointed out that they don't have most of them don't have handles on the top so we're wondering if it was a factory that was bombed perhaps and these tins didn't have haven't had their handles attached to them yet oh i see over here a bottle but look how squished it is oh yes this is one for the collection oh my gosh look how squished it is it's not broken either it's whole oh yes that's what i'm talking about you could use as a dish to put things in i love it as you can probably see it's quite dark the camera is actually brightening things up to make them look brighter for you guys but it is actually much darker in reality there's still you can still see loads of stuff oh that looks like a piece of scottish spongebob it's really pretty it's like trees i love that piece of pottery take that mom's calling oh i found a doll's head oh look oh yes it's whole yes can you see that it won't focus because it's so dark it's a little doll's head yes oh how wonderful look at this poor melted ink bottle i'm gonna keep it oh here's a clay pipe bowl this is a little bit i think i am we're in a bit this and maybe a little bit earlier than 1940s it's a thomas white but it's not focusing is it a thomas white oh i don't think it is i'm sorry it's not focusing it's too dark the camera's struggling i think we might be on a bit of the jump that's a little bit earlier oh wow look up there i just it's just pure chance i still spotted that five stone neck what a shame it's bro what a shame it's broken oh no what a shame i would have taken that i loved it what's this down here it's like a bit of glass oh look oh it's like a prism it's like a um maybe out of a mirror some kind of looking glass oh i like that i like things like that take that actually this is just this place is so extensive it's dark i know oh we're looking in the dark oh it's dark i can't i can't see but there's oh we're probably missing lots of stuff you can't see us at all it's dark can you see me now yeah okay so um this is how dark it is very dark so we have to go yeah we do basically we actually have to go because we have no uh torches or anything um so we'll see we'll see you back at home at the roundup bye am speaking to you from the cabinet room at 10 downing street this morning the british ambassador in berlin handed the german government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from poland a state of war would exist between us i have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with germany hello okay so here are our finds all cleaned up this too magic it took all day a long time to clean these but we have an ultrasonic cleaner which has proved to be very very good yes um especially for the inside of bottles and um yeah hard to reach places and metal metal metal as well especially but anyway where are we gonna start so we'll start with the bottles i think um these are all the sort of cosmetic bottles that we found and they're very interesting they're lovely sort of art deco shapes and they also date from the 1930s to probably early 1940s so start with this one oh this one and that design was registered in 1933 by james a jobling and co of weir glassworks millfield sunderland in the northeast of england and um weirside has a long history of glass making which dates back to ad7 sorry which dates back to ad674 when saint benedict sent for craftsmen from france and rome to make the stained glass windows for monk weir mouth monastery in the 1690s glass was made here for the first glass houses at deptford and in the 18th century cheap coal high quality sand from the baltic and excellent shipping links made weirside the perfect location to develop the glassmaking industry at its height in the 19th century it is from here that the londonderry glassworks was built at cm which is now famous for the multicolored glass washed up on the beaches there leftovers from the waste glass that was dumped into the sea yeah so that is amazing how we linked that little bottle back to siem and our well here's some of the sea glass a sea glass collection from cm from the last eight years of collecting so it's a very important glass making area okay so the next bottle is this amami cosmetic cosmetic bottle dating from the 1930s and probably contained setting lotion or henna dye and curls were very popular then for the hairstyles and moving on to the blue bottle which has bourgeois on the bottom and this company started in the in 1863 by joseph albert ponson and it's still going today and the bottle probably dates from the 1930s or 40s and is from the evening in paris collection and it's probably from a gift set and that's why it's so small it's beautiful color and the rest of the bottles um don't have any names on them this one's broken sadly probably all dates from a similar period of the 1930s and 40s and contained there's some similar lotions and potions to all the other glasses the kilner oh yes jar lid and that company was founded in 1842 and it's still going today as well so i think we have some modern kilner jars all the jars that we put our um elderflower cordial in um and we've got some more glass bottles up here um which are just uh random cork top bottles but i think these are like 1920s these bottles look it's so bubbly and the colors are gorgeous look at the bubbles look at the bubbles um yeah this is an ink bottle melted oop and a burst lip bottle um i don't know what the melted bottle like a flat back bottle don't know what that is and then my favorite bottle of all time yeah this one which took me forever to clean mr squishy bottle look at it it's so flat and it sits really nicely as almost like a trinket dish so i could put our beads and things on there look i love it the other glass thing we have is the battery casing yeah fortunately it's broken when i clean when i found i thought oh wow it's whole but when i cleaned all the grime off it turned out completely shattered yeah and it still has the lead inside of it that's the battery working yeah it says it has a brand name on here i don't know what this is oldham acid level and made in england on the bottom we haven't done any research on that one but it is probably 1940s since we found it a 9040 stump more glass a glass spoon but a spoon that's cool and this i think might be the lens out of an old um coach lamp yeah had gone out of fashion by then and so would have been getting thrown away i thought it could have been part of a mirror that could have been i think you're probably right but i thought of actually making it into a mirror yeah you could just silver it silver it and then put like a silver bezel and back on it so it'd be like a really posh pocket mirror yeah that would be cool you'd have to polish this yeah polish the glass that would be cool um okay so metal pieces oh these are technically glass though these little dishes um these probably had cosmetic creams in them um that actually says boots on look books glass probably cold cream or something like that boot is a a chemist and it's still going today we could still go and visit boots in the on the high street today and i think boots is what victorian well not actually maybe it is it could be i don't know we'll put it on the screen how old boots is uh so yeah these china figures oh it's such a shame i know a little like bulldog maybe yeah broken and then we've got a broken head porcelain doll's head which is kind of creepy i don't know there's something about it it's got a bit of a vacant look about it it does it's got this like massive forehead i don't know there's some things well i like it a victorian doll's head that doesn't look crazy it's true some of them look cute i suppose um this i've seen these before but i'd i think it might have been out of the middle of like a dish like a um a trinket dish yeah and you hang rings yeah you put your jewelry on it i think but don't don't quote me on that um and some more here we have this plate oh yeah we found these pieces of plate which was um it had babies plate written on it and it had part of the nursery rhyme tom tom the piper's son with a picture of um tom running off with a pig under his arm what's the whole rhyme tom tom the yeah that's some of it shame it's broken but i was thinking about cutting out some of these letters with our tile saw and then making them into necklaces putting silver bezels on making necklaces out of the letters it's an idea we've got all this pottery as well and some of them look like pretty broken with the names on the back c fourth made in england and what's this one i've got some information about them here a little bit so um that one there is tutonic and it was made by brown west head moor and company in about 1900 and we put a good picture up of that it's a beautiful pattern it's really well defined and this one here that's a lovely picture i know it's so cute and that was seaforth china made in england and it was made after 1921 because um that's when they started putting made in england rather than just england it's a gorgeous little scene of some people the same with this one here has made in england that's grim wade royal winton so that was made after 1921 also but some of these have beautiful patterns on yeah we've got some sponge wear and well this is all transfer where apart from the sponge wear piece which is um known for being made in scotland scottish sponge wear but i think also it was also some of it was made in staffordshire sponge wear this teensy little cup it's got a little scene on it that would have been a lovely little doll's cup it could have been like a souvenir and a lid a pot handle handle which is cool like speckled oh we missed that glass over there oh yeah we've got some glass here um we collect this beautiful patterned glass even though it's broken because we've got we've got plans for this yeah we've got some projects we have a kiln that mum got me some years ago so yeah we'll just we'll leave you with that the other piece of pottery or two pieces are these two lids i don't know what we're well we're gonna live what we're gonna live what we're gonna do with these got a missing lid that they need that one's miraculously practically it's really thin and delicate and it's amazing it's amazing that survived we have this plastic co it must have been very early plus yeah plastic comb which we'll dispose of kiln furniture film furniture yeah i've seen i've seen other people find this and i've also seen people find it on instagram yeah and not know what it is but i'm pretty sure that this is kiln furniture which would hold up whatever was in the kiln yeah plates cups sauces all of this sort of thing really yeah and small fiddly things that would balance on linton well just all sorts okay moving on to um pipes pipes yeah actually this pipe is quite interesting it's one that we haven't um come across no no no and it's got o'brien 61 on it and it was made by john pollock and co manchester and it was founded by john pollock in 1879 the company continued to manufacture pipes that celebrated coronations national events and famous faces until 1992. all the molds and tools were sold to wilson's of sharrow who then ceased production in 2011. and i wonder what happened to all those tools yes i want them i want them i hope they weren't thrown out they will probably throwing them no they wouldn't they probably went up for auction and was sold off yeah something like that but yeah they were using pipes they weren't well they were it's incredible they were making pipes right up to well i don't know if they were making them up to 2011. well they must be i think commemorative pipes but surely they were making them up to what's at 1992 which is crazy so yeah that's that's incredible that's this this is a connection to recent history yeah yeah so this one probably dates from the war time yeah yeah um you probably saw me find this little oh yeah i took a before and after look how shiny it is that'll be really useful for when i'm making i know can you reuse this but um we are planning on doing a video where because a lot of people say how do you get this so shiny like how does it go from being mucky crusty river stuff to being all shiny like this so and the same with our bottles how do we clean our bottles we are going to do a video on how we clean our fines wait till the winter time for that yeah yeah our midweek video perhaps okay so a lovely little buckle there with um like a greek key pattern around it it's pretty and i don't know what this is off but i like it some kind of decoration this is a piece of meccano which is still being made today and have something about micano here you can see meccano written along around the edge it was created in 1898 by frank hornby as well known toy maker in liverpool and its heyday was in the 1930s so there you are until the war interrupted production and then it started again after the war okay so i think that's oh no wait wait wait wait we got all these oh yeah all these little bits mobs um this bead which is one of the most beautiful like it's like a blush pink faceted glass bead that mum found and it's so pretty oh look at it in the sun isn't it pretty and um this glass bead here which i think you have some information about yes that's um related to america actually um the glass beads imported into america from italy bohemia and czechoslovakia became known as hubble beads after lorenzo hubble who was the owner of the hubble trading post at st john arizona this particular type of bead was made to imitate turquoise used in native american jewelry um and john lorenzo hubble operated his trading post from 1876 until his death in 1930 but the trading post is still in operation today amazingly you can visit it um and the beads obviously became popular worldwide because uh because we're holding one so that's quite an interesting history about how that particular type of bead evolved it's and i wonder how they made it like it's like blobs of turquoise with like this it's like white creamy glass as well it's beautiful and we've got a button oh yeah we've got two buttons um one of them is a milk glass and the other i think might be mother of pearl or glass i don't know i think it's mother yeah i think it's mother of pearl and alex thought that this might be a button but i think it's a teddy bear yeah i mean it's it's red so it's a i mean it's a little bit it's a ready brown maybe it was from an evil teddy bear that they tried to dispose of or maybe i don't know a white teddy bear like a polar bear maybe they thought they had red eyes because they were white who knows so that's cool i've always wanted to find a teddy bear eye but i had my doubts because it was red but that's really cool might make that into a ring and okay i do this thing where i turn on the camera and turn it i turn on the camera when i'm not filming and turn off the camera when i start film and um i turned off the camera when i was about to film this because i found another aligom oh and this one is is like a blush pink color that's like number four isn't it yeah so far we have found more actually yeah but um but yeah there we go we've got four okay so our second last find is this little coin that i spotted down there on the foreshore and um it is pretty far gone i'm afraid but it is a ship's half penny you can just about see the ship on there and then the word half and the date is 1940 something but it's it's too too gone too far gone so it's pretty certain then that all of this stuff is from around about the wartime which brings us on to our last find um and it seems ironic that all of this stuff dates from the wartime because um this week on the 2nd of september was the 75th anniversary of the end of world war ii globally in 1945 and this last button that we found arp is a very poignant um link to what was going on then and it arp stands for air raid precautions and it was one of several organizations set up during world war ii to protect civilians from the dangers of air raids local councils were responsible for organizing arp wardens and from the 1st of september 1939 the arp wardens were able to enforce blackout heavy curtains and shutters were required on private and commercial premises and factories to prevent light escaping and giving away their locations to enemy bombers they would shout if they saw a of light put that light out which reminds me of the fictional arp warden in the british 1960s 70s comedy dad's army mr hodges played by the brilliant bill pertwee and he was always shouting put that light out yeah every british person i think and the whole of the uk knows dad's army and so um the wardens managed air raid sirens and ensured people were directed to shelters women were also arp wardens through the women's voluntary service and numbered more than ten thousand these women and men also had a terrible and grim job of retrieving bodies from the rubble during the second world war almost 7 civil defense workers were killed so here is an arp wardens badge we don't know whether it was a woman or a man but these people were exceedingly brave so from first-hand accounts that i have been reading about the men and the women in the arp they had a pretty grim job um cleaning up after the bombing so these people were extremely brave and just courageous it must have had a terrible effect on them throughout their lives um the things that they experienced i mean some of the accounts are so well they're so so harrowing that we couldn't yeah we didn't we didn't want to read them out because they're just far too upsetting and too graphic yeah um but if you are interested then um google it yeah google it actually um that website that you were reading maybe we could put a link um to that down below in the description because um yeah we don't want to read that out here it's it's very heavy and extremely upsetting so um yeah there we go this is our little tribute to the end of the war in 1945 um which was 75 years ago which is yeah and all these things dated from that period yeah the people who used and threw these away were living through that period yeah and maybe the men that actually died fighting um used some of this stuff you know some of the stuff that we touched so um yeah men and women yeah both both might have have died in action um and i've used some of this this these objects here which is absolutely incredible um connection to our history and um this little button on the back i should probably say that it it has was it chen cheney chaney cheney dunno that's probably the manufacturer and then b ham which will be an abbreviation for birmingham and then there's that uh cross can you see the tiny little cross there oh yes yeah almost looks like a maltese cross on either side on either side and the button would have been made by um stamping out this sheet of i think it's copper in on on a brass die so yeah it was probably silver plated it was made in two parts yeah we've we've managed to clean it up i know a lot of people don't like to clean up their fines but i'm thinking of restoring this and replating it in silver um so it needs to be cleaned up before i i can plate it so yeah there we go that's uh our incredible connection to our recent history and so now we'd just like to say thank you yes again to all of our subscribers all of the people who take the time and trouble to comment yeah we love reading comments um all of our patrons oh of course patreon yes thank you so much make a lot of this possible um people who have been sending us gifts thank you so much yes and also all the people who have been buying us stuff from our amazon wishlist you are amazing yes things have helped us so much they have thank you thank you very very much and um on that note we'll say goodbye and we'll see you again next week bye at this moment at this moment how wonderful mr churchill has come out onto the ministry of health balcony now mr churchill stands on the balcony of the ministry of health he's wearing his boiler suit the famous boiler through that he's made so wonderful and he had the audacity shall i say to put on his head his favorite black hat nobody can say that it goes with a boiler suit but you heard what a cheer it raised from the crowd he stands now in the floodlights and he's giving the victory sign for all his might from the flooded falcons this is your victory victory of the cause of freedom is every day in all our long history we have never seen a greater day than this everyone man or woman has the spending results of the british nation [Music] god bless you all and now listen the band is playing land of hope and glory and the crowd is singing and this suddenly has become a very moving moment for mr churchill two is singing and he is conducting the singing of this song will you listen please [Applause] oh [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 29,406
Rating: 4.9573336 out of 5
Keywords: northern mudlarking, gem hunting, Sea glass hunting, Mudlarking, wartime britain, 1940's, mudlarking uk, beachcombing, bottle digging, wartime, treasure hunting, crystal hunting, treasure hunting scotland, rockhounding, relic hunting, northern mudlarks, WW2
Id: i7o-MFgAdPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 58sec (3058 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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