Found! Super Rare DRAGON EGGS & Opal Glass! (Beachcombing in North East England)

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hello so here we are at siam beach and we are accompanied by another mother and daughter marking each homing team and that's laurie and cecilia and we're hoping to find some amazing things today yeah fingers crossed we find some really beautiful water pieces and let's get searching [Music] i found my first bubble beautiful piece just here isn't that so pretty such beautifully worn pieces here see him okay so it's a bit windy so there might be wind noise but my first finds are these really interesting things a bit of a green slag glass there it's all bubbly um here i don't know if you can see it's got little lines on it a little green multi and some um that's jasper some really pretty little colors and i've just picked up this really lovely piece of carnelian agate look it's abandoned so there is maggot on this beach also florian cecilia have found some maltese already look at these beautiful little pieces there's a pink one a pink one and a green a green one and and this beautiful orange one that cecelia found so that's a great start fantastic i got another beautiful little bubble i just love these little bubbly pieces it's almost a bean not quite a bean shape it's very pretty wow cecelia's found her very first multi yet see him i i found this blue one oh no hang on no that blue one and then cecilia was like what about that oh it's like an eye that's beautiful well done i think they're both parties oh yes it is it's got a layer of darker blue on top oh wonderful yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this amazing piece cecilia's found it's her first pink how pretty is that well done it's a really beautiful just look at that it's gorgeous i'll zoom in fantastic and we've got another one this one's amber this time alex has found the most amazing little orange it's my first multi as well it's like red and orange it's like an ombre of colors it's not so pretty wow that's amazing look at it goes from light to dark yeah they'll make lovely jewelry as well cecilia's found an even bigger one now this one's like green and it's full of loads of bubbles wow well done i have found two beautiful bubbles one is green and one is clear look at those fantastic we found some beautiful dragon skin pebbles here don't the texture of them just look so beautiful i want orange i think they're pieces of chert i just found this amazing massive bubble look at the size of that that is gorgeous there look wow that's like a beat like it's like a long i just found a tiny one alex just found a tinier one a beautiful blue multi it's my favorite one so far look at that that is amazing i love that that's my favorite one found some lovely accurate views lovely bits of sea metal in here yes wow we've got another beautiful brown multi from cecilia again you're being very lucky you're doing better than me you found more multi than i have so i found a lovely selection here and some sea metal and this lovely aqua blue jelly bean it's glowing look at that little look at that it's so pretty i found this beautiful little one it's like green and brown as i was saying eating my muffin it's so pretty [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh i've got some beautiful amazing chunky bits of sea glass here absolutely beautiful the sea is so loud but i don't know if you can see just there two very rare pieces of sea glass there are opalescent pieces of sea glass you can't see them very well in this light but how amazing we've got some brilliant pieces i wonder how mum's doing over there and florian cecilia are somewhere over there in the rocks all right so i found these amazing pieces this piece this piece here is opalescent and this is a fossil and it's in a perfect square and it looks like it's got a boot print on it like a northern mud lots blueprint so they're quite amazing another handful of treasures and there's sea glass pebbles and sea metal oh wow look at that i'm going to grab it quickly because the tide's going to get it wow that's a beautiful beautiful piece of opalescent glass i've just found the most amazing i just found the most amazing piece of dragonglass it's got it's got like these amazing crystallized inclusions in it oh oh and there's a beautiful piece of slag but wow i am so happy with that that is amazing that's just what we came looking for what's that as well let's keep saying oh there's a blue wow alex found the most amazing piece of dragonglass look at this isn't that it's got eyeballs wow that's amazing i love it look at that it's got like they look like olympic shells or something inside the glass that's so cool that's phenomenal yay it's rock face of the day oh it looks just like a place it's brian hello brian cecilia's found a dragon egg let's look oh my god that is absolutely amazing can i look at it wow celie has found a real dragon egg oh my goodness that's a find of the day right there well done oh yes you can really see how gorgeous that is can you turn it over so we can every other side oh my god it's the find of the day it's a dragon egg look at that that's exactly what we came looking for it is well done cecilia the slag is really interesting this has got like blue inclusions in it it's not that cool almost looks like turquoise and this one here that's really interesting look at that it's like green glass with some strange inclusions in it so interesting so many pretty aqua [Music] wow i'm not even sure what this is but look at it it's interesting looks like it's got a dolphin on it oh wow look at that it's a huge piece of opalescent glass wow that's so beautiful [Music] see some other bits of glass down here as well beautiful aqua colors oh my goodness there's another huge piece wow that's giant this is so cool let's see if we can find any more big pieces down here there seems to be loads of big pieces here i think this is a fossil i'm not sure what a fossil of some kind of like worm or something or a snake that's cool i don't have enough room in my bag though so i might have to leave that one behind i think i found a marble i think it is it's a little marble there's some beautiful beautiful sea glass here that's a weird piece this thing here is very strange [Music] i have no idea what it is some kind of slag maybe [Music] [Music] there's another opal piece wow ah i just grabbed these as quickly as i could that's look i think that's a stem off a bottle whoa that's a stem of a bottle stopper and this amber piece here is beautiful wow and that bubbly piece i love that i found a beautiful piece of opalescent glass can you see it can you see it hiding and there it is it's so pretty i absolutely love this opalescent glass i have a few more pieces in my hand here as well a bit of sea pottery and some other beautiful lovely pieces that you saw me finding before that beautiful green that beautiful amber bubble wonderful i can't tell if this piece is opaly or not it looks a little bit opaly i'll take that i've just wet some of my latest vines and wow look at that opal egg that i found and there's a bit of dragon glass they are amazing celia what have you found found a dragon glass which is amazing and then this giant chunky opalescent piece that's crazy and massive chunky pieces of seat got a lovely blue one and there's this yellow one down there look at that super bright yellow i think that one is the most amazing piece ever yeah congratulations it doesn't look much but when you hold it up wow it's very difficult to see it's beautiful there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness i think i found another another multi-colored piece i can see it's it's half clear and half something else oh it's very dark i think it might be a brown multi some kind of brown multi but it's very very difficult to see wow that is so cool wow this piece of opalescence that's a huge piece of slag the sea is so loud i don't know if you'll be able to heal me hear me very well it's giant and i found this piece of glass it's really interesting very interesting look at that i love it wow look at this amazing piece wow so beautiful it's got like this beautiful strata in it i'm just thinking that would make the most amazing necklace yeah wow look at that that sea glass that's beautiful found a lovely piece of sea one copper pipe a beautiful aqua bubble and then fantastic this piece here is quite amazing it's slag and it's got the black glass [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello okay so here are all of our amazing incredible sea glass vines i know there's a lot isn't there we have some amazing different colors and we've got maltese we've got dragon glass we've got everything so we'll start with our kind of sea foam colours lovely well-worn pieces of sea glass here these are our larger chunks these are our lovely ambers i love these two and yellows amber bubbles look at those gorgeous aren't they juicy fantastic um we've got milk glass here a few little pieces of milk glass and then we've got our kind of darker aqua colors yeah i love these ones look at that that's beautiful and i love this like disc shaped one yeah i think that's the top of a bottle stopper yeah because we've got the bottom of the bottle stopping look yeah we found both halves with glass bottle stop um and then we've got our maltese so we've got this very dark one here which we'll show you in a sec it's dark brown we've got some lovely blue ones um this black one is when you look through yeah through the light that one's got yellow in it and blue and yeah just some lovely little pieces and this it sort of goes from dark orange to a lighter orange yeah this is beaut this is beautiful very nice anyway moving on we've got our greens i love this bit here that you found green bubble and just love these are more of a like a olivey green i like those colors and then we've got some blues not many mines no we didn't find any red at all this time well this is red it's kind of red and orange orange and up here we have two marbles that are well worn away yeah they're pro they were probably cod marbles once upon a time um one away stopper yeah and then we've got some few bits of sea pottery and i didn't actually film this i forgot to film this but on the way back up the cliff i actually found a bead just stuck in the dirt randomly yeah i was like oh my goodness you'll never guess what i found so i found this beautiful little glass bead which is crazy and then we have this amazing opaque glass and there was so much of it there is loads we've never found that much before and cecilia found a really big chunk which is just wonderful celia's got great eyes but people don't know where this comes from but i have a theory because in bottle dumps we've actually found bits of cod bottles that have been overheated when the dumps been burned and they've gone opalescent so i think this might be some kind of heat damage maybe the glass is overheated and it made it go openly but that's just a theory now we've got slag glass here in these beautiful shades of blue oh this may be iron slag actually yeah they did actually use iron slag in the glass making process as well so it's beautiful though absolutely beautiful color and there's green ones here and this i at first thought it was a pebble but on closer inspection it is actually a piece of slide glass we've got some more more slag here very interesting shapes and colors and then finally what we've all been waiting for is our dragon this one reminds me of an octopuses tentacles suckers on it you can see the kind of green glass and then all these little white of whitish bits are crystallizations in the glass because it's cooled so quickly and this with the beautiful turquoise blue i know it looks like a gemstone this is gorgeous yeah it's incredible there's a few like that this one as well look it looks like a gemstone yeah and then this black glass here um folded in amongst the white yeah you can see the crystallizations on top there another one there and then finally this is my favorite piece of slag and it looks like there is like barnacles like trapped inside it does it's amazing how cool is that there could be dragon eggs waiting to happen oh yes or fairy eggs because it's little yeah maybe it's a dragon glass so i think they're dragon eggs mini dragon eggs yeah yeah and this one here reminds me of a tooth yeah i see some sort of strange tooth okay and moving on again we've got our sea metal we have loads of this we have a massive box of aluminium from the beach you can find a lot at sea too because they load the metal in the harbor into the boats and some of it spills out and gets washed up onto the beach i wonder if these shavings have come off a lathe some kind of metal lane and then finally we've got our wonderful wonderful pebbles just look how beautiful these ones are these are jewelry pebbles so these will be set to rings and necklaces as little charms and what's that this is um sort of carnelian agate yeah with some bands oh yeah it is and here we've got some um fossils the tiny little fossil that i found oh yeah that is beautiful and this one here and there's another coral fossil i think these are two coral fossils aren't they and this i think it's a fossil because look at the banana [Music] not sure what that was oh and don't forget the hag stones we've got our lucky hag stones witches stones lucky stones they've got lots of different names and the banding in this piece of um charity stuff i know the cherty flinty stuff is beautiful yeah it comes in so many different colors that see them it's really worth looking out for oh there's just so much purple but they're so shiny and smooth but anyway we're getting carried away that one's like a bullseye yeah so that's all of our fines yeah that's our amazing haul from our wonderful wonderful day we had such a good day i think that was one of our favorite days out of the whole summer yeah it was a wonderful time with flori and cecilia and we'd like to thank them so much for coming up from london of course to spend a few days with us we just had a great time and of course they found some amazing sea glass as well so if you go over to flory's instagram we'll link it down below in the description you can see some of florey and cecilia's fines from that day yeah okay so all that leaves is to say a massive thank you once again to everyone for contributing to our channel in any way at all for our patrons everyone who comments everyone who donates through various means thank you all so much and don't forget to subscribe to our channel because that helps us hugely and also don't forget to like if you liked this of course and to ring the bell and that will notify you of any future announcements on new videos yeah so on that note we'll see you again next week bye [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 46,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sea glass, seaglass, Seaham sea glass, English seaglass, rare sea glass, seaham, beach combing, sea glass hunting, dragon glass, sea glass collecting, beach glass, opal glass, beachcombing
Id: BVnpUja96vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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