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[Applause] oh i got a little bit on your lip sorry about that sorry about that hey friendly fire these things happen right there's one hanging on the back how did that get up there all right happy 11 million guys um this actually just doesn't even make sense anymore how are we growing this fast i don't know don't ask me i just hit the mic the only thing that i can do thank you jesus take my hat off show my respect thank you jesus for my blessings truly shout out to a young samurai sister that gave me this like five years ago you're probably like 20 years old now how you doing how you doing all right so um how are we celebrating well i was thinking um what are my weaknesses what are my flaws that's the shogun because let's be real there's not a lot of them what there is one that needs to be dealt with and i already know some of you guys know exactly who i'm talking about the nun from none freaking massacre for years i have been humiliated by my defeat at the hands of the nun from nuns massacre [Music] oh my god and i know you puppy combo been sitting there laughing behind your desk shogun he says the chosen he says and yet he cannot overcome non-massacre i am not ending this video until i beat none massacre no longer she be the only one that can say she tuffled with the shogun and came out on top those days are over i am here there's gonna be a lot of screaming maybe some crying i don't know but what i do know is nuns massacre you about to run my fade [Music] bro my my junk's not even hold on guys hold on none massacre we're gonna read it correct this time for best results play alone in the dark play as if your life is actually at stake play no more than once per day be careful in the vents good luck your friends at puppet combo oh is that what we are now yes sir yes sir oh shoot hey oh shoot psych oh you thought this was a freestyle session no we about business today we're gonna play the intro just for y'all new people that don't understand the gravity the severity of the video that you're watching this is none massacre a puppet combo horror game where you die that's the whole synopsis up down up down um can i get out the tub it's been like two years since i played this what oh we got the mail can i get up yes everybody get comfortable i don't know how long this is about to be to be honest i'm not i'm not looking forward to this let's change it to psx got anything in here all right open that up uh who's that doll i don't need to go in here is this like a link to another puppet combo game they put that doll there for a reason i know that locked letter dear mrs mcdonald i hope this letter finds you well your child is sick and needs your immediate i didn't get i didn't get to read it well now you guys know why we pulled up our child is sick and needs our attention oh my gosh dude all right if i remember correct i'm about to be running up this mountain for like 20 minutes before we even get inside but we're gonna play this whole game start to finish or i do not deserve to call myself the shogun look at that you see that you see the darkness you see the shadow that's somebody standing there that's somebody standing there yep you saw it in my eyes none massacre is the scariest puppet combo game ever that music starts playing hey hey hey uh it's a nun massacre [Music] everybody run sucker if you don't you're done keep on running sucker better get your gun pop pop to her dome sucker she is none [Music] that's a double pun i don't understand why i gotta run she's running trying to kill me sucka you know who i am my name is corey corey kitchen that is the show gun he is uh black and handsome yes please understand understand that the man has a freaking plan bars another car it's locked i don't see anybody around yup this was the last victim look at that look at the light she's flashing a flashlight she's luring us dude she knew exactly what she was doing look at her standing there again you see how she drops down i think we're here guys i think we're here oh my gosh what what the freak uh i don't think i don't think i don't think this is supposed to be right here like this you do you see what we're dealing with yup she disappeared there she is she letting us know which door to come through i can't see um okay i don't want to be doing this all night i don't please game please don't make me do this for a long time okay okay i remember one of the first things you do you gotta find the flashlight where's it at i can't see something here yeah yep yep close that give it to me lighter oh boy lighter i'm not really messing with that man vcr i need to take i don't even know like the object i don't even i don't know how to escape i don't even remember how far i got last time i'm a couple years older i'm a lot stronger [Music] more resilient i don't give up y'all know my track record what happened to akamonto huh huh i had to record that game like how many hours was that huh yeah don't jump in there i remember wait wait if you jump in there but you know what let me show the newcomers what happens when you jump in the nun's pit i call this the nun's pit see i used to think you could make that little jump right there jump over there nope and this what happens when you miss okay so you so the lights turn off right oh my god look at this i remember the first time i got stuck in that pit and she started rising up like that oh my god dude i'm looking at the read me trying to beat this game your child is sick and needs your immediate attention we would normally handle this matter but the situation is urgent as we do not have telephone service you will need to appear in person mother apollonia is that the nun's name i never knew her name see my thing is no checkpoints no saves i didn't even know we could turn trd off but this looks so much more easy to digest for my eyes okay so now that i showed y'all not to jump into mother apollonia's barb wire pit we could continue with what i'm really supposed to do so [Music] we need to find a we need to find like a little plank if i remember what was that remember that one game it was like that naked chick dancing right here what game was that wood plank all right get the lighter back out anybody in here anybody in here okay we gotta look for supplies everywhere guys a rock yep don't know what we're gonna need that plank yes ma'am okay lighter out yep that's how you beat that so we already have bodies as far as i got last time okay nothing in there nothing in there oh glass window yeah rock rock go to rock okay now we're gonna hide because i was loud now let's see if she can tell that i have the lighter on under the bed is he not gonna come oh don't be scared don't be scared jump in there jump in here crouch all right all right all right she can't come in here oh yeah radar radar all right get up in here get up in here now the game said watch the tunnels let me check the radar out okay okay all right all right screw we need a screwdriver to open that vent up oh exhaust fan nope can't mess with that cannot mess with that the good thing about this game is if you start getting close they give you that little distortion effect so as long as we don't have that effect you know we're good we're we're in the money okay what's this steak mannequin arm you can't carry more items what am i carrying okay there must be something different behind here hi hi oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm light-headed i'm light-headed i'm light-headed oh my god my gosh okay this one this one we're good we're good we're good we're good wait wait wait back this way back this way back to sleep why are they playing that song let's go let's go let's go we're out we're out we're out oh freak oh shoot close the door close it i can't i can't i can't what's he got what's yet oh my gosh oh my gosh do it i can't i can't i can't i can't kill me i can't [Music] look at that look at that i dropped my light on [Music] where am i where am i and my radar pick that up let's go puppet combo can y'all despawn her she she are you this is the worst no no dude she's blocking the way you hear the door opening oh my gosh no no please can she come here nah ain't no beating this game [Music] hey guys i'm back um just had to calibrate uh they came at me pretty aggressively but to go eat relax for a little bit low key almost fell asleep we back on here all right crt off vhs off up down up down up down we need to get this lighter where is it at i know my problem dude i'm playing this game too scared i can't be acting scared of her we know that she's walking around that's not a secret we just gotta figure out what to do i can't i just can't keep freaking playing the same parts over and over again we need to get farther plank plank plank put it down yep yes sir all right go up in here get the rock get the rock we in here go down there can i open this yep see that's how she freaking got in dear diary mother apollonia said i'm too old to play with dolls and wanted me to give up bongo the clown wait what i told her i threw him away but i hid him somewhere good so he could watch over me i can't tell where for his safety i trusted him with something important bongo the clown paperclip don't know what we need that for so there's definitely a story here um obviously our kid was sent here we need a screwdriver for that our kid was sent here i don't know if this was some sort of catholic school boarding school i don't know but my kid got sent here i sent my child what the freak some doors have locks on them some don't so we need to figure out the doors that have locks oh goodness where are we all right nothing in there uh let's keep it moving we in another bathroom i don't know what floor we're on hello okay again there's nothing this place is a labyrinth what the freak oh uh i can push this let's go let's go wait how do i get up there get in here where am i progress wire clippers we could kill the power we could kill the power to the um we could kill the power to the um ventilation so you just gotta move fast in this game we can't we can't give ourselves time to get scared then i don't want to do anything what happened here [Music] what's that bed why is there like water on it all right all right let's get out of here what's this paper clip i'm gonna take it i don't know what i could do with it all right all right keep it moving keep it moving oh electric box i need something to cut it paper uh wire cutters turn up turn up lock me in bro all right get out how do i get out they lock the door whoa whoa whoa what's that it's a secret door leave leave all right where's the where's the vince we need to get back to the vents bro yes yes yes yes get back to the um fan dude my english i no not this way not this way do we haven't seen her once like i'm i'm hoping that i didn't just uh manifest her hello oh almost landed on this wait what mannequin hands arms foot um scale the bowl is full of blood how much can it hold um don't ask me she's here new area new area move quick move quick what are we looking for all these tvs and tapes all right we don't have time we don't have time look for a screwdriver i was locked in punishment again i screamed to let me go to the bathroom i couldn't hold it in so i pulled on the floor mother apollonia found out and i had to pick it up and rub it over me she showed the other kids and everyone laughed i can't stop crying i want to climb out of the window it's too high i can hear her coming she's looking for me she's saying where are you janie oh my unlock that unlock that we out but wait let me clear the room what's this what's this paper clip third one this is a rock oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot where is she there she is there she is there she is go around go around y'all saw the door swing open so this nun was up here abusing these kids what seven off what does that say seven offerings of flesh huh can i put the you can put body parts in there hold up that was one two three four there was there was another stake at the beginning of the game that's five bro i'm not about to make no offering to nobody how about we unlock the door whoa i'm outside it's been decapitated bro can i leave oh my what's the point of this well obviously we gotta find a head put it on this that's going to unlock something oh boy there had to be a reason for this area come on bro give me something nothing nothing okay all right i don't think that's hammer hammer what's it for i don't know the planks the planks the planks y'all remember the planks at the beginning of the game all right 2e [Music] where is he where is she where is she nope nope no thank you no thank you no thank you i go somewhere else oh no bro i'm trapped bro i'm trapped bro i'm trapped over here i'm so far i'm so far i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die guys we got to go back we got to go back we're about to beginning are we at the beginning wait wait go down go down wait yeah we are don't fall down oh my gosh okay okay plate what door what bro i really thought we could get the nail wait let's go look how much noise we're making look how much noise we're making where's the nail she's coming she's coming she's coming she's coming she's coming we just need to go somewhere go somewhere for a while let her forget let her forget oh boy it's a dead end up here come on come on lady come on lady leave me alone leave me alone i got two more to go i mean i i really doubt this is the way out through here but i mean i can hope right i can hear doors opening i get your doors opening we gotta go we gotta go i'm sorry okay okay all right well i don't know what happened did y'all see the parkour skills did y'all see it bro i jumped over the plank dude i risked the whole run if i would have landed in a bar you at the end of this hallway what's good with you what's good with you nanny okay all right we gotta go back we gotta go back be careful be careful be careful okay okay here it is here it is bro it's two more nails please please we're in here open it up [Music] what's this drain cleaner bro put the hammer down yep i got the drain cleaner got the drain cleaner what do we do with that may come in handy bro for what where's the screwdriver i was hoping the screwdriver was in there [Music] i gotta go back i gotta go back i gotta go back i gotta go back for my lighter i gotta go back i gotta go back come on girl what's going on with you come through come through let's go let's go let's go let's go lighter lighter bro i can't breathe i can't breathe bro we can't beat the game without light without light nothing is right i'm not scared of her i'm not scared of her no more how do we get the where is the screwdriver okay don't i can't i can't let my adrenaline wear off i can't she's around she's around i i don't know where i drop my lighter at i just gotta run around until i see something on the ground and why was she just standing in there why was she just camping that way's a dead end oh yeah give me some of that light bro give me some thunder oh rock i remember being around here when she was chasing me what's this drain cleaner i dropped that too where'd i run did i run upstairs what the freak i'm hearing other footsteps i'm not i'm carrying i'm not turning around i'm not stopping i'm i'm gonna keep it 100 with y'all we're probably never going to find that lighter again this run is probably over and we got so freaking far i found the wire cutters we got drainer i don't even know what that's for i'm never getting this far again lost my lighter hammer which i could just freaking beat her with the freaking hammer how about that puppet combo [Music] how about give us some combat bro i keep coming to this same room you know where i'm at girl come on what you got i didn't think she could go through the spikes i didn't think she could go through freaks then they just boot you out of the freaking game not even like a try again i gotta restart it over and over and over from the beginning bro thank you in the recent years puppet combo they've been getting a little soft oh hold up hold up dear diary mommy dropped me off at my new school i'm gonna miss my old friends i brought bongo with me though so is this janie i brought bongo with me though we have a teacher named sister yufmia she has an assistant named sister odelia they're teaching us all about the saints and what wonderful lives they lived today we learned about saint lucy her eyes were put on a plate and she became a martyrer that's weird that's a weird word sister euphemia said that her love for god saved her from the evil romans that tried to hurt her sister rose said that mother apollonia is going to take care of us mother apollonian yeah she she takes care of us all right we might as well get beyond a dinner plate all i'm concerned about is finding the screwdriver that's the only thing that matters if i see static i'm running right past her y'all saw i took her ankles i had her ankles on a plate she better ask what give it a rock give me the rock throw the rock did i not pick it up i had to rock and now i don't what did what did i do with the rock yeah i hear your freaking charms what's that oh a map is that the map i just picked up skip this map bro actually let's look at the map let's look at the map real quick she comes in she comes in how do i okay i take back what i said i immediately take back what i said it's gonna see the light in the room as soon as she comes in we're leaving okay she's not coming in she's scared look at him look at him look at this rinky d put it on the ground put the map on the ground they really gave me a crayola map and said good luck look at her camping in this hallway these hallways is dangerous people get killed in these hallways people get killed in these hallways hold on hold on hold on y'all ready three two one let's jam i'm going around you i'm going around you down around oh here we go here we go dead end daddy coming up go back down go back down go down what was she praying don't got nothing to do with me throw it this is the second time my rock disappeared what is happening yeah we're out nope i'm not giving her the satisfaction to killing me this time i'm gonna be really careful i'm gonna make sure middle one yep got my rock right everybody seen it 11 million people here y'all saw me pick this rock up right okay so now watch it i got my rock oh now it works okay first we gotta get the wire clippers right then that leads to the hammer the hammer led to you really about to kill me at my most vulnerable moment the hammer led to the um drainer and we'd never figured out what that was for i remember i remember this area don't play with me okay i remember this where's the wire cutters guys snap bandage heel i mean operating table something terrible happened here we can heal oh what the freak they was really experimenting on these girls dear diary i need to pee really bad in class but mother apollonia wouldn't listen i couldn't hold it so i tried to pee a little at my desk oh but she found out oh that's so sad everybody laughed at me i had to clean it up and walk around in my underwear the rest of the day the other kids call me pee pants now i'm never going to have friends i'm trying to pray more if jesus is watching me but i feel so alone i don't know what to write so that's the end yo mother apollonia you scum wheelchair why can't i push this can i do something with it's that for surgery chair you scum you scum trolley oh this is this ain't no boarding school bro they doing experiments on people in here you ship your kids off thinking they're learning about the gospel meanwhile they're being in class and walking around in their underwear mother abalone i will defeat you wire cutters wire cutters that's where we need them guys where's the wire cutters wire cutters boom she gonna clock the door okay well she didn't lock it that time drop these wire cutters don't need them don't need them my daughter must be dead because i mean where's she at she certainly didn't keep her alive she baited me here with the note oh come pick up your daughter okay yep the spikes okay how do we get out of here how do we get out of here okay all right come into this room yep that's that lisa outside yeah i don't think we went on this side last time the gate is open the gate is open dude she'd literally just be camping she literally just be camping why is she over there just praying oh the hammer okay we know what a hammer is where she over here ain't she she's still in there why is she in there why is she in there you protecting something aren't you oh what's this wrong [Music] see if there's anything else oh my gosh we got a screwdriver all right guys remember remember what's this videotape oh my camera's off my camera's off oh my gosh i can't okay wait what do i have in my inventory bandages oh i got to keep the bandages but i want to see the tape okay i'm sorry we got to see what's on this tape we have to oh here here here tape watch it [Music] bro this is just making noise what is it okay well took her i took her bait okay all right back into ventilation and this time y'all know what we got right yes sir get it out get it out yup i know exactly what time it is come on last one here we go pride goeth before destruction and hearts before a fall let's go right let's go right make a mental note we went right okay well that goes out the window it's over here uh freak out here i'm not dropping down anywhere we need to explore hello oh what's this another [Music] another all right i can't what's the reason okay get back in get back in get back in dude if she comes through this way we have nowhere to go and i'm just gonna have to take her ankles that's it okay all right it's time to put up her shut up [Music] don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around go go go go go go go go go go okay okay you're still going oh my gosh hold up go left go left [Music] you went left and left okay okay okay okay we went left then left okay okay um how far is this oh my gosh i can't i can't i'm stuck what the freak [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got a first aid kit that i threw on the ground for that stupid tape and then we found another tape listen i'm not watching no more of the tapes without the screwdriver we opened the vents [Music] so don't go right don't hit that first right at all then i went left and left and then it was a it was a three mile crawl through them dark damp depths them treacherous trenchy vents left left was like and then how did i die the answer is left and then right and then whatever happens after that we can keep tracking through trial and error i need some water [Music] can y'all smell it no not that fart i just did fear she's getting scared we're getting further and further into this game let me change my camera real quick let me change my camera real quick i know we in space right now i know we in space right now let me change my camera real quick there we go there we go we back we back the old cory would have gave up i'm built different these days i keep trying to tell y'all what's the speed stretch we run lighter then rock run break the glass gotta get up in there right get up in the vents um go find the wire cutters clip it go back down through the vents freak off freak off go back through down through the vents um and then what screwdriver then open the you see how you see how many steps it is and at each any moment a step can go wrong you take a wrong turn she freaking gets you in a dead end and then you're auditor like what happened to me i was in the vince i couldn't i couldn't get past her she's blocking me off [Music] oh right here the screwdriver you just gotta go is he behind me screwdriver see puppet combo they didn't go on soft over the years see they didn't gave us like save features imagine if we could save this game but no we can't even save the game no more okay so we went through here don't go this way going left and then i'm gonna go right i'm gonna go right this time left left is this three miles of tunnel i think please don't let me be wrong there's another all right let's go bro okay okay we don't get a choice we don't get a choice um okay where are we where are we what what's down there yeah that was death 100 okay uh what the freak what don't believe her lies what the heck doll he's hanging by a chain uh gasoline [Music] to the inferno oh my god get fleeing girl uh [Music] huh what [Music] jump [Music] uh [Music] let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was that ending she was like trapped in the in a cage and then i just later on fire was this like a psychological game or something i need an explanation what do we need the freaking drainer for i need an explanation so i'm over here watching my dude john wolf play this it's a whole different area of this game i don't know what crackhead ending i got but this man is in a school right now it's lockers and everything and you know what this game definitely has multiple endings because we didn't even collect all the body parts and then you put them on that scale but you could miss me with all of that hey this ain't no all ending play through y'all want to see other endings hey i'm a link my boy john wolfe he don't he was on some other stuff i'm probably going to watch this later he is in a school right now looking for numbers looking for numbers it was hard enough to get a freaking screwdriver wire clip like i literally i'm not touching this game again like i know there's other stuff but i'm done i beat this game like i lit the nun on fire i hey that was her y'all saw it it was like a miniature version whatever happened she got smoked to the inferno taking it back to the evil within one days two hours of recording i'm done nuns massacre defeated it will mean a lot if y'all send my slice that like button i'm hot y'all saw it here first i don't want to hear nothing else about the nun because the nun got lit on fire kaput finito y'all know who i am with that hat saying spam it in the chat with that hat say i'm a legend respected [Music] cause my name is [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 15,957,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nun, massacre, puppet, combo, ending, end, good, gameplay, lets, play, jumpscare, scream, after, two, years, its, time, to, beat, this, game, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, reaction
Id: EPseFr54jnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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