SCREAMING at the SCARIEST chapter.. [Poppy Playtime Chapter 2]

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go down [Music] my neighbors have an electric car and every time they come home from wherever they're at it just sounds like a laser it's just like but we back no on that Poppy Playhouse I'm keeping the name from the F first episode listen listen [Music] this junk still like sound like the intro to a mixtape [Music] I'm back it's been four weeks but you know what you know I'm the best you ever had girl hey children [Music] in the building what's up duplicate engineering welcome back to Poppy playtime chapter 2 chapter 2 fly in a web I don't even remember the story I don't remember what's happening oh my gosh get it yeah oh get body boy did y'all see how he ran out of there with poppy now free the situation begins to change rapidly while you search for any way to escape the factory say less oh am I playing this oh no that's a video hello hey [Music] that's a nasty looking toy that toy sucks [Music] Elastic Plastic you can stretch pull and twist in the craziest way she loves watching you play yeah you're having fun she's having fun somebody say wake up in my left ear two mommy long legs from playtime Co again what's the time [Music] ah yo this is like a spooky scary Sunday video [Music] what was that oh bro I see something I see some I see your face yeah I see you too huh they even animated it okay hey don't make us wait another six seven months bro for real like get some more staff do what y'all Gotta Do bro up down up down I know who who took too long to make their games come out bendy I never even played chapter five they was just taking so long like I didn't even care about it bro I didn't even care about bendy by the time he was finished I don't want to see this game go that way up down up down did I already do that all right what's going on how are you doing I remember being here yeah this is where chapter two ended or chapter one we went in here and then there was a doll right there okay got it got it got it oh you still trying to see bendy chapter five no whoever out there is still trying to see bendy chapter five so much like that like button listen I got it for you all right oh I love like you can tell the devs they put time in bro like look at this wall okay this way oh can you stop whispering in my ear like that got a little dinosaur who's this guy we haven't seen him before um hello foreign Ludwig is that like the CEO or something girl oh bro I love that I love that can we open this it's locked I gotta sneeze I Gotta See thank you I accidentally grabbed this oh we're gonna have to turn some power on okay okay okay so I guess let's jump on this ladder yes sir oh okay press that no give me a big squeeze I promise come closer friend I always liked doing this in games to see how many lines they put one killed you [Music] oh Frank this dude farted in the mic things in there let's open this up move move the freaking way is that the key what is that I'll take that pad key cool uh oh is that Elliot's key all right you'll be cool now don't be killing people we don't we don't do that over here freak that thing from um for now so it looks like Elliot like to put a lot of fan art up in his office um bro I feel like somebody's moving behind me oh we got a tape okay there we go we watching today time Co is the product of a great man by the name of Elliot Ludwig ah divorced but a family man at Hearts okay his sights were always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the globe it's not an amazing world spent countless hours in the factory working overtime relentlessly blurring his face obviously innovates and surprise in the 1960s an unfortunate family death had pushed Ludwig down to his lowest no we do not care so much ambition he rose back up and continued to fulfill his vision for the Playtime code Toy Factory Ludwig could never be content leaving a project unfinished right just how did one man come to create such an astounding Empire right how did he manage to stay determined exactly a tragic loss it All Began in the Fateful year of 19. what okay no that's that's fine I don't need to know what happened all right let's keep it moving starting off pretty slow here man's about to fall asleep in him oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you yes you did I was just trying to get the power back on oh okay uh hear what hold up do we got subtitles well I'm at 12. what look at this resolution what the freak all right what you trying to hear me knock on your freaking head for scaring me like that oh look how she just staring bling girl blink oh yes sir oh I'm over here baby hey what's good what what's going on like did you did you want me to come up here or why is he just looking up at me like that what oh I was just supposed to do that I'm so dumb okay and then I do that right oh I remember now I remember now this is definitely the smartest way right here whoa um I wanted to thank you for freeing me I was stuck in there for so long no problem thank you just don't kill me I'd like to pay you back there's a train station nearby it needs a coat and I have it we're gonna get out of here as soon as you get on up here get on up here okay come on more lights I like it okay while I'm still a doll shut up now is this what she was talking about hey I'm up here oh I see you relax I should be able to follow you through the fence this way okay cool oh nice you could go through here now finally making some progress hey your boys still got it Spiderman I'm dead okay now what bro you only get one attempt at this if you mess it up You Gotta Die I have no momentum help me oh my God all right here we go here we go let go hey I knew I could do it eventually hey girl where you at [Music] oh hey how you doing listen I'm going to need you to trust me should I jump down there oh I was supposed to I can't see anything bro oh here we go here we go hey game station power okay oh they had a little secret tubes through the factory all right it's kind of weird but cool at the same time let's turn this power on real quick wait what well maybe I could maybe I can go this way right what so I literally have to do this and then come around and do this what that's crazy and then I have to go around here oh y'all tweaking bro y'all are tweaking that was hard [Music] they got actual puzzles bro dang all right let me get serious then you talking oh very exciting Mommy poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape oh how is that fun why don't we make a game out of it shut up the game station is still working it will be just like old times and if you win our free games I'll give you the train code yay mommy loves that idea puppy oh you're going to have so much fun head to Musical memory and Mommy will get things started obey the rules or I'll tear you apart and eat your insides and while you're still still alive okay oh took my left hand a right hand oh [Music] what's wrong with her I didn't think she was about to be evil I thought this dude was evil are they all evil each chapter we gonna have to go against somebody right it's gonna be that one and this one chapter four chapter five I already see what they're doing we out here let's obey what this freaking Laffy Taffy okay preparing for departure in three two one kids welcome to the game station yeah Stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play okay these little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are follow mommy long legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory you in a bit Mommy Mommy Long Legs wait what's there oh my gosh oh oh oh these stairs these stairs bro I'm overwhelmed all right we're gonna have to do wackawaggy oh before we get started let's play at the um [Music] that was a collectible to Brian you are my best friend for you [Music] bro these animals bro these animals Don't Care About Us oh y'all playing random sound effects to try and scare me ain't happening ain't happening poppy playhouse that should have been the name of the game to be honest with you musical memory y'all already know y'all already know the boy memory is spotless I'm about to kill every single game in here all right I'm gonna hit this uh okay oh we need some water [Music] green hand tutorial where's the tape at I mean where's the VHS at [Music] oh whoa [Music] okay let's just hit the next one oh we gotta fix this we gotta fix that there we go before that we'll play this VHS real quick [Music] foreign to temporarily hold the oh okay you better be on our Static Shock charge Runs Out after 10 seconds when holding shoot green hand receivers got you oh you can die from the door all right say less [Music] [Music] all right let's try this again going in going in there we go making our hand I guess okay okay oh we need some more green paint no painting machine don't worry I don't even need Paint just give me the oh what is that oh it looks like paint hey where you taking my pain at yeah I need that I put that in there hey we all set now thank you all right so now [Applause] I only need one hand let me get one Eddie how do I grab one oh there we go all right so electricity got it hit one of those get up in there yes sir okay where we at now [Music] um correct [Music] I wish I could get out of here happy birthday it's not my beer thing oh happy birthday oh happy happy birthday oh happy birthday debut bro shut up [Music] whoa whoa what's happening what the freak welcome to musical memory this Advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain I want us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works I got to watch this a sequence colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you got you bunzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up and put a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you also reaches you your test is over what does that mean test will become more difficult as it continues with longer patterns a quicker succession got you that's all good luck let's get it let's go I'm Built For This I knew that thing was about to be a problem isn't it amazing [Music] how excited Bozo must be it is a long time since he's been able to what the fight [Music] bro [Music] if you take your raggedy oh my God if I'm calling you mommy you calling me Daddy huh oh red yellow [Music] red Red Bro Look at him coming down okay okay okay red yellow red blue [Music] yellow red blue yellow come on I'm making a song out of this round two let's get it yellow yellow blue yellow yellow [Music] blue red [Music] blue red blue yellow blue red blue yellow blue red blue wait yellow yellow red what am I doing [Music] yellow blue red blue blue with violet bro I don't want to play no more I don't want to play White White okay white white plant white violence white white [Applause] white white violet orange okay white white violet orange blue okay right right pilot orange blue orange let's go let's go round four I don't wanna play no more [Music] I don't want to play anymore I want to go home blue what Jay Z [Applause] Hearts okay Blue Jays heart green easy Blue Jays Hearts Green Pines [Music] blue blue jays heart green high yellow first what the [ __ ] foreign it was a snowflake never mind pie you know now they're trying to like put different colors versus what he's saying bro I'm about to jump off like wow [Music] stop it let's go yeah what's up Mommy it broke fun we're doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train look on [Music] mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer it's okay though mommy knows other ways to play with you you ain't said nothing but a word mommy daddy is always willing to collect hello see that's what I get this game is crazy this game is crazy they actually hit me with a snowflake I'm never gonna forget it then the next one after that was like turquoise like I knew something was wrong when it was a j I'm like wait Jay like okay it was kind of easy to remember though because blue jay which is a bird all right Freddy what you're a dino joke click once for the question click again for the bunch line okay what do you call a guido with one eye what do you call a dino with one eye a cyclosaurus like Cyclops right but do you think he saw us that was so funny bro here come here give me electricity right right we could pull that lever before we do anything [Music] rooting for you okay I like her she sound like bubbles from pop-up girls [Music] HS player here let's see if there are any tapes in the area oh that's locked okay what the freak what did that do ah okay so we could get some green energy give me that sorry yes sir that effect looks cool ah we can take this and pull it hey drop it drop it hey nice all right now let's see what we're trying to get this thing turn up okay [Music] hey [Music] we made it when your girl walking by and you just you got you got them shorts on we have a problem here how the heck oh never mind never mind is my arm about to get cut off all right now let me down let me down maybe you gotta start with that one right can I do that yeah yeah yeah oh baby baby come through you deserve around spider webs if it's a spider in the game I'm that's where I draw the line why is this spider web this big all right so we made it past the test one right two more games to win and I will be doing it on my first attempt [Music] I know who gave you mommy is super proud of you but I'm sure she's already told you that herself our next game is wacko ruggy head downstairs okay now we got a red or a green we got a green handprint here I need some electricity or or do I maybe I don't know hey hey what the freak uh all right maybe that's like coming up next or something all right so let's take a second to digest what's going on here right I'm one person going through this Factory isn't this supposed to be like for a bunch of kids right because they got the playgrounds over here right but the games that I'm playing are for one person so unless they about to have like a crazy line but no this is built for one person how could they keep track of multiple people going through these mini games so why are the games centered around one person at a time if this is supposed to be a kid's attraction maybe I'm not understanding something but let's play wacko wagy wacko wuggy wacko luggy tell me I'm not a good voice actor huh oh my gosh they're about to be popping through these welcome to wacko wuggy this Advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities Palm grabpack will be provided to you for this test around you are 18 sizable holes a adorable Huggy Woogie toy could appear out of any one of these holes oh if one comes out hit it with your grab pack that's all good luck oh my goodness no way no freaking way bro the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled pull back when it got too too close to the children but you removed them hmm have fun yeah why is there freaking blood right there um I'll be starting foreign oh my goodness [Music] oh I'm glad they wait there for a second whoa look at that guy freak back hit double smack uh-huh I'm going down in my backpack oh did it oh don't be so mad you know you are here not mommy has another hint for you give me my name her arms stretching all the way down this was your girl you all the way in a bedroom like babe can you give me a massage she whole arm going through the house and just dang give me my hand girl only one game left to play Mommy we're just hoping you'd stay here forever sorry though it's never too late to change your mind that's not gonna happen I gotta get out of here all right that one wasn't bad um if they wanted to they could have made that way harder am I parkouring right now well I'm not supposed to do that dang like a gold press the button to feed me candy okay give me more right that sound effect he just did killed my camera no no no more more candy okay no more candy is full oh I'm so sorry to hear that come here come here hi what was that are you serious are you serious are you evil hey are you gonna are you gonna open that oh my goodness oh my goodness foreign scary that was scary Hachi made eye contact like that I didn't know what I was gonna do if she started chasing me nor do I feel like we should be following her right now hello can I jump in there no what [Music] oh okay okay you can open that now nice nice bring that over and then uh I'm gonna need some more electricity put that here am I gonna need it again yes sir yes sir [Music] put that here and uh oh it has 10 seconds it has 10 seconds it doesn't restart 10 seconds from The Source okay I thought every time you re-picked up the electricity would start over okay jacksepticeye ah so Marcus what happened you see I was heading home for the day when my Empires realized that he left me bloody Waters in the cafeteria so I'm running through the lobby that's when I see you a map handle lodged Under The Innovation Wingate so what you do Marcus well I just thought I'd napped the bloody yoka Beyond me Merry way ah [Music] well I'm reaching for the thing and above handled jewels on its own had me scared stiff I I thought I was the only one there so I took a peek beneath the gate and some massive bloody thing was bothering about the bloody hallway um you're sure it wasn't a person they're magically it wasn't people all right I happen to put in Ocean water-wise but I wasn't human it was a poppy thing besides me obviously just you sir oh you should have said that you're about to die okay I'll have security skim the cameras and take a look what there's a massive pretty Monster skimming ain't going to get rid of it you're out of line Marcus we make toys not monsters now come on get out of my sight actually uh grab me a coffee will you actually never mind get out of my sight dang it was like Jack we need you to go back to the motherland for this one all right we need you to type into that tap into that Irish ancestry Jack made himself a bowl of Lucky Charms it's like let's get it oh we gotta go all the way back over here say less all right so we can open that up now we got new power I'm gonna take that power I'm gonna put that there take that power put that there take that power take take that power put that there we ain't here this is what I do and y'all y'all Wonder Corey how are you so good at video games yes who's home I had a practice is what I tell them it's not easy Being Cheesy open that up oh don't want to go to don't want to keep going that way all right what's the final game we need to play bro I'm I'm actually like done with this only gotta do one more game Jesus [Music] played these before nope you're so good I know seems like you're ready for the final game statues follow mommy down the stairs one last time I hope you had a fun day at the game station see you next time oh this one statues bro these oh open up these are not friendly sounds man y'all ready to play some statues y'all know when you go to amusement parks and then the people that work there they gotta act all happy and stuff y'all ready to play some statues then the crowd be dead so they just be looking like all right everyone follow me hope you're having a hope you're having a Huggy Woogie time here at poppy Blake house all right everyone light up no not you kid ding you're ugly [Music] [Music] I never even needed to use that hand okay how it's possible that was so easy bro what the freak is that welcome to statues huh this Advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength okay the rules are simple the lights will turn off you can move through the obstacle course at this time however when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move you may move again once the lights turn back off this is crazy lovable PJ pug a pillar we'll call you if PJ reaches you your test is over that's all good luck that was good that was good right there as you're watching the freaking tape I just saw some eyes coming towards me it was always so sad to see the kids go they called me Mommy because I was the closest games and never come back they left Mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that but you you worked here so if anyone deserved I almost forgot okay so we can move when the lights are off okay [Applause] all right go go go go go go go go go go go go go he's in there go go go [Music] I didn't mean to move I fell go go oh I'm dead oh I'm dead [Music] keep going keep going I can't I didn't mean to move I fell get out of this ball pit bro okay we go we go we good unless you're about to jump down all right let's go I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out medium yeah we doing that we doing that [Music] can I move in here all right all right [Music] he's in the tunnels definitely in the tunnels oh he's almost here I gotta get out of these photos [Music] go we out we out parkour I fell in the ball pit it's done [Music] oh I'm finished I'm finished get on the box oh he getting bodied he getting bodied now jump up oh I'm dead I'm dead [Music] yes sir yes sir bro what is he doing back there he could have been got me go go what where do I go now over there all right I don't know what's happening grab it what do I do what do I do now oh oh this is happening let's go thank you promise nah I'm good I'm good [Music] the rules are so simple you die Mommy so long come back to me I was about to until she said that I'm afraid voice actor she was going crazy I don't want to play get me off of this game bro okay water treatment keep our security secure what rotate top 90 degrees row top bottom what [Music] Eden let's see what's he do is talking about press here [Music] oh this is what we get our toy from foreign take that all right then they're coming up this way falling coming up this way and falling now we can go back to C4 got our toy scanner foreign why would you have to give your toy away to go somewhere [Music] yes come through grab this right don't need that one I'm just gonna open that come back around grab this grab this grab this just like that yes sir yes sir yes sir oh my goodness [Music] wasn't ready for that I'm asking you cheated we're Scrolls let's go last game okay [Music] fine okay keep going just keep going bro keep going bro why didn't she just kill me right there she is literally playing with her fool I was dead to rights right there now whatever happens after this is her fault evil villains never learn yeah we out we out we out oh I wanted to grab it dang it exit exit exit okay can I have to pull those two there's an order to this oh go up here oh okay okay first is red then blue then green why is there a pink one why is there a pink one is that her all right oh my goodness this is so scary green red blue green yellow right right just run get up out of here bro what's wrong with my mouse stop playing can I close the door it's your spider web oh my God [Music] how did a spider web getting lit up foreign yeah I be feeling like I'm dying in real life bro maybe I should have waited a little bit longer I really just tried to break her ankles and keep it moving all right we know what to do we know what to do we know what to do wait [Music] is she gone oh I didn't know she would just leave where did she go okay I'm not complaining uh they want me to get back into puzzle mode after that no way oh do we gotta get her in that oh mold slot cool okay and then start that up [Music] foreign [Applause] we got a mode put that in here look at these black says do not enter I make my own rules thank you wait till the music goes away all right are you serious oh my gosh oh my gosh jump down where are we going yes sir go oh we're gonna do the right now my head hurts my head hurts oh my goodness go go this way let's go this way job I'm jumping you not gonna kill me I'm jumping off oh my goodness this music she's over there all right go go go go go go go okay get through here yep go hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread all right all right all right that's what we're supposed to do grab that swing swing that battle oh hey hey hey hey hey where we going there's a spider web who the lover oh hey hey hey we made it we made it we made it we made it no no no no here it comes here it comes here she comes open up oh my goodness oh my God goodbye goodbye oh [Music] my God I was about to give the coldest one-liner and then we got some mysterious hand that just snatched the top half of her body oh they're about to be a problem they're probably collecting all of the pie pieces of these enemies and gonna create like a super Huggy Mommy thingy okay did you kill her yeah good how about the train we need to leave what happened to your bubbly personality I mean I know we've been through a lot and by we I mean me I don't know what the freak you've been doing but I've been fighting for my freaking life oh now we do the trade Franco first we do clowned and Huggy then cat then her so clown oh my bad then uh then that one then cat icons must be colored in this exact order then you do one two four three [Music] yeah boy is out here all aboard can I go oh we're going see you later losers never coming back that's for sure well done I must say this game was extremely easy for your boy no deaths obviously oh it comes with the territory what what's happening is this truly how we get out of the factory or I was so scared she put me back in that case you saved me you are perfect let me out perfect to lose what I'm sorry I can't let you leave no I've never met anyone like you well too long I had so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what I would do in free we'll set things right terrible things have happened but I know that whatever I need you to do you're capable we will what did she die oh she died going a little fast here stop trying I'm I'm trying oh oh foreign he started bleeding from his head play care how big is this Factory bro oh my word shout out Isaac Zach Ben Nick Micah [Applause] [Music] that was that was crazy overall chapter two two way more a lot more puzzles [Music] um [Music] okay now I want to run that part back but take the music out let's see how I sound [Music] like I need help guys um chapter two solid solid Chase sequence at the end they always go crazy I like the story some parts of it doesn't make sense to me but um I like all the characters I like the three mini games and uh just I like it I like it I knew that little girl was gonna betray us um especially her whole demeanor at the end versus the beginning it was a whole different thing but my biggest question is whose hand was that mark my words at the end I'm gonna have to fight an amalgamation of all the bosses that we've had to be in all the chapters something is collecting body parts back there I don't know what it is Mommy Long Legs had to get mommy folded like they saying Good Burger she had to get put in the grinder okay it was so satisfying watching her get turned into mince meat a solid chapter hopefully you guys enjoyed it dip sure this is a samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] because my name is curry kitchen [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 16,394,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy, playtime, chapter, chapter 2, game, gameplay, lets, play, playthrough, mommy long legs, mommy long legs death, mommy, long, legs, boss, battle, walkthrough, horror, jumpscares, top, scream, the, scariest, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments
Id: L-5NTMuy0cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 21sec (4101 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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