SCARIEST SUMMER JOB EVER [The Bathhouse - Full Game]

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whoa ow oh so you just bold now now you just chilling yo that's crazy bro that didn't even record that's crazy bro that's crazy bro hey but I'm about to record um this bad house game hopefully it's good hopefully it's some chicks in the bathroom all right I met you foreign engineering welcome to the bath house the latest and hopefully greatest of these chilla's Arts horror games and this one we're in a bath house I don't know anything else besides that wait wait wait before we get started with this long juicy game that's taken hours and hours to edit you're welcome today is the final day to get your very own Glam Rock Cory Kenshin in partnership with official Five Nights at Freddy's YouTube's figure guys I asked for an extension they said no so final opportunity for the pin set and your very own Momo and Corey Kenshin plushies guys get one while you can here's the link right here link will also be in the description I repeat today is the final day so um you know if you can't if you miss out then no worry piece I'm sure I'll drop other mercs in the future but for this stuff right here fanito let's watch the video the freak freak who is it my duel with me I'm tired of working at the company I need to quit the job and it's not healthy quit and go to the countryside but I don't have that kind of money oh what is this mess a flyer hmm this is it Rin is free if you work at a bath house I'll call them now let's move out now [Music] akimura mainina the first day room 203 gotta bring my stuff first oh where the frick is That Yo is it me or these Graphics kind of HD y'all think we should do the VHS filter hold on let me this is no filter you got to get the move right it affects the entire rest of the gameplay this is VHS filter I'm kind of feeling the VHS filter no VHS filter I mean obviously it's sharper let's go let's go with the filter let's let's immerse of that up down I know y'all didn't forget we do that around here okay I wanted poster hmm I don't know looks like that guy over there I'm kind of feeling like you should call the cops okay that's it give me my 300 bones let me talk to this Joker because he obviously wants something uh I can't talk to him are you giving sign language oh he's smoking a cigarette this is the killer I'm calling in right here right now all right well you'll be easy now um they told us we had to go to room 206 or something before that let's take a little stroll chill us art to this day I feel like they make the environments the best the trees way off in a distance the structures that you can't really go to but are there to just make it feel that extra bit of real I appreciate it chillers art I really do oh I know this man did not do the craziest runway walk foreign [Applause] that went on way too long uh let's get back to the gameplay you stink you should take a bath after you're done moving your stuff come meet me at the local bath house there's a thing I want to tell you what tell me now here this is the key to your apartment welcome to the town bro what's going on with your head how does your head fading out your head has a gradient like we could clearly see the bottom and then as you go up it just starts Fading Into the apartment yes let's enter the apartment all right okay did it get nighttime or something what's this maybe I need to have something right here first oh pull it out [Music] what did I just pull out what was that what did I just pull out whatever I pulled out I I can't see it I don't know what it was very basic apartment where do I use the bathroom that's that's my first question can I crouch yeah I don't know what this is some sort of present pulled a turd out of the wall I don't all right strange guy still here oh boxes I'm stupid I appreciate you not stealing my boxes sir but I must ask oh why are you wanted what did you do I guess we're gonna find out when he brutally murders us later in the game so all my stuff goes here there we go all right so now we can walk through the town wow this is cool oh bro we can actually explore well I mean there's not a lot going on here but a little drinks hold up we got a chiller Pacino in here uh I got a lock here something inside of there trash area appliance store cocoyo denki we got a phone here so I'm just I'm just doing surveillance smart people make sure they they know what they're about to get into guess this is the bath house see what's going on up here somebody got a pet monkey another sucker where his head faded look who we have here the new one I presume we welcome you with open arms you know it's serious when they had the right smile I could just imagine this dude looking at you like we welcome you with open arms okay you're working hard to get the bath house running again I heard I wouldn't do that if I were you well why not and besides I sense a presence following you around I strongly strongly recommend you get blessed here at my temple uh heck yeah you are one obedient child I don't like I don't know about somebody calling me obedient the gods are happy to hear that from you [Music] hey hey get back there you are protected for now that's like a smile at you three times in the same conversation get out of Dodge please come by anytime anytime you feel strange the next time you come you must bring offering a monetary offering or the gods will abandon you bro bro smiled at me five times in the same conversation we did get a bit of information there though if I start feeling strange I gotta come get blessed by the monk are there arrows here what is all of this stuff doing here we could fish use fishing rod why not what the freak freak sack about to start my new job working at the bath house okay um oh this is nice this is a nice uh bath house it's a boiler room no I'm assuming that's like a sauna thing it's going to Boiler Room right [Music] it doesn't feel like a crime scene at all the lid is locked it'll only open when the water is drained out but the drain tube is missing I'm sorry I thought I was supposed to be meeting the guy up here maybe getting a little tutorial or something why what's going on with this all right who got killed back back here man of course locked Locker [Music] were you gonna announce yourself just over here standing in a corner okay welcome welcome you've seen the flyer right no need to pay the rent you work at the bath house no rent oh and there's no shower in your room so you have no choice if you work here you can use the bath at the end of every shift sounds like a deal huh sure you have a choice no all right now let's get started right now see here please do all the tasks written on this board if you have any questions keep it to yourself me being so mean to me like it isn't much difficult to run a bath house good luck like what was that customers coming oh a razor one towel and paid okay so he paid the money cash register where that at all right well let me get you your razor sir hold up one second sir razor uh-huh towel and get you a towel sir fresh towel and paid put in the money enjoy your uh bath sir [Music] ceramic face hold on hold one second ma'am I'm listening okay what do you want you want a towel I got you 29 year old resident missing here you go ma'am have a nice bath why is everybody look so scary in this game well they already setting the stage for us people looks like the customers aren't coming anymore press base to take a nap bro it's your first day do I have to take a nap feel like this is like a test or something I'm gonna wait like 30 seconds don't worry guys I'll fast forward so y'all don't have to wait all right that was 30 seconds I just sat here waiting patiently nothing happened so I'm gonna take a nap I hope that wasn't a test or I'm about to get fired yo who over here screaming what was that I saw something in the summer room could you go check it out for me I feel like we should both go together he says sauna room [Music] uh I bro there's nothing in the sauna room was there anything I promise I saw something this place is giving me the creeps did that door just close over there I'm out of here I could have swore the door just close bro you ain't gonna get dressed bro okay have a good have a good one can I get back to my station clean up the place okay how do we do that wait what is what are these marks on the ground uh where's the Brew oh hey old lady a girl like you is perfect for the offering oh whoa whoa whoa oh you're not about to just say that and walk away okay no she just Instant Transmission I got it jukebox um scary freaking songs bro there we go okay uh let's get all these spots oh nice different than the old hold and wait let's check the sauna that guy said there was something in the sauna hey all I know is I'm blessed okay so nothing can mess with me go ahead and try something old lady I don't discriminate old young man woman Works done take a bath okay right here [Music] a little shower oh ah yeah [Applause] um [Music] what am I supposed to be looking a monkey bro if you do not freak out of here that's not a monkey that's something else I'm gonna guess that's the mail sauna room where my dude said he saw something [Music] I love the the pacing of chiller's Arts games the pacing are you just building up all right got a little laundry going guess we got a buxom main character this looks kind of big um what am I pulling out it was like sludge it was like some black stuff actually every day I'm pulling that junk out I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing that but I guess let's go to work I don't want any weirdness I do not want any weirdness it's going to work I'm glad I work actually in the daytime for one for once I don't have like a night shift type of situation where I gotta be outside at night I don't like that I do not like that still got the sack and the key it's our old boy over here yo yo no if you need more help head over to the offertory box and offer a prayer [Music] uh I don't have any money though wait what [Music] I took the sack and all opened it Ronald McDonald yeah I don't know what these are let's see if we can fish for another sack what do you mean by that I don't know we got another one I could put one up here down too wow I'm starting to think these are patrons the fishing Rod's gone I guess that was all of them so enjoy the game I think um yeah it's kind of cool so now that I spent like 10 minutes running back and forth doing that we can probably get to work now the freak give me that give me that you bird give me that wait what the frick is going on all right you stay there bird what are you doing somebody die you okay old lady yeah I'm not sure what to do I'm not sure how we get that uh customers coming dang the bird's gonna be gone I'm not sure we're supposed to get that thing from the bird bro how did you get in here that fast all right got the money the towel here you are sir hey bring me a drink in 15 minutes um got it no out of my freaking face talking about bring me a drink second all right somebody's gonna come on this side next what do they run in I'm just here to find my earring that I dropped geez all right Danko don't you don't get in that tub either [Music] why can I see oh okay she did leave hello you can come in mysterious girl uh please come all the way in please hello he left I'm scared looks like the customers aren't coming anymore press space to take a nap where standing up it's been about 15 minutes gotta get that man a dream why he has two legs about to get him some spoiled milk too here bum [Music] I know that I don't say good girl some ladies like that you know let me get you let me get you some head Pat good girl but I never co-signed that I was a part of this culture listen why do you work here I have no choice you always have a choice you want to work for me you trying to be my pimp he's trying to pimp me out talking about good girl oh I've heard all I need to hear a girl like you could easily make a thousand times what you make now what did I say what did I say what do you think let's not waste your precious life here not interested bucko pathetic you think you're more than you're actually worth better be careful I'm being nice here if it wasn't me you really would have no choice [Music] yeah um he's banned your band sir your band lost his ever loving mind so my is it time to clean up foreign oh no the lights are off gotta figure out a way to get it working again dude that's not a part of my job description I cleaned the bath house and that's it the power's out call the managers get out of here some over here yup yup why is this locked can I go in here oh appliance store I even know what I was a entrance hey nice little shop you got here I'm curious why you got 19 fans you're probably draining all the power from electricity boxing you don't look like the type who can afford things these appliances they are my babies feel free to take a look just one thing absolutely no bartering you hear me I'ma smash this key by the way you're doing oh I got a distractor huh fire alarm all right so we got a game plan all right let's press it hey what are you doing it was an accident yeah I'm gonna take that key for the electricity box hey hey step up on the scene looking kind of me yeah I got that green baby all right so now that we got this open that up my girl out here using the whole power of the entire block you're not the only one running a shop here lady cleaning products stuff got on the walls I don't know who's pressing their bare butt cheeks against the walls and just have an explosive diarrhea but that's that's that's filthy all right we got restrooms there's no need to put your cheeks against this bare wet walls bro why did I see like somebody running they were like in a full out Sprint too all right like that is that it thing in here wait why is there a locked door on that on the men's side that I can't get into is there a locked door on the woman's side oh yeah but it's unlocked so there's a door on the men's side that's locked you know what I'm thinking hopefully I'm wrong what the frick is that what is that all right I'm gonna leave that for a second obviously The Grudge is haunting us this door right here why is this locked if we hearken back to the closing shift the killer was living in the coffee shop the whole time if we're following the themes of previous games there's some man in this bathroom hiding you could be hiding in there till my shift is over come out and kill me but um let's clean this Grudge stain off the wall and it didn't work work's done take a bath real life I'm going home I'm not I'm actually quitting I got you I see you I got you in my sights man oh turn the water and turn around I do not want to be here all day all right taking a little shower just whispering in my ear nothing nothing crazy okay you're still here take a bath okay let's take two still see you right [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign there's somebody on the men's side we're closed we're closed uh we'll turn this on yeah no yeah no [Music] what is that the Monk [Music] what's happening [Music] what's happening and I just wake up and it's day three nah what the heck getting creeped out definitely getting creeped out guess who we about to pay a little visit to yo was you at the bath house last night yeah that was definitely him tell me this isn't the exact same shot what you doing at the bath house now if you need more help head over to okay the monk is a killer a freak missing cat poster the candy store cat foreign poor monkey the bird's gone we missed an opportunity bro you know how annoying that is and now the men's side is closed what [Music] customers coming well I even get a chance to like clock in give me a shampoo all right old lady relax all right so Taro boom towel boom shampoo here you go all right hey who was that they didn't pay is that the new girl [Music] are they talking about me huh the girl she seems odd I didn't like the look in her eyes what [Music] oh here we go hey you there weather going face you need help but you're all right now love to buy Chila Takis the fact that you were here with me is proof of that I give you this the spirit of Chella tickets keep you and you will be full of Vitality [Music] is always with us some call him God but properly we call him Jilla tickets I see I guess I'll take it chill at me well then that'll be a hundred thousand yen what I don't have that kind of money [Music] careful girl before July decades abandons you chili beans you're freaking scam artist oh oh microphone hello Moshi mushy [Music] Frick is going on 20 minutes later ah they still over there gossiping about a girl like you is perfect for the offering you said that yesterday lady who over here taking these so we time to get over here that's all for today let's see on the list it says to go get baking soda from the local candy store why the candy store We're not gonna talk about those footsteps oh my goodness this is so scary why is that right there wait [Music] this is how are you talking hey nice to meet you you want a potato uh sure thank you for considering however we have a policy of asking a few potato questions to give you the right to eat one and I can't back up where do sweet potatoes grow yeah uh let's see good thing we got our handy dandy hey Siri [Music] let's go with stone baked well well you have proven worthy to my cream of the crop potatoes here it is enjoy it but don't eat too fast all right that was an extremely extremely extremely uncomfortable encounter what if we just threw it in the trash like right in front of them all right we're supposed to be getting baking soda I am so distracted my dude back there yeah young lady you have beautiful eyes mind if I take a closer look why not now now no need to be scared well you said do I mind I said no so that means you're supposed to take a look idiot oh the missing cat poster samachan if you find her I can give you a special gift bro I can't with these NPCs man we gotta find the missing cat cat could literally be anywhere let me get my sweet potato out maybe it'll Attract it uh there's a guy peeing over here please don't turn around sir hey [Music] watch that watch the door close my dude ran that quick quick out in the open kids could just walk by is this your cat tie my turn welcome back thank you young man I I thought I was a chick this entire time not for the gift I made it especially for you take care of it will you Japanese doll with a key oh all right chesky oh there was a chest over here what this is where the baking soda was let's clean up something with the baking soda oh here we go got it got it Works done take a bath surely nothing's gonna happen let's go ahead and take a bath nice peaceful shower room here we're nothing spooky ever happens every single time I take a bath oh I'm not turning around hey cassana that's one way to say it oh hey it's not ladle what am I doing with that can I get up please you don't hear the rumbling happening outside what am I in jail [Music] the lady in pink is that Geo don't ask me I hope this makes sense by by the end look at this look at this what is this leaking into my room oh all right some some panties were gone one bra is gone listen don't ask why I made a mental note there was two bras and there were some panties on the first rung all right at our first rainy day here still got my potato oh wait there was somebody here this is where the camera point of view was at behind this fence but now here we go with this lady who's the girl in the picture he's my granddaughter she what oh the men's room's open now bro every time I want to just investigate for a second customers [Applause] body's open shampoo please uh shampoo body soap and you need it bad give me my money get out of my face whoa whoa kids it's not my bad house what [Music] [Applause] uh uh the kid just ran out whoa ran on this side [Music] oh your kid bro freaky you want my hand first can we get this mother bro where'd she go what first aid kit just on the ground okay yo here here here here what happened to you still hurts mother and in the fan what what is going on what did you do I can't believe you hurt my son I'm never coming back here again wait what bro I [Music] I don't know what's happening who's there is he there thank goodness someone came I print out a toilet paper could you bring me some yeah let's say with let's say this one uh I just made a mistake I really needed to go could you just bring me the papers thanks uh Uh something's not adding up man the man's bathroom is still locked it in the lock oh there it is here we go freaking bum you saved my life oh it's very dry now uh there we go yo yo Shane Shame Shame any Doodles all right let's clean up the place today we have to unclog the drains I can just imagine just pubes and hair [Music] Band-Aids just all the nasty stuff people that maintenance these areas most definitely have to deal with he will probably be spitting in them peeing in them [Music] I'm good on this job work's done take a bath here we go again with this [Applause] oh so you just bold now now you just chilling turn the water on bro why are you acting like I didn't literally just see you can I go home it's a Leyland all right about to get dragged into The Ether I see the face you don't see that foreign the hair is too thick bro how do I get out of here oh it's blocked bro what oh whoa oh oh look I see sliding I can't get out I can't get out I can't get out well I need some scissors ah oh this is the scariest thing ever I can't get out I'm about to find okay foreign what that better had a been supposed to happen what that grammatically was atrocious there was nowhere to go my sister hasn't been in touch with me she said she was depressed and quitting her job I heard she was going to this place up in the mountain and work at a bath house she isn't answering my call but maybe she's busy I'm worried for her I should check up on her going to her place for a night and talk to her this is just like the uh akimura hey Elena you okay you don't look so good I'm sure your sister is all right I'm sure she's just struggling right now that's all Arena if you need any help call me okay thanks my hope now good luck your sister's waiting Your Neck chiropractor waiting too it all it's all gonna be all right Arena to go check my sister's room what's the game radio radio something we played a game just like that where the main character like died then we had to come back as another the radio station same thing happened looks like she's not home oh my [Music] you're my anus sister welcome welcome hi you said my sister works here oh yes she does however she's on a trip with a few friends at the moment lying lying garbage she should be back in less than a week can I can I stay here and wait for her why of course oh but the rooms don't have baths it's a custom here for the residents to use the bat house hmm do you want to work here while you wait for your sister what do you say you can stay here for free if you do sure sounds like fun if I can stay for free wonderful let's start from today shall we and don't worry about not knowing what to do it isn't much difficult to run a bath 205 he gave me a different room key right next door well obviously gradient face over here is in on whatever is happening went on a trip with a few friends oh no so now we're in the room right across from our sister's room where there is indeed a hole on this side as well [Music] there's blood on the face how do I always go in the house without my bag nothing slipping and sliding out of this hole pause and it's like why don't we get money in this game I thought we were supposed to be getting money so we can use the um the priest is gone says you may take all the wood you need all right still locked I'll put the doll in the trash I didn't mean it I didn't mean to do that I can't pick it up as soon as I want to walk over to the door [Music] I know you you're the wanted guy huh you're wanted and we didn't have to put the money in oh we got to keep it let's see for that one we have to put the money in they don't walk away until you put that money in [Music] what sis [Music] tell me why I looked at the name and I was like why is that name familiar this is who we were playing as sis is that you [Music] sis [Music] what's going on what is this the bat is cold this isn't a cold bath is it did you see my sister what I'm the only one here I don't care about your dang sister I just want to take a nice hot bath here I can't believe it I paid for this you know ah sorry the boiler system isn't working at the moment well go fix it then I'll be waiting in the sauna room until then bro what oh what apartment key tool also there's a customer out here uh you don't have much time you shouldn't be here no where are you going where are you going girl why do they always leave you want a ladle well we got the key to our sister's apartment matter of fact hold up hold up let me get blessed real quick let me get blessed real quick offer up some prayer throw in the coin it's an amikuji box so if we pull we can we're gonna pull out a piece of paper right it's gonna say like oh this or old that depending on what paper we get it determines like our luck or our Fortune be a good piece of paper what is it newspaper piece a wasn't expecting that firewood please nobody being here her doll her doll and potato newspaper B oh that's here this is literally The Grudge this is literally The Grudge sweet potato check underneath I don't know I don't know if I should do it oh look at the calendar it's hair all over it all right if we die curiosity I'm never I'm never venturing into it ever again [Music] newspaper C I got the whole paper completed newspaper read it a woman in her 20s went missing from a public bat house an unemployed woman Yoko inukubo who went out alone to a public bath house was reported to the police station by a neighbor that she hasn't been home the police searched for her since the morning of January 10th but did not find her something written on the back bro that just looks like instant death of course it stopped oh you're just diary why do they hate me so much everyone is talking behind my back ignoring me whenever I spoke to them what did I ever do to them everything in my life here went downhill until I met him at the temple he cared for me he loves me he said we need to keep this relationship a secret why keep it a secret all I want for him is to stay close to me I'm happy as long as I can be with him freaking priests they're nasty oh we gotta keep it a secret just like um that Tom Holland Netflix movie with Robert Pattinson and he was the preacher and yeah that movie was Heavy nasty freaking Priest Some happened to Yoko she was being publicly ostracized and then she disappeared I want to give this potato to the bird tell me I can do that I've been wanting to do that this entire game here it worked shoe locker key oh this one trash Place key finally drain tube the doll the doll's gone we did it for the first one put both of them in oh tell me why I forgot we're supposed to be fixing unwashed house so I got some wood for the boiling room put this drain pipe here [Music] where do I put the wood at tongs hmm it's not enough you need more wood okay [Music] so I need to get two more yeah I know your secret I know your secret priests we're all set now sis I was looking for you I wait what maybe I'm just supposed to wash these towels I don't know why I would need to do that right now but work's done take a bath where what about my sister that's weird that's I don't like that that's weird why would they take a bath what [Music] oh get out of here what I can't see what you want to do with this where does this stuff go oh it goes on there oh snap I have to match it I have to match it so we got one stool there one in the middle one right there one of them hold up hold up [Music] this one there and then one in the middle here what right oh my goodness this is insane so you walk in there's a bucket right in front the bucket right in front right here okay right there's a stool and a bucket stool and a bucket here okay we got a duck on the top duck and a bucket okay duck in a bucket bucket here duck here we got a lotion and then a hairspray thing on the first window first window and then we got a hairspray here was that it I don't know where the shampoo goes there's no way dude [Music] yep that's it [Music] I don't know why we had an extra shampoo bro I can't see I'm I'm so run to the apartment can I move hey uh [Music] oh my goodness home oh got in anyways Okay jump scare oh we're being carried somewhere by this creepy freaking town look at the sky box seam right there can't control the camera so the town this entire town is bad business what I wonder if we can restart the day let's just see how it plays out oh foreign in the furnace the freaking priest and who is that the the landowner [Music] you what mate foreign [Music] foreign right at the top baby um well obviously that was pretty disappointing we did something wrong both of those sisters got Bodied bad ending dude because I couldn't freaking do the crap at the end of the game when could we ever do that hmm I couldn't find anything bro we're about to get this freaking good ending at the boiler I think I found something what is this boiler room key to this oh okay this was outside of the Boiler Room enter the hatch well that's always a good idea um what bro I can't the landlord's diary I'm scared I don't want to die if I hadn't helped that monk she had a beautiful face he should have let her live did he say I'm cursed it's his fault he said the curse would kill me if I didn't bring a woman to work here I don't know if it's true but it's pretty tough out here in the countryside I don't want to die think of a better way but there we have it folks there we got the whole story it all starts with the sexually immoral priest doesn't it always this sucker told the landlord to lure a woman to work at the bath house [Music] now at some point in time I feel like it was that cutscene a day two day three when a girl screamed the monk made his move he snatched one of the girls what he did after that we don't know we can assume probably accurately what happened disposed of the body in the furnace this is where the landlord comes in because now he's an accomplice if I hadn't helped that monk with she had a beautiful face now that woman I think was Yoko she died she came back as an evil spirit now why she would want to kill other women or haunt other women that worked there instead of like trying to warn them I don't know but that lady that's Yoko that's Yoko at the very very end of the game at the bad ending Yoko comes back she obliterates the Monk and the landlord and then escapes notes of the monk what make her fall in love with you check make her pregnant check kill her before she gives birth to a child check she had a boy I thought I killed her before she gave birth kill her son hold off lock the woman in the bathhouse check trick her into sacrificing a woman of her choice check sacrifice the first one the second one the third one all right this goes deeper this dude doing some some some uh uh summoning Seance ritual I don't know what this is the summoning of ubume sacrifice a human chosen by the cursed deceased then you will be released however must be the blood of three women now we definitely and there's chains here there's chains here this is the very very beginning of the game when the monk was whipping someone there's someone back there there's someone freaking in the Darkness oh my goodness please can we set her free foreign we need to cut the chain what can we cut it with oh bolt cutters right here all right here we go where you at girl I'm saying you free please don't tell me I just unleashed the curse on the world some crazy like that um you're free you're free bro nothing happened uh [Music] what what oh they got incinerated that time [Music] who is that foreign burned down this time who is that who came up walking like that when I woke up I was lying in a hospital bed beside me the hospital doctor and a police officer okay we got time to read okay I thought I was about to happen the doctor said you have a full body fracture please tell me what happened I was apparently taken to the hospital in an ambulance I immediately understood the situation and told the policeman everything that had happened I immediately understood the situation and told the policeman everything that had happened the policeman looked trouble and said no one should live in that Village there should be no one living in that Village the policeman said I told the policeman what the people I met what happened to them I tried to clear my confused head which sister is talking Edina or Mina before I pass out I think I saw an old lady walking towards me I wonder if she was the one who called an ambulance that's who that was if it had not been for her I would have been engulfed in flames no I would have died before she arrived because those two were trying to kill me they were trying to kill me the Monk and the landlord they must have wanted to sacrifice me to the ghosts it was the man in the basement who burned them who was that man could it be that man disappeared right after that I have no idea where he went what man I thought that was a woman in the hatch is the ghost Yoko I'm sure it must be poor thing why did I go to that place how could I have gone to that place when there was nothing there what did I have to do there why was I working in a public bath house was the reason I can't remember why why did I did I leave something important did I leave something important there oh she forgot her own sister so the first sister she got bodied there's no there's there's no other explanation the second sister goes there looking for her sister goes through this but loses her memory like good ending perfect yes sir well all right you guys that was the bath house um crazy story they always got some crazy convolute well not convoluted but uh uh dark stories I'm still closing shift is still at the top tied with the convenience store and then I'm gonna put the bath house right under that dope characters just um what do I feel was missing with this one I think a proper antagonist well we learned that the priest and the landlord or the yeah the priest of the landlord were like the bad guys but the actual monster itself it doesn't make sense to me why it would be chasing around women let's say the monster was a summoning of UMO what was it UMO something Bo like who was trying to summon that like and for what and there was a lot of mystery and vagueness with that bit but um I think the key to like an S tier horror game is properly establishing who is the Monster Who's the killer what are their ambitions and I feel like this game kind of dropped that at least this is just all my opinion uh because the very end it felt like rushed thank you all for joining me on another over game Adventure hopefully you guys enjoyed this video this is the samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join us Samurai until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] foreign [Music] perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 17,565,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bathhouse, the, bathhouse, chillas arts, chillas, arts, horror, scary, game, gameplay, all, endings, end, full game, scariest, summer, job, attendant, onsen, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, reaction, jumpscare, loud, scream
Id: 7st6VbU7PoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 38sec (4178 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.