the MOST DISRESPECTFUL jumpscares [The Mortuary Assistant]

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hey guys how you doing some of you might be confused corey uh we could have sworn that you uploaded this video yesterday and you're right i did upload this video yesterday except that youtube age restricted it and not only did they age restrict it they age restricted it right around an hour after it uploaded why did it get age restricted when 99 000 other youtubers played this exact same game i don't know we're still having the problem youtube of a lack of transparency when i get age restricted for something why am i still not being told what i'm being age restricted for i check the email it just says violates community guidelines doesn't say what part doesn't say give me a time stamp nothing so i'm thinking to myself how did all these other youtubers play this game and not get age restricted i mean i'm seeing all my friends all these other people play the game but when i upload it i get age restricted so what do i do i appeal it naturally the problem is i've been sitting here waiting three hours four hours way past the time of my prime viewership for them to appeal their what i believe is a mistake in that time i've had zero correspondence for a video i worked six maybe seven hours on and i refused to ha and i refused to have it sit in limbo until they felt like getting to it so i just privated the video um shout out to my youtube rep who i'm still grateful for who not every other youtuber gets the opportunity to get to this level and have someone that they can talk to immediately to look into their situation so i talked to him and he thought it could possibly be a certain part um i saw other youtubers have this exact same part i don't know why they were picking on me i don't know i just took the freaking part out okay so um you might can tell i'm a little irritated i'm only a little irritated though this is only a little bit here's the video um i hope you guys enjoy and hopefully this doesn't happen anymore and [Music] get off the chair we are working in a mortuary tonight grab your aprons do people wear do morticians wear aprons grab whatever you may need it's about to be a whole bunch of dead people minimal screaming though i'm not screaming today i'm not in a screaming mood and yes my tongue is blue i can't wait to read all the recording why is your tongue blue comments because i was eating blue candy oh yeah and one more thing happy 14 million subscribers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if if i had you right in front of me do you know i just want to grab and just embrace bring you in here come here come here but in all seriousness thank you guys for 14 million subscribers 14 million different people clicking the subscribe button um 14 14 mil i'm what you are about to experience is based on real paranormal act [Music] paranormal activity warning what you're about to experience is based on real paranormal events recent nope what's up what's going on welcome to the mortuary assistant the full game we played the demo to this like couple like four months ago something like that this game was super scary so i'm excited to see the full game i'm so glad it's almost over congratulations sweetie thank you connecticut in 1998 you understand why you chose such a macabre fear there's nothing disturbing about it i'm proud of you i really am you've come so far wow so you haven't told me what's next will you get a job where you are or they actually have everyone they need but my old teacher mr delver transferred me to his office to finalize my internship there nice oh well that's good i remember you mentioning him yeah where's he located are you moving away from me yeah mom no tardy moving he's actually located around here river fields oh rebecca i don't like that you are a hater grandma wow even i've heard oh wait that's our grandmas oh she's aging good worried about make up stories death is a scary thing to a lot of people and we try to explain things we don't understand and we want comfort when we lose someone we love and that's true no one's embalming any ghost bodies or whatever it's fine right right i'm sorry but i wanted to give you this anyway so a little gift oh yeah hand me that i i don't know if i want that oh no we're taking it take it please oh yeah it should be yours anyway oh it used to be her mom's her mom died thanks all right what was that thanks i'm so proud of you when is all this happening when do you start i've actually been there for a few weeks now my review is tomorrow who who caught the cops oh oh my i'm just over stimulated right now it's probably them blue now laters all right so i'm pretty sure this is where the demo took place all right here we go you know it's so seldom that we get like full cutscenes for these indie games i don't take them for granted i saw a cutscene i'm like whoa most indie games i mean we've played thousands on the channel most of them don't have cutscenes sure even some triple a games do have cut scenes y'all saw how security breach ended had us reading comic books for the end all right um that's no shots at security breach it was awesome game but that's not what we're here doing today we're here for bodies rebecca one last thing i forgot to give to you please grab a pencil from my desk and sign thanks all right let's get the pencil thank you reflections as well man you guys did not take any shortcuts look down i can see my body listen y'all are three for three right now uh-oh uh rebecca great perfect timing i just finished with mr dalton here please wheel him back to cold storage and bring us mrs page deep freaking voice bro has anybody told you you sound like soldier boy from the boys all right let me use the gurney is this sucker's eyes open man this view is crazy don't open your eyes are we gonna have a big issue and they don't even let you look up like i'm i'm locked so we're gonna do this one [Music] uh-huh yes sir yes sir right this way to your new forever home dorothy you come with me here got it let's turn you like this [Music] there we are oh she got shot in her foot keep your eyes closed girl i remember you from the demo don't even try it all right i'm just finishing up something here so why don't you grab the clipboard and start recording identifying marks i'll get out of your way when you're done and let you hop in here bro even if i tried to get my voice that deep rebecca put the body on dorothy page 87 record any distinguishing marks looks like there are six of them so right off top she got shot in her right foot yeah that's that's crazy they took her out the game like that then i see some claw marks looks like a squirrel got to the body hmm these old windows never stay latched hmm interesting maybe you should get that fixed huh i mean all the money coming into this place so you can't even fix the freaking window okay back to what i was doing so after the squirrel scratched her looks like her arm like hit the concrete or something happen as they're bringing the body in can i turn her head wait her eyes are open close your eyes looks like somebody put a cigarette on her cheek damn that's messed up then on top of that bro what what even is this so that was five there's another there's one more thing ah see then she got shot with some bb guns that's probably what great climb on in here and put everything into the record system climb on don't forget to take the print out to the front desk so zoe can add it to the packet for the family after that we'll get started so how do you feel knowing that homelanders all right let me climb on into the computer um what was that i didn't say anything you all right yeah i'm fine sorry that's the kind of games you're playing okay all right let me we perked up real quick we perk up you're not catching me slipping a third time left shoulder nothing right shoulder we got some blemishes all right head mold no that was a cigarette burn right arm yep some hermophobia contusion mild abrasion on the left leg uh left arm we got a contusion as well one two three four five six and we're good oh i gotta put the name it wow okay cool so you just standing behind me don't get me too movement okay i'll take that embalming packet why you staring at me like that take my embalming packet drop that into the folder it's time to embalm okay this is the part that sucks all right i've set everything out so you can just go ahead and get started i'll be monitoring all right everything's on your list there if you need it oh yeah i'm gonna need it where's where's the list oh true wire jaw shut with needle injector and settings needles needle injector needle injector that's got to be this all right needle injector i'm missing something but what am i missing settings needles what the freak is that moisturizing pad setting needles why does it say settings needles yeah that's a that's a typo okay oh oh oh this is what we're doing oh what do i do oh this is about to sound crazy i already know do i just hammer it what do i oh oh this is what they do oh my i just had an existential crisis this is what's going to happen to me when i die oh there we go they sew the junk clothes i never knew that but it makes perfect sense insert eye caps to keep eyes shut okay i caps eye caps got him come here margaret i was using the i forgot her name placing i caps okay oh okay rest in peace baby okay what they put something in the on the eye all right oh man all right make some bombing fluid and pump all right this is the part i remember from the demo i couldn't figure out where these things were at so formaldehyde can't hold anything else your hands are full okay you can drop the clipboard i don't have my clipboard sometimes we get chemicals that haven't been stored properly and it can make them pop like that make them pop keep doing your thing i'll get it listen one more thing happened this is an internship i'm not even getting paid for this bob bro i thought that was my clipboard i'm like what is this bricks all right i can't hold anything else we got some glue around i can't hold anything else all right all right glued to raw got some um cute and then we've got some uh meth all right are you gonna pick it up you said you was gonna get it all right make an incision in the car carotid artery and jugular vein with scalpel all right hopefully you tell me where that is cause i don't know let me close this door up i'm gonna close this one too actually i ain't trying to look at that okay um cool oh this is like on bully when you gotta do the uh dissecting all right using items some items need to be used directly on the body use forceps to clamp tubing forceps and tubing pvc tubing i'm missing something uh-huh uh-huh oh my this is disgusting engage pump and let the body drain how far can you twist your neck all right my word oh oh she had a lot of blood can we recycle that or [Music] okay oh i hope y'all not eating this is like the worst game to have like food and stuff turn off pump remove tubes and close incision say less say less okay fill an empty iv reservoir bag with cavity fluid then insert trocker into abdominal cavity i'll probably never say that since again in my life i got the iv bag oh it goes here okay what was that did you hear that okay hey if if you didn't hear it i didn't hear it tracker sounds like i'm saying trucker but i'm like saying it with a rock trucker all right i'm sorry oh my oh my am i doing that oh my that is me i'm in those guts what do you mean by that there we go is that good mix cleaners in bathroom closet just like all the way over here yeah we need to steamline streamline this process cleaner base uh-huh take me 45 minutes per body dude all right tank cleaner apply moisturizer oh that's fun uh-huh so let's get dorothy all cleaned up moisturizing white all right tell you what what why don't you go ahead and head out i'll take over from here dang that's like saying you're trash sure i just got here your trust don't worry you're doing great i'll get the last of your paperwork sorted today and call you in for your first shift one of two things are happening here one he's indirectly saying that my performance was trash and it's fine i'll give you a call when we get someone in i hate when games too realistic don't don't say anything else please he's just saying he would rather him do it so he can hurry up and get out of here or two some freaky deaky i don't know morticians listen they be getting in trouble for doing some foul stuff but all right say less half day that's what i'm talking about and i'm still getting my full hours and i'm taking the clipboard home too it was just really weird oh this is the demo fell over no i know it wasn't even my fault but he sent me home right after that i'm just really worried he was supposed to finalize my stuff today and he said he would right so that's a good thing yeah it just didn't feel like he meant it like he just said it to get me out of the building wait a sec i have another call hello hey rebecca it's raymond oh hi mister just sent me home look if i did anything wrong today just no no uh i wanted to apologize you've done a fantastic job just not feeling too well what what that's uh actually why i'm calling i know it's late but we just got three new cadavers and no one else can make it in you already sent me home hoping you could come in and take care of them nah i was already there yeah are you sure i mean of course excellent you're doing me a huge favor i took care of the rest of your onboarding we're all set and your new badge is in your personal belongings that's great thank you i'm on my way right now i hope you feel better thanks again i'll see you tomorrow bye holy sh that was him he signed me on he needs me to come in tonight see i told you it was fine congratulations thanks i have to go like right now i'll talk to you like right now all right number one i'm getting some gas money my keys you think you're about to send me home then call me back no sir no sir yes i do have a jar that's right jar of nylators next to my desk does wonders for the energy temporary items do not take up space in normal inventory well um mortuary assistant too let me get that easter egg samurai flakes you know is that nothing crazy i'm not asking for nothing crazy let's get out of here okay guess we just made it that's weird they're letting me start from the car like the inside of the car no umbrella run inside actually hold up nothing over here oh wait there's a door here yeah that wasn't in the demo oh this is gated off oh this is a secretive mortuary river feels more trading okay i guess i'll head to the back and get started all right i guess we're gonna get started why and why didn't she comment on all [Music] mr delver i need help someone's outside the mortuary just try to stay calm i know you're scared i'll unlock the door in a moment what this is very sudden but listen to me we have to start right away i'm sorry i didn't know until it made itself known this morning that it was here let alone bound to you i had no way of knowing the possession had started look this isn't funny stop you need to take this seriously you need to act quickly this is insane i'll just leave i'll just [ __ ] leave you can't leave rebecca i can't allow that for you or for others it's far too dangerous what am i supposed to do then most bodies i work with at night are fine so we stay calm okay we embalm file the paperwork everything treat it like a normal day staying focused will help i left some things for you on the desk i'll call again when you get to the embalming room no wait what the [ __ ] this is insane it's just some hazing for the new girl or something just just play along and do your job bro i thought it was a ghost or something is my car door still open bro my seats are about to get destroyed why can you do this why i don't have my clipboard oh that's right because you took it home tape recorder old key hockey okay matchbox done with that close that i can quit tomorrow maybe who does something like this hello mortuary assistants all right listen carefully i'm look i'm sorry but this entire thing is extremely unprofessional if this is how you treat new hires i don't think i can work for you this isn't funny rebecca you don't have to believe me but i hope you do before it's too late the only way to save yourself is to banish the demon before you're too far gone to do that you will need to learn the demon's name bind it to its chosen body and burn it in the retort let's go look i know this is a lot to take in oh it is i wish i could do more for you i had years to learn what i know you have hours i've recorded a number of cassettes to instruct you in the hope that having a physical object with a known message will help you stay grounded i won't be calling again you can't trust the phones anything can be manipulated listen to the tapes learn the demon's name burn the correct body okay the most important thing in the room is in that cabinet open it up good luck rebecca right this this cabinet i'm sorry this had to happen wait which cam this is insane maybe this one maybe this one whatever just be the professional one grab a body and get started all right guys y'all heard what he said we gotta burn the correct body i already know we about to have like a choice or something at the end of the game we got to learn the demon's name burn the body mini cassette tape three at every moment the demon is funneling its energy through you weakening you until you are unable to resist identifying a demonic entity is a delicate balance the further you are from possession the more time you have the closer you are the more the demon will make itself known allowing you the information to guess its name and the body it's bound to the only way i've found to tell how far along a possession is on your own is to scribble on a piece of paper don't think about it just scribble look carefully if you notice anything strange it's starting to take hold there's a notepad and a pencil on the desk in the front room checking from time to time can give an idea of how long you might have notepad and a pencil this is crazy use to see how far in the possession that you are this is crazy so at the beginning is is literally just scribbling like we can't see anything but the more possessed we are the the doodling is gonna start changing oh this is crazy man this was worth the 24.99 mini cassette tape one night shift system the night shift database a computer program combining all my findings into one reference point the database contains all the information on the process of expulsion the tools used and most importantly all the markings of the known demonic names if you ever forget what to do replay these tapes or look it up in the database the collection of demonic names is the most crucial piece to the puzzle you will need this information my id card is in my personal belongings drawer on the back is the passcode to [Music] okay yeah screw all of whatever this is i'm getting back to work of explosion to banish a demon to hell it must be bound to its chosen body and burned the three objects in this cabinet are your tools first the clay tablet in the center is called a mark placing the smaller pieces in the correct configuration will spell the demon's name okay second the bottles on the top shelf are a special reagent that will react to the mark add a bottle to the embalming mixture during the process when the mark is placed on the correct body with the reagent inside it will force the demon to become bound to it pay attention to signs that you have chosen correctly they can be obvious or extremely subtle once you are certain the demon is bound to its vessel burn it finally the pieces of paper on the right are called leading strips it must inscribe the sigils of its name in our world to begin the evocation you will need to uncover these sigils to use them hold a leading strip up while wandering the mortuary if it begins to smolder and burn you're close when the paper combusts the sigil has been revealed somewhere in that area they can be anywhere so look on walls under objects inside furniture anywhere the demon will inscribe its sigils over time to try and hide them so check regularly once you uncover the sigils use the night shift database to decide which demon you're dealing with and use that knowledge to create the mark the steps are simple add the reagent to the embalming mixture uncover the sigils build the mark and place it on the body then when you're certain burn did y'all get any of that no that that's a lot dude that is a lot use letting strip all i know it said walk around with this if it catches on fire oh there it is do i grab it all right but i don't know what to do now see you can't give me a freaking four minute voice note and expect me to digest all of that instantly so we got we got this mark y'all remember that hold on let me check let me check my possession all right we're still here we're still good um yeah i can re-listen to the tapes i'm definitely going to do that let me drop this uh let's just get to work i feel like we just got to get to work where's my clipboard i need my clipboard all right cool at least i can keep track of things all right whatever just grab a body and get started yeah yeah okay so chromiel building we gotta figure out which of these bodies which one of y'all are the demon huh is it you timmy or is it china is it you oh or is it these no names here oh no it's only it can only be three all right yeah let's start with you everett everett benton yeah get out here one of y'all is a demon and one of y'all is getting exercised you think that you can you think you get to inhabit this world and the next your time has passed oh did you what happened to your forehead all right all right let's check you out close the door all right so everett benton 38 oh something something happened prematurely with him what is that like a bunch of spiders just having a meeting on his head hello oh nope nope new job i'm getting out of here okay how long you went to school [Music] maybe no maybe everything's fine it's fine what no i'm just saying things i just need to get back to work it's fine oh the door is open he unlocked the door wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hey i don't see nothing change with the possession pad but i was trying to leave it wasn't letting me leave what happens if i leave now yep her freaking car door is open freaking idiot you can leave [Laughter] i shouldn't be out here it's my [ __ ] fault oh get back to work pull the clipboard out wait what did he do to my car all right you close the car door this time bruh this game is crazy i have a choice i'm stuck here subtitles should have been on a long time ago let's turn some brightness up as well or did i sink up down up down sink sinking sinking all right we got something right there got shot in the chest uh cigarette burn uh-huh uh-huh up yo who is mishandling these bodies in transit i tell you what whoever's the smoker y'all getting fired look at your hand something on the back uh-huh there we go bro did you have an allergic reaction what is that let's get up get get him in the lock get him in the log logged in the system i'm not scared i'm not even scared i don't know what you talking about right shoulder contusion head iridocyclitis um who is it yeah they think i'm about to go see what that was psych left arm i said mole right leg rash okay everett 38 all right all right okay give me my report here everything's fine embalming report you need to file a copy up front okay all right we're doing it we're doing it everything's good everything's fine close that immediately close that open that i mean everything's fine everything's fine embalming report time to embalm oh she's giddy about that time to embalm [Music] oh my goodness i caps he got all the materials spread out put it on the freaking counter in there bing boom formaldehyde bada bing bada boom with a bat get a goo glitten arm don't even act like you know how to say this word stop it glood or halloween put that in here methanol yes sirius sir and then [Music] [Music] i'm not doing it [Music] [Music] oh my goodness dude all right all right all right i gotta be more possessed after that i gotta be more possessed that's a face that's a face all right all right hold up hold up hold up hold on hold on notice stuff start popping off with this body i already have one of those well use it sister where is it there's something oh my gosh he stood up what you gonna do kill me do it kill me nah this is crazy this is crazy where's my clue at don't i need a flashlight dude where's my clue that the paper burnt over here but i don't see anything shut up shut up i'm using it again do i got unlimited of these things oh it's not gonna do it again it's not gonna do it again okay so there's something over here in this area what the freak is happening is she having a heart attack okay looks like there are no more sigils i don't know the names of this stuff what the freak large old key uh my access access card uh extra keys to the mortuary pick them up stop it who turn this light off stop it stop it stop it couple things number one we got some we got a large old key y'all want to put the freaking reagent in hey it could be him it could be this guy right here the problem is what's not on his hand that wasn't there yeah it's mixed a body just spoke like it was nothing oh we're getting possessed i'm going so slow mixing bombing fluid i'm doing it it's mixed oh i gotta do i have to do the reagent maybe i have to oh yeah nice okay incision tubing all right let's drain them let's drain them that's too loud for me that's too loud for me i'm gonna stand in the back i don't know which one of y'all was in here talking while we was over there i'ma burn you too no more locked doors [Music] all right she shut up all right turn off pump remove two clothes incision and then i do something over here we're missing something back up ah i'm not trying to be in these guys oh i'm having a heart attack i'm having a heart attack just keep going no just keep going yep okay okay okay almost done there we go oh [Music] no oh no oh hello hello what are you doing are you spider-man why oh my goodness that animation was so fluid okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay close the door let's get your face all clean mr everett yeah wipe your face swap your face all right now return body to cold storage we not burning them oh no we don't know his name we gotta we gotta have a name every keep your eyes closed turn you like this turn you like this there you go i hope you enjoyed this experience as much as i did mr everett so who is over here laughing talking about i'm already dead i don't know what they said it sounded something like that it was you wasn't it come on timmy come on little timmy uh quit looking at me with you i don't know what happened i didn't see it didn't have anything do with me close the door all right all right all right all right see me ghosts see me i was just playing relax hey five things timothy owens 35 oh he got pooped on that's what killed him the freak is that all right i feel bad for the people who got them phobia with the dots like there's a lot of those i don't know what like these people was getting shot with bb guns or i don't know what did you win timmy talk to me talk to me ah there we go that's what did it i said timmy owens 35 blemishes on the head left shoulder we got contusion left arm we got a rash left leg we got hermione from harry potter all right give me my embalming report just wait right here timmy i'll be right back i'll be right back in a skedaddly do yes sir yes sir i am efficient i am a machine first we're going to wire that jaw shut you look like you walk through life with stinking breasts sometimes i like to talk to the bodies we're all cool around here they respect me and i respect them now i need some eye caps ain't that right see me boy see i like timmy timmy's chill everett was on some bull let me check my possession level um something is definitely forming here matter of fact let me take a second oh you're not hiding no more sigil stones i'm i'm on my oblivion right now my bad now we can drain the body that sound is so jarring [Applause] [Music] yo if that would have if i would have caught that at a different angle like if i was right here and i got and i you know and i did it listen it would have been a whole different story i had some distance that's why i was like so you're just going to be chilling there like that what's happening right now who's calling it's a demon he said he wasn't calling me again so this is a demon hello i need to report a missing person is this 9-1-1 sorry her name is rebecca she's 14. she has a drug problem so i have that right i i all right all right oh keep an eye out thank you um yeah i'm gonna act like that didn't even happen i'm just going to proceed on uh mix cleaners and i hate that we have to leave the room all the time hello hello okay i knew it i knew it i knew it [Music] [Music] am i playing right now okay no rebecca back up freaking [Music] it's okay what happened i'll get you out of here oh please there are just right right up there uh i'm coming back i'm coming right back this is my dad gotta be i gotta be hey i found her down here [Music] he just tripped no way he just tripped and died no way he tripped and died that's how you went out bro i'm sorry that's hilarious he found her and then he tripped and died well did the police did they get him out of the water we got one mark that's on that bathroom door it's the uh g it's like a g and then there's a little circle that that's definitely one mark oh oh oh got him that's a nine that's a nine oh yes oh yes oh yes we got our second mark people that's a nine that's a nine that's a nine that yep uh-huh got him red dot em now we got three bro we need to find the one that popped off over here let's take them back let's just take them back everett what the frick are you doing out your time your turn you took your turn already all right your time has passed get in there i don't want to see this door open again everett ever again shayna come with me girl we got some work to do oh oh oh okay okay keep it moving keep it moving we're all good i'm sorry miss what was your name i like to be very respectful with my clients here this is a professional service that we're offering in this mortuary shayna shyina let's um find out what happened to you 24 what a shame she spilled some acid on her arm right as she's cleaning the acid off something else happened she got stung by a bunch of bees so then she's just on the ground a skunk just comes up and starts pricking her just starts taking chunks i mean this is like a freak of a freak of nature after that happened wolverine from the x-men came up gave her a finishing slash he just wanted to have mercy there we go it was a mercy killing why don't we have curtains right here dude i know y'all saw that i know y'all saw that i know y'all saw that got me out here whistling she looked like a bride this is the part that scared the freak out of me in the demo it's everett everett everett is the one everett is the one all right we got a scalpel we gonna need that this body is going a lot smoother never mind never mind never mind hello hello oh what the freak why is this door open china what china i can't pursue you right what if i back up oh i'm in the twilight zone [Music] [Music] what yeah i remember this from the demo as well thank you so much i don't care about anything anymore where's my subtitles please just okay i'm assuming that's her dad get me out of there they're gonna they're gonna kill me my goodness we get it well look how it moves depending on my direction of movement that's cool high risk don't like those uh anti-depressant all right so she was on antidepressants okay keys to the hiring high risk wing high reward it's another way to look oh dude there was more stuff in that room i didn't even get to pick it up start freaking i don't know what you're talking about but as long as i'm alive i'm not too late where's my sigil oh shoot got it freaking rosengan that's what it was okay uh we literally need one more mark and it's the one that was over there what the freak what are you doing oh i ran out of time yeah they're they're not letting me explore dude i was trying to explore i'm trying to find the last freaking thing the game is still going hello i don't like this oh hello where did you even go okay god has left you psyched that's the wrong number god as always with me i'm really bothered that we can't find the last what the freak um are there smurfs running around something's about to trigger no chrono all right okay here come with me china rebecca rebecca rebecca i can't close the door what closet [Music] i can't well it's everett if if that wasn't clear there there's nothing that's gonna be clear what are you physically attacking now well that's cheap we been knew it was everett a long time ago but what we don't know it's the last mark and i'm afraid that we're never gonna know it because it burned literally here in the beginning of the game and i still don't know what the mark is over there i know where the other three marks are plain and clear but that mark i don't know what the freak is that keypad what [Music] since when was that in there raymond i really need a key to the hatch outside cleaner is low and you mentioned apps i'm down there i know you don't trust anyone there's a hatch outside you what might three seven five zero zero three whoa hold on [Music] this thing's like not even on it looks like so there's a hatch in the back where's the hatch oh so this was just back here the whole time huh [Music] i thought that large key was definitely for that oh it's for this night shift database database collection of all the findings okay what oh snap all right this working yeah this thing is huge so uh i guess um this is david raymond this feels insane but i think you were right this has happened a few times now but let me see if i can get in here there it is [ __ ] bro a body with demonic inhabitants may display sudden movements these movements can be small as a twitch of the fingers or large as a full body manipulation y'all remember when we went back and there was some cutting on the hand let's get this man everett out of here i mean look there it is right here that wasn't there sigils of demonic names okay [Music] that definitely looks like the third one [Music] which of these marks we we we definitely had these three always it must be this one so we need the three oh shoot i think we figured it out man i think we figured it out i sang at the top g on the right uh here take that that's gotta be it once we have the mark we just put it on them right yeah i'm just i'm just gonna roll them in there we're gonna freestyle this if i'm wrong they cheated they never gave me my fourth mark you're outta here buddy you're out of here how do i put the mark on them [Music] oh i'm wrong huh well if i was wrong you wouldn't have been talking to me idiot goodbye you're out of there [Music] please tell me i wasn't wrong oh my god oh that had to mean i was right right man i'm seeing like stuff move in my peripheral there you are good is it over it's never over but you survived can i leave i want to go home you can leave but once an entity finds you all the houses of hell will do anything to get back to you i'm sorry but it doesn't end here from now on there is always a chance this will happen again no matter where you are what i don't want this why i just want to leave what do i do i'm sorry but there's no going back i've spent years learning everything i can to keep these enemies at bay it's the only thing we can do so what you're waging some selfless holy war it's not a war it's survival and i'd hardly call it selfless we're caught at the front line of something larger but i don't do this for some greater good we either face it or fall to it hey i wish i could claim to be someone better suffering hell to save us all but i simply want to live another day just like everyone else when i first experienced this i had to make a choice i could run and spend the rest of my days in fear or i could learn to face it and keep some semblance of a normal life normal right it's not a life i would want for anyone but choosing between a life of fear or control you're the first person i've met to face this hell and survive oh so we did so i'm offering you a different kind of job demon hunter work the night shift learn what i know give yourself a chance at a life beyond fear i don't know what you experienced but i know it uses the worst parts of you against yourself the more you experience the more you'll confront the darkest parts of your life but through it you'll become unbreakable i'm offering the tools to take control the choice is yours i hope you come back oh i'm coming back you think i'ma just let this drunk follow me ending one of five nani nani hello hello is this thing on [Music] time's possessed demons banish yo i'm pretty sure that was like the best ending right whoa you can get all the endings all right if y'all want to see me get all the endings 500k likes in the first 48 hours and i got you after 48 hours if it's not 500 hey i beat the game we got the best ending right you guys that was that was an experience i tell you what i'm still like if we never would have found that stuff on the computer first of all there was stuff in a shed we never got down there i never found my fourth mark all right if we didn't find the thing on the computer i never would have figured that out and the time was running out i kept on doodling on that pad it was some crazy stuff happening hopefully you guys enjoyed it damn sure this is the samurai slice that like button subscribe to 80 join the samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] guess my name is curry kimchi [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 12,631,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screaming, scream, demons, the, mortuary, assistant, full game, gameplay, ending, lets, play, part 1, playthrough, walkthrough, jumpscare, horror, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, edits, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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