Happy's Humble Burger Farm FULL GAME

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do you guys like fast food i'm talking like you know burgers fries stuff like that now i could never all right i could never i'm not gonna help you let's go can i get a uh number five well today people um we got a new job [Music] so i put in a few job applications and someone got back to me happy's humble burger farm so i figured you know making 11 bucks an hour flipping some paddies how hard could it be also there's something extremely wrong with this place but let me kill my mcdonald's before we get started did i say mcdonald's no i meant uh mc mcchronicles i'm going to be chronicling there's a new restaurant you're done no listen hey y'all think this mcdonald's no mcchronicles this is gourmet fast food you jealous you jealous [Laughter] your parents might be like yo what are you watching better put your headphones in for this one [Music] english we're not tools all right i didn't want to read that anyways scythe dev team whoa [Music] y'all had no business doing that what is happening here we're logging in is this the game oh my goodness presentation sup super scroll creek engineering welcome to happy's humble burger farm now we played this like a year ago maybe two years ago it was sort of like the prototype to this now fully polished horror game so um before we get started buy your merch freekitchen.com bruce lee collab yes sir and um slice that like button and let's dig in towards your core subtitles oh stupid they were off guys there we go obscura chips [Music] okay [Music] all right so go to happy's humble burger farm so we already know what time it is mind control we starting the game mind controlled cook a burger all right so go to work first grab a bottom bun [Music] place it on the assembly board all right bottom bun where's the bottom buns at oh here we go bottom bun assembly board is that it how do i place it on the assembly board throw it on there don't put it on there oh i get it i get it you gotta lob it on there all right hold up wait no miss this is like the assembly board right yeah all right then place one of each sandwich topping so we got some buns get freak on it got some lettuce are these pickles yup got some cheese a little bit of onion tomato hey i feel like i'm at the crusty crab now pick up a burger patty cook it and place it on the burger all right say less we'll be cooking cooking it up baby cooking it up oh i feel i think it's done just grab it with your bare hand do that let's grab that [Music] hey serving customers all customers must be served food in a bag make sure you pay attention to exactly what they order you want a burger here get you a little baggie freak out of my face boy take your food oh you want it [Music] happy happy is only happy when you're doing your job correctly serving wrong orders or being a poor employee can result in infractions infractions can cause unpleasant things to occur she only moves if you're not looking you already know me i gotta test this hold up [Music] oh oh she's still over there she's still over there hold up look away look away oh where is that why is it so dark all right all right all right where's the rotten patties at oh here we go rotten patty eat this what you want to eat it out of my hand famous last words do you want to eat it out of my hand go to work up down up down all right use your employee manual we strongly recommend taking the time to reference your manual tab all right it's a fully flash game welcome to the new employee reading congratulations look at the manual oh buddy i am not about to read this much right now yeah they teaching us how to make fries cookies slushies we're gonna have to learn as we go you're not tired okay so can't sleep can't turn on the tv what is going on out here oh [Music] i got a whole boom box in the [Music] know the bathroom names from the band you're listening to so you can just listen to all these commercials what's up status post it's me the show got himself corey you already know i'm always getting down on the latest fun zone titles i like to grill before a game and when i'm extra hungry that's when i know i gotta go with the delicious scrumptious happiest humble breakfast buffet petey's crispy bacon and pork sausage charlie's country fried chicken scrambled eggs in fact i'm ahead there now it's breakfast all day let's get it hey yo shout out to it's breakfast all day let's get it shout out to scythe dev team they hit me up like a couple months ago asked me to do like some lines for this little commercial in the game i knew it was like a little 30-second part but it's just it's just an honor when did that door open when did when did my front door open oh i'm scared oh you can only hold four items at once till you find a backpack yeah we don't need to go in the toes room let some health and stamina keep an eye on your health and stamina if either runs low visit a vending machine was that you to open my door [Music] yo your neighbor told me to he's your neighbor and your best friend relax what are you doing out here it kind of looks like you need to shower though go to she's work if you're in a nice part of the town you're not maybe someday where's trail going what what time what time am i too dark turn on the flashlight bro why was toll running down the street like that dang they made like a whole city for this game these people walking around and stuff yo what's good what's good what y'all what y'all doing over there construction it's kind of late at night for that huh but i mean no traffic at the restaurant welcome to your home away from today all you've got to worry about is the grill oh game crash [Music] oh freak are you oh freak all right guys my game crashed and now i'm back and i go over here and start my job or toe you work here too oh my goodness all right let's look at the manual clock to start your shift clock to end your shift turn on all the lights and open sign all the lights on so i guess let's just turn on the open sign [Music] you must clock in first i'm fired all right clock it wait employee at him who is that look like a young adam sessler right clocking [Music] a happy 100th all right guys y'all ready to make some cheese get it because we're going to be making burgers s tier comedy on the corey kitchen channel we got a roomba hey all right first customer first customer tote handle that patties in the back all right hey hey how you doing sir how you doing hurry up oh shoot two customers immediately taking your sweet freaking time all right what you want [Music] what do you want oh poppin pork sandwich no tomato salad say let's toa you're not going to help all right pork sandwich pork sandwich uh uh yo what yo is all the stuff at oh oh poppy pork sandwich all right uh let's get a bun right let's get a bun we gonna need that uh shoot we got a minute left all right poppin pork sandwich let's get everything he said no tomato right no tomato so give me the cheese yes sir give me the onion what happened to the lights so you really not by the hell yo where the lights at oh my gosh look how many customers we got who opened this door turn the lights on all right all right all right all right all right lots is back on what the [ __ ] is going on over there bro the freaking vacuum is on who broke them look how many people are in line hey man you look nice all right let me get back to the kitchen bro is this me running the whole joint i got 20 seconds all right sir sir forgive me but um oh i just can't give him that okay we're to meet at all we got three seconds we're officially gonna fail this um [Music] oh oh my gosh uh sir do you hate me something happened something just happened all right i'm just let's look for the meat who is that no no no not not touching it it's the meat oh the meat's in the freezer popping pork popping pork all right all right all right all right my bad my badge on my bad my bad we got this where's the grill at right here right here you need to turn the appliance on who are all these people appliances oh my gosh oh my gosh turn appliances on all right all right my bad my bad y'all my bad 30 seconds you're gonna have your food you won't have your why is the roomba over here oh my gosh and then we just got told spazzing oh the lights the lights the lights where's the lights [Music] hit the lights hit the give it to me is it done took too long for a customer my bad bro we're about to run out of time again no no oh shoot what's happening all right the meat's done is the meat done all right put it on there grab it come on give him a sandwich give him a sandwich yo hold that wait wait you need a bag right yep give me that give me that back give me that back bring that hey take your pork sandwich freak out of my shop oh my gosh turn the lights on hold do something oh my gosh it won't budge use your flashlight what you mean the light won't budge [Applause] we're dying we're dying who who do you want what do you want fantastic foul sandwich no onions all right all right all right no onion no onion no one why is the vacuum on the food all right give me that give me that what hello oh i no i'm quitting i'm who is crawling around the kitchen put this on the grill put it on the ground can we like start on the next order failure to finish tax will result in infraction running around the kitchen [Applause] he turned the appliances off are you serious are you serious so you you are the worst co-worker bro how much time we got how much time we got shift has finished great job bro that was like literally the worst week oh i'm going home i'm going home wait i gotta clock out i gotta clock out all right clock out all the lights are off turn turn off the open sign i'm going home oh it's off is it on you already worked today go home all right i'm going home i'm going home i'm going home this i i don't want to worry i i don't want to work anymore that was literally the worst shift ever that reminds me of when i was in college and i had to work in a cafeteria my first day went exactly like that don't know where anything is 99 customers i hated it that's why i got fired but that's another story oh my gosh that was stressful i am about to go home put on some netflix try to get a booty pic from a baby girl and hit the sheets that was literally torture my goodness and can i get a bike please you mean to tell me i gotta go through all of that and then i'm walking home jazzy java joint bro i'm about to egg y'all whole restaurant that's competition wait is this my apartment building yeah i think it is i think it is we need to get home let's do toe upstairs making noise told if you do not go home you must close the door before locking it all right get in the bed bro you are about to pass out why my energy ain't go all the way back up do i need to eat some food or something bro i have no food in here find another way or try to deadbolt obscure programming no what is this coin [Music] burger tokens you found a token used to upgrade the restaurant all right what you doing with all that cake first of all don't know how we're supposed to get energy back but i'm gonna see y'all at work wait wait i was supposed to take the bus right i'm wasting energy call bus but it saves us energy i've already wasted like most of my energy for today so hey kid we got a doozy for you what not only are you going to be man in the deep fryer for fries and nuts no you're also going to be serving drinks from the shake machine and the soccer machine so grab a bag throw it in the fryer or grab a cup and throw it under the nozzle we've made it almost automatic for you with any block you can get robots to do your entire job well then i wouldn't make any money how do i get energy back save wisely visit the happy bar and local coffee shop oh coffee shop we could get more energy all right all right well we messed that up let's get all the lights on we're probably about to pass out turn the appliances on oh during your shift okay let me clock in [Music] yes get your stinking nets hooks and worms out of my face fisherman why is he sounding like duke nukem why don't you throw on some scuba diving bro something is wrong with this restaurant let me get to work let me get to work look at my energy bar bro are we not making it through this shift 100 huh bro it's the competition they throwing bricks through the windows are the fries and stuff in here yep fries nugs what's going on over here what all right all right none of my business none of my business get your order in lady what you want freak you won't happy's deluxe snow pickle all right first of all first of all get me up give me a patty happy's deluxe throw it out on the grill immediately [Music] oh shut up give me that they said what they said what no pickle no pickle grab that pink what's happening bro what did i do wrong today y'all are tripping grab that get a top bun my joke put that there yep happy's deluxe what do you want three i got time three soft drinks okay turn appliances on huh oh my gosh all right appliance boom [Music] boom soft drink you want it in the bag all right how much time we got all right we got time we got time come on come on i can't do multiple oh that's wack bro that's whack put that there yeah put this there how much time we got 20 seconds we're good we're good give me this give me this oh yes we're here bring that bell pink take this take this take this move let's go oh my energy that's what it was salmon nuggets oh no dude my energy i can't run anymore nuggets go here i'm so stupid i'm so stupid i can only do one at a time oh no i can't that's done put the put the nuggets in the bag put the nuggets in the bag we're moving place into warming basket oh my gosh dude relax lights oh the lights the lights are broken okay they said i need to put it in a warming something here oh my gosh oh my gosh no way no way was i just supposed to do that what do you want sir what do you want shake soft drink all right [Music] i got no energy look at my energy bro i meet you at the crib toe oh it's a coffee spot i'm running on nothing open up hey hey y'all trash y'all trash all right listen i need some coffee i'll i'll go here [Music] what did that says energy boost sixteen dollars already oh y'all tripping y'all are tripping [Music] no can y'all actually not where's my coffee at bro [Music] what is this doing here all right how do i drink this drink the coffee [Music] extra espresso all right go home go home go home use the energy boost to get home how is it going down already look at my energy it's already back on one bar i already can't run anymore vending depot or i can get like a bar do we live in japan [Music] can i eat this oh it gave me energy the coffees are trash the coffees are trash i'm not getting no more coffee all i need is a couple chocolate bars to get me through today oh i thought to say you're fired i mean i should be fired to be honest two the first two days those are gonna be the two roughest days i promise is it halloween oh word this dude is gonna kill me bro let's go to work all right i feel like at a full energy we'll be good i don't need to hit that i don't need to hit any energy right now leave it to the probes the new elysian police and fire department will take care of it there's no reason to be wandering towards the sound of chaos you know i gotta go replacement oh snap the workers oh y'all messed up huh what happened over here y'all know i'm nosy wait what i went inside what the freak what pay attention use clues from the environment to find ways to solve problems there's something underneath this blanket keep lights off at all times where do the wires go that took health that took health do i got to do it in a certain order this is like an old restaurant powers must be in order all right e4 grand prix it's not just our experiments something is alive down there upon extraction i must demand zayn reconsider his lucidus initiative it must be shut down immediately remember to make smart decisions all right so we're gonna hit we're gonna do green first yeah all right so that worked what's that yellow let's do yellow next yellow yup yup next up we got color is that is that white yup all right what's next what's next blue yes red and all the power will be on ah what the frank is this cooking oh are you in a final boss okay how do we cook what the what is happening i never said i i shouldn't come here i apologize got this what this huh you want this yeah eat on that big boy eat on that big boy all right all right all right i need a bottom bun bottom bun ah stop it where's the bottom buns at they're they're burning they burn they all burn oh my god wrap the board grab some more get them on the grill [Music] grab that yep grab that watch it watch it grab the sandwich where's the sandwich can i pick up the sandwich all right hold up hold up hold up hold up watch it move sidestep eat it and get wait eat it all right throw all y'all up get one in the fryer [Music] bro i'm dying [Music] freak out of my face that's three that's three yes what the frick is in here what what what's going on here what [Music] i made it after the only the only survivor the important loss of lives were simply right from the regular history of the company erased have no idea they even worked here and now i'll never hear from them again paragon peter though that was the longest like we still got to go to work like we're fired you know how late we are oh and now y'all fixed it i'm about to run to work bro no matter of fact i'm taking the bus i'm taking the bus to work oh my goodness we found out so much stuff oh you running nah i'm not running all i heard was asset peter this and i said peter dad and all his co-workers got killed so um paragon must pay paragon must pay yeah yeah actually do my job for me because i hate this job we got to hurry up and get to work because that energy bar dude it's it's real energy bar is real so we got hot pies how do we do the pies place into the oven bake before serving all right sucker what you want fries salmon nuggets in the soft drink look at this thing over here turning the appliances off all right so fries salmon nuggets put those in the fryer i'll take that drink put it in a bag all i gotta do is wait for my fries and my nuggets finally finally fries and then nuggets boom i'll take that freak out of my store freak out of my store what you want tell me you want some fries because i got some right here you don't want no fries cookie fantastic sandwich oh my gosh all right she wants a foul burger are the appliances on i can't see all right get that cooking get the bun you said no pickle all right got you bop bing boom boom oh wait grab the tomato hello you have too many items bro turn that on okay what else did you want two soft drinks dang i could have been working on that all right give me that boom bop [Music] yep i know what you want cookie where's the cookies at are the cookies in the freezer cookies yup cookies he said put in the microwave the button 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah we ran out of time we ran out of time oh my gosh this job sucks look how long a cookie takes cheese freak out here lady big old freaking meal all right what you trying to get look at my energy bar three nuggies i got you wow i had some nuggets in the warmer i'm so stupid i'm so stupid all right what you want what you want and we lowkey balling out no onions hot pie and a shake all right let's get the pie in the grill let's get the pie in there get the pie in the microwave shake shack hook that up um he said he wanted a burger they throwing bricks through the windows again all right can we get the lights on i'm out of energy oh my goodness bro just give me to the pie give me to the pie all right my camera about to die oh no bro are you serious yeah you can have it i'm clocking out just keep all of that food out i don't care bro i'm going home lights are off yep i'm out i'm going home and i gotta walk home again all right i'm going to sleep what hey you are d7 who are you what cow got your tongue why are you looking at me like that oh right i'm kind of just a talking head say you don't know what's going on do you right well i'm an artificial intelligence cybernetic organism or a robot if you will e7 was a human like you a friend haven't seen him in a while though what happened he woke me up now i'm going to wake you up we in the matrix all of this is fake and these seven made recipes to try to break out see those blueprints over there on the walls it shows you the ingredients you will need throw all three of those ingredients into obscures fabricator and watch the magic happen right before your very eyes rolo pace fm transmitter and a battery all right we got to keep a lookout for those supplies like i said before i'm going to sleep and we're ending the video we're going to pick it up from here um this game way longer than i thought way more intensive extensive scythe dev team y'all killed this all we know right now is that we're basically in the matrix all of this is fake confirmed but we already knew that how did the game start it started with mind control from obscura then we got paragon must pay i don't i don't if y'all want some more happy's burger farm barn you should assist this and samurai slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] guess my name is curry kinchin [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 10,354,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happys humble burger farm, happys, humble, burger, farm, scary, horror, game, hhbf, jumpscare, scream, fast, food, job, dont, work, here, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, happy, cow, games, gameplay, full game, part 1, funny, hilarious, moments
Id: itjwWkzfF3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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