Ultimate Mount & Blade: Warband Guide! Steps to Conquer the World! Timestamps in The Description

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ready then hello guys welcome to hit pointed my name is revolt and I'll be your bartender for today welcome to my ultimate guide to mountain blade warband native no mods I repeat no mods alright so today we're gonna be talking about how to conquer the world in mountain blade warband through several different methods because there are three methods that you can conquer the world with but first of all just to show you guys that I know what I'm talking about I'm gonna show you my character Patsy count Linn who's currently on day six hundred into one yes that's his name Patsy comin in the honor of the cow Patsy from prophecy a friend or I am currently in a war with the Kerch at connet as you can see everything that the red touches is my kingdom I am the leader of Viana stad and I have around half of the world around half of the world I just need to deal with the de chartres sorry nothing the char the Kurds need to deal with the Courage's need to deal with the RO ducks and I think the RO Ducks are dealing with this audience as we speak so I don't have to worry about them my current character is at level 36 he is a pretty burly stronger man and currently equipped as a mounted cavalry sword and board well technically morningstar on board with a siege crossbow to utilize during sieges and with an army of just 145 by that's native for you armies are always smaller in native with a army which combines the strongest perks of all cultures and we're actually going to talk about are the strongest perks of all cultures a little bit later on so this is the dude if you want to further see the stats of my character I can only have renown 1352 on a rating of 311 right to rule 75 and I have a lot of friends a lot of enemies and quite a large faction as yes a see all right so um we do have some subjects to discuss and to go through and I'm gonna of course take them in to order of the business first order of business will be best character and how to level him up now I do have to mention something regarding the best character and how to level him up there is no best level one build based on your choices based on your levels because all all choices your father can be either a Huntsman or a merchant or a noble or a soldier they really don't matter because they provide you all choices will provide you with the equal amount of stats so you can say that oh by choosing merchants I'm gonna receive more attributes than if I chose Noble that's not how it works because as you level up you'll always be able to bring them to the certain thresholds by a certain level it all depends simply based on your choices the only difference is based on the power spikes that you're gonna be getting throughout the game now I'm gonna be showing you what is interestingly enough a pretty good pretty good level 1 character pretty good level 1 character so let's start a new game they they changed the base attributes Mike but you don't receive more attributes than other choices let let me show you let me show you starting a new game and this way I think I'm gonna be putting it putting it to sleep if I choose male and this is this is the most basic choice if I choose male I receive +1 strength -1 agility if I choose female I receive +1 agility -1 strength that's the only difference when it comes to attributes you will always receive the equal amount of attributes and skills whatever you choose I understand so uh in other mods it's not like that Mike and other mods in there is actually choices from level one that matter and give you the most stats like in florists or like in prophecy offend or hello shadow welcome back to the end ah but for starters the best character one build it will be male and then I would recommend an impoverished noble a page at a nobleman's court a troubadour and the loss of a loved one and then you become an adventurer and a right to your destiny you start off with certain advantages you practically start as a noble right off the bat you can choose your flag from level one and for the sake of this guide we're gonna go with a lame flag we're gonna be the chicken leg of justice let me can't I quit without saving and then we reach this character screen now this is the point where I'm gonna tell you how to level up your character because it's very important on on your initial stats that you choose and I think Moulton I don't think there are two ways of going and doing this the first way is put all of the points that you charisma from a level one and then by level two you just add an extra pointer to charisma and bam you're not gonna have to deal with charisma ever again you're not gonna have to deal with yours ever again 18 charisma will be enough to take you through the entirety of the game that's gonna give you access to the leadership 6 and if you read the book that's gonna bump it up to 7 so you don't have to worry and in the late game if you really want to go overboard well overboard as in further up you can add some extra points with the problem with this method is that your combat stats in the early game and your intellects that will be incredibly incredibly weak and you need to teach that to touch a certain amount of thresholds in each department and strike the jewel teams like the charisma to equip certain the best equipment of the game for strength and that is 15 for agility that is 12 and then in selecting charisma you don't really need them well only strength you need them for our equipment usually you need them for horses and to the intellect and tourism intellect helps your party and your armies charisma helps your army size so keep that in mind yes we shall pray to the UPC gods and so that the internet will be stable until the end of the guide with this setup with this setup at level 2 you're gonna have 18 charisma which is the recommended threshold from me by level 10 you're gonna have 15 strength by level 17 you're gonna have 12 agility and then you can dump with the rest of the sets it to intellect and let's say at the maximum level that you're gonna be reaching this playthrough will be 40 let's say it's 40 on your intellect is gonna be around 23 24 which is more than enough and you can keep on piling from there don't you worry from and that in that point and that point you're just gonna be reading some extra books throughout the game to provide you with some extra stats if you so desire so don't you worry you good you good but the problem with this is that you are gonna be having a week early game but you're gonna have a decent army sighs right off the bat for the rest of the three points I recommend that you put them into prisoner management now the second option the second option and I think the second option is a little bit more well-rounded is we don't put any points to charisma we just add one engine select what an agility in two points in strength and that way we reach the nine threshold six threshold and so special for intellect so we can bring these up to three respectively - when it comes to agility and intellect that's going to give you some extra strength in the early game and practically you just focus on your charisma for the for the first well five points to reach it to 18 and so with this set up at level six you're gonna reach charisma 18 at level 12 you're gonna reach strength well strength 15 by level 18 you're gonna reach with your agility 212 and then dump everything into intellect um the idea is once you reach level 40 you're gonna be with the intellect again in the same ballpark 23 to 24 and then you'll see where you go from there you'll see where you go from there I would actually recommend you to go for this one first you can still have leadership for bring that prisoner management up to 3 add one point into pathfinding and that extra point into power strike just to get the ball rolling and just to give you a decently strong early game and a fearsome fearsome late-game so let's go with whatever name test test character but those last points into one-handed weapons be done it doesn't matter how you look like age doesn't matter in the game you can look whatever you like join the caravan based on what where you want to start from this again doesn't matter let's start from Baba Baba Baba SWAT eeeh Claudia why not of course we're gonna get attacked by the dude from level 1 we're gonna hopefully shoot him once he shows his face or he's not showing his face good sir I was promised a robbery why is nobody trying to steal from me oh there you are now I missed ok fine we're just gonna go into melee no problemo there you go goodbye test has killed you there's supposed to be a merchant coming to talk with me g'day mr. merchant yes good I am interested because it's worth doing the initial quests just to get you to get you started and this is the character that we start off with you receive a decent horse some decent armor a hunting crossbow which to be used from horseback which is very very strong for soloing things in the early game our rusty sword and a battered old shield if you want some extra gear and equipment you could just go to province of arenas to train your character up this is a very very quick way out of one or two arenas you're gonna have level two and what I am you already have a level up so keep that in mind the way we're gonna be leveling up our character is as I said focus on charisma initially just to have that amount of friends you have a decent decently sized army your strength up to 215 agility up to 12 intellect up to as much as you can and now we're gonna discuss why we're gonna discuss in detail about each skill and if it helps you out or if you can skip or who to spec on so let's go and do this you know maybe it would be a better idea to show these stats on on my other character on Patsy mm-hmm okay let's go with with Patsy's stats and this way you'll be you'll actually be able to see exactly what I expect into and how you can change these specs so Patsy is a mounted sorting board type of character with a crossbow on his back now yeah boy here doesn't have any points into iron flesh why because I don't gets into iron flesh being worth investing with 15 strengths we're only going to be able to bring that iron flush up to five which would be 10 extra HP and that's not really gonna mitigate much in the early game or mid game it's really not gonna matter because of the weak armor what is gonna mitigate and count towards your survival survivability will be your armor and that's what's keeping Patsy alive in the late game as well my armor my lord leak out of plates my crew doing great helm and my thick plate boots and the thick gauntlets because I don't want to hurt my toes Iwo zis that's a very obscure reference so that's why I consider that iron flesh is really not worth investing into if you're in the late game and you don't really need points in certain skills and you have some extra that you could play around with that's sure go for some iron flush make yourself a little bit more beefy make yourself a little bit more bulky that's a good idea um now next power strike power strike is essential for any melee character if you want to go for a mounted cavalry unit power strike is important if you want to go for a foot soldier power strike is important and most of the times even if you want to go with Archer you would need a little bit of power strike to handle yourself in a melee combat enhancer because inevitably the soldiers the enemy soldiers will get near you with 50 strengths you'll be able to bring it up to 15 and it's pretty pretty enough it's pretty decent if you have the right weapon you can deal with any simply any enemy and you'll be just just fine and dandy okay power throw if I recall correctly in native it's not that viable to go for a power throw character because most of the times you will run out of ammo and then you're gonna be forced into melee so power throw is more if you really want to play with it go for it that's that's the idea if you really want to play with it for example if you want to mounted character that also has equipped some Spears or some throwing knives or something like that then Yap sure go for it go for power throw and play around with it then power draw simply essential on Archer characters and if you are going to be going for an archer character I would actually recommend that you bump up the strength up to 21 bump up the strength up to 21 because that's gonna allow you to bring the power draw up to 7 and I need to mention that bows and arrows scale very well in late-game a bow and arrow will out damage a siege crossbow in the late game so that's the only situation where I recommend that you go over the strength 15 and bring that boy up to 21 bring that boy up to 21 on if you really don't care about leadership or charisma and you're gonna be compensating the arm the size of your army simply based on your renown ah then screw it just go further beyond the strength it's your character what I'm suggesting here are simply suggestions yeah yeah that's that's exactly it I'm simply adding suggestions here these are more guidelines to keep in mind why is it 15 because with 15 you can equip any equipment than the game any armor in the game I think siege crossbows require 18 but I'm not sure if that's a native I'm not sure if that's a native so if somebody would correct me on that I I would be more than happy ah but with 15 you'll be able to equip whatever the BLUP you want I currently have Oh No never mind never mind nope nope you don't need any more than 15 with 15 you can equip any weapon in the game the master works each crossbow requires four things strengths so yeah you can you can equip whatever the blank book you want including you the power draw arrows I think I think the best bow is order of 500 for around that ballpark so again 15 so you don't have to worry about that wood weapon master now with weapon master this is kind of an optional kind of an optional skill because what does weapon master do make it it makes it easier to learn weapon proficiencies and increase the proficiency limit limit goes as 60 100 140 180 220 and so on and so forth currently with weapon master 15 and the reason I have word from master is 15 is because I read a book because as you can see with agility 12 you can only bring this up to 4 I would be let's say you bring it up to 4 you would only be able to bring it up to 180 but wait a second you have one-handed weapons at 345 that's because if you keep on using the weapon of your choice your weapon is your proficiency skills will increase beyond the weapon master skill this is only a bump this is only to help you out in the early game that's what the weapon master is for you can increase your proficiency on your load sub just by utilizing your weapon so it's not that of an essential skill keep that in mind don't bump this up to ten just because you think that it's gonna help out your archer or something something like that if you keep on utilizing a crossbow or a bow or the weapon of your choice you're gonna be increasing your proficiencies beyond the weapon master threshold easily easily so don't go overboard with this with shield I felt like shield 3 was more than enough I'm currently utilizing a reinforced nightly heater shield which gives me resistance 27 the HP 303 and this shield keeps me going through most of the battle rarely it breaks rarely it breaks keep that in mind so I wouldn't suspect anything beyond 3 and if you really want to go for 4 go for 4 because you're gonna be stunned by agility afterwards either way if you plan on you going for a two-handed character you don't even you don't need to put points into shield at at all because you're going to be having that two hander so you can't equip a shield with it athletics and/or writing now athletics you would have to choose between these two and I'm gonna talk about both of them at the same time writing increases well the horse difficulty that you can wear so for example you can equip horses that require riding for and so on and so forth and that increases your running speed in a new group maneuverability and it also slightly bumps up your world map party speed but athletics does the same thing so this improves your running speed but if you don't have a horse on the worldmap it's also gonna bump up a little bit your movement speed on the world map so choose one of these choose one of these um it doesn't matter if you have some extra points into athletics for example so mainly I'm a mounted character it doesn't matter that I have some extra points into athletics because see just happened tournaments happen arenas happen and our or my horse gets killed the extra athletics will help you out if you're simply going for a soldier you complete you can completely ignore writing now for horse archery this is only useful for both bows and for seeing and for crossbows on horseback it's useful for both but only if you're on a horseback so if you plan on making a mounted Archer yes go for horse archery bring this up to 4 and you'll be just fine if you plan on specking into agility more than 12 and bring that if you if you want to you know play around with in agility 30 character because that's your choice and that's what tickles your fancy don't go horse archery beyond 6 because beyond 6 you're not going to be able to notice the benefits that you receive from this skill 6 is the limit trust me experimented with it looting now from here on out I think we're just gonna be seeing the intellect and the charisma stats from here upwards they're all the I don't know looting is the last is the last agility stat so looting helps you out with increasing the rewards that you're gonna be gaining at the end of the battle now you can do through two things with looting you can either spec your character into looting which is really not a lot worth it or you can spec one of your companions in saluting my suggestion and frankly you see that for looting that's simply from from me experimenting with my character I would suggest that you simply spec one of your companions into becoming a looter a hoarder a person who is simply in charge of looting for your party and it will be perfectly perfectly fine now let's go further on to trainer now trainer is the only stat on your character sheet and amongst all of your characters that stacks with other characters the rest of the stats do not stack trainer is the only one which snacks so I recommend that you spec all the characters your character in all of the companions with as much trainer as possible but you don't necessarily have to spec your trainer stats from an early level because your be receiving diminishing returns as you can see experience gain goes as or everyday ichiran with this skill add some experience to every other member of the party whose level is lower than his or hers so let's say I have level two and I decided that I need the trainer I'm only going to be helping recruits and I don't think I don't think you can even help recruits with that because of how many recruits come at level four or something like then saying like that so it really reinforces the argument that you don't need trainer early on once you reach level 10 that's what that's what I suggested in my friend or guide 15 to 20 but it makes if I'm gonna suggest once you reach level 10 go first go for sub trainer start adding trainer and as you can see by level 36 I have as much trainer as I can I have eight well I have seven trainer but I also have a book that provides me with a passive a +1 to trainer in my while it's while sitting in my inventory plus all of my companions have as much trainer that I can jam on them that I can't put it on them keep that in mind then we go to the skill calls of tracking now tracking simply means what it says you can see the tracks of other parties on the world map literally you can see small arrows on the ground and as you put points into this you'll receive more information from said tracks sadly it's completely useless it's completely useless I did not find a scenario a situation where tracking was essential or came in handy it did not help me out and what I recommend is you do not spec it on your main character and spec it on your Pathfinder on one of your other companions and they're gonna provide it some you know some information which you're maybe someday going to be used but not really now when it comes to tactics every two levels of the skill increases the starting battle advantage by one first if we're gonna talk about taxes we need to talk about what battle advantage does battle advantage is the way the AI calculates the amount of soldiers you have on the field of battle versus the amount of soldiers the enemy has on the field of the battle and this is also taking into consideration the battle size over here now let's say you have battled manages zero both sides will have equal amounts of soldiers if you have battle advantage - - that the enemy will have more soldiers if you have advantage a battle advantage + - you're gonna be having more soldiers than the enemy and so on and so forth ah tactics help with this as you can see every two levels you're gonna be gaining more battle advantage yes sunshine I agree with you hopefully banner Lord's will change tracking into a decent skill we'll see but again I wouldn't recommend tactics on your main character one of your companions for example your engineer with the we're gonna talk about that later on will be able to handle tactics for you we're gonna talk about that when we discuss about in selected characters well it's like companions in this case path finding now path finding is a very useful skill for your character because path finding increases in the map speed the world map speed of your entire army in this case by 3 percent by the time you reach 10 you're gonna have a 30% increase in speed but wait there's more because we spec pathfinding on our main character we receive a extra passive bonus from this from this a lot of people don't know this but based on your thresholds you're gonna be providing a passive bonus you see this paranthesis with a +2 that's the skill that that I provide from my main character this passive bonus can only be provided by your main character and my boy is currently SPECT into surgery and while trainer but that trainers so it's so everybody has everybody needs from Max trainer but mainly surgery and pathfinding is to provide that extra oomph that extra to the boys one second to verify something good can't top quality thank you for becoming a fault around my man welcome to hit point in I hope you are gonna enjoy your stay good sir alright so going back to pathfinding what are these extra point thresholds it's two it's sickness or it's two five eight and ten once you have two points into one of these like sets you're gonna be providing an extra bonus of plus one once you're gonna be having five you're gonna be providing a extra bonus of plus two and once you have well once you have eight you're gonna be providing an extra bonus of plus three and once you have ten you're gonna be providing extra bonus of plus four so keep in mind that since we're specking upon finding on my character once we have ten fat finding we're actually gonna have ten plus the passive of four so a maximum of 14 so instead of having thirty percent increase to party speed you know at the maximum rank we're gonna have 30 plus another three times that's twelve thirty plus twelve that was gonna be a forty two increase and that is the benefit of specky an intellect a party stat on your main character that's why and assess that I recommend that you spec on is pathfinding and surgery we're gonna talk about the rest in a second that's why we go for this in the late game that's why we provide that sweet sweet and select okay next up spotting now spotting it simply increases the sight radius of your party how far you can see the enemy lords marching towards you or bandits or stuff like that marching towards you again this is not very useful this is completely pointless on your main character so again I recommend that other character another companion from your army will provide a stat for you you don't need more than ten indefinitely into spotting inventory management now inventory management is an interesting thing in the early game I would recommend that you invest two points into inventory management and that's gonna take you pretty far towards the late game and by late game because you're gonna be fighting so much and you're gonna be hoarding and galleries so much loot and how can I hold all of this loot you're just gonna be adding a extra two points at the inventory management for is enough with four I can keep food keep horses keep everything that I need if you feel like you need more sure go for it but I feel like inventory management for is enough okay and then we reach wound treatment surgery in first aid all three of these are regarding your health and your Army's health and I'm gonna talk about all three of them based on their importance the most important and essential stat skill among the three is surgery because surgery is the skill that dictates if your soldiers die or live keep that in mind okay and debatably surgery is the most important skill that you can have on your main character because if you have the sense of max you can have a quote on quote immoral army let me explain let me explain so the base side of a soldier the base survivability of a soldier is 25 percent with 25 with what do I mean by this if a soldier gets killed down gets slashed down by a sword gets shot by an arrow and falls in combat there's a 25% chance that he'll be only knocked unconscious instead of getting killed 70% 75% chance that he will die each point in surgery increases that 25% by 4% so with one point in surgery from 25 it's gonna be 29 with two points is gonna be 33 and so on and so forth and if you have 10 surgery on one of your companions and that's gonna provide an extra 40 percent so from 25 plus 40 percent that's gonna be 65 percent chance of your soldiers not dying getting uh knocked unconscious instead of getting killed so that's good but we can bring this further remember what I said if you spent any intellect skill on your main character he's gonna be able to provide you with a passive extra bonus so if we spec as we're doing right now surgery on your on my main character that's gonna bring bump it up to 14 14 is the maximum amount of skill of intellect skills you can amass on your on your game on your party but just by speaking in on your main character so at 14 surgery that would be 40 plus 4 times 4 that's 16 40 plus 16 that's 56 percent plus the 25 81 percent chance of your soldiers not dying there's a 19 percent chance that they're gonna die but that is as close you can get to mortality as you can in this game and it's pretty gosh-darn insane pretty gosh-darn insane okay now the next stat that is quite fairly important is first aid the second the second skilled my importance when it comes to health is first aid and why is this Heroes regained 5 percent skill levels of hit points lost during missions I will mention it right now first a new nori wound treatment are not worth specking on your main character these will be more than enough for your companions if you have first aid the the first day will affect your own character and your companions just your companions heroes regained five-person skills levels if you have ten first aid that's a 50% hero's regain 50% of their hit points lost during mission so if you start the battle with 50 life and if I fall a battle in the next round I'm gonna have 25 and that's gonna apply for all of your boys it's gonna keep your boys alive as much as possible that's the idea and then for rune treatment once you got out of a combat your party healing spiel the healing healing speed will be determined by your wound treatment again this is something that I don't recommend on specking on your mean character your companion medic will be more than enough to carry you and heal your army as much as needed so you'll be perfectly perfectly fine okay further down and we go to engineering now engineering is useless in the early game it's completely completely useless you don't need engineering in the early game you don't need it on your main character either your companions can provide the status for you and it's only important in the late game when you are building in feats but most importantly when you are seizing enemy fiefs yes engineering determines the speed and the time that it will take to build certain structures and improvements in your villages in your towns in your castles and will determine that the speed that you construct siege equipment and that's ladders and siege towers in the late game in sieges engineering is pretty important especially against those pesky annoying siege Tower sieges that take forever to build and I'll take two days so again add engineering to one of your companions and hey if you feel like you don't have enough patience maybe even spec it on your own character it's it's a plan is a good idea and then we reach our persuasion this skill helps you make other people accept your points of view and also lowers the minimum level of relationship needed to get NPC's to do what you want now it's a good idea to start persuasion from level one with some persuasion from level one because this way you can convince guild masters in towns to build enterprises with a minimum requirement of relations sometimes you won't even need relations with a certain city and they're gonna accept accept you to build a enterprise in Sin City our persuasion will also help you in the late game when you're trying to convince Lords to join your side keep that in mind aha so again this is useful in the early game by let's say two points three points that's good and in the late game you increase this as much as you can ah with your current charisma you're gonna bring you are gonna be able to bring this up to six and by reading a book you're gonna very you'll be able to bring this up to seven so you'll be you just you just fine and then we reach prisoner management every every level of the skill increases maximum number of prisoners by five so currently I can have thirty five prisoners with the said number there's another hidden passive to this skill it also increases the chance of you capturing enemy Lords oh yeah you heard that right it increases the chance of you capturing enemy Lords in battle after the end of the battle calculation is made and based on your prisoner management and it gives them a chance to escape or to get captured I think of it as it gives you and gives you a bonus in 10% increments based on points so each time you put a point there's a 10% better chance of you capturing a lord usually having this on five to six is more than enough because that significantly increases your chances of capturing enemy Lords if you have it on if you want to go max with this if you want to go simply balls to the wall ten prisoner management there's if I recall correctly just a 10 either a 10 or a 5% chance of an enemy lord escaping you so yeah you can go overboard with this if you desire but I feel like if five six seven tops is more than enough more than enough okay leadership every point increases maximum number of troops you can command by five and increases your party morale and reduces to four ages by five percent now the increase of maximum troops is really not that important it's very useful in the early game but is because it gives you quite a small squad of soldiers by specking into leadership but we're interested but what we are interested is party morale and troop wages oh sure sure thorn that is correct that is correct you can't capture a lord who already is under twelve and twenty percent health although I feel like that's not completely correct because I've managed to capture Lords in pinned or who were under the health threshold but it's it's something that it's incredibly hard to experiment so I'm not gonna judge it so sure now with leadership going back to the party morale and reduced troop wages in the late game of mountain blade you will most likely be fielding an army of multicultural varieties you're gonna be having just as an example nord infantry swaggy and mounted units and row doc and vein cheer Rangers you know and that party morale will really really help with keeping all of the boys together because in case you haven't known when you are fighting against the Nords if you utilize nord soldiers while you're at war with the Nords you're gonna be receiving a morale penalty those soldiers will receive a morale penalty and you're gonna be risking to lose those soldiers they will literally desert from your army leaders having a decent amount of leadership will counteract some of those penalties and will really help you out and the troop wages are very important again in the late game when you're gonna be feeling these huge armies and they'll simply reduce the costs of those high tier soldiers and their numbers so keep that in mind leadership is very very important in the late game and with the build that I've recommended if you bring it up to a charisma 18 you're gonna have six plus one from the book so that's seven leadership if you bring it to 21 you're gonna have seven plus one from the book that's eight leadership again if you want to go over the threshold go up to charisma thirty if that's what tickles your fancy and bring that leadership up to ten remember though you do not provide a passive plus four to leadership that passive plus four based on your threshold increases only your intellect stats so no you cannot have a maximum amount of leadership 14 just the maximum amount of leadership ten also leadership is a stat that only you can provide with your character that also applies to your persuasion and your yeah then also applies your persuasion and your prisoner management keeping that in mind keep that in mind okay last one is trade every level of the skill reduces your trades penalty by five percent this is useful for well trading selling stuff and buying stuff but sadly I don't feel like there are viable trade routes in native that are really really worth taking and thus worth investing on your main character and if you really want to have trade you can spec one of your companions to be a trader for you because this is a party skill so yeah pretty useless on your main character either either way and that ia's yet for the skills just stay you know summary of what we discussed leadership is important prisoner management is important surgery's important path finding is important trainer is important on everyone and this is just for your main your main character then you choose wouldn't what way you wish to spec your combat stats on your character and go from there all right let's see no I think that's that's it that I what I wanted to discuss about your main character and how to him up okay let's say next subject net or next order of business will be companions and stable parties okay so companions and sable parties um you're gonna have to pretty much write down exactly what's the initial party that you're gonna go for and what's gonna be the next party that you're gonna go for but the idea is you're gonna be gathering the noble the noble companions first so you can train them as fast as possible into making them into viable vassals for your kingdom later on in the light game but it's not you know it's not necessary for you to make them into vassals only if you need to only if you need to again like in the other guides I will recommend first and foremost to get everyone gather all companions it doesn't matter where they're from who they're from and if they hate or like tea coffee and biscuits get in all of the companions and send them to gather right to rule sending them to gather all right to rule will bring will make them bring you back three points of right to rule and we're gonna talk about right to rule once we reach to the kingdom management phase of the guide but that's gonna be important from for them for then once you've sent all of them together right your rule you just keep the ones that will go into your initial party so let me explain the initial stable party that I think is well the most important for you so Alan fir entus and Method are your noble good guys that you're gonna be leveling up into vassals but Hester and Ralph are also noble but their cunning their personality is cunning because of this they're a little bit more hard to manage but if you give them a few fiefs they're gonna be a little bit easier to manage they're gonna be acting like normal like normal vassals I would recommend be sure and Rolf will be made into vassals only strictly in case of emergencies okay after this you have lesleyd our team owner cliffie and de shobbie lesleyd our monarch Letty and HIV will be your intellect companions they're not meant to fight the enemy they're meant to train your boys and provide party skills up and actually if I look at my party right now I think I have exactly the people that I've just read so Alan fir entus and Michelle yeah but Hester and Ralph and then I have our vanilla fearlessly and ashabi oh yeah okay that's that's perfect that's perfect I simply didn't need to make meth Alpharetta salad Mahesh sure and Ralph's into vassals because I already have enough vassals then joined me on their own from other factions so keep that in mind you don't necessarily have to make your companions into vessels only if you need to or if you want to okay that's actually gonna make things easier now this is the initial party what happens if you make the half of the vast half of the Companions inch of now if you make Allan parentis and meth elde into vassals you're gonna be able to get an is up and these are and these are instead of them um when I was not really sure how to pronounce his name nazar and he's our he's spelled in a sorceress or so ni is e AR so Nancy India zebra Apple Robert okay now if you make Mahesh sure and Rolfe into vassals or if you tell them to piss off you can get Mar need Katrin and bundok in your party and it's gonna stabilize lesson is Armand or classy and the shabbiha will always remain with you they will always be part of your party and that is gonna be it that is gonna be it for stable parties next up we will discuss on oh my good god where'd that I leave that list are you kidding me next up we're gonna be discussing about up there it is there it is companions and how to level them up son of a companions and how to love Allah Allah so you're gonna be having two types yeah just two types of company no three types of companions yes they're gonna be the warrior companions the vassal companions and the intellect companions let's discuss about the intellect companions first and the first boy that we're gonna be talking to right off the bat will be Liz let's let's let's is arguably well not Elizabeth himself but this insolate companion is arguably the most important in selenium that you need to have Thank You sunshine and wish you a wonderful day my man okay this is my medic he is my medic extraordinaire so what do I mean by intellect companions into a companions are the Companions that you specialize in to providing a certain party stat for your party I give them a minimum of nine strength just to have them just to have them survivability and giving them nine strength will give them access to a decent crossbow to decent armor and to some decent equipment in general and once they have nine strength I just dump everything into intellect and in this case what lesleyd I increase his surgery his wound treatment his first aid and his trainer as a priority priority wise you want to go with surgery and trainer first and then with first aid in one treatment second that's the idea keep the as a Archer in the back line give them a sword and a shield and a crossbow and they you know quiver of bolts and keep them in the back line as safe as possible shooting and this is my medic template aka next up let's talk with our demeanor now our demeanor is my engineer the he is the best suspect into engineering because he already starts with some decent amount of engineer later on again give him a minimum of nine strength some of them start with nine string some of them doubts ABBA just us but just bring them up to nine again because that's gonna give them access some decent armor decent equipment to defend themselves and increase their survivability and then just dump everything into intellect and in the case of our manner we suspect him into engineering tactics and a trainer the reason being we need somebody to build siege equipment in the late game we need somebody to provide us with valid Manesh in the late game and we need training around as many of em as many of the people as we can so RT boy is is filling that role keep that in mind alright next up let's talk with cliffie now cliff he's a little bit different she is technically not an intellect character but I put her in the same category because she's providing with me with a party skill again nine strengths they give her a decent survivability and equipment and then I've dumped everything into agility this time around and I've increased her looting up to nine yes up to nine odd this template is also very useful in forests or in mods that have foraging because with this setup you can also increase foraging up to the maximum amount because forging scales with agility a Kerrville welcome back to the end of my man and thank you for subscribing for two months in a row my man really appreciate it so this is classy she is my looter girl in this case and the next insular character that I currently have is the Chhavi now the shabby over here is well the shabi started off with chin strength when we got her and then I simply added all of the points into intellect and we focused on bat finding spotting tracking and trainer with priority being path finding and trainer and then second priority spotting and tracking know okay keep that in mind also you can you can spec somebody into becoming an emissary for you I would recommend our demeanor and bring his persuasion up as much as possible I didn't think when I when I leveled up the dudes I only think that I would might need an emissary as well just increase the persuasion up on one of your head select conveniens usually the engineer is the one that you're gonna be sending out as an emissary because they're not gonna spend that much time as an emissary out there so keep that in mind oh let's go let's get and that's it for intellect companions now let's talk about the second second type of companions the vassals now a vassal needs three tip was three things to make him in a incredibly efficient vessel he needs strength leadership and pathfinding that is all nothing else effects a vessel strength is needed because the auto cal because that's how vassals fight their battles using auto cal yes yes lorna Poli and I'm making a guide for a mountain blade native the auto cal takes in consideration strength as one of the formulas when calculating the inner results so all of your boys will need a minimum of fifteen strength all of your boys I'm referring to is certainly the Companions that you're gonna be making into vassals fifteen strength then bring their charisma up to eighteen and bring their leadership up to six that's a good net again another minimum amount afterwards just put some points into pathfinding to increase their speed but pathfinding is on the last threshold last priority and unless threshold that's priority so again strength because it takes a calculation during in the auto California la leadership and charisma because it's gonna increase the army capacity in the army size of said vassal besides the fief sense cities and castles and villages and pathfinding strictly because they're going to be moving faster on the world map they're gonna be able to get away from enemies faster or they're gonna be able to catch enemies faster keep that in mind but then you're gonna ask yourself or you ask me but revolt why not suspect them into trainer and prisoner management that sounds useful for a vassal well the thing is they have an infinite amount of prisoners that they can take they don't take into consideration their prisoner management amount and I've experimented there is no difference between the qualities of troops between a vassal with zero trainer and a vassal with six trainers so whomp-whomp it doesn't work the reason why MathML has trainer is because as I've stated before it's a good idea to have trainer on as many companions as possible because trainer is the only skill that stacks and that's it and then that's it that's all you'll need so focus on strength first charisma and leadership second and then pathfinding last the reason why you focus on strength first is because you will need a minimum amount of strength on your companion just for him to level up and be efficient in battle remember your companions will level up in battle as long as they fight well and as and and as long as they remain on their feet in battle not just from the trainer skill that you're gonna be receiving at the end of the game you know the trainer shared scale you know about the prisoner management thing never main companions vessel but that's interesting oh thanks Napoleon and I've done the same with the rest with her entus we're going towards that direction with Allen would be sure and with Ralph as well um I felt I think she's the closest one actually no she's already a viable of viable vassal I could create her I can meet her and promote her into a vassal right away but I don't need a vassal right now sir so she can keep on remaining in my army also another thing that you need to take into consideration your vassals in native will always equip a horse a sword and a shield and a lance they will always equip this once they become vassals if they don't have this equipment the game will give this equipment to them now it's a good idea to give them as high tier of armor a horse the best weapon the best you'll M&MS polearm because they're gonna be keeping those when they become vassals it's not really it's not gonna be taken into consideration when they when they're in an auto cal battle but when they're gonna be helping you out in a battle as allies it's gonna increase your survivability integers gonna become better fighters so why not why not but this is kind of a low on the priority list under the reason why you why you should give them this set up is just to make them a decent soldiers in your own army until they become vassals so yeah keep that in mind yes vassal companions can betray you if they go into the negative relations exactly like any other vassal Lord Napoleon okay um but I sure all have the same set up but I'm gonna use Mahesh term as a model to talk a little bit about a warrior Manion now warrior companions I would say nazar marnet Catrin and bundok will be filling this role if you make the initial part the half of the initial party into vassals what is a warrior companion you spec this companion into becoming the most badass strongest mother bucker that ever walked the field of battle and usually there are two main ways of doing this hmm I know it doesn't show shadow but you'll be able to find it well by excessive experimenting people find out found out that Allen French's and methyls are marshal - benevolent and upstanding Lords while mahesha and rofl are cunning the rest of them are either not worth making into vassals or well they're commoners or they simply have a shitty personality for example lesleyd is a noble but he has a either debauched or quarrelsome ocean air personality so just keep in mind that the dudes that I've mentioned Shanno that's it okay so for warrior companions you can make you can build them in two ways you can either make them into archers and just increase that archer up as much as possible because they scale very very well in the late game or you can make them into mounted Lancers mounted Lancers are pretty strong I practically build them in a Swati and Knight kinda way ah give them a horse give them alliance give them the heaviest armor and the heaviest sword and board that you can find and they're gonna be just fine I much more prefer the Archer build the foot Archer build but again as I stated go for whichever you want sadly sadly horse Archer is not viable because the horse archery is well terrible in native so it's completely a waste and simply making them into a tank into a warrior not really that good of an idea why not give him a bow and arrow as well just to make them shoot more or at least give them a crossbow to make them shoot more shock troops as in two handers with no shield are usually not viable because they're gonna be shot down by enemy archers pretty quickly and they can be run down to buy a charging cavalry pretty quickly as well hill-hill Perry the first Lance but the second lens will get him or the next swing will get him so kind of a bad idea I think so yeah yeah they're your companions we'll get troops based on their it Missa tee I guess or their origin that is correct but they're not gonna be getting troops more Opie than the rest of them they're not gonna be getting special troops the boat in all right and that is gonna be yet that's gonna be it for our how to level up companions okay next up we're gonna be discussing about true trees and the best troops of the game now the problem is there are no troop trees that you can see within the game itself so we're gonna have to you're gonna have to pay attention and I'm gonna have to explain exactly what are the strengths that we can you swing some weaknesses of each action ok let's start off with let's get the courage us out of the way because suddenly there are the weakest faction in native simply because of mounted archery I so yeah yeah these boys come up with these voice specialize into mounted units they can have mounted veteran archers and mounted Lancers sadly they're subpar they're gonna get themselves killed and they're very very hard to train up to they're very hard to train up to once they reached encourage you to horsemen it takes a long time for them to reach the upper tier and usually being accurate horsemen will get them killed in most battles the Christian Horseman has a chance of spawning with both a melee weapon and a ranged weapon and both of them will get them killed because of the weak horse and the low armor now I think I might have some yeah I think I I have some courage of ever and horse archers over here these are their stats this is their best unit but because of the horse Archer a I they get killed incredibly incredibly and incredibly easy if you do one so I've asked the Kurtz until now what are the good things about the Kurtz the good thing is about the currents is that you can gather a large army of courage it's very very fast for my personal experience for some odd reason the villages give a lot of courage of recruits so you can amass a big pile of thumb incredibly incredibly quickly and also they're decent in a siege defense they're decent in a siege defense because Welker is veteran horse archers and other archers will simply be on foot in a siege defense thus they will not receive a penalty from riding their horses and their horses will not bring them to their doom so in case you have a big pile of quor'toth units might be a good idea to something garrison Llorona feasts with them but if you're forced to utilize current units in combat i do recommend that you grab the current veteran horse archer and then tell them to dismount their horses and use them as foot archers from then on just bring the horses in the front of your soldiers dismount them and then tell them to go near your archer line and use them as normal archers the idea is you have some extra archers to kill the enemy and the horses will act as a shield to stop at the enemy charge because the AI is a little bit on the dum-dum side and the soldiers will charge in to the horses and get stopped and most likely get shot down by your archers because they they're sitting ducks right there so that's the only way I would recommend to utilize the Kerch it's okay next up let's talk about the serenades so the server's are the yellow fashion in the desert to the south they have sure Easter Cuba a Marat and Mary now the serenade fashion the only way I can describe them is their jack of all trades master of none jack of all trades master of none they have the strong ii strong mounted unit in the game they have the serenade Mameluke the second strongest mountain unit in the game and they also have very strong foot archers the master archers their drawback is their weak infantry on their certain Edgard can has a chance to not come equipped with a shield which is pretty much as downfall they can be relied upon to tank to relieve pressure from your archers or from your cavalry without getting themselves killed so that's the drawback but they're certain Mamluks are the second strongest mounted unit in the game and besides that they also come equipped or they can come equipped with a two-handed mace so the certainty member looks are very very useful if you want to kill and bring prisoners to your army if you want to bring preserves your army I think let's see if I have any certain it's stuff we've just fought against the cernan's so I don't think I'm utilizing any right now yeah yeah we've we fought against a certain ease recently we were the last ones to get conquered by me so I currently don't have any sirness to show you but that's the idea that's the idea the serenade memo Luke's are the second strongest and very useful if you want to go for a slaver army now regarding the master archers the certain master archers they are the second strongest Archer in the game the second strongest Archer in the game next to the major marksmen and in a 1v1 battle a group of serenade master archers will defeat a group of eight year archers simply because the master archers have better armor they simply come back with a better armor the certain master archers are the most heavily armored archers in the game oh yeah yeah they do look they do look cool well that hello Flavian welcome back to the end my man yeah it's more band and we're doing a guide for war band so but the Vasia marksmen do more damage do more damage the only reason why a master Archer would win in a one of you won against VG archers is simply because the Vayner arch the certain archers can take an extra arrow to the face while the marks of one of Ages don't but let's continue talking about the CERN is a bit which once arias of Aegeus shoot faster than the then the serenades wagers shoot faster than the serenades trust me but as I said second-best pretty decent and yeah it's a proficiency to serious mister proficiency and a good well-rounded faction a good well-rounded function if you so desire if you so desire to choose and since we're talking about archers let's talk about the veins years they have riveting kouhaku Dan and/or eviden this territory and this is exactly where we started our own faction from we've took River check and went up from there the phase years have I would say the third strongest mounted cavalry in the game after the serenades the third strongest the major night they come equipped they have a chance to come up with with two hand and axes which is necessarily that good I'm sort of talking about the Knights but they do their their PS lunacy stalls their their most strongest units in the major armaments and their major arsenal is their Vasia marksmen and I actually have a few leisure marksmen now these boys do not have the best armor do not have the best armor by a longshot they have leather armor there's not that good but they do come equipped with a strong bow strong arrows decent archery proficiency and power draw five among all of the archers in the game they are hands-down the strongest archers and I do recommend to use and these over the siRNA duh the certain master archers because if you're a smart man you will always have a contingency of infantry to relieve pressure and protect them from enemy Archer fire um so let me put it put in a perspective let me put you into a decent perspective sure Napoleon we'll talk about strategy in a second a decent perspective is mass a serenade master archers versus major March marksmen will win but certain master archers with serenade guard as infantry protecting them versus major marksmen and major infantry protecting them will lose so keep that in mind they simply have the higher DPS and as long as you have infantry protecting them they are a force to be reckoned with so yeah that's all I have to say about the rage years not much but good good stuff okay now let's talk about the Nords Nords usually have were chicks are goth and tear I don't think they have problem but yeah around this area the Nords are your typical infantry infantry squad they bash heads with their giant husks carl's and badass veteran and stuff like that and I utilize infantryman I practically utilize all of the strengths of all of the factions in my own army I'll talk space hollander about say comparison between VG r bows and road ox sharpshooters okay I'll talking about discuss them on that space Hollander you forget that bows scale up with power draw better than crossbows but again we're gonna get to that in a second once we talked about with about the road ox okay a little bit of patience my man a little bit of patience all I'm asking alright so the Nords ignore so the north's don't have any mounted units and their archers are and I don't recommend it there are are incredibly decent in melee so if you're gonna have archers use them as infantry but we need to discuss about the nerd huskar now the Nord huskar is hands-down the strongest infantry of the game the Nord huskarla is heavily armored giant axes giant shields and axe throwing weapons or darts keep that in mind we'll talk about that space the problem with normal scales there is a small problem it's a little bit hard to level up to North us girls these boys are pretty high level so it's a little bit difficult in the early to mid game to level them up properly but even there even they're veterans and even their warriors are pretty gosh darn good so keep that in mind and that's sadly only all I can talk about the North is viable if you want to go for a pure Nord playthrough it's viable to have 80% infantry and 20% archers mixed with your infantry and it's pretty gosh-darn insane pretty gosh-darn insane okay I'm gonna talk about the Swabians last because they're they're a whole big pile of myths that we need to discuss about them so let's discuss about the road ox now the road ox have the second best infantry in the game odd the road doc sergeant and the road ox Arjun has this giant shield he's pretty tanky and he also comes to quote with polearms so he technically has a bonus damage against cavalry enemies keep that in mind Road ox are good but that's not their main piece PSO resistance they're mean their main strongest unit is the road crossbowmen like space holder Hollander is yelling in the chat as you can see so let's talk a little bit about the crossbowmen the crossbowmen are incredibly and I think I have a few yeah rode up sharpshooters have a few of these boys now there are like sharpshooters as you can see don't have power draw because they have they have crossbows crossbows don't require any skills they just required the minimum amount of strength to wield them they come equipped with siege crossbows that pack quite a punch the drawback the drawback on crossbows is their long reload time and they can easily get overwhelmed on the field of battle so let me explain this and now we're gonna go for a comparison between bows and crossbows and in which situations is best to use them which is ideal for your army bows or crossbows the answer is both the answer is both now let me explain the good things about crossbows and the good things about bows and the bad things about you you get the idea let's start with crossbows since we're looking at the guy already now the strength of the crossbows is they have very good early game armour penetration they practically can take down the most heavily armored of soldiers they have a slower fire rate and a well long reload time but that makes them capable of fighting and shooting against multiple waves of reinforcements all the fields of battle and multiple waves of reinforcements during a siege that is very good the drawback is theirs as I mentioned a little bit before there's slow reload rate they will be pushed upon and if they get the enemy will reach the crossbow line faster because they don't have that much stopping power they not have as much stopping power as a Archer line for that matter but that's not really an issue because you're gonna be having infantry protecting both now the crossbows are ideally used in a siege attack ninis each attack they're going to be able to take out the people the enemies on the walls on the ramparts and they're going to be able to reload and shoot and fight prolonged in prolonged skirmishes against multiple reinforcement waves and another another small hidden bonus and that the sharpshooter's have is the fact that they when they reload crouch and bend down that is passively a way to defend themselves against enemy Archer fire because usually archers were gonna be aiming towards the chest area that's how the AI is programmed when they bend to reload the crossbow most of the arrows or bolts will miss the role of sharpshooter and that's why Roda sharpshooters are debatably the best ranged unit in the game now let's talk a little bit about archers and as Lord Napoleon's sainted archers are very good in a siege defense but let me explain why archers have a faster fire rate have a faster fire rate and will so thus because they have a faster firing they have higher DPS they're very good in burst damage they're very good in short engages and short skirmishes if you're fighting against an army that has one maybe two reinforcement waves you don't eat sharpshooters because the archers will have enough ammo to defeat but the entirety of the army and they're gonna be doing it very very fast and also both scale very well in the late game they literally out scaled syros bows but sadly the Vasia marksmen do are not at the point which is five power draw they're not at the point way they out scale a siege crossbow that's the hard truth of the matter but because of their higher DPS because of their faster firing rate they're ideal in as I said short skirmishes and short battles or in siege defenses because the drawback of the archer is if you have a faster firing rate you're going to be running out of ammo faster but that is not an issue in a short battle or in a siege defense because in a siege defense all archers restock their Quivers every I'm not exactly sure how the mechanic works every you one minutes every two minutes around that ballpark or every five minutes I'm not I'm not a hundred percent sure but I know that they reload and thus stay keep on firing also interestingly enough if you put a group of roducts sharpshooters against a group of beefier marksmen and let them fire away the battle is very close but the road our sharpshooters end up winning because of their crouch mechanic because strictly of their crouch mechanic keep that in mind so it's kind of a unintentional buff because of an essential passive so yeah yeah now those are the situations up just to summarize I wrote our sharpshooters very good when attacking in seizures and good to have a few sharpshooters among your archers and archers very good in burst combat and in short services and in siege defense that's that's uh the conclusions that we reach take it or leave it yep pretty much Flavian pretty much and as I said as I said remember when I said when I started in this comparison the best thing to do is to have a mixed bag have both sharpshooters and both archers of the sharpshooters will deal with those pesky heavily armored units and the archers will deal with the chaff will deal with the rest of the not so heavily armored units and the sudras is very very well together so crap both they're gonna be both useful both in anesthesia tag and in Esseesse defense okay okay good now space hollander nor Napoleon and everybody please kiss and make up and make peace and just use both and also get a room exactly no Napoleon and exactly alright now the last last piece of fashion that we need to talk about are the Swati ins now these bad boys have well they're yes yes Nana there's there's no point there's no point in beating around the bush the Swati ins have the best mounted units the Swati and nights and the Swati and nights are a little bit in balance okay a little more in balance and I think I have a few sawatya nights here and they can steamroll against anything the only thing that can swap they can stop a sawatya night charge is utilizing a wall of horses or baiting them during a hill combat or a mountainous con that because that's gonna decrease their speed and their efficiency substantially Swati and nights are even more dangerous than the Swati and infantry when they're on a foot so keep that in mind Swati nights are heavily armored they come equipped with debatably the strongest what they can spawn with the baby of the swung and strongest weapon of the game the Swati and Morning Star they come acquittal of lances and their horses are heavily heavily armored exactly I think there were around the ballpark of the serenade Mameluke mounts but the Swati and charger I think has a little bit more charge and I think I currently have oh yeah they come up with with heavy chargers and these bad boys have 36 charged yeah pretty much Lorna Polian so these boys are hands-down the strongest our people tend to simply roll around with swathi a night only armies and they can defeat anything on the field of battle they can defeat most things in a siege but you will be taking a lot of casualties if you're gonna be sending a army of swati and knights and a siege NS each charge simply because the only drawback when they're on a foot their weapons swing is very very slow and if their fighting has anything that has a faster attack speed they're gonna be staggered to death they're literally gonna be staggered to death so keep that in mind when utilizing swati a Knights are amazing on the field not as good in the siege and also under certain parameters you can easily counter swati and Knights by simply bring baiting them into a siege defense where you defend a castle and they're attacking or simply baiting them on a hilly map their horses are so heavily armored because and because and because of that making the horse horses go up on a hill will literally bring them to a halt and they're gonna be sitting ducks for your sharpshooters and crossbow men and even your infantry once they get in close the most deadly aspect about a Swabian charge is also their couched Lance's that's all that also brings up their dangerousness to imbalanced levels also besides the swati and night and there's another decent a decent soldiers that you can utilize is the swatting shirt shooter oh yeah the SWAT Ian's coming off with crossbows in native and they're pretty decent at it their previous and they're not as strong as the roadog sharpshooter remind you ah but they do decently well in a siege attack or nests use defense keep that in mind what I do have to mention is that Swann Ian's are stronger than well sharpshooters by a long shot so usually the swati and sharp shooter gets overshadowed it gets overshadowed by their big heavily armored brother the Swati at night ah there's nothing really that I can say about their Swati and sergeant I think I actually have a swatting surgeon because I leveled him up by mistake yeah these two guys they're practically a weaker version of Swati and nights on the foot but the good thing about them is that they don't come equipped with Swati and morning stars so their swing speed is a little bit faster buzz but because of the worse shield they're not really that useful as tanks and they don't stand a chance against Nord husk guards so in those scenarios just utilized Swati lines yeah okay and that is it's going through the major factions now I'm usually when I end discussing about best troops and troops troop trees on each fraction I do like to make a top top three of each type of units that you can utilize within a game so let's go for a top tree the top three best infantry on third place I will be adding both the serrated the certain Edgard Vanguard and the swanee and Sergeant on third place because they're pretty run-of-the-mill they have shields they're decent at it ah but while they're only on top three they're only on a third place on second place we have the road ox sergeant Road exertion is arguably one of the tank iasts infantry in the game I don't think that our tanker than the husks carl's but there get pretty close because of their huge Paiva shields and they also come equipped with a polearm very useful against a Swabian charge maybe especially if you're on a hill okay and then the strongest infantry unit in the game hands-down the nord huskarla they're big they're Buffy and Buffy bulky and they have and they don't they don't slave vampires are not Buffy the Vampire Slayer but they do have throwing weapons and they can throw an axe in your face and end the battle before the enemy has even reached the melee melee skirmish so yeah keep that in mind they're pretty gosh darn good all the drawback is the fact that of course space hollander of course but look because you're biased in what regard is in a row doc sergeant better than the huskarla space Hollander so the only drawback about the normal scroll is the fact that they it takes a little bit of time to train them up too huh scroll status but they're warriors and veterans are pretty gosh darn good as well and do I have maybe a row doc sergeant to compare I don't think so I don't think so whatever from a training perspective yes the rotox our engines are faster to level up but a row doc sergeant is equal in strength to a nord veteran so it's the same stick space Hollander it's literally the same stick okay next up for archers archers not crossbowmen archers strictly on third place we're going to be putting the Kurds there disappointing they're disappointing on second place we are putting in them master archers the certain master archers with a special mention then the certain in master archers are also have the best armor amongst all of the archers in the game and then the first place for archers 4-foot archers are the major marksmen simply because they're of their higher DPS they do come there a little bit squishier they're very glass cannon ish but they're gonna be firing away at the end I mean incredibly fast and you're gonna be getting kills okay I don't remember either Napoleon so both the stars confirm that no your hands okay then and let's go to crossbowmen so on third place we have the Swati and crossbowmen yeah it's that's the thing they're decent that you know they should have a crossbow so that decent third place the swathi and crossbowmen second place the mercenary sharpshooter or the mercenary crossbowmen mercenaries come equipped with crossbows as well well not that a swordsman or the horsemen sadly I don't have any mercenary crossbowmen they're decent they have weaker armor than the roadog sharpshooter and they're a little bit more expensive but if you don't have access to road our sharpshooters are a very good replacement are so the mercenary swordsman is a good infantry replacement but again they're a little bit on the expensive side I would put them on second place next to Road ox sergeant's the reason they weren't and that they weren't in the top is simply because they're expensive that mercenary cavalry is bad to stay away from them okay and then on first place we have the road ox sharpshooters best crossbowmen is a game on space Hollander will most likely say that they are the best crossbowmen in the universe and I'm kidding you know I'm kidding a space Islander come on I'm trying to be as objective as possible about everything and that's that's now for mounted units on 3rd place 2nd place in 1st place is the Swabian night I'm sorry I'm sorry that's that's the thingamajig that's the thingamajig they are the strongest but if we are gonna be you know completely objective about this on 3rd place we're gonna say the Vasia night is on 3rd place the major night probably tied with the mercenary cavalry on second place we have the serenaded Mameluke second-best cavalry in the game the advantage of them is besides they're heavily armored they also have a chance of coming up with a two-handed base and those two Hanan makes the skin bring you a lot of those beautiful beautiful prisoners oh yeah then I get and then on first place swati and knights yup sadly broken ah but I will make a special mention here a special mention that I don't think a lot of people expect there is a unit in the game the I don't think I have any alive with me right now the Manhunter the bounty hunter ah I'm not I didn't remember the mak'st here of the bounty hunter class but the bounty hunters know now the sward ladies male male slave Chiefs yes slavery Chiefs yeah thank your lord opponent so the slaver Chiefs I do have to mention them during tests that have been run on the Internet $149 use they lost yes and you can search it on youtube it's a thing the only problem with the slaver Chiefs is the fact that you cannot amass a large army of slaver sheeps incredibly incredibly quickly act like you would do with a Swati and Knight contingency yeah they pitted a hundred twenty Knights against a hundred slavers you so it was close but the slaver Chiefs won it's incredible I know the reason why the sliver Chiefs won is simply because of their faster attack speed and utilizing blunt weapons and blunt weapons are just very very good against heavily armored soldiers like the Swati and Knights and I'm gonna be explaining why blunt weapons are stronger when we discuss about damage types and best weapons in the game so yeah that is a thing that's and the reason I'm saying it that it that as a special mention is simply because it's incredibly incredibly difficult to gather a large army of slaver jeeps and keeping them alive to make eveni fearsome and wrecking a reckoning force okay that's why they're just in the bonus mention and they're very very good if you could get your hands on them in the late game yes Flavian I give you guys verified information and if it's not verified information I mentioned this has not been verified this has been just a rumor so yeah hello welfare I streamed yesterday as well well for the only I just haven't been streaming on Monday that's all i've streamed yesterday as well ice cream kenji whatever let's get back to it hello deadly patrick making a guide and that's it that's it I'm not even gonna go for a best mounted archers because all mounted archers are Buddha in native and warband the old no no no no the number one strongest mounted archer in mountain blade warband is your main character because you could have a brain and you know how to utilize a mounted archer I am sorry Flavian but the current veteran archer is much more useful on foot than on a horse they get themselves killed on their own but yes arguably and a lot of people have agreed that building a mounted Archer character for yourself is the easiest way to get through the game so yeah yeah that's that's you yourself are in the top one when it comes to mounted archers keep that in mind okay next up we're gonna be discussing a little bit of amount more a land party size so let's go with party size first your party size scales up with your leadership your charisma and your renown sadly in native you do not receive sorry low thick sorry uh actually no yes I think a lot of people have soloed other armies no problem probably not a hundred other or horse archers but most horse archers in native will simply charge you will simply charge you oh I wonder who won that light Patrick whatever so um why do I mention party size at all it's simply because you will not receive an extra hundred or an extra fifty or an extra soldiers if you have a certain amount of fiefs while being a vassal or if you have a kingdom you're not gonna receive any extra soldiers your army size will simply scale with your leadership stat your charisma stat and your renown the most reliable way to increase your army is with your leadership and your renown main way with your renown currently i have 54 soldiers with 1352 renown and if you keep on spamming battles that are not necessarily in your favor that renown will go sky-high okay and then for party morale now this is something that is important because you're gonna be losing troops if you don't take this into consideration you will have the things that increase your party morale are your base morale which is always at 50 leadership food variety and recent events and by recent events in the fact that you won battles that's the idea are the things that will decrease your party morale is your party size and the type of troops that you utilize for example I currently receive a morale penalty from courage at Conant and Serena soldier troops because we were at war with them and we've killed a lot of courage and certain it soldiers keep that in mind to counter to counteract the morale penalties that you're going to be receiving you will simply have to keep your boys adrenaline rushed your boys our adrenaline junkies they junkies they love fighting they love winning grabbing as much type as many types of food in your venturi as possible and focusing a little bit in your leadership department is usually a good idea that's how you keep a army happy well yes yes Flavia there is a gap for food variety once you have all types of food in the game that is your cap now that's it that's it Flavia and if you have all types of food in your inventory that's the cap and to check the cap each type of food will mention how much party morality provides so read provides plus age currently only have bread in my inventory but you know and that's how it works okay um that's it that's all I need to mention on morale and party size ok let's talk about damage type and best weapons in the game hmm now what food doesn't rot really kinda no-brainer which food doesn't rot bread fish fruit grain cabbages do not rot Oh dried meats doesn't rot anything that is fresh any meat that is fresh will rot away Oh sausage is also done rot if you use your brain you're gonna you're gonna realize what food doesn't rot that's I don't think that's a problem I do recommend I do recommend it for the early game to walk around with grain sacks as your main food because you can find green sacks in most cities and sometimes grain sacks come in handy for certain village quests sometimes a village elder will ask you for oh we're hungry could you please bring us six bags of grain well say no more my good man I already have that sexy sexy grain to cover you with you know so yeah they're good they're good ok um that Lee Patrick do you have a brain do you use your brain would you say sausages go bad if so then you're not using your brain okay good then it's perfectly fine all right so let's talk about damage types there are three types of damage oh yeah it is then is Napoleon and is a super pain-in-the-ass three types of damage cutting damage piercing damage and blunt damage sadly I don't really have a person well I don't have any cutting damage on me but that's know some of my companions do I am NOT gonna talk about the most efficient way of buying food if you want to maximize the amount of morality you're gonna be receiving from food you're gonna be you're going to be forced to buy all types so I think you guys can figure that out on yourself this is a Advan state I'm not talking about basic mechanics of the game okay talk about the big boys the big things so let's talk about cutting first cutting is well okay so cutting does the most damage but that damage gets mitigated by armor the most it has the lowest armor penetration and it scales decently well with speed also cutting scales best in the late game when you have a giant giant amount of power strike scale is very very well into the late game because at that point in the late game why does it scale as I said it does the most damage but it gets the most mitigated simply by increasing the damage that you're doing with cutting damage will overcome any armor that you're hitting that's why it's very good in the late game and not so good in the early game the other types of damage are and in this case I can show it on my own character piercing weapons the second the second one is piercing weapon and the piercing weapon or piercing damage type is very useful in early to mid and you could say even late game even no no start sorry mid to late game yeah yeah let's go mid to late game because early game I'm gonna be recommending something else mid to late game and why is that piercing damage is the medium is a balance between cutting and blunt on it does a decent amount of damage and it has a decent amount of armor penetration that and it's scales very very well with speed it's scales incredibly well with speed even better than blunt weapons so it's usually the preferred weapon of choice when dealing with armored enemies and you're gonna be dealing with a lot of armored enemies in the mid to late game especially when dealing with fresh strong armies of enemy Lords ah but then I need to discuss about the blunt weapon now the blunt weapon does the least damage out of all of the three types of damage but it has the highest armor penetration and yes you heard me you can go verify on the internet because I've experimented and I calculated and I checked blunt weapon has the highest armor penetration out of all three and I bet a half of you are gonna go but piercing damage piercing damage only gives you the illusion of doing more damage dat blunt weapons because piercing damage scales better with speed but if you take a piercing weapon and a blunt weapon and a planned attack the same target with the same armor amounts and both of them have zero speed bonus you'll see that the blunt weapon does more damage than the piercing weapon so get off my back also another good thing about the blunt weapon is that it cannot kill people it will knock them unconscious and that's gonna bring sweet sweet prisoners in sweet sweet moola and cheddar and money to your party and that's why I recommend in the early to mid-game to go for a blunt weapon usually you'll find blunt weapons in the serenade territories guys would you recommend any good blunt weapons in the game I recommend that you stay away from the two-hander blunt weapons because they're not fast at all and they're incredibly awkward and their weapon reach is kind of short not really that good to utilize and also you can simply go directly for yeah yeah the military hammer is pretty nice but sadly the blunt weapons have this curse of being usually of shorter reach of Charice you got to be in close and personal to smack somebody on the head and grab him as prisoner so that's why I would recommend early to mid-game go for blood weapons and then from mid to towards the late-game go for piercing weapons and then if you can find well if you don't go over 15 strengths I recommend you stick with a piercing weapon but if you do plan on going for let's say strength 21 and have power strikes seven I think from then on as a cutting weapon will technically out scale the person a piercing weapon and also usually cutting weapons are faster and have a longer reach than piercing weapons of course I'm literally talking about melee weapons I'm not discussing about Lance's right now because a lance is usually a piercing weapon and since its scales so insanely with speed it's an incredible incredible solo weapon to utilize in the early game yeah the mall is pretty gosh-darn I'm sorry I'm all as I only remember it's a two hander well they can do it the boolean if they specialize in two-handed proficiency as much as they want but usually it's not good okay now those are the three types of weapons let's talk about some of the best weapons in the game for crossbows the siege crossbow and if you can get yourself hands on a masterwork that's gonna be the strongest crossbow that you're gonna be able to field you just need 14 strengths but you can't use it on horseback so that mean this makes an ideal weapon for characters who are not specialized in ranged during sieges very very good and that's why I have it and that's why I'm utilizing it mm-hmm they see my man then four bows and arrows I think the V gears come with the best bows and arrows you can find I think the war bow in of their shops so if you can get your hands on a masterwork war bow you're gonna be in good hands sadly and native there is no mythical legendary weapon of mythical legend airiness that you can get and acquire and then use for the rest of the game you just try to find the best ones that you can get your hands on in the different departments in the different departments for blunt weapons going for the military of course you don't agree allopatric okay tell me the mythical weapon of mythical legend airiness that you can find in war band all right for swords usually the bastard sword I really like utilizing now George oh yeah now bows they're good bows in the desert that look matric I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to right now anyway what was I talking about oh yeah for cutting weapons usually a lot of people really like the bastard sword because you can use it both as a two-hander and a one hander but the elite scimitar is that you can find in the courage and in the serenade Sara Tori's are amazing are amazing they have a decent reach they have incredible speed and they do a lot of damage sarin is Dudley Patrick sir needs and I think I have some some companion equipped with the Scimitar this is a bastard sword since um I've mentioned it thirty-five cutting damage you can use it as a to Hannah in a one hander but keep in mind if you use a weapon as a one hander you're only going to be able to utilize a certain amount of those fats I seem to recall this you receive a thirty percent penalty yes Lord Napoleon pole arms are not viable they're not viable in native this is a thirty percent penalty or fifteen percent penalty to STATS I don't remember it actually states that on the manual but I don't have the manual on me right now okay whatever but the idea is keep in mind you are gonna be receiving diminishing returns if you utilize a two hand or one hander as a one hander but yeah that's the Master Sword I think somebody else yeah I think forensics has a master work scimitar thirty-five cutting damage speed rating 102 weapon reach 97 pretty gosh-darn good 15 percent penalty thank you no thick so yeah you do receive a 15 percent penalty on the stats if you use that as a one hander thank you for clarifying my man simply a number that I can never never remember okay and then let's get to the PSD resistance the in my opinion strongest weapon in the game especially if you don't plan on going above strength 15 the SWAT Ian Morningstar the heavy Morningstar does a whopping 40% of starting up 40% 40 piercing damage and this baby can crush through block with the upper swing with the upper swing yes that's a thing if you attack any any person from the top you will be able to crush through their block the right swing or the left swing don't crush but upper swing will always crush because it's sexy like that okay because it's next thing like that you can fight heavy morning stars in the Swati in cities at your own leisure you'll be able to find them and try to if you're lucky you're gonna be able to find a masterwork one but you can't find a heavier one and that's decent enough that's decent enough also there is no way just to clarify this there's no way for you to upgrade weapons or armor in a native there's no blacksmith that will upgrade a weapon from heavy Morningstar to tempered and from temper to master work or something like that keep that in mind that also applies to armors you will not be able to upgrade a coat of plates to something this lordly close of coat of plates I found it directly in the weapon shop the heavy Morningstar I found it directly in the weapon shop most of the stuff you will find in the weapon shop of course space hollander of course I actually recommend and this is a joke take a row doc recruit in your hands and use them use them as a two-handed maul you will be the most Opie thing on the face of the planet space Hollander can confirm happy ok on when it comes to horses the Courage's have the fastest horse the cruisers have the fastest horse so and also the Saturdays have some decently fast horses but they're not very good armor wise keep that in mind but the most heavily armored horses you're going to be able to find in the serenade and the Swabian territories for example the heavy charger which has a whopping 61 armor speed is not that good but another also charge 36 so I'm sorry that Lu Patrick I need to disagree with you and if you've opened your ears and played paid attention when I've discussed about troop trees you'll understand why but some information goes through one year and just leaves the other and happens ok so that is gonna be it for best weapons and damage types let's talk about how to make money hmm I guess that's a subject that a lot of people will be interested in how to make money right so um sadly the mainly the main way to make money is slave trade slave trade prisoners selling prisoners for a profit and winning tournaments that's how you make money and after I'm sorry Flavian no cheating and after you've made enough money you practically build enterprises all over the world and that's gonna secure your finances for the late game speaking of finances this is my weekly budget I have either died works or oil enterprises in all of the cities of the world and I think I have own oil press at velika only and the rest or die works keep that in mind it is a good idea to ask the guild master exactly how much each one will produce how much each one will make money and build the one that will bring you the most profit but usually as you can see from the list its knife works this will secure money in the late game but revolt how do I make money to build the set enterprises okay so as I said slave trade prisoner management you grab prisoners you sell them you start off by farming looters and forest bandits and then you go up to tundra or taiga bandits in the Visia territories it is a video game Flavian and then you rank up to see Raiders on the northern coast and farm those up now the reason you do this is because sea Raiders are besides the fact that are pretty gosh-darn during I think for each series er you recently receive around 120 coins 120 gold for each one they also drop decent gear that you can sell afterwards so farming them up is a good idea also farming them will passively increase your renown I don't remember exactly how much renown you need to have to participate in tournaments but once you have enough renown I think you can have you can participate in tournaments from zero renown and native I'm not a hundred percent sure I haven't played playing ageism in a while and as you can see my current playthrough is towards the end so I don't remember so none okay I'll just spam tournaments spam tournaments Windham place your bets on yourself highest highest amount and make money that way and forming sea Raiders as I said Flavian start by farming looters and forest bandits in the central area of the map upgrade to Tundra bandits and taiga bandits and then go for the sea Raiders sadly I don't recommend that you hunted the bandits in the current territories or in the siRNA territories because they're on horseback and they are gonna be out running you it's a to catch them of course if you also want to save scum you can save some of the tournament's to make sure that you win them I usually don't say scum if I simply lose the tournament well I lost move on but each one with their own ok perfect so you can do it from this track and that's how you make money in a Jif it's really not that difficult sadly there there's no trade route that I recommend that you take some people say that you can buy spices from a Marad and berry and sell them in other places of the world and you can make a profit that way but yeah it's really not that worth it it's really not that worth it and then in the roadog territories we have the mountain bandits which are practically bandits on the same level of Telex taiga bandits but they have a chance of coming equipped with crossbows so they're a little bit more difficult and you're risking your soldiers getting killed it's simply safer to go from the center so that Tiger territories and then north to the sea Raider territories and you're gonna be making a lot of cash that way that's it's not gonna be a problem if you feel like you're not making enough money that way I would also recommend that let's say you build enterprises in the Kircher territories and then you join the Vizier's or the enemy of the Courage's as a vassal and then beat the coaches into submission and simply make money out of fighting against their armies and looting in that way you can apply this to any of the major factions if you want to make some money I think the most expensive gear that you can get are from the SWAT Ian's and from the serenades I think they drop the most expensive gear if you want to make a money a quick bucket that way that is a very good way of getting some extra cash in the early game Flavian but it kinda really gives you a dent in your honor rating so if you want a speedrun the game sure go for it this is the way god that is meant to be played Flavia this is the way that it's meant to do things I don't rate anything and yes yes you can be a mercenary all right um now that's how you make money I've explained how to build enterprises oh and you literally have to find the guild master in town I'm not gonna tell you the location of the guild masters just take a walk in town and you're gonna find them now we're gonna discuss we're not done with politics Flavian we're actually going to be walking towards politics now we're going to be talking about being a vassal now being of a sold what meat what does it mean to be a vassal you join a faction as a servant of a king as a lord of a king you can either receive you can either join a faction by talking with the king of that faction himself or yes oddly Patrick isn't that what I always do in these guides have patience mate okay you can become a vessel by either talking with the king of a faction and simply ask them to join or you will receive a letter of vassalage and simply an invitation to join the said faction and that's very useful if you already have 30 right to rule if you have too much right to rule Kings will not accept your you know your requests to join their faction outright but they will still be able to send you letters of a such invitations if I was a Methodist so keep that in mind don't don't worry you can still join factions alright once you join as a vassal you will receive a village that village is yours you can do whatever the you want with it you can increase taxes you can increase your relations you can build and improve in it what I recommend is that your lower taxes yes steadily Patrick lower taxes and then simply increase your relations with said village because as you increase the relations of said village you will receive more recruits and more hire to troops when you recruit from that village it's a good idea alright if you conquer a fief as a and if you take a castle or a city you can ask the King to give it to you and once you have a city or a castle you're gonna be able to again improve in that castle or city build upon it and modify taxes and get more money that way remember once you have a castle or a fief you have or a city you have to defend this fief by garrisoning soldiers in and soldiers cost money you will need to pay weekly for the boys as you can see here in my weekly budget screen I am paying wages for a lot of castles so keep that in mind you don't need to ask fiefs from your King just for the sake of having them because at that point in the game you're gonna be having a lot of money just swim through and is not gonna be a problem so don't get greedy don't grab everything unless you want to create your own faction and we're gonna discuss about that once we get to the kingdom management stage so yeah that way as a simple vassal going back to being a vessel that way is a simple vassal you can help that faction conquer the world if you like SWAT Ian's join the SWAT Ian's and conquer the world with them space Hollander if you love row docks why don't you marry them join them as a vassal and help them conquer the world you can do this in is viable and it is up to you that is one step to conquer the world conquering the world in the name of your king okay now let's say you don't like your king space hollander you love the road ax but you hate the king you don't want him so you wish to do the claimant quest if you've noticed during certain castle visits you might have met some claimants to the throne of fact of an another faction each fraction has a Clement to the throne and you can offer your services to said claimant I actually did this quest for the claimant of the Sarah knees we helped our WA the pearled one assumed the throne of the serenades ultimate our WA the pearled one she is on the throne so that let's see how that happens okay sure let's say you hate King Carlos because he butters himself up and just goes down the corridors of his castle while sliding with all of the butter and that's how he he gets his kicks you hate the King so you go find the claimant and you offer your services to the claimant now what does this what what happens if you do this the claimant will become your companion she will assume a role in your army she will literally act as a companion you can modify her gear and she will level up normally you've promised in this claimant to conquer that faction yes keep in mind keep in mind that before you you take this quest you are promising this person that you will conquer that fashion for them so if I in this case if I want to taking Harlow's off of the throne of Swat eeeh I literally have to conquer proven and terror and castle your claimant your companion claimant in this case will not become a king or queen or a viable ally on the battlefield unless you've conquered the entirety of the faction once you've conquered the entirety of the faction the lady or the dude the claimant will leave your party and become the official ruler of the faction will become the king so now you're gonna ask yourself why did I bid this okay I am glad that King are Harless is no longer on the throne but what did I get from this hello I just fly like my mom and welcome to the end of my man thank you for following I hope you enjoy your stay right so what do you get from all this well you get to be a marshal had mentioned during the vassal sage but being a marshal means you are the Minister of War you decide on the military campaigns you decide where to attack when to attack and gathering all the level of the Lords to follow you in glorious combat as a vassal so not as a claimant not not doing the claimant quest as a vassal of a faction you can be elected to become a marshal but each time one of your colleague Lords gets defeated or each time you retreat or each time you fail a campaign or stuff like that your controversy will increase if you have too much controversy you're going to be stepped down from the position of marshal and someone else will be elected for position of marshal that's what happens if you're a simple vassal now if you if we helped the claimant of Swabia assumed the throne of swadhyaya and we kicked King Harless to the curb while he is slowly slowly sliding away with his butter you will receive the reward of becoming the permanent marshal of the noose Hualien faction and the permanent marshal you can have controversy up the ass and you will not be stepped down from the position so in case you want to conquer the world with technically your faction and you don't want to deal with politics this is one way of doing it helping a claimant out assume the throne you receive permanent marshal status and you conquer the world of that way you are the Minister of War congratulations and then we have the third way of conquering the world and the third way is telling a big f you to all of the major factions and making your own faction which will most likely contain a blackjack and ladies of the night so to do that there are two ways as the two ways it's two ways it's two ways to create your own faction you can either one be a vassal of a faction and while being a fat while being a vassal you continue to ask for fiefs from the king keep on asking for thieves when that when the King refuses to give you a fief you can declare your independence you can do a tantrum say it's not fair and you declare your independence and when you declare your independence you take all of your feasts that you previously owned with you and this way you have a big chunk already and from there you name your faction and conquer the world the second way of creating your fashion and the way that I did it is while not be affiliated with any of the factions you conquer rivet well in my case I conquered a river chick you conquer any castle or city not necessarily River chick any castle or city I would recommend rhythmic shag because it's in a corner of the map word check because again it's easily defendable you could also go for a child my castle because again it's a slight Peninsula that you can defend province or tetherin Galen is also easily defendable jacala berry it's initially on the corner of the map you can grab that these are some good areas where you can start your own faction from once you've conquered this fact this castle you practically declare yourself independent and you're good to go you have a kingdom everybody wins a lot everybody loses except you but there is a thing that you need to take into consideration when creating your own faction and that is right to rule right so what is right to rule right to rule is the points that will convince the other kings of the realm the other kings of the major factions to recognize your reign for example if you have zero right to rule and you declare yourself independent and create your own faction everybody all major factions will not recognize you as a king and will declare war on you and you will be in a permanent state of war until you have enough right to rule or until you get destroyed or until you destroy everybody else bottom line it's a very very hard thing to do so that's why I do recommend that you send all companions to gather right to rule each companion will bring you three right to rule if you marry a lady or marry a lord depending on your character's sex you will be able to receive an extra three points a right to rule also another way to get a right to rule is as a vassal of a faction or as a mercenary of a faction each time that faction that you're in declares war or declares peace you will receive another three points right to rule you will need a minimum of 30 right to rule to safely create your kingdom so you're not going to be declared war upon by everybody okay safely 30 right to rule to put this in perspective once you send in ten companions you have enough right to rule to carry your own faction to put this in perspective so it's really not that hard to increase really not that hard to increase also it's good idea to be as honor honorbound as possible yo shut up up and thank you for subscribing for two months in a row my man really appreciate it honor to have as much honor as possible because that's gonna increase your relations with other like-minded Lords that are so honorable especially the good nature or the upstanding Lords and we're going to talk about personality drawers in a second to gain honor you you simply save villages from bandits and you win tournaments that's the best way of making honour and also really releasing Lords I think this is the most consistent way of making honoured releasing Lords instead of capturing them as prisoners so practically after a battle when you when it says that you captured this Lord what do you do with him you have the choice of taking him prisoner or releasing him if you release him you receive relation bonuses with said Lord and you receive honor so that's a very very easy way of stacking this up that's how we've reached 311 and that's how we made so many friends but we're gonna get to the friends in a second okay so you can use either of the two methods to create your own faction you can name it wherever you want the flag of the faction will be your own flag your own Lord's flying that you've decided when you've become a vassal or if you started from level one as a noble from level one and then we will discuss about thief management and how to get vassals how to get vassals so first of all let's talk about how to get vassals and then we'll talk about fief mana fishermen they want to give them there are multiple Lords well there are a lot of lords in the game with multiple personalities that's what I wanted to say no Lords by relation as you can see we have a lot of friends and we have a lot of enemies No and okay of course space I promise I'll do that and thank you for the follow up my man see ya then have a good day at work so how did I reach 100 with these Lords it's actually very simple and you don't really need to think too much about it the bottom line is you after each battle you release the good Lords and you capture and take prisoner the bad Lords because when you create your own faction you'll only want the good Lords on your side what happens if you have bad Lords on your side you ask well let's say I give one of them I want a bad when I refer to good Lords and bad alors I'm strictly referring to their personality good guys and bad guys if I give a bad guy work check his relation will keep on decreasing with me even though I'm trying to satisfy his needs he and he will eventually betray me and take work Sheng with him from the fashion and join another faction it's that insane thank you for following one-to-one and thank you for following without the one-to-one welcome to hit point in my man I hope you enjoy your stay all right so that's how it works so it's usually a good idea to have the good guys on your side so what happens when you release a Lord and what happens when you capture a Lord what do you release a lord depending on the person on his personality you'll receive some extra bonus bonus relations from him when you release a martial lord he's gonna be he's gonna tell you that you're honorable for releasing him and you're he's gonna increase his relations and each time when you talk with him and beat him his he's gonna increase his relations further and further and further until a point where he practically loves you and he'll join your faction and that's very good benevolent upstanding Lords do and the good-natured Lords all do the same thing once you release them they consider you an honorable person may give you some honor and your relation with them increases sky-high and then for each and honestly sure was - the exact formula but I think for each 10 honor you receive one extra relation as friends with all of the Lords with all of the good-natured benevolence and of SANDAG Lords of the realm all of them and even the laws that you don't know of will increase in their relations with you so keep that in mind keep that in mind now why do we capture the bad Lords why do we capture the cunning the quarrelsome that watched the sadistic the pitiless Lords why don't we release them as well well for starters because they're not grateful for you releasing them they will their relations will continue decreasing even if you release them they're I'm sorry and yep true but usually it's very difficult to host feasts Lily Patrick then it's really not worth the trouble that's one reason because relations will keep on decreasing so there's no point in releasing them another reason would be the money you will be keeping them as prisoners as much as possible and you're gonna be waiting for their ransom Helen and are doing a guide for native right now welcome back to the end and another reason is keeping them off of the field of battle as much as possible a so a vassal it's O Lord an enemy Lord that is not on the field is a lord that is not burning your villages and being a nuisance the more you keep them in your prisoner train the more you're gonna have breathing room breathing space and liberty of dealing with a weaker enemy so yeah that's the bottom line now how do you recognize lords based on their personalities a way I did it is well the basic way is you either talk with their relatives and ask them how how are they doing yes I am and are yes I am you either stuck with their relatives and asked them how their personality are or you can talk and literally ask them about politics and ask how would they feel to rule the land based on their conversation you will be able to tell which personality they have my favorite though is what they say to you when you capture them after a battle when literally what they say is the line that then the enemy Lord says when you capture him usually the negative ones will say take your dogs off me or you've captured me you dog or cursed me this day if you see a lord say these three things or insults you in any way they're mean guys they're big bad brutes in me knees and you should give them a good spanking and take the prisoner those are the dudes that you literally have to take prisoner now the problem comes of making a difference between and cunning lords which are bad and martial Lords which are good the difference is simple a martial lord which is the good guy will say I yield that's all he's gonna say I simply yield left a tie-pin exclamation point you tube and you're gonna receive the answer a cunning Lord will say to you I yield to you I yield to you that is the sign that he's in calculating he's a cunning Lord you know he doesn't care about the others he only cares about himself that's why he else to you because he if he'll see anybody else he might receive an axe to the face that would be the idea that would be the logic behind it so that's how you differentiate between the two now to differentiate between the good guys are usually the good guys will will say good battle or I hope you're gonna I hope you're gonna keep me you know treat me as an honourable prisoner or stuff like that or treat me with honor or things around that ballpark anything that is positive simply means that they're good guys so anything positive it means they're good guys you release them if he if he says I yield he's a marshal Lord release him if he says I yield to you he's a cunning Lord capture him and if he says anything about cursed be This Day or call off your dogs or call back your dogs or you dog or you or your death will be swift or stuff like that capture them and keep them off of the field of battle as much as possible that's all you need to know and in time how the boys will love the good guys will love you and the bad guys will hate you and that way you'll know which ones to accept and your kingdom and which ones to refuse yes it's really that easy okay and now let's talk about fief management fief management and who gets to receive what now no I've not played multiplayer mods well if they have only played some native multiplayer with the viewers I'm trying to finish a guide here ok so please excuse me we'll talk afterwards what are they talking about yes fief management so how many fiefs would you give to a lord and why I would recommend that you give to wold fiefs to each Lord to wold feasts would end the connected villages should keep each Lord satisfied so give them either a castle or a city and the connected villages I adore two castles and the connect individual religious either two cities and the connected villages if you so desire but try to keep it in close proximity don't give a lord bury and give the same Lord word check the reason being he will not be able to defend both and he will try to physically travel between the two so he can manage both so for the love of God don't do that don't do that stupid stuff give them areas of influence and I've spoken about areas of influence and spheres of influence in my other guides as well give him berry and Barda castle and this is gonna be one Lords area of influence give another a Murad and durin castle and this is gonna be another area of influence give somebody Samara and your Cuba and this is gonna be another area of influence and keep on doing this and fill up the world with your Souls currently I don't have enough Vatel vessels for the amount of fiefs that I have so what do I do I literally keep the fiefs without a vassal and make and maintain them with a minimal garrison and that way having vacant a thief's will also bait to vassals to join your fashion they will literally betray the enemy and join you yes yes as long as the idea is as long as the benevolent ones good-natured ones and upstanding ones have one fief they will not about anybody there will not complain about giving other people fiefs unless their direct rivals that can happen but it's gone on the below minimum a marshal Lord will only complain if he does if he has less than three weeks if he has three fiefs he will be perfect well other host is already on you too my man thank you Anna and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful workday so marshal Orson will only complain if they have less than three feet keep that in mind I want to have three feats that are not gonna complain anymore so you'll be good a thief is a castle or a village or a city that's a fief and there are two types of fiefs normal thief's which are usually villages and walled fiefs which are castles and cities I recommend that you give everybody a wall and everybody two walls fiefs so either a castle in the city two cities or two castles and the connected villages okay and the connect to the villages because Barry has eco bile and fish ARA as connected to villages who you give those sir okay you give those who don't keep them for you don't keep them for yourself give them to your bodies show them some lovin left okay thank you for becoming a follower oh man welcome to hit point in and I hope you enjoy your stay and that's why you manage and each time on new Lord joins the fold give them another fief if somebody complains and it's kind of in the negative give them an extra fief and you go from there and once you reach the late game when it's practically cleanup from your part to conquer the rest of the world at that point it really kind of doesn't matter how you manage your fiefs anymore you can just give whatever you want to whoever you want if you so desire okay oh and if somebody is minus 40 if one of your vassals it can happen if one of your vassals are at minus 40 relations with you it's a good idea to indict them for treason because usually at minus 40 and definitely as minus 50 they will betray you and join another fashion and they're gonna take their toys with them and buy toys I mean all of the feasts that you've given them they will take it to the other faction oh yeah so that's the idea indict them for treason some of euros will not like it but you have to you have to because they will betray you if they're at minus 40 definitely definitely so that is it for fief management and Kingdom management for prime minister usually it's a good idea to make one of your companions or your wife usually a very good idea to make your wife as the prime minister because if you just put a prominent Lord or somebody from the on nobody as a prime minister you're not gonna be having all of the options the only penalty is Flavian you're gonna have to pay a lot of more wages a lot more wages you're gonna be happy to take care of a lot of more Garrison's and some Lords some of those that don't that you haven't given any fiefs yet will frown that really I just joined you have zero fiefs and you took this castle for yourself while you already have seven or eight thief's already and plus it's usually a bad idea for you as a king to have that many thieves cuz the more fees you have the more things you have to manage the more money you need to expend so that's not usually a good idea and if you're gonna say but but what about the money that I'm gonna get from taxes you already have the enterprises that provide you with enough money in the late game I have three thousand and three thousand sorry no three hundred and five K dinars and I have nothing to do with it and I have I'm and I'm so producing money each week I literally have nothing to do with it so my recommendation is just grab a city and okay a city and a castle or maybe two cities for yourself one in one part of the world and one another just to have a to access court for yourself for example in my case I'm gonna be moving my court from River Chegg and I'm gonna be moving to moving it to Durham as soon as possible because I'm gonna be using Durham as a seat of power because it's in the center of the map and I can easily reach it from all corners that's pretty much it that's pretty much it um now let's talk about early game mid game and late game what you need to do in the early game what do you need to do in the mid game and what do you need to do in the late game to conquer the world yeah to conquer the world for starters you need to gather money and build enterprises in all of the major cities of the world the reason being odd the enterprises will provide you with money that will finance your late game and military campaigns exactly exactly like they did with me they are providing me with enough cash to keep on trucking whatever happens whatever happens at this point they could they could take all of my enterprises because I have enough money to sustain myself for at least another 100 in-game days at least at least with a full full army so that's the reason why in the early game you need to gather the money and build the enterprises another thing that you need to do in the early game is to gather all of the companions not your stable party that I mentioned earlier in the guide all of your companions and sentence a gather a right to rule to secure that minimum requirement of a right to rule for yourself if you ever decide that you want to make your own faction okay and that's the late-game that's the mid ha limit tired that's the early game once you've accomplished these two objectives send all of the companions together right to rule and build all of the enterprises you've finished the early game and you've reached the mid game now in the mid game it's time to make friends I know it sounds weird but in in at this moment of the game I recommend that you join a faction as a vassal and start making friends start worrying against the other factions start utilizing this tactic where you release the good guys and capture the bad guys and make relations that way and try to practically turn in this grey world into black and white black representing the bad lures that you don't want to deal with and you want them as prisoners and off of the field of battle as much as possible and white being the good guys that you will want to join your faction later on this is the moment where it's a good idea to do this in the mid game as a vassal and this is also a good place to get renown and strengthen your own army in getting ready for world domination and once you've accomplished this you will feel you will feel when the time is right trust me you'll feel when the time is right to take matters into your own hands and and go and reach the late game and speaking of late game in the late game it's the moment when you need to decide on three paths no no that look Patrick it will not let's say I've never heard that question before and it's actually a viable question but now no it doesn't increase the chances to get sieged the only way scheduled will get seizures is if it has a small garrison in it that's all that's how the AI determines where to attack smallest garrison okay uh getting back to the late game as I said the late game had is the point where you need to decide what do you want to do practically how do you want to conquer the world do you want to conquer the world as a vassal to somebody and if you're satisfied with the faction that you're currently a vassal of you can just continue becoming a vassal and conquer and help them conquer the world that way good for you that's one step second step the second path and unit issues is if you want to help a claimant out I know I know it would make sense that Allah Patrick but no that's not how it works a second option second path is if you want to help a claimant out if you want to help a faction that you really like but you hate the ruler so you can replace that ruler with somebody else with one of the claimants that way you practically start with a claimant quest and create a faction that way you receive permanent marshal ship and you conquer the world with the new faction with a new order and and then you will serve under the new king or queen the third option is creating your own faction this is using the both of the methods that I've mentioned before either rebelling from a current fashion or simply conquering a fief without without being affiliated with any of the major factions conquer the create your kingdom create your name and start systematically and tactically conquering the world while bringing the good guys to the fold in your fashion and letting the bad guys join the enemy faction and at this point in the game the bad guys are most of the vassals that are bad guys are part of the curt's and part of the row docks SWAT Ian's don't have that many people because they don't have that many fiefs my faction only has marshal and benevolent Lords and as I destroy the courage it's all of those bad guys will join the road ox and it's that practically the final war between two major factions will be literally be a battle between good versus evil that's that's what you're gonna be reaching at and that's it that's it you're gonna be conquering the world that way hiya ninja wizard welcome back if you leave a faction we'll get minus one relations or just twenty relations you receive - or any relations with the Lord of that faction that Lee Patrick not with anybody else just with the king of that faction with a ruler of that faction okay uh last thing that I need to mention are battle tactics and strategies and sieges okay first of all let's let's explain how to counteract two different types of enemies if you're fighting against infantry based armies it's usually a good idea to bring a contingency of strong archers and keep them shooting while you and a small contingency of cavalry run around them and distract them while your archers do the job or charge them both sawatya Knights yes and when I say about archers IRA I will always when I when I'm gonna say archers from here on out when it comes to strategies I will always refer now actually I'm gonna say to Rangers I'm gonna say Rangers because when I say Rangers I'm gonna refer to both archers and crossbowmen okay if I'm gonna mention in a battle archers and I specifically mean that archers will be more useful and if I mention a battle crossbowmen not only will simply mean that specifically crossbow will be useful in that situation alright so how you defeat infantry with Rangers and a small contingency of mounted units distracting them and that way they will go down or charge them with sawatya Knights it's a viable tactic if you can do this on fighting against the Vizier's of asia's are strong in the archery department it's usually a good idea to have a contingency of mounted units and in the archer line and cause as much chaos within the major lines as possible usually Swati and ice are best for this okay how do you defeat mounted archers they're a little bit slightly annoying but the thing with the mounted archers is the fact that you don't have to worry about suffering casualties they are not very good at killing things so usually any army will do as long as you have the patience most of the times it's better to have a battlefield on a hilly or mountainous area so the field of battle will be on hills or on mountains and that's gonna give you all the advantage you need to defeat mounted archers usually if you are in a hill or a mountain area it's usually a good idea to not utilize forces yourself I'm sorry lithic I apologize I feel your pain okay against the serenades and let's say you're gonna be fighting on in the desert plains certain is mostly focused on mounted charges and their archers are quite fearsome usually it's a good idea to Pelt them from afar with as many arrows as possible and then literally crash your mounted and infantry units in their archer line another source is right crash your mounted units in the archer line while letting your infantry and maybe another pocket of mountainy troops fight against their member loops you should be perfectly fine if you find yourself a high dune in the desert as again a hill battle you'll you will really really bring down to the advantages of the serenades okay now against the road ox now that looks a little bit tricky on the field of battle I would recommend that you try to push your mounted units into the crossbow lines as much as possible also try to keep your archers shooting against the road ox because because of fire fire faster fire rate they're gonna be able to overwhelm on the crossbowmen they're not gonna be able to shoot as fast as in the archers and they won't be able to retaliate as well ah just keep them standing trying to keep them into melee Krait try to keep their Road ox into melee combat so they don't recharge their crossbows by crouching down and that's dodging three or four arrows because that's a stupid also sending in infantry sending in the Nords on-road ox with their big meaty shields is another good way of simply defeating them to the sweet defending them to sweet okay and now let's talk about the SWAT Ian's how do you counter SWAT Ian's defeating swati and Knights it's actually very simple its I'm sorry Flavian but it's very simple to defeats whadya Knights you just post your soldiers on a hill and let them come to you the heavy Chargers are so slow that it's gonna take a long time for them to reach your soldiers and that gives a lot of times to your archers and crossbowmen to your Rangers to bring them down the road och crossbowmen will have an advantage here because of their higher armor penetration but yeah give your Rangers enough time to shoot at the swati and Knights and they're gonna go down like any other soldier but you will have to bake them into hill battles you will definitely have to bake them into hill battles on a flat field your infantry will have to stop the charge with their face and distract them enough so that the swati and Knights get destroyed or to have swati and Knights of your own and that can get in there and keep them occupied until your crossbow and I can pick them off and that's how you defeat swati a Knights I'm sorry Flavian and I'm sorry for everyone if you thought that oh my god sweaty and eyes we can't defeat the SWAT Ian's the SWAT Ian's can be easily defeated easily defeated if you use your gosh iron hills I would say no I would say no Flavian sadly horse archery I is shot to bits it doesn't work properly and they're accurate well main reason is they don't know how to maintain their distance from the enemy second reason their accuracy is horrible third reason their bows and arrows don't do enough damage to bring down to swallow your Knights yes Hill is confirmed the best faction so yeah that's how you deal with each faction how to counter at each faction and then when it comes to sieges now when it comes to sieges the Nords just shoot them from afar don't charge in until you're sure that your archers ran out of ammo and your cross movement ran out of ammo and if you feel like they still have high tier infantry troops defending the wall just retreat and re-engage and rinse and repeat utilize your ammo you can I actually do this tactic with all of the factions with all of the factions but it works best with the Nords against the vage years bakers are not that good in melee so I would recommend a direct charge with nord huh snarls or very strong infantrymen should bring them down while your crossbows will try to nail anyways your Archer on the battlements so nord infantry ro doc crossbowmen against the major Garrison's against the kurds I would recommend kind of a similar set up but try to focus more on shooting before charging in because I have to say that the Kerch it's making Zerg rush you they can overwhelm you they don't do that much damage but they can stagger your soldiers to death if you know when you receive a blow from a sword you're gonna do something like that by the time they do something like that another curtain will swing on another curtain will swing and will slowly slowly dwindle and cut your soldiers down so try to focus more on shooting them down and you know what against kircheis I might recommend you bring some Vasia marksmen because they have a fire shooting rate I would say battle hammer deadly Patrick against the serenades now the circuits have some very very dangerous archers because their archers have a decent amount of armor on them solve on themselves I recommended you but they're pretty trash in melee the only thing that you need to worry about is their Mameluke s-- yes their metal looks on foot in siege defense are pretty gosh darn good so charge with your Nords but make sure that the remote looks get killed by your archers beforehand our road our sharpshooters and both of our sharpshooters and leisure marksmen should do the trick here to bring down their Mamluks and their archers because the idea is what's dangerous about a serenaded Mameluke is the fact that that his two-handed mace will be able to wallop your boys as soon as they get up on that hill but the idea is if they have their two-handed masons equipted they don't have a shield to defend themselves from arrows so see they die okay and that's it for them now with the road ox now with the road ox of what I recommend is burst fire tactics horse fire detectives and and I think this is what we're gonna be doing in a when we're gonna be teaching the road ox and what do I mean by burst fire tactics you grab as many archers as you can preferably V's your marks button and go for a burst fire get in there kill as many as you can with your archers as fast as possible and you don't have to necessarily wait for your arches to run out of ammo when you feel like you've killed enough from the walls retreat and then go back in retreat and then go back in it's a little bit dangerous to charge in with your Nords they should be.i they should be able to out to defeat the road but expect casualties expect casualties because row dock sergeants besides coming of hopeful with swords they also come equipped with military picks and they're very very good at dealing with armored units so keep that in mind keep that in mind even if they have even if castles have lords in them you you need to utilize the same tactics to win deadly Bundrick it doesn't change anything so that's what the row docks um the SWAT Ian's well the SWAT Ian's I think are the weakest in a siege defense because swati a knight on foot is very very slow and he swings very very slowly so with attacking with anything that has a faster swing speed should be able to bring them down or simply maintain your distance until your archers kill all of the swati and Knights and that's it and usually in the late game you won't have to worry about the swati ins because SWAT Ian's being so being bordered with so many other factions usually get decimated by the AI as you can see in my playthrough they only have profit profit and TEVAR and left and I did nothing to help with this I did nothing to help with this on these castles that you can see here uh they were part of the nord and the curt's when i took them so i'd had nothing to do with the swot Ian's but that's what you need to do to defeat them last thing that I need to talk about are mod options and difficulty well since there are no mod options because this is native I'm certainly gonna talk about difficulty so difficulty do I recommend that you play on the smallest difficulty do I recommend that you play on the highest difficulty and be the badasses that ever was no I don't reckon entire of those two extremes I recommend a middle ground I recommend a difficulty setting custom custom made for your needs if you feel like you want to for that a hundred forty-four percent or whatever the max amount of difficulty rating is then you sir go for that one hundred and forty four percent if you feel like you just want to have a breeze through the game or if you feel like the easiest difficulty is simply challenging enough for you go with the easiest difficulty I am gonna be here to explain what each setting does and why I chose these settings animal then how would that I custom tailor it to my means okay so let's go with control block direction I don't play multiplayer so this is usually a feature then I don't want to deal with so I keep the control block direction on automatic also this doesn't matter if you utilize a shield on all the time so I could use it by wrong movement keys if I want some extra difficulty rating but I just like to keep it on automatic this is a personal preference control attack direction I like the movement keys this will not switch your difficulty rating and this is simply a preference based on your play style a lot of people like to go with by movements by mouse movement I like by movement keys so the idea is if I press the right button I will swing from the right if I press the left button I will swing from the left that's how I like to roll that's how it's easiest for me and I can really easily control my attack directions on a mount by doing this Lance control I keep it in on max difficulty because I don't use a lance and even if I did use the Lance in a tournament I just press the X key to couch it and I just need to make sure that I couch it before I hit the enemy not that big of a deal I keep it on hard now when it comes to damage to player and damage to friends I'm gonna talk about both of these together I like to keep it not on easy not on normal I like to keep it sorry not on easiest not a normal I like to keep it on easy for both also it's their kind of miss named it should be easy this is normal and this is hard that's how it should work that's not what you work but the reason I'm doing this is simply to avoid tediousness to avoid boredom let me explain let me explain the reason I have only half damage on myself is because I want to get in the field of battle I want to go and swing my sword against the enemy I want to defeat enemies in single combat if I want to if I put it on normal I can't do that because a random arrow to the toe at my foot will knock me out and thus if I play on normal I have to hide away and I can't fight to my heart's content if I put it uneasy as it's simply too easy for my tastes so I'm keeping it uneasy damage to friends I keep it on easy middle ground as well for the same reasons you don't know though thick it might be somewhere else deadly Patrick might have a toe on his head yeah and if you keep on asking these types of questions low think you're gonna have one of my toe up your ass okay getting alright so let's carry on the combat a ion is on maximum this simply increases the way the AI enemy reacts to your swings or the way they swing towards you they sometimes spaz out by how fast they swing towards you I just keep it this on max because I like the challenge campaign AI on key I keep on poor you got a toe between your legs I'm already here that toes aren't really not that long in that leg Patrick I'm sorry anyway the campaign a keep on poor for one reason having this on anything higher than poor will Omega the enemies reinforce their garrison in a unrealistic fashion unrealistic fashion let's say I attack a garrison of a hundred soldiers with a hundred of mine let's say the things go bad I don't have enough soldiers they they only have that around 50 soldiers left in the castle and they need to retreat and get more it takes me one day to go and get my soldiers back once I get back to the castle they no longer have 50 soldiers inside they haven't they didn't go back to a hundred soldiers they now have 200 soldiers garrisoned overnight they made a lot of babies really really fast and they leveled them up into high tier soldiers and I call that bullsh is I call that shenanigans and it doesn't seem realistic at all so again this is more of a personal preference for me and I like to keep us on pour simply because it makes the world more realistic more realistic from that perspective you guys as I said can go with whatever whichever settings you wish I'm simply explaining to you what these settings do okay and combat speed combat speed some people think that it actually determines and the speed of your soldiers on the field of the battle it doesn't it doesn't at least not a native in Viking conquest yes it does influence combat speed and how fast your soldiers move but in native combat speed only resolves combat speed only makes auto resolve battles go faster tweaked @mods yes yes Flavia and the campaign AI is the same on all mods and it's has the same effect on all mods yes combat speed only increases the speed that's a battle between AI gets resolved and practically gives you a lesser chance you know a smaller window of you reinforcing one side that's all it does and hey if you want some extra difficulty rating keep this on fastest good for you your badass er er yep surprise that's what it does in native Donal sighs on Macs cos my god and the rest are simply flavors for yourself simply you can go with whatever you want on the rest of them they simply provide you with extra or less information based based on what you take here and though then this is the sweet spot that I'm utilizing this is the difficulty rate is a rating that I'm utilizing I'd say 44 percent difficulty rating and I enjoy it and I like it it's not too easy but it's not too tedious yes you heard me now too tedious I've defeated the game on max difficulty but it was boring it was tedious I wasn't doing anything I was just sitting here waiting for my boys to get go and slaughter the enemy and that's it that said it was boring and tedious that's why I prefer a medium rating but hey if you're wrong and bragging rights go play on the max difficulty if you want to just stroll and enjoy yourself then smash some swati and nights go with the slower difficulty it's your choice the idea is you need to be happy you need to enjoy and have fun it's a video game do not get influenced by other people's difficulty settings use your own difficulty settings these are realistic settings for me Flavia these are the settings that I like to enjoy yeah Dudley Patrick is enjoying himself playing on the lowest difficulty and it's good for him and he shouldn't care about what other people think about it and you shouldn't either okay so don't get influenced just be happy have fun and enjoy the video game because it's a goddamn video game and that's why it's here to entertain us alright alright and oh my god that is it that is its for today today's guide on a mountain blade native I'm going to be well posting this on YouTube I'm gonna be putting the timestamps of all of the topics in the description of the video below and expect us to see on YouTube fairly friendly shortly maybe no no this weekend or something wrong with that ballpark so guys if you liked this guide hit the like button hit the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified when I put a new content and I try to put in new content every day and if you're watching me on Twitch hit that follow button and subscribe the extra cheddar really helps pay the bills so that's gonna be it for the guide and I wish you a wonderful wonderful day and have fun bye bye
Channel: Hit Point Inn Gaming
Views: 342,600
Rating: 4.7815099 out of 5
Keywords: warband tips, warband ps4, warband archer, warband army, warband battle, warband becoming king, warband best start, warband best faction, warband best troops, warband best army, m&b warband, m&b warband tips, warband companions, warband factions, warband guide, warband how to, warband kingdom guide, warband native, Warband new player guide, Warband beginner guide, warband money making guide, warband tips and tricks, mount and blade tutorial, Hit Point Inn Gaming, Revaul
Id: 81PplYqSrFA
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Length: 176min 27sec (10587 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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